Anybody else get really angry when playing this...

Anybody else get really angry when playing this? I get my ass whooped my every online player and I can feel my blood pressure rising. I dont think this is any fun

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My hands are shaking whenever I play quickplay because I need them GSP.

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Yes, I am also bad at smash. Single player is still fun for me, and I spend 10 minutes a day playing in 'no fight' arenas because I usually get a giggle just goofing around the other.

Nonetheless I still occasionally win using Game and Watch and Koopaling Roy, but playing round after round against people better than me is just frustrating.

Take a break. It happens to me occasionally too.

Go hiking or spend time with another hobby.

Meditation isn't bad either.

Fucking this. Too much adrenaline.

My frustration stays low when I play characters who aren't my main online. Otherwise I get pretty annoyed, especially at higher GSPs with my main to the point that it isn't fun. Arenas are fine though.

Remove GSP from the equation and online is consistently enjoyable for me

The only thing that gets me angry is the fucking input lag

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I usually have a pretty good time, even when things go horribly. Only get frustrated when there's lag online, but once things go smoothly again it's all good.

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lol look at this queer he smashes fags haha

I just play for fun, giving a shit about your GSP is for losers, I'd rather get my face beat in and learn from it than disconnect at the first sign of adversity
if you care about your stats so much just start a new profile and let it go down the drain

I get fucking furious every time I play this game win or lose, I dont get so mad at normal fighting games but any time I play smash or one of its clones I am boiling with rage every match. I used to be stone cold in CS but play against some shitter Krool and even if I three stock him I am screaming about how shit he is at the top of my lungs like Im LTG

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If I try to 1v1 i usually get bored pretty quickly because people just never approach me and it's tiresome. Usually I switch over to FFAs, or Melee/PM

people approach even less in FFAs though, at least in 1v1's they will toss shit at you instead actively abstaining from the battle by hiding on the ledges or behind geometry

Yoshis are so good online, I can never beat them.

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>think the yoshi main is going to be smart and not down special through the platform onto my shield to get punished again
>they down special through the platform again

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>Implying Geno and Pac Man wouldn't be bros

Stop playing with GSPshitters and become an Arenachad. Most people still playing quickplay are either awful at the game and stuck under one million GSP for life because the system is broken or tierfag shitsuckers trying to gain more GSP to jerk off their e-peen.

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Depends. I play these with different people. The tryhard potential of FFA is bigger for sure, just that I play FFAs with less faggots than I do with 1v1s.

is this nigga parodying the s0yb0y meme

they wouldn't cry more fag

theres your problem. Online is shit.

I just wish there was a GSP-less quickplay option, where you can just quickly jump between various opponents with a variety of play styles without being subjected to just one person's rule set

Lose 20 kg of your weight, take a bath regularly and shave.

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GSP is a terrible system for the sole fact that they show it to you and it's the worst kind of negative reinforcement i've ever seen in a Nintendo game to date.
Just either play Arena or try your best to ignore your GSP. Either way, remember that low GSP usually means more fun matches against bad players who don't care that they're bad.
A.K.A. Chads.

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I lost all my weight for Billy and I did all of those other things today too
after not bathing or shaving for 2 weeks

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I'm at the point where when I lose GSP and go down to like 1-2mil I'm still fighting 3-4mil players which makes it really annoying to climb back up, especially since I main Ken.

Why not just join a lobby instead?

You're more likely to find people more your skill level.

Lobby skill levels are all over the place and people will ignore the recommended skill markers all of the time, the only consistency is that if you see a DDD or Pac-man player then you're getting fucked

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Yeah the choices we have right now are total ass and the battle arena has its own set of problems but it's better than the total shitshow that is Quickplay right now. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.

>gets angry because he desperately wants to be good at the game his friends are playing
>"This isn't any fun" when he doesn't put in the effort to learn from being bested and try again
>Complains on Yea Forums about it

All he wants is to be accepted by his friends guys, he just needs some coaching on how to handle himself.

OP, your friends will gladly play against you all day, even if you lose all day, they're having a great time with you when you're a good sport.
Just chill and enjoy the good times, you'll naturally get better over time.

Not OP, but this is the hardest projecting i've seen on this site to date. Congrats.

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I get pissed when I'm fighting someone with a top tier super safe/strong/fast/downsideless character. Yeah just git gud but it's an unfun pile of shit to fight characters with absolutely no flaws or ones you'll never be able to exploit because the character never has to worry about it.

I also get pissed when I get stuck in shit like Ness' pk fire spam. Ridley if stuck in it might as well bend the fuck over.

>no taunting
>tryharding only
>final destination
This is literally No Fun Allowed Online Edition.

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Just play DDD or Krool, those crouches are better than any of their taunts, reverse duck walks are also effective

I can't help but feel like darksydephil when I play Ultimate. I'm good at the game, but the input delay is such a colossal pain in the ass if you're playing as any character that's not a super heavyweight.

Finally moved to a city with smash weekies (four of them! crazy) and thats where my enjoyment of the game is coming from now. Online in these games has always been a shitshow. Playing in person is so much fun, though you do have to identify and avoid the stinky boys

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Wario can still spam taunts while riding his motorcycle as well.

>Wario can still spam taunts while riding his motorcycle as well.
are you sure? I could have swore I tried it once and it didnt work

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I get tilted as fuck because I main Sonic and sometimes I just can't do shit because he has 2 kill moves that require a good read to hit, is subpar at edge guarding and ledge trapping, and his entire moveset easily gets stuffed out by just pressing buttons.

But what seriously pisses me off is how seemingly impossible it can be to whiff punish when playing against characters that seem to have no end lag on their moves combined with the input lag. They can spend the entire match pressing buttons and there's nothing I can do about it.

And then homing attack randomly whiffs for the tenth time. And then spindash doesn't hit the opponent into the air for some reason. And then my attacks ALMOST kill but don't despite the opponent being at 190%.

And then I look at characters like Wolf and Pichu who can kill with their fucking 3 frame tilts at 80%, and it really makes me realize how privileged a lot of these top tiers are.

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>Bored and want to act like a piece of shit
>Pick Kirby and spam up+b
>Get into Elite just by that
Elite ranking means shit, doesn't it?

>mains sonic
>complains about fast characters

Sonic is easily one of the best characters in the game, just by spamming homming and spin dash you can make elite

I get angry when playing games in general just yesterday I was playing Hyrule warriors and didn't get an A rank so I threw the joycons and now the right one drags. Today I nearly punched the little screen because after 16 tries I didn't get a shiny beedrill to spawn despite people telling me Let's go was the easiest pokemon game ever to get shiny pokemon and just an hour ago I flat out got so angry I started crying at Crosstag battle because I kept losing as Noel and Makoto to a bunch of people whose wins were in the thousands. Where do they find the time, Yea Forums? Where do they find the time.

The most sad thing about this is I don't feel shame for my actions even through I'm 30 years old and live with my parents with no job

>Sonic is easily one of the best characters in the game
>just by spamming homming and spin dash you can make elite
yeah no sure just spam homing attack and spindash. Cause those are kill moves.

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Why is everything suddenly unpunishsble online? I can spotdodge a fucking smash attack and they still roll in time, what the fuck

It really isn't any fun. I got spanked in 4 often but didn't care cuz it had for fun mode, now faggots be dropping my gsp, and if I do happen to win it only goes up by like 1,000

If they gave the option to hide GSP it would make online 10 times better.

If you dont want to lose why do you want your GSP to go up and have your fail chances go even higher?

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stop trying to punish shiek and fox smashes as fatasses like DDD

Try using the fsmash to 2 frame and catch people by surprise, it's really easy to do. Try also to tech chase using the down grab. Sonic overall fucking sucks but he's got a few tricks like these to make him viable.

I just seethe in ranking in general. The thing is, GSP is absolute garbage and makes no sense whatsoever. There's no reason for us to lose more points than what we win. I can win 1 match for 50k points and I lose the next for 100k. How is this fair?

The online is next level bad. It’s borderline unplayable.

Even with low GSP on 1 character your Roster GSP will pair you with good players.

Yeah I get mad but I'm getting better at getting over it. Sometimes I body people, sometimes I get bodied. Just how it goes. It's just a game at the end of the day.

Its not that bad

I stopped giving a shit when i got to elite and realized there's lots of people cheesing even in elite, so your gsp doesn't matter, just learn to play and have fun. You could try playing with items and ffa or team battles for fun

I don't get it either, no other game makes me angry like Ultimate.
I bet if they had a Splatoon like ranking system it would be much more enjoyable, GSP just makes it feel like shit everytime I lose.
With the Splatoon ranking system, it doesn't feel as punishing to lose, and maintaining rank is much easier.
In Ultimate if I have one bad day, I need two good/great days just to catch up to where I was.

I also hate it when they're smug assholes. Bravo, you beat me with Wolf/Peach/Swordie. That totally warrants teabags and dickery.

I think the more "new" you are to a series, the less angry you get because you have less preconceived notions about your skill level. It might be why speedrunners/competitive players snap the hardest. I think the correlation with Smash is that so many people are familiar with it and have played it growing up, so they have decent skill levels. Couple losing with that mindset with Ultimate's awful ranking system and you're gonna get pissed because it's going to make you feel like a shitter

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Please bring back taunting. Tea-bagging is unironically way more disrespectful since you don't even get slight enjoyment of watching the opponent do a silly pose.

its also a genuine nerf to Snake and Isabelle since they need those to force approaches

You're just playing shit.

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Yes and I'm taking a break because of it.

>Even with low GSP on 1 character your Roster GSP will pair you with good players.
This is fucking BULL FUCKING SHIT.

>Always get paired with incompetent players and the other team just wreck his shit and my teammate has to steal a life from me to keep playing

Yes it is?

Do you rematch? It also happens to me and apparently the reason for this is that if you choose to rematch and your opponent quits, the game will find you a player with around the same GSP as the last one. So you could be at 50k and fight against 3M players if you first fight was against a 3M player and you keep rematching.

There's also the fact that you kinda expect someone to taunt at the end of a match because he's happy he won, but when someone teabags at the end of a match you know for a fact he's disrespecting you.

you cant get more disrespectful than using a taunt right before a kill or in the middle of a chain. the latter is actually a pretty effective mixup

Who are these fucking faggots who keep using rules like stamina, 1 stock, rolling stage etc?

>a communication error has accrued


>300 stamina 3 stocks with S-flags only at 7 minutes

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Back in 4 I hit a point where it was just total apathy. Just go in, fight a match, bail. No win ever felt satisfying, no loss ever felt crushing. Yet for some reason I kept playing.
I wish I had that drive when playing other games.

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>join arena
>99% chance of lag
>shitty rules
>get paired with shitty teammates that take your lives because they lost all 3 of theirs before anyone else even got to 50 damage
>try to make own room to cure shitty rules but no one joins

>background matchmaking
>chance of lag drops to 80%
>chance of getting your preferred rules jumps up to 2%
>shitty teammates still die quick but are a lot less prone to stealing lives

Background matchmaking feels like the lesser of 2 evils, and I don't have to wait forever between matches if I happen to lose.

Background matchmaking is just a placebo bro

Placebo in what way?

>trying to play FFA or Teams on Ultimate's netcode
Arenas become 200% better when you stop joining them and just make your own

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They don’t necessarily increase your odds of getting your preferred match up, at least not in my experience.

Online is cancer in this game

How does the GSP system even work?

This game makes me so fucking angry. There are so many bullshit characters.

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Who tilts you?

Sonic is pretty good at edge guarding. it's down right annoying at times. He can also 2 frame with F-smash.
It doesn't

>Let's make a Smash on a console you can play everywhere
>Let's make it the most skill and execution based Smash games since Melee
>Now, let's create only ONE queue for online with a shitty ranking system, so everybody will try their hardest to win and people who just want to play online for fun when they're not at home with the shitty Joycons will be matched with Tryhards semi pro-players with Gamecube pads.
>Ho and ofc GSP are not disable when you're playing with items, because it's so much fun to fight 1v1 with stage hazard and items and clutch your way to victory

Yeah i get pretty tilted when i play this game.

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There's some people online who really cheat the GSP system by setting their preferred rules to something like S-Flags and Assist Trophies only and before you know what fucked up rules you're being forced to play, they're already miles ahead of you. It doesn't give youi your preferred rules set nearly enough especially at high GSP levels where all anyone ever wants to play is Stock Battle No items Final Destination. At lower GSPO levels the game is actually more fun, but still people are annoying to play with.

In fact, fuck everything. Smash Bros is just mot meant to be played with strangers at all. It's a party game only fun with people you know.

I had a person in low elite smash playing a battlefield 3 min 3 stock match with final smash ball on. He did it so that he could stall the game as Peach and then heal up at the last second to have a stock advantage after time ran out to win.

Fuck people like that. They're the worst kind of people, cheating the system just for imaginary points.

>somehow cobbled together like a 20-2 run and finally got to Elite Smash as Samus

Got it off some Ridley too, it felt right

My final Ridley match before Elite was a Samus. Would have been cool if they weren't stalling the match the whole game

Had some Villager fag today set the rules to 3 Stock Stamina with Sflags everywhere. I managed to whittle his ass down and take a stock with ten second remaining, it felt good.

I actually don't want to get my scores in elite, and a lot of my roster is just below the threshold. I notice it's full of no fun allowed matches, with people playing max cheese.

I only get angry when I keep getting bodied by my only friend with an equal skill level to me even though he doesn't own the game.
I'd probably get angrier more often if I played online frequently, but I hate playing games against strangers.

I suppose the rage you get from Smash is because it's rarely 100% clear what you're doing wrong. In fighting games I get fucking mad too, but ultimately I see it's because I missed an overhead or forgot to tech or whatever, or say, in Counter-Strike I'm just not aiming at the right place and it's obvious what I need to do to fix it. Smash is simple on the surface, but it's kind of a no-man's land when it comes to competitive since its fundamentals are more complicated. I mean, you get this sense of hopelessness sometimes in comp smash because it feels like there's really nothing you can do. That's probably why I'm going to stick with other fighting games and not this. Pac-Man is really fun to play in Ultimate but the drawbacks aren't all worth it.

I just started going online.
My main is Samus and my GSP is at 3,5M after about 20-30 matches
How much do i need or how do u get into Elite?

Elite starts at like 4.1mil