Damn Octane is fun as fuck to play
Bravo Respawn
Damn Octane is fun as fuck to play
>We want the boipussy fanbase
Is the season pass even worth it?
The 2 seasons I played in Fortnite there was cool shit to unlock.
Dunno, I feel like his active should be placing 1 or two jumpolines, and his ultra should have been the speed boost (extended). I feel like that would be much more fun. :/
He is fun but is a very problematic depiction of a disabled Mexican. He is the only legend that is both a minority and disabled bu they made him addicted to meth. Racist much respawn? Dont even get me started on Bangalore, the only black legend who's ability is to runs faster when shot at. Jesus, its 2019 people.
shill thread
sage and ignore
Blatant pandering to players who want to solo. He needs a slight nerf. Make his stim do a bit more damage to himself, raise his health recovery rate by a hair, and make it so he can die if he stims with low health.
>already screming for nerfs
its worth it solely due to the fact you can earn the coins back, and theres a loot box with guaranteed gold item. if you are gunna play like an hour a day you might as well get it and have stuff to unlock and make the coins back
>battle royale
>no solo mode
>no ban hackers
Lifeline is also black
Well she is some sort of mutt but there is definitely some negro in there.
Anyone with half a brain saw this coming just by reading his abilities.
seems like leveling it is slow as fuck also there are no good skins in the battlepass
>1000 coins and you only get 950 back
>fortnite's bpass costs 950 but you get ~1500 back meaning you're actually able to get shit off of the shop too
Please no. There's finally a character that feels good in terms of speed.
There are like 2 good skins in the whole game only. The battle pass only add more shitty ones.
So glad they brought back Speedy Gonzales.
its pretty slow but theres xp bonuses for using different characters. i do agree all the skins suck ass but if im gunna play 2-3 hours daily i might well get it to have shit to unlock, other wise i have nothing to look forward to til another champ three months down the line
>stim cooldown of 2 seconds
Octane shitters will defend this
>b-but it does damage
Mozambique tier damage that allows you to escape certain death
>h-he's balanced though!
just fucking lol
>needs a slight nerf
Fuck that buff Gibralter and Pathfinders speed first, they feel like wet turds compared to everyone else.
all characters have same base movement speed, fatties just feel slow because their arms dont move as fast
their hitboxes are too big tho
unless pathfinder is meant to be a literal sniper that climbs high places then his hitbox wouldnt matter that much
Battlepass seems like a rip off. Only three bland character skins, bunch of bland weapon skins, and the shit from the shop is all lame except for the stuff that requires a gold skin already to purchase
Bigger characters have bigger hitboxes damn shocking
They should give Gibralter passive a 100 shield
>>Bigger characters have bigger hitboxes damn shocking
yeah but theyre shitter than ones with small hitboxes
so you have both worse abilities and bigger hitboxes on "bigger characters"
why even pick them?
Not when the game will be dead soon