>meanwhile, in Japanese Yea Forums...
Meanwhile, in Japanese Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
dog soup yum herro
Damn, I love loli.
Nice google translate you faggot, took me a while to figure out what you mean
What is Japanese Chan culture like? Is it as cynical, vulgar, and embedded with 14th dimension irony as western chan? Every time I Google Translate 2ch the posts seem so innocuous and on-topic
they're pretty ridiculous sometimes, last Smash direct, there was some dude talking about his opinions and one of the responses was: "well you're half korean and smash is a game made for humans"
me love Fate GO, Gran Blue and Dragon Quest XVIMXL
ichi postu saikou postu
>not living in japan
its kind of weird, I tried browsing 2ch a couple of times (note that my japanese is still kind of shit) and discussions were either very polite or autistic posts like some guy posting ASCII art of Asuka and saying "good night" over and over again.
post the onme screenshot were they badmouth JoP's
Konichiwa motherfuckers
ching chong nip nong ling wang lu bu
now if you'll excuse me my 12 year old girlfriend is calling me
>doesn't want everyone to know he's lying so he makes a new file name
I rabu TF2, Obawachi for hikki otaku desu.
>not renaming all files
I went to arcade to play rhythm game
saw Sayuki-chan there
my heart went very doki doki
not being able to talk to her left me despair sensation in chest (´・ω・`)
How do I learn English? I want to play the superior western games. I'm tired of eastern shit.
ahhh I am so happy there are no muslim terrorists or black people around here
I don't get what makes 2ch and Yea Forums so different in regards to culture. My guess is that 2ch has a more "reddit" style with a million different sub topics for people to isolate themselves in, unlike here where there's a relatively few amount of boards resorting in a lot of different people arguing. Also of course the difference in political climate, but they seem to really hate Abe over there on 2ch
Fuck weeaboos
You only love Japan because they're all a bunch of white dicksuckers.
I haven't browsed 2ch enough to properly reply but I'm guessing that
>with a million different sub topics for people to isolate themselves in
Has to do with it.
If you give people enough spaces to discuss the kind of stuff they like then there's less chance of having constant shitposting or chimpouts like on this site.
It's on-topic and higher quality most of the time, but when it's shit it's a million times more shit
haha it's tits
It's just ゲイ, not ゲーイ.
How do I get a pure blonde white american girlfriend bros?
just use sensei.
i look forward to the next Uncharted
Japanese culture is obsessed with politeness. Even on Twitter, people will actually introduce themselves when replying to a stranger's post.
japan is just as shitty as any other country
*spends 50000¥ in gacha*
What is it like to live in a homogenous country, without spics and niggers?
Except America, which is worse.
domo arigato mister doctoro
what a bunch of tasteless shitheads. No wonder gacha became big there
It's about as great as not having to live near cumskins desu
>implying they don't have to deal with annoying tourists on a daily basis
50,000 years of existence and you brain dead niggers didn't even invent the fucking wheel by the time the Brits found you, shut your herpes infested banana hole you subhuman ape.
Why would anyone want to actually live in that incredibly racist shithole?
That's great my fellow white magapede upvo-*gets shot for breathing*
taking the bait so noone else can have it
I’m sick of all the gaijin cleaning out all the bookoffs in my area, the shelves are empty.
It doesn't effect anything. Japan has a low crime rate because they have a great public schooling system and a culture that rewards honor and honesty.
>tfw pc gamer in Japan
*nglos stole everything from the Romans. Cumskins are white, but being white is not superior.
ive been living in chiba japan with my grandparents but i dont know any japanese beyond the basics
When did stormfags infiltrate weebs?
You know Japan hates racist faggots like you, right?
how many brother sister couples have you met?
Two or three i think
But according to /pol/ japan's racist. Who do I believe?
shut up nigger lover
this is a bait image 1000 years old idiot
will you be marrying your own sister?
I love myself, true. Is that a problem?
I actually like that Yea Forums doesn't really have a lot of boards. It forces people into discussing things with people that might have different opinions, instead of everyone just retreating into their respective echo chambers.
I wish they would make a better Kamen Rider game than musou shit
Holy fucking based
Japan hates white people though, or pretty much anybody that isn't Japanese.
Just because sluts that'll fuck anything even remotely"exotic" exist everywhere doesn't mean Japs love white guys.
Yes. Love is banned on Yea Forums
Of course it's the best part of Yea Forums, because I only come here for the humor anyways.
couldn’t be bothered to, too sleepy and lazy right now.
the cynicism here also keeps people either in check or make them such a raging faggot that others wouldn't want to think like them
Only if you love yourself too much, to the point where loving yourself becomes harder and harder and you can only love yourself to more and more fucked up shit and eventually you manage to break your dick I mean self-esteem from jerking it too often.
Then what is this feeling I have for you?
Yea Forums goes into echo chamber territory just as often as most any other site, we just unite in our hatred, not love
Why can't we get a non-faggot admin like 2ch won't sell us out to the Feds?
fuck you faggot
fuck YOU, faggot.
Go fucking kill yourself you fucking fuckface
dont be rude you nigger
I'll fuck you up! I'll fuck anyone up!
jajajajaja yo pendejo ay
the japanese korean divide will never
be sealed
I'm mostly here for the humor, but there is some top tier discussion on the smaller boards. And even on some of the larger boards interesting discussion can still happen, even if it is a little off topic. Some of the best threads for discussion I've seen on Yea Forums have been off topic.
And because if you're accused of a crime you will be beaten, gaslighted and tortured until you confess just to make the beatings stop.
sorry takeshi but the korean dog wins this time
>learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war
>watch ugly jap girl classmate get fucked by english teacher in japan and masturbate small jap cock
jesus christ
why did he do my boy like that
>learn deny warcrime
They're extremely similar to us, except they don't have redditors.
So who is their boogeyman?
Koreans proxy shiiters?
Yes. They also double as their jews
I have come to say the G word
I have no clue if this is grammatically correct
>they have 5 random boards (4 hidden)
>they just keep delisting the old one but don't delete it
>their respective users don't leave and it becomes a sekrit club
the elitism must be sky high
do it faggot
Scuse me gajin here where can i learn to speak japanese i need to play those FUCKING UNTRANSLATED HGAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not even remotely
Go to /djt/ on /jp/ or /int/, grind 2000 kanji and like 6000 words and start reading. Plenty of isekai LNs on this site if that's your thing.
Ja, warte, nein, verdammt noch mal nicht! Scheisse!
Just start mining vocab from ero games and you'll be ok
this is most popular v board
nintendo fanboy kill tenno everyday
>tfw have begun learning and given up 4 times in the last 2 years alone
stop giving dumbasses advice they might make our skill less rare and less valuable
if everyone knew japanese who would i act smug around?
>that feel when most untranslated stuff is untranslated for a reason
I know the nipgos and I still filter what I bother with mostly by what's got or is getting a translation.
I figured as much
I can read and understand most of the jap that's written in this thread but I can't speak or write it for shit
I can't even believe what the fuck i'm reading
and i thought cunnyposting was bad
but this shit is real
>"well you're half korean and smash is a game made for humans"
Still pretty tame compared to Yea Forums. Your average Yea Forums post on this vein would be "Fuck you jewish tourneyfag nigger goblin. Kill yourself."
I'm pretty sad I learned the language to find out that most stuff is, much like in English, trash, with a few stand-out gems. The problem is that I even went ahead and read highly respected literature like 雪国 and was still disappointed.
And, it's fucking annoying how Japanese can be such a good expressive language but nobody seems to use it to its potential, and during the English translations a lot of things are "enhanced" or made better when they should have been that good in the source material.
>all those fucking pronouns
Jesus christ you could've at least tried to make it look fluent
By far the best result of learning Japanese is being able to participate in Japanese karaoke with a bunch of middle aged Japanese expats at an izakaya in my city. Every Friday and the nice obasan even provides free food (tamagomaki, edamame, taiyaki, seasonal faire, etc.) I've finally found a place I can unreservedly bare my weeb soul and be accepted.
Do Japs have a Jap version of white guilt? Is that why they work themselves to death and aren't breeding and make stuff about monsters destroying their cities and death in general?
No, their version is just denying they did anything wrong and telling Korea to get the fuck over it. Imagine if /pol/ was in charge of Germany post WW2. That's Japan. A sexless wasteland devoid of logic, claiming their warcrimes never happened, but if they did it was definitely a good thing and rape was always in self defense.
Definitely this
Jappos use even more stock phrases than Americans which is a feat
>be in a Japanese class in my universty
>have an annoying tumblr girl as my partner for most of the shit we have to do
>she claims she knew a lot of JP coming into the class because she's an artist and she tries to be friends with JP artists on twitter and tumblr
>60% of the way through the semester and she can barely make it through a sentence without having to say "anooo" between every word(this is a second level JP class by the way)
god this is annoying as fuck
what the fuck man
god I wish I had a cute middle aged Japanese gf
Americans think everywhere outside of America is a shithole. You're a retard
you... can't be serious, that girl is probably fucked up now, why would you do this shit?
>took Chinese
>go to first senior-year job interview
>"so user, it says in your transcript you know Chinese"
could be worse, bro
>Not being able to have a house party without having your entire bloodline cursed by some old lady trying to sleep
You must be fun at-oh wait.
why is ntr the best fetish? is it because no woman will ever be attracted to me? I would take monogamy seriously irl if they were, though.
>took Chinese
that was your first mistake
>faggot friend tells me he really loves the fates dub and that felicia is his favorite character
if you're going to use nihongo at least do it correctly
felicia's voice is unironically the best voice in the Fates dub, she actually gets the nervous teen girl voice pretty well
they are us
we are them
おはようございます/ v /
Newsflash: nerds are pretty similar everywhere
no, I'm pretty sure no Yea Forums user has ever thrown a emotional meltdown and snapped anime BDs and drama CDs just because a seiyuu revealed they're not a virgin on daytime TV
I approve of replacing OH NO NO NO with やばいやばいやばいやばいやばいやばいやばいやばいやばい
user, literally no one says あなた. It's way too formal, and informally is more often used to refer to a romantic partner (think "honey" or "sweetie").
so do most people just say きみ
I don't know how you'd expect someone obviously using shitty google-translate Japanese to know that, but thanks.
iirc they just use names or surnames
I'm positive あなた gets used rather than きみ in polite situations, but neither is really used in favour of titles or, if none are apparent or relevant, family names
My Japanese students always call me 先生 when they have to use a name
Gee, I sure do love white women in my video games
why wouldn't you just say おちんちん
ペニス sounds funnier
ペニス is actually an acceptable synonym.
last time i went to 2ch they were all unironically jerking off fallout 76
There's basically no reason to ever use あなた, it's outdated and only used by boomers. In polite conversation, you just use the other person's name. きみ is acceptable in casual conversation.
japan is great but i don't think i could live there forever, you'd just be so alienated being a foreigner
How does one say "niggers and Jews, they're bad news" in Japanese?
Anyone got a torrent for Windows XP SP3? thnx desu desu
as long as you're a contributing member of society and you're not a massive fag trying to act like western culture is the best thing ever there's not really much of an issue
>PBJT was 15 years ago
hows the country side?
Dark Souls
i don't mean just in terms of interactions, just having people stare at me all the time is an example and that got old pretty fast
Dude seiyuus are serious business
Yea Forums and /jp/ have lots of seiyuufags that'd probably throw a shitfit if their favorite seiyuu pulled a hirano.
fuck! yoshino should have won
you seriously doubt how autistic some Yea Forums users can be
>knowyourmeme filename
get out
Uh, I hate Japanese games like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter. I wish we played real games like Assassin's Creed and Battlefield. I love RTS, FPS and other PC games.
I don't know how they made an anime about a lesbian lolicon maid so boring, but they did it.
>censored pornagraphy
i would never want to live there.
Jap society actually sounds horrible not to mention they have shit taste in gaming consoles/dont care to PC game.
Also the whole annual Earthquake/Tsunami/Flood would have me sweating bullets. place is a magnet for natural disasters.
advanced tech would probably be nice though along with a society full of old people and no kids.
I'd also be scared shitless of the whole Giant Hornets. I cant even handle normal paper wasp without shitting myself for Giant Hornets would send me running towards the hills.
I like Japanese media but absolutely FUCK actually living there.
>skeletons are cool
>you will never be japanese
>you will never have a cute reluctant trap friend to pick out cute clothes with and go to comiket dressed up like anime girls together so you can get invited to room parties and get fugged at the same time while holding hands
You do realize Japanese people can watch uncensored porn, right? It's just anything made there has to be censored, but who tf cares when you got big tiddy American girls to watch.
where do uncensored javs come from then?
are they published in china?
Anyone who speaks nip ever seen the reverse of this thread on 2ch/5ch?
What's it like?
what a retarded law
>you can smoke cigarettes
>you just cant make them
I'm in Japan right now, ask me anything.
Although im sitting in starbuks for that free wifi.
it only applies to porn being sold commercially
so that's why doujins have bars on dicks but pixiv drawings do not
That's still retarded.
She has too much clothing on. Remove some of it please.
Also.......HE has too much clothing on....TAKE IT ALL OFF.
pixiv drawings literally do though, even western artists posting on pixiv have to censor their porn.
Clothed female nude male is top tier.
what do you think of Saurons tax policy?
How are the babes in Nippon?
I miss Ken, what is he up to these days?
can you buy me a coffee user?
real talk, how are the women?
No opinion, im here on business.
Pretty girls and women everywhere, as well as the not so pretty. Im in sapporo right now so its snowing, everyone is wrapped up, but there are the girls that still tread through the snow in high heels and miniskirts. Its great.
at least try to not be desperate...
I need some of those rare kit Kat stuff
In my country, starbucks is trash and overpriced. Here its decent priced and not bad, i just had a tiramisu frappe thing.
See Theyre great. Im off to Kyoto tomorrow and Osaka in a few days after that before returning to Tokyo. Everyone is so fashionable.
Matcha, strawberry cheesecake, umeshu or sake. Ill pick some up for you user.
And eat them.
>In my country
what are you a third world loser?
Goddammit, user. how do their taste? I don't believe shill on youtube since everything is goddamn good to them without any constructive comment
I wouldnt say NZ is third world, but it can be backwards. And that recent shooting that happened while Im over here. Bad news.
If you dont like matcha, you wont like the match kit kats, simple as. Strawberry chesecake is on another level. The alcohol ones are more niche, i wouldnt eat more than a few of those at once theyre actually strong.
Theres loads of other flavours, only unique to Japan. Kinda unfair but whatever.
Tried any of the beers yet?
(Today I will remind them)
this better not be who I think this is
All the beers. Im the bar manager of a japanese bar and restaurant back home, and im in Japan now to help a friend work. I worked in golden gai for a week in shinjuku, probably the first foreigner theyve seen work there in years. Im familiar with loads of jap beers and alcohols, its part of my job.
Thanks user
"Learn deny war crime" will always be the best part.
There are honestly few curse/swear words in Japanese. Non dares actually use words like kuso yarou or chinkusa yarou.
I've seen this before and I'm still fucking disgusted.
tok... tok... tok... toktoktoktoktoktoktoktoktok
I hope this is just advanced larping
why is everyone typing in japanese here so polite?
テマエラ わおかしい
Like... the Gaijin kind?
Suoki Suoki Fi Dolla.
>thread is full of broken Japanese, machine translated Japanese and one word Japanese.
Suoki Suoki Fi Dolla?
Hello, or how they say in Japan HERRO!
soon as I saw "mother", I knew. But yeah, he fucking butchered that sentence.
that's tame.
To this day that Korean remains a fugitive for the brutal manslaughter of that poor Japanese dude
I'll have you know that none of my sentences were machine translated and were instead based on my couple semesters of learning.
>its another "fag makes a jap thread so he can mog me because I take my jap learning at a glacial speed" episode
by the way, is Heisig a good book or is it snake oil?
It's trash for idiots. Go use a proper grammar guide, Tae Kim if you're an ESL, Japanese the manga way if you're an EOP, and then move onto the Dictionary of Japanese grammar.
I mean, it's just mnemonics devices, isn't it?
whats an eop?
english only player
>playing western games dubbed instead of experiencing them in their original language
fucking JOPs I swear
do i have do buy japanese the manga way, or is it online?
I only visit @channel.
So what's your degeneracy level, Yea Forums?
No spics or niggers here in Canada, but we do have Chugs, chinks and flips
Supposedly there's a lot of Indians too but I never see them, maybe in the suburbs
this is my fetish.
Japanese translation patch for [insert obscure western game here] when?
Lived in Japan a few years now and visit 5ch occasionally. It’s pretty tame by western standards these days.
Japan as a whole is pretty fucking square. It’s mostly on topic and harmless fun with occasional sperging or more demented shit.
Reminds me a lot of Yea Forums 10-12 years ago.
すみません、 私の日本語をわるいです。
That's all I got off of memory. Fuck using Google Translate though. Shit's like a Chinese person trying to translate the language into Chinese, then into English despite not knowing much Japanese or English, so it just ends up fucky.
>dragon car sex
is this reddit?
Dragons fucking cars is pretty infamous in Japan too.
Look at me I'm a true otaku I dress up as a maid, jerk off to crossdressing anime boys and play 100% orange juice with 4 other degenerates just like me.
Ken sama is watching over this thread.
I feel alienated in my own country, at least in Japan I know that would be normal, although I don't there funnily enough.
>what a retarded law
Britbongs are doing the same thing now. They're criminalising a bunch of sex acts in UK produced porn but brits can still watch it if it's prodced somewhere else.
Moralfag laws are always retarded and ineffectual
*sips* Dragon Quest III, now that was a game.
i stream little girls to mother's tv by accident.. i lose much honour with my famiry now
>Reminds me a lot of Yea Forums 10-12 years ago.
it hurts
wow western games sure suck dick
scumbags have no race
much less vulgar
more autistic/weird
despite how Yea Forums claims that they are some racist folks, there is hardly any /pol/shit posting. I mean on Yea Forums you can find dozens of racist/homophobic posts in just about every thread, but there it takes time before you find some anti-korean/chinese post and even those don't get much traffic.
>understand spoken japanese just fine
>can ready maybe 20 kanji
Removal of kanji system when
dirty JOP not learned english still? . having fun never play superior western game
>Japs aren't pedofi-
How hard was it to get onto a business trip to Japan through NZ? I'm studying Japanese to fill out my CV, alongside not limiting myself to just Western countries.
But I'm just a huge weeb.
neither have you
Japs are ahead of us, as usual.
go play pokemon in japanese and see how you enjoy fucking hiragana everywhere
I read like 1/3 of my usual reading speed, that shit hurt my eyes
>Every time I Google Translate 2ch the posts seem so innocuous and on-topic
2ch is Japanese reddit.
2chan is Japanese Yea Forums.
2chan is where it gets fun.
>Japanese Chan "culture"
>Japanese class in university
>nobody knows how to hide their power level, even though my power level is even higher than them
>try to put on the disguise of a normalfag who just wants to learn Japanese while surrounded by Shonen retards, Fate retards, tumblr landwhale girls, actual autists with no self awareness, and a handful of "i'm such a weeb ^_____^"-type people
>the only other person that doesn't act like a wapanese retard is a stereotypical balding nu-male manchild
>the instructor actually looks like his soul dies whenever he enters the class
>tfw almost given up on hiragana
>tfw I can understand like 30% of spoken japanese due to watching too much anime and have pretty good pronunciation
haha, I'm a linguistic genius(retard)
Just read untranslated manga or doujinshi. Anything that's interesting enough to make you want to understand the dialogue. Doujins unironically helped me read faster, and learn new kanji (though they're mostly uncommon words like 乳首)
Is this what living halfway to australia feels like?
What are some kino Japanese memes that y'all gaijins enjoy?
Most of Yea Forums culture is directly transplaneted from Japanese imageboard culture.
Japanese internet is all about remaining anonymous (hence why you have masks in videos, virtual idols instead of real humans, machine reading instead of their own voice), it created GETs, it went with secret club mentality, forced anonymisation and ridiculue of namefags, lurking, magicianhood if you read 30 a virgin, 2D>3D, "normies VS us", Here's a picture, use your skills to save the princess, Drawfag threads, no spoonfeeding,...
Futaba (2chan) is what Yea Forums copied to hell and back. 2ch/5ch are slightly more moderate and calm, but you'd still be able to get around much more easily than a retard from /pol/ or reddit could.
Ken-sama died in the 2011 Tsunami, don't you remember?
the real guy is not someone you'd like anyways.
nice google translate you fucking idiot, your post doesn't make any sense
Burning hatred.
> 乳首
> uncommon
since when is basic anatomy "uncommon"?
shut the fuck up ching chong nip nong
>>understand spoken japanese just fine
>>can ready maybe 20 kanji
Being able to pick out a few stock phrases isn't "understanding" a language, buddy. I like watching shows with Japanese subs because kanji make the language way easier.
Nipple, an uncommon word lol.
Kindergarten kids know this word. What is wrong with you.
I liked 拳で last year. Honestly, I never really keep up with this shit, which is a shame because they're gold.
>smash is a game made for humans
it is???
I mean, in everyday conversation it's probably not the first word you need to know.
You got it backwards you fucking retard.
>learn deny war crime
>forgets about the entire northern peninsula
yeah let's focus on another countries slavery and torture instead of our own, while getting booty-blasted economically by them in every conceivable way in modern times
korean's add nothing to the world, unless getting ugly plastic surgery, eating dogs and ironically pretending you're japanese to find work count for something
get conquered. (again)
*denies warcrimes while masturbating to loli*
Fucking cunt
The concept of words in and of themselves being offensive is weird as fuck for Japanese people. Those insults mean literally nothing to them. They're literally too high IQ to get offended by someone saying a naughty word, that's why their insults are a lot more subtle and sting a lot more.
私の直立の陰茎を吸って?????? Cn u tk me h1R? i fucking love €r££d (Creed) best fucking band EVAR. I LOVE YOU SCOTT STAPP. god i love Yea Forums and being high
2ch and 2chan are different things, well ill be damned. I went to 2ch's Yea Forums but its seems dead.
shut the fuck up nerd
Can I get a job as an English teacher without a degree if I can speak Japanese?
Calling someone half korean is far more insulting than calling them a jewish nigger goblin though.
no haha hee hee wee!
hi nigger
only if you dont like being korean
cursed post man
that's horrible
>summer a couple years ago
>spending it up in hokkaido helping my host family work on their farm
>mowing the lawn
>giant hornets start circling me
>can't let go of the lawnmower and run away
>spend the next couple hours mowing fearing for my life every step
hello? yeah, faggot is here. Hey user, it's for (you) haha hee wee wee
sounds scary user haha who do you think did it better, prince or chaka khan?? chaka khan? chaka khan? do you feel for me the way i feel for you? i wanna hold ya and squeeze ya too.
who did it better your mom or my ass
Best post in the thread
The fuck, this post made me reconsider fapping to loli tonight
you walk up to a door and you open it, beyond that door is a world of cruelty and hate, sodomy, sloth, greed, rape. 41°1937.39N 141°524.97E 鏡地獄... 蝶のすむ部屋
>Japanese are such losers they have to fuck their sisters and mothers
Disgusting literal inbreds
Emulated Breath of the Wild all in Japanese text, playing vista in Japanese really helped me learn the language
titanfall 2 is the most anime non anime game.
Those translations are fuck you dumb nigger
I wish i had a cute white bf
あ、味の男性 (´∀`)
Why does Japan not like Xbox? I don't get it.
hes not wrong, though in 08 he shoulda said Call of Duty
Poorly worded, user. You'd like to use 知性を持って紳士たち instead.
H-Haha, dumb Japanese people, amiright guys? H-Haha...
Koreans are literally the jews of Asians, perpetual victim complex because muh ww2. It was over 70 years ago and you weren’t even alive to see it get over it.
>not the feminine eto
fucking weebs
kemono > shitty western furry
there, i said it
The also have a terminal case of radical feminism and plastic worship.
"Reply to this post or your mom dies in her sleep tonight"
Not sure why these dumbasses are saying it doesn't make sense.
>feeling victimized over some that never actually happened to you personally
why the actual fuck do retarded people do this shit?
What's the Japanese equivalent for Blacked?
They get a pride-breaking boner by being cucked their women too, right?
>stalling by any means other than using the longest most roundabout way of saying shit
>banking hard on え・・・と/まぁ/あのぉ・・・/などなど
You could be efficient but why not take advantage of the fact that there's always a longer, less direct way to say stuff if you're reaching for words and composing thoughts? Only people who will complain are dekinai N5s who can't yet filter out unimportant stuff.
is は the correct one to use here? I can't tell but using に feels more correct.
>weebs want to live in nihon
how about transcending into a nihonese
ohio goes eye moss
it's mainland bug people eat the dogs, japs treat their dogs like the rest of the first world
>living in Japan
>pirating japanese media while not giving a fuck about the rest of their shitty culture
becoming one
bing bong
even in jp she is still mine
so get your hands of her
You cannot become japanese. You are either born a jap or you aren’t
So how many hours does it take to improve my Japanese to be good enough to post on 2ch without being noticed that I'm a non-native, or at least to pass for a Japanese-like poor writing?
few thousands
>took Chinese
How does it feel to be retarded?
Dumb faggot
This is japanese cow