>Yea Forums doesn't role-play as a cum-slut in RPGs where the options is available
>can't imagine his characters fucking and guzzling down the sperm of defeated enemies and allies
Yea Forums doesn't role-play as a cum-slut in RPGs where the options is available
Thanks, gonna go play when I get home
Roundscape adorevia. It's ok.
have fun!
Do you get to be a cum slut? This is important
pretty much
not if you play as a guy though
>he plays weg trash
where iss the current bbuild
dont want patreon
I can't tell if that orc is a guy or girl. Does this game have futa or is it all straight stuff?
>shitty agehow
at least it isnt heart pupils
What was the name of the rpg that lets you play as a thicc wife in blue armor?
it's got pretty much most things that don't veer into really specialized territory
Not really sure, but I've always assumed he's a half-orc
what's the last build you played?
the one where she's getting raped all the time?
Yes, and also lets you whore oout
night of revenge might be
No, is not Night of Revenge
latest version is 4.3A
why are all these rpg maker games about playing as a girl that gets raped when they could be about you doing the raping?
why do posters try to talk about a game without playing it?
thanks user
i thought 2.8 was the latest guess i was wrong
Yea Forums wants to be the cumdump, absolute sluttery
not talking about this one in particular, just most of them.
checks out.
do you people know of any guide for it? there was shitton of missable scenes last time I played
Tell me more. RPGs never have enough cum-slut options.
not really, game's pretty big now
just play through it as a guy and as a girl if you don't want to miss anything
also you WILL miss stuff because your decisions actually matter in this game, which is what makes it a decent RPG
I play the virgin path
Self-inserting from real life, eh?
Not sure what more I can tell you
it's a sex-filled RPG
fucking kek
>Game has long, detailed descriptions of what the girl feels and tastes when she sucks cock and gets fucked in the ass
Is this gay? y/n?
what I miss is that girl you get at the start, you could lead her down the corrupt path but it required pretty specific actions and certain times-most of which weren't actually corrupt or evil
Can I get addicted to drinking cum?
not if it's futa cock
>not playing a trap and fasting for weeks before guzzling futa cock and getting cum injections from both ends until your entire digestive tract is full of nothing but sloshing girlsperm, so gravid in your guts that every movement sends it sloshing around, then falling asleep and digesting all that nutritious seed generously donated to you by all these dominant, loving girls
Married Warrior Emma
thank you kind user but playing the game and unlocking those things is actually most of the fun, I just wish game wasn't so arcane about it
that's still in the game I think
you can corrupt your other party members too
Where the hell else would he be self-inserting from? Way to ruin a joke.
not really, from a game mechanics perspective
Thanks you so much user
it's not arcane at all
just talk to everyone and dont be a retard when selecting responses
also I think the latest version now marks important NPCs with stars
get this NTR trash out of here.
>you're the one having sex
fucking retard
not if youre male protag
But I literally posted about female protag
you aight cuz
What's a good place to pirate these Roundscape games?
dunno, maybe I'm just autistic but acting like a good goy for 4 UND exactly 4 encounters and then doing 180 on moral compass required for it to work on meredith is not exactly intuitive to me
there's only one game and I already posted a link to the latest version
oh sorry i missed it
she looks like she was made for BBC
god damn white women make my black cock hard
oh ok
I thought you were referring to some stat or something
Male protag gets NTR'd?
I have found a guide for the game but jesus christ why does it have ntr and why do people blatantly lie about it.
There are also links for other uploads like mega on f95 as well as one for the guide itself.
link me to the guide?
spamfilter is ass about it, just go on f95 its linked in the games thread op
all the fuckin time
>tfw hooked on ToA
Rock fucking solid anytime I play it.
Shame there isn't more art for battle fucking
Why are western erotic games so disgustingly tasteless?
Watching them try to imitate Japanese eroge is like watching a post-menopausal woman attempt to be sexy in the bedroom. You can suspend your disbelief until you start feeling up her caesarean scars and blown out labia, listening to the rattle of her breath as she hacks up cigarette phlegm.
It's a sad boner-killer.
jap games are better at cleanly splitting off vanilla and ntr
Tales of Androgyny
>tfw always try to go for pure runs in h games even though that defeats the purpose of playing one
Did they ever fix the combat or is still lacking anything even reminiscent of balance?
user is cute! Cute!
I dunno
never really noticed it to much
most of the fun for me is going for fun builds
you can always change the difficulty too
Nip games are often better at segueing from the story to the lewd shit and at least trying to integrate them to form a coherent setting.
Western games are like western pornography. They just jump to "awww yeah plow my asshole with your huge cock" right at the start, and it just feels all so hollow and unnatural.
such pleasant words in these hard times
>aim for a purity run
>character is raped in a cutscene
>h game has encounters in which you cannot choose not to engage in sexual contact
Fucking Tales of Androgyny
I really like ToA but goddammit can you not lock my dick in a cage or fuck me in the butt if I'm not looking for it please
Oh yeah that game
I heard that no matter what you do, how you build you character and even fight, will always lose to the werewolf
Nah you can beat the werewolf but really only with the most OP class, the ranger
No, that man redknight actually has a walkthrough if you look under his sig.
well fuck
Combat really isn't that game's strong suit, it's stance based and overly complicated for something I just want to beat my meat to
If you play you should really be expecting to get it in the ass from basically everything you meet
And everything you meet is either a futa or rarely a trap so I hope you're into that
That being said I still really like it, Majalis is a good artist
or just fuck it till its exhausted via grapples
Yeah that too
It seems that some enemies are immune to that shit though, they'll sit on your face and make you eat their ass for fucking ever until you push them off and then when you fuck them they'll just keep coming back for more
Oh it's fully what I expected, I like majalis.
I think I might pick it up again and try out ranger if it really is that good
>does it have NTR?
>no because I'm using a very specific definition of it
>japanese eroge
>male protag
>bland self-insert who is uninteresting in every way possible, usually turns into ntr or haremshit
>female protag
>spends roughly ten minutes acting like a pure virginal maiden and then goes full mindbreak at the flip of a switch
Hmm fasntnig. Tell me more.
>A dozen different artists of varying ability fucking up the boner consistency
>Patreon milker that will never be finished and the content there is probably half-baked and broken
Thanks but no thanks!
this, porn games having shitty writing is the norm no matter what side of the planet you're on
There's no fucking way this shit is 3 gigs
the game is already finished with the whole story complete
the team just likes to keep adding side content and scenes
they should stop adding cuck shit
you just don't want to be happy and keep looking for things to complain about
>almost finish Liz
>be sad because I though I already unlocked all the scenes judging by the Recollection room
>talk to Aisha
>wait a minute
>wait a fucking minute
>you get to fucking take Aisha with you for a round trip around the whole town
Holy fucking shit what an absolutely based game.
>try to go to the second town
>character says they need to rest and gather their thoughts in an abandoned building
>go to the convenient abandoned building a screen away
>it's locked
what the fuck am I supposed to do here?
>generic anime artstyle, censored and never gets translated
yeah fuck that
can you post more details?
I'm not sure where exactly you are
and who this character is
I'm trying to go to Slinsk
>we should find a place to rest and gather thoughts before we journey on. Maybe we can find an abandoned place near Oakshire?
do I need to go back to Meredith's house or something? I have no fucking clue what I'm meant to do here
This. I lost a bet and was forced to play the Legend of Queen Opala game and jesus fuck you're entire harem is comprised of hypersluts and you lose affection points if you try to tell them that it's not okay to want to fuck other dudes despite the fact that all of them are already in love with you.
Western eroge. Not even once. Except maybe some highly autistic text games.
>tfw unironically looking forward to one
It's not even content I really like, and the art is shit tier as well, but something about it just draws me in.
>>male protag
>>bland self-insert who is uninteresting in every way possible
Back in my day we had fun and interesting eroge protagonists. What went wrong with this new generation of otaku?
well it is made by literal roastie so what did you expect
>Not playing as the male MC and fucking your own mom
OP is a faggot as usual.
yeah jap games have shit ton of ntr but theyre clearly ntr games you can avoid. no horse shit justifications or arguments about what is or isnt ntr.
>Legend of Queen Opala
God I hate it so much that they actually got sethxzoe to make art for that.
>>we should find a place to rest and gather thoughts before we journey on. Maybe we can find an abandoned place near Oakshire?
shit man, I'd like to think I'm pretty familiar with Act 1 but who said that? Also is there anything written in the quest log?
I figured out the problem. I didn't clear out Castle Whitemoon because I thought it was just a random sidequest and not necessary to advance the game
Any other games like Ayura's Crisis? And yes, I already played all of Fullflap's shit.
>rpg maker
hahaa ok that makes sense now
yea glad you figured it out
This game reminded me of a lewd Dragon Age Origins
by nikraria?
No like the actual game Dragon Age Origins just lewd
Tish best """girl"""
Seriously, other sluts can't even compete
Is this game any good or just your average mediocre RPG maker "eroge"?
No, don't bother.
download it and try it
>Having developer loyalty instead of seeking out content that matches your fetishes and preferences instead
Absolutely philistine.
I just downloaded and played a bit of it, the combat is boring as shit and it takes too long to get to any sex scenes (they are good though)
any rpg adventure games where you play as a petite b cup girl with short hair that loves cum and big dicks?
It gets better when you get more equipment and orbs to play around with to customize your party's builds, as with any RPG
modded skyrim
It is actually really gay. Its why so many people on Yea Forums are submissive. They basically are reading fiction of them getting fucked.
It's voyeuristic more than anything else desu.
>no game features actual gokkun play
Fuck off.
I want to roughly fuck a submissive user and get them desperate for my cum, then stop right at the brink of orgasm and laugh at them as they beg for it
I don't really mind western games that much, but god do western developers try to slip so much cuck shit into their games. I had a guy on /hgg/ over on 8gag recommend me The Last Sovereign, and it was the same deal as this. Full of "not-NTR" à la this shit. Why lie and tell me that I'm getting a harem of loyal sluts just to have them fuck other men? Why am I rarely allowed to have a choice in the matter? Most of all why do they purposefully misrepresent the content of the game? Just tell me that your game has NTR so i can skip over it and not waste my time.
Choose one nigger, TLS is power fantasy on steroids. You literally become a guy that has control over sex and shit, can grow a cock bigger than a person, has tentacles and can clone his body.
The ony ones that fuck other people are succubus or your party companion if they are corrupted I think.
You're just jealous I get way more fictional cock than you
I only played it for an hour or so, and two of the three initial party members had sex with other men, not to mention Simon brings up his late wife bringing home other men to fuck and him getting fucked in the ass by them a few times. Now I will admit that NTR might be the wrong term for this based on your personal definition of cuckoldry, but at very least it's open relationship shit and i consider that just as bad. I'm sure that TLS is a good game and I don't think less of people for enjoying NTR, but I don't and I don't want to play games with it. This wouldn't be a problem if people weren't afraid to call a duck a duck and tell me that their game has NTR or open relationships or whatever instead of pussyfooting around it.
>not ntr
>'the only ones that fuck other people'
why do you even fucking try getting away with this shit
I'm unsure where else I can get goodgirl points for helping the town to get a gold pass. Feels like I've exhausted most options.
>start playing round scape
>nothing fucking happens outside of some more suggestively dressed people
>nothing fucking happens
you are doing something wrong
if youre male protag i pity you
its been a standard RPG maker game so far for me.
You can always just grind it out in the cafe, the casino, and the bathhouse.
Cucks don't want to admit they're cucks. It's as simple as that.