Is the Trails in the Sky series worth getting into? Heard mixed things about it

Is the Trails in the Sky series worth getting into? Heard mixed things about it.

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Trails has some of the best worldbuilding, plot, and characters. that I've seen in any RPG series spread out between three games, but be warned, the games are really fucking slow and the gameplay is average.

Yes for the Milkers

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Don't fall for the world building meme.

basically, they're shit.
play ys

Play Ys instead

Depends what you are looking for. The series excels for its world building, writing, characters and music. Although the ost at the start is pretty chill just like everything else going on.

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The first five games are. After that, the series' quality declines, but you might be invested enough to sit through the whole thing.

Finish the first game and see what you think about it. No point in listening to this board.

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You'll know for sure if you like it or not after about 80 hours


>everyone who doesn't outright trash the game is a shill

It's the game equivalent of a good slice of life anime. If that sounds unappealing then it probably isn't for you.

Buy my game

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shameless shill

neo-Yea Forums, everyone

Mate, I said the games can be a slog to get through sometimes and that the gameplay isn't anything revolutionary or gripping. There's always Ys for that, also a great series. But when it gets good, it gets real good to the point of memorable RPG kino.

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shills, everyone

so it's barely a game?

finished tits FC long time ago, now i mostly forget about the story. all i can remember is estelle's country is at war with the empire and her father is a hero of the country. and one day he saved joshua and adopted him. and as they grew up together they become mercenary or some thing called "bracer" or whatever. after the solved many problems in the country they fight the villain (that i don't even remember at all) after that joshua goes full sasuke.
what else am i missing excluding the villains' identities?

The gameplay is brainded-shoot-me-now bad. I'm a /sffg/ fag who eats up long ass fantasy but I just couldn't get through the combat.

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You forgot about the franchise's main character, Rean.

THISDo not fall for the worldbuilding meme, it's the rough equivalent of a telenovela, but for japanese kids, the extent of "worldbuilding" in Kiseki game is the equivalent of reading a tabloid.

The series have script size that makes LotR trilogy look like a joke.

so... it's a book?

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I really don't know how the guys who made Ys and Gurumin could make gameplay this fucking boring.

Ys sucks, so your point is invalid

The first game is one of the comfiest gaming experiences I've ever had. Not like it'll cost you much so just get that and judge it from there. My take is that if you take every "classic" JRPG trope, put them in one game series, and give it modern polish, you basically get the first two games of the trilogy, with the third being the "weird one" which is still fun, but clearly doing its own thing.
Also Bestelle is very cute, so you should play it just for her.

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Sucks, I wanted to punch every character in the fucking face. The adventures of annoying cunt and betaboy

It probably would fare a lot better as literature, yes.



It's the JRPG series that you play when you've played EVERYTHING else.

i remember reading a news back then that the english translators almost went crazy because of how much the text they need to translate.

World-building, the game.

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Much of the dialogue comes in form of optional NPC dialogue that changes pretty much every time someone sneezes in the main story.

He was just tired of reading the shit script

No, it's the RPG series you get someone to play for you so he can later tell you about it.

Is Ys V worth looking at? I've heard its the worst
I first play Ark on PS2 years ago and that was my friend showing me the series for the first time, I then got all the PSP games and Vita releases and ive been slowly playing one by one
Beat Origins and 1 and 2, playing Felghana again and almost done with it.
Gonne do Celceta next and from there not sure, I have 8 on Vita as well but I don't know if i want to play Ark again, im all about playing all the games in a series like this if I can

So fucking savage, shills BTFO

I don't think that was the main reason. Hatsuu actually elaborated on what the relationship between CF and XSEED was at the time. Someone may have the screencap from falcom discord of that.

>t. casual who couldn't beat Vagullion on Normal

This is how I felt about the Lunar remake on PSP
I was REALLY sad because I love old schlocky PS1 era trope filled predictable JRPGs but every time I load up Lunar SSH it just goes beyond into this level of extreme blandness and I hate it, because it feels like a game I would love

yeah well I beat your mom in hard mode if you know what I'm talking about

I'd say wait for the Ys V remake that they're inevitably going to end up doing soon. Also, I wouldn't recommend 8 on Vita, the PS4/Switch ports have extra content, iirc.

When I saw your mom I knew I picked nightmare.

Oh do they? I think my gf just got it for me because she knows I like the series. Guess ill get switch then eventually.

>playing tr*ils and ys when tokyo xanadu exists

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Your gf is based and adventurepilled, evidently.

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Holy fuck user, I don't think he'll ever recover from that.


Are you sure that was Ys V she got you? I don't think you'll just randomly stumble upon it

No what actually happened was Tr*ils is Yea Forums's most hated JRPG.

I'll never forget the first time my friend showed my Ark on PS2, its not the best game in the series by any means but there was just something unique about it, gave me the same feels of playing 2D Zelda but a lot faster and also vibes of the old PS1 RPG days, ill always follow the series if I can Yeah, it sucks we had to break up, she wanted kids some day and I didnt, beyond that it was an idyllic situation, she was down with vidya and always open to learning new games, we had normal ups and downs but it was what it was, gotta make those adult decisions sometimes

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She got me 8 on Vita, my b
I know V is SFC and PS2 only

but that makes no sense, Ys is Yea Forums's most hated JRPG

If pretty good if you like character oriented games and compelling world building.
Personaly, what turns me off in this franchise is the lack of aesthetical appeal and personality. The character design and the overall art just looks like some generic dounjin from the 90s.

As someone who play them all, absolutely not. I would recommend it if you love shonen anime where nobody really dies and nearly everyone is justified or redeemed AND have really nothing else to play. The series is filled with generic troupes even in FC but it got really really bad after Cold Steel and the few things still holding me: World building( which is interesting but FAR from the perfection fanboys make it to be), Politics in and between countries and Osborne were completely obliterated, over 500 hours spend to such a BS pathetic ending made me want FALCOM to go bankrupt.

So we all agree Zwei is great, right?

Guys, it's obviously Tokyo Xanadu that's Yea Forums's most hated JRPG

go for i-
>on vita
why do you do this to yourself?

Panzer Dragoon Zwei

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It was a present mein dyued
Can't complain

>2 2
what did they mean by this

No, I mean Zwei: The Arges Adventure and it's sequel Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection.

Such is the life of a free spirit and adventurer. Don't let it hold you back that much from looking forward to the future, my dude.

Yeah, more people need to play Zwei 2. It's actually real damn good

Literally nothing good about this series lol. Yea Forums BTFOs another scam shit game yet again.

I meant still owning vita

>flash guard/dodge boss then trigger 3+ seconds of invuln to spam skill
NuYs is shit compared to Napishtim Ys and Devil May Cry combat system

This so much. Can't wait to laugh at the new shitty game.

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Why is this user so obsessed with claiming that all of Yea Forums hates the series? I've only played the first and don't really frequent the threads, but I remember him posting the exact same rhetoric like a year ago.

Flash Guard needs a much, MUCH smaller activation window and flash move shouldn't even be a thing for neither guards nor evades. Shit's just dumb.
Also items should have a usage animation.

The "shitseki" poster is this guy.

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You too my dude
Nah m8 i like the vita, 3DS/DS were fine and had loads of neat stuff, DS moreso imo but its really a shame the Vita didnt at least catch on a little more like PSP did, Sony buried it. Dropping game support was one thing but certain day one features like those SKU's with the built in 3G and the shit memory card prices doomed it, at least PSP memory cards got cheap soon into its life
I dunno man, I just think variety results in better games
DS/PSP was some of the best times to be into handhelds.

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I'm having a blast with Ys 8 right now. Takes a while to get going but it's a pretty good time.

The game is mediocre as fuck. Also, why this thread is created daily? What the fuck is going on?

shills, for a shitty VN



fuck off

If you have the time. The first game is just ok but the second one is one of the best JRPGs ever. The third is a bit shitty.

Cold Steel is good too despite what people say. It has a slick battle system with a reasonable amount of challenge, lots of customisation, etc.

Better than the shit /pol/bait and NZ shooter off topic shit post threads
Or hmm, maybe we should complain about resetera or reddit for the X-th time

FPBP, good explanation.