Mass Effect 1 Liara > Mass Effect 2/3 Liara

Mass Effect 1 Liara > Mass Effect 2/3 Liara

Attached: AsariScientist.png (557x789, 317K)

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You know I'm right.

Attached: Liara-TSoni-Mass-Effect-1-l.jpg (500x585, 54K)

You got it wrong OP, you need to state a controversial opinion to start a thread, not something that everyone agrees.

But how controversial? Should it be well worded or should it be a blatant shitpost that is so wrong people can't help but bite?

Attached: Liara_Character_Box.png (532x450, 194K)

All versions of Liara are shit

>you need to state a controversial opinion
Tali > Liara

Attached: 2OcdagK.png (688x900, 923K)

The character arc they took her down was just weird and stupid
But thank God they gave her bigger tits every game

>ME1 Liara
Shy, demure, bookish nerd who is very introverted.
>ME2 Liara
Crazy murderer sociopath criminal
>ME3 Liara
Full criminal who keeps tabs on her own friends and allies in case they betray her, probably orders hundreds of murders a week to maintain her grip on criminal underworld, unrepentant, uses bad language

I feel like a lot of people that like me1 Liara moved onto Tali because she inherited the "shy n cute" personality, plus the curiosity of having a human partner

>tfw can't les it up with Tali