post vidya characters that would post on Yea Forums
Attached: jevil.gif (230x240, 77K)
Attached: 29c.jpg (649x480, 42K)
Attached: Nigel_chia.gif (150x150, 7K)
He'd be posting on /biz/, except he'd have killed himself when POWR crashed
she would post here not knowing that no actual discussion happens on Yea Forums and that Yea Forums is just a shitposting shitshow
Attached: P5_Futaba_Sakura-e1487315554278.png (320x495, 53K)
Anyone got the picture of Asriel Yoshiposting?
VPTS will never crash, r-right Neobros?
Attached: 1467409374131.jpg (374x384, 109K)
Attached: diablohello.jpg (1920x1080, 1.57M)
Hey, c'mon c'mon!
Attached: hey_cmon_cmon.jpg (1280x720, 233K)
Attached: 1543564680351.png (256x256, 66K)
Jevil is far too busy sucking my dick, dick to post on Yea Forums
Attached: Tippsie.png (766x512, 100K)
Lies, Jevil is not stuck in his not prison on his computer screaming at his computer
Attached: whatevuh.png (650x600, 284K)
He only launched a nuke at japan to get (you)s
Attached: Img21699.png (156x201, 54K)
*Sips potion*
>Yep seems like you just need to git gud kiddo
you all forgot didn't you?
Attached: 1553046208225.png (223x251, 27K)
I didn't forget Adachi
Attached: 1428085134300.jpg (960x1236, 128K)
He would also certainly browse Yea Forums and /jp/
Attached: TravisTouchdown_TSANMH.png (967x1252, 752K)
he straight up looks like /vr/-tan
I miss board-tans, they had much more soul than modern shitposts do.
Attached: 4u.gif (800x424, 1.31M)