I'm so glad Nintendo gave this a demo...

I'm so glad Nintendo gave this a demo. I was actually considering buying this piece of garbage and after playing 2 games I'm so greatful I didnt. Please recomend me some games I can get for the switch. I currently just have smash and I play it every day and throughly enjoy it but I want something else to play. Here are other games I like:

WoW (exclusively pvp, pve and questing is for fags)
Smash as I mentioned
Call of duty modern warfare 2 and 3
Halo 1 and 2

I have no interest in single player games. After playing wow pvp in the late 2000s it killed any desire for single player and I pretty much stopped playing most video games. Is there any competetive game besides smash and splatoon I can play? I tried paladins but I only like playing as Viktor but theres way too much auto aim and its not that fun a game in general. Even though its only single player, the bing bing wahoo game looks fun and I was a fan of 3d land. Is that worth it? Please recomend me something.

Attached: YIzHu8j_UgKADdZMZG-0DCF5iri2Cmkb.png (300x486, 276K)

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Git gud

botw fag

Sounds like you just suck at squidgame

You made me realize something, this demo throws you right into the multiplayer as a total noob who doesn't even have a grasp of the controls
It's going to make people salty as fuck and hate the game like OP, since they don't understand it and haven't had time to get used to the controls via the single player campaign.

git gud

I turned off the motion aiming thing but the joystick felt clunky and unresponsive. The gameplay also seems like it would get really repetetive.

>I turned off the motion aiming
That's the biggest mistake you could have made
Best way to play is motion controls with separated joycon and max sensitivity. You aim with the right joycon and only need subtle wrist movements.
Also there's plenty of variation in weapons, game modes and stages. It really doesn't get old, Splatoon 2 is a lot of people's most played Switch game.

It only gets old if you're playing turf war.

Ill try the joycon setup you mentioned.