Ground Zeroes came out 5 years ago today

Ground Zeroes came out 5 years ago today.

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Memento Mori

Not MGS but I also remembered that it's been 4 years since Moot left

people legit paid $40 for a demo when it came out

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It still hurts.

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Truly the best of times.

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I miss him, but he never had the grace of showing up once.

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The fact it is a 40 dollar demo for a forever unfinished game makes it worse

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Will Yea Forums ever stop whining about MGSV? Get over it already. It wasnt even bad.

I am both envious and saddened by the fact that you don't feel it too.

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I remember the butthurt

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>The MGSV hype train was the greatest time in our lives
>We were all hurt so bad that we can never love again

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The Christmas 2014 livestream is one of my fondest memories of all time. Watching for 3 hours with my Yea Forumsros only for the big reveal to be the chicken hat.

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I fucking bought a god damn PS4 for GZ & TPP and a week later it was announced for steam. Now I got a $400 bloodborn/blu ray player.

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And then one week later we got together again for the Batsu. We were all so you and full of hope for the future. Where did it all go so wrong?

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Ground Zeroes was more satisfying than TPP.

Jesus Christ what an ugly horse face.

MGSV is amazing but it could've been legendary

fuck Yea Forums i really enjoyed MGSV and was only disappointed that there wasn't a third map

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It's a better game than 4 and V, and it's not even a game

Amazingly bad lol


4 was worse than 5 tho. 5 can pretty much be ignored, 4 retrospectively ruined the entire franchise.

visiting /mgg/ every day and all those speculations was more fun than the game itself
>tfw anons fanfics were a better story than what we got
TPP was the one that ruined video games for me

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i would say that camp omega is a really great setting and a more fun place to sneak around than any of the individual bases in TPP, but mechanically and controls-wise TPP is drastically improved

When are the model ports going to come out?
He's been teasing with the same pictures again and again with yet no release

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Big Boss and Big Boss!

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>never ever a remake of MG 1 in the Fox Engine
>never ever a remake of MG 2 in the Fox Engine
>never ever a remake of MGS 1 in the Fox Engine
>never ever a remake of MGS 3 in the Fox Engine
that shit sucks man

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>people started figuring out how to modify map geometry
>only a single test has been done, was never updated, and is probably abandoned
>never ever any custom map imports in the future

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you say you want this but you'd sperg about anything being different

I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!

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Quiet is Chico was my favorite theory.

Kazelot was better

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I miss MGO2 very much

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He is japanese Venom snake. Not Big Boss

>Wot tug u so rong

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>I am Big Boss and you are too
He's Big Boss. Stop your headcanon fanfiction.

So if I say yu are me, you become me? You cant become someone you are not

>He literally ignored the truth ending
The Medic is another Big Boss. He talks like Big Boss, at least in the tapes, he sounds like Big Boss, he does stunts like Big Boss, and he is a warmonger like Big Boss. >455134480

He sounds like big boss, looks like a messed up big boss and has his memories. He doesnt have his intelligence, personality and goals though. He is just a double

I remember him making a sticky on Yea Forums that was about a mod when there were allegations about him being an EA shill.

I don't even regret doing that because I got a lot put of GZ. On the other hand, I regret playing TPP at all, nevermind paying it.

>only recently decided to pick it up
>paid 20 bucks for ground Zero and the Phantom pain
>so far having a good time
I'd say it was worth my money

>tfw remember when anons here were distraught when 4 turned 5 years old
>Next year TPP will be 5
For fucks sake can't time just slow down already?

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The source code says "TwoBigBoss". There are two Big Bosses. Now shut up.

But he does. Medic knows CQC and he knows how to run a fortress. He knows how to wage war. He has the intelligence and talent like Big Boss. The Medic is another Big Boss. He has A++ in all fields, just like Big Boss.

I think the only reason you keep saying that he's "LOLNOTHINLIKEBIGBOSS" is because you aren't playing the crazy psychopathic mullet freak in TPP.

>it’s been 5 years extactly, since Liquid Ocelot’s rebellion
>in a month, it will be a decade since the Big Shell Incident
I wonder how everybody still surviving stills about this, especially Raiden

1. We dont know what Big Boss had as a rank. He is probably stronger then venom
2. Venom has the goal of world piece and only changes because of the real Big Boss
3. The game makes a distinction between the two in the truth mission and through ocelot and miller. Ocelot even calls venom "soulless"
4. Nothing hints at his intelligence and talent. He has Kaz lead DD

--How are you people not constantly blaring about his turncoat bullshit? You MISS him? Fuck off. He sold you down the river. He was in with the SJW clique and was willing to sacrifice freedom of speech on this site in order to preserve it.

If only it were true.

I wish that 10 years from now a group of devs make a TC and implement every retarded fan theory into the game.

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I have 54 hours in GZ.

You keep saying lies without reason
The Outer Heaven Uprising was dedicated to literal warmongering, he was evil and he wanted to carry on Big Boss #1's plans for eternal war
So what, he's another Big Boss, just like the game states. The conversation is only there to point out the reason why Miller gets assassinated and why Miller is in FOXHOUND by MG2.
Big Boss is the leader, you fucking moron. He trains the soldiers and inspires them to do better. He also captures soldiers and forces them to join his army.

BTW, both Big Bosses are soulless warmongers, you know that, right? All warmongers lack soul.

Are you just gonna ignore the second ending?

>implying that one is stronger than the other
PW and TPP are different games, and the game never says that one is more superior, although you can see that Big Boss #2 can wield a sword out of fucking nowhere
I'm not even going to point out the fact that you never played MG1, which goes on to state how the uprising is warmongering terrorism and so is the Metal Gear that is being built, it's a literal terrorism device.
BTW Zanzibar Land is what Outer Heaven would be like had it been fully completed, so yeah keep jabbing at your fingernails, Big Medic is evil.
Actions matter more than words.
>implying the Ocelot/Miller conversation has any importance
Yeah, but the most important part is that Big Boss, the most important character in MGS says that Big Medic is Big Boss number two, so try again.
Ocelot and Miller are just side characters to play along the plot.
>implying Kaz is the leader
Have you even played PW?
Do you even understand how PMCs work?

What? The nuke ending? That was just a bunch of bullshit and that has no effect on MG1 whatsoever, where once again, "Big Boss", or the second one is participating in an evil warmongering scheme.

Also, the nuke disarmament ending is not canon as well and it's completely optional.

>Also, the nuke disarmament ending is not canon
lmao by what fucking headcanon faggot?

>the second ending

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It felt like 2 years what the fuck

1.Big Boss is stronger then Venom. He was his leader while in MSF and is the second antagonist. By the law of "next villain is stronger then previous one" big boss has him beat. Doesnt even have to be by that much too. Quiet is A++ in fighting ability yet loses to venom easily.
2. The casette tape is why Venom goes along MG1. Its sent from the real Big Boss because Venom still follows him. Venom didnt plan the uprising. Its not his goal since thats what ghe nuclear ending is about. Its all out of his loyalty to the real big boss
3. Big Boss meant no one will know Venom is a fake so he is him in a way. That doesnt change the fact its not him and just a look alike. Kaz and Miller are important and them mentioning this matters.

How do you know it isnt canon?


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dude wtf

That means it’s also been 5 years since Dark Souls 2


>By the law of "next villain is stronger then previous one" big boss has him beat.
OK, where the fuck did you pull that out from you fucking retard?
He's another Big Boss. Stop calling him a fake. He might be a distraction, but he's still "Big Boss". He's working with Big Boss to contribute to Big Boss as a figure. Sure, they might be completely different characters, one is not the other, but they share the same figure.
The uprising is about WARMONGERING and "Big Boss" perfectly knew this and went along with it because he's gay for Big Boss. He could have left at any time, but no, he decided to be loyal to his ass. "Big Boss" loved being evil and he was no better than Big Boss.
The mirror scene is there for a reason to show how he accepts his warmongering self.

has it really been five years? jesus fucking christ

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And i'm still mad.

What hurts the most is not the fact it being a demo, but a demo having more story and mgs feeling than the whole TPP.

And now it's al over, feelsbadman

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This is the first time I thought "yeah that seems about right" on a post like this.

>OK, where the fuck did you pull that out from you fucking retard?
Its how this all works. The same thing happens with Liquid too. Thats why Big Boss stands a change in 2 even though he lost in 1.
>The mirror scene is there for a reason to show how he accepts his warmongering self.
You pulled this out of your ass. The mirror scene was there to show him looking at who he has become with anger. He might be part of the legend but he is not the same person and therefore not big boss

> The casette tape is why Venom goes along MG1.
More like he loved being evil, do you even understand what the mirror scene is about
It's about Medic accepting and loving his role as Big Boss despite knowing that he will go along with doing wickedly horrible, twisted bad things.

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At least I had sex since 2014

But now I’m more depressed than ever

>Did the FOB event today
>Not really sure why

Why do I keep playing this game? Why can't I stop? The FOB event wasn't even that fun. I slaughtered everyone, stole all their shit and got to the objective.

How about no
He literally shows a face of happiness and joy, or at least a neutral smile

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>Venom didnt plan the uprising.
This is true, but we don't really know how enthusiastic Venom is or isn't about Outer Heaven; we just know he's ultimately complicit with it. That's bad enough, though.

DMC5 saved gaming for me, I was really jaded from MGSV but it did it.

Not the guy you're talking to but that looks more like grim satisfaction than joy, kind of like doomguy's bloodlust but scaled down.

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>muh remakes
What shitty, boring ideas.

>It's about Medic accepting and loving his role as Big Boss despite knowing that he will go along with doing wickedly horrible, twisted bad things.
When you punch a mirror, its usually out of anger. Especially when you see your evil version in the reflection after a whole game of trying to change it.
That doesnt look all that happy. Were in the game has Venom ever shown to be a villain?

Speak for yourself. The hype was out of control and reflected a repulsive lack of taste anyway. MGSV might be a mess of a game but I'm glad it's not some of the shit people were speculating it would be.

he's still here, buddy, he never left
he's just shitposting on futaba now since he's in nipland

>When you punch a mirror, its usually out of anger.
The key to reading that scene is in how he's punching his reflection, and how his reflection changes. He sees himself as a demon and punches the mirror, rejecting that view of himself. This makes sense given that we know he's on the Big Boss Train all the way through 1995, where he's even complicit with Outer Heaven.


You Xcucks still pushing this line?


I will go to my grave believing that some fan guessed the twist and Kojima pulled a Rian Johnson and just changed the story at the last minute. And I bet it does have something to do with Chico (who is not even in V and hardly even gets mentioned) maybe being Quiet (remember being ashamed of your words and deeds - this would have eternally blown the fuck out of the SJWs). Thinking about all the cut Chief Kief dialogue is really odd too, and I think there's more to it that Kojima just wanting to imitate Mad Max Fury Road.

It was about him accepting his demon. The point where he punches the mirror is the point where the time warp occurs, where he then becomes the antagonist. Look at the door with freecam; you can see an Outer Heaven logo.

He walks off coldly in a timid like fashion as if he was fine with his role.

>Lol when someone usually dances in a pink shirt as a male it usually means they're a faggot
>Lol when Yea Forums - Video Games shares an opinion in common it means that Yea Forums is one person
This is you. "X results in Y" logic is going to get you nowhere.

Yes, he rejects the demon in him. Thats the point. He hates what he became

>world piece
Fucking hell man go back to school

I remember when there were daily posters unironically defending Kazelot
That was some crazy fun time

>The point where he punches the mirror is the point where the time warp occurs,
No, the demon self is his future version. He sees himself and punches it and the broken mirror shows its the outer heaven logo. Him walking into the fog is him walking back into those ten years of mystery

You do know it was released on xbox right?

I got the Definitive Edition and never really touched Ground Zeroes again after the first few go around since I started Phantom Pain. But now that I think about it, I vaguely recall that Ground Zeroes had a much more interesting map than the areas in TPP. How come they never made anything like that map for the final game? OKB Zero and the Afghanistan Central Base Camp would have been cooler if they had maps like that.

>venom has the goal of world peace
>... by creating a nation of thousands of soldiers and trained killers that enforce their will wherever wanted with bipedal war machines that could single-handedly scorch the earth black in minutes

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No, he loves what he has became. He is complicit with warmongering, once again, which is what the Outer Heaven Uprising is. Warmongering and world domination.

>He hates what he became
That's not how I read the scene at all, though. The point is that he stops viewing himself that way and therefore throws out whatever moral reservations he still has about where his lifestyle is heading. If the point of that scene was simply "Venom hates what he's become! He hates being Big Boss!" it doesn't really make sense for him to stay on board for the rest of his life as Big Boss Lite, to the extent of helping steer the dream project Big Boss created.

They've been seething about Kojima ever since December 2015.

Despite how overpriced it was on release, Ground Zeroes was much better than the grindy, bloated mess TPP. If only they had made an entire game based on well designed maps like Camp Omega rather than the shitty worthless open world.

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>future version
WTF are you talking about
In the game, you gain demon status by doing actions in present tense
The hallucination that he sees in the ending before he punches the mirror is a result of his present and past actions.

Headcanon and goes against his whole character in V
Venom didnt literaly see the demon snake user. It just shows what he will become

>still this mad he trolled your board this hard

Did Venom still believe all that as he faced down Solid Snake in Outer Heaven?

His mg1 version is the demon. Thats why the outer heaven logo was in the mirror. Its venom seeing his future

Why do people get so hard over GZ's map? I thought it was unremarkable and a little linear. Is it the size? I always would have rather had densely designed interiors with sprawling hallways and room for strategy than 500 square feet of pavement/dirt with a few electrical boxes plopped down.

No, when Big Boss send him the tape he probably left that behind

>goes against his character in V
>lol a character cannot change in the ending
This is you. Big Boss experiences a massive character breakthrough and change in 3 and PW.

You are a fucking hypocrite.

Him being complicit with it isn't headcanon at all. It's the only reading of the events that make sense given where the timeline tells us he died.

post yfw September 1st 2024

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I like it. I think it was a decent fit for the quasi-Splinter Cell game design direction MGSV took the sneaking, while still being more open to variety and with faster pacing than any Splinter Cell game. The Soviet base in TPP was good for similar reasons.

What makes you think he changed? He didnt do shit to Huey right before this. The second ending is also proof he doesnt change.
Yes, but I think thats his evil future. Obviously by the end he is a bastard

>Outer Heaven logo
Hence the word "time warp"
>Him walking into the fog is him walking back into those ten years of mystery
How do you even know this

It's more likely that this is a time warp sequence given the cassette is all about N313, an operation that happened in 1995, approx. 10-6 years after the ending of MGSV.

The second ending is completely optional and may have took place before the Truth ending.

The way I saw it, Venom listens to the tape (wether he was also in the doublethink like Ocelot or not is up to interpretation) and grins when Big Boss calls him his own man and part of the legend, effectively becoming Big Boss
His grin reflects the fact that he knows he will have to die in his place hence the fact that he plays the intrude 313 tape effectively rewriting MG1
He's loyal to BB, but at the same time he can't stand the fact that he will once again be covered in blood, effectively becoming the bad guy
With the way it's presented though, it could be possible that the blood covered version of himself is just him about to die in Outer Heaven, effectively foreshadowing he's going to die

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Look up SaveMGO if you wanna play on the private server.

But you seem to believe the time warp happens after he punches the mirror, which doesnt add up to me.
Maybe, but Big Boss never believed that and never thought that was the Bosses will

And I bought a PS4 just to play it.
And I still believed that Phantom Pain was going to be good.

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You can play it even on a non-modded PS3 now
SAVEMGO made that happen

I think the time lapse is more symbolic than literal. It doesn't make sense for Venom to find out about his identity immediately before the events of MG1; nothing about that lines up, yet it's the other side of the tape that details his identity. I think the N313 tape is a reference to his fate and a bit of fanservice (it would make more sense for the tape to detail N312, since Gray Fox's capture was the excuse used to send Solid Snake in to begin with).

You know that one ending can take place before the other, right? They don't have to happen at the same time.

It is likely that the disarmament scene happened before the mirror punch scene.

>N313, an operation that happened in 1995
This is all you need to know.

>The time warp is more symbolic
I was also trying to point that out in the first place.

He grins because he likes it.

Again, even if the nuclear disarmament ending was before the truth ending, the ending with Liquid shows he still hates his demon self.

GZ is fun. TPP is trash.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the time lapse with the logo becoming Outer Heaven is more simbolic than an actual time lapse, the mirror cracks and he's seen walking into the darkness right after the Outer Heaven logo is shown, probably showing how he's heading straight for his death or becoming "evil"
I think that despite everything Kojima managed to both paint Venom as a martyr and Big Boss as the ultimate villain we were always promised without actually showing BB doing some evil stuff
The fact that BB went along ZERO's plan despite everything the man did and had no problem sacrificing many of his men including Venom and even Kaz show how much of a bastard he's become

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You're Big Boss.
OK, Big Boss. I'm going to keep doing the things I'm doing as Big Boss.
Woah, being Big Boss makes me evil. Being on the battlefield for many years makes a person do evil things, how shocking.
Heck, might as well be evil and punch this mirror. Who knows what I'll become.
Man, I love being evil now. I fully embrace being Big Boss and carrying on his obviously destructive psycho warmongering habits as a martyr. Maybe I'll get something out of this. I'm probably a sociopath now, who cares. Man, being Big Boss is fun.
Fan service reference to N313 and Metal Gear 1 just for fan service's sake to get the player interested in looking up Metal Gear 1.

Like it and you must, this is what the ending is all about.

That might have also happened before the Truth ending. It's also not even in the final game.

Well compared to anything in TPP, it's pretty great.

It mission 51 or something. Truth mission is 46

Why did Konami even fire Kojima. They made alot of money from MGSV and had enough to make Survive. Why didnt they make it episodic release like it was considered at one point? Surely they could finish the rest instead of making Survive. Or a remake of MG1 in fox engine since MGSV ties into it. Anything would be better than Survive. Seems to me like they just dont know what they are doing.

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>Mission 51
That's just made up.

>mission 51 or something
That was just a fan label, this would have probably occurred earlier in the game canon

His name is Big Boss.

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Factually incorrect

But it is. In MG1, he's named Big Boss.
You have to submit to the idea that he was named Big Boss at some point.

That's like trying to say that Naked Snake is not Big Boss. HE IS THE FIRST BIG BOSS, just like how Venom Snake is the SECOND BIG BOSS.

He was named Big Boss but he wasnt. People just thought he was. Thats the only reason hes called that. Jo kje would call him big boss if they found outvthe truth

I've played GZ more than MGS5, and I platinumed MGS5.

He demanded a new engine, took forever to make his game after it was finished, and probably refused to nickle and dime players with microtransactions.

*No one would call

She's cute my nigga

Who cares, he's officially named Big Boss by the time he's in Outer Heaven. He's a second Big Boss.

He abandoned the "Snake" moniker by MG1. If he's somehow "not Big Boss", then who is he by MG1 in terms of actuality? A random person named Joe? A medic? He stopped being Medic since Ground Zeroes and he stopped being Snake since who knows when.

He is himself but acting like Big Boss. Thats what he is retard

And I would do it again, MGS is the best series in gaming.

Because around that time Konami got a new president who wanted to shift more to pachinkos and mobile games. Didn't want to spend large amounts on AAA gaming anymore. That's all there is to it really, anyone telling you different is a retard kojima hater. They did this to all their franchises too so it isn't anything new.

He is himself, but what is the name of "himself"? He's acting like Big Boss, sure, but in history, he will be known as Big Boss and he liked being called Big Boss. That's what the smile is about in the Truth ending. Him accepting his role as Big Boss.

The story of TPP would be no different if the roles were somehow swapped between the two. Man up and call Medic "Big Boss".

never played this. always was a mgs fan though. should i?

i have it.

>the most anticipated game of all time arrived unfinished, thus gave every player the feeling of... a phantom pain

Is this what true art feels like?

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No, Big Boss was never like Venom and Venom never had the skill, intelligence and knowledge to do what Big Boss did. What people call him is irrelevant when they dont know what we know

Attached: This is a picture of Big Boss as well.jpg (296x170, 8K)

>Never had
LOL keep denying
You don't have any evidence and every attempt you have tried to show has backfired
Medic can run a base just like Big Boss
Medic can run Outer Heaven and is the most trusted one to do so
He knows all of Big Boss' CQC tricks.
He's Big Boss. Technically, another one.

Miller can run a base too. Venom even has Ovelots help. Irelevant
Venom only ran it for one mission that goes horribly wrong
Knowing Cqc doesnt make them just as skilled. Big Boss created them
Hes a double, not big boss

Attached: This is also a picture of Big Boss yet again.jpg (1024x576, 266K)

>never ever a game where you play as The Boss during WWII

Fuck this gay Earth.

Big Boss trains the soldiers and helps them learn combat technique.
You are making inferences from only one game. Big Boss #2 ran multiple missions in Outer Heaven given the time frame between TPP and MG1. Plus, N312 exists.
Yes, but he can practice CQC efficiently just like Big Boss. The CQC animations in TPP are the same as they are in Ground Zeroes. Nothing is different.
He's a second Big Boss. There are multiple points where the game states he is one, and the source code once again states "twoBigBoss". Officially, he is a second Big Boss and he accepts his role as Big Boss.


Attached: This is picture of Big Boss in Afghanistan.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Venom snake didnt know about OH before the tape. N312 was also a BB plan.
Practicing CQC means nothing. The animations for the staff are also the same. Doesnt mean they are BB level
Like I said, Miller and Ocelot only call him a phantom
He isnt BB

But those are all Naked Snake you triple sucking tounge twisting cockmongler.

Big Medic had a hard life

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Nope.Thats the medic

More like a bad year, not including his coma

>Venom snake didnt know about OH before the tape
Pretty sure you know nothing about that and that you have no evidence.
>BB plan
Uh, where is this implied.
>The animations for the staff are the same
Yeah and? In the canon, the staff likely need more practice
>A phantom
Sure, but a phantom is anything. He is BB's phantom, and is in a sense, Big Boss.

Reminder Solid Snake iced both faggots without effort and with odds stacked against him.

No, that's Big Boss. Those three pictures are all of Big Boss.

This board thinks in black and white, holy shit. It's like a fucking seesaw.
>Try to post "hurr Medic's not Big Boss"
>Get many replies that he is Big Boss
>Try to post "hurr Medic is Big Boss, another one"
>Get many replies that "LOLHE'SNOTBIBOLALALLALA"
Can you guys ever come to a fucking conclusion?

>Pretty sure you know nothing about that and that you have no evidence.
Its implied with the tape and Venom being in DD before this
>Uh, where is this implied.
Big Boss is Gray fox's boss. He knew about his mission. Or it could have even been himself running OH.
>Yeah and? In the canon, the staff likely need more practice
You are the one using in game animations as an argument
>Sure, but a phantom is anything. He is BB's phantom, and is in a sense, Big Boss.
In a sense, yes. But he isnt really

Thats because Big Boss was caught off guard. Still the best in cqc

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The tape contained nothing about OH. The only reason it had the reference to N313 was because of fanservice.
OK, sure, ingame animations mean nothing. Now, can a staff ingame sprint and run just like Big Boss for indefinite amounts of time?
Here's a fact. Big Boss #1 in GZ and Big Boss #2 and TPP are the only ones in MGSV that can dash indefinitely.
He is in a sense, and he is Big Boss. He's just like him. He's the next one to rise and take over the world until the other one comes back when it's time.

>People like the trainwreck that is Phantom Pain now
Why do I even bother with Yea Forums.
Most people have shit taste, constant pointless flamewarbait threads, pointless discussions about trannies for some reason, threads with actual video game discussion die quickly, I could go on but what's even the point?
You people sicken me.

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Dashing means nothing lol. Its in game you fag. Also BB createc OH while Venom ran DD. No reason to think Venom ran OH before the tap

sorry bro, didn't realize you were upset

fuck off idiot.

But if it somehow meant nothing, then why can both Big Bosses dash indefinitely while staff wheeze?

It surely, I don't know, has something to possibly do with the fact that it could might be..... canon?



I still haven't finished TPP.

Big Boss ruined Metal Gear

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>No MGS2 remake

Shame MGS 5 was never finished

I whole heartedly agree. He ruined his own world and ours. Solid is the true hero. Fuck Big Boss.

R.I.P. /mgg/

Yes, but later, Medic ran Outer Heaven.
But to think that he would have ran Outer Heaven after he learned about the tape is a bit ambiguous.

Solid Snake
Big Boss

Mgs3 snake is best snake. Venom is worst snake

T. Boomer

Funny, I actually played it for free on xbox.

I felt legit bad for him when he came crawling back after the luggage lad debacle. Basically did a "H-hey guys, w-what's up?", and people tore him a new hole for it.
The dumb fuck fell right into the pussy trap.

Did Caramel commit suicide?