Google Stadia fans = Gooblers?

Google Stadia fans = Gooblers?

What do we call them?

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goob in loo

I dunno ChiComs or Traitors I guess


>What do we call them?

How does a multi million dollar corporation not understand the significance of input delay?

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They literally called themselves Googlers

>What do we call them?
You're assuming there will be any of them in the first place

They look at console players and the input delay they are dealing with and think they won't notice if it suddenly got a lot worse.

At some point, a corporation gets so big that it becomes unable to make decisions that a single rational human being would make.

this or Retardias


who is their target audience?
>pc gamers
nope, no need of this service
>console players
possibly, but its not like this service will have pc exclusives instead of just AAA games

I just dont see a market for this

They're normies. Just keep calling them normies. Only normalfags would see bullshit like laggy streaming bullshit and go "omg wow innovation it's like im really in the jetsons".

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Thequartering also isn't a gamer but Yea Forums decided he was the ambassador of gaming?



probably because there's retards out there willing to put up with it, same reason why people keep buying iphones like its the best thing ever. Sure as there are apple zealous cocksuckers, there will be google zealous cocksuckers


goo goblins

some may suggest that giving an irrational actor the same rights as a normal person might not be a good idea



No bro they eliminated input delay because the controller connects to the data centre directly over its inbuilt wifi.

The inputs from the controller use the wifi broadcast by your home internet connection

And then that travels through the internet to the data centre where it's processed and then the command is streamed back to you

Where you download it over the same consumer internet connection..

Wait fuck no let me start again hold on.

the people who will buy into this arent going to know what input lag means.

price to be seen, but I guess it is for people without pc or consoles.

Also, this is only pc games right? They were talking about cross saving but I wasnt paying attention to the conference desu

Goobers would be fine, but that was kinda taken during the GG falseflagging

I noticed they avoided the word "gamer" throughout the presentation

What did we call ouya's owners? Yeah, that's right.

>multi million dollar corporation
It's the suits at the top who see services like Spotify and Netflix and say
They don't know about input delay and they almost definitely don't care.

They don't even exist

Goo in loo.


It's just another venture for Google, they don't really have anything riding on this one, it's not a make it or break it moment. If it's another way to get money and data then they're happy, if it flops it's meh.

Well no way in hell Sony would let their exclusives on this one.


>Press the spoonfeed button

Jesus Christ....

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>like it’s the best thing ever
no, android is just clearly fucking awful

I LOVE your streaming games, Jade!

But guys . . . Every game through Stadia is Jade's game.

they perfectly understand the significance
normaltardfag idiots don't know, which is why they'll never bring it up

This. I can just see some suits' face absolutely glowing knowing he beat Amazon and Microsoft in his little perceived race to "make Netflix for games" because games and DVDs are the exact same, right? They both used to come on discs, right? Not that he cares.
I just wish I could see his face when it bombs, not that he will ever bother to understand what he's trying to sell and how impossibly stupid it is

Will jade be my gf if i subscribe day one?

Leadership in large companies come from people who are seen as good leaders because they went to good schools, universities and had connections to rise through management roles quickly, they spend their entire lives in a bubble disconnected from reality and rely on other people, without understanding the underlying principles that drive products, marketing or even people.

Some executive at google said
>Netflix, but for games!
Then some guy in marketing said
>Yes, streaming is all the rage right now, this will be easy to sell
Then some woman in focus group analysis said
>We said 'Netflix, but for games!' and people said it was a great idea, of the 10 people from California we asked who were all 'average joes' 7 liked the idea, 2 were interested and 1 said no, we can extrapolate this to mean 75% of the population love this idea
And some guy at Goldman said
>Yes, based on these arbitrary numbers we made up with some dodgy accounting, this will please the shareholders, and gaming is big, and streaming is big, lots of money, here is my bill its seven figures as usual
Then that exec sent an email to the engineers and said
>We want you to make a gaming streaming service
So the engineers sent a email back and said
>That isnt going to work because of input delays due to the large package information being send over ser-
Then the exec didn't read the rest of the email and said
>This has been vetted by experts within the company and industry broadly and its a great idea either get started or ill find someone who will
So the engineer crawled under his desk and cried and made this streaming platform

Welcome to post-modern capitalism. Where authority translates to legitimacy.

its really all just a ploy to gather more data...tracking which streamers you watch and your habits... then push ads through youtube or sponsor the streamer

tax write off

ah shit they got gooblers here?

This post hurts my soul.

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Stadia shits
I can already see how someone fucks it up
>Be mega youtuber
>Want to stream
>Fans jump in, thousands of people at once and the game crashes
>Mic is always on
>Background noses are heard
>Get banned because of something you said out of game
>companies learn that they can't make DLC and start to only throw "shovelware" on it


So from what I understand instead of playing the game directly this service is them streaming a video of the game running somewhere else and you sending the controls to wherever that gaming center is? What's even the point is it just for people with shit computers or who are shit with computers?

I think it's simpler than that. They know it sucks, but they think people will use it anyways because it's a Google product and people already use a lot of Google products. It doesn't need to be good, it only needs to be good enough and marketing and brand will do the rest and if it fails, they will force you to use it when you download Google Play or something, just like Google plus.
This is the chinese approach, "good enough", chabuduo I believe it's what they call it.

pajeets are small people, so he's a small gamer
Google is a nightmare.


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We can't call them anything because stadia isn't a console

That's terror. Terror built into the system.

>loved saying goobers
>haven't been able to in 5 years.
>used to love saying boomer as an insult, now can't do that either because monster shills ruined that for me too.

>multi million dollar corporation
I'm sure it's been said but it's a [nearly] trillion dollar corporation. The size of these companies is beyond normal comprehension.

I think just Gooble sounds fine

The intelligence of a group is measured by the lowest of it's membership divided by it's size.

Has very good synergy with "One of us!"

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How about Crabs?




Literally whom?

Because google is full of retards and diversity hires.
Google got lucky a long time ago in becoming the big search engine, and has been using the money from that to subsist ever since

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Not bad. Not bad.

Sundar Pichai is a Steve Jobs esque visionary. You see Google provides many cloud based services that lots of people use. So naturally they will totally want to use a cloud-based gaming platform made by google.

>they just need to solve the input latency issues by rewriting the laws of physics

Normalfags are consolecucks who don't care

you didn't watch the announcement video? they solved that problem by using quantum entanglement to teleport quarks from your input device to the cloud and back

Goobers is an actual word

>Dude, Netflix worked with this industry, it will surely work with this other entertainment industry.

People who don't actually play video games are the target audience.

People are already perfectly willing to play any game on their fucking tiny phone touchscreen with virtual buttons, I don't think input delay is really going to phase them

That would mean there is a corresponding console/PC in their HQ for every Stadia user.

Anybody else thought that this was the kid who was arrested for taking apart clock and having it look like a bomb?

If you'd ever played ANY moba or rts online you'd know this argument of
>hurr durr laws of physics iz too slow xD
is fucking retarded
that said there's no way they can pull off with even halfway decent image quality with an average internet connection without literal magic compression algorithms

It seems ridiculous, and it will probably fail, but I wouldn't want to bet against it too hard. "Acceptable" can be pretty powerful. See all the people playing console games at 30fps, playing heavily compressed music on shit speakers, eating produce with barely any taste. "Good enough" is a powerful thing even when it's objectively shit, at least if you throw in enough marketing.

I can only hope that the latency/speed of light limitations do ruin this because it's a true nightmare on every other level. Google's horrible dream cucked by fundamental physical constants - based universe.

Don't we already call them SJWs? Why change?

>just upgraded my PC to a 2080
>Google announces Stadia
>normalfags will be able to get the same gaming performance as me on their phone

did I fuck up Yea Forums?

Even if the latency issues were a complete non-factor I'd be skeptical of this service's viability. Part of the reason Netflix is successful is that it's universal; if you have an account you can use it to watch movies from a game console or a smart TV or your phone. But you need some sort of controller to play games, which limits its basic availability to PCs, game consoles, and phones. But game consoles are probably never going to offer this because Sony and Microsoft won't want Google stepping in on their turf, and I think the high-end PC enthusiast market will choose the traditional business model over one that costs less but is less stable. That leaves lower-end PCs and phones, and the problems with traditional gaming on phones are well documented. I struggle to think of a market that would broadly embrace this to a degree that could sustain the business model.

Gotta have some diversity points during the hiring process
talent is largely optional

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The mainstream switch to streaming, the cloud, all of this will inevitably lead to the ideal consumer class whose tastes can be managed and catered to in real time, ephemerality by design will lead to a ruthless curation and culling of any inconvenient elements- this console will likely flop but it's a herald of the things to come. You heard about the MySpace crash, where they just lost over a decade's worth of music? Next time it won't be an accident.

Considering how they censor shit and probably have their uvulas bruised by cock on a regular basis:: Gagglers

So not only is he a moron he also sees visions?

Because they're incels who play on inceLEDs and not ChadRTs so of course they wont notice input lag

Sta= standing firm
dia= disease
Stadia is a disease that will plague the gaming world for years to come.

>Client based games.
Then you're not actually streaming games retard.

and when did I say you were?
since you're clearly too fucking dumb to infer what I meant, I'll spell it out for you
>you can play mobas and rts games online wherein each action must sync with a server/other players hundreds of miles apart
>this is capable of being delivered with no noticeable latency (


>post-modern capitalism
i don't think its fair to blame this on capitalism. would you rather have communism? there are more specific things within the the framework of American "capitalism" that are to blame.


>Announces new gaming platform
>"Uh, I don't really play games."

truly a promising showing. Such enthusiasm.

Of all of these, being proudly bipolar is the one that gets me the most. Why would you be proud to be a literal brainlet.

low-end consumers proved that they don't care about visual feedback delay in the 360/ps3 era of 20fps of cinematic

You think normies will even know or give a shit what this is?

And then the testers which are my people hear all this and say

>FUCK. OFF. This is going to be a broken nightmare and there's no possible way we'll be able to account for every way this could go wrong in modern situation

Before management tosses another pile of manure on them, and then lays off half of them three months before the public rollout.

they're hoping on normalfags who don't get shit like that to shift the overton window for them. it might, it might not. if this thing takes off and gaming actually does become more of a streaming service thing (which it probably will), then I will know for sure that it's time for me stop playing vidya.

Mobas and RTS are built from the ground up to handle remote connection issues like latency, and it can still be a problem.
Your ported version of Assassin's Creed won't be, nor any first generation game on it.

That's not the worse thing he said.

He said he liked Fifa 2019.

Googlers are Google employees.

paid shills.

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diversity hires and promotion
Just look at how Youtube is run now

can agree with you there, I'm not saying stadia is gonna be any good, I'm just saying its not impossible for game streaming to be done right

Because Mobas and RTS use a lot of client-side tricks to smooth it out?
Do you even know about the shit you're arguing about?

They'll get the same performance, 2 seconds later.
Which is actually a pretty huge deal considering videogames are time-critical applications.

rts servers don't have to render your game on top of handling your input.

>its gonna be shit because of the niggers
>niggers came up with this idea
You're all kinds of stupid.

(((Larry Page))) Ceo of alphabet and Cofounder of google
(((Sergey Brin))) Cofounder of google

The Indian is a figure head, Google is a jew company founded by jews

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Poo in the cloud

I guess if you consider getting feedback from your input an entire second or later to be the same performance, sure.

This is a PR Stunt, the incompetence of this device is just an attempt to convince the populace into thinking that Google aren't as capable as they actually are.

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pure autism, nowhere did I argue that stadia won't have input lag problems, I'm just saying it is physically POSSIBLE for a game server to render your game and deliver the frames to you with reasonable latency

You know Goobler, Google will still pay you even if you can't defend their garbage service well. Just tell them you're a trans-fag with burned off genitals (also actually burn them off in case they want to see it, also for breeding prevention) and they'll make you lead of a game stdio for the STD. Ya goobler.

>Proudly bipolar
Oh dude I wish I had the guts to turn my own diseases into an identity like that.

And its possible to crack SHA-512 encryption through brute force, but is nowhere near being pragmatically possible.

>proudly bipolar
>Uncharacteristic periods of anger and aggression.
>Grandiosity and overconfidence.
>Easy tearfulness, frequent sadness.
>Uncharacteristic impulsive behavior.
>Confusion and inattention.
Nice, I wonder how many co-workers she has not only snapped at over nothing but actually murdered so far.

>"I'm actually not a big gamer"

So they want the Yea Forums audience?

All the actual gamers in the company refused to do the presentation because of how much of a joke the product is.

>Proudly bipolar

How is one proud of being mentally deficient?

that's like me telling people I'm proudly have a really disgusting looking wart-covered flaccid cock.

Im proudly schizophrenic

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How is this any different from OnLive a decade ago?

Now its Google backing it

I can tolerate pretty much everything in that screenshot but this.

Google is owned by the jews btw
Larry page ceo of alphabet jewish and cofounder of google
Sergei Brin cofounderof google jewish

Underrated prophet



Based and crushing reality pilled

Every time I see the term "normie" used, I assume the person that used it is also one. You're no better than anyone else.


>consoles exist

It is capitalism, it's just that communism would be the same as but those clueless executives are in charge of literally everything including the food supply.

Everything about Stadia would work in a world that's not shit like it is now.
I wish I was born in the early 1900s. Fuck this timeline, I hate the 2000s.

i always assume it's some huge loser who's never been called out on being a loser and because of that assumes he isnt a loser at all

Lucky for me, I, along with everyone I've ever met, think I'm one of the biggest losers.

>Early 1900s.
>Get eaten by mountain lion walking out to the outhouse to take a shit.

Still preferable to existing alongside the Stadia.

no but they will experience it

>it's just that communism would be the same as but those clueless executives are in charge of literally everything including the food supply.

Ain't that the fucking truth.
I don't consider myself a libertarian at all, I disagree with some of the major tenets.
But I completely understand the dangers of mass centralization, like we see in communist/socialist nations. And why monopolies are illegal.
Don't get me wrong, competition is good.
I'm interested to see how Ninty, Sony, and MS react.
But I absolutely hate what Google is doing with Stadia, mass centralization of gaming, game streaming, and development doesn't sound good to me.

You ask a question that I think you know the answer too, the google name brings a prestige and resources to the product that OnLive never had. Google has the backend, software and devices to make this happen.

By all accounts OnLive should have succeeded, but it was quite literally ahead of its time, the infrastructure wasn't present. 5G is basically imminent and will majorly change consumer connectivity speeds

>By all accounts OnLive should have succeeded
Not really, streaming games is an inherently unworkable system until quantum computing or something equivalent is consumer grade.

i'm not sure how many there are but there are people who actually won't notice. i once had a room mate who was trying to play fps and racing games on a tv with like .7 seconds lag and he never noticed. he even called me an austist when i asked if we could use a different display. he was just used to games being slow and never questioned it. i think people will just accept it without thinking about what it means for them. the big lag will affect game design even moreso than it does now. there will be stadia exclusives and if the platform succeeds all the multiplat action games will basically be for retards and babies because they have to work with the stadia lag PLUS hdtv lag.

They have nothing to compare that experience to. Most have probably only played mobile games.

PSNow exists

Yep, it does exist. It's also terrible and barely used.

Yes because Sony sucks. Google has literal sub sea cables which handle a quarter of the world's internet traffic

Goofy Gooblers

>muh input lag
This is a way to sell fiber to people you absolute morons. Monthly payments are more valuable than anything to a business if you can get people paying them.

I just look at this street shitter, and all I see is Jeff Bezos's little puppet.