So boys, how is WoW doing?

So boys, how is WoW doing?

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its still boring

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free weekend 21st through 24th

its shit
>free weekend
it has never happened ever during wows history game is dying.

PVP is shit PVE(which was something that kept people in is shit)

surprised its not gone free to play. they don't even have a million subs anymore.

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Happened in legion...

Retail is absolutely soulless and boring. Going home soon though

It's pretty average.

reeeeeeeeeee I wanna play as fat humans but the rep grind in order to rep grind is gated.

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>have to rep grind to play new races

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>buy current expansion
>but wait, grind the timegated content!

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Pretty un-fun, unfortunately.
I got roped into coming back by some RL buddies and now they're re-quitting as well.
Nothing you do feels like it "matters" - i know that's a cliche and fits into "its a video game, of course it doesn't matter" but still. Upgrading your power feels unrewarding, arena which i love is dead'ish and absolutely bonkers horrible, wpvp has been dead for a long time but is even more dead now, no real server identities, friends are all disposable, every class feels "same'ish" with too few things to do.

It's a little goofy since the world is gorgeous, the amount of detail they put into so many small things is insane. The music is outstanding, the quests are stupid but incredibly competent. The story is dumb as shit but still can feel quite engaging at times even if you personally didn't do anything (literally not a thing) to advance it.
i wasn't a fan of Legion either so take that for whatever you want, and just like a lot of others have already said numerous times, this xpac feels a lot like legion-lite.
My initial goal was just to play to unlock kul'tiran and zandalari, but i no longer give enough of a shit to suffer through the chores. and without my friends playing im not able to power through the rest.
At least in WoD I was able to stick around for arena with buddies and even then i felt like that was as garbage as arena could get. But I was way way way wrong.

It doesn't help that they double down on horrible decisions and time-gate everything hardcore to maintain the dwindling playerbase. It really does feel like it's two games at the moment - one for tryhard poopsockers pushing high end raiding, and one for "soccer mom" casuals collecting toys/pets/mounts. And no inbetween, or whatever does exist inbetween is simply mashing buttons with no way to fail.

i wan't wow 2

The art team is doing fantastic, imagine having new tools and tech for them. Doubt we'll ever get it though.

lets make it all rng on rng competitive

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>Exclusive to google's streaming platform and smartphones.

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>current devs
>wow 2
why the fuck would you ever wish for that

free for 3 hours of gametime or until you complete the BFA introductory quest
so more like free to click the subscription button


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I have the gold to play for like 3 years consecutively but retail is fuckin poop garbage.
I'm debating just cashing out now while token prices are low to use them when classic comes out.

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>I'm debating just cashing out now while token prices are low to use them when classic comes out.
That would be a good idea. If nothing else you can turn those tokens into bnet store money for war3 remastered or whatever, right?

>Have enough to never worry about paying for years before I unsubbed
>Retail is the worst it's ever been and not worth coming back to
At least put some of the older good games on the store so I can hand out copies.

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No you don't.

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>age of reckoning died fast
>40k mmo never got out of development
feels shit.
I know about the WAR pserver but it's not the same, and has all the same issues that other corrupt private servers have. Still neat for nostalgic value but not something I feel like investing time in. I could bark more but it would be typical private server nonsense.
Semi-related, I'm lucky enough to have a buddy that can afford to spent way way too much on warhammer tabletop shit and goddamn that is FUN. Nothing comfier than drinking beers (or whatever) and playing tabletop with some friends. It's cheesy but makes me feel like a kid again, paging through old dragon magazines that my uncle had or something.

It's hopeless.
Although roleplay is pretty good. Since all the capital cities are empty it feels like everyone has really gone off to war.