High-power graphics cards become obsolete

>High-power graphics cards become obsolete.
>PC building becomes almost entirely irrelevant
>Pride and culture of the mustard race in absolute ruin.
"S-shut up consolefags!! M-my game's graphics are processed by daddy google!!"

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oh yeah, game streaming sure is grea-
>Connection interrupted, closing game

what happened

>High-power graphics cards become obsolete.
I know you're baiting, but graphics cards have use beyond games.

Google finally announced what their "console" will be. It is a streaming game service. So it is On-Live 2.0. Some tards think this will kill Xbox, Playstation, and Steam.
It will be Google Plused in a few years.

Does it not use my computers gc when it streams it?

no shut up, it's magic

Apparently you can play a AAA game on a toaster with Stadia.


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It’ll process it the same way it processes hd or 4K video


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means it can't work on a celeron for example

>High-power graphics cards become obsolete.
wrong. the strength of console graphics cards will never be able to compete with PC graphics cards. plus we have multiple purposes for the graphics cards besides video games.
>PC building becomes almost entirely irrelevant
building your own PC or buying pre-built PCs are just preferences. it used to be cheaper to build your own PC, but nowadays the price gap between these two options are getting thinner. building your own PC has always been a viable, inexpensive option.
>Pride and culture of the mustard race in absolute ruin.
PC still ranks #1 in being able to handle frame rates above 60 at very high settings and resolution, as well as having the biggest library of all consoles combined in all of history (including emulation). you can also multi-task with your browser and watch YouTube/Netflix, anime, programming, work, take online college courses, create video games, stream on Twitch/YouTube, and a whole lot more. investing in a really good PC is very rewarding.
>"S-shut up consolefags!! M-my game's graphics are processed by daddy google!!"

>>High-power graphics cards become obsolete.
>>PC building becomes almost entirely irrelevant
I fucking wish.

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>Putting this much effort in response to bait


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OP is referring to Stadia.

Please dont insult g+

>Nonsense shitpost
Oh wow its nothing

I play on GOG you Steam-cuck

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Only Playstation Now is dead and Xbox is prolly winning the next generation. But I don't care as I'm a PC gamer playing Space Engineers