>enemies can move while you're in menus
Enemies can move while you're in menus
what a manlet cuck
how do self checkouts work in areas that have lots of blacks and hispanics?
very painfully
I usually write up that I'm purchasing cheap items but I'll treat myself to some expensive nice groceries. Everyone should do the same, self check out is a meme
whats even going on there
The same as anywhere else.
based zoomer, doesn't take shit from no terminal
Line move very slow, niggers scanning entire shopping carts worth of junk, and the machines break down.
>saving in alien: isolation
They usually have employees eyeing them.
Stealing has literally never been easier. I always take some free extra items
some scripted bong meme
upvoted my fellow based magapede
You're a tall ugly man
Is that a kid or a retard manlet? Genuinely can't tell by OP's shitty fucking image.
thats not true, that patted down on the way out at my local walmart. the guy by the door is always more thorough with the coloreds.
You need glasses dipshit.
With machine gun turrets locked on them
>He steals
Wow racist much? I hope you get cancer and your entire family dies bigot
You need a better WEBM, nigger.
my walmart changed so that's impossible without getting caught
the checkouts aren't in a line, they are boxed in together in a square and they all have cameras like atms
they don't, they just walk out the door and dab lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Why would you give money to kikes when you can avoid it?
Well that's based on the individual who monitors the checkout, isn't it? Maybe you should have a talk with the manager if you believe its skewed.
>manlet embarrasses himself in front of a tall beauty
And the world keeps on spinning.
Based libcuck telling it like it is.
>Things that never happened
>I hope you get cancer and your entire family dies
Is that supposed to hurt me? Bitch literally NOTHING could make my life worse as a white middle class american, I'm literally part of the most oppressed minorities to have ever lived on the face of the earth.
updialated my fellow tranny
what the fuck emma?
That manlet blasted the tall mans head off
If I scan items too efficiently the machine tells me to wait for assistance. Then someone comes over and it shows footage of me scanning and bagging, I guess it's so they can catch people trying to steal, but it bugs me. My years of wagecucking allow me to scan and bag quickly, just lemme do it bro
The worst part is that the camera is above the checkout, so the footage shows my bald spot in all its glory
Why would you choose to *be* a covetous nigger-Jew by stealing?
I scan most of my groceries as bananas it ends up being cheaper.
This. I don't even get what the fuck is happening.
It doesn't really apply to one race but when a fucking retard scans like a hundred items or more the machine goes into a fuck fest and is basically ruined until it gets reset after the store closes. This usually happens at the Kroger I work at.
Should we start calling a duck a pig? What do you want us to say, a lie?
>I'm literally part of the most oppressed minorities to have ever lived on the face of the earth.
There is less white people than blacks and hispanics respectively. Who is the minority?
White people are on a demographic decline that if it continues WILL lead to extinction.
The media, corporations, colleges, and government are actively anti-white and encourage policies and laws and propaganda that actively support white extinction, this makes it genocide.
Whites are the only race I can think of that is being genocided in modern times, so yeah.
When I was working self checkout the first person to attempt to steal was some white girl with a bunch of makeup. We aren't supposed to do much but I'd always have one of my cart pushers get their license plate number.
There's all kinds that steal people's credit/debit cards and try to to use them to get $25 gift cards one at a time because the system only manually notifies the attendant for id checks on $50 or more gift card purchases. Some people are smart and only do one gift card and get away with it. If you just stand there and do this 15 times you will get caught. It gets flagged and cameras are checked.
Also had a black guy steal beer with a getaway driver outside. And a black lady using her maybe 6 year old kid be on the look out while she rings everything up as bananas.
Excuse me but Emma is an Ally of Justice. Please be respectful.
Actually, hurting the enemy is in fact not stealing. I pirate all my games too by the way.
I stole your moms virginity, fucking bitch
link to video?
t. under 6'
End your existence
As a self-scan attendant, you see some of the dumbest fucking shit. Even people who seem like they're of average intelligence can be reduced to complete morons by these things. It doesn't help that the system at the store I work at is fucked and the only improvement that's been made is just cameras that record a person's face while they scan, and they were added this week.
The only people caught legitimately stealing from self-scan since I've been at this store were a white mother and daughter tricking the employees by bagging things before going through to look like they just forgot one or two things.
he probably didn't understand how the scanner worked so he tried playing around with it to get it to work but ended up scanning the same item hundreds of times, bringing his sum total to probably a few hundred dollars.
totally agree fellow magapede, the BBC of mass destruction is genociding us by taking all white girls.
And you think minimum wagers are carefully watching those cameras right? Lmao I guess it deters brainlets. I scan like half my shit. Even if they did catch you, "oops must have missed a few, it's been a long day". It's not like it's your fucking job to scan and bag that shit.
>We aren't supposed to do much but I'd always have one of my cart pushers get their license plate number.
>There's all kinds that steal people's credit/debit cards and try to to use them to get $25 gift cards one at a time because the system only manually notifies the attendant for id checks on $50 or more gift card purchases. Some people are smart and only do one gift card and get away with it. If you just stand there and do this 15 times you will get caught. It gets flagged and cameras are checked.
That reminds me of when a co-worker got tricked by a guy on the telephone asking for gift card numbers saying they were from upper management. The girl got sacked for being a dummy, but I hope she learned her lesson.
There's someone watching you. Not only that there's a camera and screen that's showing a recording of yourself of everything you do at the self checkout.
make up is the number one shrinkage department at virtually every retail store ever.
How is it stealing? It's not like you have bought the item in the first place
isnt that how a kid tried to buy a PS4?
Yes and you're not even allowed to point out that your race is being genocided.
They try to silence anyone who sheds light on that.
Is this the average american?
I just usually scan my items, pay, and go about my life.
t. A black guy
Yeah, he would have gotten away with it two if he didn't go back the next day for another one
>how do self checkouts work in areas that have lots of blacks and hispanics?
They don't.
Manlets should be gassed
You're the one who actually said it.
>>We aren't supposed to do much but I'd always have one of my cart pushers get their license plate number.
I should mention there's a good reason you aren't supposed to get involved. My old manager had a knife pulled on her when she confronted someone for stealing. And there are stupid people who will shoot you over some makeup or beer. It's not worth it for a job that doesn't even pay a livable wage.
But ya, I had buddies that would keep their distance and grab info like that for when we called the police. Doing nothing just lets people get away and tell other thieves that your store is just an easy target.
You just slowly and carefully scan it once, maybe rub the barcode to get dust/residue off or stretch it out if there's a crease, or just get the console up and type it in if it doesnt beep the first time and it looks faded, and then you place it on the packing area that checks the weight, then wait a second so the machine confirms, then scan the next item and do the same until you're ready to pay. Its very very easy to do and even a mentally disabled person with learning difficulties I know can manage using one just fine.
People who go bananas at self service make themselves look like impatient retards. If it doesn't work just move onto the next machine and if someone's about who's working on self-scan just politely tell them there's an issue and you've moved.
The machines have some flaws, but honestly its not much different (or really that much quicker) than going to an available basket till.
damn, i mean, I live in tacoland and to me having expensive products on display so you can just grab the whole thing and go pay it at the cashier is just weird to me (obviously because everybody wants to steal shit if they can here).
So the concept of self-checkout sounds asinine and alien to me.
Still, what a dumbass kid.
Not always, lotta self hating manlet sissies around
No one is actively genociding you, you're genociding yourself by being a loser who has memed himself into literally never breeding.
Demographic decline is not genocide, you are creating a need to be replaced.
I love it, retards like you brag about and continue to steal, not knowing there are cameras everywhere and they're adding up all your thefts for a felony.
t. manlet sissy projecting
White people opt for fucking stuffed animals and boy-pussy, while white women go for BBC. Truly the worst genocide history has ever witnessed.
He probably would have gone for a third if he didn't get caught. Kid's a moron.
If i wanted my own comeback, I'd wipe it off your moms face.
Why are you jealous of some edgy teens, user?
They are fucking annoying and work like shit, I will keep stealing energy drinks and dropping chewing gum on the floors until they fix them
>Demographic decline is not genocide,
No, but anti-white propaganda, laws, policies, and mass immigration is what makes it genocide and not just demographic decline.
Big brain thinking there
Pro tip, those cameras are used only if you are caught shop lifting. They dont actually sit there and watch them. You just need to pay attention to the people at self check out. Figure out what times are covered by young people that hate their jobs. I save thousands a year on groceries.
Except none of those things exist outside of your delusions.
You don’t think I can spot cameras and I rotate stores on the regular? I have been doing this since I was a kid.
This is why conscription should be mandatory and effective.
>huwhite men dont want huwhite women
>huwhite women dont want huwhite men
They have a security guard watch over the self checkout stations and people who check your receipt when you're leaving the store to see if it matches what you have
t. Californian
Why is it that anything that's designed to protect people who aren't on the spectrum of white is 'anti-white'?
As for the concept of 'white', I would think you're an identifiably different race to a pure european white like me much in the same way a philipino is not the same as a jap.
>stealing poison
God, do you even read what the fuck you post? I know this isn't ironic because this is what inbred fucks actually spout. Pathetic.
What I really don't get is the people complaining about how much they fucking hate white women while also complaining about 'white genocide'.
Just embrace your fucking degenerate pedophile incel self and be a drain on the society that you obviously hate so much, or suppress your degeneracy and misogyny and breed. Those are your two fucking options, guys, and i think you'd all prefer the first.
It's true. Don't you know that game X has one black member in the cast? That's anti-white propaganda right there.
The fact that he puts it in the bin makes me irrationally mad.
same. the grocery story now has the machine announce whatever you're typing in, but little do they know that roma tomatoes and red tomatoes both just say "TOMATOES," yet they're hugely different in price. Likewise with russet potatoes and sweet potatoes. those are the only two lifehacks that i know, though
I’m retarded as fuck and even I know how to self checkout, just scan it once, and enter cash, grab your receipt and get out.
Low income locations simply dont get self checkout areas.
This is what many people don’t understand. There is no one sitting and watching hours of footage everyday, they will only watch it when they have suspicions and look for evidence.
Surveillance is mostly used to scare people from doing something illegal and it works.
No you don't understand!
New Jersey literally banned cashless stores because of this.
You think they don't communicate with each other?
you're saying that ppl aren't watching me take a malt ball every time that i walk past the candy aisle?
Back to whatever libtard shithole you came from you subhuman tourist
t. under 7'
fuck off
Self checkouts are just there so they don't have to employ as many people but the dumbass customers have been convinced they are their for their benifit.
gr8 respons
Not white genocide, white suicide
It's mainly progressive whites that are for mass immigration and for abortion.
>He's illiterate
YIKER'S Island
But what about the real percentages?
Fuck, we're being overtaken. Clearly it's the one black guys fault for me being an overweight uneducated fuckhead because he took my job. I don't know what reality has to hit these guys in the head until they realize bitching about everything changes nothing and only makes you feel like a victim and perpetuates the cycle.
my grocery store employees literal retards to bag groceries, so the self checkouts are a godsend.
It's really nice to have a very fast cashier/bagger, but they are in the vast minority these days.. Most of the time you're better off just checking out solo.
Yeah also many think there is some donut eating security guard sitting on the other side of the cams watching your every move live
Nope. Walmart's system is definitely more advanced than ours, a more regional chain in the US. Apparently we have worse self scan units than other locations too. Our belts are meant to weigh things as they go down and use sensors to detect that an item was actually placed, but it's so bugged that its a pain, and people have no clue that it weighs things in the first place because there's no signage or instructions. The produce lookup is trash compared to the ones cashiers use as well, for no reason. Half a dozen common items aren't there and another 3-4 have bugged buttons that put in standardized prices for per-lb items.
Been here probably before you were born you shithead. Your mother vagina is probably still warm, go crawl back up there.
I have literally never been caught and I will continue to acquire free goods.
>If I wasn't a fat lipped savage with sub-65 IQ people would treat me more equitably
Exactly! Wake up, sheeple!
self scans are the worst fucking thing ever.
>cant scan more than one item every 10 seconds
>every item is flagged as its "incorrect weight" and takes 3 attempts to place in bag area..
>still need to prove age to an assistant because "age restricted item" though im 30+ year old..
i refuse to use these fucking things, go to a normal isle and have it done in seconds for you, no hassle..
All the walmarts around here used to be really stingy on how fast you can scan and also waiting for the item to be weighed. Looked like enough people complained about it because they all got drastic overhauls. They no longer complain about weighing the item and usually pick up the barcode first try now. Really nice changes.
But its mainly nu-right that are the ones not breeding and instead immersing themselves in a life of constant internet.
>black guy
Maybe I should crawl up your mother’s saggy roastbeef cunt, would have to scoop out heaps of nigger cum first though
niggers steal and commit crime and smell bad
>when the tall, hime-cut hipster princess walks in front of him
guy probably lost any nerve he had left, i would have
people claiming automation will replace everyone yet every time i try that shit something always goes wrong and i have to call an employee anyways.
As someone who worked in a grocery store before, this triggers me.
>B-But the customer is always right!
Customers are retarded entitled pieces of shit that don't know what they want at all, and they always have to make a huge fuss over the most minor of shit.
Hes right you know, for someone complaining about the death of the white race you sure arent doing anything about it
Most black people I know smell like cocoa butter.
>Meteoric decline from 80% to 60% in 25 years
>Not a Great Replacement
Fuck off, rabbi
>"guys how can we stop the jewish genocide against white people?"
Yea Forums was better before /pol/
Let me restate that.
The world was better before /pol/.
Unrelated to the thread, but I loved every second of watching the mosque shooting video from New Zealand. Even showed it to my friends and family and everyone cheered and thought he is a hero
This reminds me of the time I put my debit card into the machine upside down at a self checkout and thought there was something wrong with it. I got a member of staff to help and they kept fiddling around with it until they noticed and told me. I bet they were laughing about me during their lunch break.
Safeway? They were one of the first stores to add self checkouts but they've aged so bad in terms of user interface.
I used to avoid self checkouts because I was afraid I'd mess up and look dumb, and at night they were all closed, anyway. Now if I go in at night, there are no cashiers, just one person watching all the self checkouts.
it's in england so no
HAha totally epic my fellow race-warrior.
>gets "muh ass salt" weapons banned
Yeah, real hero
We live in a society
>manlets are also retarded
Not surprising
Don't worry. Employees at grocery stores never forget stupid as fuck customers, and talk and mention it constantly. I know I sure did.
AP for Walmart here.
You best believe we profile the fuck out of everyone that goes through self-checkout.
That said, most of the apprehensions I do have been white girls stealing clothes and makeup.
Emma is cute! CUTE!
shit lads. this is me half the time im in asda or tesco. except i'm also a weird looking skinny 23 year old trying to but children's sweets
Yeah, but you were an employee at a grocery store.
yikes and redditpilled
So? Will feel better to slaughter shitskins with melee weapons instead, more personal and satisfying to see them up close while they get chopped and smashed
Take your fucking meds please.
>white women won't fuck me so I'll it genocide
Wait, you mean they don't do this in other places?
t. Chicago
>4.6 for normal population
I wonder if there's any stats for NEETs.
probably quite low since most of us are cowards as well
>people still cry about white genocide after some crackhead shot up a mosque of women, children and elderly because an island his ancestors stole got a little browner
Genocide is murdering people you fucking brainlet
Define “murder” retard
>Back at the old Winn-Dixie I used to work at
>The dairy is positioned in a way that it's directly left from the backroom
>The bathroom is also in a hallway next to the backroom
>Our store was surrounded by a bunch of weird fucks, and people would steal shit constantly
>One in particular was a drag queen
>See him go into bathroom only to come out later
>Immediately as I turn to push the cart back into the backroom, see him walk out
>He's wearing an incredibly low cut dress and put a wig on
>So imagine like a 6'4 drag queen wearing a black dress with roses on it and a blonde wig trying to flaunt a cutting board ass around
I needed some serious eye bleach after that. I dealt with way too much shit in that store.
>risking your life for minimum wage
I pay entirely in coins at self checkout.
I bring rolls of pennies and nickels and dimes and quarters.
I make you stand behind me while I insert the exact amount I need into the machine.
Don't get upset by this, however. The human workers are told not to accept coin rolls. Good thing the machines don't have ears.
how else are blacks/gypsies/whatever suppose to steal everything that isn't nailed down from work if they don't have a job to steal from?
The definition is actually broader.
In dq11 the game continues but enemies don't attack, even if they touch you.
Working at any of these type of places, you literally always have to expect the worst from people, because people nowadays have completely lost it. I'm serious, people are such fucking lunatics nowadays that are completely unaware of themselves that they have to drag everyone down to their level wherever they go. Given the option, I would not be opposed to wiping these people out, no matter the race, because there's some serious fucking culling that needs to happen to even be considered safe around these crazy fucks. The white crackhead trailer trash were some of the worst I had to experience.
I don't know, most European leaders have no kids. Then we have Millennials who choose pets and careers over kids.
Looks like the based kiwi missed a cockroach lads
I browse instagram comments a lot because I enjoy seeing blacks talk in their safe space
They like to discuss strats to steal more efficiently from walmart, they talk about it like they're each seasoned vets bringing something unique to the table.
Kinda based honestly.
>There are people who use the change machines that take 10%
As a wagie I think its just better to be picky and toss them all in the self checkout instead
Literally seething. Your manlet tears sustain me
Security guards, i went to a walmart in on of their neighborhoods and they had a few cops there too
I keep them in jar, then piss and cum into them and leave then for a while, then distribute them at various vend in ng machines and sidewalks
you sound like a cuck who actively that forgets that choice of the individual is a thing and in the end the most important
you can fuck whoever you want
your victimcomplex and hyperboles are faggy overreactionary shit, unironic special snowflake who autistically wants everyone to 'stop liking what i don't like'
I actually like this in games. The pause-menus of dragonsdogma really stunted its flow and difficulty. For the most part your real-actions had very little consequence unless you were almost dead and had no consumables left.
(although the combat system and damage/defense calculations completely ruined any realtime tension if you think about it. i wish they would just make an actiongame sequel with lots of explorations and possible builds desu.)
I'm a shelf stocker, and sometimes people come up to me and ask for what they want in a single word, as if I'm a speech recognition application on their phone. Then they blink stupidly like a cartoon character as they wait for me to respond, and shamble off without saying thanks or anything at all.
For my store it's leashes and collars
Imagine being so fucking delusional that you actually think like this, holy fuck user you made my day
Hello, Retardera. How are those suicidal thoughts treating ya?
The replies to this comment suggest Yea Forums is lousy with Resetera/Neogaf/Tumblr losers now.
Not that you're disagreeing but that you're using the same "lol incel" Twitter journo posts to do so.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the confirmed shillery sourced from various Discords and other communities who've decided to go for blatant entryism on Yea Forums in the leadup to the 2020 US Election?
>went with a friend to Walmart so he could get something
>had picked something up to look at and totally forgot I was even holding it
>he pays for his stuff, we walk to the door and the alarm goes off
>oh shit, realize I'm still holding this thing
>door guy comes up and goes 'oh don't worry, it's been screwed up all day, you're fine"
>being the moralfag that I am, i honestly tell the guy I was actually holding something and just forgot to put it down
>suddenly the door guy gets fucking pissed, getting in my face and backing me into a corner accusing me of trying to steal
>management gets involved, threaten to call the cops
Being a moralfag is suffering
Go home, tourist
When I deposit bottles I always fill them with piss or whatever left food and trash and let it rot.
I literally get a hard on thinking about some cuck sorting through them while it spills out
Those are attempts. Transgender are just eternal attention whores, they are probably not more unhappy than the average person.
Which makes me sad.
You aren’t regarded as human, why would people treat you as one? That’s what happens when you have such a shit job at the bottom
>things that never happened: the post
This literally happened though
best version
The left can't meme.
Honestly people who steal shit think they're the sneakiest motherfuckers in the world, but every employee knows it happens on a constant basis. Do you want to know why we don't do anything about it? One, because we almost never actually care, and two, because we can't go around accusing people of theft. We had this one lady that would constantly bring her cart back near the bathrooms and carry shit with her into the stalls and stuff it into her purse. We also had people that would go to the deli and order big buckets of chicken and proceed to eat the chicken in the store and throw the bones wherever they wanted, whether it be underneath the shelves, behind shit, or on the shelves themselves. You're not being sneaky at all, all you're doing is making a big mess for us to clean up. We aren't paid enough to deal with trying to get in a customer's face about this kind of shit.
Pretty much hit the nail right on the head. Our store was super shitty and old and if you came to us looking for some fancy shit then you obviously have poor vision. I remember this one lady bitching about us not having some fancy vegan shit or whatever the fuck she was blabbering on about like it's our fault somehow. I also had some guy come up to me trying to look for some shit that he bought 20 years ago that I had never even heard of.
there's alot of projecting in this picture
the left cant meme
the good ones knows what your items weigh and requires you to put them on a scale so it can confirm that you scanned everything. and the receipt is required to leave the area. that said you can always pocket whatever but that's not limited to self checkouts.
Some of the most liberal Reddit subs arranged raids on Yea Forums after the NZ shooting. You can probably find some of the screenshots on /pol/
Based and blackpilled
Seriously, I don't understand workers or security guards who try to stop people, it's just money or items, not worth your life or limb or job and will hardly make you a hero.
What kind of imbecile would use the CoinStar machines.
the scale built into the machine can tell them when it's necessary to check footage. it wouldn't be hours it would probably be only a handful of customers at most that would trip the thing off if you had the software set right. those machines spend a lot of time sitting idle and many people will use them properly so it's only the minority of time.
I love corporations who abuse and take advantage of people, especially immigrants, now.
Im just glad it didnt happen in murrica because it shows that even supposed safe countries cant do shit against terrorist attacks.
Well that’s just all stores
Claire's dab game is on point.
>We also had people that would go to the deli and order big buckets of chicken and proceed to eat the chicken in the store and throw the bones wherever they wanted, whether it be underneath the shelves, behind shit, or on the shelves themselves
kek this shit was the worst. I was always finding bones and fruit cores that had been sitting for days in the back of shelves.
There's obvious shillery going on all over the site now.
Yea Forums is completely drowning in unironic Drumpf threads and there's shitty anti-/pol/ falseflagging going on across the whole site.
You can tell it's falseflagging when they use 2016-era memes/deepfried Facebook images and unironically overt shitposting.
Actual pro-/pol/ shillery tends to use more subversive means of on-topic text with an off-topic picture.
Oops I left some stuff in my cart I forgot to scan.
The machines are generally broken.
Hello, Patricia Hernandez.
In the city the machines are set up by niggers too so they don't work correctly
Any joke that’s beaten to death becomes unfunny how can you not understand that
At my old retail job, we weren't really allowed to do anything if there was someone shoplifting or someshit. The best we could do is annoying them enough by talking them as if they weren't stealing anything and annoying them.
i always ring up the expensive tomatoes and onions as the cheap ones
>when you want to increase minimum wage but also need chinks to work for pennies so you can afford your iphone
The 2nd one would be called jewish brainwashing
bullshit, the corporations basically get told "You have to do that to prevent shoplifting" and the corporate honchos go "Fuck that shit, gotta cut wages!" and so you have an employee watching way too fucking many lanes to keep an eye on people while helping the fuckwit boomers who can't figure out that when the screen says "how many do you have?" its asking you "how many do you fucking have you moron, tell me".
Then people shoplift like crazy but they write it off like "Its just the employees fault, not ours! they're just being lazy!" and claim credit for the "savings" the store did in cut wages despite losing more in theft.
>your store
I honestly think the worst people I had to deal with were the ones that intentionally spilled shit and got us to clean up after their mess. I remember one time it was right before closing and this mother and her two sons came into the store and they were throwing Gatorade bottles around and surprise surprise, guess what happened. Of course the mom feigned innocence, because god forbid people take responsibility. Another mom incident I had was that I forgot to lock up the stair thing we rolled around after using it and left it alone for like a second, only for this mom and her dumbshit kid to be playing on it. I glared so fucking hard at them. Working as a stocker will make you hate people.
I use multipacks to self checkout the price of one item kek
>facts are jokes
>Be me
>Move to shithole usa for a project
>Wanna go back to my third world shithole because it's actually better than this corporate driven fake shithole
>Go to Safeway. Use self checkout.
>Scans item 8 times and wont let me delete it.
>Ask one of the spic mutt employees for help.
>Omg why did you even use ittttaa if you don't know how it aparates. So dumb.
>Tell her I'm the franchisee owner and that she can stop coming to work from tomorrow.
>Starts bawling her eyes out and calls the manager.
>Screams about having three kids and how she has to feed them. Bitch looks 20-21.
>Manager apologizes for her.
>Ask him if this is the way they treat all my customers? That I want to see her tomorrow first thing in the morning to discuss her prospect of working her.
>Leave the store and say she better start looking for other jobs.
>Hear her bawling her eyes out.
>Tfw I just ruined a ladies day but she deserved it.
Why are Americans such classless brutes?
for what purpose?
The first two pins on the boomer aren't even wrong though, nor is the premise the primaries were rigged in favor of Hillary.
>teehee i've never dabbed before is this how? ;)
Everyone's tired of your fake shit, Emma. Claire is the real deal.
damn, that guy leveled up!
>Have cameras around (Yes, there are always cameras, just because you can't see any doesn't mean there aren't any)
>Actually thinking you're gonna get away with doing this shit
Don’t tell them let them look down on their countrymen while they assert their “superiority” meanwhile we all know American whites are literally the lowest of the low class below Irishmen and even Australians lol soon as the minorities disappear they would just fight amongst themselves over eye color or something
Yes goy don't steal from us, buy buy buy!!!!
Do retards actually think that camera matters and that the self checkout employee can watch 8 people at once? Usually they are just fucking around on their phone.
I've heard the left can't meme
>for what purpose
Probably saw his reflection in the screen and tried to violently assert dominance.
Kotaku still hasn't gotten rid of that mutt?
what's this thread about?
So, unless you're the franchise owner, you basically just lied to try and ruin someone's life.
Horsey's an establishment shill.
Actually extremely fucking based. No matter the country there are these entitled shits working in retail and service who get offended when asked to do their fucking job, and they deserve all the torment you can inflict on them.
Too bad the story is as fake as my 2D girlfriend.
Employees shouldn't be cunts to the customers when they ask for help no matter how much it annoys them
Do your goddamn job and then go bitch in the back room
Reminds me of this
link pls? Sounds interesting
>innocent OP
>thread devolves into political posting and trannyposting
So this is what Yea Forums has become. I didn't think it was possible but Yea Forums is getting shittier each year
... so what? It’s fun
It's a Yea Forums thread. It's about nothing.
they don't
where's that picture with the checklist for leftist memes and the top two are "not funny" and "old as dirt?"
You sound like a fucking idiot
based black gentleman.
Yeah this definitely happened
I'm surprised he never got edited to Ben Garrison levels. Ben Garrison is a MIGA shill now when he was originally pretty based and to the point while being normie friendly, yet Horsey is still Horsey. Doesn't make sense.
>ruin someone's life
At worst she'd be fired from a shitty minimum wage grocery store job. She can get a new job.
If he's not the owner, then all that he did was make her have a bad day.
a noticeable mass of the people posting on Yea Forums don't play or not interested in video games
Yup. I know complaining to the manager won't do anything, the fact that she was so callous and rude shows that she didn't care if a customer complained to the manager and has done this before. You don't have to super cheerful and enthusiastic about your shitty job but basic courtesy is still a thing and Ameritards severely lack this.
The lowest brow retort possible. I almost thought you would rise above but wow truly ebin
>Things that actually happened
If losing a minimum wage job ruins your life then perhaps you don't deserve a life :))))
I’m fucking laughing my ass off. It hurts like fuck.
That actually happened in Detroit
Self checkout works where I live but I also live in a nice town that isn't full of niggers and spics.
She's not American retard. Move to a shithole in America and that exactly what you get.
Given how the manager was acting, and how dumb some of them can be (Managers actually often have less security than rank and file employees since corporate likes to occasionally make examples of them just to keep the others "loyal"), its not implausible for him to fire her just out of panic.
And if she does have a bunch of kids, she's probably fucking desperate to keep them fed and housed.
"I have a right to be a giant asshole to random employees and how DARE they do anything but lick my butthole!"
Read what the post said
He asked for help
Bitch got mad that she had to do her job and disrespected him
Sure the story didn't actually happen since it was a frog poster but you shouldn't be a cunt to the customer, no matter how much it frustrates you that you were asked for help
kys manlet sissy
>anti-white laws
Can you name one?
>The story isn't real but I'm going to pretend it happened anyway to prove ???
Idk why you brought Hispanics into this, they don't steal
You sound angry, how come?
What is the left? It’s like white people pissing off other white people right? Because I know damn well actual black people don’t give a single fuck about this shit
You don't deserve quints
what photos are you seeing user
i am black, in black social circles,and on instagram and all black people talk about is sports, music, anime and vidya
>fictional stories cannot inspire morals and ideals
And you literally rolled right into u mad territory Jesus Christ are you like 17?
Don't the electronic things catch that though?
>Hey everybody I'm new here!
shut the fuck up nigger
technically hate crime laws can be construed as such, since a black person killing a white person for racist reasons generally won't be prosecuted as such, but a white killing a black can be construed and prosecuted as a hate crime on incredibly flimsy arguments.
I work as LP, shoplifting only gets you a slap on the wrist so 99% of the time the person who you're apprehending isn't willing to escalate the situation and either cooperates or tries to run.
That said most companies won't let you arrest people anymore and can you can only detain shoplifters if they consent to it.
The videos you see are the employees acting retarded. I've managed to ask hundreds of people back to the office for processing in my time. I worked somewhere that was hands on for 4 years and maybe fought with 3 people my entire time there, and I had handcuffs so it didn't take long to take control of the situation.
It pays really well if you're productive and you maybe have to spend 2-3 hours a week actually dealing with niggers. Plus you get to see some funny shit like cops tasing some retard you have in your office after they rile him up.
Take a chill pill nigger, why get angry over some words?
reminding that shoplifting is barley even a crime and everyone in store is just told to let it happen and not chase because they dont want the wagie getting shanked and taking time off work
they rarely even bother reporting it because the police will do shit fuck all
Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.
Maybe he means the language barrier. For that there's just an option for Spanish on the machine.
Honestly I've never had trouble at them and I like how quick it is compared to the cashier.
People who don't like them must have shitty machines where they shop or they're just retarded.
>Electronic door alarm
>the thing that literally goes off for 1/3 of the customers due to electronics and keyfobs setting it off, to say nothing of undeactivated products
>The employees are literally ordered to just let you continue on if you keep walking and say "Piss off I'm in a hurry" and that's pretty much that for the situation.
Lol you guys are jokes literally playing hall monitor at a retail store and half the time your out of shape football players who won’t approach a man even close to your size or bigger
Well, we call men women and women men now... nothing makes sense anymore...
Its ironic, but corporations won't bat an eye at someone running out with a hundred dollars worth of shit, but if an employee stays on the clock an extra 15 minutes because a customer is demanding they continue doing shit for them and won't let them leave, they will literally go fucking apeshit like you shit on their face.
i know many who work in retail security and loss prevention
they will stop you at the door and call the police
Whoa nigger and more u mad? I’m losing this argument big time!!! Epic 4chinz poster ftw amirite?
>the law made so employers cannot discriminate between races is actually anti-white
are you a moron? EEOC isnt affirmative action, or there to make sure less white people get employed, its there to make sure people CANT do that shit to any and all races, let alone disabilities and genders
Do all products set it off? I don't see how the tag can remotely be altered by the payment prcoess, maybe the scanning, but it wouldn't do it then because you wouldn't need to pay.
>barley a crime
this isn't a bakery bro
Well now they consider one gang violence and the other either 2nd degree murder or terrorism
can confirm
wally world won't do shit to physically subdue anyone
t. sadly worked there
>they will stop you at the door and call the police
And I know people who work in that shit too and have corporate papers stating as POLICY they are never to even touch someone and if they leave to just let them walk out, with it being written into corporate law that you will be fired for touching someone physically if the shoplifter gets angry.
You ever had an argument? Now that’s a funny joke lol
But they did rig them. Hell, they even gave Hillary the debate questions, before a debate with Bernie. I don't like either of them, but they did do some shady shit to help her win.
Sensing some projection here
he's so based dude how could you recover?
They tape a small tag to the products that will electronically set the alarm off.
When the product is scanned at the register a magnetic/electronic signal is supposed to be emitted by the register to deactivate this tag so it will no longer set off the alarm.
However, its sketchy as FUCK and half the tags don't get deactivated properly.
Do note they only put these tags (generally) on high cost/probability items that get targeted for shoplifting, like Razorblades, Detergent, steaks, shampoos, ect.
Not EVERYTHING has a tag, just the stuff they consider a shoplift risk.
white privilege is not getting caught stealing
>vidya community has lots of black players
>its fighting vidya
Even left leaning websites confirm that she got the debate questions early.
Size means nothing, if you're doing your job properly there won't be a situation where a person you're stopping feels a need to fight you. Shoplifting is a very minor offense, if you touch someone in most states even if you just took a candy bar it becomes a felony. Usually it's women that want to fight anyway and they bring pussy shit like tasers and pepper spray so I just let the cops handle it at that point.
Yeah the extensive history of lynching and hate killings had nothing to do with that white people are treated so darn unfairly gosh golly!!! Hopefully somehow you all make it in this harsh minority owned world!
because sometimes if your only trained in security and if you lose it you might not be able to get another job within that sector due to you just not doing your job and hitting a target, i understand its probs 100% worse in places that have guns, but if its generally gun free theres 0 reason to not try to stop them regardless
Lmao imagine being such an unattractive race that you refuse to breed with each other
running the "BOXMART SEKURTY, PLZ STOP" and actually physically intervening are two different things
not to mention if you DROP the merchandise in the store they have no legal grounds to do anything
>guy breaks his neck infront him
>keeps dancing through it
Godlike focus.
did he actually died?
Nigga, it's on liveleak
Size means less to a trained professional in combat which you aren’t so yeah size matters in street brawls which is what you would get in if you approached the wrong person smarty pants
why was the guy in the life vest mogging him so hard?
I wonder if society would have discovered this art form if all digital images where lossless by default.
fuck off tallfags, we manlets suffer enough already.
Not sure I think I’m bee tee eff oh as the kids say nowadays
how do i get cyber goths to come to my funeral?
The show must go on.
This. Why do tallfags need to rub it in more when we're already down.
only sensible reply here, i've worked a self checkout lane and have been pulled aside and written up for some fags who went through the lane with bottles of coke they didint scan, how the fuck are you expected to watch every customer scan every item when there is like 8 lanes shits retarded
kys nigger
I don't think you know what the average shoplifter is like
Right, which is obviously the kind of shit you'd want to steal. I don't know, I'd like to shoplift, but I have paranoia and probably wouldn't be able to.
def a left meme
If this is how things are now, how do you think things will go when amazon tries their "automatically charged when you pull it off the shelf" system?
why can we never talk about video games here
>anti-white propaganda, laws, policies, and mass immigration
People have already tricked employees and randos into picking up items for them so they dont get charged for the item.
>It's ok to hate manlets
>But god help you if you insult fat girls even though they can actually lose weight by eating healthy and not being lazy slobs
What did women mean by this
That shits for losers
I feel like it must be easy to steal things like paper towels or other things you wouldn’t bag.
Gotta pay tribute and summon them for 7 mana
What are you gonna do, rob me?
>already showing up everyone else
>someone try's to step up and pull of a sick move
>Dance harder to dab on the fucker
Thats post stormfront. Too many fucking newfags here that don't contribute so the loudest retards get seen as the majority.
Hmm my original statement still stands flawlessly regardless
I just watched that movie about the purge, maybe this really needs to be implemented in the USA? maybe for just 1 day, where citizens organize to clean up the mess in the streets
You tell me
>walk around the store, act suspicious and stuff items in my pockets
>start to get tailed by in-store sec
>waste time, stuff a few more items in my coat pockets, wander around
>eventually walk up to the register and pay for everything
>security mad I wasted their time even though it's their job
It always gets me how straight up fanatical some of these sound
so if i weighed 300 pounds with a 3 inch penis but i was 6 feet tall girls would be all over me?
I fucking love autists. They love what they love and won't let anything get in their way.
You're wrong there, the result of such a situation would be the crackheads killing all the rational civilians, not the other way around. To say nothing of the property damage.
It’s 10 mana retard and you have to sacrifice a lamb.
>Yea Forums hates manlets and that is considered based and funny
>women hate manlets too but that's supposed to make you reee
Uhm... Is this some kind of manlet gaslighting?
>Checking out everything as bananas
You got a mild chuckle from me there
I knew everything looked kinda funny in that webm
you either work at a sex store of a pet store
Shit I’m playing a legacy deck not standard my bad
>be me
>be at Walmart
>plain clothes LP follows me
>big fat Mexican dude with giant gold chain
>becomes predictable enough that I'm cutting him off at corners
>not even stealing
>steal wood burning tool out of spite
I am a female, so I will just not talk to you
Why the fuck else would he suggest spics? They commit crime just like niggers do, don’t be naive.
>Reply saying i like tall women
>"Who even dates a tall women?"
>"Lol basically dating a man"
>"Tall women arent real women"
Fuck off womanlets
Technically if he's talking WORLDWIDE, there is indeed less whites than blacks since africa is loaded with people. Likewise south america is an entire continent of nothing but hispanics.
In first world countries like england and the US whites outnumber minorities, but I think he's playing to the fear that the billions of non-whites in other countries will storm into his country like what happened on a smaller scale in europe with the immigration crisis.
Why not make gladiator fights legal again then? Send poor people and crackheads and give them a chance to win a lot of money and improve themselves while also provide entertainment for the masses
My favorite one
its funny, no one wants to date tall women and yet all the models are really tall.
That may be true, but there's no comedic punchline to this. Also, try to spread out each point as its own meme, rather than making into a convoluted set up for a weak punchline of "haha MAGA seethe!".
We can't even have legal executions and you think having bumfights: Fatality edition on live television would work out?
Because the industry is run by gay men, which is why all the women are tall, skinny, and look like teenage boys with breast implants. It's a bunch of gay dudes judging what's "hot" by the standards of gay dudes.
Every race commits crimes at different rates.
Hispanics aren't big on stealing, their biggest crime stat is drunk driving.
Well, they're not working for straight men.
Yea Forums makes bants against manlets the same it would make bants against lanklets that cope on "muh height".Is essentially an easy insult such as making fun of someone's weight or being a nigger.
Meanwhile women act with legitimate disgust towards anyone who isn't over 6' even when they are ugly, fat or womanlets themselves.It's just the usual girl entitlement reinforced by a circlejerk of beef flaps.
Also most people here want to fuck women not some random user from Yea Forums
>Final boss can be beaten with romance speech check
Blessed gif.
>no one wants to date tall women
I get your point, but I do, but I'm a manlet.
Because they show off the designer clothes better. Clothes will look better on a tall and slender woman than a small woman.
I dated a girl that worked at a Ross, she said they have no way to deal with theft. All they can do is watch the person and hope that they get spooked and stop, but the employees arent allowed to call cops or security or anything. You could walk out with whatever you want and nobody is allowed to do shit
Remember that to a japanese person, all American women are giants, and to an american all japanese women are turbo-womanlets.
Enjoy Hell.
Humorously enough walmart is trying to find a way to prevent shoplifting by deleting the greeter job and turning it into a loss prevention gatekeeper who stops people to check their purchases.
Pissed off alot of elderly and disabled people who did that job, since you can't really intimidate someone into stopping when you're 80.
I've watched this like 5 times and I have no fucking clue what is going on. I thought someone pickpocketed him or something? he just puts that bottle over the reader like 10 times then walks away, I don't get it
I also work at a Kroger store, and everyone who works the self checkouts hates the job. I could imagine. It must be the most boring job fucking imaginable. You're just watching people for hours on end and helping them with age verification and general retardation.
Good thing I work out in Fuel.
I’m 6’2 and would love to date an amazon taller than me
holy shit sound made it far better
While I don’t outright hate manlets I do see them as lower beings worth less and don’t take them as seriously
meet your new replacement
soon we will have these patrolling in every aisle
imagine them with taser projectiles to stop thieves
On a global scale there is far more black people and hispanics respectively than there is white people.
There is more Indians alone than there is white people on Earth.
White people are on a demographic decline that will lead to extinction.
These are literally just facts.
>be 5'2
>have 5'2 gf
I don't know why you guys are so upset when short girls exist.
>demographic decline that will lead to extinction
>birth rates will stay the same for the next couple of centuries
You're such a drama queen.
I work as a gas station attendant, and black people steal a ton. The 3 groups I see steal the most are 1. coal burners, 2. blacks, 3. greasy white guys who smell like drugs. Coal burners especially. They look at you smug as fuck while getting in the passenger seat of their baby daddy's ride.
>imagine them with taser projectiles to stop thieves
People will try to make it look like they are stealing so they can sue the company if they get tazed by the robot
when that shit happes in like 20 years in euro countries that have been 99% white for thousands of years, it is basically an invasion. let's not pretend that muslims are assimilating to euro culture either
what stops me from throwing a rock at its wheels so it tips over
>flanderized someone i disagree with to make them look like an idiot
>mfw I'd rather play a game where the entire cast is black than play a game where the entire cast is white.
>Working as a stocker will make you hate people.
Having a job where you interact with the general public in general will make you hate people.
>we manlets
Nigger I'm 5'5 but don't rope me in your weak ass pitty party. Grow a fucking spine and joke about it. Be a based dwarf.
don’t you guys have alarms at the doors that ring when someone steps out of the store without registering all of the products they have with them?
>water is the enemy's weakness
>birth rates will stay the same for the next couple of centuries
If we keep allowing mass third-world immigration into formerly white countries, with their far higher birth rates than whites, and combine that with race-mixing, then white people WILL become extinct.
It's happening rapidly.
LMAO EPIC TROLL, so fucking RANDOM lol!
what's stopping them from simply moving to another self checkout while you sit there wasting your own time? you dumb faggot
>don't steal anything
>slap one of those stickers on my cart
>alarm goes off
>don't stop
>get tased
>go down, be as dramatic as possible, try to break skin
>go to doctor and get him to sign of on unspecified pain and fear of public/shopping
>sue shartmart for millions
>never have to work again
Can't wait.
While I don't doubt robots will replace human workers, the "Taser" thing I doubt will happen, due to how corporations are so skittish about that shit now due to lawsuits.
There would need to be a legal paradigm shift once robots phased out workers (due to mass financial disparity leading to non-rich having little to no rights due to bribery of government officials or campaign contributions) getting rid of liability in such situations for them to start using force.
Fucking nothing. These things are jokes and the last time i heard about one in place it lasted like a week before people were knocking it over and literally smearing shit all over it
I've seen these, they look pretty heavy and if you fuck with it it's going to have you on camera.
They fucking don't. They're incapable of operating the machines
>wants white people to have lots of kids
>also wants white people constantly working for just enough shekels to scrape by
third isn't wrong either
Only if every Euro generation for the next 400 years decides to postpone parenthood as much as Millennials.
Are you a time traveller?
yo keep telling yourself that but fail to realize game went past that for almost 2 decades
"token black character" is a thing of the past, now it's only the token 1 white, if there's even any
I want universal basic income and zero non-white immigration and anti-natal policies against non-whites in (formerly) white countries.
As has been stated already multiple times in the thread, they're dodgy as fuck so they're unreliable, and we're not allowed to either insult a customer (which basically means anything the fucks say makes them upset, even stopping them is an insult if they say it is) or physically stopping them.
So literally all you have to do is say "Fuck off" and keep walking and there's jack shit an employee can do to keep you from stealing a ton of shit.
I wanna fuck one so damn bad bros
There's a trend of late parenthood and less children. Why would that suddenly be reversed unless there is massive upheaval resulting in huge social changes?
Sure it did
Name a few of those games that don't have any white characters. I'm curious.
At this point whites would need a ridiculously high birthrate to stop it.
It's not happening, we can't out breed non-whites, immigration, and race mixing.
>work at store with a super chill coworker
>always gives me super discounts by scanning the cheapest item multiple times instead of the big items
Spend 5 bucks on a $30 basket of items, feels good. Fuck self checkout anyways
>now it's only the token 1 white, if there's even any
Is that why Spiderverse was called sjw for having one black MC and the rest white with one Asian?
>>Actually thinking you're gonna get away with doing this shit
If you're not a regular in that store and live in a decently populated area, you actually can. Just don't go back there there anytime soon.
>man dies
>dabs on the mf
>continues dancing
based mj
This is solely because you can't fight back verbally and people KNOW it so assholes will literally make a point of shitting on people and abusing the workers because they know if they even dare to speak up you can threaten to have them fired and scream at the manager.
>massive upheaval resulting in huge social changes?
You realize we're in the middle of something like that right now?
Also do you seriously believe there won't be any more social changes in the next few centuries? Societies around the globe are changing as rapidly as never before in history.
not everyone is trying to steal so it works like everywhere else
>thinking police go on manhunts for property damage in the hundreds of dollars
I bet you think police search for your items after you get robbed
Workers are told not to accept rolls of coins because people will put other shit besides money in them or try to pad them out, and unrolling them costs time of having to count all the shit to make sure you're not being scammed.
if you're doing it to a robot you're doing it on your own time and can't scam it since its counting the coins.
I think it'd be a good idea. It'd be like boxing, but with weapons. Working as a cashier, I've realized that about 70% of the population needs death.
yep those 8% people with immigrant background will take over any day now
Pretty based if true ngl
are you gonna shoot up a house of worship too, you loser?
Well, of course this could happen but your post specifically mentioned millenials as if people in this generation all individually made the decision to put off parenthood, not have kids, have fewer kids etc when there is a clear trend with identifiable causes. It didn't come out of nowhere. Yes it could change but there is no indication that is happening in the US
not with that weight. Its pretty much impossible to be fat if you are tall anyway, unless you literally eat mcdonalds everyday.
You can’t anonymously call the police?
I don't know what 8% you're talking about.
The 2020 census is coming out for America
I think we're already less than 50% white in America, at least if you consider the illegals who won't be counted, and people falsely saying they're white on the census.
there are 800 million whites and only 400 million hispanics
300 pounds is fucking obese if you're 6 foot. 200 pounds is pretty heavyset if you're 6 foot unless you're jacked.
I see, I should have expressed myself better then. I meant that Millennials may be strongly anti-parenthood but there's no indication that future generations will be the same.
That's more than enough to decide elections
I mean yeah
>t. Former Shartmart employee
Post hand with video game so I can start a thread and pretend to be black
you can't find ghetto instagram? try twitter too. just look for a certain type of meme section. Why am I teaching a black user this.
Police will basically go "uh huh, uh huh" and ignore that. Its petty theft and unless the person literally is there red handed with something you can attest to, 100% without any possible doubt, is yours, you're basically fucked.
The most that will happen is the manager can try and ban them from the store, but they don't give a fuck, they'll keep coming anyways because it'll take the cops a half hour to come to the store since its low on the priority list and they'll be out of the store by then (And the cops pretty much refuse to arrest them for tresspassing if they've already left).
This is even BEFORE you factor in that there's usually thousands of people that go in and out of a store daily meaning you have to have them do this shit on a serial basis before they'll start being recognized and you can build a case with management for having them banned.
Millenials are only anti-parenthood due to babyboomers fucking them over economically. Millenials are smart enough to realize that having kids when you can't afford them is fucktarded.
If the social inequality shit gets taken care of then white birth rates should be fixed quite properly since it'll take a shit ton of financial stress off the younger generations entering parenting age.
Only niggers shoplift, you aren't a nigger right?
>quote from man who was robbed
Population of South America is 422 million.
Population of Central America + Mexico is 170 million.
There's likely 10-30 million illegal hispanics in America.
People have LESS kids as they get wealthier, not more.
Post your nose Goldstein
God americans are so stupid.
>cashless stores
how else are you supposed to pay if not in cash
This is why I only use the self checkout when no one's around. If there's a line, I go to the back of the store to look around some more and wait it to die down.
Last retail I worked was Blockbuster, only type that stole more were trailertrash women loading strollers/baby carriers/purses with shit. Like, bitch, the store is tiny and there are mirrors everywhere, you really think I'm gonna miss you stuffing a handful of blurays and game controllers into your baby carrier thing, come on. There was one middle aged women who I swear had something wrong with her brain, every time she'd come in she'd stick a box of red vines in her purse, right in front of us, like 5ft away, and then try to act cute and sheepish as she put it back. Man, just thinking about that shit makes me irrationally frustrated, glad I don't work retail anymore.
debit, credit, crypto, barter, sexual favors
Yeah me and my friends pretty much all think that way. We want to start families and have children but first we need financial stability. The biggest issue is rent. In the cities it's getting fucking ridiculous, barely affordable even with a god tier entry job, so we're forced to climb up our career ladders until we can afford moving back to the suburbs...
>They don't "forget" to scan items at the self checkout
Guys... What the fuck are you doing?
Bro why you gotta remind me that Blockbuster is dead, just got a flood of nostalgia washing over me
still less than total white population
yeah, the key is to not stay in these jobs for long if you want to actually live a happy life. It's fucking terrible because there will always be some retard purposely giving employees a hard time or they know how to "scam the system" by false accusations.
this is why all non-white societies groveled in the dirt until whites gave them everything.
Vote Andrew Yang 2020 to get rid of the entire current welfare system and replace it wth $1000 a month basic income for everyone.
The current welfare system is anti-white and overwhelmingly supports single mothers and niggers.
>work retail
>want to kill myself every day
Never work retail, take literally anything else first.
The sheer disgusting masses of humanity that you will see will blackpill you beyond help
just say the thief looked like he had a gun and he was acting pretty unhinged
Why do you want children?
The world is turning to shit and you want future children to suffer
Someone's gotta do that job though, I'm glad you do it user
Every state should have a law like Texas where you can shoot a thief in the back if they're fleeing with your stuff. Thieves deserve death.
They still crawl around in the dirt though and can’t manage on their own
>gets old and has literally no family and dies alone along with his genes
I'm killing myself when my parents die, this job has destroyed me
Credit cards.
They call it "shoplifting"
it's not so bad, time moves fast
all indoor work > outdoor work
>slide card
>press green button
>repeat like 5 times, getting flustered
>finally look at the text on the screen
>green button is cancel, red button is ok
Most embarrassing moment at gamestop for me.
Apex Legends
idk ask the ACLU
(not a shoop btw)
>get rid of the current welfare system
This would literally never happen. What you'd get is the current welfare system, which would not only stay in place but would continue to gradually become more bloated over time, in addition to $1000/month basic income for everyone that would just wind up causing further inflation anyway. Also taxes would go up enough on anyone middle class or above such that they might as well not be getting it in the first place.
Vote Andrew Yang 2020 to get rid of the entire current welfare system and replace it wth $1000 a month basic income for everyone.
The current welfare system is anti-white and overwhelmingly supports single mothers and niggers.
Now you too can get that money.
>The world is turning to shit
I'm sure it was better to have them when the entire world was at war with each other and would be drafted. Or before vaccines and modern medicine. Or when they'd be working in a factory under horrible conditions.
I'm not american
this is fucking hilarious
name (1) game where this happens
I have worked in so many different fields, including retail, but the only place I felt at home and didn’t hate was the military. JUST
I got one for you. if you're buying a bag of grapes, hold the bag up a bit while you're weighing it.
No, he said he was a black guy. What you’re referring to is an undesirable of his race.
No access to contraception, not much of a choice for 20th century people
Affirmative Action
Won't do shit man, you do a dodgy call, they'll call the store first.
baka stormtard
>Also taxes would go up enough on anyone middle class or above
The top 1% makes more than the bottom 90% combined.
Combine all the money the bottom 90% makes, and the top 1% makes more than that.
We don't need to tax the middle class to pay for it retard.
It would not cause inflation as we would not be printing any money to pay for it.
Cool every two months I'll be able to afford one month of rent.
idk I think having children is the meaning of life I guess? Maybe it's because of my mom, she got pregnant with my big bro when she was 18 and devoted her whole life to her kids, and since she's my role model I also want to have children and do everything for them
Why don't you want children? The world isn't that shit it just seems that way because all the bad stuff is televised
>Scanning tickets
>man behind me looking at items
>woman comes up with trolley
>instead of saying anything she rams into me and keeps going
>approach her from behind
>she tilts her trolley to block the entire aisle
>I tell her she just hit me with her trolley
>she denies it and says she'll call the head office for harrassing her
>I tell her there are cameras all over the building recording what she just did
>she demands to see the manager
>It's a temp manager from another store our normal one is spending the week at the hospital for heart problems
>I tell him what happens
>He approaches her and doesn't say anything, just smiles and nods until she leaves
>He later tells me she didn't mention having any problems and said it looked like the employee was just having a bad day
>I remind him there is footage of her ramming me
>He says you shouldn't bring up security with customers and should always work to de-escalate problems
>His exact words being "It'd be different if it broke your leg or you couldn't walk or something"
If he wasn't only around for a week I would have walked then and there.
it depends on how your body allocates fat
>That fucking pelvic thrust after he dies aimed at his corpse.
HOLY SHIT this is the next evolution of dabbing.
Just fucking MJ thrust at someone when they fail.
What kind of 3rd world shithole are you from where there's no alarms for unscanned items?
Don't even do that, just have it halfway on the scale so only part of it is weighing it down. Looks less suspicious and you have more deniability.
It would not cause inflation as we would not be printing any money to pay for it.
Inflation only happens when you print money.
Geez why not work someplace else, even if it's minimum wage stuff? It sounds as if literally anything would be better for you right now than retail.
>NEET and suicidal but also coward
Fine. I've seen them used in black and hispanic neighborhoods.
I'm so fucking sick of seeing spic language on everything, those fucking illegals should at least have the decency to learn our fucking language if they want to leech off us.
>Being a nigger unironically
Wew lad.
You hang out with oreos, bud.
>b-b-b-but dragon ball z
Everyone watched it as a kid.
>Our language
You mean retard-tier English?
If i could i would, my life is basically fucked and the short of it is i'm stuck here forever for various reasons
Yeah, problem is the rich will hit back when you try and take their stuff. Its why the addage "Only poor people pay taxes" exists.
We need to focus on getting the hands of the rich out of politics and be able to reliably control them (and thus know we can pay for this stuff) before we go jumping off the slope just yet.
Not against such programs, just we have alot of basic issues to fix for infastructure for such things first.
>but the dumbass customers have been convinced they are their for their benifit.
How? how is the customer working for free a benefit for anyone but the store owner?
thanks for the free $5 every time i buy groceries, sucker
Because literally all the jobs that hire readily are retail.
Quickly kill yourself. Don't think it over, jump out a 4 story window headfirst.
If you took everything from the richest Americans, you couldn't even pay for a full year of Yang's UBI, and I didn't even take into consideration the administrative costs that would absolutely take up *at least* 60% of the total budget in a world where the government somehow operates more efficiently than it ever has.
This is also how I know that we would be printing money to pay for it.
lol, you may not understand it now, but being an elderly person nearing death of old age is miserable if you don't have your family taking care of you. passing on while in a retirement home sucks, and you better believe that all of these businesses will go to shit by the time we all die. There will be a huge demand of workers and nurses for these retirement homes, for all the single fucks that opted out of having kids these past couple generations.
The quality of life will be shittier and it would make the looney houses that the VA stuffs their elderly veterans in (and treat like shit) look like a cool place to be in.
they basically put them in and try and bullshit "This is so there'll be less wait for you!" like they're going to keep the same number of checklanes open as before and this is just a valve to let off steam.
Except its a blatant lie that corporations tell, because after a few weeks they close down one of the checklanes they were keeping open (on average) to force people over to the self checkout, keeping wait times just as bad if not more.
Everyone knows corporations lie, but they still keep doing it out of principal.
I'm sure you need it mate, all the best to you and I hope you escape poverty someday.