What videogames do Mexicans play?
What videogames do Mexicans play?
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climb the wall
FIFA and DBZ games.
Dark souls 3
I buy several games per month but I end up only playing Smash as my backlog expands.
Peggle 2
King of fighters, apparently
Anything that can be pirated
FIFA and KoF
i thought that they played PES instead
dota 2
El Chavo Kart
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim prologue
I LITERALLY came here to say this
Most of the time? FIFA, CoD and some newer fighting games, but Fortnite also became very popular here.
Nobody cares about PES.
The only video games that exist there are Dragon Ball games. Most of which are modded with an assortment of random shit to ensure Mexicans never run out of vidya game content for generations.
KOF first and foremost but also Fortnite, any racing game, FIFA, Dark Souls, and any free to play crap.
King of fighters,
The regional manager of a company that I worked for was/is the state champion for who knows how many years
Border hoppers.
It's like Ice Climbers, but it's in a desert and when you lose the cartel beheads your family.
Dota, call of duty, battlefield
Free fire
Like clockwork.
Dragon Ball, FiFA, Mario
I'm playing XBC2
dont tell me thats a real thing...
Unfortunately, it is. It was for the Wii though, so it was just another shovelware title that went nowhere. Lucha Libre AAA was multiplatform and a decent wrestling game to boot.
kill all spics
Gears of War, FIFA, and Fortnite
rape day
Being skinned alive
Wishing they're German/Texan
Everything, really.
Steam games are dirt-cheap
All F2P games, smash bros, COD, fifa
Bought and have been playing a bunch of Dynasty Warrior games that were on sale a couple weeks ago. I wish Samurai Warriors 4 was on Steam.
I also bought Total War Warhammer 2 last week, with all DLC. Vampire Coast is neat but the loading and turn times in mortal empires are insane.
Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt you gringos?
huh, I really enjoy the original chavo. Only found out a few years ago there was an animated spinoff much later (never watched it) and now I learned chavo is a billion dollar vidya game franchise. Good to know
japanese jrpg games
Who the guck wants to be a texan?
Nobody, he's stupid I guess.
El Chavo del Ocho is timeless, the animated version has always been shit since it doesn't have half the charm than the original had. There's also a Chapulin Colorado cartoon but I never bothered watching it.
Don Ramón saga is the best
Jaimito el cartero is a fag
>Dragonball Z
I'm gonna need an explanation for this. Is it just a really popular anime over in Mexico? They didn't strike me as the sort of country that'd be into that sort of thing.
All of my friends play either JRPGs or Fifa. And smash or a fighting game.
I'm in the JRPGs + Smash section. Replaying Xenoblade X rn.
c.s 1.6 weirdly enough
Those who want a self-sustating state. it's why we get so many commiefornia immigrants.
Mexican here. To keep it short, Mexico would get lots of popular animes like Ranma 1/2, Saint Seiya or Sailor moon with some really good dub and shown on public TV.We got Dragon Ball since the very original series, all the way to GT, pretty much daily for whole decades, including all the movies that came with it. Pretty much every single 80's and 90's mexican kid grew up with Dragon Ball, reason why it's so massively popular.
Be aware that all the new movies, from Battle of the Gods to Broly, were released in Mexico a whole month before US, all with almost every single original voice actor.
>numale weeb poster
Can't spell
Only kino stuff, like Warframe.
you're playing a japanese native game, translated to english, with your mexican education.
not fucking with you. just want to point out how weird that is.
I remember before moving to the US seeing game magazines with walk thrus of Chrono Trigger wishing I could play that game
Well, I finished Doom on ultranightmare recently, there's no achievement for it but it was lots of fun!
I've been playing Morrowind
I'm lvl 39 on steam and hace 0 friends but this guy makes it better
You mean besides all those millions of border hopping meheecans? Gee, I dunno.
>with your mexican education
Not him, but what does that even mean?
>not fucking with you. just want to point out how weird that is
Not weird at all. Growing as a mexican kid in the 90's forced me to improve my english to understand all the games I played, such as Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger. Right now almost every game has a spanish translation but personally I prefer to stick to english, unless the dub is superior in spanish, such as in Breath of the Wild.
Nothing wrong about his English you fag.
>megacable in 2019
Simpsons Hit and Run
DBZ games
I hope they make more games in latin spanish. I need to get more practice on it since I've forgotten a lot of it.
>Growing as a mexican kid in the 90's
that reminds me. there was a very short run of poekon red/blue in mexico during the late 90s that was translated(badly) to spanish. this was an official version of the game. please confirm that i'm not just crazy. I've been trying to find a mint copy of it forever.
>Not symmetrical
PES es mejor pendejo
Both Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokemon were translated to spanish, unsure if Crystal was too, you can actually check in 3DS e-shop since the games were released for VC in all available languages back then. It was kind of a big deal because it was advertised everywhere. The translation was ok to meh but due to some longer names, attacks would end abreviated, like for example Quick Attack would be seen as Ata. Rapido, while other names you'd never hear someone say it in mexican spanish, such as Tackle being translated to Placaje.
I had them in english, even as a kid I found it more appropiate to play them like that.
thanks for the info. i'll have to keep looking for new in box physical copies on ebay.