Civilization Bread

I've been considering getting in to Civilization VI since it's on a humble bundle,
I haven't played any of the earlier civ games, so here's a few questions:

Is Civilization VI worth it?
I noticed that it has mixed reviews, I didn't read any of them yet but I assume it's because of the dlc shit.
So, does this mean that the 'base game' is worthless on it's own? or is it just fans being buttmad about devs' decisions?
Also, last but not least, is it enjoyable for non-strategy-autistic people?

Attached: 1549139545786.png (560x598, 601K)

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>Is Civilization VI worth it?
Not really. It's a very weak entry in a big, big franchise that, while being more "streamlined", doesn't bring much to the table.
Play V if you want a "modern" casual-ish civ.
Play IV or II if you want a real game but you don't mind outdated mechanics/graphics

So what exactly is it that VI fucked up in comparison to older games?

The base game is barebones, even when compared with V at launch which was simply awful. I don't know if the DLCs might help with that, I haven't touched the game since. The new features that are implemented are good on paper, but there's no depth at all. Again, DLC might help?

Also, forgot to talk about AI, it's jus the fucking worst on a CIV game ever, no doubt. It's shameful.

the dlc thus far has made it very comparable to the best entries in the series (invictus realism, vox populi), but i wouldnt buy in until the inevitable 3rd dlc comes out, and everything goes on sale for below 50 bucks

Then it's exacly as I feared.
The only reason this game is on a bundle is because the dlc are practically mandatory.
Well, not the first time this has happened.
I suppose I'll reconsider it once all the dlc are on sale or included with the base game in a set that's below $20

Unless they release a "Real enemy AI" DLC, I would ignore it.

i don't know what kind of crack they were smoking with the artistic style, but it feels like i'm playing some shitty f2p game.

also a lot of the mechanics are dumbed down.

Attached: 1552750244626.jpg (1023x1503, 574K)

i like how the artstyle complaints are THE surefire way of spotting vbabbies. as the majority of civ games eschew realism in favor of cartoony overexaggerated artstyles
Don't Care

>Is Civilization VI worth it?


I nearly 100%'d Civ V and have been playing the games since 3 and this one is the worst of them all

It's boring as fuck and everything simultaneously feels like it's dragging on forever and is rushed as fuck. The AI is the worst I've seen in the series thus far and most of the mechanics are shit.

The only good thing about the game is how they reworked Culture to be a second form of technology.

Ignore all the hate OP, civ VI is fine. Tons of fun and different civ's to try out. Enjoy mate.

I'm definitely going to get it at some point, but that depends on the dlc prices

You’re the guy complaining about passive Ai from other threads right. Anyway vanilla civ 5 ai is just as bad. I really really want a new dawn mod for 6 dayum

How can one 100% civ games. Show us

like every civ game after 3 just wait for all of the expansions to fix the game. I remember playing civ V on launch and absolutely hating it but waited 2 years for the expansions and ended up loving the game after BNW

>>I've been considering getting in to Civilization VI since it's on a humble bundle,
>paying for a singleplayer game
is this your first day on the internet?

user civ is best with or against friends

Yeah DLC can be a bit steep fair enough then again I go taround 120 hours out of it and still going. Have fun! Try Japan when you start, easy and nice civ! cheers

how many addons are they going to milk this with?

>implying anyone here has friends, let alone enough to play civ with

We could be friends user;)