Attached: 5B9F6694-7869-4173-86B2-505E1865CCFF.png (640x1136, 473K)

Attached: Theodore_Roosevelt_laughing.jpg (2849x3474, 784K)

>stream machine

Attached: 1362236335704.jpg (300x300, 32K)

ouya onlive

it will be fine for my japanese rpgs and vns

>not even a machine


Attached: AngryGoogle_web[1].jpg (777x437, 109K)

It’s too bad it will not get many Japanese games

they clearly dont care about japan judging by the presentation. the want the western piggu market since that's where they'll get the most players.

How many of those do you expect to be allowed on a machine made by a Californian company?

Yeah, the Japanese have a long track record of using western hardware and services

Attached: 1527111408610.jpg (800x600, 98K)

They will be banned for misogyny



Even the poster guy is laughing at him

this shit wont even be in japan, why do you think there will be VNs

It takes time to upload your telemetry and metadata to the servers user.

"Education works"

>still shit



It’s basically only going to get some of the western AAA games that are already multiplats. Most Japanese developers don’t do Xbox because there’s no point with its insignificant market share in Japan.

Maybe we’ll see a handful of small exclusives from googles own developers but a friend of mine who works for a google studio says they haven’t done anything for it

>not the best maybe?
why they talk like that

They don't want to be rude and say that it's a piece of shit

Google is a progressive company. There will be zero tolerance for c***nny and anime tiddies.
Expect zero japanese games from this service.

Attached: 1550589914257.png (439x588, 404K)

Why do nobodies cover their fsce like people would recognize them?

>out of touch californians completely oblivious to the fact that most of the US and the world dont have the infrastructure for this kind of stream media
this is gonna bomb so hard

Attached: 1480283507005.png (604x717, 814K)

>low latency mode
so it dumps the bitrate to shitter and slightly reduces telemetry?

I have man boobs like that but I'm 5'10 and 160 pounds. I don't deserve this. I'm not a fatty.

Attached: 1546538678637.jpg (297x358, 57K)

Based literal who

Why even add the maybe? Just say it sucks.

'member OnLive?

Yes I expect the quality of a 720p vid

But then they will not get invited to future events

Didnt even think about that. Thats fucked haha. DOA.

Wait Doom Eternal was playable there?

>5'10 and 160 pounds
How does this even work? hit the gym

Yeah, Sony bought their assets then shit out PSNow

But I'm not fat. How will that help?

stop ingesting so much estrogen
it causes gynecomastia

>>out of touch californians completely oblivious to the fact that most of the US and the world dont have the road infrastructure for this kind of self driving car
>this is gonna bomb so hard

lmao you should read HackerNews sometime. They're all like that.

>How would muscles, tonification and trainers help me to improve my body?
Is this bait?

Soon it'll be racist to notice input lag.

Ouch. And that's probably at a Convention center with a Google server 100ft away.

I'm 29. Its probably too late to reverse it all with weight lifting


No wonder you have tits with that bitch attitude.

ay ay ay ay we playin street fightah 5 on Stadia at EVO this year nigga

Excuses. You are no meant to be the next Schwarzenegger, silly

People are completely fucking up what this tech is useful for. Google is pushing fast paced games like Doom and MUH GRAPHIX when compression is going to rape them anyway. This tech makes a lot more sense for strategy, rpgs, management games where latency is less of an issue and graphics aren't important.

Imagine a city builder game with the level of simulation of Simcity 4, only it was on a persistant online server that kept track of every players city to form a planetary network. The google servers would be used to simulate a complex economy, and you could stream your city to any device to management it at any time.

Get a bike, go to /n/
they will stop you from being so fat and weak.

>only it was on a persistant online server that kept track of every players city to form a planetary network
You mean like EA's abortion-tier attempted reboot of Sim City? No one wants always-online trash unless it is an online game.

How is 160 pounds fat for 5'10?

Google's shit is always online though. That's what streaming is.

im surprised they just don't use this tech for phones, PC users are never going to 100% migrate to digital, but phone fags are already there.

However much the market demands them, so not much at all.

Now with Google Stadia we've established such a comprehensive censorship woke system for games that all japanese visual novels will be pre-censored out of existence and not available on the platform.

>not being a five ten 125 5% bf skelington

This. It would do wonders if it was marketed right. But it won't. Google hasn't marketed a successful product in nearly a decade. They might have a hit or two here and there, mainly everything related to Google Search like Maps, AdSense and Chrome, but the list of faliures is way longer:
>Google Plus
>Google Play Music
>Google Play store is full of pajeet Hello World tier garbage, viruses and scams
>Android tablets
>YouTube can't turn a profit
>Nexus/Pixel line of products
>Google Allo or whatever their Skype clone was
>Google Cloud trailing far behind AWS and Azure

Attached: 1538306417446.png (327x243, 52K)

damn you're gay as hell dude

it's literally not releasing in Japan, so why would Japanese games come to the thing?

Is that a gunblade..

Get ready for poor multiplats running like garbage and mobile games. They won't have any exclusive games before the whole service dies in under a year.

>Sprint to climb on pillar
>lagged for 2 seconds

Attached: 1553021261336.webm (752x398, 1.49M)

California doesn't even have this infrastructure...
t. go to school in CA, and live near one of Google's offices...


>inb4 its bigoted, sexist, and racist to not appreciate and compliment Stadia

Reminder: every time you shit on stadia you have to fill out an extra Captcha.

Yea they should focus on other stuff that isn't feasible to do on normal pc/consoles alone.

At least for now it's like "hey you know that stuff you can already play? now you stream it and probably have worse experience"

But sure I can understand that they want big names like doom out there from the get go.

>japanese games

Most places in California don't even HAVE good internet.

DOOM Eternal demo is more interesting new anyway.
Why does the UI look exactly like DOOM?

it happens

Attached: PA.02402.001.jpg (498x498, 55K)

It's a sequel, did you expect anything too different?


Attached: 1525623084676.jpg (1514x478, 245K)

Doomguy and all of the weapons are redesigned, there's new setting and new demons.
Yeah, I definetely expect UI to change as well.
This looks like a WIP or maybe even literally the old game with new levels.