Why do journos want games to be political when people who actually play them want the exact opposite...

Why do journos want games to be political when people who actually play them want the exact opposite? What causes the divide?

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I'm not seeing a journalist anywhere in that pic.

I said journo

Neither is there a journo in that pic.

he said games are already political as hell but marketing doesn't want to admit it to not scare anyone off


Reminder that people who want games to be political only want their politics in or else they will reeee about it and how wrong it is.

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Yeah but everything to him is political and that's such a boring take.

you like political games. you just don't notice when its politics you support. name a game. i bet you can draw a political allegory to it

Well yeah but that’s because my politics are correct and everyone else is wrong

>Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon argument
It's time to have sex

All games have some form of political angle. Any thought otherwise is people being to fucking stupid to see it.

why is there a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums?

The fact The Division didn't get political is one of it's saving graces. You can play it 2 ways. Liberal hero or conservative Punisher.

>my video games are being ruined by this black woman character

have sex

What people are too stupid to realize is that what they want is good writing.
You can object to the orange man all you want.
But if the only way you can express that in your game is to bludgeon me with a literal Trump expy, I'm just going to roll my eyes and ignore your game.

To most, those would be the exact same thing.

jim sterling isn't a journo you retarded faggot

If you'd ever had sex (and you being passive anal slut doesn't count) you'd knew it changes nothing in your perception of the world, neither does it change a person anyhow (you are still not included)


Even refusing to take a political stance is taking a political stance

pasty cuckblob needs have a heart attack ASAP

What if im an active anal slut?

People clearly didnt hear the bit with president Waller in the division 2 if they thought is was not political

Because most video game journalists hate their job because they feel like they aren’t doing anything “important” so they bring their dumb insecurities to video game journalism where they fight for dumb shit to feel important.

and they're usually basedboy cum-gargling commie faggots, for some reason.

Seriously it's why "Critics" are so desperate for their next Citizen Kane and average shooters like Last of Gay get praised despite being bland mechanically.

>Even refusing to take a political stance is taking a political stance
the current state of this board


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It is the same thing because the bad guys are all insane and or evil. If they got political with the factions it would have alienated people.

>Developer makes a game filled with obvious political statements
>Jim calls them out for not admitting the game makes political statements

not political, but ideological.
politics is the practical actions, ideology is a set of beliefs that supports these actions.

>*they only want their side of politics

>being a bitter incel won't change your perception of the world

go talk to /r9k/

>political statements
ubisoft do not state to overthrow a government. game as much political as any hollywood movie.

Most Hollywood movies are political you dumb faggot

>i bet you can draw a political allegory to it
So what? I can make a paper napkin political (wood pulp, destroying trees, man-made climate change, HILLARY SHOULD HAVE BEEN PRESIDENT TO SAVE US!!) so it's all just background noise anyway. It's really weird to try to force your geeky headcanon on to the developers and then be a whiny bitch when they don't give you the respect you don't deserve for doing it.

Then you are the chosen one.

brainrot op

Someone politicize Pong, Centipede, Tetris (no cheating by saying "it's from the Commies,") Crash Bandicoot 2, Street Fighter V, and Nights into Dreams for me!!

What did he get mad about now?
If he got mad at Division 2 maybe the game is based

Not before someone does the same to God Hand.

>Literal who comrade talks about literal who burger
I should care because?

Jim Cucking sterling son

If you watch the video, his point was that it is cowardly for the devs of games that are clearly political to insist there is nothing political about them.

>Oh a game based on a Tom Clancy property, set in the US where Civil War, casused by a terrorist attack, has broken out, and the people with guns killed the people without guns? What kind of political message are you trying to send?

He was pretty much saying, if you're gonna go in the political pool, don't walk in the house, dripping all over the floor and insist you didn't go swimming. Seemed pretty reasonable.

Tetris is a bigoted game that tries to imply there's fundamental differences between blocks. a true communist game would've dropped a single block down and you could use them to build like Minecraft, not tear blocks down like Tetris.

Civilization. Try me nigga.

>The fact The Division didn't get political is one of it's saving graces.
But it is deeply political. Do you think politics is only when there's strong black women with afro haircuts in it or something?

The main antagonist of Street Fighter is portrayed as a literal dictator.

And Crash Bandicoot the main villain is a scientist whose main schtick is polluting a bunch of natural environments and experimenting on animals

Making an ideological game is a practical action

Gives them things to talk about and usually creates a heated "debate" which gives them clicks and money.

Don't forget that the only people who can restore order and who are portrayed as the good guys are an extra-judicial death squad sleeper cell who answer directly to the top

lol, one of the sticker says "the womens place is in the resistance"
I guess he doesnt realize that him having that is essentially him as a man telling women what to do.

This is so dumb. Why is everyone misunderstanding this video. The message is simple, either be political or don't. Stop putting politics and ideologies in games AND then pretend/make claims they aren't in the games.

Basically what you people already believe.

It's promoting corporal punishment.

The first boss you fight (well mid boss) are a literal pair of gay negroes

Are you for real

Name on deeply political story point or dialogue other then the recording of the gay couple split up in the chaos. Because that's a "human" story, not political.

And operate out of that building with no political significance: The White House.

>bigots are people i disagree with

>Jim Sterling
People still care what this fat fuck thinks?

Try me, it doesn't depict any one political alignment as superior to any other.

Simulator games

>gay couple
Holy shit, that's even worse than my "strong black woman" example, you're a parody of yourself. You are deeply unqualified to talk about politics.

>He was pretty much saying, if you're gonna go in the political pool, don't walk in the house, dripping all over the floor and insist you didn't go swimming. Seemed pretty reasonable.
Is it really political when it's just an excuse to have a game where you shoot people? Considering we've established that anything can be politicized anyway, why does having the game in the US really matter for saying it's political? Even having the game set in a fictional country, with made up people, and using fantasy weapons would be considered political due to its attempts to not be political.

>It's this thread again
Nearly everything is political you fucking inbred. You're making a political statement by making a female protagonist in a medium where most are male, and you are making a statement when you maintain the status quo by going with what you have traditionally done.

Jim Sterlings video was showcasing how weak these fucking game companies and directors are. The creators of the Division 2 are saying their game isn't making any political statements. In the fucking opening of the game it is said that those without guns ended up dying when everything in America went to shit. It may seen simple enough on its surface, but it's pushing the idea that guns are more used for safety than as tools of mass murder. That IS a political stance. That is just ONE of the political stances in the game.

David Cage went on to say that Detroit: Become Human was just a story about androids wanting. He doesn't even have enough fucking balls to say that the story mirrors that of discrimination that happened in our world. It's an obvious theme that he was trying to make but nope, can't acknowledge that. That would be too political!

Fucking. Retarded.

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>pushing the idea that guns are more used for safety than as tools of mass murder.

That's literally true though.

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This is a game where political ideologies are treated as upgrades with direct gameplay implications. It cannot help but say something about politics and about how the devs perceive different ideologies.

My point was that message is political. I'm not assigning truth value.

Don't take that guy seriously if he thinks everything is political with that kind of picture he posted.

I'll name a few in case you have't played some of them. I want at least a paragraph explaining the political message behind it.

Lego Star Wars
Spyro the Dragon
Dark Messiah
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Forbidden Siren
Freestyle Metal X
Atelier Totori
SSX Tricky
Onimusha 3
Jak X
King Kong Official Game
Star Wars Battlefront 2005
Gran Turismo 2
Quake 3 Arena
DiRT Rally
Ace of Spades
Hitman 2
Tomb Raider
Gorky 17
Resident Evil 3
Micro Machines
There, there is no way you haven't played at least one of these games. Give me a political rundown

Seeing people mad at each other makes lots and lots of money user. race, religion, speech, culture, ideals, even social class are all ways to divide a populace, play on people's fears of those different than them, play on their steroytypes, their paranoia, their insecurities and you have them hooked. Politics is the gateway to that, Jim is trying otm ake money, more political things in video games gives him something to rage about for his fanbase.

Can it be stopped? Of course not everything is political, you can make a political statemate against someone by attacking how they get up in the morning, let's say you,user, get up and take a pissshit, while another user gets up and brushes his teeth before the pissshit, I could tell you that the other user does things that way because for some stupid reason they think people like you who go and immediately empty their bowels are uncoth savages or some other deroragtory term, now you'd probably brush me off at first but over time I'll keep telling you this, you'll start to think "if he's talking about it so much maybe he's on to something" then your mind will start looking for ways to prove it be they fictional or not. Now you hate that fucker and wish him dead that teeth brushing faggot.

Now I'll go to him and tell him the exact same story only now it's even easier because you're acting like a dick towards him for no reason.

Now while you two are at each others necks I'll just count my money and move on to the next with a bigger more widespread plan to maximize my profits

Sim City makes some very political assumptions about urban planning and renders them as invisible, natural laws.

I tried watching that video but I reached the 5 minutes mark and he kept talking about how he devs didnt want to make the game political,
like shit you made your point

Just tell me why not making a game political is bad

jim stirling outlived totalshitbit. let that sink it.

And every reply afte r this is "NO IT'S JUST THOSE GUYS" politics is a great divider and ilook forward to more people dying for it, means business is about to get more cash money

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>Don't take that guy seriously, he hurt my feelings and I have no real argument against what he's saying

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>Is it really political when it's just an excuse to have a game where you shoot people?
Yes. That's like asking of the Christchurch shooting,
>Is it really anti-Islamic sentiment when it's just an excuse to meme on people?

a game having politics in it isn't the same as a game pushing a political message
When a dev says they aren't making any political statements, it's because they aren't making any political statements
it's a fucking shooting game
why don't you admit that all you want is for the devs to come out and say "Orange man bad!!!1!!!!1!"
kill yourself

>When a dev says they aren't making any political statements, it's because they aren't making any political statements
So if the game is making political statements, logically, they wouldn't be saying this. But they are.

This is an interesting question, and I think it has to do partially with journalism as a profession. Journalists like to claim, nowadays, that all games are inherently political, which is obviously untrue. There's nothing political about Tetris, or Super Mario Bros., or Sonic the Hedgehog. I think they use that line as an excuse to squeeze more journalistic content out of a game than the creator intended. Sure, you could write a bunch of articles about the gameplay mechanics of the latest AAA game, but what about its POLITICAL message? If it doesn't have one already, you can just invent one.

Obviously, there are exceptions. Some games, like that last Wolfenstein game where B.J's dad had the Trump hair, are transparently political in an obnoxious, ham-fisted way. Other games, like Deus Ex, are also very political, but present their political messages intelligently. However, most games today keep their politics outside the game itself. You could play Overwatch, for example, and have no idea which characters are and aren't gay (I don't see sexuality as a political issue in and of itself, but it's often used as one). But if you read all the background material, you can figure out who's a crypto-lesbian and who's not. They don't directly inform you via gameplay, but they get progressive points anyway by telling people about the characters' sexuality via external material. Overwatch is an abnormal case because it's a multiplayer game, but my point is that plenty of games will be retrofitted with politics, either by the developers or the slimy world of gaming journalism, which creates the divide. Players don't analyze the game politically because they're busy playing it; journalists do because they want to get you to click on their articles, and if their articles are about politics, people will click on them.

What assumptions exactly?

Resident evil is anti vaccination because it hates medical science.

When I posted that image I wasn't making any political statements. I'm coming out right now and saying I wasn't pushing a political message when I posted that image.

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And yet no political ideology is superior to others. They are all equally valid, including dictatorships and monarchies.

the main villian of sonic is literally a megalomaniac mad scientist who experiments on animals and torches nature to try to take over the world you unbelievable mong

I don't remember exactly but there was an article about it. Basically though Will Wright read one book on urban planning and he basically mirrored the theories it put forth in his game even though in the field it was actually a pretty contentious book.

By refusing to take a political stance, you are by default protecting the status quo (by not challenging it), and thus you are a conservative. This is a political stance.

>i don't care if gays are discriminated, this doesn't belong in my vidya
Is a political stance.
>i don't care if we sell guns to jihadists, get that shit out of my vidya
Is a political stance.
>i wish the only women to appear in games are strippers and whores
Is a political stance.

is being a radical centrist a political stance

>resetera rapefugees shilling sterling

It absolutely is. How would being a political centrist, radically, not be a political stance?

What if they just want to make a videogame?

>Pong is conservative
Based conservatives

I'm centrist to a point that it isn't political. Checkmate.

video game journalists think they're movie journalists, so they only like games that are "deep"


Sterling is bad human material and I wish he'd get recycled to better use the materials he is made of, but in this particular video he is correct.
When an obviously political game is made, and the marketing team is scared to talk about it, they are letting the designers down. Its cuckoldry of the highest caliber.

Then maybe not make a game about a civil war where your base is literally The White House and has the name of political thriller author Tom Clancy in the title. Just saying.

Complete bullshit. Just because it uses medical experimentation as a tool to have a fun scenario doesn't mean they hate it.

>Sterling is bad human material
Why? Because he says stuff that hurts your feelings? This is why people are a joke they claim to be morally superior but in reality they're just hypocrites

>Considering we've established
He established that himself in the video, going back to Mario as something that can be rationalized as political, and yet despite the fact that it CAN BE, isn't seeing as being one.

If they just wanted to make a game where you shoot people, why didn't the Director just say that when asked about the what political message they wanted to send? Or even if they wanted to straddle the line:
>We were concerned about the political divide in modern society and created a game with this setting as a warning, with the hope that people who divided politically can find a way to work together.
Or even use Clancy as a shield:
>We are simply exploring many of the political themes often featured in Mr. Clancy's fictions, and continuing the story that began in the first Division game.
But they didn't do that. They insisted that a game set in the National Capital that touches on political division, national security, the 2nd Amendment, and the use of the military to police/control citizens within the borders of the homeland as well as other topics and debates that are explicitly political, weren't political.

Yes, anything can theoretically be political, but some games make describing them at political easier while others make doing seem more contrived. This one is clearly the former, and Sterling wouldn't have said a thing about it if they hadn't pretended to be the latter when asked about the message behind their so obviously being the latter.

imagine making the same threads everyday
making the same replies everyday
posting the same reaction images
all for it to be pointless and deleted

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So? You think that isn't a statement in and of itself?

Why is everyone shitting on the fat cunt when the actual bullshit in this picture is some ubisoft cocksucker attacking the fatman for attacking his overlords game?

>илj пpeглeди
Wait who is this

I was just shitposting but seeing as how insane this thread has gotten I don't blame you for thinking otherwise.

Exactly. The devs are full of shit. They wanna flip the bird and make all types of gestures behind the glass, but when you break it, say they just had something in their eye.

And unless one is shown to be superior, it doesn't count as "political" to you?

>Because he says stuff that hurts your feelings?
He called me a bluepilled brainlet. He then proceeded to walk out of my house, my black neighbor was walking by and Jim got furious just by looking at the man and proceeded to push him down, drag him by his head and curb stomp him right in front of my mailbox. Needless to say Jim was a little rude.

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>Why? Because he says stuff that hurts your feelings?
No, because he is obese, a degenerate, his journalism is 90% reading articles from actual journalists, he doesn't even edit his own videos, and in the middle of his life, in his supposed prime, he has more diseases than my family tree has ever hosted, because of what a garbage animal he is. And he likes american "wrestling" to boot. Just bad human material. A poor configuration of otherwise useful atoms. Should be rearranged. We could make a lot of glue or fertilizer from those precious building blocks. Could make 20 pairs of shoes from that leather.

I would say there's a 1% chance Dr. Robotnik was conceived as a condemnation of industrialization and a 99% chance that he was conceived as a convenient villain for a cute hedgehog mascot to fight. It's not impossible, but I'm reasonably certain that he was the result of storytelling logic, not political messaging.

So is PewDiePie a journalist now too?

He's a hypocrite. Bitching about shit like Quiet when he says he's fine with tiddy for tiddys sake and wants kojima to admit she was just for tits, yet shits all over senran kagara for tits. Fuck him and fuck you, snowfuck

pewdiepie play videogames and react to shitty videos
on the other hand the fat fuck exclusively talks about video game news

Don't diss PewNews, zoomers #1 news source

SO in other words because he hurts your feelings. yeah you humans make me laugh, again you just cannot understand the concept of how hypocritical you all are so you double down and make excuses for your bullshit points.


Oh shut up, you and all in the world are nothing but garbage fighting over who smells the least like shit

No it's not you fucking mongoloids. That would be like having the president of the US included in a completely non political game and you idiots saying it's political because someone acknowledged that he exists.

Can't tell if bad false flag or genuine redditor.

That’s not what he was arguing about at all. Jim wanted the Division 2, which is a game with obvious themes and admiration for guns and the White House (Like the game saying that people with guns are good people) to admit that the game has some political themes in it.

I recognize that slut

No, it wouldn't be like that. It would be like having the US president meet the Russian president and a representative from the EU and discussing the pro's and cons of the ways they run their countries.

>>i don't care if gays are discriminated, this doesn't belong in my vidya
>Is a political stance.
>>i don't care if we sell guns to jihadists, get that shit out of my vidya
>Is a political stance.
>>i wish the only women to appear in games are strippers and whores
>Is a political stance.

Have you cosidered that not everyone is looking to make a fucking political message every 5 seconds?
No, Pac-man for the arcade doesn’t fucking have commentary on socio-economic climate of the 1980s, not because it intentionally doesn’t take a stance, but because it is fucking trying to be a fucking Game that people can enjoy.

>the people with guns are good people
But you spend all game shooting other people with guns that are explicitly stated to be bad people and outnumber you twenty to one.

>When I posted that image I wasn't making any political statements.
lol, nice

got 'em

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=t8EMx7Y16Vo
(I just like the music, okay)

imagine defending jim the sjw that he is

I disagree, I think it would be more like a cheeseburger, you take the different parts and put them together to make the cheeseburger, but if you take the cheeseburger apart, it's not a cheeseburger anymore, you know what I mean?

Right, I'm from the normie ville because I don't give a fuck about you, politics or humans in general, we're all just gonna kill each other so forgive me if I don't care for the bullshit hypocritical excuses you bastards keep jerking yourselves off with. Now shut up and post a crime statitic or how about an essay about how women are inferior and need to learn their place, or hell, how about one how gamers aren't actually violent and the real violent ones are leftists jews? Come on,puppets do your thing. You're all entertainment til the bombs drop and I intend to milk you for all you're worth.

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>refusing being political makes you a conservative
ohh that explains why the media and their zombies call anyone nazis

Doesn't matter what you mean or don't mean to do.
Buying a blood diamond signifies your political stance on african kids dying in mines. Nobody needs an essay explaining that shit, your behavior says enough.

Pac-man was literally a stance on kids shooting up weed in the arcades though.

This subject is an intersection of video games and politics.

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Would be more appropiate if he was sucking off the bull prepping to plow his female clone.

This is literally by definition, brainlet.
Refusing to act to change the status quo == aiding to preserve the status quo == being a conservative.
Being reverse-SJW or anti-MSM isn't necessary. If anything, you are being extra political, just in case.

It's one thing to make an apolitical game. It's another to take the stance that games should be apolitical.

Liberals would kill Trump supporters and anyone they suspect of being white nationalists if they could get away with it.

Ah yes "Buying a blood diamond" and "Buying a game in which guns are ever shown as useful" are equivalencies.

But not all politics are political.

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I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

I take it that English is your second language then.

Yes, but also because you're not being very clear in what you mean to say.

>food analogy

Killing white nationalists is good, actually

Jesus. Do I really have to elaborate? Fine. Not all talk about politics is inherently political. Do you get it now?

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I think so, if you mean like Deus Ex being political but not at the same time. As in the politics expressed aren't really controversial to anyone.

as terry davis once said: you are the stupidest monkey nigger i've ever seen

Don't complain when someone kills non-whites in return then ;)


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No. In that case it was political. There are some cases where politics aren't political.

Give an example then.

>Lego Star Wars
An adaptation of Star Wars which is about dismantling a fascist empire and their nuclear deterrent.
Like all GTA games, it's a satire on American culture.
War is bad.
>King Kong Official Game.
Adaptation of the film King Kong which is anti-colonialist and anti-consumerist.
>Tomb Raider
Corporations aren't benevolent and beautiful ancient artifacts should be enjoyed by everyone in museums and not hoarded by private collectors.

I'm not going to spoonfeed you. I'm not your personal political science professor. You don't teach your child to tie their shoelaces by showing them, you let them experience a few failures before they finally get it for themselves.

I understand the feeling, I watch and subscribe to Pewdiepie because it pisses off lefties.

Because you're a lair/wrong OP
People just get butthurt when everything does bend to their personal ideology now so companies are turning into pussies with nothing to say.

"""""Journalists""""" of all stripes (and other leftists) want RAHOWA. We will give it to them if they continue to push.

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Well I'll just have to come away from this discussion assuming your claims are bullshit then since you're failing to explain them properly.

Being suspect of a belief =/= Actual belief in those ideologies

But it's not "in return", they're already doing that. Hence why.

Having said this, Jim Sterling is still a commie brainlet.

I tried explaining them to you in many different ways. I guess you aren't smart enough to understand.

>wasting your time watching an unfunny manchild play video games to own the libs

How is this thread still up? How is this board still up?

I've ignored every thread on this faggot I've seen over the years until now

Someone explain why he's talked about so much, is it because he's a downie?

He doesn't even play videogames anymore as far as my understanding goes.
It's just the dude commenting on other youtubers now, how that is able to hold the top position on youtube is beyond me.

>wasting your time watching a literal cuck rant about the TRIPLE A industry over and over to own the /pol/tards

most games 'journos' literally cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, and have fantasies of heroism, repression and punishment, therefore they strive to heroically repress and punish fictional entities in make-believe worlds

Resident Evil is pretty blatantly about chemical weapons and how pharmaceutical corporations can be corrupt.

>Forbidden Siren
Living in a backwater village makes you a literal zombie. And worst of all - you can't escape. It's a corporatist pro-industrialization game that shames cultural traditions of the past.

I can't read your mind user. I asked for an example and you refused to give one. I'm thinking you just suck at explaining things or maybe you're just full of shit.

Look. The real reason I can't explain is that I can't get too political.

Jim Sterling is the perfect bait thread
>Social Justice politics
>literally a cuck in the literal since
>Sold out gamers like most other so called game journalists

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>These are the people who call you a nazi online

If you think blacks and gays existing is politics you're hopeless

Existing is political.

I should have unsubscribed from this cuck sooner

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That's because they don't see gays and other minority's as people but as political bargaining chips. That's why they push them in media.

>he is his own wife and role plays as her on twitter
this man is on a mission

Hi, welcome to my point, thanks for coming

>Women don't owe you shit.
>A woman's place is in the resistance!
Why do these faggots lack even a single droplet of self-awareness?

>He's married to a blue haired tumblr landwhale
>He's a cuck
It's like this downie's life is what the stereotypical SJW was based off of. Never skipping another Jim thread again this shit is too funny

Sterling was right in this instance and anyone who disagrees either didn't watch the video or is intentionally misunderstanding it.
>Detroit: Become Human has references to racial tensions in America to the point where the androids literally stand at the back of the bus, a black woman in the game compares the android movement to the civil rights movement, and pic related.
>despite this, David Cage insists that the game isn't overtly political
That's the shit he's complaining about.

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Also, notice that the doctor was the only one who tried to study shibito. So you might think that there is a theme of science prevailing over absurd. But in the end he, perhaps out of envy, killed his own twin brother and assumed his identity - of a good priest. One might say that it is a realization that mind cannot do without faith. Attaining knowledge is senseless without a reason, divine or spiritual.
I should go write that rubbish for money

It is politics, they're here because of leftists you fucking idiot

That's what I don't get, Overwatch and detroit are making it so poor robots are being discriminated against. But as robots that can be hacked among other things you can't really compare them to people.

I believe the media in the past was openly political about everything. It was an expression of the beliefs of the author. This is a bad practice. Complete absence of politics from games it literally stigmatization of a very important field of public life.

I think there's a distinction to be made over the shorthand of politics and philosophy as a hole. Usually, complaints around politics center around immediately relevant politics, and while no story can really get away from philosophy as a whole, they can avoid overtly sucking the political dicks of the hour.


Sure you can, the robots have their own wills and wants but because humans are above them, they can't express them, they are only there for what humans want them for, labor, sex, a thing ot take their worse impulses out on, ect. it's a dehumanizing something with human emotions and feelings. Only difference is one is flesh and bone and the other is mechanical wearing that weird shit people consider flesh like

Imagine if we had bots like that in real life and someone had one made in the form of a little girl that acts like a little girl so he could fuck it, you think people wouldn't go all political on that shit, or one wearing the skin of a minority so they can act like they have a black slave again.

Shits political as fuck, the fucking x-men have been political since their conception every fucking thing is political and only a fool would argue otherwise, people just don't like it when political things are argumentative instead of everyone being on the same page, silent agreement

Right, you can argue that the allegory doesn't make sense under scrutiny, but Sterling's mainly taking issue with developers insisting that their not making any kind of political statement despite clearly drawing from current political themes/imagery

>robots have their own wills
In what universe would people design robots that are capable of somehow attaining "Free will". Granted, free will doesn't exist regardless, but in what universe where it happened would a designer put the magic juice into a robot? It serves nobody.

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This is barely politics. It's more social concerns. The only politics there, you pulled straight from Star Wars 1977 movie. LSW includes all six. Battlefront 2005 is about the 501st Legion in the Clone Wars and after, the Death Star is only a small part of it.

>war is bad, so have fun experiencing it, we've also included deathmatch multiplayer so you can experience how fun, ah how bad war is with your friends

>king kong

Again you are pulling from the film. And the filmmakers expressly stated that the anti colonialist message in the film is something that critics have applied to it, and it was not intended by the artists who made it.

Yeah you should, you actually sounded like a legit pseud for a moment there. Thought I was on Cracked for a minute.

something something NiGHTS is non gender binary

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>pewdiepie play videogames

Megaman for one
The virus in Detroit gave robots free will and the robots in Overwatch come with free will now if it's real life, people may give the robots free wil lto make them more "life like"

>The year is 2105
>Mr.Rogo of Japan makes the first robot with true thought and free will with the intelligence of a 20 year old
>Robot wakes up
>Screams as it realizes its alive
>Kill itself
>The robot's consciousness has been backed up
>Mr. Rogo thinks its just a glitch
>Makes a new robot
>Robot's consciousness has been uploaded
What a horrifying thought.

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Or maybe, the people telling you to "have sex" aren't feminists. And are just sick if incel bullshit taking over this website.

Have sex user. Please. AND FUCK FEMINISM.

>life like
Why? You have a supercomputer on legs, why would you want that supercomputer able to act entirely separate from its programmed goals?

>Authorial intent matters
lmao, everyone point and laugh at this pleb

I have, nothing changes, please keep repeating yourself and proving my point that you have no argument

As a former games journo, current triple A dev, and someone who has been gaming since 1991, I'll say that for me, games with a "political" (aka real world) message are great. It's a natural extension of the art form. Consider film. The earliest films were just people dancing or walking around. "Look at this! MOVING. FUCKING. PICTURES". Then slapstick comedy... 130 years later films are made of all kinda of things. Some are political or social commentary. Some are just transforming robots blowing each other up. There's room for both.

Games will go the same way. You'll always have Tetris just like you'll always have Papers Please.

Let me ask you this. Have you ever wondered how you would feel if your calculator was capable of expressing sexual desire towards you?

How the fuck was Tetris political? Was it a message about conformity? Brainlet.

Pong is quite literally left vs right.

That's simple enough to do already, and if they gave robots free will just to attempt to get their dick wet they are very short sighted. They could do that anyway without also giving said robot the power to cuckold you with Engineer Chad next door.

>Zoomer reading comprehension
Tetris is a pure mechanical game that is apolitical
Papers Please is a game with a very political / social message

The point is that from now on we will have both. Ping me if you're still confused.

I still play tetris when I go take a shit sometimes. I like that game because it's very addictive and it also doesn't force me to accept women as equals.

Stop dodging the important question. Would you fuck your calculator if it expressed sexual desire towards you?

>The curtains are blue because it represents the protagonists inner sorrow and depression

I don't have the workshop necessary to give it adequate genitals, so I would have to abstain.

Well you must be a sad asexual faggot then, or the girl you fucked was disgusted by you and regretted it. If you have never had fun/loving sex you are missing out.

Trips of truth. Honestly not how I expected this post to go. Pleasant surprise.

>I don't understand literary criticisms OR informal logical fallacies

I think it says a lot that no one actually addresses Jim's arguments directly and always goes for strawmen.

>imagine being a game journalist
>imagine being a fag in san Francisco
Theres your answer

Who are you quoting?

I understand them. I just think you are wrong.

t. Author.

Get fucked faggot, you aren't going to apply some shitty fag meaning to my work that I never intended just because I died. I will make it fucking known what the meaning is in supplementary media just to piss you off.

>Not political
It’s a massive fucking satire on American culture and politics. Did you even play it?

>IP count in this thread didn't change when this post was made
Yeah, this totally isn't some blatant samefagging.

>unironic use of the blue curtains meme

>you aren't going to apply some shitty fag meaning to my work that I never intended just because I died
Yes I am, and you can't stop me.
>I will make it fucking known what the meaning is in supplementary media just to piss you off.
No one cares, lol

Funny how fast this one cropped up but "seething" and "cope" are still legitimate arguments after a year.

SEETHING. Cope more back on reddit you fucking numale cuck.

You will be wrong. Your interpretation will be non canon.

No one but you will care about your shitty headcanon, faggot.

user, there's only 90 different posters in this thread, and 223 replies.

>seething or cope
They are shitpost yawps. Literally one word dismissals. Just like "Based" is a one word acceptance.

Yeah, and I caught a samefag. Easy.

>non canon
Oh no!
lmao who the fuck cares about "canon" except shitty genre fiction fans

>unironic use of the death of the author meme

That's really not how this works. We've both already posted in this thread, see. So even though we're arguing the IP count isn't going up. And yet I'm sure you must admit we're not the same person.

I didn't say that faggot, I said nothing changed because it didn't and sex is not the be-all-end-all you make it out to be, stop using your shitty ad hominem

The author can't be dead, otherwise how the fuck did the write the book? Brainlet.

Interpretation doesn't give a shit about being canon, that's not what that word means

Who the fuck cares what some faggot fans interpretation of a book/movie/game is either.

The author/director/developers word is always god.


I'm not admitting shit. Samefag.

Ask yourself this? Why are there no right wing political games?

So you're saying
are the same person?

IP count didn't go up.

Political = fighting = clicks, attention and "fame."

There are right wing political games, they just aren't in video game format. One right wing game is trying to get the high score in shooting up a mosque.

God, it actually appears that your entire idea of literary criticism is a bunch of nerds discussing what is canon. This is beyond sad.

Thanks bruh.

Game journos DO largely suck. I didn't like many that I worked with. Devs are better, but the engineers (which is what I am) can be fucking dicks. Designers are just stupid (in that they'll want to implement something the engine fundamentally can't support) but no one gets as condescending as the engineers. Everyone wants to be the smartest guy in the room and it's fucking gay sometimes

All im going to tell you is that if you try to use authorial intent in any serious criticism of media youre going to be laughed at by everyone whos given the topic even a modicum of thought.


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>game has politics I agree with

>game has politics I disagree with

Every game has politics, you're just too entrenched with some views that you don't consider them political.

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Rightwingers aren't creative. They lack imagination. It's also the reason they have no empathy and demand conformity from everyone.

So you're arguing with yourself?

There are people who believe that every act of your life is political but can't explain the politics of going to the beach.

I was the monster all along. Quite the twist right?

>defense force pops up in response to this
>still no argument

Do you know what's even sadder? The fact that some people think their faggot little interpretation overwrites the authors, they write articles about it and claim the authors work was always about this other topic the author never intended, and might not have even existed at the time of writing.

Media criticism is for mental midgets. Why would I ever want to get into that. Being a critic, a reviewer or a media analyzer is for people with low IQ's who are uncreative, who's lust is for cultural destruction.

High IQ people want to create. They write things, they film things, they make things. THis is why Death of the Author is such a terrible sad idea. It's the creation of a high IQ induvidual being torn apart by a pack of low IQ intellectual vandals, most often with a political agenda.

Imagine a 150 IQ genius walking into a theater with a bunch of MCU plebs, and telling them he couldn't' decide of his favorite director was Andrei Tarkovsky, or Sergei Parajanov, my god, he'd be laughed out of the theatre for being a poncy fart sniffing faggot.

Well you either go to the right side or the left side of the beech.

See, political after all.

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Well, user...

Go fuck yourself


Why don't you let us read some of your work, user?

lol tl;dr

>let me tell you how your work is actually about the plight of gay men and their alliance with women of color struggling to became emancipated

Nah. You people don't deserve the ability to decipher runes.

I bet your mother is a virgin.

Right-wingers think any game with an LGBT or non-White character or a story more advanced than "Be Luke Skywalker and fight the empire" is "political".

Find me a single person on Twitter complaining about "politics in games" and I will find their retweets of Tomi Lahren and Gavin McInnes.

>games have varying degrees of politicization, including many that aren't political in any meaningful way
>postmodern pseud argues that Super Smash Bros. is the same as Deus Ex because they can contrive whatever they want to

Because right-wingers can't promote their politics in anything but euphemisms because no one actually wants to give tax cuts to the rich and corporations or have an American health-care system.

>lul I bet you're Jesus faggot

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Clearly there varying levels, but no one bats an eye when Deus Ex does politics, but if one character in some other game says something SJW-like, everyone loses their fucking mind over """""politics""""".

Way to miss the point.

Doesnt change the fact that the plot was literally Civil Rights 2.0. FFS is the fleeing to the north shit not obvious?

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Because then they would have to actually play the game they're writing about instead of just talking about the script and why we "need" it now.

The right should just adopt the postmodern position and argue alongside them that these are indeed political positions; fight them on their own terms. Make heterosexuality and white characters and sane, rational characters adhering to coherent archetypes a political agenda, as they assert it is.
Just say, yep, we're for people being happy, prosperous, mentally healthy, pro-social, and so on: This is out political agenda, and it's opposed to yours.

What do they have to lose? Not like it's wrong. Not like anyone who isn't mentally ill would oppose it.
Idiots need to get with the times.

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>The people with guns killed the people without guns.
Eh, that's just nature at work.

No, that's how they turned out like that.

But Luke Skywalker is gay.

>we're for people being happy, prosperous, mentally healthy, pro-social,

If you were born rich, White and straight.

These are reflections of personal ethics, something which long predates modern mass politics.

You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Doesn't mean you'll get it.

These people don't actually enjoy videos they enjoy politics and want more ways to push their beliefs

Maybe, MAYBE in nuWars. But dude fucked Mara Jade in the old canon and had kids.

They spend their entire lives obsessing of trivial entertainment and want to be a real journalist.

Games being political isn't bad. What id bad are games being preachy and dumb.

Yeah, too bad asians prove you wrong, faggot. Probably why the left hates them so, since they destroy the narrative. Same goes for immigrants from everywhere else, including actual africans (not amerimutts larping as africans while ignorant of the differences of even east and west africa or north africa and sub-saharan africa, or litearlly anything else about the continent because they are a culture of ignorant niggers in the most unironic use of that derogatory term), that don't grow up consumed by niggerculture.

All the problems all these disgusting other ethnic groups complain about are 99% their own fault. But as long as malicious, ignorant, enabling faggots like yourself keep telling them it's totally evil whitey's fault so don't change just keep doin' what you're doin', they're never gonna get out of their rut.
I guess it *is* correct in one sense, though. The people pushing that agenda, the progressive left, is the most racially and culturally homogeneous demographic in the country. Can you guess which one it is?

They're liberal arts majors with a clown degree who get hired via nepotism by other liberal arts majors with clown degrees.

They have no critical eye or the smallest clue about what makes a game good, all they know is if the game frustrates or offends them and that becomes their review.

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dumb frog posters

This image is SO fucking stupid. He didn't say he wanted games to "get political". He said that games ARE political, but media managers and directors want to pretend that they're not. Game developers are actively making games with political themes, and then pretending like you're just reading into it too much if you find them political.

"Everything is political" is a Postmodernist argument, and actually political. When people use said argument you can immediately tell that the one doing so is either of two things.

Either they're a Postmodernist who believes in Michel Foucault's theories that everything in life is a "power struggle" between groups and even the simple action of drinking a glass of water is "political" and everyday life was filled with "microfascisms".

Or it's someone that has heard the phrase thrown out before in casual conversation and is just repeating it without being aware of the larger philosophical theories it is based on and the meaning it has, and all its implications.

In either case, it is a radical position that is used by Totalitarians of every color, both Nazis and Communists for instance also believed that everything in life is political, which led them to censor and engineer art and create a Totalitarian society where every bit of anyone's personal life was controlled to make sure it has the "right" politics.

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>"Everything is political" is a Postmodernist argument, and actually political.
But that's also not the argument made. Can't you disingenuous fucks actually address the point for once instead of intentionally misreading it so you get the opportunity to talk about your pet topic?

>Seemed pretty reasonable.
But it isn't. Everything in the game exist for the sake of immersion. Why is it set in DC? Because everyone knows about the White house. Whether you are chinese, korean, japan, russian, brazilian, european, etc. no matter what part of the world you live in, youve heard about the White House. That's why its there. To create immersion.
The game take no stance on any current day controversies or issues. Not even some hard to find subtle easter egg.
It's a game about shooting people. Everything else is there to make it realistic. Not to create a platform for opinions.

Instead of asking "why is it there" ask "what does it say"
>The game take no stance on any current day controversies or issues.
Are you daft?

But seeing politics everywhere is the topic of discussion now.
Is chess political? It promotes whites over blacks. It takes a stand on how conquering people and violence can lead to victory. It shows how sacrificing lesser people can be a great strategy.

This is how ridiculous you sound when you see politics in some mindless FPS game.

No. Jims take is stupid he literally said the devs are spineless. You should be able to have a game in any type of setting (dystopian new york, white house, etc) with out having to say orange man bad.

>"what does it say"
And I already answered that part. It says nothing. The white house is there because its one of the most recognized buildings in the whole world.

>Are you daft?
What stances it takes? Tell me.

Yes, clearly we are insane for seeing politics in a game about government death squads cleansing the streets of undesirables during an American civil war

Who the fuck benefits from your gaslighting?

Journalists dream of instigating change within a system through their work. Games "journalists" are no different.

People who play video games do so to chill after work and dissociate from reality. So they don't want fucking politics in their shit unless it's a broad commentary they can ignore.

>with out having to say orange man bad.
That is once again not the fucking point. He said they're spineless not because they don't come out and say orange man bad, but because they flat-out deny all of the incredibly blatant political topics in their games are political.

>And I already answered that part. It says nothing.
Well, that's wrong.
>What stances it takes?
Guns are good and necessary. The government isn't required to obey the law to maintain order. If you loot during a national crisis you deserve to be shot in the street. Stuff like that.

>Well, that's wrong.
not him but he's clearly correct

>Guns are good and necessary.
It's a game about shooting people for fucks sake you retard. You realize the order in a to-do list when creating games is
>what player does
>fabricating some story around it
And not the reverse.

Guns are there, because its a fucking video game about shooting people. Everything else in there exist to make the environment more immersive.
They dont take a stance on anything, they dont deliver a message, they dont even raise questions. You shoot people, they create an environment that makes shooting people more realistic and justified.

It's like saying RTS games promote war. Holy fuck you are down the rabbit hole for sure. Can you even drink a glass of water or is that political too?

>It's a game about shooting people for fucks sake you retard.
This goes beyond that, moron. It's literally about how everyone with a gun survived the collapse of society. This is an explicit plot point.
>fabricating some story around it
So we can't say anything about the story they fabricated around it?

Remind me, what was Yea Forums's stance on Wolfenstein II?

>This goes beyond that, moron.
It does not. People buy shooter games to shoot stuff. Not to be preached on political issues. I've yet to see a single person being excited about a shooter because of the politics.

>So we can't say anything about the story they fabricated around it?
You can, it just does not make any sense to do so. In a game where you shoot guns, they always gonna fabricate a story that justifies it. Is it worth caring about it? No. Does it have any meaning? No. Is it important? No. Is there anyone outside lunatics on the internet who care about it? No.

Based the quartering

fringe post

>It does not.
Don't talk about things you know nothing about. I just explained to you that this is a point the game makes. I don't care why you would or would not play it. It's in the game anyway.
>You can, it just does not make any sense to do so.
Really? So making one choice over the other makes no difference? Whether you choose to make the protagonist a straight white man or a strong black lesbian? Whether you shoot aliens, or Nazis? What if there was a game that literally had you shoot president Blumpf and his army of brainwashed zombies in red hats? Completely apolitical, right? It's just set dressing. Just an excuse to shoot things.

I know this post won't get seen by anyone who's actually willing to listen, but I know why

Game journos want vidya to get taken seriously as an artform in the same way movies and books are.

Thing is, that form of respect only comes with time. Less established mediums aren't really seen as necessary in the same way as the older ones because people can still imagine life without them.

And it takes a long fucking time for a medium to become established too. Animation, for example, has been around since at least the beginning of the 20th century, but to this day is still seen by the general public as a highly commercial form of entertainment, even in countries like Japan that have thriving industries

The journos want to skip the whole process of novelty to entertainment to art, not realizing that said process is necessary and trying to rush past it just sets you back

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Because leftists are hipocrites

>I just explained to you that this is a point the game makes
You explained something you THINK the games states because you are an obsessed extremist retard as I already said in my first post >So making one choice over the other makes no difference?
It does, but so far every single choice falls in the category where you need mental gymnastics to see politics in it
>What if there was a game that literally had you shoot president Blumpf and his army of brainwashed zombies in red hats?
And that said game does not exist because devs dont want to make things political. Glad you got there in the end

What the FUCK did Jim mean by this?

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>You explained something you THINK the games states
No, this is not up for debate.
>It does, but so far every single choice falls in the category where you need mental gymnastics to see politics in it
Christ, you dense motherfucker. I might actually have better luck with a brick wall.

Because their income is based on writing clickbait titles for their articles.
How is that even a question?

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>A shooting game tells you that people with guns survived, therefore there is a political stance in the game
Yeah dude wish I was just half as bright as you.

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>Left wing are the empathetic side
The left wing are either envious or virtue signalling sociopaths. The only people you fags have "empathy" for are the people you consider to be on your side politically.

Are they trying to say that Europe was always multi-racial and full of blacks and middle-easterners like it is now?

"Tolerance and empathy are the last virtues of a dying society"

>A shooting game tells you Nazis are the bad guys and need to be shot, therefore there is a political stance in the game

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>when you shitpost IRL


Okay, punching Nazis it is

Who are you quoting?

>right wing calling ANYBODY sociopaths
Right wing don't give a fuck about anybody, fuck the poor, fuck children, fuck the unborn, fuck the old, fuck the vets, fuck everything. The only thing that is good for them is profit.

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Kingdom Come was criticized for not having historically accurate designated negro breeding inns.

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Surely not you, right? There's no way anyone could construe Wolfenstein II as political. Surely that's just reading too much into it.

>fuck the unborn

Yea that's why jew york pass that recent abortion law, eh?

Why do you cucks not want your games to be political? Jim’s point was that most games are inherently political whether you think they are or not. Retards

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How is the division 2?

Nah. Conservatives are legitimately emotionally retarded. This is a fact

>FIFA is the only game that isnt political

Come on, when people say they don't want their game to be political they really mean they don't want right wing politics in them.

That's what leftists say about everything and what end up happening is that those thing must become even more political with the "right" politics. This is why we have feminism infesting video games. It's exactly like saying drinking milk is racist because non whites are lactose intolerant.

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The left is even more hate filled than the right they just can't admit it because they're justified hating white people because they're the majority in even a single country.

Game jurnos entire life revolves around vidya. They live in a fantasy land 24/7. Politics gives them a new interesting topic to talk about. Normal people have to deal with politics and other shit everyday in the real world, so why would they want more politics invading their leisure time?

ITT: overbearing assumptions and simplifications base on political ideology

This is why games must not become political.

Live in whatever fantasy world makes you feel best my dude

>fuck children
>fuck the old
>fuck the vets
>fuck everything
What does the left do to help anyone besides wanting to give handouts to non-whites and deregulating big tech companies?
>fuck the unborn
Says the side that supports late term abortion lmfao

Also i'm not a conservative.

Won't be so fun for you when they punch back ;)

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>complains about Steam having offensive games
>complains that games are not political enough

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I've been watching a friend play it for a bit and it looks totally generic. It's The Division 1 but more of the same, if you want more Division 1 it'll give you exactly that. Enemies take half a magazine to kill, gear is a slow creep forward past level 30, and enemy variety is somewhat low. Bosses seem to be one of two variations, an elite normal enemy with a lot of armor or an EOD kitted big gun guy that takes two magazines to the chest just to strip off his armor.

Not a single person was mad at Wolfenstein. It's been a series about killing nazis since the very beginning. It has a well established form and it is a mindless shooter.
People criticized the "Shoot a Nazi" advertising because it was during the peak of "Everybody I disagree with is a Nazi" era.
It's still not political, just shitty advertising


>Oh but also you have to make sure you don't watch, consume, or buy anything that makes the wrong political statement or we will ruin your life.

If the right wing were really against abortion they would be funding things like sexual education, make contraceptives more available and would fund resources like planned parenthood. All of which have been shown to cut down on unwanted pregnancy and abortion rates. Instead, they defund all of that. It's a political tool, they don't give a shit about the unborn.

Everything is either pro or anti christian whether you think so or not. Everything is racist whether you think so or not. Everything is sexist whether you think so or not.

When did I say anything about one side being more hateful than the other you illiterate sperg

i had sex last night lol FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK JANNIES

>Fund Planned Parenthood
>Cut down on abortion rates

U wot

>It's exactly like saying drinking milk is racist because non whites are lactose intolerant.
That's really only something I've heard from retarded white supremacists who made a point of performatively drinking milk

>I’m retarded, therefore everyone else is
Seek help

I don't understand what Jim Sterling wanted the Ubisoft guy to say in that interview he was talking about.

Like what political message does the game have he thinks they're too afraid to say?

Like what the fuck do you WANT?



>Yea Forums's entire life revolves around vidya. They live in a fantasy land 24/7. Politics gives them a new interesting topic to talk about. Normal people have to deal with politics and other shit everyday in the real world, so why are we having these threads?

Planned Parenthood isn't only there to give abortions dude. They provide contraception and services to help people through pregnancy so they won't have to resort to abortion.

That pass is something else. Women in NYcan now abort a literal 9 month old baby. Like a literal fully developed baby.
These people have no soul

This is revisionist history and just like you'r denying blatant political messages in games, I also won't fall for you denying Yea Forums's blatant political response to a game that could be interpreted as having politics they disagree with.

Liberal take from one group and give to another and this is called compassion but what you have to do to achieve that is demonize the group you are taking from and making the group you are giving to victims. This is how liberals spread hate and galvanize groups against each other.

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> funding things like sexual education
Why so you can indoctrinate kids about LGBTQ+ shit? We all know the shit they teach in school in sexed nowadays goes way beyond the birds and the bees.

And aborting a late term child hardly makes the left the side that cares about the unborn. You seem to be stuck in a black and white worldview where it's either unrestricted abortion or no abortion at all.

That's correct for both sides. Everybody needs to calm the fuck down.

Last time I checked, the left isn't pretending to give a shit about the unborn like the right are.

>That's really only something I've heard from retarded white supremacists who made a point of performatively drinking milk

nah this happened during hwndu some guy accused someone of racism for drinking milk.

>Planned Parenthood isn't only there to give abortions dude.
Yeah this is one of those
More than 80% of their money comes from abortions. it is basically an abortion clinic

Nigga that's the fucking joke.

The joke is:
A.) Those people aren't white supremacists, they're fucking internet trolls
B.) They made up a joke that they would drink milk because if they said it was a white power gesture, then the left would take it seriously.
C.) That's exactly what happened.

Memes shape reality. If you say something is a white-power symbol, it becomes one. Why? Because you fucking retards can't identify jokes.

>What causes the divide
>The divide
You had one job OP you fag

>but what you have to do to achieve that is demonize the group you are taking from and making the group you are giving to victims.
You really don't, that's something that happened quite separately, it's called white supremacy

>"Be Luke Skywalker and fight the empire"
>not political

>Planned Parenthood isn't only there to give abortions dude.
I mean, it's a pretty huge part of what they do, yeah.

>Last time I checked, the left isn't pretending
The entire left is nothing more just a bunch of retarded wankers racing who can take moral highground and how hard they can signal their wokeness 24/7
Their entire identity is about who can virtue signal harder at any given moment

The scary part is that the law is spreading to other states such as Virginia recently and that this is being normalized.

The left claims to be about empathy meanwhile they witch hunt people and demonize men and whites as entire groups. Then turn around and cry about Nazis demonizing non-whites and women.

Fucking hypocrites.

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Nah they just pretend to care about jews, transexuals, blacks, gays, and muslims.

I don't mind political themes. I hate when they insert contemporary politics. He probably wanted the Division 2 to start off by bashing trump.

>it's called white supremacy

There literally is no such thing as white supremacy. It's not an ideology, it's not a movement, it's not a political stance, it's not a group, it's not an organization, it's not a government policy.

There is literally nothing you can ever point to and identify as "white supremacy", and I really, REALLY urge you to try as hard as you can.

>havent been on Yea Forums in two years
>come back a thread about this guy

>But they didn't do that. They insisted that a game set in the National Capital that touches on political division, national security, the 2nd Amendment, and the use of the military to police/control citizens within the borders of the homeland as well as other topics and debates that are explicitly political, weren't political.

But they're not political. It's a shallow pretext for some shooty bang bang fun time blow ups. That people are sensitive about this subject matter, and see things that are not there, is beside the point.

>Those people aren't white supremacists, they're fucking internet trolls
As if those two are mutually exclusive, rather than increasingly looking like a circular Venn diagram.
>They made up a joke that they would drink milk because if they said it was a white power gesture, then the left would take it seriously.
It's not really a joke if you do it seriously. You're being a white nationalist, you're saying "I'm doing this because I am a white nationalist", and then when someone says "he did that because he's a white nationalist" you go "lol played". Did Yea Forums actually raise you to believe acting retarded is the same as skilfully manipulating people? If you act like a retard all the time, you're functionally just a retard.

>I shot 50 Muslims as a joke, ha, tricked you dumb libs!

Weak and predictable.

Pretty much this. Jim Sterling wants devs to insert current left wing political messages. He'd cry foul if it was the other way around though.

Yeah dude white people being a majority in a country is white supremacy and it must stop meanwhile the left totally ignore the ethnic majorities in other countries and even supports ethnic cleansing in them.

You know what, I'm not even going to bother with someone who's shown himself to be willing to be this disingenuous.

Not him but nice non-argument retard.

Gotta admit, its a pretty smart tactic though. Gaining votes simply by pretending to care about gay (2% of the whole population maximum) or trannies (less than 0.1%) but not even doing anything for their cause.
Nothing has changed for gays and trannies during the Trump era. absolutely zero thing. They literally gain votes by merely pretending

The did fuck up when they started only catering to that 2% though

Define White Supremacy and who exactly are the white supremacists that fit your definition.

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Weak and predictable

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>It's a shallow pretext for some shooty bang bang fun time blow ups.
That's actually a quite specific pretext that's deeply embedded in political themes when they could've just made a shooter without doing that

>He probably wanted the Division 2 to start off by bashing trump.

I really do expect a lot of people to think that a game will just start off by saying "Before we get started, Fuck Trump. Also Trump caused Green Poison."

>As if those two are mutually exclusive, rather than increasingly looking like a circular Venn diagram.
There are no white supremacists. It's all a joke, and you're taking the bait.

>You're being a white nationalist, you're saying "I'm doing this because I am a white nationalist"
I'm calling you a nigger because I'm a black nationalist.

Does this now mean I'm a black nationalist? Just because I said it on the internet? Is that how it works? If you take my statement seriously, and start reporting "BREAKING NEWS! user is a black nationalist!" does that somehow make it true?

A joke is still a joke even if you didn't laugh, and especially even if you took it seriously.

Fun Fact: The people getting hurt in movies? They're not really dead. It's all make believe.

Sad and repetitive

>>I shot 50 Muslims as a joke, ha, tricked you dumb libs!

Yeah dude it has nothing to do with all the terrorist attacks around the world by muslims this totally from nowhere. Also islam is pro gay.

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I mean the Division is based on a Tom Clancy novel about a group of government enforcers who are brutally suppressing an uprising by the American people.

If you're playing as the division and you're gunning down American citizens and looting their corpses I think some small degree of political commentary or satire is in order given the source material.

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Ain't that always the way?

Can you show us an example?
>Lol Im not wasting my time on you. Go read a book lol

I said I'm not bothering. Google it and I'm sure you'll find nothing because it doesn't exist, right?

anyone who doesn't want to be replaced by brown people.

>Nothing has changed for gays and trannies during the Trump era. absolutely zero thing.
Demonstrably false.

If that were true they would also be for voter ID laws, like that of which was struck down in North Carolina for systematically targeting blacks to keep them from voting.

Nice buzzwords. No argument.

At least they aren't using the rights tactics. Where they commit a mass shooting or send bombs to people they don't like. :^)

This doesn't refute my claim that Planned Parenthood provides other services. Of which, obviously reduce abortion rates, such as making contraceptives more available, providing morning after pills and education.

Oh ok so basically anyone you don't like is a white supremacist. Got ya.

Also Trump is literally Hitler.

he already has because of steams hands off policy.

>Google it and I'm sure you'll find nothing because it doesn't exist, right?

Well if Google says there's millions of white supremacists out there, it's gotta be true.

you can't claim your game isn't political then pull shill out the ass like division.

>Where they commit a mass shooting or send bombs to people they don't like. :^)
I mean its more effective than autistically screeching on the internet and having twitter meltdowns

>Commit a terrorist act in protest of anti-terrorist policy

What was his endgame?

>There are no white supremacists. It's all a joke, and you're taking the bait.
user, stop. This gaslighting isn't working any more. These "jokes" just got 50 people killed. We know you mean it.
>Does this now mean I'm a black nationalist? Just because I said it on the internet? Is that how it works?
Oh yeah because one anonymous shithead is totally the same as people with known identities and politics.
>Fun Fact: The people getting hurt in movies? They're not really dead. It's all make believe.
Yeah, one of you people just made a movie, as a joke, but those people are really dead anyway.

>Demonstrably false.
Name one thing.

>voter ID laws, like that of which was struck down in North Carolina for systematically targeting blacks to keep them from voting.
Fun Fact: Blacks actually do have IDs.

>systematically targeting blacks to keep them from voting.

>blacks are too stupid to get ID

>Demonstrably false.
>But I won't demonstrate it
>even though it would be super easy
>guess I won this argument haha

Two of you, huh?
Here, my token effort: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy

That's a lot of words on something that doesn't exist.

>White supremacy
So its okay to be a black supremacist, asian supremacist, jew supremacist, muslim supremacist, hispanic supremacist? That's mighty convenient.

>Planned Parenthood isn't only there to give abortions dude

Yea they also sell baby parts. :3


>This doesn't refute my claim that Planned Parenthood provides other services. Of which, obviously reduce abortion rates, such as making contraceptives more available, providing morning after pills and (sex) education.
Because to the religious right these things are kind of like paying protection money to the mob so they don't rob you. Like they're against all those things, just not quite as much as abortion.
>well those morals are arbitrary and stupid!
Cool, so are yours.

>At least they aren't using the rights tactics. Where they commit a mass shooting or send bombs to people they don't like. :^)
Meanwhile lefty faggots like you go on your usual #notallmuslims apology tour whenever a muslim does it but you're ready to send all white men to the gulag if it's a white nationalist.

Pardon me if I stop caring what you think.

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Christ, you people are so tiresome

Can't some mass shooter kill a bunch of NEETs in their basement for once

No, of course not, they are the mass shooters

Revenge and an end to the hypocrisy around it while everyone in the media seems more concerned about muslims after an Islamic terrorist attack then anyone else.

They never cared about the games. All they want is a way to spread their propaganda, and by being journos they have a voice in the industry

>These "jokes" just got 50 people killed.
So can I point to the Qu'ran and say "These words just got thousands of people killed this year"? Is that how it works?

>Oh yeah because one anonymous shithead is totally the same as people with known identities and politics.
It literally has to be, or your conceptual framework doesn't make sense. Either everything I say is literal, and when I say "I am a white supremacist and I'm drinking milk because it proves whites are superior", and you take that literally, then you cannot turn around and say you won't take it literally if I claim to be something else. It doesn't work.

>Yeah, one of you people just made a movie, as a joke, but those people are really dead anyway.
Who is "you"? I told you, I'm a black supremacist.

Military transgender ban

Hopefully the next mass shooter targets a pretentious hipster coffee shop. I'm sure you're posting from one right now while sipping on a soi latte.

If Wikipedia says it, it must be true I guess.

Those aren't really things

>Can't some mass shooter kill a bunch of NEETs in their basement for once
>No, of course not, they are the mass shooters

I mean, it'd be pretty weird if you could go into one basement and kill a bunch of people. And going into a lot of basements would be a lot of work.

cool /pol/ thread Yea Forums

I guess it's okay to make /pol/ threads on Yea Forums if it's about hating right wingers and talking about your favorite communist youtuber.

Stop pointing that out...

>So can I point to the Qu'ran and say "These words just got thousands of people killed this year"?
Like you haven't been?
>It literally has to be, or your conceptual framework doesn't make sense.
Or maybe you're just a retard who doesn't get it? Believe it or not but there are places outside of Yea Forums, and when you go there, you actually do have an identity.

The Division 2 does have some political commentary in the intro about those that survived were the ones with guns in their homes

Isn't it fairly normal for mental illness sufferers to not be allowed into the military for the good of themselves and others?

>user, stop. This gaslighting isn't working any more. These "jokes" just got 50 people killed. We know you mean it.

gaslighting like claiming the left isn't racists against, isn't trying to demonize them, and isn't looking to replace native white populations.

and no white supremacy is not the same as being a white nationalist.

If the left can claim the conflicts in the middle east are do to borders being assigned in a way where two ethnicities are in the same country instead of in seperate ones I get to claim multiculturalism leads to conflict.

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>Military transgender ban

They were already barred from service and a lot of them were joining the military and then using the mandatory medical coverage during their contract to cover parts of their transition procedure, which meant not actually working or doing military shit.

You can't abuse a system and expect it to just keep working for you.

Yeah dude because giving guns and putting mentally ill people on the field is such a good idea. jesus christ man what a retard

Prove it wrong

Daily reminder that leftism has no reason to exist, even less bipartisan politics, today leftist are just corporation golems, just look how disigenous they need to be just to post bullshit

>Like you haven't been?
I haven't actually, I'm just asking if that's how it works in your head. Or do muslims get special protection from criticism?

>Or maybe you're just a retard who doesn't get it?
I mean, it's you with the double standards of logic here, so I don't think so.

Do we need voter ID laws in the first place? Can you point to a single instance where massive amounts of voter impersonation ever ruined an election? I can point to a case where election fraud happened, it was also in North Carolina, and voter ID wouldn't helped since it was after the ballots were cast that those against the Republican opponent were ignored. But wait, it was the Republicans rigging this election, so that was okay. :^)

Do we need a solution to a problem that doesn't exist? What do you do when the laws say that your ID is no longer valid for you to vote? What if the DMVs in your area are no longer being considered as valid voter places? Don't be retarded.

So, the right like to pretend they give a shit about abortion then as a political tool. Glad we are on the same page.

How is that a bad thing?

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Minorities people displace whites or move into their neighborhood
>White flight
Whites displace minorities or move into their neighborhoods

Oh, there we go, moving the goalposts

Fucking hell, you people

I wish we could bring back guillotines and gulags

Obvious bait or resetera retard, in both cases you have to go back

That's not how it works. If you make a claim, you produce evidence to support your claim. Wikipedia isn't evidence, nigga I can literally edit the page right now to say "White supremacy is a myth made up by mad liberals", which would invalidate your point entirely.

Fuck white people desu

>moving the goalposts
What? It is literally a military policy to excuse those suffering from mental illness from service. That hasn't changed. You tried to score at a goalpost that was never there.

>Fuck white people

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Whiny journo faggots don't want Tom Clancy games that explore political concepts in their stories, they want bay area hipster games that have political agendas being pushed
Jim wants the fucking silent protagonist of D2 to turn to the camera and say "FUCK TRUMP AND TRANS RIGHTS"

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Most leftists are just neo-liberal bootlickers that enjoy consumerism too much to actually make a wide-sweeping societal change. They'd change their tune as soon as the system starts to negatively affect their comfy upper middle-class lifestyles.

The far-left are tools that are too stupid to realize they are being used.

I can't even fathom what the point of this is. What you accomplish by being so blatantly and pettily dishonest. Why are all you Nazi fucks such chores to talk to? I used to believe in free discourse but now I believe in free bullets for every Nazi.

>Do we need voter ID laws in the first place?

>Can you point to a single instance where massive amounts of voter impersonation ever ruined an election?
Alabama 2016 with New Knowledge
That fucking ugly black woman who destroyed balots, I forget which state that was.
California purged it's voter rolls to hide illegal alien votes

Come on son, be more honest.

>Do we need a solution to a problem that doesn't exist?
Yes, why are you so against IDs first you claim it's racist then you claim it not necessary. The only reason you don't like it is you think people who vote your way are too stupid or lazy to get one, which I don't even believe.

You are literally shitting on people who risk their life by caring more about how a few trannies feel than peoples safety
Holy shit youre a sick person

>I used to believe in free discourse but now I believe in free bullets for every Nazi.
Wait who pays for these free bullets?

Does the government hand them out? Do my taxes cover them? Or do you have to steal them from a gun shop first?

Bait more harder retard

Yeah dude gender reassignment works

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Oh no, disingenuous conservative crocodile tears, I'm touched!

>California purged it's voter rolls to hide illegal alien votes
>Alabama 2016 with New Knowledge
Care to link these instances?

It's both racist, and not necessary, and the supreme court agrees with me.

If you are putting a roadblock in between a person and their right to vote it had better be justified. Even a conservative fucking thinktank like Heritage has only been able to find 1,177 confirmed cases of voter fraud. In a country of over 300 million people.
If you think that a number that small warrants such sweeping legislation you're fucking insane.

Why are white men radicalizing?

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So how does this "free bullets for every Nazi" thing work?

Do the non-Nazis still get to have free discourse?

Does everyone need to be armed, so you can shoot someone who reveals themselves to be a Nazi in the process of discourse?

Or do you pre-screen somehow and just round up everyone who is identified as a Nazi and shoot them all at once?

Who decides what a Nazi is?

If I think you're a Nazi, can I shoot you? Can I get out of jail by just saying I thought you were a Nazi?

What if I draw a Hitler 'stache on you while you sleep? Or put Mein Kampf under your pillow?

Also who does the shooting? The government? Or you? Honestly, I'd rather you did it. I'm pretty confident you couldn't even load a gun.

I can't believe I share a world with you inhuman degenerates

Why are white men radicalizing.

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i used to read some leftist sub as a joke at work because chan was blocked and the general conscious at the subreddit was that they dont get guns because they are afraid they would kill themselves lol.
wish i was joking but this is real, funniest shit i read man
also never seen that many neets and trannies in one place. if you think the demographics of this site is bad, try visiting some leftist space

keep working on your bait totally not obvious

>Why do journos want games to be political
Everything's political. The only question is whether it's topical. If it's topical, then there's about 50/50 support for and against it. Otherwise, it's either the status quo, in which case pushing propaganda for it is seen as harmless or even common sense, or it's controversial, or even taboo, in which case propaganda for it will be called out as such, even if it's seen as harmless, but in some cases it may be seen as heresy (eg. modern liberalism towards a plethora of subjects), an attack against the faith, and may even be illegal (eg. hate speech, Bill Nye thinks climate change deniers should be jailed).

People don't want to think about what might be wrong with their modern lives, because it provokes change and people don't like change. If their life is good now, well, it could be a lot worse and they don't want to risk it. Everyone also has a different capacity for how far they can abstract into the future or really see the full breadth of an issue, and people are willing to trust most other people until something is asked of them and then suddenly we have a problem.

When you hear that Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor, you don't think of that as political -- when it's wealth redistribution. When you read a story whose moral is not to judge a book by its cover, you don't think of that as political -- when it's teaching you to ignore your intuition when it tells you that the guy who looks like he's going to destroy your country will probably destroy your country.

I'm not against games being political, because it's impossible for them not to be. I just won't play games I think are propaganda for political beliefs opposed to my own.

>lefty calling anyone inhuman degenerates
Now that's irony!

Be a dear, just put a bullet in your brain for me, thanks

Imagine people being so stupid that they blame Whites when jews are the ones responsible for all the bad shit happening.

Then again it is no shock since the normies can't tell the difference between actual Whites and jews.




Bear in mind, Voter ID isn't just about someone claiming to be someone else and voting.

Conservative politics in games is best politics.

Why would I do that? I want you to come do it for me. You're not a pussy, right? Liberals aren't scared of conflict, right? Come on man, put on that Antifa mask and come shoot a Nazi!

So there is fraud then. What if those were russian bots?

I wonder why the US hasn't exploded on a civil war already, imagine saying this for other group of people hahahahaha

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Common man picking on weak beta males isn't cool

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fuckers don't understand Foucault. he expressly studied fields who got their 'truths' through having power over subjects. he's insanely historical and touches on a lot of subtle points, but he wasn't making grand sweeping statements like 'everything is subjective lol' . i've seen him spouted by liberal arts fags and by cultural conservative tards, and neither one of those groups actually took the time to try to understand him.

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Well, if you're not a pussy, go ahead and start the racewar already. Be nice to finally see what I'm up against, internet tough guy. As long as we fight in the verbal arena you can employ every dishonest trick in the book but guns are at least honest. You can't weasel your way out of it. A bullet is one reality you'll have to unambiguously accept. So please, plunge America in a civil war already.

Youtubers and journos thrive on controversy. Good, bad, their personal side or against it, doesn't matter. They're obsessed with dirty laundry. Every time a game doesn't rile people up the media gets really really butthurt because they can't spin it to get more clicks. Been the same since 24hr news became a thing.

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Is it weird that when I read this I thought this user was coming on to the one he was responding to?

How the left gaslights

>Immigrants need to be allowed into this country because it's their only hope
>This country is racist and oppresses minorities

They cherry pick every statistic to prove whites are treated better while ignoring statistics about minorities that are doing better than white or are treated better. You either fail more than every race or you are a racist.

>Well, if you're not a pussy, go ahead and start the racewar already.
I don't actually want a race war because I'm not a Nazi, my guy.

>everything is political
your fucking ocd doesn't organize the world, user

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>People don't want to think about what might be wrong with their modern lives, because it provokes change and people don't like change.

No, they're just cowards, lazy, and stupid. Because change doesn't scare people otherwise we would never have so much discovery and technological advancement. Humans would still be living in caves and praying to their sky gods.

People do know what is wrong but they're cowards and fear death. They want to "survive" not "live".

Yeah dude christmas offend jews and muslims.

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>Can you point to a single instance where massive amounts of voter impersonation ever ruined an election?


>More than 6,500 people registered to vote in New Hampshire on Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle.

>6,540 people registered and voted on Nov. 8, based on presenting out-of-state licenses.

>As of Aug. 30, about 15 percent (1,014 of the voters) had been issued New Hampshire driver’s licenses.

>Οf the remaining 5,526, barely more than 200 (3.3 percent) had registered a motor vehicle in New Hampshire.

>New Hampshire law gives drivers 60 days upon establishing residence to obtain a state license.

>But more than 80 percent of voters who registered on Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, or 5,313 of them, neither had a state license nor registered a motor vehicle almost 10 months later.

>Double voting is illegal, and 196 people are being investigated for casting ballots in New Hampshire and in other states.

>In the presidential race, Democrat Hillary Clinton defeated Republican Donald Trump in New Hampshire by 2,736 votes. In an even tighter race, for the Granite State’s U.S. Senate seat, Democratic challenger Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes.

Okay, first off, how would voter ID prevent somebody from destroying ballots? Secondly, your sciencedirect link is asking me to pay for access. If you can get me a link to the PDF that would be great. I want to see their methodology on how they determined that illegals have participated in elections to a point that would sway the results.

So are you suggesting that small number warrants sweeping legislation?

Pretty much. We all know that most white liberals only pretend to care about minority rights, it's just a means to an end for them.

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It's only political if it's made to be, like man spreading. This is why the government should not have power and media should not be taken seriously.

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>It's both racist
Nope. If you think it's racist, that just goes to show where the problem is.
>and not necessary
Oh, so it'll fit right in with every other law.
>and the supreme court agrees with me.
Literally meaningless.
>If you are putting a roadblock in between a person and their
Right to own a firea- oh, sorry.
>right to vote it had better be justified.
Sure. The reason is because it's a right to choose the direction the country goes in. Seems like maybe a big deal.
>Even a conservative fucking thinktank like Heritage has only been able to find 1,177 confirmed cases of voter fraud. In a country of over 300 million people.
>If you think that a number that small warrants such sweeping legislation you're fucking insane.
Why is it sweeping legislation? These people presumably have other forms of identification, why is this one so important NOT to have? If you're going to have a ruling class like the government and have the people have a hand in picking who gets to be that ruling class, I'd like a little certainty for who exactly is making this decision.

Not that it matters. I'm against the government entirely and don't think the country's trajectory will change with or without voter IDs. That trajectory being the collapse into a third-world country, the country breaking apart or a civil war.

You've already shown yourself capable of extreme dishonesty. Do you really want me to believe your words over your actions?

The thing that causes the divide is one group is interested in games as a storytelling interactive medium, whereas the other is interested in games to live out a sort of power fantasy and satisfy themselves. I've intentionally left this ambiguous.

One of the problems with politics in video games is what can be considered political is up to interpretation, but we all generally agree except for a few areas. However, some would imply that never doing anything different in narratives of games (except for what is considered socially predictably viable) is a form of politics by adhering strictly to a status quo and encouraging its perpetuation. Some would consider random, off the wall potentially oblique references to various social structures or individuals to be political. There is no definition for what can be considered political absolutely. And what people's goals are for the insertion of political messages can be up to interpretation quite a bit.

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My favorite is when they threaten to move to a country white than America.

That's a good strawman of people who are more interested in mechanics than story. It's obviously because they just want to roleplay as he-man and not because they enjoy a challenge.

>Nope. If you think it's racist, that just goes to show where the problem is.
Let me get this straight. Do you think that putting roadblocks to specifically prevent black people from voting isn't racist?

>I don't understand what Jim Sterling wanted the Ubisoft guy to say in that interview he was talking about.
That The Division 2 has political themes in it.
That's it. You can tell who hasn't actually watched the video by whether or not they actually address that point instead of chimping out about how Jim 'only wants games that support his political views'. Like, instead of getting mad at Jim for rightfully pointing out how games like the Division inherently have political overtones, maybe they should focus their attention on game devs that make games with political overtones.


I agree with Jim's point about how political undertones are integral to storytelling but this is the problem.

People dont hate political games, otherwise everyone would hate on MGS and Deus Ex. People just hate on stories that poorly attempt commentary on modern politics. Commentating on modern politics never works in games or movies because by the time they come out theyre already irrelevant, and commentating on modern politics also just grows increasingly irrelavant and worthless over time, since whats happening in the "now" is so shallow and opinionated compared to actual political theory.

So out of those thousands of people 196 are being investigated for double voting. Be sure to update me when there are some confirmed cases of fraud happening here.

>People dont hate political games, otherwise everyone would hate on MGS and Deus Ex

What the hell are you talking about? People do hate those games. Anything after MGS 3 people hated and everything after the original Deus Ex people hated.

And it is no surprise that was also the time that their games started to become more libtard.

I'm actually one of those people. It's my sort of thought that video games intrinsically have issues with storytelling. However, we can't pretend that what is being played as (or with, and in where) just doesn't matter to even core gamers. It's probably a thematic and aesthetic preference that gets people looking at games to begin with, but I can't support that.
Not to mention that a lot of people play games to escape from politics and the sort, so franchises getting hijacked and repurposed as engines to espouse a certain political viewpoint can leave previous fans feeling a bit left out.

>Okay, first off, how would voter ID prevent somebody from destroying ballots?
It doesn't. He's probably just showing you that electoral fraud has occurred in the past.

>So are you suggesting that small number warrants sweeping legislation?
See >I want to see their methodology on how they determined that illegals have participated in elections to a point that would sway the results.


>In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).


>The department has admitted mishandling voter registration information for 23,000 drivers and double-registering as many as 77,000 others.

>"The errors include registering 16-year-olds to vote. We have numbers of people who had their registration changed without their approval or knowledge, and actually sending them ballots they could vote through the mail"

Also because modern political commentary tend to be extremely shallow.
There are books like the 1984 that trascend time and border. Issues that existed way before the book was written, and will be relevant from 100 years from now on.
In video games, I liked Nier Automata's take on existentialism. You can say its overdone, but it has been a topic of discussion for thousands of years and will be relevant in the future just as much as it is now.

The "everything is political" crowd just want a "drumpf bad" game and are upset they did not get it. Same happened with Far Cry 5

You can't look at the circumstances of something and think to yourself that something is wrong?

Since you crave only confirmed cases of fraud

>Illegally destroying ballots:

>Missing absentee ballots:

>Voter difficulty:

>Amendments left off of ballots

>Invalid claims for lack of absentee ballot expiry

>Ballot printing problems

>Ballots w/duplicate pages

>Counting too slow and extra ballots showing up

>Opening ballots in private:

>Accusations of ballot stuffing:

Under your classification I would fall into the fantasy camp. but the truth is something quite different. The problem with "political" video games is that video game writers tend to be leftist, and 1 out of maybe 100 or so leftists is capable of articulating the problems they want to tackle with their ideas and are able to reflect on potential consequences and problems they'll face while doing so, those are the people who actually have depth to their ideological position instead of parroting whatever is socially acceptable in their group. I've listened to such people talk a lot, and I don't find their politics at all insufferable despite being about as opposed to them as it is possible to be. Because even politics you think are bad can give you something to think about.

Problem is - those people are not writing for video games. The people who write for video games are barely capable of articulating an ideological position more complicated than "orange man bad". Playing any video game with politics written by garbage writers is just suffering. Because it's all 100% black and white, there's no nuance, there's almost never any character growth, the characters behave in retarded ways, stupid policies somehow end up working because of magic and 1001 coincidences, etc.

What is it about voter id that specifically targets black people? Do you think black people are unable to get the ids? If so, why does it only target blacks and not any other group of people?

wait, what political message was mgs4 trying to convey? All I remember is airplane eggs and the poop man getting married.



I agree your view, actually. There's a terrifying consensus that exists in this sort of bay-area culture where games tend to be made, and they often export their ideas and people via pressure put on industry participants to act a certain way for goodies. It's a desire for a certain thing to be said and not for a thing to be articulated in an effective manner.

Attached: 1522531937383.jpg (750x908, 151K)

Everything is PHILOSOPHICAL, you fucking sophist.

Electoral fraud =/= voter fraud. I even brought up a case of electoral fraud in an earlier post.

Also, that article is pointing towards an issue of our voter roles and how we do registrations. We are one of the few major countries in the world that doesn't have a universal voter roll.

Why are you linking to Heritage when I already linked a page from that same fucking website that took these instances and more into account. Again, a little over 1,177 cases is all it takes to push legislation onto millions of people. Got it.


Why the fuck did I even provide a source if you are just going to give me this feels based argument in return? Fucking read the Supreme Court ruling. ctrl+F "surgical"

If you are refusing the types of ID typically used by black people, and you are removing voting areas close to black neighborhoods. Then you are trying to keep black people from voting. Jesus.

Peace is always a bad thing because peace creates a society of entitlement and laziness.

Attached: Cy2YMk4VQAAJjrr.jpg (600x719, 71K)

everything is political

I'll give you that, but then we're down to the same questions about what's "unnecessary" and "gratuitous" in any fan service game.

>Because it's all 100% black and white

Life is 100% black and white. The ones who are "gray" are the cancers of any system. They're the status quoers, cowards, and don't want to live but merely survive.

I have a political question for games. Why is it moral for me to pay a larger percent of my money (taxes) for people that not only vote against my interest, but generally lower my quality of life? If enough white people die and the demographics change, higher taxes are absolutely inevitable. I don't like high taxes.

Attached: Table 43 - 2015 - Hispanic.png (1740x1088, 257K)

Because thats what I want to spend 80 Canadian cuck bux on, a fucking game that preaches at me with poltics the developers and directors are too naive or stupid to understand.
Thats the fucking dude's that know the complex and inner machinations of the world, the fucking chodes that white knight on the internet and go to the staff break room for tea and "Noms ^_^".
Politics that come down to "President man is bad!"

Please, if you think like this. Please, please, please. I beg you, I'm on my knees fucking begging you. Fucking kill yourself for the love of god, please.

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The status quo looks pretty good when the rest of us are sandwiched between two groups of literally nazis demanding we take sides.

I disagree

The postmodernists are con artists. The enlightenment threatened Christian philosophers with its empirical evidence and logic, so they had to come up with the belief that another realm existed which they could not see with their eyes or measure with their tools, they could only feel it to be true, it required faith to accept, and there would you find God and Heaven. Counter-enlightenment thinking.

With God dead, socialists tried to create Heaven on Earth with the government acting as God, and they failed. All the data said they failed. Every statistic screamed failure; colossal waste of human life; absolute atrocities. They were wrong. Instead of taking the L and realizing they were fucking idiots for having faith in the word of a fat, unwashed kike, they copied the move that the counter-enlightenment thinkers made, by creating a philosophy to wish away all the data and dead bodies, and they called it postmodernism. A postmodernist is just a communist until confronted with facts, then they suddenly stop believing in them.

I'm just saying there's an implicit morality in every story and politics are enforced morality. You just don't see it because most people write stories that teach morals the majority of your society already agrees on. For the people who disagree with them, they think it's very political.

>People do know what is wrong
It's about more than that. There could be a way of doing something that's more efficient, but it's incredibly difficult to convince people when the current method is "fine."

Furthermore, why is it morally right for the majority of people who built this country to pay for invaders who intend to take away any semblance of power we have? They truly want it all, and the deeper I dig behind the equality platitudes I find more and more hate directed my way.

Why is it morally right for me to pay for the privilege of my own destruction?

Attached: How America votes.jpg (1024x995, 226K)

Why are you talking about economics and asking questions about data?

White peepul bad, brown people good. Diversity is our strength you shitlord.