How did you like muramasa rebirth?
How did you like muramasa rebirth?
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Wasn't rebirth vita exclusive? I liked the original version. Shame vanillaware games never get pc ports.
I never actually finished it on the wii, so I think i'll play it on dolphin now, thanks for reminding me it exists, OP.
I love all DLCs
>he didn’t buy a PSTV despite being on sale for $30-40 literally every other month and those sales being shilled all the time on Yea Forums
You’re either retarded or underage, and I don’t know which is worth. Enjoy your shitty translation, gutted content, and missing on the rest of Vanillawarr kino, faggot.
Genroku Legends > Muramasa Rebirth
Prove me wrong
Jeez man you okay?
>mfw literally bought a ps4 for 13 Sentinels, thinking it would come out in 2018.
It's only matter of time before it port to PC and other consoles just like P4Golden
Why would I pay $30-40 for a gimped vita? The fucking thing doesn't even come with a controller.
Your argument is fucking retarded too, the rest of vanillawarr(lol) """kino""" is multiplat with the worst version being on vita.
Also vanillaware's games are pretty average overall, they just have nice art. Muramasa was the only one that grabbed me.
I liked it a lot, but some times it can be frustrating.
Fuck Gashadokuro in particular. That fight was absolute suffering.
Are the additional character campaings in the vita version full-length like the original 2 or just meant to be quick side-stories?
I would like it more if it wasn't on a dead handheld
Style is neat
Gameplay is repetitive and simple
Not as lengthy but a little beyond just a simple quick side-story.
One of my favorite games to be honest.
Dragons Crown and Odins Sphere are neat but they don't do it for me like this one did.
>Wasn't rebirth vita exclusive?
Yep, you're missing out since the DLCs are all fantastic, not to mention that if you're an EOP it has an actual translation this time around.
Okoi's DLC is some of the best stuff Vanillaware put out.
They're a lot shorter, they have an intro boss, mid boss, and final boss.
That said, once you clear the campaign you have access to the whole map again and are meant to go around and take down main story bosses and caves of evil.
Vanillaware crossover game when?
I don't remember having a problem with the original translation, but the dlc does look cool. Not worth buying another useless sony trinket though.
>average shita kino poster
>That said, once you clear the campaign you have access to the whole map again and are meant to go around and take down main story bosses and caves of evil.
Does this mean I can do the opposite in the main story?
Does this mean I have to go back to Fury mode to get all those things to satiate my hunger for 100%?
No, you unfortunately can't fight the bosses with the two MC of the main story.
Yes. Have fun.
Both Muramasa games should have been better with a local co-op mode.
At least you can run PS2 and Wii emulators and play the original games.
The Wii version wasn't really translated properly.
Oh good.
The DLC stories were pretty fun, not gonna lie.
Doing all the trophies absolutely ruined them for me though, the slightly different mechanics just aren't enough to make 100%ing the game a dozen times fun.
Which is which?
Nigger, can't you even look at buttons?
>Which is which?
I kind of prefer the less verbose, more bare-bones translation. I get the meaning in both scenes at least, like, 'my time has come' is better and more succinct than 'the time given to me by the Buddha is fast coming to an end'.
Give me the Vanillaware trilogy on the Switch or fuck off
Even so you can tell the Wii version omits her letting Kisuke have her and instead opts to just have her acting like the hot springs are just the best thing ever when the Vita version shows she more or less fell for him after all his heroics.
>I get the meaning in both scenes at least
Except most of the meaning in the Wii version is wrong, unless you think Torahime not so subtly inviting Kisuke to fuck her is the same as her telling him to pursue his dreams.
>Vanillaware games
>On Nintendo hardware
Vanillaware are an unofficial Sony dev since Sony funds all of their projects since decades, Nintendo burned all their goodwill since the Muramasa wii fiasco, so you better suck it up and buy a Sony console if you want their games, or wait until emulation gets better.
I take both as an invite to fuck but then again i'm not autistic. 'I want to thank you, but i have nothing to give you.' in this context is pretty goddamn obvious.
PS4 Odin Sphere Leifthrasir/Dragon's Crown Pro treatment WHEN?
I will personally buy 50 copies!
Don't be so mean, user. We are all bros in Vanillaware threads.
I'll never understand why people make such a big deal over the translation of a game like this.
Made me want to fuck Oni's so yeah.
>tfw 2:55
The vita version of muramasa is already the remake.
While it may be the less important part of the game it's still nice to have a proper translation of it rather than one missing more detailed things since that makes you question the quality of the rest of the translation.
The original game is one of my top 10 favorite games. Never played Rebirth because it was Vita only. They need to do a 1080p remaster for another console.
>he didn't already want to fuck an Oni
But if you say it like that, makes it sound like Kiske's dream isn't to be with her and is just doing out of obligation.
>Vanillaware thread
>port begging
Like clockwork
Makes me happy i have a Vita to play this game with. Probably the best DLC ever
I wouldn't tell somebody to a skip a game over it having a bad one but if there's multiple options you have no reason to not take the best one.
But the best version hasn't come out yet.
Sure it's nice to have something better but you know full well that some fags treat it like a deal breaker and pretend the Wii version is unplayable because of it.
The Wii version is considerably worse than the Vita version, though
>Worse control scheme
>Significantly less content
>Lower quality art
>AND to top it all off, worse dialogue
The Wii both has a lot larger amount of them floating around and emulation is better understood.
I need to dig up my Vita again, this thread makes me want to relive Muramasa from the beginning.
>Stop saying it's bad I dont want to get a Vita!
Speaking of, are they worth it on Vita or is it just better to get the PS4 versions? It would be nice to have them all on one system but if there's major performance issues I'd rather opt for the PS4 version like in the case of World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders, and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Obviously there's the jump to 1080p but I mean besides that.
Who will be laughing when Muramasa The Demon Blade Pro comes out for the PS5?
>I take both as an invite to fuck but then again i'm not autistic
will this game get a ps4 remaster like all the others? The game and all dlc were on sale for 17 bucks a while ago and I missed getting it
>Speaking of, are they worth it on Vita or is it just better to get the PS4 versions?
Odin Sphere is great on Vita, no real difference with the console version outside of resolution, which isn't a problem since the Vita's screen is what it is.
Dragon's Crown has framerate drops though, these tend to be annoying in the lategame where there's a lot of stuff on the screen, overclocking mostly fixes that but multiplayer is still going to have drops, if you want to have a better experience I suggest sticking to the console version, but the temptation of having 99% of Vanillaware's games on just one console is also hard to resist.
>overclocking mostly fixes that
Assume I'm running a vanilla Vita since I'd rather not teeter on Sony's banhammer (I know they haven't done anything to anyone since the hacks came out but better safe than sorry for me, at least until the Vita finally stops getting updates from them). Is it really bad? You've convinced me with Odin Sphere at least.
>Is it really bad?
It doesn't make the game unplayable like the NGS2 or BL2 ports, but it's noticeable, especially on multiplayer.
If you're using an unmodded Vita consider if it's worth sacrificing performance for portability, that's all it comes down to, I personally double dipped since I wanted to support George and his bois, but I'm not going to lie about the Vita version, it's not as smooth as the PS3/PS4 version, unlike their other games, again, nothing gamebreaking but you'll notice it coming from Muramasa or Odin Sphere.
>not patching the vita script into the wii version
literally lmaoing at your life
>"Do whatever you wish with me."
>proceed to walk around like an autist and then just leave
>it's a VN
i like vanillaware but i don't think even they could salvage this shitty genre
Grim Grimiore is like 90% dialogue. It might as well be a VN. So they've already made one.
Thumbnail looked like a really buff dude with a tiny head wearing an elastic white suit barely containing a huge bulge
I’m idort, so it never bothers me generally, but VW threads always piss me off. That guy up there may be a sperg, but he’s not really wrong. If you want to play Vanillaware, there is literally no excuse to not have a second hand PS3 by now, or at least a vitaTV. You literally don’t need to a current gen console to play any of their games. No excuse, even for poorfags.
bought a pstv for it because the wii translation was dog shit
another major plus over wii is that you can map jump and guard to buttons, so the combat is less 1 button mashing.
unfortunately the vita memory cards have data retention issues, so the game randomly fucks up if you haven't played it in awhile.
vita emulation when?
If you have a PS4 there is no reason whatsoever to get them on the Vita with their shittastic resolution, unless you really REALLY love your Vita and can't live without a handheld.
We need to go further! 544p is pig disgusting. Remastering of soundtrack, redrawing for 4k. There is a lot that could be improved.
In the Wii version, there isn't a jump button at all. You just press up to jump Which, based on how the game plays, is actually the superior was to do it. As you point yourself in the direction you want to jump as you jump. This is why you can juggle enemies so well. No idea how people play this game pressing a button to jump.
>imagine being able to play other vita games with a stable framerate and a higher resolution
seriously, vita emulation when?
The Vita's resolution is perfectly fine for its screen size, don't really understand what the problem is, especially for a Vanillaware's game.
Only thing that matters is the lack of DLC which isn't really necessary anyway.
>More quality content is bad
>that Wii translation
this is one of the reasons why I started learning Nip. one too many of these loose "translations" aka full blown butchery rewriting of Japanese source material in movies, books, manga, anime and video games.
I just realized that I haven't played all the DLC Stories, but I also hacked my Vita so I can't access the PSN store to buy them. I could pirate them but I want to support Vanillaware. This is probably one of my favorite games despite the flaws.
How far have you gotten in the last decade or so then?
What are you talking about? You can continue to use the PS Store on a hacked Vita.
>The Vita's resolution is perfectly fine for its screen size
Don't get me wrong. I'm not shitting on the Vita and you are absolutely right that it's fine for its form factor.
I just want to enjoy this glorious game on a 55 inch TV in all its glory. It is my absolute favourite Vanillaware game.
>especially for a Vanillaware's game.
What does that even mean? Their games look especially gorgeous in higher res (pic related) and show a lot more detail that simply isn't even visible in the Vita versions. Look at the Warrior's sword and its fine runic inscription for instance. That level of detail simply gets lost at Vita's res.
I should do the same. The shit they do to Dragon Quest is just inexcusable.
What flaws?
I only started this January after Sony started aggressively censoring and shunning all nipponese games. It was the final straw that broke the camel's back for me. I can already read the most basic nip (kana+300 kanji) and it's honestly an amazing feeling. Vocabulary is sticking surprisingly fast due to me having been a massive weeb my whole life.
>What flaws?
Game just gets repetitive, a lot of similar enemies, long and short swords maybe should have gotten different movements just to spice thing up, a lot of the sword skills are similar to each other, both MCs could have played just a little bit different as well. For me, these aren't big deals since I didn't notice them till playthrough #6 (Momohime Vita Fury).
Nice wojack my dude. Simply epic!
>I can already read the most basic nip
I have to correct myself; small parts of the most basic Nip. We all started out with baby steps though and I'm confident that in a couple years I will be able to consume Japanese media without having to rely on butched hack translations by triggered sjw translators. Learning Japanese is genuinely 面白い for me.
What is the way to describe machines that have no parts that look like flesh or other organic materials, but have the shape? Robomusume seems to be more for "tries to pass as human" instead of "sexy gundam/bonkle".
Long and Short swords are different. If the game has any flaw, its that long swords have too much of a disadvantage. You can just use short swords to juggle everything to death. And attack before enemies can respond.
The repetitive argument is gonna be subjective. I can see how some people would find it repetitive, but I never did. Just like some people will find random battles in an RPG repetitive, but I prefer them.
>Language mixing
Street Fighter 3: Third YIKES
Yeah for me things were already different enough and I cared more that long swords where just worse. And yeah I agree, I can see how maybe the game could get repetitive but I never felt that as well. If anything I would buff long swords and give the MCs some difference to their combat.