How do you do felllow gamers?
How do you do felllow gamers?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sure, but what are the games for it?
this is epic
Damn that takes me back.
Women are so stupid it hurts.
Is this the next google glasses?
look, i recognized this before all of you so why don't you go over and sit on the cuck stool, i have dmc threads to create
Wow! They totally get me, and I can't wait to give Google my money!
Since when does FIFA 19 use the Konami code?
Woah epic. Those people at google are gamers like us
haha xd it has teh knamo code in it and it microphone also spies on you xo kwuuuute nerds!
why are women so cringy at all times?
ok, this is EPIC
>the input delay
only some normies and my #fellowgamers give a fuck about this shit.
this is what i've been trying to find out all day
i'm looking for just one post in any thread that mentions what games it has
only a true gamer would know the Konami code
omg shes such a nerd!
Is that the bitch from Outside Xbox?
Yikes and bluepilled.
Doom eternal, for example. turn your brain on next time when you try to sound smart.
Whoah those fellows at google are fellow epic gamers? Sign me the fuck up and take my epic gamer money. based and epic #geeky
Oh dear...Thats really bad.
>google need to steal sympathy points from other brands to seel their garbage to the funkopop npcs
you don't make that shit up.
Yeah, but that's releasing even on the Nintendo Switch, what else?
hahah fuck google
That way of sitting irks me.
Google has the NWO behind them
Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish
Enjoy the NWO jewish illuminati console
Be a good goy buy google
We should send them a postcard, because they made such a great stream, but that is too pathetic even for us, oh wait.
I would have no problem with this if they were doing it post-ironically, like if they knew that the Konami code is already one of the most well-known things for any basic gamer to know and thus shows know real love or knowledge of gaming to recognize...
be me: haha epic
This was their presentation? What the fuck were they thinking?
First Steam Artefact, now this. It's like all those huge companies with loads of cash are so detached from reality, it's kinda amazing.
They don't understand how to behave like an adult, because mentally they're still on the level of a 12 year old boy
>puts a cheat code on the back
>specifically say you cant cheat on the Stadia
>console aimed at normie wants the normie audience
I am shook
okay, anything else? Any exclusives?
Always online, don't actually own the game I buy and latency issues. Yeah, sounds great.
DOOM Eternal and 2 untitled indie games.
So, what you're saying is that Jews are superior to you and you are weak and should kill yourself, because they rule the world and all that you do is bitch and moan online. Got it.
They try way too fucking hard. They're essentially 13 year old boys
>press jump
>2 seconds later
But bro, it's got the Konami code on it
>google shills unironically defend this by blaming the wifi at the convention center
if it doesn't even work within google's demonstration, how can you expect it to work on some regular dude's wifi...
women were a mistake
>moving the goal posts
Oof, kys
is this a real person or the google AI posting
there's no way that's a real person
like nigga just
download the whole game
Nevar Evar in America if this is true
This, waste of resources.
And i know, and so does everyone else who isn't on googles payroll, that ISPs will not play nice with this.
You mean all millennials.
AC Odyssey
>the device needs the Contra code because it's going to die early
Comcast's data cap is 1tb/month.
So you will exceed your data cap, if you ONLY play Google's console and don't use the Internet otherwise, AND if their 20gb/hour estimate is accurate - in 50 hours. You have 50 hours of gameplay, maximum, in a best case scenario, per month.
Most tech companies will use symbols kinda like that on prototypes as a way to identify a device without putting their name or logo on it, so they don't have to admit it's their device if it leaks or something
So it's like double attempted winking, both at epic gamer culture and also putting epic prototype shit on a device even as it's not a prototype anymore
>2 second delay on a "good" google connection
HAHAHAHAHAHA imagine playing this on an average american connection then
>high speed
So it won't work in usa?
jesus christ
Unlike men
Tips fedora
>You have 50 hours of gameplay, maximum, in a best case scenario, per month.
lmao that's what I do in a single day
>in the back of their controller you can see imprinted a reference to one of the most cancerous vidya companies in recent history
what did Google mean by this? and what's next? the black controller comes with "Challenge Everything." on its back?
Nice incel posting, retard
>implying there is a jump button
Try playing games instead of epicly owning Google. Most of assassin's creed Odyssey's controls are contextual button prompts. And AC games are often finicky with their free running. You would know that if you would play other things besides bing bing and wahoo games
Will corporations ever realize: no, game streaming won't work, you have to live with piracy?
No one wants this technology. The laws of physics prevent it from being fun.
Eeeeeeeeeex wiiiiiiiing
>50 hours
>lmao that's what I do in a single day
>nintendildo btfo
(((blue checkmark)))
Deeeeath staaaaaaaar
lets go girls
show them who the true gamers are
what is this stupid thing called again? sigodia or something
>it's the jews fault that I'm a living failure
Kill yourself
Doom Eternal! Which even the Switch can run with less lag, OH WELL!
omg next you're gonna tell me the arrow to the knee is a lie XD
For a normie that's enough. They won't mind the input lag either if it's not too noticeable. That's who this is for, normies, not for us. There will always be consoles for us idiots who spend most of our life in front of games. Thank god for that.
I watched the ad, but i didnt see any white males. Is this console for me as a white male?
>There will always be consoles for us idiots who spend most of our life in front of games.
You mean a PC?
>don't include select because it's not actually part of the code
>but include start
Grand moff Taaaarkin
That's for work goy, no games on PC!
Where's Assassin's Creed on shitch though ? Even a browser can run it, lmao.
some men are, yeah, but women are all the fucking time
Yikes, enjoy waiting to emulate Bloodborne.
her double handjob technique needs some refinement and she needs to work on her endurance but there's definitely some potential
This is why they wanted net neutrality, so they can share the cost of this to everyone who uses that ISP.
lmao, soitendos btfo
No, the switch isn't for you. Only for non-whites.
>Yikes oof
Back to twitter.
Whats a konami code?
Back to Gone Home PC boi.
Did she UNIRONICALLY used a Big Bang Theory meme in 2019?
What does the Stadia offer that can't already be done on existing consoles?
>why won't women fuck me?
Hahahah that is SOOOO funny xD! Epic, EPIC FOR THE WIN! Us gamers right?
>it already takes a 3 GHz 4th gen i7 to emulate the SNES properly
>takes a 4 GHz 7th gen i7 to emulate the GBA properly
>pcfags will never ever get an authentic emulation of the ps4
makes me chuckle every time
Who are you quoting
I want to FUCK Alexandria
That's on switch too
>>why won't women fuck me?
I unironically suck dicks, why would I ever want to fuck with a woman?
None of those five posts said either of those two quotes, so who are you quoting?
Have sex.
>AOC living rent free in your head
jews act as a collective, nepotism, control the banks (have always been the ones practising usury), control the media, banks then pay white politicians to betray their own people (usually childless politicians like merkel and macron)
whites tend to act as individuals
no wonder jews have an advantage.
Okay, come here.
>trying this hard to get (You)s
Why didn't they just look for the other man children with video game tops on
His ass
i thought stadia didn't want cheat codes
The only people who want AOC to go away are establishment dems
>jews have been better than my race since forever
>I don't like it and my race is inferior
Got it
i dont hate women
i am being objective about women
(((Larry Page))) Ceo of alphabet and cofounder of google
(((Sergey Brin))) co founder of google
just because the ceo of google is an indian doesnt mean the jews arent controlling it, the jews own googles parent company and created google in the first place
It's ironic because women only have sex with guys who can stand their ground and call them out on their bullshit
>50 hours a month before the average burgerclap hits their data cap.
>that's if they ONLY play the STD, not factoring in all their facebook and netflix time.
Literally dead before arrival.
I love you, you glorious bastard!
>go away
The fuck are you talking about? Take your meds, schizo.
shame Yea Forums doesnt have flags
hows israel?
>Meanwhile sexist CHADs bang women like crazy
Cope white knight cucklord
Good. Make a white Google and do it better. OR complain about it instead. Lmao
western trash
Venezuelans are LITERALLY eating dogs and drinking sewer water and yet you want socialism.
Don't you brainlets see? This means no more third worlders in our games. No more brazilians and americans.
We won!
Keep up the good work friend and enjoy the next couple of weeks
Tell me which girl you're currently beta orbiting and I'll get to it.
Me too, fellow samefag.
Open your mouth then.
It's fine. How's unemployment and hating your own race, friends and family?
I like to hire friends and family instead of incompetent white fags like you. Lmao
Literally just had sex last night.
get fucked you walking doormat.
yeah now we get to play exclusively with leddit! :D
>say somebody is obsessed with X
>only dems want X gone
Again. Seek help.
i really hope this shit flops hard
>playing multiplayer to begin with
>hating your own race
Why would I hate the best race on earth?
God women are fucking stupid
Yikes, kys.
nigga I don't hate women, I hate stupid cunts
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
plz no bully. Ellen is actually pretty funny, and shilled me on kingdom of amealur. it's just her twitter is that is insufferable. But that is true of a lot of people.
Yea Forums has always been obsessed with lolcows my dear transexual friend
The jews? Right, why are you doing that?
>own everything
>control everything
Guaranteed she'd kick your shit in
Go away Ellen.
Am I the only one who sees the happy bear?
practice what you preach lmao
Who the fuck cares virgin
weird thing to do, when you consider the target demo probably has no idea what that is.
Guaranteed I'd ejaculate
I know, I love Trump too. Best lolcow ever.
He's quoting the people he quoted. You can tell by the list of people he quoted.
i mean, ez wins would be ez wins I guess
Bethe Correia is a 125 lbs gremlin who would lose to virtually any adult male in good health.
>No u
Oof, try again after you finished middle school.
>play with reddit
>say nigger in chat
>get doxed on subreddit
>get fired from job
>get false rape charges thrown on you
>get thrown in jail
Even though you're bitterposting through tears right now, it's funny because that's exactly why he was elected and it's paid off beyond anyone's expectations
The real show has just begun friend, you feel it don't you?
I LITERALLY just ate chocolate cake and drank pristine tap water. Socialism works great and I would sincerely recommend it. The chocolate cake wasn't thanks to the socialism thing, though.
>women get beaten by kids
>women get beaten by crossdressers
When will their suffering end?
of course I will
Me too because it’s not on my face
I’m okay. You?
He's the biggest lolcow ever, I agree that he was elected, because of that.
>Republicans having it worse than ever since Trump got elected
Oof, I feel it alright
He means with a woman user
I can recommend women in academics, especially science. PMS is a bitch to some of them but the rest of the time they're really nice. All taken, though.
Ubishit like Ass creed, Just Dance, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Trials Rising, Skull and Bones
Bethesda games like Doom Eternal, Doom, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Rage 2
EA games like FIFA, Madden, NHL, Apex Legends, Jedi Fallen Order, Battlefront 2
Sega games like Sonic Heroes and other diaper fetish garbage
>no argument, just crying about nonsense
Facts don't care about your feelings
I have more sex than the average liberal since I'm married, anyway.
Meanwhile, their shriveled onions dick or rotting dilation wound can only experience orgasm once a month.
If I wanted to fuck a woman I could just go visit some normalfag bar at happy hour. Women don't guard their virtue anymore, they give it away for free to anyone who pretends to be confident.
>incel post
id cringe all over dem tittays if u know what i mean
Kinda. Women pathologically seek attention but the vast majority of the time they can do it with the most minimal effort possible, the exception being things they do to place themselves over other women like makeup and clothes. It's like a evangelical kid who was homeschooled going to a college in a urban area, they have no concept of how cringey they are when they're outside their realm. The only difference nobody will tell them because white knights like will always rush to their defense hoping they'll touch their penis.
why are asian guys so hot
God I wish that were me
>moving the goalposts
>DOOM Eternal
So, it ain't coming to an actual PC?
Well, ID, it was nice knowing you.
>plays with full HUD
Women are as casual as children
Trump's a democrat, a real one. Both parties needed a cleansing.
You people aren't anything, just the horde of locusts that purges the sinners and then expires, a natural corrective force that burns itself out.
See you after the Mueller Report :^)
Mate not gonna lie fellas, I was worried at first that google did not understand gamers, after seeing this?
Faith in Stadia = Restored :)
Now this is what I call video gaems
>raging feminist
>frequently wears tight leggings or a skirt on her show where the camera is pointed st her knees, frequently rolls back laughing on the couch to flash her thighs
What does she mean by this?
i thought that was anita at first.
I hate smash, Mario kart and splatoon too, fellow sailor moon poster.
Some one post the deep fakes lmao this AOC? What the hell is she doing?
How is that relevant at all?
>bing bing wahoo
Shouldn't you be in school right now
Based, same.
Ellen a cute! CUTE!
>le code
is she /ourgirl/?
It's the climate change dance, an ancient dance of her peoples.
Quetzacoatl will bring bloody death to all who wield plastic straws
that's something a think tank comes up with. if you ever wondered where all the marketing and buisness graduates go
Living rent free in your head
sweet bro and hella jeff was the only good thing to come out of homosuck...
>not getting that I hate those games
How's your retirement home?
>White PS4
Would've gotten Poe's Law'd if it hadn't been for that last sentence
>vasectomy present
Believed you until this
>You have 50 hours of gameplay, maximum, in a best case scenario, per month.
That's actually not too bad. If you're playing more than that you need to reconsider your life choices.
Don't worry user, I hear the worst symptoms of autism are treatable.
>caring about the environment and not worrying about contraception after your 3 kids with your loved ones is a bad thing
Yikes, she might be your mongoloid girl. Nobody else's tho
Lol u gay
>barely past 2 daily hours is too much
Seems like you're an expert in autism, did your mom explain it to you since birth, because you have it? I'm spelling it out for you, because you have autism.
based underage redditor
Why would they put a pachinko maker's code on it
This is how you can tell right wing memes have left a deep irreparable scar on someone's psyche
viva la AOC
Oh it has already, and will again. And again in the future.
It's just big companies like sony and google can afford to lie to themselves and continue funding these failed projects.
>all your leftie talking points followed by racism
Commies are the actual worst
>Haha, look GAMERS isnt this nice?
>We implemented something from the first few console eras, we are such a gaming console and totally into gaming!
something tells me the box it ships with has a reference to skyrims arrow in the knee
>no jump button
Nevermind trying to shame people over AC of all fucking things, you dumbass discord tranny.
I only saw
Doom Eternal
Tomb Raider
also fuck roasties
Exactly, but it will work in Romania
They probably made an algorithm to determine which epic gamer references would gain the most traction and then sabotaged it because it kept being problematic
Because the only thing they are good at is being dumb fuck sex toys for men. Also they can be good wives but that takes a lot of good raising from the girls parents before that can happen plus a proper environment for her not to slut around.
If these fags think they are going to win people over with crap like this they got another thing coming. Nobody is going to buy into their bullshit. Anybody can do their research on games and gamer culture and then claim to be an expert or try to sell people their snake oil. Its not that hard to do. The typical anons mom can easily take a week to study this shit and get it. Fuck these corporate fags.
>Yea Forums aka 4channel
>rightwing memes
>no arguments
oof, have fun with your autism
What if she farted haha
what's all the oofing for fellas, is there something you wanna talk about?
This thing will bomb in America guaranteed.
>my basedfriend
>lefties can't hate you, because it hurts your feelings
>only we can be hateful of other people
yikes, kys
>caring about the environment is leftie
again, consider suicide asap, how's the corporation boot up your anus?
Every time this shit makes me vomit from cringe
>sony hate out of nowhere
change your diaper, nintendildo. I get it, being 3rd place must suck, no need to be jealous of the number one
>Witcher 3
>no arguments still
whadda you wanna talka about, you-a? howa you-a are-a retarda, fella?
you go first.
>Souless pandering for a dead Pachinko Studio
>Not to tease a Contra 5 or even a Konami game, just a stupid throwaway game reference.
I don't know what I even expected from Google.
post your face
I find it funny how the media used to demonize the far left not too long ago
me neither, better buy 3 more switches with no games. also can we go back to make 3 dozen smash roster and waifu (never talking about the game) threads again?
Hey I know that reference from The Big Bang Theoryâ„¢!
I don't think I've ever been as mad as you are right now, I wonder what it feels like
Yeah, Yea Forums was left wing until it became common knowledge that National Socialism is actually pretty cool.
you first
>still no arguments
why do you hate the environment, you retard?
you'll never escape from us
Why is it upside down? Have you ever flipped your controller over to look at it like that?
>used to
watch some MSM aka Fox news and you see plenty of it.
>ctrl-f "onlive"
>0 results
i guess i can't blame Yea Forums, clearly google doesn't remember onlive either
>projecting this hard
try again, nice epic reaction pic btw, showing how not mad you are
>Assmad Unemployed Google+ shill projects Console loyalist bullshit to distract from their shitty On Live 2.0.
Get back to working on Space Janny, Tranny.
Yeah but the left is now considered mainstream
i tried using onlive to play Metro 2033 once, the input delay made it unbearable
it isn't
>most watched cable news=fox news
>most people=religious, stupid, rightwing
use your brain, once in a while
>no jiggle physic
fuk this gay earf
>that chad in the background while these beta orbiters focus on one girl
Imagine how brainfucked you'd have to be for your political compass to get this screwed
American education is amazing
you can't expect one of the 15 people who used onlive to be in every thread, user.
hit a nerve, huh?
I agree, fellow, nintendildo, how dare they talk about something not related to our shitty consoles and nonexisting games.
>streaming platform
oof, they'll have usb sticks that will be capable of it soon or TVs with it built in. Google wants to milk the tards before its a dime a dozen.
Jokes on you, I'm gay.
>put konami code on you pad
>threaten to brick people's console if they cheat
what did they mean by this?
Looked like a fat cat in the thumbnail.
>most watched cable news network is not mainstream
oh no no no, nice brainwashing and victim complex, you retard
>had all branches of government up until last november
>everything right wing
>still not mainstream
what is your highest education level? kindergarten?
Massively padded bra or fake tits?
win wink
fucking WINK !!!!!!
Don't all bras come padded these days?
not ingame cheats, you brainlet, try again without trying to pwn n00bs and making epic posts on 4channel.
>He doesn't simultaneously run 3 different PCs and a PS4 (for Bloodborne obviously) for 24 hours a day
Maybe you should head back to Gaiaonline buddy, Yea Forums seems a little too hardcore for you.
You're not a rebel on the cutting edge of the revolution m8, you're a fevered zealot who is only suffered because society is still too polite to deal with your ilk the way they used to be dealt with. You're an animal being herded, eventually you'll wake up once you realize that reality can't be rationalized by your indoctrination and you'll feel ashamed for the way you've wasted your life.
>Still implying one platform plebeianism
Not my fault you can't build a computer nor afford more than one consle per birthday from your mommy.
Suit guys in charge of Vidya
Even poo sundae acknowledge his total lack of interest and experience in gaming
Probably. There are a lot of seething chestlets now a days.
I love the environment and think we should nuke china and india!
i'm a rebel though, the minority of people are righwing, nobody is. only underdogs like me, the president, most CEOs, most corporations, religions, citizens are rightwing, we need to rise up and fight for our country which is overrun by people who we outvoted, wait.
This but unironically.
There were lots of good individual bits to come out of Homestuck. Some of the music was great and some of the individual conversations were funny.
>getting a console with no games on it
oof, how about xbone and ps4 exclusive, those all on your pc, faggot? did you buy an ouya too? do you own an iOs and android phone to play the latest mobile games?
I know, mobile games stink i.e. switch
>no face
afraid to show it, huh?
I cringed when I saw that.
What the fuck was her problem? vasectomies can be undone.
Let me guess, you still believe in the two party system. Congratulations, it takes effort to stay so ignorant in this era of free knowledge. Did it ever occur to you that reality isn't simple?
Apply yourself. Acquire information. You probably haven't had a single solitary belief of your own since you were born.
let's make a giant postcard and send it to google to show our appreciation. LETS DO IT GUYS
>sailor moon
That's gundam, idiot.
>say incels think they're entitled to sex
>meanwhile every single woman out there thinks they're entitled to love, no matter how shitty they are
Really makes you think.
le ebin xd! we did it leddit!
Why are men the ones who keep willingly mutilating their own genitals?
>everybody is from the US
oof, swing and a miss. kys
Men have high variance meaning we have more geniuses but also more retards.
This is modern selection pressure at work, don't interrupt.
in your opinion
Oof! That's a yikes from me famalam.
>that's the joke
>be a woman
>only use can be filled by a silicone toy
this is basically only for very fast internet. For Scandinavians or Koreans etc
You seem bothered. There's a part of you who knows you're a walking breathing lie and it seeks to preserve itself no matter the cost. Play it off as long as you can but it all comes tumbling down eventually.
>he doesn't play the Inverted Song of Time when he wakes up
>shitting on a switch means somebody has only one platform
being an idort makes you an informed person CAPABLE of shitting on every consoles, the shitty and good ones. worst ones like the switch are obviously easy target, you wannabe 'I have a PC and switch therefore I'm an idort'-faggot.
>u mad
and you just admit that you lost
didn't read more than your first sentence.
oof, guess I won then
And random Balkan and Eastern European states
you have no face? great victory for you, retard.
Again with this hand grip thing. Find some other metrics for a change; in leg strength for example.
Damn now I believe them.
Google is For The Gamers
They look like women and are fun fucks.
so it's pretty much every game people have played to death and back. Nice
I'm not under Comcast hell and even I won't touch that.
Anyone who was in the Project Stream beta, knows that as long as you have a decent connection, this will never happen. Anyone who wasn't can't accurately comment on this matter and are just spouting shit.
They seem happy after losing to hot bois, so let it be this way.
Mentally kids, but they get a pass by everyone because boobs.
The stadia has no game
Hand grip is hard capped for women sure but you act as if it were the only stat importing to predict the result of a fight, when there is literally thousands more. Top women >>> Average Men even if Top Men >>> Top Women, everyone knows that though.
Bu-but I'm still on adsl.
Why does Yea Forums judge based off gender and shit so much
bing... bing... wahoo!
I spilled my coffee onto my keyboard thanks to your post, upvote good sir
we on reddit or what?
I don't hate women, but maybe I should start, seeing how successful assholes are with them.
botnet: the controller
Because no matter how much you mutilate your dick you will still be a man.
Possible, but really the odds of trained female athletes triumphing over men is extremely low in most fields. The raw striking power of a slightly trained male is much greater than that of a well trained women.
Eventually it will have every game consoles have.
Yea Forums was awakened to the truth of sexism/racism after Gamergate and tranny infestation dragged them out of their comfortable niche of mindless centrism
Wikipedia says the rate of success is not very good. Better not to mess with your balls in the first place.
They're gonna blow so much money on marketing that piece of trash.
I actually feel a little bad for you user.
Do you even know what centrism is, user? Do you think it's nothing but being on the fence about everything no matter what?
You shouldn't hate women, just be wary of them and understand they're like big children with a disproportionate amount of innate social currency
Men have a much stronger upper body strength, I don't even know why you would want to debate the athletic ability of a man compared to a women.
About the only thing women have is a stronger average leg strength for things such as squats, and more ability to balance. Anything else and a average male has an edge, making them much more fit for about any athletic field.
>Imagine not getting to play strategy games
Makes sense though, it's obvious console brainlets are incapable of playing anything other than fps and flavor of the month cinematic third person action games.
It'll run fine in 1080/30fps, which is fine for most people.
>I have strong convictions about certain things
>I'm a centrist tho xD
There's being in between two extremes and then there's deliberately choosing to be apolitical
For instance, I always hated both sides but now I hate one way more
You seem to be implying I buy everything and don't do any research, much like the moronic crowds you're used to drawing in. Hate to disappoint you but just because I'm not stupid enough to play your console war game doesn't mean I buy everything I see. It's called "Having common sense", sorry you confuse not having console loyalty to blind "Idortism" Hoarding.
>Unironic Onlive Shilling on Yea Forums, Again
>People seriously think streaming games is a viable and profitable venture
stop screencapping your posts and posting them here you gigantic faggot
I fully well understand why people disappear into anime. I just want to escape from all these fucking identities
this is fucking retarded
who is this?
>Millions probably put into RnD
>Still puts the headphone jack on the top
So what the fuck even is this plan for "game streaming"
I know they're doing it for the Switch's version of RE7, but wouldn't this only work for high-end internet users? Wouldn't there still be a noticeable input delay?
What the fuck is game streaming???
I used to escape into video games.
Theres really a lot of factors playing into this. What martial art she knows for one. Judo or BJJ fighters would have a pretty good chance against a physically fit but untrained guy just because of how they fight. But if the guy is too big it means jack shit. She'd for sure beat the shit out of an untrained manlet but a 6'2 or above nia would kick the shit out of her.
Remember when people were making this exact argument for the Ouya?
I do coke
>google thinks they can beat the laws of physics
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Centrism doesn't mean you can't have strong opinions. Centrism means that you acknowledge there are good and bad points made by both sides and not having an allegiance to either one, acting based off of how a decision will impact rather than on a political leaning.
A centrist will have strong opinions on many things, some being right wing some left wing. They don't sit on the fence until an outcome happens, that's a pussy not a centrist.
There's nothing wrong with being apolitical, there's issues with lying to yourself.
Ishtar from Fate
>Centrism doesn't mean you can't have strong opinions
What about mindless centrism tho?
Read up on the surge of hate against women during the Weimar Republic and what caused it. History is repeating itself.
>How do you do felllow gamers?
What games you got? Oh nothing exclusive? Way to be irrelevant. I thought burning money was illegal.
>when you remember that Anime is the next stop for the progressive liberal bandwagon and they won't stop until they have financial pressure on Japanese studios to enforce rightthink and censorship that makes the 90s look like a fucking joke
But who expects a woman to get that.
What the fuck? That's fucking disgusting.
>radical centrism
Unironic yikes
>wtf is game streaming
Did you forget about onlive?
>Woman does something autistic
>It's "cute"
>Man does something autistic
>It's autistic
>A controller that is always listening to you.
>It also features the Konami code.
Okay. Now this is EPIC.
>input lag over 160ms
>input lag over 160ms
>input lag over 160ms
Google won't last a week in this market.
>taking screenshots of your own tweets and trying to post "anonymously" as not you when the analytics button on tweets is only displayed if it's your own
Hey who's looking forward to next week's episode?
>"Krusty releases an all-female reboot of "Itchy and Scratchy," so Bart and his crew of all-male friends decide to boycott the show. After Bart's friends turn on him for laughing at the reboot, Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy."
This is not shitposting btw, it's real.
>slanted pussy
They all look the same, so they need to go all in on grooming and fashion to get ahead.
Circumcision is pretty disgusting too.
It's a fucking nightmare. God, no, please, no.
Start isn't a part of the Konami code.
Where do I even read up on this that's not a completely pozzed source?
not gonna lie fellow gentlegamers... I started crying when I saw this..
*sniff* thank you so much google... for reminding me what it really means to be a gamer...
>So, no, Stadia is not as responsive as native hardware, but it’s not a huge difference.
>over twice as much lag
>not a huge difference
Could you be any more of a zoomer?
because being a woman is so much easier that no woman would want to give that up
If I only have a penny, doubling that isn't a huge difference to my wealth.
many regions in brazil have better internet than in america. most people i know have 100mb+ plans and none of our isps have data caps
>This is not shitposting btw, it's real.
I know, user
The book 'Voluptious Panic'
>why jews gotta be keepin da 56% man down?
>tfw ron paul actually made anime real
Holy fucking epic balls
Keep in mind it's not that simple, 1/6th of a second of input lag at 30fps is going to be much less noticeable than a fucking THIRD of a second. If you've ever played a MOBA on shitty internet you'd understand the severe difference between 160ms latency and 80ms.
>having a job that cares about you using the N word
>or any other word for that matter
this almost looks more like a doll than a real person, especially the legs and feet
and... i like it
I hope Konami sues them
>need to reconsider your life choices
what are mobile games
what are gacha games
how fucking stupid are you
god I wish that was me
Wow, just like bibeo james!
got an archive?
That would set a terrible precedent for intellectual property laws. Kill yourself.
They'd be raising a valuable conversation after which maybe Google could fix Youtube's fucked up copyright abuse
Para de mentir, seu favelado de merda.
If Konami won, it would do far, FAR more damage than good, and that's not a gamble I'm willing to take.
im not lying, most people i know have 100mb+ plans. if you live in a shithole where 100mb+ plans arent common then thats your problem
I want to lick that foot
No, THIS is epic
I would say it's more Google's problem for alienating potential customers. I already have far more games than I could play in a lifetime.
I don’t see a refutation.
Speaking of jews, I would really love to cum on Abi Shapiro's tits.
>since forever
Literally no one thinks this. Jews almost got wiped out by whites not even 80 years ago. They were only saved by other whites. And they were on the bottom rung of society for centuries before that.
>This will never happen
>So ignore this video of a controlled test where it clearly is happening
They actually thought this was normal?
if you reverse image search it you should be able to find the rest
contrary to what they say, women ARE sexual objects
So the only thing it'll be good for will be an even slower turn base gameplay.
On 200mbps internet you will still have 160ms of lag, which is a third of a second.
A third of a second is fucking awful.
Except they said it has cross platform multiplayer lmfao
Underrated post. Fuck incels sounding like a smart bitch, all of you millennial faggots are inferior to the boomer generation that actually built the shit you slurp up like leeches.
There's a reason you are a joke to the masses that are aware of your shit behavior, you lazy faggots.
Holy fucking hell.
The Comcast CEO must've came as seen soon as he saw this. Imagine how many kids will do this, forcing their parents into even more aggressive contracts. This will be a shitstorm.
>Konami code
>cheating is not allowed
>Jews almost got wiped out by whites not even 80 years ago.
They traded a few thousand of their own for the creation of their own US-funded ethnostate and the freedom to infest any country of their choosing as an endangered species for the rest of time, they really are the true master race.
You're a regular Phil Fish.
>be 14
>women are great
>get fucked over multiple times by women
>get hurt
>get laughed at
>get attacked
>I hate women
that's more like it how goes, faggot.
>Jews almost got wiped out by whites not even 80 years ago.
They were in 0 risk of getting wiped out across the globe. The population of jews in America was substantial even then.
Meanwhile in the real world blacks are still less accepted than fucking trannies at this point America needs to wake the fuck up
google ass
no woman no cryyyy
Honestly if the eyes all blink at the same time I could get past it for the double mouths
imagine not being gay in 2019
I do but with shitty watermarks
Women are usually cringing at your behavior.
>the masses are already eating it up
Gaming's dead, bros
Maybe if you all stopped acting like actual monkeys people would like you more.
>triggered hole.
dirty feet
The normies forget about everything a week later. Call me back is Stadia is even still trending by the time the next new marvel movie comes out.
a third of a second is 333ms but 160ms is still abysmal and anyone who buys this is a fucking retard.
on this day... we are all gamers!
Calling it Stadia was a bad move, it sounds like Stevia, no one gives a fuck about things named St___ia
Once they try it they won't be saying that shit.
For once US internet speeds being shit is gonna save gaming.
Only 4 News outlets, 2 mainstream are right wing. Every other news outlet is left wing. Gaming news is left wing. 99% of video game companies are left wing. Tech companies are left wing. But please, tell me how fucking deluded are you that you're still pretending to fight the power.
here you go, fampay, I was too lazy to pick out only Ishtar cosplay pics from the folder, but I figured you'd enjoy the rest of the images anyways
isn't that why you're mad at them in the first place, stacy laughed at you in middle school when you tried naruto running in the hallways?
if you weren't a cringey nerd you'd probably have a gf
I hate women
Based Mum
I know that feel, brother
I had a few gfs in high school, it made me hate women more. Out of 3, only 1 was cool afterwards. Cheers.
not even him but thats a whole lot of projection there my man(female)
and you're how old, now?
discord tranny fuck off
>draws gay child porn
like clockwork lol, you people are the worst hypocrites to have ever lived, if you can even call what you do a life
Or Australia, or anywhere else with wide empty spaces with small rural communities.
>and you're how old, now?
kek, really struggling to find a argument huh?
It's okay, they hate you too
Time for bets. How long before they pull the plug on this?
Google+ lasted how long?
Sure, but it's a chicken and the egg thing. The reality is most bad relations men have with women originate from the school playground. Women have a really hard time being good people and refraining from hurting those around them, particularly mentally. I met more girls who were bullies in school than boys. How women treat you when you first encounter them absolutely shapes how you feel about them - that's human.
>Assassins Creed
>Jump button
Fucking yikes, so all of these hate threads are Ninten.drones, fuck this board.
>30 FPS
I play at 144 FPS and you think I'm gonna come down to 30 FPS? The PS2 has 60 FPS you fucking blind brain damaged nigger.
You have a point. Gotta find me a jewish girl
It's a joke, not a dick. Don't spend all day thinking about it.
>It's fine. How's unemployment and hating your own race, friends and family?
So you actually admit to keeping us down? Man, I love thinking about history, how every single one of your ancestors was raped and tortured for good reason. Ahhh, good times.
Where's the source?
It's not like guys aren't cringy, just look at Yea Forums.
>its just a prank bro!
epic my friend, simply epic.
what a bunch of nerds! LOL
>making incels seethe this hard.
Based, have a (You)
I trust Google implicitly. There is no way this platform would be abused by ideologues
You've spent way too much time on Yea Forums. Not everything is bait.
>that professionally taken picture of a controller to look like a happy face
>nerdy shit like Konami code
First of all fuck shills. And I highly doubt it would be included in the final product.
And? Why would we want to discuss something we have no interest in? Meanwhile incels like you start shitposting about inceldom and of course people are going to defend themselves. Nice try though.
Better than risking reproduction!
We shouldn't have stopped tbqh
>It's a joke, not a dick.
from your own NEET hands, my friend.
i want to fuck that controller
Lol what the fuck is going on here?
what do you think her green emissions smell like?
Imagining herself being surround by white males
>who is only suffered because society is still too polite to deal with your ilk the way they used to be dealt with
How was that?
i miss moot lads
muchas gracias onii-senpai
>us vs them bullshit
just get laid you sad loser, lmao
Drawn and quartered
absolutely based, I never get replies so easily.