

Attached: 9370069E-EC05-4ABF-BF7B-73054B82B48D.png (1334x750, 2.18M)

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My children will say the N-word in this thread so that OP (dunkey) stops shilling his unfaithful channel!

>watching reviews instead of judging by yourself
absolute cringe


>e celeb
stop shilling this fat faggots channel

>Dunkey is a retard who thinks Malphas deals a lot of damage
>also unsurprisingly doesnt understand Bayonetta
Not surprised, theres nothing funny in this review either. Getting tired of him pretending like he knows anything, especially for genres he doesn't normally touch


It's been 5 days where's my code AMD? I bought that fucking RX580.

Cry some more.


With the ammount of fun shit you can do on DMC5 i am dissapointed Dunkey didn't made a funny video instead of a review

This, his reviews are shit anyway

The best thing about this review is the pre-visualization of stuff, looks like it was a lot of pure, innocent fun.

I mean, malphas DOES deal a lot of damage when her chicken goes full retard and slaps you. But that's about it really

That's honestly pretty good seeing how stingy he is with the scores. Some games don't even get the number/5

Malphas can easily 2-shot you on DMD.

I for one im surprised he didn't outright spoiled the Vergil fight.

He did spoiled Nero gets his arm and DT though

finally i can have an opinion on this video game


>unnecessary gimmick sections
>shows Bayo footage

Attached: 1422923555809.png (539x480, 254K)

why would you post a fake news bait image?
real score here

Attached: afF8Rc6.png (613x213, 187K)

he's not wrong

Don't really got the joke he tried to go for here, did he really liked it so much it went above his spectrum? why he gave it a 4 out of 5 first? why 100$ afterwards.

bait and switch, its easily GOTG

reddit incarnate

I thought he would make more jokes, he's mostly just gushing about how good dmc is like everyone else.

We did it DMCbros..........

that was really easy to read, thanks.

How much did DMC5 sell? Do we have Capcom official numbers yet? Or still just UK physical faggotry?

>unsurprisingly doesnt understand Bayonetta
yes I love playing games with large unskippable boring parts like the highway level and the rocket riding shit
cant get enough


>Do we have official Capcom numbers?

That's pretty good if true. But it needs more I reckon.

Le spaghetti n meatballs ;3


It's like when he was bitching about the dynamic animations in Shadow of the Colossus weren't as impressive as other modern games and cut to footage of a canned animation from Uncharted 4. Dunkeys reviews show how genuinely retarded he is and it's disgusting that he manages to turn off thousands of people from giving genuinely great games a chance because some mongoloid neckbeard said they didn't like it.

so it is better than KH3?

Bayonetta's non-combat sections are universally panned as being shit. He's not exactly making a controversial point here.

>Shadow of the Colossus
>great ''game''
