It's happening lads. Special site updated.. 4.56 is IMMINENT
Other urls found in this thread:
2 weeks would make sense seeing as the fan fest is friday.
26th. Shits gonna be fucked.
very fucked.
Gas the Mhiggers Race War NOW.
Don't be racist sweetie the alarm mhigans are hard working and industrious lot.
how many quests is it going to be?
i wonder how they can possibly make everything go to shit in that short a timespan
the amount of quests doesn't matter as much as how much stuff is in it
>several cutscenes will play in succession etc.
They were the garleans before the garleans were.
By having hour long cutscenes like every pre expansion story quest before
More important, any new roleplay scenario?
Will the zenos fight be solo or a new trial?
I hope it's a new trial. Never got an actual trial with Zenos just fighting him fused with that gay dragon. It'll probably be solo though
I really hope they don't cave into tranny autists complaining about roleplay scenarios. They're a nice change up
>The Y'shtola part was too hard for some people
>People in my old FC unable to fucking do it
How can you be THAT bad at this game?
I don't care for those solo instances myself outside of the Nadaam.
Stormblood was overly dependent on them for storytelling, I hope they do something else next time.
Place your bets! Who is dying?
Is there any fc in faerie that isnt filled with faggots & trannies??
You kinda rolled on the wrong server
>play on the faggot server
>complain about too many faggots
>too important
>not unimportant but not as important as the rest of the scions, so could be her
>just finished her character arc more or less, bit too soon
>if they didn't kill him off during hw they won't kill him now
>omae wa mou shindeiru
>has death flags, so maybe
Im glad Alisaie was able to see her boyfriend!
>playing the tranny anime girl simulator game
>"uuuuuu why are there so many trannys???"
also on faerie and looking for an out, when the time comes what's a good server to move to that's got a a good community of people doing savage content and the likes? outside of seeing people stand around and try and out gay each other faerie seems dead as fuck
There's going to be free transfers when the data center split happens, I believe Gilgamesh has the most people doing savage content as far as NA is concerned
Tataru is a cry baby though. She's probably tearing up over nothing
>modded hair
what's the point
She's tearing up over the WoL getting soul sucked.
Just started playing for the first time ever - level 17 Lancer.
I picked Faerie blindly because it was NA and sounded like a cute name.
It’s trans AF. I want OUT. I am fine with gay dudes. I am fine with lesbians. Bisexual? Whatever.
But I cannot stand one more horny ass man who is mentally deluded into thinking he’s a woman constantly spamming discord for attention.
Should I just quit? How do I get out of the hell of Faerie without paying real money?
They stopped doing MSQ trials because of the poor reception to Nabriales and Vishap
Real Zenos or fake Zenos?
you wait until the data center split and do it then
>WoL gets soul sucked
>We're forced to unsub til shb
What would be very cool as shb is approaching, is for them to change the sky or some world music if doom is really coming, similiar to how 1.0 was ending
If you're only level 17, I'd recommend just rerolling on a different server, that's only about one day's worth of playtime
just reroll, you're only level 17
Hey my dude want to form an anti gay fc on faerie or something??
Reminder to just resub 2-3 days before early access. None of the updates from now to Shadowbringers will have anything worth keeping an active sub for desu.
>Complaining about your server when you're level 17
Get a fucking grip you fat retard
There is no real Zenos tho. Only Elezenos and Elidizenos
Elezenos is real Zenos. Elidizenos is fake Zenos.
I'm hoping they somehow make it actually Zenos, but I don't see how they could wrangle that within a quest or two, even with the usual end of expansion extra long cutscenes.
I just want to be able to play old promotional events, like the Lightning quests, via the mechanic they are using for NG+. I wasn't there for either it or the repeat, and there have been a few interesting sounding stories since like last years Little Ladies event, that new players will never get to experience. It seems like wasted dev hours when it could be extra and accessable content.
Answer for both, if you want.
Really hope they take Nadaam and rework it into something like "War FATEs"
The real Zenos is Elezenos retard
>new players who are running around as level 5s will have apocolyptic skies and music until they hit SHB
>even during optimistic times in the story where it seems like everything will be fine
Yeah, no. They would have to lock it behind progression and have it be something that kicked in locally rather than serverside when you hit a certain quest. If so, I'm right there with you. I still love the Answers Reprise.
this still blows my mind, iirc, you have 4 skills, cure, stone, aero and lucid dreaming, you can heal yourself and Hien for half health every cure
I legitimately don't know how you can fuck it up
>implying they have the resources for that kind of thing anymore
The idea that LGBTQetc could hijack an entire server to begin with is somewhat unsettling.
They can do client side changes tho? It happens all the time for beast tribe areas and such
They've done it before with things like Shinryu's Coil
the crazy idea is that someone would join a server named faerie and not expect gays
Gilgamesh might be where I'm going, then.
The FC with the most members on the server is called Rainbow Brigade with the tag
I want to start playing again. Will I still be laughed at if I play a SAM?
you'll only be laughed at if you play MCH
only if you are bad at it
Reminder: Hyur and Elezen are the ONLY races worth playing and if you play anything else you are a degenerate.
No, why would you?
>Get always memed and told catboys are the worst players in the fanbase
>Look for a new group, turns out to be all catboys
>best raid group I've ever been in to date, clear 9s/10s/11s with ease
Fuck why did you all lie to me. I'm tempted to go catboy now
everyone is a degenerate, if you weren't you wouldn't play this game
Best post in this thread.
If you could replace all the proper nouns in a post and it would be no more or less valuable, consider whether to post it at all.
midlanders are the biggest degenerates
Best post. I often Fantasia between Hyur and Elezen but can never truly stick to one permanently. Elezen look amazing in certain armors but I like the feel and animations better on Hyur.
You will very occasionally be excluded from savage PFs. People will often think badly of you but not say anything, but if you are good you will also get a lot of "wow, a SAM who isn't a retard!" praise.
>all the extra thicc and horse cock mods made by hyurs
>we are so pure bros
keep telling yourself that
Why is this worth caring about again? Didn't we already have a Zenos boss fight twice, once in human form and once fused with Shinryu? Why is fighting him again relevant?
That's the Ascian in zenos' corpse, not zenos
Stop skipping cutscenes. It's Elidibus.
Anyone else hype as fuck about the patch and what the MSQ will do? We know we have the final showdown and shit in the Ghimlyt Dark with Ascian Zenos, but I have a feeling we are going to have some crazy shit happen that has not been alluded to in the trailers to explain how we get into the fucked up 5.0 Shadowbringers situation.
When's the last time we fought an ascian?
>he doesn't know
I'm half expecting everyone to die and we're timelocked to just before until SB2
End of HW dungeon and before that in the Chrysalis to save Minfilia
I'll client side my dick into your bussy babe
That'd be kinda jarring but I don't see how else they could do it unless they somehow change the game world entirely until release.
That's right. This time we don't have any auracite though. So I'm guessing he may live.
Not really.
I'm expecting a bunch of throw away cliff hangers that will get resolved in the first ~4 hours of 5.0.
It's obvious that the balance will completely break when we fuck up Elidibus plans since he was the one ensuring that the balance didn't get totally fucked the entire story do far. Wouldn't be surprised if we work for him next expansion kind of like how the original WoD worked for him
When will Ishgard housing become reality
I want to get comfy
if you had to guess when would you say echo comes out
At the end of the ishgard reconstruction
Hope you've levelled your crafter classes
Do you have Crafter/Gatherers leveled?
For what?
>shitty sea of clouds diadem housing
can't wait
No, desu I have not played in a while. Have they announced they are making Ishgard housing soon?
Expectations for JP FanFest?
We're doing reconstruction for Ishgard, housing is the rumored reward
If it's not something that happens on the server, a co-operative player process that you don't have to take part in to see the progress, then I guess I'll be taking a break from MQs until I finish levelling the correct classes to do it. It sounds like a pretty important narrative step, to the point of being an entirely new MQ line with little to no combat.
Wow XIV fanfest players are exactly how I imagined.
>tfw the prospect of fixing home is the only motivation I need to actually level my crafters and gatherers
so are we actually getting Ishgard housing or are you talking out of your ass?
>tfw the PvP tournaments for both NA and EU fanfests had the most normal looking people
corey is the asian right
I would fuck those NA girls. Just sayin.
The girl in the middle of the right picture looks kinda like a non balding bailey jay
I assume you mean left but yeah I'd totally fuck fem Bailey Jay
It is speculation.
Talking out of his ass, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of the rewards for Ishgard reconstruction was a deluxe apartment to respond to ishgard housing demand without putting in the work for a whole ward.
I'm levelling my first job right now (BLM) and it sucks ass. MSQ is just so much fluff text and useless dragged out cinematics. I'm over 230 hours played and still level 60 doing MSQ.. 30+ min queues for MANDATORY MSQ progression. Why am I putting myself through this? It's like a fucking real life job except I'm not getting paid for slogging through boring shit.
>230 hours
>level 60
damn nice meme
>230 hours
BLM right now is one of those jobs that's just terrible unless you're at max level with a complete kit. I feel your pain.
Ask how I know that you're part of that clique.
>play an elezen drk
It's difficult being this aesthetic at all times
Stop playing at 3am. The only dungeons with a 30+ queue is praetorium and that other main scenario dungeon because nobody wants to sit through 40 minutes of mandatory cutscenes. The duty finder prioritizes people with first clears so there's no way you're sitting in queue for 30+ minutes even as dps unless you're playing in the dead of night
The biggest problem with getting into XIV is the initial 1-50 grind where you don't have any of your skills to do a full rotation and resort to spamming 1 or 2 moves over and over with no procs or anything to try for. That and the endless fetch quests turn most people off quickly.
>230 hours in
>30 min queues
>doesn't like the story
>doesn't like BLM
Just quit and leave the thread
Is this game going to be good in shadowbringers or will it still be run by parse monkeys?
But my old home (WoW) is barren. Please I want to like this game
People parsing is literally not an issue if you even remotely try playing well and aren't some 40 year old mother of 3 that wants to escape from her shitty life by erping with bishounen catboys.
Then just relax and take in the story, don't worry about endgame until you actually get there. XIV is a FF game first, MMO second.
>40 year old mother of 3 that wants to escape from her shitty life by erping with bishounen catboys
How do I find one of these? Asking for a friend.
Nigger just dps a little while healing, it's not hard
Try not sucking at the game and you won't get called out. Or do what the other shitters do and report them since calling out a player for parsing low and even implying you're running a parse is a bannable offense in this game
I actually parsed very well through what I played in HW and SB, falling anywhere from the 85-95 range.
That doesn't mean I like forcing a wipe because some chode fucked up a mechanic for muh dps and now we have to restart the fight for the 8th time. Or static leader steve who is messaging me on discord threatening to get me blacklisted by the server if I upload a parse because he made multiple mistakes during the fight and looks worse than he thinks he is on that parse.
I just want to play the fucking game. But these tryhard shit stains run the end game communities.
People believing this are delusional.
If we're getting Ishgard housing in 5.0 (lol) then it won't be thanks to Ishgard Reconstruction because of the massive butthurt gating housing behind crafting would generate.
>join a guild
>see if it has a guild mom
>if no repeat steps 1 and 2
>if yes just give her some attention and flirt a little
Follow these easy steps and you'll be up to your neck in depressed housewife pussy in no time
Try not running with shitty people? I've never been in any of these situations and I've cleared content when it was relevant since coils.
There's actually a ton of older women playing. They are much easier to find than you'd think, you just have to recognise their behaviour.
Sounds like your static is just ass and you should search for something better.
This is every decent static at end game, and its why every end game expansion has blown ass so far.
You either run with people who suck and wipe for hours because they can't do mechanics or don't know their rotations. Or you run with people who are so good they are full of themselves and wipe for hours because anything lower than orange is simply unacceptable and we cannot have that on public parse record so we are wiping until everyone is orange. There is no in between. There is no static of people who are good at the game enough to consistently clear each week while also not giving a fuck about muh parses.
He's going to die, isnt he?
Why would anyone subject themselves to this?
Again seems like a personal issue since I've cleared everything and my static doesn't do this. Of course my static leader will kick people from the static for acting like autistic babies. Try joining a good static
>tfw havent logged on for 2 weeks because my one experience with BA scared me away until 4.6
That's exactly why I asked the question if they are fixing it for shadowbringers. I just want to play end game without the politics.
Nope. He's a huge drive through the story beyond arr
You are judging an entire player demographic from your own extremely limited experience.
I've been in my fair share of quite hardcore FCs and groups over the years, the kind that require their core members to take time off work for new patches and pull marathons until shit is dead and have absolutely never encountered anything remotely like you said.
You'll get a free transfer soon enough.
>You either run with people who suck and wipe for hours because they can't do mechanics or don't know their rotations. Or you run with people who are so good they are full of themselves and wipe for hours because anything lower than orange is simply unacceptable and we cannot have that on public parse record so we are wiping until everyone is orange. There is no in between. There is no static of people who are good at the game enough to consistently clear each week while also not giving a fuck about muh parses
They're rare, but in betweens do exist. But I've been in statics like you described too and yes they're cancer.
>Here are my healer logs! 99th percentile DPS median :)
Like I'm supposed to believe every clear since your first was literal perfection. Get that gay shit out of here.
Unless they remove all dps checks in the game parsing will still be a thing. Good luck with that happening
You can either reroll, lv17 will take you an hour or two now that you know what to do, or just wait until the data center reorganization happens and everyone gets a free server transfer.
Not him, but how the fuck do I even find a static? I don't get home till 10:30 at night almost every night so my only options are playing west coast. I got in one that kicked me out 3 months later after they wanted to raid earlier like fucking 7 pm PST instead of waiting a small 30 minutes. Advertised on the reddit and no response. I'm free all night past 10:30 as well and nothing
not entirely sure, all the statics I have been in are ones my friends were in and whenever they lost a member, they invited me to fill the spot, this has happened 3 times now, but I have stopped raiding these days since I don't really want to dedicate the time to it.
Diversion isn't necessary if tank stays in tank stance and uses his enmity combo, as he should.
There are a lot of bored housewives in every MMO, especially casual ones like this.
Try discord usually that's where people do recruitment.
shut up idiot
Nobody respond to this autist he posts this shit every thread
>Tank should gimp his damage and not utilize half of his kit.
>Tank should ALSO pull lots and go fast
>WTF I can't keep up slow down
>WTF speed up its going to slow
>WTF why aren't you doing damage in tank stance
You physically cannot win as a Tank.
>as he should
No, you make the run take longer because you can't press a button, this has been gone over a million times and you're a meme spouting retard sitting there in anticipation of making someone genuinely upset by regurgitating retarded opinions because that will be the highlight of your day
Go apologize to your mother
Even if they remove DPS checks people will still parse, analyze, and ultimately wank off to their damage. If your problem is being compared to others then you will never be rid off it.
If they got rid off you over 30 minutes they didn't care and wanted to replace you anyways. What kind of static are you looking for?
When I was searching I just looked through the recruitment subreddit and sent applications to every one I figured could be a solid fit, usually asking to hop into their voice server for a short informal chat to see where they stand and how the chemistry is. More often than not I'd be unhappy with something, I'm very picky who I dedicate my time to, so they didn't work out, but eventually I found my current FC and couldn't be happier.
Definitely send applications out yourself instead of just throwing your "CV" up on Reddit hoping for the best. Also make sure you write out an actual application, take it seriously and don't just drop a quick "hi can I join lol". If you need inspiration for what to include just look at some of the bigger FCs with an established recruit form and copy some of the questions.
maybe don't listen to shitters?
You don't, really.
Statics in FFXIV is essentially like a job in a new field IRL. Its incredibly punishing on anyone who's looking to get into the game because every job demands 5+ years experience and you have none.
Any static you apply to will ask you for your parses and you either have a full resume of orange parses on every fight dating back the previous expansion (minimum) or you more than likely get turned down right then and there. People don't really look for honest individuals that just want to do savage content, they want to be carried. And they will always hold out for the best possible applicants that can carry their group, and unless that's you you're basically up shit creek without a paddle.
itt Yea Forums user pretends to have a big brain discussion on the state of xiv
>Like I'm supposed to believe every clear since your first was literal perfection
and that's the main issue with parses. Its a useful tool that people abuse to falsely misrepresent data.
Look up any "good" player and all you'll see is 99's across the board. What you don't see is the 30's where they fucked up and died, the 70's where they just botched a rotation or cooldown, the 80's where they had to sub in a suboptimal meta job that week, and the other 90-98s that were unacceptable. They can simply say "yeah I'm not uploading that" and that data will have never existed. Players should not have this much control over data that dictates so much of the end game culture.
Why did you reply to him if you didn't want anyone to reply to him?
>Tank shitters still seethe when confronted with the truth
You are doing fine work, user. Keep on posting.
That's sounds like bullshit.
Yeah and healers shouldn't dps. Now that that's out of the way fuck off
>You physically cannot win as a Tank.
Actually you can.
>"Sorry guys, it doesn't look like I'm able to meet the expectations being placed on me. I'll step out and let you find a replacement"
>leave group
>smugly smile IRL as you get into another group before they get a new tank in theirs.
What a fucking baby, that's nothing like reality. There are a million midcore or casual statics that don't give a fuck about logs through the entire breadth of content in the game.
I just immediately go afk if someone is acting retarded. They kick me and have absolutely no proof that I did it intentionally so their reports don't mean shit
>smugly smile IRL as you get into another group before they get a new tank in theirs
What actually happens is that they get an immediate replacement from one of three FCs and you lost 10-20 minutes by having to rerun the dungeon. Congratulations, user, you really did show'em.
Its been my biggest issue with the way end game works for 2 expansions and counting. You're unironically better off starting your own static if you have the leadership skills, or trying to join a "bad" static that "has potential" and hoping the potential turns into success than trying to join an established group of elitist shit-for-brains.
Even the static I was in from HW going into SB looking for a replacement for a member that wasn't sticking around turned down at least 5 really good quality applicants because (in the leader's own words) "I think we can get someone better". I ended up leaving that group using the same words and going the pub life in SB. Can't be arsed to deal with the bullshit.
Do you seriously think the better players don't know that?
The only ones blindly taking xivlogs percentile numbers into account for their recruitment are the absolute bottom of the barrel shitter groups that nobody even halfway competent should ever take a single look at. It's a good luck to see how well an applicant knows their class, but that's about all it is.
If a group member is doing dumb shit I call them out. If they don't stop I vote kick. If it does not pass I afk until the group kicks me. I don't have time to carry bads. I'm the tank, I'm the boss.
If you take your bust sliders past 1 you are a fucking zoomer
i got this from the aether baldesion discord. what is wrong with exposing people and what video are they talking about exactly?
what about big tiddie and big booty?
Someone want to explain what plot faggotry they pulled from their ass this time to make the villain still alive?
I'm lalafell so I couldn't have big tiddies even I wanted.
So you're honestly going to tell me that a static leader looking for new blood is going to see the guy with all 70-90 parses in groups where the other 7 people parsed 50 and below and say "I think we should give this guy a chance he seems good he just hasn't run meta comps and has played with pretty bad players"? Don't make me laugh.
The literal motto of anyone that runs end game content is "if it ain't orange, its gray"
>Someone want to explain what plot faggotry they pulled from their ass this time to make the villain (singular) still alive?
Which one? We had a bunch of these.
You can't have big booty in this game you baka
Why are you asking us? Ask the discord nigga
big tiddie and big booty
hearts and darknWait wrong game I mean Ascians. Ascians!
>had a good chill static for sigmascape
>fit my time schedule perfectly
>everyone had fun and wipes were no big deal as long as we learned from it
>wasn't the fastest clearing but everyone actually wanted to get better and we eventually cleared
>went into UWU and cleared after a month and a half
>everyone got so burnt out from ultimate that we decided to take a break until alpha
>only 3 people came back for alpha
>decided to disband quickly after
I still can't find a new static that fits my schedule. I'm really thinking about just quitting the game because I can't stand DF shitters
the discord announcement said not to ask about it so it is making me really curious
The faggot Zenos who killed himself because even with the power of a primal he loses.
Fucking magic bullshit. Can't be as bad as WoW at least.
I run endgame content and my motto is "maybe I'll get a drop this time"
>100 bust with small tits mod
its how you do it
Zenos fell into the classic blunder of "becoming a primal to fight the guy whose literal job is killing primals"
>the faggot zenos
There are at the moment 2 Zenoses (Zenosi?)
The Zenos Zenos we are going to fight in 4.56 is a body taken over by Elidibus.
There's also EleZenos, as in Zenos's soul (Echo/ascian fuckery) that has taken over a body of some elezen rando that will join the fight in 4.56 as well.
Fuck MMO writing. Yoshi probably just didn't want to give up the weeb judge imagery they put on the poster.
Actually yes, that's exactly how it goes.
Like I said, you obviously had a single bad experience and are now throwing a fit trying to convince yourself that it's some sort of universal rule that nobody gives a shit about anything other than orange logs, when that really couldn't be further from reality.
It's okay though, do what you think is right, everyone else will just be over here having fun.
>sudokus himself out of shame
>comes back as an elf and somehow isn't more ashamed than he was before
Fucking stupid.
>new roleplay msq instance on the 26th
>we play as elezenos after the wol jobs
Yoshi can go fuck himself for refusing to let us dress like a judge.
It gets better, the actual Zenos that's currently inside the before mentioned Elezen rando is essencially immortal thanks to soul hopping that Echo grants as long as there's a body nearby to hijack while Elidibus Zenos is actually immortal unless we manage to destroy his soul.
>sudokus himself out of shame
nice meme
Its not a single bad experience. It was no less than 7 statics across two expansions. A bad experience here and there is one thing, but that many times is no longer a coincidence and taking is as fact isn't a stretch anymore.
He didn't do it out of shame, he did it so the savages wouldn't be able to exact judgement on him.
Recording doesn't mean video user, if I had to guess then someone probably recorded someone else saying some stupid shit and tried to black mail them or something with it
Them claiming that's illegal is BS though since it all applies by state and saying "b-but california" doesn't mean shit
We'll later find out that Aulus (who's not dead) secretly cloned Zenos. So by ShB we'll fight Zeno in his cloned and improved body
Yes, you totally were part of 7 statics in which everyone hated and downright blackmailed each other to keep their xivlogs exclusively orange. Sounds perfectly legitimately.
I don't think discord falls under private communication so it probably wouldn't matter even if it was illegal stateside
What is this even trying to say? He gets upset about someone recording and uploading (essentially streaming) content of the game/discord, and then goes on to say that streaming isn't actually illegal and is just fine
I've been in 3 statics and it was only in the last one where we had a douchenozzle cry over his fflogs, we booted him out after he intentionally wiped the group after he died to his own stupid
seriously, this sounds like bullshit, that or you just join up with the absolute worst fucking groups.
Discord server trannies try to larp as officials lol
That's it. I'm joining an FC for Shadowniggers and this time I'm making some friends.
How about you don't skip cutscenes you zoomer faggot
He literally concedes that he lost and since he lost he just offs himself. What a pussy. We spend two cinematic 'fights' where he just waves his dick around and we have to accept our loss like the good half-console game expects us but when it's time to finally give him what he deserves he just kills himself. And now he's back? Bravo devs, you found a way to keep your weeb aryan manchild around.
That's what I said 2 years ago before stormblood launched
I still haven't found a good FC and have played alone most of the time, the longest I've been in a FC was 3 days before all their flaws became apparent and that was just because the girl the FC was orbiting hadn't logged in during the time I had joined and as soon as she was back the entire feel of the place changed, guys that had once been friendly to each other were now ignoring one another and in constant competition for attention
beastmen get the fuck out of ul'dah
I put the game down after Exdeath. Just got tired of it I guess.
>want to join a more social fc before ShB
>in an FC with irl friend who would get pissy if I left
>literally me and him are the only ones who have logged on in the last month
>he barely logs in once a week anymore
seriously just going to ask him to abandon the FC, all his plans to get it to grow have failed and most people we recruit usually never log in or just leave, we used to be bigger in ARR and HW, but we had an exodus and never quite recovered, yet he still wants to keep it together, a bunch of other irl friends are in it but they are stopped playing and flat out said they aren't coming back, so I don't see the point, I would rather we both just join a bigger FC
Only Eorzean beatmen. New beastmen have a loophole.
That's not what I'm saying. It varies from static to static, but every one of them has some form of cultural elitism pertaining to parsing that made the end game completely unfun.
Two statics outright called for wipes if the leader (or some other members) made a rotational error that would result in either of them not getting an orange on that fight.
One static had the tank that always pushed orange every fight and lacked the mechanical skill to pull it off consistently so he ate unmitigated tankbusters and died forcing a wipe but couldn't not do it because he couldn't chance getting orange unless he did.
One static sent me a private discord DM as the night was concluding telling me not to upload those logs.
You get the gist. Its not always the same identical problem, but its always because of parsing and its always bullshit politics I don't want to deal with in a fucking game. I just want to show up, get my shitty 85-95 and be satisfied enough with that and be on my way.
Don't know about the exact situation in that screepcap. But what I'd assume happened is one of their more reputable members got caught unawares saying something they shouldn't be saying and didn't like being seen for what they actually are. I'm sure if it was any other random member recording them saying anything completely harmless they wouldn't give 2 shits about putting their foot down.
>GUN won't have Garlean inspired armour.
why even live
Only if you're bad, then peoppe will think you're even worse than you are
Otherwise no. In fact, in a lot of pub/pug content, whenever there is a Dragoon, they almost ALWAYS give me the tether, they just see a SAM and are like "let us make big damage more big"
>quit right when i beat shinryu in the storyline in 4.0
>want to play again
>dont want to go through the motions of trying to catch up
>also have to find an FC that's cancer free
Welp, wish me luck boys. Also is PotD still the go-to to level other classes after finishing all the msq?
PotD to 60, Heaven-on-High to 70
>Tfw Hyur and Elezen are the best races
>Cant play a mixed master race Hyur/Elezen character for best of both worlds
Oh, is it any fun? Or is it just as soul crushing?
why are people so fucking homosexual in dungeon chat in this game?
it's basically the same as PotD but you only have to do it for 10 levels
I wonder if she ever got that money back
Your issue is that you're set on the process of catching up, rather than experiencing what's new.
I want to try this game out. Can I just make myself look like Cloud? I just want to be a normal ass dude with a big ass sword.
>people chatting in dungeons
Genbu literally makes it rain treasure on you at the end of the quest line.
Of course, all (You) get is like 1200 gil.
It is admittedly a fucking slog, but just truck on
She got a shitload of cash at the end of the 4 lords questline
that's what you get for taking the Tiny Jew with you anywhere
There's a Cloud outfit you can get with achievement points. Just play DRK and wear that
Completely identical? No. But you can wear his clothes and wield a giant sword.
His hairstyle is locked behind an art contest that's already passed so you will literally never get it. Otherwise his you can get his Advent Children outfit with achievement points.
>But you can wear his clothes and wield a giant sword.
That's all I want, thanks! I assume Warrior/Fighter will be my class of choice?
They've recycled art contest rewards before so it might not be literally never
No, Dark Knight, which is locked behind the Heveansward Expansion.
it's Dark Knight for you
Giant swords are locked behind dark knights. Warriors use fuckhueg axes and fighters turn into sword and board
Cross World Visiting is a big feature. Not just for roleplaying but for socializing and getting groups together for world content like maps, fate trains, and hunts. People still need to do fates for leveling/relic, people still need hunts for ilvl 400 upgrade or mount speed increase, people still do maps because they print gil and materials.
Everything will be recycled at some point, if he sticks around long enough he will definitely have a chance to get it again. Of they recycled the White Ravens there is absolutely no chance the more recent stuff they didn't say would never ever be available again won't come back at some point.
Warrior uses axes. You want Dark Knight for Greatswords.
Ah, good to know I don't have to learn anything new and can just jump head first in. Thanks.
as a warrior that wants a hammer, whats the most hammer-looking axe in the game
>play nin
>tfw the ast gives you an extended balance
It simultaneously makes my dick hard and fills me with despair knowing that I'm doing the most damage and the ast recognizes this and knows feeding me balances will be more of a dps gain then spreading them to the whole party
Ok, cool, thanks. I'll try getting the game this weekend.
I tried searching hammer bro. The dream of being a middie bunny girl wielding a giant hammer to pound mochi is dead
The DRK has a kanabo, that's about it.
My nigga. Gunblades are for fags. Where's my rocket hammer Magitek Knights
AF 2 is half axe half hammer
When I see a Ninja topping DPS charts, it's a red flag to GTFO because the group is never going to meet the DPS check for some fights.
This and the ones with a shared model. It swings open horizontally when drawn and kind of looks like a mace. It is far from a hammer but it's the best you'll find.
>Be in public forum (anyoje can join this discord server)
>be party to conversation
Nope, nothing illegal was done, trannies, get fucked
Reminder that the only race worth playing is the one that causes the most discomfort and salt.
I guess it wont matter if you're in a dead server because you can visit more active worlds
The Alexandrian Fending set is one of the best looking tank sets in the game and will look good on Gunbreaker. Prove me wrong.
>is never going to meet the DPS check for some fights.
You don't know what it's like being that ninja and trying to carry a group only for them all the sperg out and claim they don't need you
When that happens I stop helping and watch as a dps check that was failed by 3% is now failed by 47%
And I'm not even all that good, I float around the 75-85th percentile, a little better than average but not great
>techno theme tank gear will look good on techno theme tank
hot take
I wish my Fc is small for this reason. fuck Faerie
>mfw realizing Gunbreaker will get a Gordian weapon
You won't be able to fulfill your fantasy until 60+ hours of ARR questing. You can only be DRK when you hit HW
I already got 8 A12S tomes saved for the gunbreaker weapon. Gotta get another 8 for whatever healer they show off...
>doesn't have his game modded
lmaoing at ur life
Of course, you won't see a damn gil..
user could always buy a jump potion.
>tfw no one to do savage with to actually get it
Maybe some day.
Not him, but seeth more, because I fucking wish that were true. I've been in the parties where the tank or healer left. It usually would have been faster to disband and wait for another group than wait on a new tank/healer.
Funnily enough, only dark knight has a 2H blunt weapon so far
Fuck off Yoshi
can't visit locked worlds (like Balmung) but if a high pop server is open then yeah you can visit.
Posting most kino theme
real talk, jump potions are very worth it. $10 (1 hour at your job) to skip to level 60 versus spending over 100 hours leveling.
I just got in a party just now to farm out the striking chestpiece, user.
Really, all you need to know are the timestop mechanics, get people to go in the right time portals, and know to drop judgement crystals away from the boss
>can't visit locked worlds (like Balmung)
Is this confirmed? That just means there will be a mad dash to instantly transfer to Gilgamesh when the split happens before it gets locked.
>tfw you have contention lead into dragonsong on your orchestrions playlist
Nigga that shit is $25, same as the story skip
You're right though, it's not bad if you're not a lazy neet fuck and have a job. I bought a Story Skip + BRD jump for my WHM alt just to dick around with Perform, and a Story Skip + DRK for yet another alt I wanted to mess with, not that expensive once in awhile
It will be weird joining the Garleans, but as WoD we have to do whats right
Pretty much. If you aren't there mashing Gilgamesh you aren't going to get in.
I'm probably going to use Sky Rat for GUN
Just showed up in a raid questline one patch ago, and she's the most likely candidate to fill the role of melee DPS in the trust system now that Thancred is a tank and Lyse has fucked off to do who cares. And I really can't see the twins being anything other than spellcasters of one kind or another.
She'll fuck off for a good long while. She and Hien will join Aymeric in the "Sometimes I show up to remind you I lead a citystate" corner.
I don't see it yet. I see him dying eventually, but not now. Maybe as some big part of the next expansion.
Fake dies, real gets his body back. Real fucks off to get stronger and promises that you'll fight again.
Dead. This nigga is fucking dead.
>skipping for 0-30
bought these years ago and never got in trouble
I had little choice, the whole reason I did it was for the true endgame, Glamour. Only DRK had the Glam I wanted. But hey, it gave me a chance to see how DRK really plays, and taught me that 70% or more of DRKs are just shitters that don't know their class and my hate for them when WHM is justified because they're shit, not just because they're DRK.
We'll become great again in >Shad
Just you wait GUK's, WAR's, and PLD's, just you wait...
>I don't see it yet. I see him dying eventually, but not now
Raubahn is 100% dead. His character arc is finished, and he passed the Tizona and title of Flame General to his son. Where else would he die except at an apocalyptic battle for the defense of his homeland?
It is worth it, IF you've already played through the msq and have a good understanding of the game and don't want to spend countless hours leveling a new job.
Otherwise we end up with PLDs like that one gif.
I meant you get perform as soon as you unlock brd at 30
that song is just aped from the ala mhigan national anthem. this is your empire music bro
Do not speak ill of Lord Darkmatter
it doesn't really make sense for new players to buy boosts. if you buy the leveling one, you're stuck doing the msq to catch up. if you buy the level+msq boost then you're just paying to skip 2 games you already paid for.
truly an inspiration for us all.
Is this game worth picking up?
It is going to be hilarious to see how hard the data center split will fuck things up. Crystal will be completely dead and a massive portion of people will move back to Aether and just create a new super server.
Expecting balmung and mateus to carry an entire data center when nobody on those servers actually plays the game for anything other than erp is a hilariously awful move.
who said anything about joining the garleans. you're joining zodiark and the shadow hunters, but that's it.
do you like jrpgs with stupidly convoluted and long winded plots? then yeah
yeah it's alright for a mmo
I was lazy. I also wanted high lvl Glamours for it. That should be obvious given my previous reply
I least its attacking him
people have asked for a roleplaying focused datacenter since forever and crystal is perfect for it. the people who care about content stay on aether/primal.
I feel really bad for EU bros though. The split will devastate them the most. They don't have enough players compared to NA.
>he thinks we're joining the Garleans
Solus is the one unleashing the Light calamity bro
He was theorizing how the light-burned aether bleeding in from Arbert's world might synchronize with the black rose. tell me he's not just spamming Rage of Halone. I've seen some genuinely stupid shit in my time, but that...I think I actually died just a little, for real, seeing that.
do you like final fantasy with co-op?
yes. the mentor network will help you with questions probably
What's the best way to level 50 - 60?
Levelling up to 50 I was doing command missions and levelling really fast, but my xp gain doing that seems to have massively dropped once I hit 50.
That head movement is 110% unnatural. Also clearly not a mod, must be a ported model in something else, probably Blender or MMD cuz it doesn't look like SFM.
>mixed hair color
Get that thing away from me. That monstrosity crawling towards me like that genuinely looks off-putting.
Roulettes first
potd is an option though it too slows down after 50
Quest in appropriate zones, MSQ if you hadn't already
Make sure you have food buff on at all times even if it's the cheapy shit from vendors, 3% is 3%. Guild buff, Squad book buff, whichever is stronger.
what are the chances ffxiv will be in google's new 'console'
daily leveling/alliance/msq roulette bonus
beast tribes
challenge log
hunting board
spamming highest level dungeon (get to 51 first since HW dungeon rewards much more exp than ARR dungeon and queue with tank/healer acquaintance if you're dps for instant queue)
that's in-game. you can rig models with mods but its a pain in the ass.
They basically just moved all the servers with good content clear rates over to aether, the ones with the lowest that are also, purely coincidentally of course, the RP servers to Crystal, and all the ones left over into Primal.
It's a complete dumbfuck move and within a few months will mean Aether is twice the size of the other two
we'll just have to wait and see. I know a bunch of people coming to exodus on primal just to get the houses that are going to go up for sale.
>It's a complete dumbfuck move and within a few months will mean Aether is twice the size of the other two
But the RP servers are the most populated servers. It's easily the largest community in the game, and it's pulling in RP refugees from BDO, Wildstar, and WoW too.
Sounds like I'll be shelling out some money for it. Thanks for the input
20gb/hr average data usage for them and that's on single player shit, let alone multiplayer/mmo. Good fucking luck.
that is absolutely horrifying
Bullshit until proven otherwise.
>mentor network being anything other than a mentor circle jerk
Or paladins like in this image.
It's in game. They're using a trainer or some other tool to fuck with positioning and accessing animations that you normally use. That's how female au ra climb into bed when you log out.
Ironically, Balmung's NN chat is surprisingly chill. But that's because it's closed and shitters can't get in to shit it up.
FFXIV is already available on other cloud streaming game services. Don't know why you would play it like this though. The game isn't that demanding to run locally and you're dealing with extra latency.
>he who must not be named is fantaing AGAIN, pretending that this is the first time people have called his character ugly
maybe stick to red*it you freak
Oh is it? Shit I never use the Inn log out as it is let alone on the tranny race. I know the trainer exists but I had no idea it could trigger animation shit
this game's already laggy as fuck without having to have google's Bangladeshi slave labour pump it into my computer.
Keep your drama in you embarrassing freak.
>Beast tribe crossover
Pretty excited for this. I actually liked all of the Stormblood beast tribes.
depends on your server. some are incredibly helpful to the point of autism. some are literally vanilla wow barrens chat.
Fuck off to /xivg/ nobody here cares faggot
It was G9 wasn't it? Bunch of faggots. Glad I dipped after I got my clear, I knew shit like this was going to happen and cliques were going to form.
I know that on gilg NN some new dude got chased out of NN by a couple autismo mentors and he reported all of them and they got temp banned+mentor banned forever a few months ago. Was a nice little drama episode
There are 3 ffxiv threads up right now! And do you know why that is wowfags? Because this board belongs to us now. It is this will of the strong to rule over the weak and NONE AMONG YOU HAS THE POWER TO STOP US!
You could say that it's almost time for a surprise collab.
well its free until lvl 30 or whatever so yes
>clear uwu for the first time
so close yet so far
honestly that trial should let you level to 50 so you can actually "feel" the job better.
a few weeks ago on leviathan there was a big mentor kicking spree by some S rank early puller. he kicked about a couple of people before he got kicked himself.
You can do that in PotD
at this point they should just give the base game for free and you only pay for the DLC. with how fast you level on 2x exp servers you hit the 35 trial cap really fast.
>seventy threeth
>haven't played FFXIV in a year and a half
>think about coming back for the upcoming expansion
>left off when the first alliance raid of Stormblood was released
>don't have any friends to play with
>have to catch up
>MSQ roleplay
>we play as ElidibuZenos and beat up ourselves
>NPC controlled player plays extremely retarded
this whole game was designed from the ground up to make it incredibly easy to catch up. you don't even have to raid to have (almost) best in slot gear.
You're better than 99% of the game population, and better than average in uwu. That's enough to be glad about.
maybe you meant to post something like this.
what server? try connecting with novice network as a returner.
Viera are the Pandaren of XIV and even though they're fapbait, they're going to be the downfall of the game, worse than aura trannies or catboi faggots
Fran counts as a XIVfu now so she is now best girl.
what the fuck are you talking about
t. actual pedophile
still made me #1 nin on my server, but I had to lb at a bad time
if only we didn't tank lb boom, I could have used it on ifrit
viera are going to be the new metallic dye wedding dress miqote/thav set aura
I can't see how Viera are any worse than slut cats or tranny lizards. It's just another slut race that will singlehandedly fund the game for years with fantasia
I'm on Jenova.
pandaren didn't kill the game, and they are also a minority of all toons
They'll bring the normies in, lead to further casualization and skill pruning until it's a mobile-tier mess pandering to the lowest common denominator
Pandas are the least of WoWs problems at this point
>log in
>buy i380 crafted weapon
>start catching up on dungeons and story, getting better armor and mendacity tomes
>use tomes to get trade item to trade your 380 weapon for a 390,use the rest to buy 360 armor
>finish catching up with the msq, final dungeon drops 375 armor and accessories
>390 weapon and 375 armor and accessories, now more than ready to start tackling other alliance raids, all the normal raids, and all the trials and increase your ilvl closer to 400
I never been there. But it shouldn't be hard to find acquaintances in Novice Network or Cross World Visiting.
Any idea if people with early access get their 30 days when it starts?
They never give gametime with expansions unless there's extended server downtime.
You only get 30 days for adding ARR to your SE account.
Oh yeah I remember that happening when Au Ra were introduced. God damn that was horrible fucking retard
Don't see how Viera are normalfag bait but you continue being autistic if you want
I don't see them skill pruning more until 6.0 at least. Until then enjoy your consolidated actions and removal of absolutely useless actions like Drain.
Is this what trannies are posting nowadays?
>They never give gametime with expansions
nani the fuck
Literally no mmos do.
I want inside her scat hatch if you know what I mean
Not even WoW or older MMOs like PSU/LOTRO I have played did this. Base game gives you gametime, expansions don't.
>even Eorzea has SJWs
Damn it all.
I think we should all take a moment to thank Hydaelyn for all that shes done for us and the scions.
Thanks Hydaelyn.
Are there any good sources to read up on this game other than the official forums and Reddit?
Something a bit more in-depth?
I just started 14 and want to read up on things like theory crafting in this game
It was probably written by Y'shtola. She even included her self portrait there.
It's still ridiculous.
>thanks for buying more content, that'll be a $10 tip if you want to start playing it
Hey, could you let me know why all that light aether you said you were going to suck up is now so dense it's bleeding over to the Source? Thanks cunt
fflogs, balance discord, google docs
If anyone cares the SE store has the game and all expansions but Shadowbringers on sale right now.
Complete Edition is 20 bucks.
Nidhogg was a trial so I guess he being the (probably) final boss of the expansion will get him one too.
Balance discord is where all the big theory crafters hang out
Tsukuyomi was the Nidhogg equivalent. Elidizenos will be a solo instance.
well to get to the expansions in the first place you must have already paid for a considerable amount of gametime. also be glad this game is only $13 (43 cents per day) sub fee and $40 for expansions at launch, WoW charges $18 (60 cents per day) in canada and $70 for expansions.
>There's actually a ton of older women playing. They are much easier to find than you'd think, you just have to recognise their behaviour.
Like what? Seriously curious
Fuck you and fuck yo light. Give me small Minfilia already.
yeah ... sorry
Balance seems like a good start, thanks
I just wish it actually worked as a containment server. Would be better if they all stayed there instead of polluting normal servers.
>tfw legacy and sub is only 9 bucks a month
get rekt
>not pirating your copy
Only one I see in that list that might get such fate is Reubahn maybe. His story is pretty much over by now and he got a succesor in Pipin
>tfw i played 1.0 but was moving and without internet for the entire time the legacy campaign was going on so i didn't get the chocobo or the reduced sub
At least I have my tattoo and goobbue.
>$70 for expansions
>expansions with little content and features no one likes
I honestly wish blizzdrones didn't enable this fuckery.
Tsukuyomi was like the boss before the final boss. It is clear not-Zenos is the final final one and the Nidhogg equivalent of this expansion even if it is not trully "him" we would fight.
My bets on him being a trial also because we already got to fight him in a dungeon.
Press S to spit on her grave
No its not???
We really shouldn't. If everybody did that, Ala Mhigo would be underwater within the hour.
>yeah ... sorry
Still gets a laugh out of me. I can't wait till shit gets so bad some character actually say "Don't you laugh at the Asians! They were...the coolest guys!"
That would mean SE giving us another extra trial on top of Ozma and Yojimbo, and I really don't see those lazy fucks doing that.
its for europlebs
>Friends haven't logged in for two weeks.
>Try to find a raid group in the meantime because I want to see the content before ShB drops.
>Post a few screenshots of various clear groups I've been with, urging them to come back.
>"wtf user, don't spoiler us, why aren't you doing that content with us?"
It's fucking Orbonne Monestary and Alphascape savage, YOU HAVE THEM UNLOCKED, you just don't want to do them for some asinine reason.
Gonna be hype, fanfest will make sure we'll have trannies or fujos or barafags melting down.
Catboy shill detected. Back to the incineration chambers.
No. Lyse may be annoying, but I don't want her to die. She still had value as breeding stock.
The biggest problem with Lyse is the shit that comes out of her mouth. Keep a gag in that thing and reduce talking to an absolute minimum during meal times, and she's fine.
yesterday I ate something pickled and I was like hup
>She still had value as breeding stock
>Breeding stock
>Wanting the kids to inherit the lowest IQ in the land
she's the best political ala mhigo has
>tfw in a normie fc and all the people are boring as hell
She looked better with Yse's turban and mask on for some reason.
t̴͈͍̭͚̞̦̹͙̭̖̙̭̺͙̏̔̊͋̽̿̓̐͗͆́͑̓̚̚͝͝ͅh̵̛̩̼̜͖̪̭̖̼͕͚͒͊̄́̀̆̈́̉͊̔̍̀̔̇̃͂̂̆̕̕͘͘͜͠e̶̡̨̡̡̧̛͔̫̥̫̬͙͔̙̫͍͛͋͋̐̉͌̔͋́̃̾̽̃͋̏͒̊̓͋̊͠͝͝ ̵̛̹̗̺̠͇̞̗̥͉̊̽̉̆̐̆̈́̓͂͗͜Ḧ̵̙̝̩̰͇̟̺̰̙͔̿̎̔́͊͐̉̔́̇̓̚̕Â̵̡̳̣͇͙͚̝̝̝͖̯̳̹͙̱̺͕̮̭͕̌́̄̓̊̏͑̊͗́̀̾̿̓̏͘͘̕͜͝ͅĮ̸̨͎͍̗̯̠̖͇̖̼̆͛͐̚ͅŖ̴̨̢̭̫̹̥̤̺̬͓̺̙̠̖̿͠
You're wrong for spoiling them and trying to get them to do content they don't want to do.
They're wrong for bitching at you for doing content that you want to do that they clearly have no interest in doing but want to hold some kind of ownership over your in game actions.
Everyone in this scenario is terrible and I thank my lord and savior that none of you share a free company with me..
better to be in a normie fc than one with autistic people that take the game too seriously or can't talk at all.
Mystery Nigga, w-what's wrong?
>"Lyse the garleans are preparing to invade us again, what should we do?!"
>*clenches fist*
Because Yda had a generic midlander face but everything above the mouth was obscured.
that sounds better than being in a fc filled with unfunny people who hardly take a joke,i'd find another fc but im on diabolos and we're getting thrown on crystal soon
"The same thing we do every night, Pinkibus...let the Warrior of Light do it then take credit for it!"
wow highlanders look like that?
He couldn't see the red hair
Fuck off
So did that faggot ever post full size versions of this shit or is it all cockteases? I could trainer it up myself but I'm more curious than anything...and also lazy af
yeah i'd rather breed lyse compared to this
I want to fuck Fedora.
>that hair
I can't deny it anymore bros, it's him...
Apparently her father and sister were super smart. Her old man was a resistance top dog, and her sister was a full blown Scion, the Sharlayan trained kind with neck tattoos. You don't get to be in Louisaux's inner circle by being retarded.
I'm going to assume that everyone in her family, including Lyse, are inherently strong and intelligent, but that Lyse herself took a massive blow to the head when she left us in Ul'dah and it turned her full retard.
Probably, I dont know. I just don't find her hot as I did as Yda and not like I could see half her face..
No! Highlanders look like this!
RIP, best npc.
dark enforcer mod outfit for gunbreaker when?
Fordola did nothing wrong.
Give me a highlander without those ugly black areas around their eyes as well
No. Lyse and Minfilia are highlander in name only. All of their animations and body proportions are Midlander.
Because Yoshi knows that when it comes to light skin and hair tones, Midlander girls are superior to highland mhiggers who only ever look good with dark skin and hair.
I hope you made the right choice Yea Forums.
I always had trouble with the Beastmen in Eorzea. In Vana'diel they made sense, but in Eorzea they make no sense.
Malboro chads... we're doomed
a lot of people on your server are major shitters.
diabolos here i share your pain
>highland mhiggers who only ever look good with dark skin and hair. proves you right
Anyone remember when the SB test or whatever it was called was available before they released the expansion?
That image explains the history behind it. It's entirely propaganda, and it became worse after the Calamity happened and the average person became aware of what primals can do. For Eorzeans, they base it on appearance. But for Garleans, they only base it on if that race has summoned a primal. That's why Alphinaud sees the Lupin as beastmen, but Garlemald welcomes them into their army no problem.
>those ugly black areas around their eyes
I always really liked that hairstyle in general.
My highlander has it, and I can't really get used to any other hair style.
>tfw I transferred from Malboro to Balmung 2+ years ago because ded server
>right back where I started
Primal is nothing special the data center... Just average in every aspect.
Most hilander faces look fucking retarded. A shame because with a good face they will make for 11/10 waifus
So what are your thoughts on Hrothgar and the missing Male Viera? Which camp of thought has the best basis and/or realistic outlook as a possibility?
I have my own views on the matter but I'll pretend to be neutral so I'll win no matter what.
I know. It's just kind of frustrating as there should have never been the divide to begin with. It's another example of the FFXI aspects hurting the series more than they helped.
Where are her eyebrows? Looks like a dude.
The divide is there because Eorzeans are racist as fuck.
That is indeed the way to win this whole debate user, sit back and have a good laugh.
I made a pale femhighlander a while ago to run through boring low level stuff with a newcomer friend, and thought she looked reasonably good. But then there's only one face combination I like for them.
highlanders have a skin disease
Not just since she left in Ul'dah, the "hwat a tweest" reveal answers the question as to why she was such a complete fucking dumbass throughout ARR while being one of the OG scions. She simply wasn't and the best thing she could amount to was larping as her infinitely superior sister. You'd have to be insane to actually imply that she wasn't a total moron since day1 of ARR.
There are shitters on every server. It's less troublesome to not poke the beehive every run. Shoulda kicked that guy as he said whats a buff
Tallest height bunny or shortest height bunny? I'm half tempted to just NOT race-change from my femlander (which works with all jobs and 90% of glamour to a Viera (who would most likely look silly in most jobs like PLD or MCH without heavy glamour.
How is it any different from XI though? Even in Vana'diel it was entirely a misunderstanding with the Five Races actually being born of Promathia, not the beastmen. The point in both games is that any divide comes from ignorance.
>le pure white and blush
I'm so sick of this
I don't see it, chief
I'm just mad we won't get those flat Vieras with the wide hips
all the plebs will be minimum height w/ pale skin
I wish they would add some kind of competitive mode where we could compete against the other servers for bragging right of some kind.
And it wouldn't have to be pvp based necessarily, just some way to say "THIS is where all the competent players are, your server a shit".
>pale skin bunny
Is there a greater heresy?
Keep hope user, we must remember that Viera dont age for several years keeping their youthful look for years.
So quick question to Barafags since they keep pushing this old Ishgard focused concept art, why do you think you're actually getting Baras? Roes as is make up the lowest population of all races, with the highest of the options being Male Roes.
>But I cannot stand one more horny ass man who is mentally deluded into thinking he’s a woman constantly spamming discord for attention.
Why are you on discord?
Show me a good looking fem highlander. I need to grow my collection.
I'm confused. Didn't Promathia create the Beast Tribes after Altana created the Five Races after Promathia wiped out the Zilart to prevent the opening of the Gates of Paradise.
I know right, who would have thought fat autistic waifu fags would know absolutely nothing about fashion or how to apply make up
>Playing through the MSQ on an alt because I'm bored
>People keep wiping on ARR primals because they ignore the adds
Some things never change do they
I play a max height, brown skinned midlander.
Swapping to Viera won't be much of a stretch. That said, I'm debating with myself if I keep that pure white Viera hair, or keep my hair black like my midlander.
See, she looks pretty good because she's dark hair on dark skin with a complimentary eye color.
>kill off yugiri
>whose voice actor was murdered irl
too soon
The beastmen are mutations of animals caused by the magical backlash that the Kuluu created by sabotaging the opening. The Five Races are containment vessels to hold Promathia's essence to keep him from ever dying.
this is your tank for tonight
>le leak said we'll get race inspired by ronso. other questionable leak said bara cat
That's because they only have one good face.
Anyone have a link to the FFXIV mod discord?
Nexus is missing a ton.
Nah, fuck off. If they want to do the content like they say, then I'm at least doing my part in letting them know in advance, and then again when I start it, that I'm planning on doing it one way or the other. I've done what I can to include them since they say they want to be included, except it's been months and they haven't attempted to make progress despite their supposed interest.
And I fail to see how posting screens of O9S and O10S are spoilers since beyond mechanics, it's ruining the story for anyone. You might could argue OM, except they literally have the raid unlocked and know what's in there.
Cannot wait for her to get bred by Arenvald.
I want a cowboy bunnygirl
Who here /ready/ for ShB
Dont forget the one killed in a car wreck and the one that was diagnosed with cancer, that role is cursed
You gotta give me some sauce on this. I never finished the expansion, but I don't know anything about this.
Nexus is trash
He got what he wanted and didn't want to humor the ones that he considered far below himself and the WoL, seems fine. He was practically on death's door anyway.
What's the point of him staying alive so he can just be caged and paraded about
Good fucking lord, mods were a mistake.
Why are all of them basically blowing parts up like an actual balloon and calling it a day?
They both deserve some happiness desu
GUN could literally get the elemental armor of Eureka, the tanking set is 100% Garlean in appearance.
Also if you think there won't be garlean inspired tanking sets in the future, thats highly unlikely.
Why do you keep comparing the supposedly bara race to male roes only? Are you aware that other players want to play as masculine races too?
The reason the male roe numbers are so small is not because they're bara, but because they're really huge, slow and refrigerator sized.
Here's mine. I'm quite happy with the outfit, but I might change pants if I find something better.
Karasu is such a goof
That's a nice looking mod but it's always comical when catboys think they look serious.
it happens off screen. When Arenvald dies in a few days, we'll find out that he planted his seed in her
>Arenvald will lose everyone again in 4.56
>In ShB he'll travel with WoL as Punished Arenvald
You know it's coming.
It's all revealed in CoP, and it's a wild fucking ride because the whole point of the story is making sense of the constant misinformation.
Altana split the one original mothercrystal into five, so she could isolate different parts of Promathia and prevent him from ever living out his life cycle because she loved him so much she refused to let him go. The cores of the mothercrystals, the Ark Angels, grew into the basis of the Five Races.
Initially the Zilart were the only race, and didn't age or have any negative emotions. They also had what's basically XIV's Echo. But eventually living in the imperfect world began to slip in Promathia's essence from the mothercrystals. They began pouring all of that dark essence into a vessel deep in Al'Taieu to keep themselves clean. But the Zilart who lost their Whisper of the Soul were exiled and called the Kuluu.
When the Zilart began their plan to open the Gates of Paradise by uniting the mothercrystals, the Kuluu sabotaged it by destroying the crystal line at Fei'Yin. The resulting magical explosion mutated the Kuluu into the Tonberries, and various animal species into the beastmen. Hill lizards became orcs, turtles became Quadav, etc.
Mancats are truly the most embarrassing players
What if that's my headcanon? Goofy god slaying catboy is meta
it's called FFlogs and analyzing server clear rates and parses. the people on a mid pop server like ultros far outclass the people on balmung despite balmung having more than twice the population.
I'd be impressed if he got out of 4.56 alive honestly.
>Dont forget the one killed in a car wreck and the one that was diagnosed with cancer, that role is cursed
I was only aware of the murder
Nah, user. Arenvald and Fordola made it, they're chilling in the online substories from now on.
t. dragonball hair aura
maybe tranny
That spot belongs to men playing as females, but they're pretty close.
>this shit again
it was only her hw va
remember when yugiri appeared in hw? me neither
Even worse.
I'm a knightcore genericlander.
she helped us free raubahn and fight illberd, those are two major plot points.
hmm, not bad. Not bad. A decent highlander. A better pic would've been nice, but added to the collection all the same.
>Quadavs, Yagudo, and Orcs
It always bothered me that Quadavs obviously were extremely wronged and you could sympathize with the Yagudo, but Orcs were nonredeemable motherfuckers through and through
He said good looking, not another street-shitting pajeet wearing completely random armor pieces that have no cohesive aesthetic nor colors that actually clash. You're as brown as a fucking mid-00's FPS console game, against a brown background. You have no fucking clue what style is and if you got within even the same part of the Gold Saucer that Redolent Rose is in, he'd burst into flame immediately.
Also you've managed to take my favorite WHM top and make it look like shit
Rate my highlander!
Sup thancred