How is Stadia going to work with the current US data caps most companies have? Like Comcast uses a 1TB cap. That would be eaten up by a couple of 4k game sessions.
How is Stadia going to work with the current US data caps most companies have? Like Comcast uses a 1TB cap...
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you don't think Comcast is jizzing themselves at the thought?
they probably had a hand in this
why doesnt the US goverment just make data caps illegal? It worked here
It won't. That's why google is doing this. They're going to cite the consumer outrage as evidence that the current ISPs are ineffective and use that as leverage to get regulations changed so google can finally make its own ISP.
The cap doesn't mean it's limited, you can always go over and pay for that
google is already an ISP you dumbo
Why is gommunism
it isn't
Not nearly on the level of comcast, which is what they want. And with current laws, it is literally impossible for google to ever meaningfully compete with them.
4K resolution is not a bitrate metric, you have have 4K at 1mbps, 2mbps, 3mbps, etc etc the quality depends largely on having higher bitrates yes, but video bitrate is not going to be raw 4K levels. We wont know until we know the suggested speed google wants users to have
because the us congress is heavily lobbied (bribed) by isps
Google is big enough to strike deals with providers to zero-rate traffic where net neutrality isn't applicable. They already also deploy server infrastructure in many cases at the last mile to increase responsiveness.
>USA still has data caps in fucking 2019
1TB doesn't sound completely terrible, but fuck, imagine being that cucked when your average boomfuck nowhere country has faster non-capped net available.
I've never heard of data caps in the US... I thought that was exclusively a 3rd world thing. I get 800 down with no cap for like $70/mo. You probably live in some backwoods where some isp no one has heard of has a monopoly.
This is why GameStop is good. All the big players are in a Mexican standoff right now.
Because the old farts leading the US are literal cartoon villains
you'll have a "gamer premium" added to your subscription of course.
That's too dumb even for a Captain Planet villain.
Because the government receives lots of money from ISPs to shut the fuck up.
Cox Communications still has data caps and pretty shitty packages speed wise. In fact they just raised the prices by another $5-10 a month or so too.
Canuck here. Posting the objectively worse ISP.
And the worst part is that the current wave of right wing thinking just calls you a left wing commie if you ever criticize a corporation in any capacity.
Because the FCC is run by a guy who killed free internet
Feels good to live in the northeast and not have to worry about this shit
They don't even have to make anything illegal. All they'd have to do is break the local monopolies by allowing fair competition in every market.
>1TB doesn't sound completely terrible
I consume 460 Gb per month and I only stream at 720p. 4k means 2 tera per months will be necessary, probably more since I'm not even at 60fps there.
USA has Unlimited internet! It's Unlimited!!
Stop exaggerating your victim complex, ISPs and companies in general get shat on all the time here.
The FCC is an organization based on killing free sharing of information. They literally just decided all the airwaves belonged to the government with no legal backing, no votes, no laws passed, nothing.
I honestly can't tell because I was never on data caps, even in early 2000s, so I have no idea how much data streaming on twitch or watching youtube would actually consume monthly.
Just use another provider. Unless you're in a monopolyd area.
I'd pay for that. I'm paying Cox $85 for only 100Mbps Down and 10Mbps Up with a 1TB data cap.
I played the beta for this. Input lag was honestly the best part of it.
They lied about it being 60 fps, though. It PEAKED at 60 but averaged in
the 30s and 40s. The image was also very blurry (like any YouTube
stream) and it was also mostly equal to medium/high settings, no where
near max graphics.
Only other provider is Verizon, but FiOS isn't available in my area, only DSL which is much worse.
Jesus christ I'm sorry user
I'm in the Northeast, Cox is still ass
>how is it going to work
It won't
>he image was also very blurry (like any YouTube
huh I didn't even think about compression, now that's a complete deal breaker
I got cucked by Comcast. I had 250mbs burst package down for 85 bucks a month, with 12 up. It's terrible, it came with some SD cable shit too. The problem was I was going over 1tb a month easy in fact I would use closer to 2tb a month. So I said fuck it I need unlimited internet and now pay 150 bucks a month. This is what happens when you rent out 2 rooms and everyone has Netflix and games are Xbox huge. Unlimited internet is necessary to live in this day and age.
100% its like playing youtube videos but for video games.
I don't even know that is desu. I live in an area with plenty of providers and no data caps
I pay $15/mo for 100/100 no cap fiber interent.
I have Comcast and no data cap
Before that I had Verizon and no data cap
us government is owned by corporations
The answer is simple, don't fucking use Stadia, fucking retard
What the fucking shit burgers
You paying that extra $50 for the no data cap plan?
Because otherwise you have a terabyte cap and they let you go over the limit twice a year before charging you
I didn't have a data cap either until they changed it in my area about a year ago. It's only a matter of time.
like this?
>has a cap
yep that's what I meant.
>organic food
>it actually is organic matter
and you're still talking shit
>have no data cap AT&T
>no fiber optics
They’ve been nice enough to not threaten me from all the shit I pirate, but at the same time shit is slower than molasses.
The moment someone else in my house starts watching YouTube or Netflix my Stadia session would be over immediately thanks to the limited broadband.
$175 plus tip
>Video games
As someone who gave PSNow a fair shake I can assure you that it will be a laggy fuckfest.
sorry it just cracks me the fuck up every time I remember they actually label their food organic as a marketing gimmick
organic food refers to the pesticides and preservatives used, not the food
>marketing gimmick
You do realize that the term 'organic' has a very specific definition and it is illegal to use it if your food does not meet the standards, right? Of course you don't because you just like to pick and choose shit that you can use to make fun of other people instead of actually learning anything.
Meanwhile I have a max of 75 kbs internet
I don't care, it's still the single dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.
No shit, everyone's got stuff like that. Don't mean we jerk ourselves off to our food being "organic".
B-b-but pajeet pai is based because he was announced by based God emperor trump! And reddit is pro net nuetrallity so I gotta take Indian cock!
is this just one deranged eurotard with an antiamerica boner? No one I know has an ISP with a data cap.
do you live in Ethiopia or something? I live in the deep south USA and my internet isn't that shit
The comparison still doesn't work regardless of how stupid it is
>advertised as unlimited
>isnt unlimited
>advertised as organic
>physically impossible to be anything but organic
>Don't mean we jerk ourselves off to our food being "organic"
Because it's not.
what comparison are you trying to draw?
Colombia for the time being. Used to live in the US three years ago, but I still had shit internet there too 2 mbs.
If you re-define what a data cap is, it can be anything or nothing whatever fits your bias
And why the frick no one does jack shit? Where are the protests and the commotion?
all games will be turn-based to deal with lag. a new golden era of jrpgs is coming, thanks to Google!
>Advertise food as a fruit
>If it came from a plant, it's physically impossible ro be anything but a fruit
Wow, anyone that uses the term 'vegetable' as a marketing gimmick can just fuck right off, am I right?
Uh excuse me but I only eat inorganic foods such as minerals
You were comparing it to a post that didn't exist yet?
protests happen pretty frequently, friendo. Remember shit like occupy wall street? Oh, but everyone just made fun if it. No one will do jack shit because no one CAN do jack shit. Nothing short of an armed insurrection can compete against a billion dollars.
Well I guess its true there's always someone worse off
How do you do that?
>Remember shit like occupy wall street?
Oh shit, thanks mate. Really needed that laugh. You're alright, man.
How you can even think this is fine?
It's not but there are no other options.
Stop the flow of corporate money into political campaigns, reverse the Citizens United decision, pass meaningful campaign finance reform, educate the general public in basic civics and fund the education industry
I mean how do you break up the monopoly?
Damn, I feel sorry for you user. I thought that there were other options
>Why is no one protesting this?
>They are. Here's an example
>Ha ha, people are protesting this? What a joke!
Are you being retarded on purpose?
The biggest hurdle right now is laws against laying new cables. You need approval from the government, which they will not give because the current ISPs are paying them not to give it. This means that you need to lease cables from the ISPs, which they will not do or will only do at exorbitant prices because why would they help the competition? It's a ridiculous state of affairs.
I live in LA and my internet plan cost 50 dollars for 100mbps down and 10mbps up. I used to think my speeds were shit because my videos would buffer and stream/twitch would stutter. It wasn't until recently that I learned that firefox was bottlenecking my speeds for for streams (an issue Chrome does not have). I like the customizability of firefox more, so I started using Streamlink to play videos with MPC instead and now my streams are all flawless.
Are you legitimately schizophrenic?
that in memebytes or actual size?
Our government is actually run by lobbyists. We vote for politicians based on their ideas and promises, and then big corporations hire salesman to go to Congress and spout a bunch of bullshit and hand out bribes to change the opinions of the people we elected (the ones that weren't corrupt to begin with)
Our founding fathers intentions where for politics to be a volunteer position, affluent people from the private sector where meant to volunteer and hold an office for 2-4 years and then go back to the private sector.
And then world war 1 happened and they came up with the income tax to pay for the war, it was "intended" to be done with after the war. Someone somewhere realized how much profit could be made by just being at war all the time and pretending it was necessary to keep the citizens safe. I could go on but I digress.
And have you been so brainwashed by us vs them that you refuse to acknowledge anyone that agrees with you because they're not the right people?
It's either I get brutally fucked by Cox or I pay the same price for shitty DSL over a phone line. Until FiOS becomes available I'm screwed.
Corporations ARE the government in the US
All the people who do speak up and try to address the problem get called commies and are brushed under the rug by MSM.
Would infrastructure even capable of accommodating such a heavy internet usage when it's not only streaming videos, but also games?
AT&T was broken up a long time ago, it can happen again it just won't due to the political climate. First you have to add teeth to the anti-trust laws in place and actually enforce them. Prevent the monopoly from taking over to start with. After that it becomes 1000% harder to break up a company that big. Now it's impossible because Americans are literally okay with "too big to fail" companies that would send the economy into a massive recession should they be broken up or fail. American political apathy has created the climate we are in today where we're more distracted by "left vs right" than we are about policies that actually make a difference in our lives. I'm sorry but America is in a downward spiral and is irrevocably fucked.
Nigger keep your panties on, I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy.
>tfw you need a permit in America just to build a shed in your own backyard
>200 years ago you could just walk to an unclaimed piece of land and declare "everything I see is mine"
So you mean break up the cable and the internet and the phone parts of Comcast. That doesn’t really fix this issue as the internet part of Comcast would still have the monopoly.
>yes yes good little white boiym subscribe to google internets, we will give you added datacap for stadia gayming for """"free"""" heeeeehehehehehe
You divide megabits by 8 for megabytes. 100mbps would be like 8.25 megabytes per second. Not amazing, but far from the worst speeds in the US. Installing a 30gb game on steam takes about half an hour.
yeah, memebytes then.
>you could just walk to an unclaimed piece of land and declare "everything I see is mine"
that was actually land snatching from the indigenous tribes. I mean you could still do this it would just take money to purchase it from the people who already own it, or you could kill the owners and use your political pull to persuade the local government to give it to you while they bury the murder case.
Shhhhh, even the most progressive American pretend we didn't steal everything.
There's another possibility that I kind of like. Treat the internet as a utility and make the people who set the pricing plans, schemes, and infrastructure accountable to the public in the areas they service. In many places electricity rates have to go before a public vote in order to go up and the company has to provide sufficient proof that it's necessary. Any major projects that would impact service and price would need to be voted on and pass before they hit consumers with it.
>tfw Google is trying to do what Microsoft tried and failed at
>4k 60 fps
What a fucking meme
that isnt rogers
Hello. Do you have a moment to talk about the miracle of Elisa Saunalahti Huoleton 4G prices?
For exactly 29.90, you get basically unlimited everything.
I hope there's a stickied thread on Yea Forums when this thing is finally released. Its going to be amazing.
>Mfw when video games will save the internet
It's going to flop, you can't have "the cloud" do the computing for you on your 10 year old laptop
lel no prices will just go up
There will be nothing to sticky. Nobody is going to buy this.
So my entire time on the internet I've never had to deal with data caps, nor monopolies. I always assumed everyone else were just complainers. Turns our for whatever weird reasons, the parts of New York State I've lived in have two to three ISPs each, so they all compete and drive down the cost and improve the quality of services; just like the free market is supposed to work. To answer your question, if you want to use Stadia, move to Western New York or Long Island.
I like that one.
some people bought the Ouya
let that sink in
If I recall the Obama administration tried to get the FCC to regulate ISPs as a telecom (utility) but people being as they were decided our government didn't need to continue down that road and we got stuck with former lobbyist Ajit Pai who went the opposite direction with it and now net neutrality is dead.
He did and then they did.
People forget that the heyday of internet expansion happened because the PSTN was a public uilitiy that forced lineowners to allow virtual carriers access. This is why in my small town home (8000 people) we had 5 ISPs during the dialup years and exactly one today.
Obama also gave the reigns of the internet over to the UN.
>Imagine the internet controlled by regimes like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, China and North Korea. Imagine these nations telling Americans what they can and cannot put on the Internet. This is the ultimate end game. This will be the destruction of the Internet as a tool of liberty and commerce, instead making it nothing more than a massive propaganda tool.
At absolutely retarded price rates.
No you couldn't. The land was most likely already owned by someone else, and to actually get to it you had to take a dangerous, long journey.
>Ted Cruz
lel what a joke, good ole "Lyin' Ted Cruz" up to no good again
Whoever you're trying to mock doesn't even make sense, because literally no one from either side supported that pajeet
>Countries aren't regulating what their people can see
Ok mr golem
Only some of the Trump supporters did and only because their primary goal was to "stick it to the LIBS!!!" even at their own expense.
So this is competition.. this... is freedom... :)
Not what the image says and you know it faggot.
>Countries aren't regulating what people can say or do on what used to be an American operated internet
Were you even here when it was happening?
>this many people still use throttle warner cable
>internet censorship didn't exist before this happened!
are you sure
Comcast in the northeastern US doesn't have data cap.
>Countries aren't regulating what people can say or do on what used to be an American operated internet
You do know you can be fined $150,000 for watching the mosque shooting video in Australia and New Zealand right now, right?
But you replied to a topic about governments being able to dictate what their citizens see on the internet with a "false" picture.
No I replied to a comment about Obama giving control of the internet to the UN you fucking disingenuous faggotz
>gave the reigns of the internet over to the UN
which bill was this?
>it carries penalties of up to 14 years in prison, or up to a $200,000 fine for an organization
Because that's against the free market.
Nothing, you just have Comcast dick sucking MAGAtard being faggots.
for clarification, are you talking about this video?
I don't know, it's very hard to find any information on
Imagine making your life shittier just to follow a meme and wanting to look smug, only to afterwards realize what a mistake you made.
Yeah, let's stream 8k 60 fps video with my potato internet. Sounds like a great idea.
You can always stream 480p
Because it’s based off a quote from Ted Cruz which an user has already linked a fact-check score for. (False)
huh? where?
Obama pretty much took ICANN "the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" a entity of the US government (the internet) and gave it away to private entities and other government's assets. Essentially giving away a part of the US government to crony dictators and socialists.
Source it user, because the counter has already been sourced.
But it happened Obama gave away ICANN, the ONLY thing that dictates what is on the internet and a massive US government asset.
I can't find a source on the bill but it happened.
fucking paywall
but i live in PA and all i have is blue ridge. they are fucking demons. i hate them. i need to move somewhere else
Apparently according to this thread i have to be a disgusting commie fuck to be anti-monopolization of telecom
Like we have a fucking choice. TWC is a regional monopoly where I live. You get TWC or you get nothing. It fucking sucks.
Obama literally sold the internet to the bankers
>On October 1, 2016, ICANN ended its contract with the United States Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and entered the private sector.
>The EU attempts to enforce its GDPR (active since May 25, 2018) shall impact on ICANN operations, which the latter tried to fix through last-minute changes.
> The deadline coincided with French President Macron's hosting of megatech bosses such as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, Samsung President Young Sohn, and SAP CEO Bill McDermott.
>Currently, the U.S. Government vets and approves every domain name and IP Address on the Internet. When the A server is replicated nightly, it is done following U.S. Government oversight and authority to post the new IP Addresses. Now, think about if the U.S. was engaged in cyberwar -- a situation surely to occur. Under this new arrangement, the U.S. may not know if all of the IP Addresses for domain names are legitimate or if they have been manipulated or compromised in some fashion. Moreover, the Government's -- and the private sector's -- ability to get new sites accessible on the Internet would be dependent upon the actions of a non-profit organization which is increasingly multinational. It is also possible that ICANN may fall under the influence of powerful corporations or nation states who do not have U.S. national security interests at the forefront.
Has this happened since 2016?
>itt seething euros acting uppity about american internet practices when their shit EU probably just set the chain of events in motion that will fuck up free expression on the internet for the entire world
>tfw 50GB monthly cap
I want out from the Philippines
>Obama sells the internet to Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, IBM, Intel, Samsung, and SAP
>Yeah but FUCK America
Were laughing, not seething.
>How is Stadia going to work with the current US data caps most companies have?
You're the first economic power in the world. How do you even get to accept that shit?
Honestly that sounds like a Libertarian's dream right there. A true product of the Tea party. Less government.
I literally get better speeds in fucking Mexico than I do in the US.
What it doesn't show is that most states you don't have a choice. It's Comcast or a DSL phone line. Comcast is literally the only cable ISP. You're better off with LTE cell towers.
This literally did not happen faggot
Typical liberal fucking lies
The lack of choice in the matter. Short of armed rebellion (which the US has been due for one for some decades now) there is no way the people can get the billions of dollars of bribes and 'campaign funding' out of congress so that the voice of people and not corporations are heard.
I believe Verizon is larger than GCI in Alaska at this point.
Bless your heart, you don't go outside much do you?
I miss mediacom, they were fucking shitters whej it came to customer service but my internet was always good and it was cheap as fuck
we're the first economic power in the world because most people here are willing to lay down and get fucked in the ass by corporations while we argue about race, religion, immigration, abortion, gun rights, or whatever flavor of the month social issue is being discussed
>implying corporations dont just tend these social fires to ensure a divided populace that can't organize against their shit practices
I could've sworn it was cox. is comcast like a norcal problem?
>Cops that will shoot, beat and mace you for protesting, if a counter protester doesn't shoot you or run you over first.
>Medical system that will financially ruin you for sustaining an injury while protesting.
>Justice system that will strip away all your rights and make you unemployable if you're arrested while protesting.
It's a real mystery.
>where are the protests and the commotion?
To busy protesting non existent problems.
>Dad works for Charter
>Always have to hear him defending ISPs
"Umm actually you're paying for UP TO 100mbps, so it's okay that you're getting less than half that."
The bigger issue isn't just caps, but poor services in monopoly areas. Comcast is the only one that provides internet where I am. They only recently gave us 1TB cap last year and that was after lots of complaints about the 300gb cap being fucky.
Lurk 4 more years.
I live in Michigan and the only choices are Comcast and AT&T. They keep hiking our prices so we're paying 80 bucks a month for 3mbps internet and like 9 channels. I've been waiting for years for WOW or Lightspeed to expand their coverage and they just won't. I wanna fucking die.
It's the exact same shit as Netflix? Why would it be any more of a problem with game streaming?
>b-b-but the inputs!
4 integers for the sticks and triggers, a bit for every button. What is that, like 40 bytes tops? lmao
So cal.
>Less US regulation
>More private entity regulation, Google, Facebook, Amazon
Yeah sounds like a dream to me
First of all it's 24fps vs 60fps and Netflix videos are compressed. I guess if you don't mind your games looking like shit it should be fine.
My family's paying this much for literally 1/100 the speed.
I’m in japan with fibre optic, have never had a problem with speed
But the cap here is 100 GB a month (highest plan, $100 a month) and an additional $50 for every 10 GB over that
Fuck western devs
Google fiber is just going to have to roll out to more locations.
Stadia video IS compressed and does look like shit.
>The final chapter of the privatization process began in 2014, when NTIA asked ICANN to convene the global multistakeholder community, which is made up of private-sector representatives, technical experts, academics, civil society, governments and individual Internet end users, to come together and formulate proposals to both replace NTIA’s historic stewardship role and enhance ICANN’s accountability mechanisms.
>Owning land
Still sounds retarded to me
>implying they can
>he doesn't know
Google Fiber project has been cancelled.
They couldn't get into most areas.
>200 years ago you could just walk to an unclaimed piece of land and declare "everything I see is mine"
It's so bad by me that it was easier for me to just buy the T-Mobile plan specifically for tethering.
you're paying $80 a month for
They quit. The companies lobbied against Google saying Google was unfair competition and that they were doing illegal practices.
>They couldn't get into most areas.
More like they were getting government subsidies to expand internet in run down nigger metropolises only to realize the money they were using on the product was being paid for by money the niggers were getting from the government.
When I first saw that post I was actually waiting to see how long it would take for free market tards to defend the ISP oligopoly and surprisingly enough most of you didn't.
3 mpbs.
Lmao USA sounds like a corrupt 3rd world shithole
the other ISPs should get good so Google isn't the clear winner in such competition but we all know they'd rather spend money on keeping them out than improving their services
It is.
>The companies lobbied against Google saying Google was unfair competition
Why because Google would've provided high speeds at a decent price instead of just fucking us? Yeah I can see how that comparison wouldn't seem fair.
Yes? I'm talking kilobytes, as in 1/1000th a megabyte. Not ISP memebytes.
It is BUT we have enough money to do shit like this. China does the same shit but they DON'T have the money for it.
>A government owned business stealing all of local business' customers
Yeah, that passes the sniff test
>How is Stadia going to work with the current US data caps most companies have?
I'm glad you asked valued customer! Streaming games is going to be using lots of data so be sure to upgrade your current billing tier to the new xtreme gamer package! stream all the games you want for ONLY an extra 49.99 per month* at 1080p*! Are you really into the video games?? Then sign up for the ULTRA XXXTREME gamer package! Stream all your games in amazing 4k* for ONLY an extra $99.99* per month! Subscribe today!
*price and participation may vary. we reserve the right to throttle during extensive use during peak hours. you may be throttled to 240p at any time during peak hours. resolution not guaranteed. 4k means upconverted from 1920x1000 using our special algorithm. not all service levels available at all locations. requires extra equipment lease. requires special modem lease. additional service fees may apply without warning. 10 year contract required. $2800 early termination fee.
Well good for china but thats not the US.
>actually it's a 900 gb cap teehee
What the fucking hell?
Google wanted to lay down fiber optic internet across the entire country, gave up because it was too expensive, began to extort the cities they actually laid down cable in for huge amounts of money just to make some of their expenses back, which ended up becoming so ridiculous in price that local governments and customers went running back to the large cable companies. Their incompetence is so brobdingnagian that it somehow managed to make Comcast of all look preferable.
I love how impressed that woman is at $260. I wish I could be happy at the little things again.
>but thats not the US
Not even close baby. We have rouge government agencies that dwarf most 1st world counties.
Go us.
If 3 megabits is less than 400 kilobytes, then yeah, that's what I got.
US taxpayers already gave billions to the telecoms and they took the bag and ran lmao
Do you have a map of where everyone is rather than just who's on top?
Just your run-of-the-mill corporate welfare
man, that sucks
You don't get to run the world without doing a bit of fuckery.
Are you saying that they're planning to make special packages just for this shit? Dear god, that's even fucking worse. Force people to pay more just so their game stream is not interrupted due to data caps.
This is why we need net neutrality back.
Dude it's fine Comcast and AT&T dindu nuffin we need to cut social welfare and get rid of these freeloading neets and working class losers.
It's not even data caps, latency depends on routing. Pay more less input lag.
Don't worry everyone, 6G will fix everything.
The US Of A is basically a dystopian Cyberpunk world but set in current times
It's /pol/ approved fuckery as long as its not done by poorfags
My favorite bit during that interview on Rogan was when he got all disappointed after asking Alex Jones if he thought the moon landing was faked and Alex said no
You are probably joking, but Leftists already brainwashed people into thinking National Socialists were right wing, so why not
>people are finally starting to realize how dangerous corporate monopolies are
>doesn't even matter because the people who can prevent them are bought & paid for by said corporations
God bless america
If /pol/ is people who don't care about how the world works, then yeah.
Leftism doesn't work.
Free market capitalism works.
Don't care or don't understand how the world works, yeah.
How many people have corporate monopolies killed directly, I'll wait for your answer.
This but ironically
>countries with data caps
>others with subpar internet connections (no fiber) except in big cities
This whole thing reeks of troubles down the line
Marxism doesn't work.
Socialism doesn't work.
Communism doesn't work.
Free market capitalism works.
No shit, a monopoly can't exist without government enforcement.
What does that have to do with what I said?
This. There is no such thing as a non-government enforced monopoly.
It's not. Period.
>the side that wants to kill free speech, ban individual's guns, rise taxes to insane levels, concentrate power on the government and literally target a specific race care about how the world works
But of course.
>it just worksâ„¢
bigbrain post coming through
Games that are shared
Rides that are shared
Bandwidth that is shared
Homes that are shared
It's coming. Not sure if I should be happy or sad. Either way will embrace
No argument: The Post
Cablevision here B)
I'm too good for Comcast
yeah see all those shit states don't matter
Companies only get shat on here for idpol reasons like "censoring" right wing views on social media. And plenty of /pol/tards went to bat for the ISPs when net neutrality laws were being rolled back so don't pretend its some victim complex.
Please nigger, the government was using its power to beat down people on behalf of business since its founding, its always been corrupted by the wealthy utilizing it for their own ends.
>lol wut r banana republics??
bonus recent example:
Coca-Cola hiring hitmen from the prominent paramilitary group United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia between 1990 and 2002 to kill at least 10 labor union leaders who were trying to organize Coca-Cola’s plants
this is the whole reason net neutrality was killed. Google will just make a deal with ISPs so the bandwidth doesn't count against your cap which will then fuck over all other streaming services that try to compete.
We can play the fact game if you want.
Communism has resulted in more deaths from starvation than capitalism.
Capitalism has produced more social welfare than any other system to the extent people actually flee communist nations for the welfare of capitalist nations in much, much, much greater numbers than people in capitalist nations flee to communist nations.
The CSA won.
Corporate States of America, that is.
Try to stop it and your life will probably be ruined. Persist and you will commit suicide by two gun shots to the back of the head after your front door is kicked in.
>productivity has to be proportional to workers compensation
Why? Productivity has increased but that doesn't mean workers are working harder. You get compensated according the value of your skill and the amount effort. People are actually getting paid MORE for less effort today. They aren't toiling in fields from dusk to dawn, they are sitting in front of a computer in white collar positions and spending most of their worktime browsing social media and youtube. If you want you reap the direct benefits of productivity then start your own fucking company but take that "everyone should get equal share" shit back to commieland.
>my """"""argument"""""" is an empty platitude but I DEMAND you take me seriously
I am no match for your powerful intellect, you win good sir!
Better question:
Why hasn't google started its own ISP
It will potentially push widespread internet infrastructure upgrades.
Stay mad leftism doesn't work.
>living in France
>fiber connection with 1gb/s (600-800mb/s real) and 200mb/s upload
>no data cap
Feels good to live in France for once.
Is every death under communism a death -because- of communism? If you interpret the numbers this way, capitalism has killed billions
Yeah good luck with that.
to save gorrilions.
For everyone claiming the games will have massive 15second delays and stuttering and tearing, sure, it's possible, but for the last 9 months I've been playing couch co-op games with my buddy over 1800 miles awhile through parsec and haven't had any trouble. Street Fighter 2, King of Fighters, Dragon's Crown, Overcooked, cup head, Portal 2, Resident Evil- it all worked just fine and neither of us have amazing connections, around 50-100 mbs
>current ISPs
>doing anything to improve their services
>use economic and military forces to skullfuck countries out of their natural resources
>lol sweet, look at all these immigrants and refugees we can pay $2/hr
>>lol sweet, look at all these immigrants and refugees we can pay $2/hr
Turns out America never real left slave labor behind.
Underpaid immigrants and outsourced third world workers are a substitute for it.
and prison labor
How would Comcast be affected if they just completely got rid of data caps?
They don't want to lay new cables because its expensive and a duplication of effort.
The best answer is what happened here in aus, the network is owned by the gov and is wholesale only. They don't have shareholders to please; they already get money from taxation. The wholesale price is almost nothing, ISPs have to fight for customers on a fair retail playing field.
Why are games so much more expensive in Japan? Games that cost $50 here, cost 8,000Â¥ there.
From the Stadia tests so far games have 166ms or 10f delay at 60FPS which is fucking horrendous, and that's under the most ideal connection with Google's data center being only a few miles away from the conference center. Like I can't imagine trying to play Street Fighter or Cuphead on a 60ms delay let alone 166ms.
Trying out PSNow was the worst, most legitimately unplayable experience I've ever had. I tried to play Sonic Generations as a joke, but the video feed legitimately crashed. An FPS would probably be unplayable. I also tried running parsec and even from a 300mbs to 50mbs connection the video stream was compressed to shit and still had noticeable lag (granted I was testing strategy games so it wasn't completely unplayable, but I would never want to play an action game with this setup)
>How is Stadia going to work with the current US data caps most companies have?
it will offer interactive movie like games that tolerate latency better.
>there are "people" who claim to be over the age of 18 and still unironically believe capitalist systems aren't obviously the best in practice nor the most natural result of basic human behavior as applied to large-scale societies
>10 frames delay
lol Jesus Christ my rgb scart to hdmi converter/upscaler doesn’t even have that much and it’s not even a framemeister but one of those Chinese generic ones. kek
That’s really bad. So basically turn based rpgs only then haha!
No its unlimited for an additional $50/m
Not sure why that would be the case considering I've been having close to no problems with something as basic as Parsec. Do you have some videos of this latency testing?
Digital Foundry ran the tests and had those results.
>top provider
That's a funny way to spell only provider
>fees & surcharges
It's from the Digital foundry video. There's also input latency on display in the stadia booth at gdc from doom and assassin’s creed odyssey running at 60 fps 1080p. Not as bad as 166ms but still pretty fucking bad and borderline unplayable for fighting games. Also Parsec streaming tech isn't exactly basic and definetely has issues even if games are still technically playable. Like I have no idea why you would use parsec to play SF2 online when you could just play online over something like GGPO and have a much better experience
>the US government
>restricting companies cutting corners and making money off consumers via shady practices
>having caps on your internet
Being a burger must be suffering. Fuck even here in leafland we actually get unlimited internet even though they still rob us on the speeds.
we mostly were playing fighting games just to see if we could, we're both massive fans of older street fighter and KoF games and we're both very picky about how we play them. It was surprising for us that they worked so well. Generally speaking it wasn't as good as playing on GGPO but it wasn't so bad that I felt like I was losing because I wasn't the host PC.
>It wasn't socialism that destroyed Venezuela. it was the american hitmen.
And are these numbers when you're next to the data center or what?
My IPS doesn't have a data cap. However, they will just ram down your speed to
>social welfare
If it is a country with social welfare sydtems, then it is not pure capitalism. That means it is a socialist cojntry as well as a capitalist one. America has tons of socialist programs. We already are a socialist country on top of our capitalist systems. I laughed at all the old people on Social Security whining about Obama being a socialist.
t. someone who has voted for Bernie and Ron Paul
I'm moderately progressive Bernout and even I am sick of all these leftie idiots whinning about capitalism and ignoring all the horrors of communism throughout history.
Capitalism provides the wealth for those social policies. And those states people are fleeing from are not "ancap" Most of the Middle East and Africa has state controlled economies, like you get in communism.
The Obama "Net Neutrality" laws were a farce that had nothing to do with the actual spirit of net neutrality and only led to shitty extra fees and limits on providers which made them more inclined to keep on with their anti-competitive oligopoly tactics with shitty caps and no choices for the consumer.
Repealing that shit was the best thing Ajit Poo could have done.
Comcast's pretty common north and south now, although AT&T's relatively common too. Although there's also places like Bakersfield where all there is is fucking Spectrum or AT&T. It's hell.
What is with wealthy countries having terrible internet?
I'm in Germany right now because of my job and the internet speed is terrible
>still actually believing this
You’re incredibly misinformed. Before Obama’s net neutrality laws telecoms were openly throttling access to each other.
>which made them more inclined to keep on with their anti-competitive oligopoly tactics with shitty caps and no choices for the consumer.
Which totally stopped happening or even deterred once those NN laws were repealed.
Want any tea? A soda? Mr Sink?
Someone tested streaming a game at that res for a day, it's like 400gb data. Good luck with that.
Because the USA would become a dystopian third world shithole overnight without blood money keeping it alive. There is no glue keeping the populace together like in Europe so everyone is constantly at each other's throat to get their slice of the pie. It's also why the USA has no healthcare - people in the USA hate each other so much that they would rather suffer than pay more taxes to help their fellow man. It's probably the worst possible country to be a poor person in.
The internet is more less a necessity for modern life now. Why is it still treated like such a commodity that is ruled over by only a few companies?
Why hasn't the government started some kind of basic speed internet service for people? Like I said, it's almost impossible to operate in this age with no internet access.
The absolute state of Republicans lmao
>Data caps
Lmao, US fucking sucks ass.
Socialism still means more taxes, which is against the ideals of America. Basically, we look at how socialist Europe is. They spend almost all of their money on taxes and only have a marginally better life. That extra quality of life isn’t worth the money or lack of control. America’s system is built for freedom first and foremost.
>ISP says I get up to 100mbps download
>never even get to 2
Just how much bribe money is going to Congress?
>Get serious injury
>Go to hospital
>No insurance company that negotiates to make your stay more unpleasant in exchange for paying less money
>No debt slavery once you get out
>"Marginal better"
>tfw no data caps where I live
Nit gonna say, don't want to give anyone ideas but are data caps really that prevolant in the US still? I've got 100 down with no cap
cut the cord
The fuck you talking about we have Comcast and Cox
How much money do American ISPs actually save by capping their slow internet usage compared to placed like Romania with unlimited high speed data?
Just don't get sick. Universal healthcare costs you more then buying your own healthcare plan.
>Why is it still treated like such a commodity that is ruled over by only a few companies?
The same reason ISPs can get away with completely lying about their speeds, lobbying.
They've never had to improve the infrastructure or service, so by capping the speeds to the same it was in the 90s, they basically print free money.
I've gone up and down California my whole life and not once have I seen Cox anywhere. I see AT&T more often than I have Cox.
>i want universal healthcare
>but i want to hide the fact we'll have to raise taxes 1000% to pay for them
>death council tells you your son isn't allowed to leave and has to die.
But free health care am I right
>US government paid for ISPs to roll out high speed fiber nationwide
>They do it
>But don't connect anyone to this infrastructure
What the fuck? What is their reasoning for not using it? How do they benefit from keeping people on their unmaintainable dinosaur shit from decades ago?
insurance companies are literally death panels mate
universal healthcare saves a country money in the long term because it turns out having your workers go bankrupt from medical bills constantly is bad for the economy
>Have no free healthcare
>Son gets sick
>Insurance company calculates your son's life as having less worth than the money required to save him
>He dies
Not everyone lives in your region artard.
Universal Healthcare requires raising taxes but the people who support it always hide this fact.
It raises the standard for all the areas that aren't getting the high speed. They need to have everyone thinking it's the best they possibly get.
>whining about other people not paying for their son's healthcare so they don't have to take proper care of themselves
boohoo, bitch more, not vidya.
>implying google cares about the ISPs
They are both going to make money from this why would they care.
>durrr fuck drumpf data caps should be illegal data grows on trees
Fuck off, you retards will be the first to go when The Great Awakening happens
Go away Ted Stevens
We can also improve healthcare by not making base prices insane. Insulin costs $5,700 a year and delivering a baby costs $20,000.
ISPs aren't going to make money from this, they can try to charge an extra tier of service fees which will stifle the already small market for game streaming since half the point of it is lower expense vs buying dedicated hardware. Google won't make money off it either but thats not a huge issues seeing as most of their biggest ventures operate in the red.
>Universal Healthcare requires raising taxes
No, it doesn't. If anything it would lower taxes. Healthcare costs much less everywhere in the world than in US because of universal healthcare.
I pay 120 dollars a month for 1mb/s speeds and a 30gb data cap
there are ZERO other options for ISP other than satellite
can't even get DSL or dial up
fuck the USA
>gaming with 0.15-0.5 RTT
You could have just said, "Imagine being someone who voted for Trump." and that would have summed up your whole post.
Imagine a highway between cities. The road is the internet cables, and the vehicles that drive on the road are data packets from your favorite websites, like Netflix or Gmail. It's only fair that a semi truck filled with Netflix videos and video games should have to pay more to upkeep the road than the grandma who only wants to check her email.
Why can't the US have a sane party system?
>Have conservative social values
>Are forced to side with the small government party
>Have progressive social values
>Are forced to side with the big government party
Like how the fuck does that make any sense? There's no place for a traditional conservative or liberty loving hippie to be properly represented.
>Teksavvy doubled my internet speed free of charge
>delivering a baby costs $20,000
>it was actually $40
>to cover the nurse who has to be in the room while a drugged-up mother holds her newborn infant
Reminder that all collectivist, socialist, leftist, whatever position these people are arguing for, it's all ultimately based on deception, envy, ignorance, and power lust churched up with hollow altruism to fool you.
Theres no mention of Republicans in there at all, you obsessed moron.
It says right there it was the WVMA.
>the misnomered 2015 bill was "free internet"
Low information voters are the worst, and it's most of them on both sides.
We lost a moron. This isn't even meant to be an elitist statement. It'd really really easy to get this kind of stuff paid for in America at 26. Also, when you do a GoFundMe, you get to keep all the money even if you don't hit the goal? Are you saying, this man couldn't find any family or friends willing to front him 50 bucks. The more I think about it, the more this seems like this is a lie. There's no way anyone could be this dumb. If they were, nothing of value was lost.
it's almost like having capitalism with socialized human rights is better than either on their own hmmmmmm which side is suggesting we do that?
Also the horrors of capitalism include funnelling money towards instigating the war on drugs, funding discord in foreign governments, killing thousands in the middle east for cheap oil, enslaving east asians for cheap labor, etc
The denial is unreal holy shit.
And thats with the US subsidizing most of their defense. Without that, their budgets would be wrecked or Russia would steam roll over them.
succ that corporate overlord cock.
Can someone explain to me the logic behind wanting other people to pay your way because you're too lazy, poor and incompetent? Or the logic behind actually trusting the government do to anything right? Or the logic behind thinking doubling taxes of most Americans so they can receive inferior healthcare?
>debt slavery
People always say shit like this, but my grandmother was very poor heavy smoker and it wasn't anything like that. She had a heart attack on a plane, the plane was landed, she was air lifted to a hospital, and had a quadruple bypass. I think she had to pay like $1,000.
So I don't get where people come up with this stuff.
The remains of early humans shows that even the most ancient and primal of humans took care of their sick, elderly, pregnant, injured, and deformed. A system that promotes an every man for himself approach is inherently anti-human.
>$1,000 for quadruple bypass surgery for a smoker without insurance
I believe you
Someone could completely disband the entire party system by saying it's unconstitutional (and it is). The only problem is that anyone with the authority to do that is a higher up in one of the parties.
>only provider
Fuck, I wish I had access to Comcast. Centurylink is balls, and it's either them or fucking satellite. Comcast covers fucking 95% of my zip code, but not me. I think it's literally just my street that they're not on.
Why is every single athlete in the trailer vid a woman? Not even 51%, it's 100%
fucking south georgia, 75$ a month for internet, 7mbps
>The remains of early humans shows that even the most ancient and primal of humans took care of their... deformed
Africans still kill their kids if they're fucked up because they're "evil".
Because Google is run by Radical Intersectionaists
That argument doesn't really work anymore when the left can't stop slobbering all over google/twitter/amazon/etc balls.
>and it is
Show me what it says about political parties in the Constitution. I'll give you a hint as to where to look nowhere, because you have no idea what you're talking about, tard.
>Can someone explain to me the logic behind wanting other people to pay your way because you're too lazy, poor and incompetent?
People are selfish and will have somebody else take their burden in a heartbeat
>Or the logic behind actually trusting the government do to anything right?
Nativity and getting lost in the propaganda
>Or the logic behind thinking doubling taxes of most Americans so they can receive inferior healthcare?
Anyone for this isn't getting the double tax rate in their income bracket
Also, people will just believe and fight for anything if they get told to enough
It is odd. No one I know has data caps, even in rural areas.
Was she the head doctor's mom or something? A standard checkup can go up to $1000 alone.
I have absolutely shitty internet, Steam maxes out at like 1.1 mbps, but there is certainly no cap. I don't think I've got the speed to hit any cap even if it existed.
>the left can't stop slobbering all over google/twitter/amazon/etc balls.
Uh buddy
>the left
>a bunch of goblins from latin america
We're talking about the left here, not their slave race
I didn't go to bat for ISPs, I just wasn't going to go to bat for megacorporations like Google that would benefit.
That bill was completely misnomered and not net nuetrality at all. It was just a favor to the likes of Google for their service to Democrats.
>advertised as MBps
>is actually Mbps
I don't agree with data caps (nor have I ever seen any), but how do you use a TB a month? Sounds like it can't be healthy. I use maybe 500gb a month maybe once a year, and usually much less.
>basing your ideology on a bunch of cavemen
fuck that, I got mine. I shouldn't have to pay taxes for anything I don't use. Just don't get sick and learn to be self sufficient
>I didn't go to bat for the ISPs, I just went to bat for the ISPs because of Google and muh demorats
>It wasn't real net neutrality!
I won't deny that the middle class gets dicked. And Obama care made it so much worse. I pay twice asuch for a $5000 deductable and higher co-pays when I used to have a $0 deductable.
It tried to but it got BTFO'd because the other ISPs didn't allow Google to fuck with their cables
>I just wasn't going to go to bat for megacorporations
Except that's exactly what you did, you went to bat for megacorporate telecoms like Verizion for the sole sake of spiting megacorps like Google.
It really wasn't. It was a free pass for the biggest users of bandwidth. It was never about the little people. It was corporations vs corporations.
>the left can't stop slobbering over amazon's balls and your example doesn't count because the people in the picture are brown
Imagine being this politically illiterate. For fucks sake.
Keep telling yourself that.
I was more concerned about the bill citing Robert McChesney 50 times and expansion of government control of the internet. McChesney is a self proclaimed communist who said the biggest problem with the Chinese internet was capitalism.
I wasn't going to bat for ISPs. I was actually in favor of the bill until I did my research. It suckers so many ignorant people with the completely false name.
Never heard of Midcontinent, is it any good? Looking to move to South Dakota in the future but hadnt considered internet
When will George Washington return? He comes back when America needs him the most, right? Like King Arthur.
I've only seen AT&T and Verizon in So Cal. That user must be pretty gay if all he sees are cox.
>nor have I ever seen any
I'm gonna assume you mean you've personally never delt with them because it takes Literally 2 seconds on google to find common examples
>I was actually in favor of the bill until I did my research
Holy fuck you're a moron.
You're spouting propaganda. NN prevents an ISP from charging more depending on the data being moved. It has nothing to do with bandwidth restrictions.
It doesn't matter if Netflix eats up a lot of data because it only does so when CUSTOMERS (aka "little people") request that data.
Yeah, I meant my personal experiences and those of everyone I know. And I've moved quite a bit.
People with shit internet in Sprint 4g coverage can always go with calyx institute. Unlimited, unthrottled internet for $500 a year.
People need to do their homework.
he would be done away with by the powers that be if he ever came back.
he would get LINCOLN'd
Not an argument, sweaty.
Yeah, like data being used by Google that the bill authors somehow thought they should have to pay their fair share for.
But user he did his research. Have you watched the youtube videos?
Because America is about freedom, even if people abuse it to be douches. I don't support making it illegal. I do however, support
Thought they should NOT have to pay their fair share for*
I have like 350mbit/s xPON connection for 13 bucks a month with no data caps.
t. Russian Ivan
Thats not what the original poster was suggesting, unless you are him and he has bipolar disorder. He means break up regulation and stop allowing cities and areas to be blocked off and only allowing one or a few competitiors in one area.
Most people in the US aren't under data caps.
I wasn't responding to one, reddit.
Congrats on proving user's point by spewing propaganda
To be fair, when you take cost of living into account that's like $100 in the states.
Factually incorrect. Yes, it is a big hurdle but I know for a fact that a lot of ISPs are held back by red tape and lobbying.
t. used to work for Charter communications
>Unlimited, unthrottled internet
Still running on Sprint's 4g network and still mobile (read:shit) internet not available in most markets.
You guys sure like to project. Reddit was full of astroturfed pro """net neutrality""" bill propaganda on the issue.
Wasn't there people dying and starving due to corporates in USA at one point and the people picked up pitchforks and torches and lynched them? Im sure this happened in France as well
Well, when I had it I would get 25mpbs, and I lived in the sticks, so it must depend.
>anti NN shill accusing others of propaganda and astroturfing
speaking of projection
Of course you would know, redditor.
>NO U!
You tried. Not very hard, though.
>that fucking feel when you live in Chattanooga, a city so based we destroyed the ISP monopoly by setting up a competitively priced municipal broadband service to fuck them over
>tfw they seethed so hard about it that they went around getting legislation to ban it in 20+ states
>tfw 1000 mpbs for $70/month
>mfw bootlickers try to justify the existence of ISP monopolies
fuck imagine trying to use this shit down here
fuckin telstra cunts block my 4chans, fuck my upload randomly and give me shit speeds
trying to stream 8k when I can barely pull off 720p at a good time haha good luck google you clueless fucks
You didn't try at all.
This was literally a NO U! post
Do you people live in the past? "Time Warner Cable" doesn't exist anymore, they were bought out completely by Charter. I got far better service and better speeds for the same price when Spectrum took over. Fuck I wish they were available at my apartment. Buckeye Cable can suck a dick.
I use it for niche subs somewhat rarely. What alerted my bullshit detector was when in r/androidgaming (try talking about phone gaming on here) had a propaganda post hit 10k upvoted really fast, when the next highest post was 2k.
Because you were legitimately projecting. When called out on it, your response was "NO U PROJECTING!"
Do you have an argument or not? I'm leaning towards no.
>still claiming propaganda after literally spewing Anti NN propaganda that the bill was government control of the internet written by communists
Ok reddit
Shit, I forgot, all that FUD came true. Oh wait, no it didn't. Don't project.
You legitimately don't have an argument. Go back.
>no u!
I actually started with valid arguments and all the responses were frothing cries of "propaganda!"
You guys are going to over heat your bulbs with all the projection.
>Don't project.
>implying communist internet from the NN bill isn't fud
Again the irony.
So it did come true? Source? Weren't we all going to have to pay $10 per site for access?
At least you can admit all the pro 2015 NN bill FUD was bullshit. Baby steps.
Sorry I forgot I was posting on communist US internet before the bill was repealed. Everything you said would have definetely come true.
>I actually started with valid arguments
You misspelled inane propaganda over communism and google
And here you are posting on "literally Hitler" internet just fine with no changes from the prior internet.
>Longmont Colorado
>$50 monthly for 1 gigabit fiber
>Internet is a city utility
>No datacaps
>Support is a bunch of bros
It's the life guys.
He says while still clinging unto anti 2015 NN propaganda.
So you don't have any arguments whatsoever? Cool. We're done here then.
>with no changes from the prior internet.
You're as dumb as a rock.
I wasn't responding to one.
Baseless ad hominem isn't an argument, reddit.
I actually started with valid arguments and all your responses were frothing cries of "projecting!"
You are going to over heat your bulb with all the projection.
My arguments are in my first post. I can't present a counterargument to people screaming propaganda at facts that hurt their feelings.
>pay $40 and get 2mbps
>strong connection at all times and no dips
> exactly 12 months pass
>suddenly bill comes in as $65, speed goes to a quarter of what it was, and my connection keeps dropping in and out
>three weeks in ISP calls me asking to upgrade to the elite package
>I actually started with valid arguments and all your responses
Does this level of delusion take training, because it's impressive. Screaming propaganda at things you don't like isn't an argument.
That wasn't an ad hominem and it definitely wasn't baseless. Sorry pulling out internet fallacy terms that you don't understand won't win you any internet points here, reddit.
I don't know but advertising in bits per second should be illegal
>he doesn't know the definition of ad hominem
Okay, now I'm just starting to feel bad. Get a tutor.
>unlimited data
>900 gb data cap with a Jew star right beside it
This triggers the reddit.
Screaming "projection" at everybody calling you out on your bullshit isn't an argument. And you legitimately have no arugments, just delusion-fueled FUD.
I have Teksavvy, it’s truly unlimited but my down speed is just 7mb/per sec and it’s on a dsl line. Thoughts? Only $48 cad a month.
I can't tell what's sadder, that you think your inane propaganda talking points against Net Neutrality are "arguments" let alone facts, or that you think aping Ben Shapiro style rhetoric doesn't make you look like a colossal tool.
I mean, you are projecting non stop. You did it in this very post.
It's not an argument, but I wasn't responding to any arguments. Simply making an observation.
Thankfully can dump my Switch, and get X1X and Stadia.
Gaming innovation at it's best with Google + Microsoft - lets go!!!
>he genuinely thinks ad hominem means any insult in an argument
You literally do not understand what the term means. Get a brain.
Hm, still no argument. I'd love to try and coax you guys into critical thought and honest debate, but apparently it just isn't going to happen.
I get 90kbs and I live in the fucking UK in the countryside. AMA
"Projection" isn't a get-out-of-arguments-free card. At some point you're going to have to grow up and discuss things like an adult.
You sound upset. Understandable. If you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate. Better luck next time.
I take it you read all 10,000+ pages of that legalese net neutrality bullshit?
we need an internet bill of rights, 1 page that says 'if a website/isp takes but 1 penny of federal money or bribes congress, they're treated as a public service'
that's all.
It can be, but when all the propaganda came from your side of the aisle, and you then resort to crying about propaganda, it's accurate.
>If you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate
>You sound upset
Also that's not how debate works. But thanks again for proving you're fucking retarded and don't understand fallacies.
I'm well aware that you are projecting wildly. No need to reiterate the point.
>but when all the propaganda came from your side of the aisle, and you then resort to crying about propaganda, it's accurate.
So you admit you're projecting? Because this applies to you more than anyone else here.
The fact that you took that to be a personal attack 100% confirms you are upset. And there's nothing wrong with that, except you shouldn't let being unable to articulate any valid argument on Yea Forums affect you emotionally to such an extent.
>tfw my internet speeds
>tfw no data cap
if you dont have at least half of these speeds you are actually living in the 3rd world
The boot fits, mate. If you don't want to be called out for it, don't do it
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
that's my speed only change the M to a K
>The boot fits, mate
No it doesn't.
also in the deep south and I get 76.8 kb/s max
Okay, sweety.
nigger what back water ass country do you live in
The fact that you took that to be a personal attack 100% confirms you are retarded. And there's nothing wrong with that, except you shouldn't let being unable to articulate any valid argument on Yea Forums affect you emotionally to such an extent.
assmad retard
The boot fits, mate. If you don't want to be called out for it, don't do it
>and you then resort to crying about propaganda
The boot fits, mate. If you don't want to be called out for it, don't do it
Saying someone is "dumber than a rock" is objectively name calling. Saying someone is upset is not.
This is a very simple concept to grasp.
well, we took away net neutrality, so now Comcast is free to throttle everything else that isn't a streaming service and make us pay for it
i had them
fuck them so much, there was no alternative
>Saying someone is "dumber than a rock" is objectively name calling
Actually it's just a factual observation. And name calling != ad hominem. Calling someone upset to discredit them is though. You're literally too stupid to grasp this basic fact.
You okay there buddy? The non sequitur mimicry is a bit odd. Especially to do it twice in a row.
Threads like this always weird me out. I've had Time Warner/Spectrum for over a decade, no caps, and my out of state friends are always surprised when they visit at how fast it is.
It doesn't. Thanks for conceding, reddit.
Uhhhhhhh excuse me as a republican I can tell you that would infringe upon Comcast's (my) rights the Holocaust never happened but I wish it did
No, it's really not a factual observation.
Are rape victims discredited because they are upset?
You're making no sense, man.
>non sequitur
Stop misusing terms you don't understand the meaning of. Especially to do it twice in a row.
Okay, sweety.
people who do always mysteriously commit suicide
Costs less to build an entirely new internet infrastructure than it does to redo the old infrastructure.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie.
bumfuck innawoods Maine with shitty comcast
literally like 28 hours of straight downloading just to get 41gbs
are they your only choice where you live, or do they actually have competitors they have to look good against
Your own ignorance doesn't extend to the minds of others, so just spewing nonsense doesn't really sway anyone.
middle georgia on a good day
in about 3 markets, and they threw in the towel on expanding their coverage because they know how fucked the situation is
If a rape victim reports their rape and your response is "you're just upset and emotional" then yes you're clearly trying to discredit them.
>No, it's really not a factual observation.
Okay, reddit.
That would be melatonin, but I appreciate your concern.
Damn dude, fuck.
According to Google, one hour of streaming eats up roughly 20 GB. So a 1 TB cap would be used up after roughly 50 hours of gaming, with nothing else used.
This shit is going to bomb spectacularly.
Ah, yes, I remember after my first break up my mom discredited me by saying "oh honey, you're so upset, what's the matter?"
Reddit is 99.9% in favor of the bill, so I'm not sure why you're trying to take this approach.
>no u!
I'm not the one here misusing terms like non sequitur and ad hominem because you're incapable of making any argument.
>if a website/isp takes but 1 penny of federal money or bribes congress, they're treated as a public service
I am so fucking down for this. Though I don't know how you could enforce that for specific websites. I guess maybe if you had some sort of minimum # of active/concurrent users?
such is life under the AT&T overlords
fastest speed available in my area by the way
>my mom discredited me
How the fuck does this have anything to do with what we're talking about. Are you legitimately retarded
Again, just because you don't understand the meaning of words doesn't mean others are subject to the same disposition.
Easy, just buy the monthly Stadia(TM) Gaming Package which includes unlimited data* for only $79.99!
*unlimited data: 10GB + unlimited 1GB boosts for only $9.99 per boost
Okay, sweety.
She said I was "so upset", which is way worse than "you seem upset." Which is a vicious attack on someone's credibility.
You guys are a hoot.
Midco is decent, depending on the city. The biggest issue for me was the ping. 60-70 ms for most games (data centers in Chicago/Nebraska), meanwhile the local competition (NVC) was around 30-40 ms.
I sure hope you have major stock in these corporations you defend
Because your mom consoling your dumb ass after you got dumped by a girl is definitely the same context as accusing a stranger of being too upset to have an argument. You really are a braindead mongo.
my data usage according to windows10 is 1.3tb and i legit barely download anything. just like 2-3 anime shows a day through the week.
i can't imagine living in a world with data caps
I saw some randos talking about this on twitter, but I haven't been able to find a source.
You have shit for brains.
Again, just because you don't understand the meaning of words doesn't mean others are subject to the same disposition.
I assumed you were upset, evidenced by the profanity laced personal attacks, because of an inability to present a single argument. Not that your current mood was impacting the exchange. It's really not worth getting salty over internet arguments, after all.
We can fling shit at each other all day, but unless you present an actual argument, I'm just going to leave.
Great rebuttal. You've convinced me I was wrong, oh wise one.
See: >I'm just going to leave.
Please, do it. Reddit is waiting for you.
The boot fits, mate. If you don't want to be called out for it, don't do it
You are quite the solipsistic one. Again, your personal dispositions do not extend to others.
Whether it's your misunderstanding of simple terms or your preference for reddit.
You are quite the retarded one. Again, your personal dispositions do not extend to others.
Whether it's your misunderstanding of simple terms like solipsistic or your preference for reddit.