Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
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TAKE ME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the bugiverse!
You are now hearing the battle theme in your head
>Backtracking: the RPG
Why do people pretend this is good
it was a product of the failure of the gamecube and tight dev time
and besides IS no longer cares about the franchise and would rather work on waifu emblem forever
they should try giving it to another dev
shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit go back to sucking nintendo's sticker paper dick fucking gimmick fag
>this is the content IS produces now
The last great paper mario game
because it was well written, charming, and has the best combat system of any JRPG
It does have backtracking every chapter but it's still great
Color Splash was better...
I remember trying to replay this game recently and then dropping it around chapter 4. The backtracking is a serious pain in the ass.
I kind of want to pick it up again, but Chapter 4 and 5 always end up killing my interest.
*SIP* yep
now thats a good game
>fags suck off the n64 backtracking: the console. literally 90% of the games have backtracking
>same people hate PM:TTYD
why tho
>Backtracking: the RPG
This seems to be the only complaint haters have on this game. Have you even actually played TTYD? There's a reason why it's considered to be better than PM64 by the wider audience.
TTYD is flatly worse than PM64. The best parts are just stuff it copied over.
I don't remember paper mario having a fight ring and a train mystery
Will they even bother making a Paper Mario Switch?
>Tfw I'm the only one who actually liked Super Paper Mario
Oh hey, thanks for watching.
I’m too autistic. The Mario and Luigi one started playing instead
Nice one.
Daily reminder that Mario & Luigi is better than Paper Mario.
>backtracks to Paper Mario, the better game
SPM was pretty good, just completely different from 64/TTYD. Also, chapter 4 was fucking brilliant. Too bad it relies so much on first time surprises.
Wasn’t big on the combat and it was way too easy, but I loved the setting and story.
PM64 and SPM fanboys can kiss my ass
It's okay when TTYD does it for practically every chapter after the first. It's bad when Paper Mario 64 did it for one.
What's with all this complaining about backtracking? Is it autism? I've literally never noticed shit and I've beaten this game 5+ times.
>There's a reason why it's considered to be better than PM64 by the wider audience.
Yes, and that is Gamecube zoomer nostalgia.
Why don't you replay it and enjoy the game's atrocious padding and lack of content that attempts to mask the fact that it's incomplete?
>boggly woods
>glitz pit (albeit better disguised)
>creepy steeple
>the train
>the island
>finding the bob-ombs
it's only really shit in two locations, but it's there. if you don't notice it, that's the bias.
>you're autistic if you don't conveniently ignore a game's faults like me
user, I love Super Mario 64 but I'm not going to pretend stars toward the end don't become "get to this spot, then go a little further" or that the camera isn't hot garbage.
>fight ring
>train mystery
Basically the murder mystery from the first game, but on a train.
>I've literally never noticed shit and I've beaten this game 5+ times
Then you're fucking retarded.
Sounds like autism. Maybe you don't like the rest of the game very much and are defaulting to the most popular excuse.
That's literally ingrained into the chapter. The woods are supposed to be creepy, and the enemies often daunting. Plus you had to go back once without a partner and go back to the creepy steeple with a new one, being able to test her out. You're fucking retarded.
I can understand Creepy steeple and the bom-ombs quest but aside from those I don't really care.
>Maybe you don't like the rest of the game very much
I adore the game, especially the intermissions with Bowser and Kammy. Maybe you're a stubborn fanboy who can't handle any type of negativity whatsoever.
>Too bad it relies so much on first time surprises
To be fair, so does TTYD. The Glitz Pit, Doo_liss, and the train mystery are great the first time through, but once you know what happens they kind of become a slog.
I disagree because I love the core gameplay of TTYD, the battles are fun as fuck, the game is gorgeous, the music is great, and I like Glitz Pit so much that I was happy when I went back to it after chapter 3 and found out I could climb the ladder all over again. I still enjoy going around chapter 4 even on replays, but yeah, the train is very slow on the action (besides the midway station), I try to withhold replaying TTYD until I can somewhat forget details about the game enough that I can enjoy re-reading stuff.
SPM's core gameplay is ok, but too easy. Some boss fights can last like 10~20 seconds, and those were late game iirc, as long as you can play a platformer properly. I put the game way lower than 64/TTYD in my list, but chapter 4's first time through is probably my favorite Mario RPG content.
>What's with all this complaining about backtracking?
>Chapter 1: Hooktail's Castle is at the left side of Petal Meadows right next to the entrance, The Sun and Moon Key stones are at Schownk Fortress at the furthest possible location from it and you have to backtrack all the way back to the start just to enter Hooktails castle.
>Chapter 2: Flurrie's house is at a dead end in the background located at the rightmost edge of Boggly Woods, the Shadow Sirens are hanging out with Flurrie's pearl necklace at the second leftmostscreen screen of the chapter.
>Chapter 3: The chapter is just a handful of buildings.
>Chapter 4: You need to walk between Twilight Town and Creepy Steeple five times to complete the chapter.
>Chapter 5: You have to go from the encampment to near the bridge/entrance of the cave and back atleast three times before you can enter it. Once to save some of the crew, a 2nd time to find bobbery sleeping and get the chuckola cola, a third time to wake bobbery up and get Flavio to go to the cave entrance with you, a fourth time if you didn't pick up any Coconuts to trade for the chuckola cola.
>Chapter 6: The Bob-bomb Family are in the left most room on the Excess Express. The bob-omb child wants the autograph of the Engineer who is at on the rightmost screen at the front of the train.
>Chapter 7: General White
i don't ever remember it being unenjoyable
only chapter 7 and chapter 4 are legit reasons you're just cherry picking right now
Not him, but Chapter 5 is pretty dumb with its island section, especially if you didn't pick up the coconut beforehand. But it doesn't take up the entire chapter like 4 did with its backtracking.
>>Chapter 6: The Bob-bomb Family are in the left most room on the Excess Express. The bob-omb child wants the autograph of the Engineer who is at on the rightmost screen at the front of the train.
>the game ACTUALLY expects me to walk through three rooms twice
B-bros...this backtracking's getting crazy.
>i-it's z-zoomer nostalgia!
Most of the non-dungeon sections of TTYD are essentially straight lines. The positioning of events is intentional to squeeze as much time out of the levels as possible and it's consistently that way throughout the whole game.
Just compare with PM64 in which The Koopa Bros Castle and Koopa Village are at a fork in the road, minimising the amount of backtracking during the chapter. In TTYD Hooktails castle and Schwonk Fortress are at opposite sides of the map maximising it.
>mario 64 is full of backtracking because you have to go back to the castle every time you finish a level just to go back to that same level
well, yeah that's true. they did do that.
but if you think about it lore wise the fortress was used to hide from monsters like Hooktail yeah? it makes sense why its on opposite sides.
Can we stop pretending TTYD is bad and go back to shitting on SS and CS?
sticker star was kinda fun as its own thing honestly, it just didnt really have any soul yknow?
Chapter 4 has you going back and forth through the forest a minimum of 5 times. The second time, you don't have partners, and the third time, you have Vivian, so these are at least somewhat different experiences. But the last 2 trips are complete padding and provide nothing new. Take into account the Dayzee enemies, which can be difficult for a first-time player, and you may be making the trip even more times.
Chapter 5 had a similar repeated trip but at least that's only about half of the chapter at most. You get a lengthy dungeon section afterwards.
The General White hunt involves you traveling to every town you've been to before, which isn't too inconvinient if you use the quick travel pipes under Rogueport. Still, I think this part was annoying on purpose, since you get to jump on General White repeatedly once you finally find him. It's like a form of catharsis. But since the game seems to be having some fun at the player's expence, it's understandable for people not to like this part.
Of course, TTYD detractors will just say "it has backtracking so it's bad" and imply this is a major annoyance throughout the entire game, when it only really affects the player's experience during these segments.
>great trilogy of fantastic games
>series goes dormant
>returns with an awful 3DS game and an awful Wii U game
>og trilogy were favorably compared to the latter sequels
>now people are pretending that half the games in the og trilogy are bad
What happened? I get that some people think 64 is better than TTYD, or that Super is the weakest of the trilogy, but I never thought of any of the three as being anywhere below a 7 or 6.
I love ttyd but it definitely has some problems and backtracking is one of them, but I don't think it's as bad as people say. There are some other problems like the puni chapter being imo the worst one in the game (flurry is barely used outside of this chapter, literally every room in the tree looks the same and has no distinction from each other, wrangling 101 punis was not fun), and as much as I liked dooliss's chapter, that forest area with the fucking flowers was bullshit. Chapters 1,2,4,5 all shared the same template too which made 3 and 6 even better because they're the only ones to change up the formula in any interesting way. The writing and gameplay and battling is top tier to the point that most people are willing to overlook that stuff though for the most part.
super paper mario actually has fantastic writing, I think the general dislike for it is that they took away ttyd's battle system which people loved and was an important part of the series and instead of giving you actual characters just gave you some fucking shape faries that had other than tippi no personality that you had to constantly switch between.
>Backtracking: the RPG
Only places this could ever be deemed an issue is Chapter 2 for Flurrie, and even then it's 3 screens and Chapter 4 going back between town and the steeple after losing yourself.
So, few weeks ago ai bought this game because everyone is sucking it off.
I am now at the area with grass and woods after the tunnel where the Thousand Year Door Was.
How to proceed here? I got stuck in that part, but to be fair I was tired at that time
>300 bucks phones can emulate PMTTYD
What a time to be alive
thank you user, i couldn't have said it better myself
you're talking about chapter 1? I think you have to hit a button behind a bush or something like that to make a bridge appear.
You mean Petal Meadows?
...It's literally a hallway with zero split paths. How the fuck do you get stuck.
user you need to go to the town that's in a straight line from the meadows
I'll give it a go then
Pic related
>Backtracking: the RPG
Only places this could ever be deemed an issue is Chapter 2 for Flurrie, and even then it's 3 screens and Chapter 4 going back between town and the steeple after losing yourself.
>Only places this could ever be deemed an issue is
>conveniently ignores General White and the moon
user i'm a very big TTYD defender but you can't ignore Chapter 7
>Waifu emblem killed all chances for a new advance wars as well.
How the fuck do we kill that garbage series?
>Chapter 7 is so shit, even the fans pretend it isn't in the game
You can't kill it now. The 3DS games were very beginner-friendly and they have successful gacha shit.