Dmc3 vs ngb

Let's settle this once and for all

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ninja Gaiden has a better story, music, controls, and characters.

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Ninja Gaiden has TERRIBLE CAMERA

This alone makes it a worse game

and better eneimies than this braindead shit in dmc3, but dmc have better bosses


Enemies are actually a threat in NG.

same with dmc3

Njb shits all over dmc3, it's a better looking game, it plays better, the story is better, the environments and boss battles are vastly superior. Dmc3 is good, but it sure as shit not in the same league as njb.

I love both but I can play DMC3 on PC while Ninja Gaiden is still left in a shallow grave

>same with dmc3
500x better camera then NG

NG is probs a better challenge but i think DMC3 is more fun

Ninja Gaiden is better than every DMC trash game

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2 great games. HOWEVER.

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>isuna drop spam simulator vs punching bag simulator
There I just summed up the rest of this thread. Have fun trying to discuss anything with NGfags.

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Mastering the camera is the true test of a ninja's will. You are no ninja.


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name better game you nigger
you can't? oh...

I don't have to because I love both games. I don't try and needlessly start a flamewar because I'm butthurt my series is dead and the other is alive and being successful. But if I had to choose it'd be God Hand.

Personally like both of them almost equally, like NG a little bit better

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I think Ninja Gaiden Black fags are pretty fucking obnoxious but Devill May Cry 3 fags might be worse. Either way they are definitely the most obnoxious parrots of each respective fanbase.

There, settled.

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>Ninja Gaiden has TERRIBLE CAMERA

What you even mean by this? Where does the camera not work or get in the way?

The music is fucking perfect in NG. It's not just stupid techno screamo shit. It fits the tension within the game perfectly like when you first fight Murai.

>I don't try and needlessly start a flamewar
so what are you doing on Yea Forums?
>But if I had to choose it'd be God Hand.
fuck now i cant call you a faggot

Not even you believe this. There aren't any recognizable or memorable characters in NG outside of the posterboy himself. And even he has some problems being recognized today.

>so what are you doing on Yea Forums?
Enjoying DMC threads and the memes/salt they create.

>no kh2
>heavenly sword god of war
>bayo the movie and qte
nice bullshit list

This list is actually pretty accurate. DmC deserves to be in OK tier, though.

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Difficulty, controls, graphics, music, bosses: NG

Story, characters, combo system: DMC 3

Was almost af the end of NGB but stopped playing for like a year for some reason, forgot all the combos and weapons and now I suck.

Why do people want to put Kingdom hearts in the same genre as DMC and Ninja gaiden? i don't get it

It's a meme, newfag.

>kh2 critical
nigger play this game first


KH2FM leans more into Action than RPG.
The best experience doesn't even require you to level.


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Ninja Gaiden. DMC is dumb and gay. Fact.

DMC3 has better combat but NGB has better everything else.

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NG definitely has better controls, but you're out of your fucking mind if you think the music, story, and characters are anywhere near as iconic as DMC.

Replaying through dmc3 rn, loved dmc on dmd when I was a kid, played through black last year on very hard.

Black is way better. I was going to say bosses would be a strong point for dmc3, but nah. Even the bosses I remember being better in dmc3 aren't as good as I remember them, just bait a whiff, jump, do whatever. NG has some stupid shit but the game really is deeper and handles difficulty better than any game I've ever played. The clone boss fights have insanely smart AI and are way more tense than anything in dmc hands down.

In dmc on higher difficulties there's very little change in enemy tactics. In NG they start grabbing you, blocking, parrying, and bosses get minions that change the dynamics of boss fights in ADDITION to getting new moves and AI. Also, dmc's lack of a block button (royalguard doesn't count, that's a fucking parry not a block retards) and "style" system is fucking stupid. Ninja Gaiden fits everything dmc has and more on the control scheme without the style button. The only thing imo that dmc has going for it is story, characters, flash, and combos. But I think the tactics, difficulty, and rewarding intelligent playing of ninja gaiden is better than the combo wankery of dmc.

I feel like the NG vs DMC analogy is like what old school street fighter is to anime fighters. If you like combos (which gets fucking boring) dmc is the better game, but the enemies are dumb and just become damage sponges on DMD.

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Yeah DMC 1 is definitely better in all of that. DMC3 is shit.

are you 12?

Ninja Gaiden because Ryu isnt just a cutscene coolguy like Dante, you control Ryu's actions, you watch Dante's

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Easy there, sport. If you're going to put Heavenly Sword and Star Wars in OK Tier, then DmC should be there, too.

music yes. plot and characters? hell no dmc1's writing is mediocre. I did like dante there the most though.

Damn it hurts Oatmal-chan will never touch NG series again, now Team Ninja has abandoned it for Nioh out of spite.

Add graphics as well.

NG has better characters if you dont like quippy garbage.

I love me some combos though so I prefer DMC3
I also like its art style better but that's personal taste I guess

Would be in OK tier if it wasn't called Devil may cry, it is so unfortunately..

DMC3 all day. NGB is just really stiff, overrated trash with somehow worse platforming and combat. People only like it because of the difficulty. Why bother when DMD fills that need just fine, but with better combat and weaponry?

enemies actually fight back in ninja gaiden.

So do the enemies in DMC3. Your point?

How retarded are you? Did you ever play the game?

If NG is so good then why is the series dead?

Yes and the camera never bothered me apart from first person view.

only some.

SeeTecmo dicklet numale was jealous of Itagaki and wanted his "influence" wiped from the company and series.

NGB is much harder and the enemy encounters are much more threatening, combat while slow, feels more refined in BUT the camera is fucking awful at times, the platforming is cancer, and it sucks having to go to the menu to switch weapons and spells.

DMC3 is much better for styling on enemie because they're not that threatening, really fast in combat, the ability to have 4 different weapons at once (2 guns, 2 melee) and it has better boss fights. Only real downside to DMC3 is the camera and platforming, which are worse in NGB.

If you want a more challenging game AMD mechanical, go with NGB, but if you want a much more fun time, play DMC3.

GoW 2 and 3 are both better than 1, also Heavenly Sword was pretty bad

Imagine actually being interested in having a biased pissing contest

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I think NGB is better but at the same time that is because im shit at styling and when I play DMC games I just try to climb difficulties so I can have a fun time with shit that is hard regardless. And NG sorta starts off to that and NG2 to a degree.

DMC5 is great though I don't wanna say its as good as 3 because the level design sorta took a downward spin same with environment being bland and uninteresting but fuck its fun.

Does Heavenly Sword even have combos? Thought it was a mindless hack n slash type game.

*swarms you*

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Ill say bosses in DMC definitely present more flare well still being good. Some good NG bosses look boring as shit and just sorta come at you. Which is part of the charm since is a fucking live or die game but to a on looker it might look bland at first similar to fighting games.

Based, I was thinking the fucking same, I'm playing it rn for the first time, damn, I don't want to imagine how it must be on hard difficulty

NGB Should be a rulebook for how to implement difficulty settings

My point is enemies fight back regardless of where the camera is pointed unlike DMC3.
God Hand also has enemies that are relentless and don't magically stop attacking you if u stop pointing your camera at them.

>Go up on higher difficulties on NGB
>Izuna drop and GT scrolls are later in the game forcing you to use tons of different tactics against harder enemies/harder enemy layouts
>Flying swallow is distance based so unlike 2 can't be spammed all day and is risker as you go up in difficulty.

DMC is awesome too but holy fuck you're an idiot when it comes to NGB if you think izuna is starting shit. NG2 is more spam the good moves to live sorta game and you don't have to do that. You could use tons of shit well dodging out of explosions.

>DMC3 has better combat



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what "characters"?
Ryu is nothing but just cool looking vidya protag. When they tried to make an actual character out of him in 3 it became a shitshow. Don't let me started on Rachel.

This shit is the worst list I've ever seen about character action games, wow.

a simple jump forward + Y with dragonsword makes ghostfish a trivial enemy encounter but I like this meme

I actually agree with this list with what I played on it. But maybe Bayo 2 should be switched with 1 or equal because I enjoyed each of them and feel each of them did shit better then the other.

>it never bothered me except when it did

My main problem with the first couple ninja gaiden games is how retardedly powerful charging that super attack is while waiting for enemies to spawn, it feels like that's all people do and that certainly does not really speak well for the supposed challenge the game offers. Most of high level play revolves around memorizing spawn order and location and abusing it with that attack.

Eh. Id say about equal. NGB combat is much smarter especially with normal enemies so shit gets to be stressful. DMC combat is fun and enemies on DMD and even sorta on SoS try unlike DH so its fun but less stressful to deal with non bosses.

Both are good. I feel like DMC/NG bros have been through alot. I fancy myself alittle more NG and we will never get another good game so i don't see the point in lashing out like children since DMC5 is great. I miss Itagaki i wonder where he is after that THQ bankruptcy debacle of a game Devils Third.

it can get annoying but this is easily remedied if u keep moving around which u should be doing anyway since it's a death sentence if u don't which I wonder if most people in this thread have even touched NGB or finished it.

>kingdom hearts
this is a big yikes my dudes

try doing that on harder difficulties, the enemies will literally not give u a chance to do it unless you time it right and are positioned well during fights.

>SF to anime

This is retarded though. Anime fighters like UNIST and GG have plenty of what SF does and more of their own meaningful mechanics. Don't make arguments like this because its biased crap. SFV also has less depth then even a lot of the bland anime games. Sure BBCTB and DBFZ are shallow as fuck but that doesn't detract from GG UNIST BB and Melty.

> Most of high level play revolves around memorizing spawn order and location and abusing it with that attack

I can tell you know a lot aboit NG "high level play"

What is asura's wrath doing anywhere but in shit tier

Obviously you do it before they spawn to thin out their number, did you even read the post
Most encounters are drastically simplified by taking out one enemy instantly

Well yeah

>Thing I don't like BAD
Nice non argument

DMD in DMC3 is anti fun as shit unlike NGB difficulty and encourages only 1-2 play styles that you better hope you have mastered or its not fun allowed. Regen life on normal enemies that DT check , Vergil insane life regen that warrants a killer bee cancel meta just to get by check , enemy damage being even higher then NG check.

I like NG because the levels themselves feel like they have more meaning. DMC ones still do but a lot of enemies just rely on some gimmick on DMD to be a problem. Also DMC3 has so shitty later game enemies.

The only good thing about KH2 are some organization 13 fights, rest is complete garbage

It actually takings timing to set this up on higher difficulties and doesn't work on most bosses even on normal. I do agree a efficient NG player playing it safe af might look boring but fuck up and its going to go super shitty.

>did you even read the post
>well yeah

I can tell you are a wonderful person.

>before they spawn

booorrriiinng, where the hell is the fun in that?

I feel like this needs more games that fit the mold in order to be more complete (indies, Killer Is Dead, Platinum's smaller titles, if you have Star Wars then you might as well have Capcom's Nightmare Before Christmas), as well as a few minor tweaks of placement.

Is NMH2 actually worse than 1 combat-wise? I haven't played it (and honestly didn't spend too much time with the original) but I was under the impression it refined some things.

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What is there to settle really? They're both great games. Who gives a fuck about some incel fanbase shitposting war.

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NMH 2 had worse bosses and story than NMH 1, which are pretty much the best things about it

Retard the enemies are better and more complex than anything in DMC lmao

NG was great....

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NG actually has enemies
DMC only has a combat engine with rag dolls

dude you post one-liners on Yea Forums where the fuck do you think that puts you on the likeability scale

Daily reminder juggling braindead sandbags is not end all be all for action games.

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at least DMC isn't filled with gay disney trash for no reason

probably higher than snarky guy who gets defensive for no reason

but I'm clearly being offensive since I'm calling you out
being defensive would involve, you know, actually defending my character

>proving my point

I rest my case.

NG2 > bayo > dmc5

I had way more fun with 2 than Black.

bayo 2 takes one step forward and two steps back making umbran climax overpowered.

dmc5 suffers from stupid story and no variety in levels, but it's a fun game to play. I hope they release Turbo, even on dmd the game can feel too easy at times.

>bosses get minions that change the dynamics of boss fights
This is just developers adding artificial difficulty to the game.

Ninja garden barley has a story

Whenever I watch videos of an average player playing NGB they just seem to do the charge attack at every opportunity because if they fight normally they always lose health

No wonder you play NG, you suck at video games

Friendly reminder that Ninja Gaiden is both dead and irrelevant.

Only an absolute blind faggot would defend the shit show that is DMC3 DMD

This is such a stupid debate, 2 different design philosophies. One is a balanced mix of offense and defense (Ninja gaiden), and the other is absurd offense with little tricks offense/defense sprinkled in. It's a complete preference thing. You're essentially comparing MvC2 (DMC) to DBFZ (NG).

Just compare high level play for yourself



first it's NGB vs DMC3, second, why link a filthy sigma 2 video when u can just link this:

Glad to see someone else acknowledges Oni Dawn of dreams, the game was pretty good and long for a ps2 title.

I know it may come as a surprise to you, but the world at large is not comprised of other spergs like you

what? you can't read a simple thread title? And it's even agreed upon that Sigma 2 is absolute shit compared to vanilla 2 but Sigma 1 is damn near identical to NGB.

You can go fuck yourself, shitter.

Find one KH2 enemy as challenging as Blitz or Fury.

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>doesn't realize Sigma 2 is a complete downgrade to NG2 with censored blood, less enemies, no weapons UTs to name a few.

And you call people spergs?

>being knowledgeable = sperg

off yourself, shitstain

Or, someone who's actually able to learn from a video game

I know this is the "name drop games i don't play" thread so the hot opinions shitter count is high but i don't believe for a second this is not a samefag.

Is it that hard to believe that people prefer vanilla 2? I pity ps3 owners, they had to deal with worse versions of bayo and ng2 because of sony's incompetence.

the gap between prefer and being a resident easily identifiable turbo sperg is massive

Ok list but GoW2 is better than 1 in everything.

Literally kys faggots

>DMC3 in god tier
>majority of the enemies are garbage and not fun to fight
>majority of the bosses are mediocre with some being legitimately terrible
God DMC3 is so fucking overrated.

Right, are you talking about the guy posting doa screenshots?

checks out

>posts KH

The difference between you and me is since i am not a faggot with a chip on my shoulder and a brainwashed autistic brain i never feel the need to pretend i am someone else when i am sharing my opinions. Emphasis on "pretend" because your rabid zealotry literally renders you incapable of ever fooling anyone.

Nigga, did you play the game?

You can do in game everything dante does in cutscenes, you have to actually GIT GUD

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DMC controls better than Ninja Gaiden Black. NGB feels clunky and jumps are weird and imprecise. Ninja gaiden 2 and NG 3 Razor's Edge fixed this.


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Theyre both great games fuck your rivalry. There, it's settled. I hope dmc5's success allows team ninja to go get a new ninja gaiden made.

If you really think there is only one guy posting about ng2 in this thread, you are simply delusional.

>Better music
Are you fucking high

that's not what i said

my cousin works at tecmo koei, he said next ninja gaiden game is gonna be a crossover with Nioh and use the more realistic artstyle Nioh has, the plot is gonna be Nobunaga comes back from the dead to enslave mankind with his fiend army, btw his wife is a half naked demon queen with big titties in it

>the flames in your eyes when I munch on this

>feel free to die if you ready your sir vibe

In my opinion, DMC5 has overtaken 3 as the best entry in the series, so it's more fair to compare DMC5 to NGB. DMC5 for me is now the single best action game ever made but it's still a surprisingly close call to NGB. Considering the time gap between them, I think that's both incredible and depressing.

As it is, my list goes: DMC5>NGB>DMC3>NG2>Insert any Platinum entry (they all feel really similar to me)

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I love NGB more because I can easily brag about having played it to others who haven't since it's stuck on one of the shitiest consoles ever to exist. faggots
Give it a rest already, there is nothing more forced on this board, you're an embarrassment to actual action game fans. Kindly fuck off.

Minions dropping orbs after dying ironically make bossfights easier.

Actually, in-game Dante is a hell of a lot more cuh-razy than his cutscenes show.

Feel free to reiterate, all those insults made you hard to read.

ninja gaiden on xbox hueg looks better than any ps2 game.

>and more of their own meaningful mechanics
That's the problem. Sometimes, less is more. Sometimes, people want something more deliberately paced.

I do actually wish I had a system that could run Black just so I could fucking play it, but I've also had a PS3 for years and could just play Sigma since it's apparently a sidegrade at worst.

I was eager to like dmc5 playing it for the first time, but I couldn't look past how easy it was. Playing on dmd I can't help but notice awful environments.

5 is fun to play, but I don't understand making it top 1.

Are you unironically trying to start a 6th gen console war? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Scroll up retard

He's right though.

this to be honest, but DMC fags vicariously living through combo wank webms and videos is not much better.

Most of these MUH BLACK posts and threads come from one retarded Xbot.

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you're the one who started it with "one of the shitiest consoles ever to exist."

You've literally never played it before because if you have you wouldn't think shitty meme music is better.

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>posts a simple fucking fact that is easily proven
>S-Stop it's not fair!

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To be honest, music never did it for me in Ninja Gaiden. It works well with the game, but it's not one of the things that make me come back to the game.

Get gud

Ninja Gaidens fanbase aren't meme spouting faggots that pollute the board 24/7 so I'm gonna give the edge to NGB.

Which is true because of how limited its library is. It's shitty today because there's very little reason to buy one, you cannot dispute that.
Whether its hardware is better than the ps2 is completely irrelevant at this point in time, making an argument about said capabilities even more irrelevant than this whole thread's topic.
Do you get it now?

>limited library
>has a game/franchise that literally changed the video game industry and single handily blows the fuck out of any ps2 game ever made

Xbox is alot like the N64.

Nobody cares about shit opinion tranny faggot, kill yourself.

there is no Ninja Gaiden fanbase on Yea Forums

That's what I could say about DMC for the most part, and I say that as somebody that really loves the DMC series and has very little NG experience. Each DMC prior to 5 has only had a handful of standout tracks; I find 1's OST overrated outside of a couple of tracks (one of which has a much better remix in 5), 3 is really carried by Vergil's fights and Devils Never Cry (its cutscenes are exceptionally scored but that's something else entirely), 4's OST is mostly forgettable, 2's OST is its best feature and even then I couldn't remember any individual theme off the top of my head, and DmC's OST is solid but it was just Noisia and Combichrist doing their regular thing. Even in 5 there's a lot of good tracks but only a handful of great ones, with the best being the aforementioned remix of a track from 1.

What I heard in is definitely better than the average DMC background theme.

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>muh sales

>Ninja Gaiden & Halo 1/2 are the Super Mario 64 and OoT/MM of the XBox
Big think.

>has a game/franchise that literally changed the video game industry and single handily blows the fuck out of any ps2 game ever made
How is this relevant to what I just told you? Also I hope you're not talking about halo, now that would be funny.

I still keep my 360 around just to play NG2.

Arguing that ps2 had better library is stupid because it comes down to personal preference.

Also, if I had to make the choice today, I'd rather buy a console that can't be emulated.

You obviously care since you replied

How do we get the gooks to put the trilogy on pc?

U can't shot I & E while running down from the top of a wall, like in DMC3 cutscene right before first vergil fight,gotcha!!!

No. Both games are good in their own right, you turbo nigger. I fucking hate you faggots clogging up Yea Forums with flamewars like this.

I dunno, I guess for me the gameplay was just top tier and I never felt the rest of the game getting in the way of that like I did with DMC4. 4 had awful enemies, awful bosses and awful pacing to where it's just a chore to play, even though the gameplay was some of the best in the series.

DMC5 has none of those issues. Yeah, the latter half of the game feels a bit samey since it's all hellscapes but it made sense know the story and all of those hellscapes were in themselves unique. It never got in the way of itself and that's what matters. Even NGB does this with its water stages and shit.

dont forget jsrf

They'd only give us the shitty Sigma versions anyway since Tecmo is salty as fuck over Itagaki.

After'' my bad

This. Ninja Gaiden actually has "video game" music if that makes any sense

Nothing comes close to Ninja Gaiden. Every other action game is just a complete joke. Even RE is better than primitive games like DMC. There is simply no other game where the enemies actually try to kill you and aren't just setpieces.

I hope you played bayonetta and know what dodge offset it. Because coming into bayo after ng2 it blew my mind.

here comes the elitistfag.

>I'd rather buy a console that can't be emulated.
Why do you think no one has bothered to make an emulator for the original xbox? Nobody fucking cares about it enough to bother.
Your snowflake preference has nothing to do with it, I'm perfectly justified in calling the xbox shitty, it's just general consensus.
Pointless arguments in pointless argument threads I guess, anyway I've said all I need to, you keep going if you want.

I always assumed the reason why we don't have any ports of 1 or 2 would be because of deciding which versions to bring over but I still don't understand why they haven't at least ported Razor's edge , instead KT gave us fucking YAIBA

the camera works that way because its a different game than NG, from what iv'e seen ninja gaiden has a hit and run style to its combat, you dont really combo you just do damage and iframe through enemy attacks, while in dmc combo finishers and single hit moves with alot of recovery do the most damage (real impact, killer bee,twister etc) if enemies didnt pacify when off camera you literally would not be able to even do a basic 3hit combo without getting rekt on DMD

Sigma versions are fine

>Why do you think no one has bothered to make an emulator for the original xbox?
Because it's very hard to emulate.

General consensus is different people will have different opinions.

They don't, it's simply the superior version. The only fanboys are the ones denying it or people too poor to afford another console (you).

Sigma 1 is fine, Sigma 2 is a different game.

God, that music is comfy as fuck. It makes me wanna go back playing NGB.

So was it really THAT bad? Man I'd at least like to see it get ported to PC to try the multiplayer at least, I couldn't imagine Nintendo even giving a fuck at this point about the rights.

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The entirety of DMC3 between Vergil 2 and Vergil 3 is unadulterated trash.

Nothing elitist. I'm just a fanboy. DMC is a total joke compared to Ninja Gaiden. That's just how I feel.

>too poor
modded xboxes go for like 50 bucks.

That's nice but muh opinion is no reason to call me out on starting a flame war when all I did was state something obvious. Obvious to most people anyway.

Newfag spotted

Multiplayer was actually fun but it ran at like 25fps. It was alot like all he battle royale crap going on right now.

Fine sure...But they really have major issues with loading. I don't even understand why every item box takes 5 seconds to load just because it's on PS3.

NG2 is better than either of those and the single greatest action game ever created.

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this isn't much better. you're just biased towards ng while blindly disregarding everything else

I don't want there to be another Ninja Gaiden game, at least not a 3d one. Let it stay dead. No one at koeitecmo knows how to make one anymore. If they made on it would be a rebooted Souls type shit.

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People who play and like DMC more than NGB

>Braindead confirmed
>Literally shit at video games
>Chooses to play edgy ATK Spam meme game made by jap fuccbois who unironically dress like faggots
>Literally invincible aka cuck white suburban kid power trip

People who play and like NGB more than DMC

>Enjoys challenge
>Actually enjoys playing games
>Can learn to beat difficult games without help or crying
>Has learned the art of ATK and DEF
>Can hit perfect iframes with small (3-5) frame windows
>Knows how to navigate nonlinear worlds with ease

The people who prefer DMC over NGB are basically normalfags not surprised since this board is literally covered in turbo nigger aids

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Any experiences emulating NG? What version? I was thinking maybe SIgma on RPCS3.

I don't care nigger. I just stated how I feel.

sigma adds more enemy encounters, bosses, weapons, new enemies, new playable character, improved ai, better graphics and performance. literally better than black in nearly everyway.

Bro the story in black was fucking non existent besides lose sword, get sword back. Still overall a fun game though.

The ghost samurai boss in particular was camera hell for me.

People who instigate stupid disingenuous arguments.

Die in a fire, you are the cancer.
You don't like DMC and hate NG or bayo or anything else in the genre. You just don't. Unless you like one game for extremely stupid superficial reasons like muh ninjas or whatever but that's still no reason to shit on the others.
Stop posting you fake bitch.

and I feel that ng and dmc are of similar quality.

I don't know wtf you are talking about I have been playing all these games since before you were born you fuckin zoomshit

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at this point im sure there are next to no actual ninja gaiden fans on this website, literally the only time an NG thread makes it past 5 posts is when its compared to another series as bait

No, because most of that new content is bad or unpolished and they ruined the seamless loading from the original.

You know exactly what I'm talking about you piece of shit.

Opinions on Sigma versions of NG 1 & 2? Heard they were really bad but idk, what is exactly wrong with them?

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There are people who like NG alright, it is a great series after all, it's faggots like this guy that only mention it to bait.

What about Killer is Dead?

>sigma adds more enemy encounters
Also removed some.

>bosses, new enemies

>new weapon
Break bossfights.

>new playable character
Rachel's chapters had lukewarm reception.

>improved ai

>better graphics
It has bloom all over.

Lots of loading times and tearing.

He meant that there's very few people that are fans of DMC that outright hate the other action games talked about in the same breath as it. There's newfags to the series now that 5 is a big deal but those are different and the ones who enjoy it are likely to look backwards to find similar games.

The series wars in these threads is just as petty and worthless as console wars. You can argue that one is better than another without being a dismissive cunt about it.

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No please explain why Devil May Snore: Normie Edition even belongs in the same category as the prolific Ninja Gaiden series.
Please tell me about how DMC deserves to be compared to the best action game series of all time, please I'd love to hear your shit opinion about how you grew up playing Xbox 360.

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cathartic braindead fun. suda staple but pretty shit buttonmasher.

Thanks for this post, I was starting to think there were no people capable of comprehending text and logic on Yea Forums anymore.

DMC popularized the genre you underage

I wish the NG games were ported to PC, or PS4 at the very least. I played the first a lifetime ago and loved it.

Tier list fag here, i didn't play any games not included in the list

You tell me why I have to read your fake bitching in so many of these threads about games I enjoy.
You add nothing, you are obnoxious and seeing others take your bullshit seriously is just sad. Just fuck off and do something else with your time bitch, holy shit.

Re invented and popularized it pretty much

I think Kamiya-san makes good games. However, I think they, the systems, gameplay elements in his game tend to be rather shallow and he makes up with that through stylish presentation. I think if you were to compare them directly, the combat and other gameplay elements in Ninja Gaiden II are much deeper than projects that he works on.

In my games its all based on a back and forth with the enemies, its very interactive. You feel like you're pushed to the brink but you manage to survive, the enemies are as out to get you as you are to get them. Whereas other types of action games, one of which being Devil May Cry, enemies exist there as objects on which you unleash your attacks.

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>DMC popularized the genre you underage

This kid was born in 1999

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There is NO NG fanbase on Yea Forums. The threads are all started by the same 2 people, they are all about either shit flinging about which version is "le true version" or shit flinging other action games. If you ask an in depth gameplay question in them, unless a couple of people happen to be browsing it all you will get is cricket sounds because more people name drop the series than the ones who actually play it. It's literally just monopolized zealot sperg central and never about the actual games. The DMCfags might be zealot spergs themselves but at least they play their games and don't try to actively sabotage each other.

The only newfag here is you, or perhaps you are one of the aforementioned 2.

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It's only fake if you close your eyes and ears and go


I bet you haven't even played half of these games LUL

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You need to play bayonetta and learn dodge offset. You will not regret it.

He's not arguing that. I don't think anybody in this thread is. Your original post basically shits all over the series entirely, the counter-argument is that it's a good series, not that it's objectively the best.

The design ethos of DMC, NG, Bayo, and the other staples are on different ends of the spectrum. DMC is about keeping up offense with the difficulty coming from the game's mechanics strongly encouraging using as many different strategies as possible to build Style Rank; Bayo is about keeping up with the pace the enemies set in order to keep strings going and get Wicked Weaves which are the crux of the scoring system by mastering Offset; NG is a more balanced design that DMC's hyper-offense and Bayo's evasive offense because it really does force you to know your defenses as well as your offense due to the games being designed to be punishing. Each of these approaches to design is as valid as the other, and there are good and bad examples of each of them in each series.

There's your fucking argument you shitposting faggot.

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the thing is, I do see and even start ninja gaiden threads but they usually end up dying quickly. bait ops with ninja gaiden is usually the way to generate discussion on the series, unfortunately.

You are still welcome to fuck off and die if you genuinely believe your own bullshit you know.
All I'm saying is that your views are so retarded I'm struggling to believe you're genuine about them.
I bet you haven't played any game ever in all 12 of your years on earth by the way.

Thread is shit because there's no argument to be had, the holy trinity of NGB/DMC/Bayo came about because the game's excel at different things. NG is about strictly the player vs AI with a limited toolset but highly aggressive enemies.DMC is about player expression where the only thing stopping you from being stylish is your own skill level at comboing. Bayo is the soft middle ground between the two on NSIC.

Anything other than this are brainlets trying to shitpost for the sake of it.

both completely different games, not worth comparing

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>Each of these approaches to design is as valid as the other
everone is equal lol

Playing for high scores is absolute trash gameplay compared to fighting a difficult AI and having to struggle just to survive against it. Scores are fucking gay, who cares about a score.

>ng, gow, bayo, dante's inferno, souls, heavenly sword, darksiders, 3d castlevania, mg rising all came after dmc
pure coincidence.

Uh no they all came after Ninja Gaiden (1988)

>he wasn't even born when the action combat platform series was carved out

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>your views are retarded
>my views are correct

Look at this fucking zoomer

>not that it's objectively the best.

All of these DMFags think DMC is the best I guarantee it


Not him, but do you actually think that all of those games were based of off 2D NG?

DMC reinvented the beat em up/hack and slash genre, deying it it's just plain retarded

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>nes ng were beat em ups

Stop polluting the board with your drivel please. All you're doing is sullying NG's name on this board and you're not even pretending about it anymore. God what an insufferable faggot you must be IRL.

>everone is equal lol
They're not equal. That's the fucking point. Games don't all have to be designed the same way to be good, and there's a level of subjectivity on top of the baseline level of objective quality, just like any other genre in any other medium of entertainment.
>Scores are fucking gay, who cares about a score.
People who like arcade-style games. There are games built around demanding a level of skill from the player, and then there are games that encourage the player to continuously improve their skill level. If the actual gameplay is enjoyable and satisfying, there is a place for both of them, as they appeal to different people.

If you aim was to be so stubborn that you made a stranger on the internet slightly angry, good job.

>DMC reinvented
>r e
>i n v e n t e d
>r e eeee

Yea of course they were what else would they be

stop wasting oxygen that normal humans can breathe, I bet you wear neon and vape juul and joke about sucking nigger dick

>he's still going
Will you fuck off if I continue insulting you without directly replying to your stupid ass or are you determined to convince everyone you're retarded until we hit bump limit?
What the fuck do you want from Yea Forums you stupid nigger?

>Ninja Gaiden has a better (...) controls

THis is how you know you're a contrarian fag who didnt play the game.
Ninja Gaiden was a hot mess in controls and even more on camera control, platforming on that game was too hard because of this.
Quit your nonsense retard

Oh God, the worst part is that you insist on reminding people that you're allegedly not underage, like that doesn't make it much worse.

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>be me
>1second old
>first game is halo 5
>bought all the DLC on moms credit card

why am I arguing with highschool kids

Not him, but NG literally has the tightest control in the genre. Ryu can literally do all that Dante does better in one control layout without having to resort to gimmicky shit like style switching. DMC is stuck in that past in this regard and it's really baffling how it's fans can't see that. Oh and don't forget being able to play different characters without literally having to change the button layout in the options, if that's not obsolete design i don't know what is.

I hope it was a stroke that caused you to type that nonsense.

>gimmicky shit like style switching
Found the fingerlet.

The fact that platforming didn't work very well doesn't change the fact that NG controls are much simpler than DMC's.

DMC requires you to constantly switch between lock-on on and off to perform different moves. It is also recommended to put shooting on one of the shoulder buttons since you want to keep the button held most of the time.

Ninja Gaiden Black for me.

>better more challenging gameplay
>ryu is simply cooler and takes things a lot more serious
>some awesome weapons like virgoorian flails, the greatsword and the lunar staff
>mostly interconnected world broken up into missions, gives the game a sense of good continuity and pacing in my eyes because of this
>better enemies to fight for the most part
>big ass and titties rachel (she is hot man seriously)

I love DMC3 though and I feel the need to touch on some things why its great.

>stylish combat is very fun
>great boss fights
>better story than ngb
>some pretty fun weapons to play around with
>bloody palace
>vergil, including for the most part better and more memorable characters
>also has hot women

Both of these games are amazing and any nerd here claiming to not have casual taste that also likes this genre has to play these games. They are mandatory because they are at the top of their genre for good reason and do different things very well.

>defending the travesty that is style switching

Platforming in NGB is a pretty good pleb filter.

>it's a travesty because I can't do it as well as someone else can

When i said that "it's baffling" i didn't really mean, because i know how dastardly defensive about it they are, and here you are.

Nothing to defend though? Tell me what's wrong with style switching m8 by all means.

i just fucking did, can't you read?

in order to do your desired action you first have to switch to a style and then the button that the style affects. it's a waste of time due to unnecessary inputs which could be removed in favor of putting them on the moveset.

Apparently not. Care to try again or at least point me to a quote?
All I found is you calling it "gimmicky" as if that means anything.

Well pretty much all the character action games except NG are birthed from the Capcom/DMC mold: Bayo, God Hand, Viewtiful Joe etc. all made by former DMC devs and have alot of similarities not only in gameplay but tone as well with all the whacky over the top characters and typical Capcom cheesiness.

There are too many moves to do that though and switching styles comes naturally to the player after a little while.

Could someone add Wonderful 101 to your list?

>AKA in a game literally about player flourish through having multiple tools I want to simplify it because I lack the ability to manage said mechanic.
I thought you NGfags were hardcore, sounds like you're a baby.

I wish more action games were birth from the NG or Shinobi mold.

No because you're a fucking idiot that can't even accept basic logic like , so it's a waste of my time.

>There are too many moves to do that though

No, there aren't. You only think that because DMC is all you know.

Present a loadout that allows for every move that dante has to be used without style switching.

Not him, but I don't get people who put challenge first. I think fun is more important, and I can totally see how trying to wrap your head around DMC's controls can be pretty anti-fun for someone new to the series.

Don't get angry cause you tried to come up with a real reason and failed buddy. You're anonymous. Could've just not replied and nothing would've changed. Don't be so sensitive on Yea Forums of all places.

it can be done. here:
just add a second melee button. for example, helmsplitter is now done with that second melee button and aerial combos with the original one.
literally all of it's moves can be done with shoot button. dmc1 had charging shot after all.
add a dedicated dodge button and allow upgrades for it
make it a weapon

Go fucking play Ninja Gaiden and find out

Press y to win

Until you present an elegant solution that incorporates all of dante's moves without style switching there's no conversation to be had. Going 'THIS IS TOO COMPICATED FOR ME WAHH' is not a point, its just admitting that an aspect of the game is too challenging for you to master. You can get through the game just fine on a single style but the game pushes you to exceed your limits. Its a game where the potential to style is only limited by your skill at comboing, sorry you weren't up to the task but seething over style switching isn't going to get you anywhere.


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lol I've beaten NG1, 2, Sigma, and RE. Dante flatout has more moves than Ryu, that's just an objective fact. Until you give me an entire moveset list on how you do it, not just brainlet generalizations like you have no argument. Sorry the game was too hard for you.

That sounds like an awful dumbed down mess.
You're basically describing DmC also. I see how it is.
No thanks.

As a NG vet, DmC is a better action game than any of the DMC games which are just braindead combo sims with punching bag enemies.

Gonna assume you meant to reply to someone else here.

Here's your reply.

>lol I've beaten NG1, 2, Sigma, and RE

You literally did not and you need to stop replying to yourself like a fucking retard.

my mistake user, that was meant for

>Dante flatout has more moves than Ryu,
LOL no he doesn't. the dragon sword has almost as much moves as dante's whole arsenal

I described ninja gaiden and bayonetta.

yeah no. DmC has an improved control scheme but took away a lot of depth

Doesn't really matter if you believe me, what matters is that the burden of proof is on you to come up with a more elegant solution. Have fun seething NGtard.

These are good suggestions, if you could guarantee that a dedicated Trickster button wouldn't devolve into something closer to a Platinum dodge. I don't think people would accept RG being locked to a specific weapon though, although I guess if it expanded your ways to burn your RG meter then people might come around to it. My fear is that changing controls in and of itself, even in a positive direction, would turn off some fans. I described my controls for V to a friend of mine that's been playing the series longer than I have, and I said I was considering doing Griffon on L2, Shadow on R2, Read on Square, and Enhance on Triangle, and he practically reeled back and said that your Melee/Ranged not being those two buttons just isn't DMC.

That gets me to other characters. I think the classic control scheme works just fine for everybody other than Dante & V because they don't have to fit as much in there. Even with the Breaker mechanics Nero works just fine; I use the default outside of putting Devil Trigger on L1 to match Dante. V is so weird that it's hard to have a "best" mapping for him. Vergil, Trish, and Lady in 4SE worked just fine with the defaults.

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Meanwhile you need to stop posting period.
Seriously why are you such a sensitive little bitch?

Why would I? I don't think that trying to map styles to something else is a good idea, DMC controls are convoluted enough as is.

no one believes you mong, no one.

>God Hand also has enemies that are relentless and don't magically stop attacking you if u stop pointing your camera at them.
but they do exactly that in God Hand, go play it again

>keeps seething,
Waiting for that rebuttal NGtard, anytime you're ready.

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See it's posts like this one that make people doubt if we're all on the same page here. I'm not convinced you've actually played all these games you talk about but I'd rather leave it at that and just not talk to you anymore.

I really like NG's approach to combat, how like every combo is string-based allowing you to create your own combos by mixing moves and shuriken-cancelling midway
movement in that game is underrated, it feels sticky at first but allows for super precise roll-dodging, you can make perfect right angles in the air, to avoid homing fireballs etc.

it's interesting that the game never bothers to teach you these intermediate mechanics, probably because Itagaki has nothing but disdain for the player

You got BTFO in case you haven't noticed. Believe that fag.

I think devs are scared of teaching players, because the moment you start teaching your video game becomes homework. Pretty sure it's the same reason bayo doesn't include a tutorial on dodge offset.

Dedicated players will find out the tech on their own, everyone else will fuck off from your game the moment they see they need to learn something.


>I'm a hardcore NG PLAYER MAN
>This is too convoluted
>but user people have mastered this system and the game has far more moves
>its too convoluted
>okay user how about you show us how to incorporate this swiss army style of moves which greatly exceeds your game on one controller scheme?
>uh no I'm just gonna keep saying its too challenging and unfun for me therefore its bad design, not that I'm just a babby who can't handle basic mechanics.
I think we're done here.

I've played them unlike you

Ninja Gaiden already had Royal Guard and it was mapped to the regular moveset and not weapon specific. Since NG has a block button you simply did it by timing block with the enemy attack, it's that simple The mechanic was removed because it ruined the gameplay flow into just standing there parrying everything. NG already has all of trickster's movement options assigned to the general movement inputs.

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>character action
Worthless fucking opinion anyhow

>ninja gaiden

I feel like there should be a balance somewhere. DMC5 has loading screen tips that just tell the player about things they can do. I've been trying Vergil on higher difficulties and I notice that there's a tip that just tells you to enemy step as a defensive tool and to "play it cool".

I don't have any problems with style switching personally. If you read the posts you have been responding to you will notice I was referring to new players.

I do believe the fact that you have to change the button layout if you want to optimize your gameplay in dmc5 is one of the game's biggest flaws.

I'm just not convinced man. Better luck next time, I do frequent similar threads so I'm sure you'll get the chance soon enough. Looking forward to your new material. Would love an in depth proposed control scheme for DMC too so work on that if you can.

I don't think ryu can teleport

He can in RE if you want to get into the details.

Well you are wrong. I'm not gonna bother looking up footage and making a webm out of it specifically for Ryu but he can do this as well*. In NG's case it is a counter move because they want it to be, if they wanted Ryu to be teleporting at will they could with the same input.

*Kasumi is actually much better at it since her Sakura Madoi counters everything including bullets while Ryu can only counter melee attacks

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oh I see. still think there certain things like rg's rage release that can't be done since that stuff is too unique

Here's my control scheme for Nero:
L1 - lock on
L2 - pistol
R1 - jump
R2 - exceed
Y - sword
B - buset
X - burst
A - devil arm
dpad - DT

This way I can charge my shots and/or busters at all times, and it's easy to press exceed with every sword swing.

But it it literally can be done, even with everything it does NG still has unused inputs. For example Momiji and Kasumi both use 2 extra different inputs from each other that Ryu does not use.

Its criminal that Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden II are stuck on the Xbox.

If you removed half the stuff in Ninja Gaiden, like the swimming sections, platforming sections, first person aiming sections, etc. then maybe it would be a better game.

I prefer DMC but don't act like the series hasn't had similarly shitty non-combat sections, although the worst one is in DMC1, not 3
>Underwater first-person shooting with no lock-on and loose controls
I don't care that it takes

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>the swimming sections, platforming sections, first person aiming sections, etc.
this is all less than 10% of the game

Is Black much better than Sigma? I've only played Sigma, and I wasn't too impressed with it.

It depends on the difficulty. On Level Die the camera does not significantly impact enemy aggression.

There are differences, but I don't think that you will like Black if you didn't like Sigma. Personally I think that Ninja Gaiden 2 is the best Ninja Gaiden game.

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It's called pacing