That was fast

that was fast

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Other urls found in this thread:


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what a cocky bastard, shoots up a mosque then makes a map of it after. how does he keep getting away with this?

Oh its that mosque that radicalized some kiwis who joines ISIS and later got drone'd in sandworld
Didn't some guy shoot it up later or something?


How difficult is it to port these maps to VR, say Pavlov?


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>He recreated it

holy shit i'm dead

oh wow

even the apocalypse couldn't stop him

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Is this that /pol/faggot or a different one?

He even got the guy who tried to run up to him, that's impressive.

>category: how-to & style


Now we get to see how far gone VALVe really is, when the usual blogger fucks catch wind of this.

>switches to semi-auto
It's the details.

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At least this one got real casings and casing sounds

>AI is more intelligent than the muslims


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The dev had a thread on /pol/ yesterday, possibly day before. My sense of time is fucked.

>Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me!
>bang bang
post yfw

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yeah, helped her alright
helped to an early grave that is

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Remember lads, subscribe to Cziechylowasznik.

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checking if thread is being autosaged

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Chances are that nothing will happen since there are out there replicas of Columbine and other mass shooting scenes, and if something happens the only thing it would happen is either getting the addon banished to the incompatible items section or, at most, getting the addon removed and a community warn.

>Category Howto & Style
holy shit I'm dying

based gang

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I dunno, when I was watching it everything felt so surreal, like it didn't actually happen.
It's weird as fuck because I didn't feel much while watching it, yet still acknowledge it as a horrible thing. Dunno if I'm just jaded after so many years here or am missing something.

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to me, it felt chilling because of the memes. this guy felt like /ourguy/. i also couldn't help but get a "fuck year" feeling at watching dead muslims. think about it. this is how the people in france died at the concert. only difference is it wasn't live streamed. this is revenge for 9/11 and all the terrorism and trucks of peace.

>It's weird as fuck because I didn't feel much while watching it

How do you actually feel about the victims and islam, though? Do you sympathize with the shooter's feelings? Or at least partially? I'm asking because I'm trying to figure this out too, I'm a huge pussy when it comes to any gore/killing videos of any kind, where it haunts me for a long time if I accidentally watch one, yet watching this didn't really bother me at all either.

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People on New Zealand were not to blame for terrorist attacks on France.

No, I don't sympathize with him in the slightest, nor I think innocent people should be punished for the crimes of other people.

holy fucking based

prove it

On the one hand he is a mass murderer and a criminal who should get the death penalty for what he did. On the other he finally took it to the Muslims and dished out something we're tired of happening to us.

Can they really be called innocent if they willingly practice a dogma that endorses and encourages mass murder, literal actual objectification of women, legit pedophilia, and punishes anybody that doesn't like it by death?

>goes back to the car
>" I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE AND I'll BRING YOU fire I'll bring you to burn..."

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Because you're probably desensitized from watching gore shit and ISIS videos. I think it's a good thing for people to watch this shit since running into a video like that for the first time will make you lose sleep.

Valve doesn't give a fuck user
They are the biggest free speech game company we have. You could talk about how much you hate niggers and jews on TF2 and Valve won't do shit

I honestly think its just because I don't know these people. It's nihilistic, but people die everyday, and life's way too limited to think about every single thing

Then again, I haven't experienced tragedy first-hand. The worst I've experienced is my dad leaving me at the age of 13, and hearing the news about David Bowie's death

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...says the gamer.

That's interesting, I can understand the shooter's motives and agree to some extent, despite obviously thinking the whole thing is a tragedy and even if he was 100% right everyone who died that day was an innocent civilian who had nothing to do with this grander plan. Guess that's not why I didn't feel much about the video, huh. Maybe because there wasn't much gore.

>runs over her body

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they forced people to change their names who renamed themselves brenton tarrant so they will probably remove it

Unless they're actually carrying out that mass murder, literal actual objectification of women, legit pedophilia and punishment by death, then yes, they can be called innocent and they are.

But they were not to blame. If he went and did it to ISIS then applause, but this dude just walked into a mosque and shot innocent people that were minding their own business and kids.

>this is revenge for 9/11
>implying 9/11 wasn't done by George Bush

>I honestly think its just because I don't know these people
This. I have no empathy for people I don't know. Plus, I dislike muslims for cultural reasons.

>how can we make our ideas popular among the average person
>how bout pushing a rational approach and talking to people and start a grassroots movement where we talk to our comunities and explain our ideas without violence
>no, better we shoot random inocent civilians and make white power memes

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been listening to that song so much

>everyone who died that day was an innocent civilian who had nothing to do with this grander plan.
I honestly don't care about this part, I don't value muslim lives. Not trying to be edgy, just telling it how I see it.

before this thread gets deleted I want to tell you redditors that THAT MOSQUE HAS A HISTORY OF RADICALIZING TERRORISTS

The fact this will NEVER be mentioned in the MSM is your first step in thinking for yourself

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post more marky

To be fair it was his only way of getting out and at least he gave her a quick death
if he was really fucked up he would have ran her over while she was screaming help me

>they were not to blame
Neither were any of the European victims. I think it sends a stronger message that he chose "innocent" Muslims in the middle of nowhere.

I have a muslim friend that laughed at every terror shooting and bombing these last decade, and when this happened I was wondering how he would react, same nochalant laughing and asked me if I wanted link to see the whole thing.

I think their religion just turn them neutral as hell to killing

Ironically the mosque that it happened at was discovered from a previous news article that it radicalised people that then died in the middle east, known from the parents of them.

Who are you quoting?

Hopefully the next person with a large set of balls walks into their parliament and lights them the fuck up

That's horrible
hopefully Valve doesn't go full anti free speech

The muslims in first world countries are cowards who betrayed their own

>get upser at your own risk

some people are just SICK!

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It doesn't. You think ISIS or any radical islam group cares about muslims on New Zealand?
It sends no one a message because the intended target does not care.
And previous deaths do not justify this in the slightest. If everyone killed anyone who slighted them or their ancestors the world would be burning.

It's more likely your friend is just edgy.

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>quick death
>spent 20-30 seconds after being shot from 25 metres bleeding out on the ground before being shot in the head
Bruh that isn't quick

I love these because it makes right wing ideologies less and less accepted by the public.
Can't wait when it actually gets banned :)

>he would have ran her over while she was screaming help me

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hey stupid he was trying escalate everything the right is against and by doing that corner right leaning white people so they would attack viciously and start the race war