Do you pirate games?

Do you pirate games?

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yeah who gives a fuck lmao


Yes I like free games, but I dont really care about video games too much. so if they stop being made, oh well

I'm not a poor third worlder, so no.

Day 1 release. Always.

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No. If I was a game creator, I wouldn't want others to pirate my game.

No, because I'm too lazy to do it.

Plus I have fuckhuge backlog.

And as a software dev..

If folks are pirating it - it is a free marketing for you. Just don't make it more annoying for paying customers than for pirates

>play vidya
fucking neo neo neo (how many generations of neo Yea Forums are we on?) neo Yea Forums shite eater

Yup. Most game companies suck ass these days, so the ultimate insult is to enjoy the fruits of their labor without compensating them.
Except most indie titles, I always buy those. And the four multiplayer games I play, that's just out of necessity.

Yes and I actually enjoy games more since I started. Buyer's remorse isnt a thing anymore and I don't have to start meticulously critiquing the game as soon as I start playing in order to decide if it good or not and worth the money before I've hit the 2 hour refund limit. (assuming its a Steam game) If it's good, great! Free game! If it isn't, oh well, uninstall, nothing lost. Piracy is wonderful. Thank you to all the buyfags who keep this industry going so I can enjoy free games.



No ts against my morals to pirate good games because I would not like to make a game only for it to be stolen. If the game is bad then I wouldn't even want it in the first place.

I want to pirate user's game

Yes and nobody can stop me.

Reminder to thank the Spics for creating the modern day favela monkey's.

>Fitgirl packs filled with malware and tons of errors
>nosTEAM putting malware shit in their games
>literally every other crack team are all shady and people's games always crash

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I used to as a kid when I was poor and it was as simple as copying over a cassette, but now that I'm an adult with money, I don't.

I used to. I still do, but I used to as well.

I pirate most games, but i always pirate dlc Thank you based creamapi

If I'm on the fence about whether or not to buy the game, yes.

i dont even remember the last time i bought a game

Yes, I really don't care about malware, my whole setup is woth like only 3 special editions AAA games, I've got much more titles than that by pirating.

>Do you pirate games?

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What game allows me to enrich native savages?

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everything I can

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>literally all their comments section are people getting trojans and their games freezing with no solution
>they just move on to the next game without fixing the other releases

I did when I was young and poor, now money isn´t a factor but time is. I don´t mind people pirating just don´t try to justify it.

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Yes, and I've pirated nearly every game I've bought

used too
not so much nowadays

>t.first world cuck

Custers revenge


Imagine giving your hard-earned money to queer resellers who overvalue pieces of plastic and cds.

Yes but I started considering buying old releases even though I played them to death. Or rather because of it.

I only pirate AAA games. If I like it, I buy it.

Does fitgirl install bitcoin miners and use up your cpu

Most of them, cuz I'm a fucking slav

what do the Cheeki breekis play over there?
Do you think the games sound better in your language or in english?

why not? explain your reasoning.


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I'm not really into recent games, so i don't pirate most time.
First for 3 or 4 years, i will pirate Sekiro to see how bad is game in first 10 hours.
If it hit, i will buy it. If it miss, there is no regrets.

Oldfag here i can't enjoy games for more than 1 hour, i pirate so i don't feel any regrets.

You can fuck off with your silent latin america thread now

Most of the games have a worse translation and voiceover in russianyeah yeah. It's really easy to notice when the game only has a text translation but not the voiceover. Indie titles also frequently have bad russian. For example dead by daylight which i've been playing since march 2018 has a really fucking poor translation. For example, "vault" action is translated as "пepeпpыгнyть" which you can translate as "jump over", but there are many cases where you don't actually jump. There are some gems like Kingpin translated by Fargus, it's even offered in GOG lol

>Do you pirate games?
Yes, I also pirate for other people and upload said pirated shit to drive/mega because I am an uploader on a MUH SEKRIT KLUB fourm

only when I need to like to play earthbound before it was put on the Wii U.

im probably going to still pirate but just for games Ill literally be unable to get

shes also known for deleting comments, never trust a russian.


I'm pretty sure fitgirl is safe as long as you get the torrent directly from her site.

3DS games and some PC games since I rarely use Steam.

I'm tempted to download DMC5 from the site but I have a new PC and can't risk it. Look at her pack of Tyranny, that was confirmed to have malware in it.

Only abandonware or console exclusives.


torrents and emulators are the two best things about PC gaming. Also mods.

If I were a game creator I'd give it away for free.

Only the ones from GOG. Because it's same as buying.

Has anyone here ever not pirated a game at least once on their lives?

I just got a PC that can actually run good games, and I have no idea where to get good torrents. Fitgirl, Xabat, corepacks,etc. Everywhere I look people complain about spyware and shit.

go to 1337x or rarbg

torrent whatever

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I don't because I'm not dirt poor

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just vr games since im not forking over 60 dollars for a 2 hour "vr experience"

Get shit from Mr.DJ
>general shit
CPY, Reloaded, FTL,
Torrent from people with pink/green skulls and don't get the ones with really low file size (megabytes) and were uploaded today.

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I'd like to but I'm scared of viruses. /g/ told me to use common sense so I avoid all downloads.

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>pirate old games
>buy new ones that can't be played without digital distribution platform

Thank you so much, based ThisposterisBobbyHillDon'tToleratehisjokes poster.

I bet you'd bitch about healthcare tarn

dont listen to paranoid board, literally everything every made is botnet to them. Most people arent assholes and dont shove in ransomware in their torrents, you'll be fine as long as you have some common sence


>games as a serrvice taking off

>tfw piratefags salty as fuck, can't freeload off someone elses hard work

The market will pay if it is good enough, user.
You just feel entitles to EVERYTHING on the market but that's just not how it works anymore

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>pirate game
>can't play online multiplayer on the same servers
>can't add the game legit to Steam
This sucks.

>have to pay 10$ a month to play your ""collection"" of 20 year old games from when you were in college just to show your kids.

we are playing all the other games we can still pirate user.

post more choco lolies please....

>my morals
There is no such thing as "your" morals. Morals are universal and objective.

Only in two instances:

1. They censor or alter the game when it is released (usually foreign games)
2. The company makes a limited print run or stops selling the game so I can't find a copy of it.

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Stop being smart and reasonable here.
Come on call someone a soiboi or tranny and post a wojak edit at least
Gimme something to work with man

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