Battle Pass came out yesterday. Is anyone still playing? What do you think of Octane and the other changes?
Apex Legends
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Battlepass is garbage
Octane is fun, probably the new best hero. He's small and goes fast, plus his ult can be useful and has a short cd
Octane is fun
Battle pass is absolute dog shit
What is his ult?
Cant play the game right now
Deploy a trampoline that shoots you like two stories high.
This desu senpai.
I enjoy Octane. He also seems fairly balanced.
The battlepass is a shit.
Bounce pad it’s pretty good
I actually Googled the Battle Pass because I thought the game's menu didn't explain it properly or I didn't understand it but it's literally all cosmetics, is that how BR Battle Passes usually work? As long as I get the red points for every level up so I can unlock new heroes for free I don't care if my characters look slightly more ugly with special new skins. I've left half of them on default anyway
Yes that's how it usually works
Thats stupid as shit.
Youre literally a sitting duck in midair if you try and use it in a fight.
Is he gay or non binary?
Actually it came out today brainlet.
XP gain in Apex is fucking atrocious.
use it to reposition on highground
Worse, he's Mexican
Not really if you his Discount Stim
It’s really doesn’t make you a sitting duck especially if you flank people
He’s a Beaner
Mobility is king in this game it's very useful. It's basically a faster pathfinder grapple but for your entire team and if you're really sweaty you can even use it to airstrafe.
I got tired of COD after World at War thats what i think of Apex Legends
>there are people on this board who unironically play and discuss games like Apex and Fortnite.
What the fuck.
>enemy team follows you
Ok thats great for octane but if your team uses it they are going to get lit up while they flail around in the air.
Then their banners will freeze in place and youll be screwed
Have they fixed the netcode and hitbox issues?
stop being cringe
Does he go around saying stuff in mexican?
this is you, you fucking retarded memespouting nigger.
why don't you love Call of Duty: Apex Legends? Do you want EA to go under?
>posts apex thread
>mad people are discussing it
>all those companies were forced at gunpoint to get acquired by EA
the heads of those shitty companies are at fault too, you retard
Even worse. It's an EA game.
theres a general for shit like that. If you want to talk about Fortnite, Cod, Apex, sports games, or furry shit just take it to /vg/.
apex is legit 200% less cancer than fortnite though. The single worst thing about it (barring gameplay balance issues) is the "diverse" cast of characters, otherwise not much: no dances or emotes, no sperg building gigantic towers the second you get shot, no faggy cartoon graphics, lootbox system is purely cosmetic and you get it by level up regardless if you win, 1st person and the fact that it forces you to be on a squad can be frustrating but does make it much more interesting than other BRs.
I just thought maybe after browsing Yea Forums some of you guys would develop a semblance of taste, but nope it's no better than resetera or IGN forums. Probably cause of the influx of newfags.
theyre all retarded subhumans and stupid children with undeveloped brains
you're no better with your shiteating anime reaction image
Fortnite is cancer but Apex is just COD. Which is also cancer
It's a Respawn game, what a fucking retard lmao
Both of them are BR cancer in their own ways.
Yeah why isn't anyone talking about the hottest new visual novel xDDD
>cant talk about games on the game board
Hoky shit
>2 matches played today and im already done
i wont buy battle passes as long as there's no solo mode
i refuse to grind 100 levels with randoms
there's really only been three other noteworthy battlepasses to compare to.
Fortnite's battlepass gives you rewards for leveling up, mainly through XP or by completing challenges every week (which in turn, help to unlock a secret character/other cosmetics you unlock for actually purchasing the pass.
PUBG's was similar to this where you level it up with XP, but you got jack shit unless you actually pulled of a win in the game. They eventually caved/launched it with some smaller challenges but not really in the same vein's as fortnite's where you're forced to explore, use different weapons etc.
Rocket League had a pass but it was near impossible to level up as well unless your team pulled off a win.
Apex, much like COD or other fps, can at the very least be a good time waster and can be entertaining. To enjoy fagnite in any capacity you have to have legit autism.
I agree a bit.
I can go into a game, play aggressive and get 3 or 4 kills, do 400+ damage, but only get 1000 xp.
Or I can play conservative, get maybe 1 kill (if any), little damage (under 100), and get 4000 xp.
Simply because of time alive. It rewards time over anything else.
Are you retarded? You know this isnt /pol/ right?
I like the teamplay. Even with randoms.
>4 kills at the drop
>Solo kill a squad
>Team gets wiped by other squad
>I die trying to heal
>Post-game stats
>Both teammates have less than 50 damage, I have over 600
I sure love playing with randoms
Shoot them in the face as they fly up
Was fun for a while now it's just the same old shit with trash players everywhere. Not scheduling sessions around when people are on for premades and pubs are a waste of time since troll duos are the norm now. I feel bad for Respawn now... Oh and Octane is more annoying than Gibraltar in terms of voice lines and the abilities are stupid. They already showed us they have no plans and no more creativity to put it. Since it was all based on old designs you can be assured from now on it's 100% cash grab mode. All the new skins are hilariously bad.
when i say Apex Legends is COD i don't mean it's like COD or inspired by COD - I mean the game is literally the same old time COD game from a decade ago reskinned. It's dynamics are pretty much entirely the same
You're a newfag yourself, probably underage aswell. genuinely fuck off.
Yeah except how it's nothing like it beside the basic game mechanic of shooting weapons
How fast is his health regen, thinking of spending my points on him since he's supposed to be fast and Caustic and Mirage suck
So it's COD but with a shitty gamemode and character design.
0.5/sec or so
>wanna go fast
>not playing Bangalore and chasing bitches down
How much health does his tactical cost again
>you need to play around 4 hours everyday for the next 90 days to get max level battle pass
give me one significant way AL differes from COD? It has the same shooting, same movement, same reload animations, same health pack injection animation, same everything. It's just COD shit for COD shitters
COD has shitty gamemode and shitty character designs
>projectiles vs hitscan
>high ttk vs low ttk
>large map vs shoebox maps
>sliding, climbing, completely different movement from any 10 year old cod
>loot- and attachment-based vs loadout-based
yet with all that it still feels exactly the same as COD. it's astonishing how little you can do with so much
Let's see your tastes then,user.
I play exclusively aurora and dorf fort
How do I play Apex (or any BR game) well? Am I supposed to get certain guns? Or shields? When do I use my ult?
You should learn to recognize when you've lost an argument and just shut up and walk away. You're anonymous, nobody will hold it to you, but the more you insist the more you look like a massive moron. You can dislike the game all you want but your main argument is retarded.
>still no fix for legend balance
>still no improvements for weapon balance
>no new actual content
>battlepass is shit
>I played 4 games and am not even halfway to level 2 on the pass
this game is fucking dead. it could have been so good but they fucked it
I didn't know that. How fucking silly. And Fortnite makes millions off it? Consumers are genuinely retarded.
Mexican and he's missing his legs, fucking ableists ignoring his disability
It's unironically really fun unless you get placed with 420benslayspusyxx69 who wants to call you a faggot when you don't charge into a death trap to save him straight away. The only BR game I've enjoyed at all, I'm surprised I'm coming back to it as often as I do as I've never returned to any of the others after my first time with them.
There are fucking retards out there for sure. I'm talking some friends into downloading it so I don't have to rely on stoners who complain that you didn't do where they wanted you to
how about i don't do any of that shit and instead continue being correct that in no menaingful way is Apex legends different to COD. With both being absolute garbage
>I played a total of two shooters in my life and yet my opinion is still valid
thats a lot of assumptions. Guess i should have expected it from the kind of fucking casual who likes playing COD over and over and over year after year
Someone post the lifeline picture.
Now that it is out how hard is it to gain levels on the battle pass? I don’t want to use my coins on it to not end up getting the good stuff at the end.
its ok you can just buy more coins on the store :P. Try it its fun
Some of it is RNG, because having a competent tam that actually acts like a team makes one hell of a difference. Loot also has rng but after a while you remember the good spots and you're almost guaranteed to get something decent.
For weapons you have charts but the standards are hemlock, peacekeeper, wingman, longbow, spitfire, carbine and the yellows. Forget any pistol that isn't the wingman, they're shit. SOme guns like the hemlock are only good with specific attachments, but those can be hard to find so as a general rule they suck.
For shields just get the best you can, unless you mean knockdown shields, in which case the only variant that stands out is the yellow one for the self-res (still, always have one equipped).
A good advice is to not always go for the blue zone or to hot drop because it often just leads to you dying the second you land if you don't land on top of a gun. Also don't rush into every group of enemies or every gunfight you see, if you don't approach properly you'll just feed them more loot.
29,500 xp for the first level up on the battle pass :D
Pretty long
Did 3 matches with one top 2 and I wasnt even at 50% of the first level
They literally have opened up bullshit companies just to buy out stock, become majority shareholders, and then go "We're letting EA buy us."
Fuck you.
So far the only thing you've mentioned is COD and chances are only because COD is a meme game. That alone is reason enough to believe you don't actually have an argument beyond "game bad because other game bad". I'm honestly not even sure you've played either game with how vague and same-ish your posts are.
He says stuff like "No way, jose" and "Si, por favor"
Patch improved performance and stability, so thanks god for that. I'm not buying the pass though.
Are they ever going to add a fucking solo mode?
>a mode thats only wraiths and lifelines
hopefully fucking never
>first thing he links to is some faggy jewtube video
>still not a single argument
I'm not giving that shit any views and if you don't like the audio you can literally just mute the game.
>newfag thinks he's an oldfag because he enforces Yea Forums quirks that he picked up on after a few days of casual browsing
Cringe and NPCpilled. Why dont you form an original opinion from your own perspective instead of regurgitating Yea Forums faggotry?
Nigger spot the difference
>no r99
>no prowler
>no g7
>no eva8
>troll duos are the norm now
God fuck this. I got grouped with some guy showing off to the other player (girl) by basically shit talking me the whole match. Even she got weird and defensive about it and told him to chill out.
I've also had bros wait for me to take point then turn and bail the other way and other dumb shit, I'm starting to think I'll disconnect from them on principle if I can get my own friends into the game.
Watch a YouTube video breakdown of the characters and their abilities, and then start learning the map, mechanics, and weapons yourself. The training mode is useful just for trying out weapons. Some weapons are considered duds and some are considered more powerful, but most tjings ar ein the middle and you need to focus on how you play.
>being this outright retarded
Please leave.
>Plays an EA game built around microtransactions and throttling but calls others retarded....
Sorry chump you never stood a chance
There are hidden rewards after you level past 110 in the battle pass?
>God fuck this. I got grouped with some guy showing off to the other player (girl) by basically shit talking me the whole match. Even she got weird and defensive about it and told him to chill out.
lmao massive cringe. Is this a case of the white knight on the offensive?
Is Octane voiced by Uncle Death from LET IT DIE?
>no fix for legend balance
>no improvements to weapon balance
False again.
>no new content
Octane is content, other than weapons what more do you want?
>BP is shit
If it's not to your taste that's fine.
>final thing
Every legend gets a shitton of bonus BP experience every week, would need to see if the BP level requirements go up or not.
With the new patches buffing Caustic, is he good now? Or still trash?
Why is the drop rate for everything so fucking low? I swear you can only get one of 5 shit weapons 99% of the time
What does the XP reward mean in the battle pass at level 12? Is it a booster or what?
Are you retarded? like actually? Tthey didn't fix a single thing, wraith is still objectively superior and the bigger legends are worthless. Mirage sucks and caustic is still an active hindrance for the team. Guns weren't touched at all, stuff the mozambique and several other weapons are still useless and wingman is still ridiculous. We've known about the one new legend since launch, but there's no new weapons or map changes or even skins to mix things up. and everyone acknowledges how shit the BP is
they won't fix the mozambique because of funny memes lol
Is he? If so then I have to unlock him
The game literally came out like 3 months ago user
I really didn't like other BR games but this one fixes most of my issues with them, even though it has a couple new ones it seems to be slowly fixing with patches. I'll probably play it later tonight with some buddies.
I really hope the hitbox changes make gibralter more viable. I really love his abilities. I'm also getting sick of seeing every single top player playing either lifeline or wraith.
>best new hero
isn't he the only new hero?
Word order matters
don't worry they'll fix that in some microtransactionist fashion soon enough. Be sure to buy enough Apex Dollars!
oh shit
Don't drop in shitty mid-low tier loot zones. There's always at least 1 high-tier loot zone away from the hot drop.
I can never make the eva8 work. I always do like 20 damage whereas everyone else just one shots me. I really don't get the spread I guess.
>Yea Forums
Don't blame others for your stupidity
Prowler is good with auto receiver. Triple take is insane with precision choke.
Honestly if people are dumb enough to pay for it then they're more stupid than EA is evil
>anime posting
cant talk about games on /v, retard
you would rather have p2w stuff on the battlepass? as it is its completely optional, which is how extra paid content in a free game should be
were you expecting stuff like extra damage or exclusive weapons?
Props to them for trying but the most played hero wasn't even touched in terms of balance.
>False again
The Wingman and Peacekeeper are still the two GO TO guns, the Peacekeeper especially and do far too much damage for what they have.
In regards to the BP exp, apparently you get much more for just playing passive and surviving as opposed to getting kills, but I haven't tried it yet since that sounds boring as fuck.
>ping a high tier loot zone before launch
>other squad made agrees to it
>jump master immediately launches and aims at the shitty dust bowl town
>me and other squad member break off from him and at least try and make it to the place I pinged
>retard jump master is dead before we even touch down and screeching for us to come save him
I really wish the voice to text thing worked better, they say they fixed it but I'm still getting crashes if I turn it on
Can we actually have a discussion about how supporting companies who start obnoxiously pandering to SJWs instead of actually making a game is bad, without the "lol incel XD" shit? The only white dude is an evil sociopath who gasses people. Guess what your main demographic Is?
Like seriously, nobody actually cares about this shit and it's driving me up the fucking wall how this is pretty much becoming the norm.
so its autism
I know, but as I said those depend a lot on addons and depending on the match you can spend a large amount of time without finding one which means that much time carrying around a sub-optimal weapon. If I find a havok and a turbocharger (or a select fire receiver depending on who you ask) then yeah I could use it, but I've gone entire matches without seeing either until end-game deathboxes or even at all, so I'd rather carry around a consistent gun like a hemlock than risk not finding anything.
>instead of actually making a game
They did make a game and 4 out of 9 characters are white, stop being a triggered faggot just because there's some brown and black people
>14 year old who found Yea Forums last year and is trying way too hard to fit in
>instead of actually making a game
And that's where your argument falls apart. AL is a good shooter, even before taking into account being a BR.
we still all end up suffering with EA's continued existence
I can't bring myself to use havoc with anything. It feels shitty under all circumstances to me. I could probably make it work with selectfire if I practices enough but the hitscan completely throws me off when everything else is projectile based and the actual "fire" time is hard to get a feel for with how rarely i use it. With the turbocharger it just feels like a crappier devotion.
Is this Junkrat?
I got in a game a week or so ago where the other two were just walking in giant circles and then started to crouch and shoot at each other
I just disconnected, shit was pointless to continue
that's another problem with augment-dependent weapons, that by the time you get them up to shape you might not even do well because you're used to other guns. It's pretty unfair compared to a wingman, which can perform well even raw and only sorta needs the extended mags. At least there aren't that many complete and utter shit memeguns like the Mozambique, I wonder wtf they were thinking with that one, I prefer punching to it.
Get friends, loser
The mozambique and p2020 both confused me.
the game being good doesnt make the stupid shit they do okay
I played with friends for 150 hours but they dont play anymore because of the division 2
>people wanting more ways to pay ea
I get they're supposed to be shitty starting weapons, but they're a bit too shit. I'm pretty sure to kill someone with either of those you need to land every shot with at least some being on the head. And that's without armor.
the devs said some guns are intentionally weaker to serve as placeholder early game guns that you should try to ditch
I'd say the p2020 and Mozambique are the two guns that fit that niche, guns you'll pick up if you don't have any other choice but will throw away quickly
that being said I'd also rather punch someone than fire a Mozambique
It's shit, already uninstalled and have no intention of coming back until theres a big character and weapon rebalancing
p2020 is actually not bad. landed at that place with the ships and couldnt find any other weapons, so i squad wiped +1. you just gotta spam it and be really close
It really irks me that the p2020 basically cant kill someone without at least 1 reload. Its a weird and awful decision.
Who cares about the battle pass at all? Are you niggers seriously gonna pay money in a free game?
It dismantles your argument when it hinges on 'they did this instead of making the game good'.
The biggest gameplay issues can be fixed in minutes by simply adding an anti-macro condition to the code i.e. don't allow a weapon to fire until the gun has been been equipped for X time and play Y animation to cover the dead air (like peacekeeper's lever animation)
They have a problem where it's literally
>early-mid-late game progression
>rng loot
>loot zones
pick two, and they picked all three
You can't have this gun progression when the loot is RNG, not without making loot zones really matter with some obvious disadvantages that can get you killed for rushing them. You can't have RNG and loot zones AND expect people to follow a progression of early-to-late because player B lands milliseconds after player A and one-shots them with the gun at their feet.
If they removed loot zones, each drop location could equally be a King Of The Hill scenario, then map design would be ideal to be set up as having common entry points and taller hills to climb towards before the ring selects a single summit.
But instead of doing basic bitch shit they spit on us with 100 levels in a battle pass of pure tedium and no reward. Least of all the dumbass decision to cap your rewards by your account level.
If you want to get to level 100 you are going to have to put in about 200 hours in 90 days. If you want to get to 110 you are going to have to put in 400 hours.
>AL is a good shooter
go and kill your self
if you're landing later than someone else you deserve to die, that's a basic rule of BR
they optimized how the server tracks you while dropping which supposedly will improve early game performance
not defending the lag, its pretty bad, but maybe its improved as of today, new tests need to be made
however its entirely possible that its still fucked
Little messy but I'm bored so I'll come up with a better explanation/concept:
When you have a low-tier zone, it will have early game stuff and one late game item. Mid tier zones will have a certain set of items. High tier will exist to give you good loot but virtually no guns. So it should break down to something like this:
>Dozens of guns so squads can arm themselves
>>P2020, RE-45, Mozam, Alternator, Flatline etc.
>ONE decent gun that carries to late
>>Peacekeeper, Hemlok, Tripletake etc.
>Dozens of syringes and shield cells, white attachments with the odd blue
>At most four guns, of which at least half are late game weapons
>Almost no other guns
>Grenades, medkits, shield batteries and such diluted by up to purple weapon attachments and ammo
>At most three guns, all late game weapons. Keep in mind these areas are generally large so hot dropping is a bad idea because you'll have to run far to find a gun
>Same chance of spawning a gold item but not a big deal regardless
>Supply drops will only land in these places
>Phoenix kits and blue or better backpacks and KO shields will only spawn here to put pressure on lower tier zones to stop looting so long
>Relay beacons only spawn here
>Always at least two respawn beacons are nearby
>Ammo are more scarce but grenades are plentiful
>Places where anything might spawn are replaced with more syringes and shield cells to encourage mobility, as you'll keep finding recovery out of engagements
Literally a millisecond though, and that's still not a rule so much as you being retarded.
so land a millisecond earlier, retard
every BR game's start is essentially decided by a combination who lands first and who gets the better RNG, the loot zones don't impact that at all
standardizing what spawns at any given tier zone just sterilizes the game
Kinda ignoring how Apex has loot zones for a start, how Respawn claim to want to make the game, and what actually is fun and not boring, bland shit served at random.
The powergap between a specific legend and a specific gun, and another specific legend and a specific gun is also far larger than other BR games to boot, making it even more necessary to stop following the same shitty, brainless gameplay loop feature.
so how about instead of reinventing a genre that you already don't like but is popular, you just find a new genre? the zones having a randomized tier level is fine and I've never heard someone complain about it until today
I agree that "weak" guns don't really make sense, and I think all guns should be viable one way or another.
That being said, I don't get why people even care about the battle pass. If you enjoy the game, play it. I don't get why anyone would even buy a cosmetics pack.
Sounds like a mess
everyone drops and dies in the zones that actually have guns and then you spend the next 15 minutes running around looting shit instead of fighting people, which also makes most of the map pretty worthless
Don't land in the same house as another dude if you don't want to roulette for a gun
I'm absolutely certain asides from "pay to be bored to death" is a dumb idea to ship (lots of literally nothing reward padding), the pass was really supposed to represent a major patch, since they're apparently allergic to minor patches.
Turns out Respawn don't comprehend major patches either.
Not really getting what you're saying, you mean people actually fight and die in the same place?
Because at the moment 60% die in the first three minutes and you get 15 minutes of looting because there's nobody to see for that long.
At least this way you don't get 20 death boxes in a building because there's 23 people fighting over three guns worth a shit.
Most people straight up die to punching in the current meta, if not getting deleted by Wingkeeper.
You say that a lot of people already die off spawn, and your solution is to further compress the people into specific areas
Thus less people are going to survive said areas, thus less people are going to be on the map past the first three minutes
Right now any named location can have a survivor squad, aka more people
2 games with Octane is fun so far, only had the second game play decently with a teammate DC'ing at the start before I crashed as well.
Spamming jump pads is fun, gunna have to work on placement for maximum memes. Forget to use his Q stim a lot, but the passive regen is nice if you only take a couple shots and can hide.
Right now it's purely RNG so it doesn't matter and you get a fuckton of lemmings getting into brawls immediately because
A) fuck this game it's actually boring as hell
B) lmao kill trackers and punching, better than sniped without retaliation
This setup means you're only going to get unfairly removed from the game if you both decide to rush the high or mid tier zones for the bigger guns because there's few weapons in those areas, usually not even enough to gear up a whole squad, let alone two. You can take some good stuff into an adjacent zone only to die and give it to more cautious players.
Lower tier zones are much more frequent and spaced apart, with gear for three squads so they can fight each other and the winner won't really have much better than what they had to start with without moving into another area where other survivor squads will head first.
It turns completely random relying-on-pubs-to-make-good-content gameplay into pseudo elimination tournament style gameplay
I started hip firing and I'm winning most of my fights now. Has this always been the case?
Guns are pretty accurate when hipfired and ads slows you down on most guns, so yes
A properly kitted Spitfire is a hipfire monster, it's how I get most wins.
Lol reminds me of my friend I don’t talk to anymore last thing he said to me was I will never play any game that is popular before he tried to get me to buy Overkill’s The Walking Dead. RIP David I’ll miss you you hipster fuck
So any news on when they're going to fix their fucking game?
Don’t be proud of that
apex is faster even with higher TTK
they're only similar visually due to both being slightly futuristic BR's
Never, if they balanced the game, all the streamers would drop it because they'd have to play at an even field instead of snap pickicing lifeline, wraith, and now octane because of their small hitboxes and survivability
>Most people straight up die to punching in the current meta,