It didn't set the world on fire. They'll stop adding new games in six months and drop support in one year.
It didn't set the world on fire. They'll stop adding new games in six months and drop support in one year
Other urls found in this thread:
They have games now?
Keep running scared. Its delicious watching the kiddies in turmoil.
0.0001 socialist credit has been deposited into your google play account
>4k at 120fps
>8k at 60fps
>instant loading
>same input lag as current gen consoles
>no hardware purchases necessary
>supported by every single game engine
>cheaper games due to no retail cut and no 30% digital storefront cut
If you don't think this is going to be massively successful, you're legitimately retarded.
>4k at 120fps
Yeah okay
>same input lag as current gen consoles
Jewgle bots will defend this, lmao
k at 120fps
k at 60fps
*compressed footage that looks worse than 1080p
>>same input lag as current gen consoles
They need some exclusives.
>>same input lag as current gen consoles
Maybe if you in the same room as server
they streamed that conference in 1080p at 8mbit
it didn't even look smoth on their demos
what makes you think they will be able to do better for that 'console'?
>Literally not a single video game
Dead on arrival.
>>same input lag as current gen consoles
>a fucking good thing
>footage already shows that it takes more than 3 seconds for the game to register input
Yup, game streaming was tried many times and always failed.
>Streaming Vidya
Google really thought with the death of the last platform that tried this that there was a mighty need in the market? Are they insane or did they forget that google fibre was an absolute failure?
They could manipulate youtube and promote channels that play games on the Stadia
Tell that to all the telecoms giants and they'll shit a brick. If you actually think that datacaps and bandwidth throttling won't limit the market for this then you're a mongoloid.
>4k at 120fps
>8k at 60fps
meanwhile in reality....
The stream only had 22k unique viewers. Literally no one cares about it. No Twitch streamers have even mentioned it.
it was actually 168k which is still less than half the last nintendo direct
>system not even publicly available
>tested on shitty monitor
>latency will increase with distance to google datacenter
Their own stage demo contradicts your charts googleshill. Change your image names if you're really going to start doing this.
that vr runs of shell v power gasoline!!! fucking awesome
If you don't think this is going to fail, you're legitimately retarded.
Also, it's our duty as citizens to boycott shitty SJW companies that want to dominate the entire fucking world and want to take away our video games.
HAHAHHA fuck google, have these retards forgotten about ONLINE/GAIKAI
they failed, no one cares about streaming games!!!! the bitch Jade Raymon is going to make billions for doing nothing. I hate that cunt
Testing in Google facilities is the same as using Steam Link, try again.
You forgot:
>games as a service, meaning you don't own them
>if they are no longer supported it's gone forever, meaning fewer older games
>input delay, requires good latency all the time. RIP platformers, fighting games, fps games.
>america, possible the biggest consumer base that uses Google's expensive tech, still has data cap on their internet access
>UK & EU, which mostly plays on PC and are incredibly pinchy when it comes to money, fucking hate stream gaming with a passion, especially if you have to pay for it
>no Asia because reasons
haha you're adorable.
google doesn't even have a 360 for people to play that have shit internet!!
>that D-pad
googles going to try to charge developers eventually, and then they won't even have the option of making their own storefront, or at least that would be the case of this shit wasn't doa
Maybe he wanted to do a special move and since it didn't work he just got there to save face.
>western games are shit
>make platform that has exclusively western games
>also not all of them
>also not exclusive
>also through stream (requires internet, input lag, looks like shit)
On top of that, if you support computation as a service you're a fucking cancer to the whole tech community, this is exactly what you should be trying to prevent, programs doing shit you don't know about, and also running on other systems.
>data cap on their internet access
Where, rural Nebraska where my grandfather still uses a 56k modem because the nearest cable internet is 40 miles away? The people playing videogames in the US have high speed internet and haven't had a data limit in 15 years.
This will still fail because it's a retarded idea.
>PC 60fps - 100ms lag
why are they pretending that PC games have 6 frames of lag?
Physical media >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Do we have google shills here now?
>4k at 120fps
>8k at 60fps
proto-PS5 can run GT sport at 8k/120fps
We have people who get a jolly out of predictable social interactions. Saying "I love this thing you hate" along with an explanation that's easy to poke holes in is an easy predictable social interaction.
Jesus fucking Christ!
If anyone wants a good laugh. Here's the condensed reveal.
let me guess google's console is based around
literally my experience with onlive
They will have Jade's game. You will buy her game won't you?
Yet another game launcher for the masterrace
>inb4 you have to solve a captcha to play games
>inb4 you get a hard captcha if you're not logged into google services
>inb4 200 ms input lag if you don't live next to a data center
>inb4 ads in your pc games
I can't get stable input lag on consoles in my own house, no way anybody is getting a stable connection over and ISP connection
I will find a girlfriend, if, Google manages to release a reliable game streaming service with 4K running at 120fps, and with console input lag, before 2020.
where is this slut from
Amy from Soulcalibur
Got bad news for you my guy
It's the same things that shitpost for everything else. The only form of validation is (you)s. No one really cares though so they're just kind of flavor text really.
Is it streaming it, though?
>begin to stream some game at 4k 120fps
>cpu instantly explodes
thanks google
If they deliver sure, but how the fuck is it gonna work with how unreliable and shitty internet is?
fuck google lol
Nigger not even Western European broadband can handle this if it gets big.
Maybe in 2050 where microwave towers are in every sq mile across America. Yes, that includes rural areas faggot.
boomers are fucking livid that times are changing lol, god I will never let myself become a senile fuck scared of any change.
k at 120fps
k at 60fps
Yeah, I'm sure everyone has the same internet that Southern California does. Retard.
>america, possible the biggest consumer base that uses Google's expensive tech, still has data cap
I also like making up bullshit.
Stadia is a terrible name for a console, sounds like a new pharmaceutical.
Having actually spent time playing this game I can tell you it just the controls of the game being difficult. Its not lag because you can clearly see the character shuffling his feet around. Its just a shitty game.
>blatant lies made up by goolag somehow prove that their lies are not lies
Hey buddy are you also interested in buying my bridge?
Once shit hits the fan thanks to DRUMPF winning his second term, you're going to be wishing you weren't living in an urban area that are going to be literal death holes.
>Stadia is successful as fuck
>Microsoft fucks off from gaming industry first
>Gaystations corpse rotting in 3rd worlders living rooms
>Valve dies last because PCtards won't let go their obsolete rigs
>Nintendo 4DS does pretty good, Switch U is forgotten in the dust
Screencap this for 2023
>>Stadia is successful as fuck
Not gonna happen
Cringe. Go take your meds you stupid old man.
Google has the NWO behind them
Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish
Enjoy the NWO jewish illuminati console
Be a good goy buy google
please be true
What happens if you turn 4D on
You don't get it user.
It's not 4D
It's 4 D
NWO don't have enough power to sustain a bunch of couch dwelling autists who play 24/7.
all they talked about were specs and explaining the general concept. gamers don't give a shit about that.
content is what matters, xbox only got off the ground because of halo, if their service actually works AND had actually good exclusives it'll take off but they didn't show anything but ass creed running poorly.
>Google sending Moot to shill for Stadia
>4k at 120fps
>8k at 60fps
Sure, but it won't look like it because internet speeds aren't there yet.
>instant loading
>same input lag as current gen consoles
No. The input lag was really fucking bad on their stream.
>no hardware purchases necessary
If you don't have a laptop or a phone, you need to buy one.
>supported by every single game engine
How will this matter?
>cheaper games due to no retail cut and no 30% digital storefront cut
Not happening.
>If you don't think this is going to be massively successful, you're legitimately retarded.
I can see it being moderately successful, but it won't revolutionize anything.
Yea, just like the PS3 could run games at 1080p/120 FPS.
shut up that's the best-looking part of the controller. d-pads suck now, so if something looks different, it's probably a good thing.
PS5 will be plugged to your tv
Just redpill, stupid
Doesn't america have limited bandwidth? How would that shit work?
Oh oh...
>>same input lag as current gen consoles
based fucking utter retard