Is he right?

Is he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He is
>google wanting people to run fighting game tournaments using stadia

Attached: 9FC64986-200E-4A8A-B09C-1D17A343927E.gif (400x225, 1.95M)

thats why if this streaming thing becomes the next big thing, fighting games will die off


He is.

Besides latency IS a dealbreaker, especially in fast paced FPS.

Not just fighting games, imagine dmc or dark souls with more input latency

He is right, fighting games, smups and such are fucking abysmal to play if there is even a few frames of additional input lag.

>stream speedrunning
>frame perfect tricks are now 1 second perfect tricks

Attached: 1533836740121.png (900x600, 521K)

This is probably the best thread to post this in. Imagine for a second a world where stadia succeeds: somehow tons of people buy it and it's really popular. Norlw lots of people are using a service with notable input lag, what does that mean for gaming? A move away from twitch-based games like FPS, RTS and fighting games and more towards slower pace genres like moviegames and turn based strategy?

Any game that requires fast and precise inputs will play like shit on those streaming video game systems.

He is, but those games will just disappear.
Those types of games and having your games stored on your HDD will be the new vinyl of the next decades. You'll be the boomer who'll be laughed at cause he unironically downloads shit.

Why is this retard talking about japanese games when this google thing is not even launching in japan

>google wanting people to run FPS and Sports game tournaments using stadia

fighting game players literally wish they can send they inputs at the speed of light to the console 2 feet away from their fight stick but then idiots like google think it's okay to send inputs through flimsy copper wires to a game console 100 miles away.

>See these kagdar memes
>finally look up his back story
>he's been involved since the very first warcraft game and done tons of cool shit

I wasn't expecting that honestly

Terminal computing will never truly die off, or not any time soon anyway, because thankfully we don't just use computers for gaming alone. At best this is going to become like mobile gaming - its own (laughable) niche without meaningful overlap with traditional vidya.

A major lan in an fps game I like was canceled because the organizers wanted to do this shit
Imagine having fucking 50+ ms of input lag every single time when you want to move or shoot, when people already complain about having 50+ ping to servers

Yes. Have you ever tried game streaming? I have a very fast and low latency connection but the latency is super bothersome. I just don't see it working for most games or people if you actually care about how your games feel at all.

It works in japan and korea. The issue is not even the latency, because years and years of japan and korea hosting tekken and SF tournaments online through internet connected cabs has proven that with a low ping it's entirely viable to play fighting games online.
the issue is the west where our internet drops all the time, ping spikes up 10-20ms at a time, and averages 40-50 instead of 4-5.

>People don't play Japanese games outside of Japan
>Smash Bros and Street Fighter were the only games he was referring to

user, are you retarded?

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playing with p2p connexion on smash
complain about google streaming

Internet outrage culture, no one bothers reading, thinking and expressing themselves in a meaningful way, it's all about vomiting whatever comes to mind to get attention.

Smash online and Smash locally are almost like two different games.

The vast majority of smash players don't pretentiously claim to be affected by a single frame of latency.

Are you high what the fuck are you talking about is that even English

he is talking about online , not local

Knowledge is power.


You gotta adapt. Adapt to something frustrating and unfun, but adapt nonetheless. In splatoon 2, which has a tick rate of 16hz, good players locate you and start firing ahead of you, accounting for not only leading your motion and the speed of their projectile (traditional target leading like shooters in real life do), but also accounting for the fact that you may be further ahead than they can see because of the crappy tickrate. It's called "pre-firing".

>Games will literally start getting designed with mushy and loose controls in mind due to latency.
>Games that require tight timing will literally start getting killed off because they don't fit the streaming meme.

The cyberpunk future is here, only it's not stylish and cool, just plain shitty.

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There's easy solution to this. And you'll lap it up anyway.

You just have to dumb down the game.

The implication of your post (assuming you are the same user) is that the tweet in the OP doesn't apply because he only mentioned Japanese games and the system isn't launching in Japan. This conveniently forgets the fact that people outside of Japan also play Japanese games, and ignores the fact that the tweet was referring to a whole category of games, not just the two mentioned.

>being this much of a retarded jewgle shill.

speed of light is physics

Electron drift speeds and the speed of light are physical quantities, I believe that's what he's referring to.

What part of WATCHING games didn't you understand?

Does anyone here remember Portal 2?

The puzzles in the first gameplay demo were designed around mouse and keyboard. When Valve realized that gamepad couldn't do such maneuvers they simplified them so you could do them with much slower movements.

Guess what's going to happen here.

Speed of light you utter fucking dumb shit.

just look yourself

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Explain to me without using buzzwords, memes or personal insults how this service impacts your life in a negative way.


>smashfag can't alter physics

Electric signals travel through the medium with the speed of electromagnetic field propagation. Which is the speed of light.

>what is v-sync and why did nvidia go out of their way to make an entire line of monitors to avoid it
enjoy your game breaking input lag console drones

Attached: Gsync.png (680x300, 174K)

Imagine racing games with latency

Big yikes

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Not surprising since Smash doesn't rely as much on frame data as fighting games.

Smash Ultimate has shitloads of input lag anyway.
It's atrocious.

yes, obviously. Since google don't make games and have no partner on that shit, it's likely they only tested it with free flash hide and seek """""""games"""""""

>reflex based

Attached: 1487359568134.png (604x717, 814K)

Good thing most people don't give a shit about autistic trash like fighting games.

also if it ever were to dominate, every dev will have to pay the google tax which would probably mean everyone but aaa devs get screwed


It won't. It will take decades before streaming technology reaches that point for yhe majority of games.

This also applies to racing games, shooters, action games, shmups, etc. All of which would be practically unplayable with even a few frames of input lag.

I literally "oof'"

You don't get it. They'll make them playable, similar to how they make simplified mobile games playable. By simplifying them.

>playing a fighting game
>on a streaming service
>on a 2.4ghz wifi connection

jesus christ

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>Super Smash Bros
>reflex based
Sure, if your autistic

Electrons have mass, so they literally cannot move at the speed of light.

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The new generation of Ken players.

So it's a lose/lose situation? That's not a good argument in favor of this piece of shit.

Remember Google Glass?

Google putting their name on something is not a guarantee of success.
This shit will fail.

Not to mention rhythm games
>puzzle games
>flight sims
>grand strategy
Pretty much the only genres that are still playable with over a quarter second of lag

Smash Ultimate is already unplayable garbage with the forced 7 frames of input lag with inevitable online added on top of it, people will eat shit no matter what so I can't see it making a difference in the eyes of most normalfags.

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Yes, absolutely.

user, you would lose to a level 1 computer if you couldn't react to what it did.

The frequency your wifi broadcasts on doesn't have anything to do with its bandwidth.

People who play on wifi in fighting games are the anti-vaxxers of fighting games

The speed of electron drift is different depending on the material they're moving through, there is no universal speed of electron drift.

f2p with microtransactions and lootboxes didn't affected us at first and then infested everything else.
Games as service ruin the market of high profile single player games since making shitty battle royales and such is cheaper and in the end more profitable than polishing a SP game.
Gaming becoming more mainstream and easier already killed several genres. RTS turned into MOBA, turn based strategies are pretty much dead, simulators are mostly dead etc.
Now if streaming actually becomes a thing the games will have to become even more simple because of floaty laggy controls. It's almost like playing Steel Battallion on Kinect but the entire market has to follow the trend to work with new "control standard"

They are trying to appeal to the dumbest and largest demographic.

bandwidth is directly related to frequency

Sending an electrical signal does not work by literally sending electrons from point A to point B. Signals use alternating current anyways, so any single electron in the cable between point A and B will move back and forth a meter or so. The actual signal is the moving electric field which propagates at the speed of light (to be specific, the speed of light in copper, which is lower than the speed of light in vacuum)

In streamed FPS I predict enemies won't start shooting at you until like 1 second has passed. They'll stand there looking at you then ratatata.

>Google seriously wants FGC tournaments to be run on Stadia

Attached: 1553022092193.png (623x662, 70K)

if someone streams the game on ethernet, isn't that good for you since you don't stream the game? it means they will still get matched with you because their ping from the streaming service's servers to you should be pretty low, but they will be facing heavy input lag while you aren't

not really a big deal unless it's a fighting game

google's going to start trying to give tourneys money in exchange for using their system. big tournaments will hopefully be immune.

I streamed Bloodborne from my ps4 to my pstv with ethernet on both. The latency was godawful. Everything felt a half second behind.

git gud

Overall, yes. Like not all games are popular on consoles or not all games are popular on PC - not all games will be popular in streaming. I don't think this is specific to reflex games. It also does not make sense to stream a non-resource-intensive game that would run just fine on your existing PC. Or a game where you're supposed to fuck around with mods. There may be other factors.

>Google has announced [Big Name Title] has signed a timed exclusivity deal to be only available on Stadia

Fuck me even just seeing it happen to someone else gets me grossed out

Electric signals do not propagate at the speed of electron drift within the medium, they propagate at the speed of electromagnetic wave propagation within the medium, AKA the speed of light within the medium. Actual electrons within the wire only move at around 0.00002 meters per second and within an AC circuit they move back-and-forth anyways as said. The movement of electrons has no effect on the signal propagation speed.

Go back to high-school.

Why do fightfags always have to make it about themselves

Yes, but I only play VNs and JRPGs anyway, and those work just fine.

AMD's next APU should will bring some stiff competition to 1080p 30fps streaming. No point in streaming a game you can play on your CPU.

Khadgar was a really good character until they meme'd him to oblivion in wod and legion. Now they're doing the same with Magni.

fighting games suffer far more from increased latency than virtually every other genre combined

because they're the group that cares the most about input lag. the games are specifically designed in some instances that you barely have time to react to a certain move. streaming services will make it impossible to even block an overhead.

Those aren't AAA and you can't monetize them so nobody will even bother to stadia them.

Too bad those are not AAA's so they'll be on PC.

What even is the guy trying to do? As someone who didn't play the game this looks painfully laggy but I can't say for sure. The camera at least seems to stop almost at the same time as he lets go of the stick right at the beginning but the rest looks horrible.

by buying input lagged crap like RDR2 and AC you enable this

Stop spamming this in every thread you fucking moron.

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I'm sure Google will have some asinine requirements for devs, but it could actually be an amazing platform if they allowed indie shit. Imagine not having to download some bloated renpy/virus bundle and install five different .NET runtimes

I guess, there are households without a PC, but I don't know what's the statistics on that. Like, I haven't had a desktop PC for a while, but I still have a laptop and I cannot imagine life without it.

Looking forward to playing those rhythm games on Stadia!

Attached: 【Sound Voltex III】 Blastix Riotz (GRV) with hand shot_1_2.webm (406x720, 2.26M)

Does Japan and Korea really have internet that good? Surely, the rest of the world cant be just that shit when it comes to internet connections

Sorry but your japanese indie games are too niche, weird and sexist, can't put them on youtube for kiddies, so can't have them on Stadia either.

That will be their reasoning.

I ran into Indians on Youtube tech channel comment sections and they are going crazy over 2400G. Same with South Americans.

Japan's internet infrastructure and connection is fucking slow and shit. Wtf are you on?

Hes clearly trying to climb but it drops his inputs several times

When folding phones and folding keyboards become common you might see laptops disappear also.

Well optic fiber is slow by definition so yes. Even righter because the two gamers compute on the same hardware.

I could see arcade cabinets being sold as standalone fighting games before fighting games themselves dying

Character action/combo based singleplayer games also suffer in this system.

Preferably more roguelikes, dungeon crawlers and wrpgs.

not just fighting games but literally anything that requires frame perfect reflexes
action games like DMC and Bayo? gone
fast paced MP FPS? gone
the only games that will work on streaming shit will be movie shit games that barely require any inputs to begin with

You mean, never? Best thing that has happened to phones (when iphone came by) is being turned into monolithic slabs with no buttons.

imagine a situation where these things are taken out of the servers and brought to places like evo
It's like using arcade cabinets and JAMMA boards all over again

Attached: Stadia.original.jpg (1268x696, 117K)

suffer perhaps but fighting games would be literally eradicated

Really pretty much anything but a turn-based system suffers for it, the higher the skill ceiling the worse it is.

>Best thing
>no buttons

they are dying anyways. streaming would just speed up the death by preventing new players from getting into it because they don't have the setup to run the game locally.

>This is probably the best thread to post this in. Imagine for a second a world where stadia succeeds: somehow tons of people buy it and it's really popular. Norlw lots of people are using a service with notable input lag, what does that mean for gaming? A move away from twitch-based games like FPS, RTS and fighting games and more towards slower pace genres like moviegames and turn based strategy?
Where have you been? This trend already started decades ago (minus the turn based strategy part).

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Well, poorfag countries are a bastion of PC. These people know how to count money and cannot be tricked into paying $50 per month (or whatever you pay for streaming), when they can just save up for a PC and then pirate all the games.

He's right for now, with 5G everything will change.

>googling caring for fighting games
Fighting games sell far less than Fortnite and the products google want to sell.

Most the industry stop paying attention to fighting games long time ago now.
Only the ones with biggest names stand out outside of that you rarely see Indie or new fighting games have a strong launch.

Of course they're fake

Streaming games was already tried and it failed.
Internet still sucks. Plus it's anti-consumer as you lose all control and can't do shit like mods.

He is.
But also Stadia is bad because it’s another corporation trying to steal from, spy on, and destroy you for money.

This is the first time in awhile I’ve seen a majority of people on Yea Forums collectively hate the same thing. So that’s cool. We’re boycotting stadia right?

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This was the thing that made smartphones popular.

What are you talking about? Nobody wants to rely on a slow touchscreen when they are doing any real work.

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memegdar is unironically a favorite of mine in WoW

This. It's the next evolution of content delivery services like Steam where you don't even get to download the game.

>with 5g everything will change
That's what you said about 4g well over a decade ago.

>he actually gave me a (You)

Attached: 1553020222558.jpg (500x500, 25K)

why is anyone even remotely considering this
why would you
its obviously a horrible and unfixable idea

You're too young to remember it, but 4G did change everything compared to 3G.

Rythm games are a whole other level of autism

it doesnt drop his input, its delayed as fuck, 2+ seconds

That's sehnsucht.

And now what's going to make them popular for WORK is a phone that can be folded and a separate keyboard that can be folded and is roughly the same dimension as the phone.

He is.

I'm saying that phones will never get laptop features, because the most successful phone design is the exact opposite of a laptop. And if you actually need a laptop, you can easily carry one with you almost at all times.

kill yourself phonenigger
do you own all consoles as well?
shiteating faggot

And that's a good thing! Because remember, gaming is for everyone.

My opinion is that this will not happen.

So... what are the games for this thing?

Laptop is not a desktop no matter how hard it may be to understand for shitters with gaming laptops. It's not your primary PC. Phones might eventually be a better choice for portability.

Slowbro here, are we getting streaming feature on switch?

I can smell future generations bragging over their enormous 1 second latency skill as if it was anything.

Yeah, well, we'll see about that. Hopefully you are ready to get a real PC in the future.

Attached: 21.jpg (1262x500, 205K)

Hey, anticipation is something to be proud of.

>tfw he just fucking ragequits

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Why are law of physics the problem though? I though the fastest speed possible is the speed of electromagnetic wave and its the same as the speed of light so what's the problem? Has anyone done any actual calculations to prove this or are they just baiting retards into saying that streaming is bad for gaming?

I sware the IQ of this site is dropping with every passing month. Where the fuck do you come up with this shit?

Isn't that how GoldenEye worked? The enemies paused for a second to let you aim with the janky controls.

I don't understand, what is the benefit of streaming your games supposed to be?

Taking away your ownership of games and better datamining.

It doesn't benefit anyone whose IQ is not low.

Games are already designed with latency in mind because of shitty HDTVs with 50ms+ of lag. Remember when rhythm games like Guitar Hero had add lag compensation settings during the PS360 era?

new = good for retards

>new Stadia fighting game
>every attack has a shitton of starting frames like an early level Punch-Out boss
>doing an overhead gives you enough time to watch every episode of Friends before it finishes
>Auto-combo systems out the ass because they can't trust timing
>One-button moves to avoid dropped inputs affecting specials
>"it's 60fps" they say while the stream becomes compressed to hell, making it hard to see what move someone is doing

Attached: 1523044478885.jpg (637x595, 139K)

That you don't have to run anything on your local hardware. Accessibility, as they tried to show on the stream, how you can just open your browser and be playing a game instead of going through the horrible burden of actually installing something or having to think about how to build your PC. Realistically though, it's , this is the next step in connecting everything in gaming and monitoring the whole thing. They can probably release this at any price and they will get far, far more from the information they will gather. This is partially a move into "social media" from them as well, but mostly focused on gaming.

There is no jump button, so there was no jump lag. He just doesn't know what he's doing.

That’s necessary though, and it wasn’t like they forced it to be on, you changed it yourself. Even people playing clone hero on a computer need to set up the audio delay right because input lag is inescapable and rhythm games like that need it.

Attached: 743347.jpg (889x329, 195K)

This is why literally no fighting game has online matches.

> I'm sure Google will have some asinine requirements for devs
Eh no, look at their play store.

What did it change? I'll w

You bet your ass. Convenience trumps all for most people. The only thing they need to say to convince most people to play this is "Actually, it plays better than your ps4/xbox and it's a lot easier, look", just open a browser window and it's done. The reason Netflix or Spotify are so successful is not their amazing quality or even selection, it's convenience. Same reason why Discord took off so quickly, you just had to click a link and it'd open in your browser, it was easy for anyone to use it. If this is convenient enough it will be the same.
Which is why I honestly hope they massively fuck it up somehow on the network connectivity level, maybe simply because not enough people have good enough internet connections to keep up with it.

He's exactly right, I went into watching the announcement with massive scepticism. I had a few different "wow that's actually really cool" but they completely avoided the latency elephant in the room. There is almost definitely a future in this tech they are showing, but in my opinion they are jumping the shark massively.

>The input buffer is so large that you can dial in the entire round of inputs at once and then let the game run itself until the next round

Well, Onlive did fuck it up and die.

There's a reason online tournaments are basically ignored compared to real world tournaments
Even with decent stable ping it changes the game massively. Even just 3 added frames of delay(50ms) makes moves that are pretty blockable if you're looking for them almost unreactable.
And consistent 3f is a dream for large portions of the world, including vast areas of the US.

Attached: file.png (1151x266, 46K)

Google has a much better shot since they are already well established all over the world with their servers, but I wonder if it will still be a good enough shot. They also are working closely with a lot of big name devs and engines. So in a way it's Onlive done right. But we will see if Onlive can even work at all.

It'll only be a problem if stadia succeeds.
Hopefully consumers will realise it's a fucking terrible idea and don't buy into it.

I have never intentionally broken a back grab in my life even when the other person literally told me they were going to do it a second before. My old man hands are too slow. I need every single frame I can get just to react to lows.

They are. Even the normalfags on twitter and facebook are skeptical. If the hastag shit is an accurate representation.

>Google putting their name on something is not a guarantee of success
You say that like it ever was

What the fuck am I looking at

>You cannot change the laws of physics
speak for yourself peasant

Everything depends on how big of a hype PS5 and Nextbox can generate. And people will have to be excited for the actual hardware locally in the system, not the streaming side of things.

the only games will be turn-based jrpgs, so lag doesn't matter

it's going to turn games into movies even more than before

I don't think Japan's gonna fall for this shit.

Giving google more revenue and data (revenue)

Nope, he's trying to press the button that runs and parkours but with the lag he has to push it twice until the character runs forward and climbs on the pillar.

How come it works for sc2?

Just for fun, there's this thing called Millia Blocker that tests your reaction speeds in a "real world" application
My reaction speeds are pretty shit, I only get maybe 1 in 5 and it's mostly luck anyway.
Now imagine doing this except when you press the button the game waited 3 extra frames.

Well they aren't even getting it so yeah.

They fell for brick smartphones too.

Sonic Unleashed could be played with this right?

VNs are problematic and promote pedophilia so they're banned.

He used to be. But even PlayStation now. An already accessible streaming service, actually works now. I just finished a week trial because they added MGS4 and holy shit it’s genuinely better. I streamed DMC3 and 4 and BEAT THEM with virtually no issues. My roommate and I even played windjammers and a few racers and it’s genuinely way better than it used to be a few years ago. Of course if you can download a title do it but streaming is getting legit better with games.

Googles streaming will probably suck ass ultimately but after a year it could be smooth, same with xcloud.

>Be Australian
>3 second input delay at best
Yeah nah.

Smash with its six frames of input delay, SF with 8

I didn't watch the conference, did they really said that?

>google holds monopoly on gaming/streaming
>system message: your account has been terminated

>because of shitty HDTVs with 50ms+ of lag
That hasn't really been the case for several years. Most name brand displays are at or below one frame in game mode.

Stadia, on the other hand, had visible lag on the live demos.

Assuming they talk the talk, what would be a price point you are willing to pay?

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>An already accessible streaming service, actually works now.
Don't kid yourself, there's still an unbelievable amount of lag on PSNow even with great connection speeds. As things are now it's impossible for this to work.

Nothing, I guess. I already own the consoles I need, why would I want a third party streamer?


It's streaming only so about $50. I mean, you're not exactly buying a real system.

Is it even gonna be a one-time only payment thing? I'd imagine like Netflix or Spotify it'd be a monthly kinda thing. Maybe different tiers that give you access to having multiple-GPUs for one game, they did showcase the difference between running on one or multiple instances.


What is this, 2005?

man's clothes are way too tight

For a streambox? $40 for the box itself, $9.99 a month for the service.

>get angry at the videogame you're playing
>in a heated moment, shout "what a fucking nigger" at another player, without voice chat being enabled or streaming enabled
>the microphone in the controller detects a bad word and kills your account

It's going to be a google play subscription.
Would pay if a sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics is released

Attached: WBoyaMS.jpg (1024x593, 88K)

Starcraft or Soul Calibur?
I don't follow either so I couldn't tell you how they have it set up, but starcraft isn't nearly as reaction heavy as fighting games and Soul Calibur, at least the bit I played VI was much more about accurately timing punishes rather than reacting to startups, but I didn't put much time into it.
Regardless, I'd be pretty skeptical of any netplay/online meta or results. It's not that good players won't still win, but strategies and moves can be very different depending on how well you can react to them.
As an extreme example, the "netplay Ky" spamming Greed Sever because in mediocre connections it's much harder to block or correctly punish, and even shitty players abusing netplay gimmicks can scam out wins over much better players who aren't able to respond like they would offline/in a better connection. It causes the game to deteriorate into who is able to abuse the flaws in the system the hardest.

Attached: GGXRD_Ky_GreedSever.png (1071x927, 67K)

Attached: howonliveworks1.png (596x600, 871K)

>look out its a trap
>system message: your account has been terminated for transphobia

>600/year for some shitty lagfest streaming service

You do love your money man

>don’t kid yourself

I’m not going off someone else’s word or an article. I’m on a wired connection for sure and I used to completely shit on PSNOW but I’m serious user. I finished that trial just a few days ago and it really is solid even for faster paced input heavy games. Give it a try user it’s the free week I didn’t buy a month sub thinking about it for MGS4 though

And that’s Sony’s shit servers. I’m not even a Xbox fan or ever purchased a system but I have faith for xcloud after the first 6 months at least that they could genuinely get something going for it. And then put it on the switch.

I had it in my head that they would charge for streaming privilege individually but a sub is more likely come to think of it. In that case it should be no more than £25.

source of picture?


>delay of 1ms

>streaming will kill non-casual gaming
FUCK. At least there is a lifetime of games to already play.

this is a high-quality physics simulation.
it's only a million or so particles.

on a machine with the following specs:
Ryzen 2700X - 64Gb RAM - RTX 2080 8Gb

with an openCL accelerated solver, the simulation alone (no render time), took 10 hours to compute

there will be ways in the future to speed up sims like this with machine learning 'hacks'

however, there is no hardware advancement even on the distant horizon that could make something like this run in real time on a local machine, in the next decade at the very least

you've all seen the performance and price trade offs of real-time raytracing

the only way to move forwards now is to distribute this stuff on the cloud

it's unavoidable and if smash has to die to make it happen then so be it

Attached: DASH_720.webm (720x720, 2.91M)

That's overly simplistic though, just propagation in one of the transmission lines along the route. All handling of the IP stack in the endpoints and devices along the way on top of that, limited by MOS capacitor charging and such.

Why adapt to shit when I can just play good games offline?

Wow looks like a really fun VIDEOGAME

>you've all seen the performance and price trade offs of real-time raytracing
>the only way to move forwards now is to distribute this stuff on the cloud
>it's unavoidable and if smash has to die to make it happen then so be it
It is entirely avoidable, this boner on graphical fidelity is just making shit worse for everyone

>Twitter Screencap thread
>Joe of all people.

He's wrong overall. He's only "right" in the context that ISPs fucking blow chunks and we're not at that point yet for the average consumer to receive nearly zero latency.

gameplay > graphics

graphicsfags always get their way, friends.

and anyway, you have 30 years of 'fun' videogames to play already. i'm sure you'll happily dig into those seeing as you only care about 'fun.'

Absolutely correct.

>controller uses wifi
already a fucking failure that will shut down in the first 6 months

>frequency doesn't affect bandwidth
you could have just not posted anything, but you did

I'm imagining that my next Evo would use it. And it's such a non-possibility it's hilarious.
For that to happen it would need
>fucking fighting games
which I have no idea how many if any at all are going to even be on the thing
The pad they showed looks awful for any fighting game, meaning pad players would need to find alternatives, which would have to come out in the span of a year or so. This is alongside many sticks needing to come out as well, with their respective parts and brands for both player familiarity and sponsors. Sanwa, Hayabusa, and Korean parts are big ones that all need to be in different sticks for the console in a little over a year.
>reasonable access to the player
if we think they need controllers, they definitely need the console itself unless the controllers become 1 to 1 or adapters are lag-free. And with how fucked the DL rate the system has I can't imagine that going over well with any player not in Urban America or Japan.
the fucking thing looks like it has a full third of a second delay. Hell no. If it wants to be at any tournament there needs to be none in the console itself.

Don't touch the FGC, google. We already have enough corporate cock-gargling as is.

I imagine a bunch of racing games will suffer for this as well, especially ones with heavy environment and traffic features. Hell, in that sort of respect, even a game like GTA could suffer if you are hit by cars before you actually perceive reaching them. Platformers too if they are some of the harder pixel-perfect ones. It'll probably be fine for some older games, or things like Civilization or games where you can que actions together

it uses wifi to reduce input lag

you could always stream only the rendered effects and still do everything else on the consumer's machine you smoothbrain.

which is absolutely retarded the same reason ps4 controller blows too. direct input should always be the lowest in input lag.

sfv had 8 frames of lag

Rhythm games are fine so long as the lag/latency is consistent. Lots of Rhythm games have offsets in the options so that you can adjust the timing window to compensate for any input lag.

>grafx r the futur of vidya
Please remove yourself from the gene pool so you don't contaminate it further

Because Google flat-out said they want people to do actual fighting game tournaments on Stadia.

bad solution that only introduces more synchro issues.

and anyway, high quality sims like this will only be reserved for shared worlds. mmos with thousands of players with a single server-side world distributed across hundreds of machines. pumping that data to everyone.

it's wifi connected to the actual stream not the device that's pulling the video feed. there is no more efficient system other than running an ethernet cable to your controller.

another funfag riding on the coattails of graphicswhores. your fun is a function of compute advancements. without us you would still be playing board games.

only shitty western casual trash will come out. what the fuck is that tard talking about.

it's been greatly reduced stupid misinformed vappa

no you geggle shill

never going to happen
since every single frame matters in fighting games

Attached: badbait.png (1022x1024, 218K)

it's a good thing no one plays fighting games over the internet

It doesn't matter. AAA companies can now pander to mobile gaming which makes 51% of the entire video games market.

Korea's internet is good because it's a small country with good infrastructure
the US by comparison is a fuckhuge country with terrible internet infrastructure

No, it's definitely possible to get under 1 frame of lag game streaming (assuming 60fps, so 16.6ms). Other startups have demonstrated so. The problem is doing it at high quality and at scale, not happening for another decade.

Literally every console has a racing game and a first person shooter.

He is 100% right, but different products for different needs, so it's ok.

Serious answer : more games playable for less money cost (games and hardware), but at the cost of increase latency, no ownership of the game and probably (definitely) data mining on your behalf. Think of it as a rental game service.

He's right about not using STaDia for fighting games but local wireless/BT is perfectly fine and just as fast as wired nowadays

99% of games are glorified movies so this will be fine

Are you insane? No it isn't.

That's probably an edit.

Good thing fighting games are a shitty genre for niggers and smelly days therefore we're much better off with them dying.

game streaming will always be a meme until TACHYONs are harnessed for networks.

>still can't do a simple motion

Attached: skeletor and his harem.jpg (900x1200, 232K)

Now why the fuck would Nintendo let their games be on the Google Gaymestation?

>FGC Standing ground.
love my community.

Attached: (wulfs internally).gif (520x400, 1.47M)

The only faggot that might do that is Mr.Wizard , and I gotta tell ya mr. joey cellular is on some thin ass ice.