Okay Yea Forums, a serious discussion. Which one of DMC games has the best locations design both in visual and gameplay terms?
DMC thread
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is vergil all but confirmed for dlc with bloody palace?
>tfw hate Vujos
>but still liked V and his familiars as characters
>conflicted on whether or not V should come back
DMC1. Level design, enemy design, atmosphere and OST are what DMC1 does best, and in my opinion, are yet to be topped in the series. I doubt the OST or atmosphere ever will though. 5 came close in enemy design.
FUCK 1's underwater levels and hell level. FUCK 2 as a whole. FUCK 3's cube room. 4 is ok. 5 is meh locationwise, but I like how they've made the narrative part of the game so it's at least fun.
Also old aesthetics > nu-aesthetics.
What's wrong with fujos? If I can make tons of rule 34 of Trish and Lady then they should be able to write their gay fics. All is right.
this game is the most fun to replay of the bunch
no shitty enemies, no shitty platforming or time wasting puzzles, beautiful environments, none of it feels like a chore which can't be said about the entire second half of DMC4 and significant chunks of DMC3
don't reply to the autist
You already lost, let it go.
Mundus should come back and bring his pets back.
bros, whats the difference between the bike and the red bike?
Vergil was all but confirmed for DLC moments after the announcement and they showed what was quite clearly him ripping off Nero's arm. But the chances he's coming with Bloody Palace are incredibly slim and he isn't likely to be released for free.
I'd want him to come back, or at least his gameplay to come back, but with more moves.
If he at least had a 1-2-3 combo with his cane or his DT was him getting a Stand instead of nightmare being incredibly sluggish to control it'd be more fun.
Stop please, I am starting to feel sad for you.
>only has a single cherry picked image to prove his non-existent point
>posts his autism again in a new thread
Shouldn't matter, V can't come back anyways.
Does someone have the Nero middle finger DT webm? I can't remember if it was actually a webm or just a picture.
>no shitty platforming or time wasting puzzles
That's the best thing. I have no idea why everyone craves to put this shit in their game.
Vergil killed millions all just to get a salty runback on Dante
I actually really like DMC 2's concept art from the HD Collection, a dystopian citiy ruled by corprate companies and demons is actually a pretty cool aesthetic. Too bad the game was trash.
I agree. The only enemy I don't like is the Hell Judecca, I hate how much they teleport around. Aside from that though I'm very happy with the enemy design in 5.
dmc6 vergil will have 2 styles, one being the playstyle of V
he looks like he could be in the wild west
It artificially pads gameplay length.
Imagine thinking this looks anything like Vergil. Paint him white and that's what 5 did to him.
>fem dt nero
they can make anyone and anything come back with all sorts of narrative hackery, I mean they brought back fucking DMC1 enemies as living embodiments of traumatic memories
there's no internal consistency to these things, if they notice V is popular they'll bring him back, just like they made Vergil come back purely because he's a fan favourite
Puzzles I can understand. They serve to break up the gameplay a little and let things breathe, although I certainly don't miss them since on repeat playthroughs they grind things to a halt. Fuck platforming though. That was never fun.
>your gigajaw will never redesign a character
I want to be dan
>I hate how much they teleport around
what about the lizard that teleports around
>kills millions so his cute hobo brother can pay attention to him
>second playthrough on DH
>keep fucking up the switch mode input for balrog
>never gotten a score higher than 3500 in any battle as Dante
Why do I even bother?
Vujos are cancer simple as but V himself was enjoyable personality wise. However he's served his purpose and his gameplay is anything but popular within the fanbase so we won't be seeing him again, instead with Vergil more chilled out some of his mannerisms will probably show in Vergil now, personally hoping for a taunt where Vergil reads a book, outright ignoring demons as they're unworthy.
"he" will return in 6
Visually? I like all of 1, 2, 3 and 4. 5 really dropped the ball on that.
Use another weapon lol
its red
So can nero parry with devil bringer or was the vergil thing just a unique interaction
Don't give up, you'll eventually become good enough to style on these fools.
Hi, fujo. Did your mom give you permission to use the computer?
Did a counter-buster on Goliath's charge but it ended up just being the same animation as when you buster him when he's stunned. Slightly disappointing. Other bosses will probably be the same.
I don't find them as annoying. I'm not sure why though, I haven't really thought about it. Maybe because they're much more aggressive.
how you deal with furies as nero?
maximum efficiency or style
You can parry anything Red Queen can
For unique move I think you can parry Artemis's charge
>he's still going
What form of sperg is this?!
Vfujos ruined V for me personally.
Wait you can do that against stuff other than vergil air plane?
I feel silly for not realizing Dr Faust was a reference to Moonwalker.
I do. I've taken out the motorcycle from my loadout though because I have no fucking idea how to use it anyway.
>focus on switching weapons and doing the combos properly
>forget about avoiding damage
Who are worse, furies or cattos in dmc1?
haha yeah i also cherry pick images lol
Source for a pic, please?
Cowboy Samarai Vergil is the best.
funny, vergilautists ruined Vergil for me
go figure
>xd I can quote bad quotes
what is it with the Vfujo meme? what's it even supposed to mean?
Please you gotta tell me what these are called
Yes, I started experimenting. I suspect you can do it against any big ol' charge type attack like when Artemis flies straight at you.
to make vergil looks decent?
>No mod that gives Dante/nero/v/vergil sunglasses
>No monster energy drink weapon mods
>No coatless Vergil/ shirtless Dante mod
modders please hurry
'Sup Vfujo
Keep at it user! If I can style on foes with my myriad of forever conditions you can do so too. Compartmentalize on your faults and work to get better
imagine having some made up strawman boogeyman living in your head
its just animey thing where characters are covered in unnecessary belts (I bet)
V fujos, easier to just say Vujo. They're cancer as fuck and will be waking up in a few hours to make these threads shit.
Holy fuck I need to try that out, thanks user. I fucking hate artemis' charge.
V fujoshi. Google the last part.
>has both power and blake autism
Will Vergil be a huge sperg now?
I mean that was a thing in DMC4.
ESLfags should be range-banned
but Dante has sunglasses with bike equipped
he even wears them while in DT
i giggled when i noticed it for the first time
You should make it less obvious fujo.
They shit up theads with their degenerate filth.
Making Vergil into a literal CHAD
Lacks a one-shot in the end.
Playable Nico when?
>However he's served his purpose and his gameplay is anything but popular within the fanbase so we won't be seeing him again
Fuck you, I want him back and I want his gameplay back. There are so many things you can add/change to improve him tenfold.
i wanna lick fem-nero's abs.
Cavaliere R has a unique back-forward attack.
good fucking lord why is she so perfect
>Not an autist who cares about """fujos"""
>Want V to come back because he was fun and they could really expand on his game play
>being unattractive is chad now
Less super armor. Air stinger equivalent to streak in it's application.
Too bad.
>get on the bike, loser, we're going to have some CUH-RAY-ZEE time
Vergil will probably incorporate V playstyle with Doppelganger
>Imagine thinking having a chadjaw is a bad thing
>you can't even like V without somebody sperging out about fujos
>3.8gb patch in the steamdb
I doubt BP is the only thing in there
And here I thought people were joking about V-fans being a salt mine.
>There are so many things you can add/change to improve him tenfold
A shame it won't happen as V's existence was Itsuno finding a way to redeem his favorite character and have him in more games.
When it drops?
>still being a samefag
What to do vs Vergil when you hit him with Nero and he deflects the attack and does a tele slash from above. Is there anything cool you can do to counter him there? I've been messing around the Vergil fight trying to find all the cool little things you can do against him and I haven't figured if there's anything hidden behind that attack.
This reminds me of the Nero dance gifs we used to have.
Just on Steam?
1st april said million times god damnit
more time with him onscreen means more gay porn spammed in these threads again.
I guess 1 april since that's the date for the BP release
What's the other four missing slots? Will that be for BP?
quit projecting, mutt.
I'm talking about the patch, not BP.
>almost 4 gigs
BP is already in and is workable.
The rest of Vergil maybe? More things to spend rorbs on?
>he actually added tits
my hero. Now where can I find more like this
did you try shuffle?
BP is gonna be in the patch .
I think I tried once and failed and then didn't get around to trying it again. I'll do that next time, thanks for reminding me.
What's Dante going to do with the knowledge that this brother really is a faget?
V is fun. I hope Phantom shows up more often in his manga since Itsuno cucked us, or he gets a Phantom summon in DMC6.
Good shit
most lewd stuff in these threads involves Dante, Vergil and Nero
What will your brother say when he learns that you use his PC to shlick to V?
He already knew, that's why he bullied him so much.
Does anyone else find Vergil to be too passive even on DMD?
Play Hell or Hell.
I guess it's also for the online BP and honestly, I wouldn't be suprised if Vergil, that's alot of data.
>imfuckingplying that fujos haven't spammed images of V in corsets and other gay shit to death.
>implying they haven't rode those images of itsuno retweeting yaoi shit to death
Balrog is easily the best fist weapon in the series but fuck is it annoying how you switch between blow and kick mode.
the reboot
he's the hardest Vergil fight to me because of how strong his DT is
I have my own PC and built it myself.
I was disappointed they didn't use a remix of ultra violet, but then I heard how much of a banger this song actually is.
Does he not just have the AI and moves he has on SoS on Hell or Hell? It's not really a matter of difficulty, it's just I don't like seeing him just standing doing nothing a lot of the time and how he barely ever capitalizes on deflecting an attack. Just dying in one hit wouldn't change that.
You'll eventually get used to swapping eventually but it'll still be the case where you're in mid combo and you meteor to the ground as opposed to double kicking the enemy back into the air because you forgot you changed to balrog mid combo to ignite the flame in the air
In before they are just updating shit and it's 3.89 of old data updated.
DMC6 will feature a lady demon who gets the hots for Nero. She will try to get into his pants, and Kyrie has to prove that she is the better woman for Nero. By kicking the shedemon's ass
As long as it keeps upsetting you they'll keep posting.
Retarded Vfujos are the ones who kept roleplaying about fucking him in pre release threads.
that's still mild stuff compared to literal porn that was sometimes posted with other characters
But they will expand on his gameplay user, in dragons dogma 2 with a summoner vocation.
The first phase? Absolutely. However when he DT's he's far more oppressive in a way that *helm splitters at you* Vergil could only hope to have been.
He also has the ability to keep you off of him for once, so that's also neat. It's big fun royal releasing airplane too. I never knew how much I needed that in my life.
Free with BP? Not a chance. Paid, released at the same time with free BP? Plausible, but doubtful. Current Vergil in the base game is an incomplete mess, lots of animations still missing, some moves crashing the game and clearly not enough stuff for a full moveset. I can't imagine that they are ready to release him with only 2 months of work, at most.
what does the note say
Nero had the most gay stuff posted about him by far yet I don't see you calling others Nerofujos
Ay somebody finally gets it. I love this song. I replayed 7 so many times just because it fits so god damn well inside the game.
So Dante only had the hilt of Rebellion after it broke.
Did he also absorb the shards of it when he gained Sin DT or are they all just on the floor or Urizen's throne room?
>gameplay terms
On H&H you have to play differently and it seems like Vergil exploits that a little.
I want an option to disable the DLC breakers or at least select which ones appear in the campaign
I dont know if they are supposed to be there on top of other breakers but in the nightmare scenario that they actually replace other drops, fuck these retarded mega busters that I never want to see again
did anyone else dislike the concentration gauge in 4? i didnt like it. it pidgeonholed playstyle while making him op
I see no note, but if you want to check it, here you go
I haven't been able to play the game yet, how is the Angelo boss fight?
The janitor just sweeped them up and threw them in the bin.
>The janitor
So Urizen?
>tfw ragequit out of mission 20 SoS
>but the fight as Nero is piss easy XD
I'm tired and burned out at this point, the moment Vergil goes below 30% the fight becomes a tedious slog.
It's not a boss, it's a normal enemy, the first encounter with it just has more health. He's fun, but has way too much health on DMD.
I want to fuck a demon
No, it's just an Empusa with a hat and a brush.
Git gud
t. eve
When he DT's like that buster his clone then wait for him to leap into the air and charge shot his ass, repeat that til he falls to the ground and buster him there, or Red Queen combo B him.
Nothing. Because despite being a faggot he got his dick in a girl and hit the jackpot on the first nut. Roasties might disgust him but he will always have that.
Pretty tedious if I'm going to be honest.. It's really really really really really really fucking cool when you get to it the first time as it's also the first time you actually play with another person. They also die pretty quickly on DH.
But on DMD big boy Proto has tons of health and you basically need a 5 breaker combo to eradicate him in a timely fashion. If you let him actually do anything after he DT's he'll slice your ass in half.
Unless you mean Cavalier Angelo
That shit is the most fun I've had in a game in fucking years. And he gets better on DMD because he actually starts countering your shit if you attack him like a monkey when his guard is up but you can do it anyways and still have fun, which is what I do.
Now I want a image of Urizen sweeping up the rebellion fragments and complaining about Dante.
d-demon milkies
>there's already a porn of her
So, when you fuck Artemis, do you fuck Lady too?
How do you fuck it? where's her vagina? Does she have one?
How do we know it was only one time? There was supposedly a 2 year gap until DMC3.
>How do you fuck it?
>Nero makes my hand hurt more than constant style switches as Dante
How the fuck does this happen?
Thigh holsters
It probably already put many things inside of Lady
Anyone got that page in the art book of female V when he was still Mundus?
3's my personal favorite. I love Temen Ni Gru's Gothic/Arcane room and I like how the entire tower "evolved" and every Bell you came across gathered at the top when the portal was opened. I also loved how they expanded on the "angelical hell" theme introduced on the first game. I love the first step of it when you see the sky cracked open with raw energy crackling. Good shit.
4's setting was standard and boring as hell. 1 channeled a lot of Resident Evil Mansion in MAllet Island which I liked plenty, especially when it's distorted and all fucked up by the end. 2's horrible.
5 is hit and miss. I loved the first city levels and the Qliphot's demon tree pumping blood in giant veiny roots is pretty cool but it seriously lacks in variety.
Because you have to constantly hold gun and then exceed to max act and devil knuckle and shiet
>let's look back and laugh
>second link takes me to a post where an user says his dad died during radiation therapy
what the fuck user
This one got made literally like a week after the announcement user.
>You could literally be surrounded in laser firing titties while getting a blowjob
Best girl.
God, I hope Mundus' She Devil Leather Whore is the new Summoner character in 6. i love that design. Simple yet sleek as hell.
DMC5 has a fucking killer soundtrack. It's a shame kiddies are dismissing legit electronic music as "wub wub xD" shit.
Yeah because gays are tolerable and fujos aren't.
King Cerberus is the best, I love it. It fits him, it's a really chaotic fight.
The one time I got another player was a V in SoS. I turned my back for two seconds to style on a Scudo and Proto Angelo was dead. Meanwhile AI V always dies immediately.
>Dante has goggles on when he equips Cavaliere
>Faust's scarf gets shorter if you're running low on orbs
>Faust becomes "demonic" if you DT while using it
I'm loving the details of this fucking game.
>V comes back as a female
>Becomes every single faggot and tranny's avatar and favorite character for an entire month
It should take you to the one where they were calling the van picture fake.
It fit the fight so fucking well. I needed a cig after finishing it.
>le git le gud
Nice argument.
So I just run for 5 minutes untill he staggers? Doesn't sound very fun.
That's even worse than Vfujos.
>Vergil having a child barely makes sense, unless he fucked when he was barely a pre-teen
I love how casual they are about this shit.
>soundtrack releases tomorrow
>not worldwide
>not even a digital only version
>or on Steam like some devs do for their games
>have to import it which would cost £100+
Why does Capcom not want me to have the soundtrack?
There's only one way.
Dunkey review up.
if you pop DT before getting hit, it won't reset your style meter.
>Nice argument.
What's with people calling things that are not and do not attempt to be arguments as arguments? I could be like "You smell bad" and you'd be like "NICE ARGUMENT" like what the fuck are you doing?
Did Vergil just fug once? Is that why he only remembers that one time?
not my thing i actually like the theme song of the characters better, music with people singing
>5 minutes
user he goes in the air every few seconds it doesn't take even a minute.
Yea Forums, if I put a child in my brother's daughter, does it mean I won?
Funny enough they shone even more light on it before that. When V is talking about himself growing up he says that all he ever wanted was to be defended and loved so it actually makes some sense how he fucked someone, he was probably desperate for any kind of affection even if it was for a moment.
How to deal with these guys with blade arms that teleports. It's freaking obnoxius and they ruin everything.
Thought he only played tendie games.
Rebellion's broken hilt became DSD. Read its description, it literally evolved after absorbing Sparda.
Im stuck in SOS because I legitimately don't want to play as V anymore.
Time to bench game until BP
Love me some Psycho Siren, fun remix.
Just wait for youtube uploads I guess. Or spotify, maybe?
fat spic dunkey
What if Morrison sent Lady and Trish to find Dantes kid
Anyone know how the co-op stages works? Is there a way to wait for people to join your mission, or what?
If someone model swaps Lady with Nero we could see Vergil being grabbed and lots more by her thighs haha
I want the music on my MP3 player user and I don't use spotify.
whats the best strategy against Cavaliere Angelo in mission 14?
i didn't had any troubles against him on devil hunter but on SoS he keeps beating my ass with no remorse
Since 4 has the Order using shards of Yamato to open demon gates, 6 will be about some organization using shards of Rebellion to create devilmen
>tfw Balrog's VA recorded unofficial voice lines for style ranks and streamed DMC5 despite being shit at controllers
Hoping someone eventually mods the voice lines in if they haven't already.
For 7 there's like two points for people to drop in.
For 13 somebody can drop "in" that stage even at the last floor.
Periodically it pretty much just syncs up with you.
>never revs once
only a little mad, but good video anyway. not as good as tim rogers' video though.
Put Griffon on autopilot, use Shadow's air spin attack to break his shield and auto parry, read the book or even better, jump on Cav's back while Shadow is staggering him to easily build DT runes and then summon nightmare and use his fuck you laserbeam ONLY when Cav is summoning his lightning circle, to guarantee a hit and no wasted DT.
royal guard
The game is good, but it's missing essential DMC missions segments like
>chase segment (phantom in 1 and gigapede in 3)
>timed mission where you have to go as fast as you can through it
>the Combat Adjudicator is gone
>the world isn't interconnected like previous games
>no secret weapons other than Kalina Ann (unless if there is something I missed)
Otherwise all is well and good
they literally FUCKED her nose
whyyyyy capcom whyyy
Talking about the rest of the shards.
Dante ate the hilt of Rebellion and Devill Sword Sparda to forge Devil Sword Dante.
Just wondering whether the fragments outside of the hilt are still around somehow.
The prequel Novel had a Yamato fragment exist despite Nero having managed to repair it somehow.
It'll be on jap torrents tomorrow. Just buy it later.
Parry his swings with your cane
Lady eating pizza
So what happened to Vergil between his last defeat as Nelo in DMC1 and DMC5?
Lady admiring Dante
I'm assuming you have Shadow so parry with Shadow and get used to using dodge to pull him out before he bites it. Or, use cane.
Wandered the Earth searching for Yamato, powered by sheer motivation.
surprised we didn't get a boss rush final segment if you dont count V's final mission
That's impressive, user. Good stuff.
I'm more curious about what happened to the perfect amulet. Does Trish have it or?
They tried it again with DmC and it still didn't work, but thats mostly because DmC was trash regardless.
Yeah I know but It's just absurd that I don't have a single option to buy it right now save for importing from Japan.
good review
I'm gonna take pics of the booklet and see if anyone could translate, apparently there's info about the themes in there.
>fuck it, I'm out
>dante's kid
>not "the third son of sparda"
It's in Sparda, so Dante has it now.
>100 out of 5
Lady in the shower
For one reason or another I get the feeling that we're going to get that officially.
Lady saying hello
V's missions are relatively boring on replays because it feels less active. Still enjoyable overall though.
Webm isn't mine but it is pretty easy and fun to pull off in-game, especially if you've used RG against Cavaliere
No? It didn't merge in the end of DMC1.
Is Lady an exhibitionist?
She was really interested in what old man Morrison had to say
They're goggles.
Now that's some good shit.
>the outside is actually Nero's garage
She only wanted her clothes.
I'd actually find that pretty cool.
But it would probably piss people off that everything would still revolve around some sparda legacy stuff.
I was kinda hoping for a DMC3 style boss rush where you can pick a bit who you're gonna fight. Also playable as anyone just like Mission 13.
Oh well, it's not so bad since we get Bloody Palace.
Dang I never even though about using his cane to deflect like that. That's some awesome stuff, user.
Hardly. He was 19 during the events of devil may cry and nero was probably conceived two to three years before. Not completely unreasonable age for teenage parents.
Wasn't it important to Vergil, why didn't he mention it at all in 5?
I'd love a manga or something on that.
>the Combat Adjudicator is gone
Shit. I completely forgot about him.
But yeah, they didn't bother with making a few different levels here and there.
The Dead Weight as D Rank mod exists already. It's fun.
i wouldn't be surpised if its possible to parry artemis charge with cane aswell
It's on nexusmods already.
I mean 19 in Devil May Cry 3. I keep placing that game as number 1 in my head due to chronology.
Cav Angelo is too easy honestly
He falls apart to Cerberus and Balrog
Lady being assaulted
You were right, I was just pissed off, and shitposters such as smart boy here aren't what I needed at the moment. Got him btw, A rank though.
>"so, Dante, I want my amulet back"
>dante realizes he completely forgot about it
course it is
Yeah, missed the combat adjudicators too, hope they bring them back for DLC
Indeed. But I don't use either of those for my parry's so he's big fun. King cerb is fun too despite you literally being able to just run away and shoot him until he dies even on DMD if you really wanted to.
Advice: Don't get hit.
DMC5 easily has the best levels design and gameplay wise. Sadly that only applies to the first half of the game.
Once you enter the tree it becomes a bunch of same'y looking corridors that clearly got less attention than the earlier part of the game. Dante's and Vergil's childhood home was also such a fucking wasted opportunity. That should have been an entire level where you enter the house and maybe it's all fucked up and distorted due to Urizen's memories. They really bungled that one because it was such a great idea.
>has to fight her off 3 times throughout the game
>as her thirst increases so does her strength and difficulty as a boss
Why's the preview on dropbox and why is it telling me "I don't belong here". First off what the fuck does that even mean and second off, rude. nexusmods.com
Can he just get the summons +cane as a style/weapon? Modify/balance it accordingly of course
Based, cheers lads.
doing the fork finisher move will lock on targets automatically, if you do it during her flying charge itll break her out of it. dont even have to aim
Sometimes I forget that battle boundaries are canon in DMC.
Would it really have been too much of a performance hog to include the bottom of the trailer at this point?
that looks beyond silly
>Was used to make Sparda, completely fused to it
>Then Sparda was absorbed with Rebellion to make DSD, which has the complete amulet in the pommel.
Yeah, Vergil is never getting that back.
Where did you get that?
Punchline + charge shot lv3 just works Same
>the Combat Adjudicator is gone
>missed the combat adjudicators
How much of a fanboy do you have to be to even notice these things are gone? They're swept up by going through every move one at a time in repeat until you hit SSS or lower. In fact they were pretty fucking shitty since you could meet one before you bought enough moves to complete it, or in 3 you might be using a non-swordmaster style and be SOL.
>>Once you enter the tree it becomes a bunch of same'y looking corridors that clearly got less attention than the earlier part of the game. Dante's and Vergil's childhood home was also such a fucking wasted opportunity. That should have been an entire level where you enter the house and maybe it's all fucked up and distorted due to Urizen's memories. They really bungled that one because it was such a great idea.
DMC already did this
Jpizza time
Official Subhuman is here:
Has a choir, too.
The cane is mightier than the blade?...
5 but ltierally only mission 2 kek, 90% of the game are rubble and that shitty generic tree.
It's sad the generic shitty environments in DMC never get criticized, especially when Platinum Games do such a great job at it, looking at Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2.
>timed mission
>no mission in which dante gets overloaded with tree juice, gets stuck in DT again and has his health drain/put under a timer
Ok, I won't
Holy shit Dante becomes so unfun on DMD. All the enemies are teleporting fucks and chasing them down is awful. I just want Nero back.
>tfw dick around with the free camera tool and look out of bounds from Dante's office in the Lady, Trish & Morrison cutscene
>Nico is just sitting there in the middle of pure nothingness all by herself
>you play as Dante's daughter
>Vergil is a boss again
>if you get hit by his shun goku nakadashi, it's a one hit KO that leaves you naked on the floor ala Bayonetta
Is Artemist navel just Lady's torso with her tits press up?
I know we have borgil's, but what about B's?
Trickster teleport my dude.
This selection of images looks nice though.
If you wanted to criticise the destroyed city environment, you'd use Dante's levels since M11 legitimately looks boring as fuck
>drops in the cavalier theme
Are we Degrees of Lewdity now?
probably the dropbox link is not public
I wanted to see it too, can anyone record it?
Wow I didn't realize how unpopular DmC was on Steam compared to 5.
4SE number makes sense since it's a re-release and only big fans would rebuy a game for some extras.
Do I really have to beat DMD to get Vergil's EX costume?
>That belly button
Yeah, a preview that's private isn't much good.
>that combo with Dante
holy shit is that actually him playing
I just fucking realized King Cerb's theme sounds extremely similar to Madness Combat music?
Bloody Palace
I know this is bait but the vergil on the left is like 10-20 years older
Guys i did it! Im on mission 16 on DMD but the one boss i revived on was Urizen 2 on chapter 12. I might've used the checkpoint system 3-4 times and gotten a shit B but i did it with no revives and im happy. I don't care about rank on DMD i've gotten like half S's and otherwise As and this is the first B on it for me but ill take it. I gave my lad an honest fight and learned and came out the winner.
>Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?
>I can't royal release the shit out of you without getting closer.
>the weapon demonstration part of King Cerberus' theme
Best part of the song.
I meant to put a period there instead of question mark, fug
>Mission 10 S rank
feed nana
Who or what was Nero's mother?
>there are people actually playing DmC right now
What the fuck.
this and the "not in a million years" line gave me a stupid ear-to-ear grin.
Read the description, sempai! I know you have it in you!
>final boss
>soundtrack is a remix of devil trigger
THAT is a correct question.
Nero and V end when
Which part?
She looks very pouty here
The riffs in the Proto Angelo theme are fucking amazing. Made it one of the best parts of the game for me.
Just a few of the not as good tracks sticking out like sore thumbs.
Not to mention the sfx covers some of the good music like niddhog, cavaliere or faded tone
The mexican mod was recently rediscovered so it's probably that.
I'm not surprised. She wanted the joint and in comes this fucking asshole saying no and calling her a crazy bitch.
>Just a few of the not as good tracks sticking out like sore thumbs.
Which ones?
>implying im watching the video on youtube, let alone reading the description
>I just wanna duel, man
>like niddhog, cavaliere or faded tone
This so much, actually.
>whole PSN list is playing DMC5 or 4SE
>that one fag on DmC: Definitive right now
>The mexican mod was recently rediscovered so it's probably that.
That's great.
Has someone bothered to put a mustache on dante's EX colours yet for 5
He does seem rather surprised by what he created. He knows he's a demon child, yet he still seems to not know what Nero is.
This track is very fitting for the arena you fight them in for the first time.
Oddly it has had a couple hundred players or more throughout its existence.
>DMC4SE has a boost of players before 5 comes out but evens out after it
>DmC has a boost of players ON AND AFTER 5's release
What the fuck is this though? Donte fans literally seething?
>thought he banged a human
>turns out she was part devil herself
The plot thickens.
>so you don't need to stab him for him to get a dt?
Some of the ambient themes, Cerberus, Vergil v Dante, plus other ones kind of blend it.
I'm surprised the menu music was really memorable. Enjoyed going through the gallery with the Nico's theme mix playing
>the entire second half of DMC4
So you don't like playing as Dante? V is garbage too. 4 is still the best one.
but you style points get cut everytime you get hit, even in DT, i think its -200 for each hit, not sure
Does anyone have more detailed info on V's book? Like how range impacts DT gain? I wonder if being in melee range of an enemy is actually worth it.
There's no DmC : Definitive on console.
>The Nero's mom is actually a Demon Theory is returning.
I will admit, it is concerning that Vergil is shocked. He should already know what an SOS is capable of. Unless Nero was experimented on as a child causing his DT to be altered.
>Those niggas playing 4SE right now who didn't have the money to get 5
what do you think of the cutscenes in this game compared to the cutscenes in the other games
Wait, really?
Nero should correct him by saying he got stabbed by yamato but only created a stand before he got his arm torn off
>open theatre sliding into a chasm
it was pretty nice
u wot
Ambient themes are whatever. Cerberus and Vergil 4 are great though.
What? It's the opposite. It's not on PC.
Family dinner DLC W H E N
>On one hand, Vergil wanting to be like his daddy AND wanting to being loved makes him fucking a human reasonable, especially if she's kind like Eva
>On the other, a porweful but really, really autistic demon/whatever that can impress Vergil in the middle of his quest for power and handle his Judgement Nut also makes sense
I guess we'll never know.
Not enough action in a lot of them, feels weird when you play DMC4/3 and notice
Yup. I don't have the link but it's been posted in these threads a few times.
He ripped his arm off so I think it counts
>Turns out that Itsuno really liked the idea of angels in DMC
>Retcons that they don't exist, but makes them not really opposite of Hell. In fact, makes it so that Angels don't care about humans at all and views them as full of Sin and must be eliminated.
>Nero's mother turns out to be an Angel, who was curious about humans and ran into Vergil in Fortuna. To protect Nero, she left him at an orphanage
I'd believe it. Dante and Vergil have already gotten stupid powerful to the point that it doesn't seem like hell is a threat to them anymore. Time to break out someone new.
>Nero's DT actually resembles his mothers Devil form rather than Vergil's.
>He's immediately reminded of her as soon as he sees Nero
>All doubts that Nero is his son are gone.
I don't like listening to King Cerberus outside of the game but during the fight it's good because it sets the mood
right now
What the fuck, i swear it was the other way raound.
Not that i know about it.
I know you guys hate it, but I really want DmCDE on PC. I don't get why capcom kept it console exclusive.
So does the divinity statue goddess exist
>Reminder DMC5 was originally going to be DmC2
Maybe Nero's a nephilim? of all the stupid shit DmC did that was actually a cool concept that they could bring back
I'll take the demon theories over the angel ones that appeared with the wings speculations.
How can it exist when our eyes don't exist
Believe it or not, it used tons of community mods to make the DE version, and releasing it on PC would reveal that. There's a reason the DmC modding site is nuked
Console exclusive.
>only demons can sense Sparda's blood
>females of hell fucking love it
>be a horny curious succubus
>visit/live in fortuna for shit and giggles
>one day you pass near a suspicious dude
>he reeks of sparda, makes your hormones go insane
>find out he's actually sparda's son
based retard
I would pirate it if they put it out. The changelog is pretty substantial and it seems to have addressed a lot of the gameplay-problems of the original. There's no saving the characters and story in my opinion but it might be decent enough to play with proper lock-on, no color coded enemies etc.
I'd rather really stay with the angelic themes mostly just being constrastingly alligned with demons of all sorts (beowulf, angelos, mundus, fallen)honestly
Though you have to wonder where the hell the fallen fell from
>Fellow Madness chad
Based. Never thought I'd see one in these threads. Which track are you referring to specifically?
There is also a couple of hilarious additions, like Donte grabbing Kat's ass in the end, or a new cutscene where Vorgil tries to justify killing Mundus' baby:
>why though
>I had to lol
It's not that Angels didn't exist in the DMC universe. There have been Angel-like demons. Angel themes have always surrounded Nero since DMC4 was released. The thing with Angels is that they aren't really Angels, just demons in disguise. They tricked humans into thinking they were divine.
So I'm new to actually playing on DMD, is massive green orb drops normal or is it just a 5 thing?
Seems awfully generous.
Vorgil did nothing wrong
19 should've been a Nero/Dante boss rush
then 20 is 2 parts where you switch from Dante to Nero
>dante just being happy vergil is there
Vergil was raped by an angel
>Beach DLC
>Lady teases Dante then decides to hunt for crabs, lobsters, and fish
>Trish is busy getting her tan on without realizing she's turning a Gloria level of brown
>Nero using punchline to catch some waves
>Vergil is busy building a sand tower
>Dante knocks it down and they have a sword fight using blow up alligators
DmC5 is more fun on higher difficulties?
>father's a bug
>you and your twin are both more stereotypically reptilian devils
>son is somehow an angelic one who also came out of onimusha
I'd be confused as fuck too
And the fedora removal.
what's the point of heaven and hell?
double jumping and shooting isn't fun
>tfw use SDT solely to delete hell judeccas off the field with demolition
4 was never the best one
Didn't they also remove Vergil's fedora which is pretty hilarious.
Not him but Madness games on Newgrounds was my fucking childhood. And those madness-style Castle web vids that were super violent an bleak.
DMC5 is stupidly wholesome
>it wasn't me, my hand was moving on its own
The very beginning.
Most fun DMD in the series in my opinion.
yep, and the 5 off of the fat guy's t shirt in "under watch", kek
except for the prerendered cutscenes
V really is too much sometimes with the taunts
Cavaliere is 100 outta 10 with those lightning effects though
Dante's depression is officially over now, right? His brother is back, he has a family again, close friends and the world is -mostly- at peace with the underworld
>"Son we are playing DMC not Onimusha"
>"Blake would not approve of this"
>can finally play as Dante
>change to Balrog
Favorite weapon of the series now
To unlock Hell and Hell.
And Vergil Ex.
>She was actually sent by Mundus to finish him off
>She disguised herself as a Fortuna worshiper
>smells his blood and just gets really horny instead
>decides to fuck him first
>ends up liking him and can't go through with killing him
>no mission selector
I need a tutorial on Dan’s face. Explain this super jaw to me
The soundtrack is so fucking Tekken, I do dig it
tracks like these could fit right in
even in context this would fit the nero vs vergil fight like a glove
There is one dumbass
This was the thing that made me realize they fucking knew how much of a joke Vorgil looked and acted. Every single fedora-tipper trope was on Vorgil and they weren't aware until years later.
Vergil is edgy, but its edge done right and he's not a pushover that can fucking die by a car accident
>Dante's depression is officially over now, right?
Definitely. An image gets posted a lot of Dante's smile with the caption "soul refilled" and it really was, I don't think we've ever seen Dante smile so genuinely before.
Buy him a sundae and we're done here.
No, you have to beat Hell and Hell
>Donte grabbing Kat's ass in the end
Wait really? I thought they were going for "slowly transitioning into romance" thing, that ass grab would kinda ruin even that
u wot?
You mean in the credits? Because it’s completely removed from all the other cutscenes.
U wot
When do we get the REAL vergil power level
It's his fault.
He was so much of a weeb and power autist that his son inherited both traits.
Demon genetics is nonsense
SoS is a lot more fun than DH. DMD is a mixed bag. Enemies are really aggressive, which is great. Unfortunately, it uses DMC3 rules where enemies DT no matter what and they all have ridiculously inflated health pools.
If you're talking about DMC1, then yeah its the shittiest part. Is there even a mod to put that in?
She isn't
>when you were having premarital sex
Hypocrisy, Vergil
Yes, it’s real. It’s to show that Donte only wanted to fuck Kat, and nothing more.
Yes sir. Here’s the thread. There’s also an user who’s making a Mexican El Donte mod for DMC5 with some god tier ideas
Dante just needs to get pizza delivery in hell and he'll be set for life.
o fuck
>t7/tt2 ost
Yup, they go away into the sunset, and then Donte just casually slides his hand down from her shoulder to her ass.
>love Trickster Dragon ball teleport
>swordmaster is where the cool combos are
also too scrub to change between all styles so quickly
I fucking love the ending. It makes me so happy.
I would absolutely buy DLCs consisting of only wholesome cutscenes.
>not just as keikaku
Just when I thought DmC ruined everything it could about its story
Plucking tulips is a really good song man
na HaH doesn't unlock Vergil EX
i have it and i've only finished DH and SoS
DH - 19 A - 20 S
SoS - 19 S - 20 A
not sure what the requirement is and i can't remember if i got it on mission 19 or 20
>shoot out her own tits
>"don't you need those?"
This truly is the best timeline.
Holy shit I love it.
man I cant wait for someone to edit the balrog so it isnt that ugly color, or just make it invisible
She's also Mundus's Daughter. He specially trained her to take his place and she was next in line before Berial. She was still too weak to resist SOS cock.
I'm upset they aren't twins anymore. I liked Vergil's hair falling in dmc3, and he was just blu Dante
It will probably be on spotify since capcom decided to put up almost their entire library of OST's on there (thank fuck, they got rid of the DMC OST's for a long time)
Meme difficulty that they for some reason keep putting in. It would be more thrilling if they took your guns away.
Oh. Damn. Is it possible it's like a glitch or something? Maybe he wanted to grab her waist or something
it seems too le random and out of nowhere, even for DmC. Donte, I know you're a womanizer but you just got done almost killing your brother, after you two destroyed the king of demons.
I need a smile edit
Nero absorbed yamato... Itsuno never explained he retcon'd thing in 4 (about how rebellion and yamato worked), so it never made any sense, but the reason nero initially had a stand instead of a devil form was because of yamato. His devil half was literally jettisoned as a spectral form when he DT'd as a result.
All those years fused with yamato maybe altered him, thus giving him the spectral wings instead of the typical ones, but to be honest I think it's more that he's Itsuno's little mary sue. Every chance possible Itsuno puts nero in front of the sos. He's protag in 4 and 5, for instance. 4 was built around him. He arguably has more work done for him in 5 than Dante. In the DMC4 novel Dante says he thinks Nero is stronger than him. If you look at nero's DT it's similar to THE SAVIOR's design, imply nero was the actual savior they had longed for all this time, as in that he was the 2nd coming or whatever. Dante and Vergil have been retconn'd to just being butthurt brothers fighting over mommy, rather than the more deep ideological divide born from their past set up in 3, just so Nero could step in and be the "adult". And then they check out leaving things to nero, the new main. It's pretty clear Itsuno favor's him, so I think it's really just dialog to elevate Nero's status as OP further. Nothing "special" about his mom.
Why they removed it tho? just curious
Where the fuck are they going? The world is destroyed.
True that. Gives me life.
wtf theres actual differences?
Same. Dante and Vergil should have remained identical, save for their clothing and hairstyle.
>i have it and i've only finished DH and SoS
is true, then ex Vergil seems to be unlocked by getting S for all missions on one difficulty, because I first did it on HoH.
I don't use spotify I use an MP3 player which is why I wanted a physical/digital album.
Donte doesn’t give a fuck.
Is it okay for me to enjoy feetus deletus while accepting it was an absolutely retarded plot moment?
Get in here
But that's so fucking stupid, Kat's literally the reason he seemingly began caring about humanity. He even stuck up for her and confronted Vergil. Why NT
He definitlery raised the bar for what taunts can be in the future
Because they realize the trench coat, fedora, and katana combo was a terrible idea.
>Just realised Mundus was still around when Fortuna was sucking Sparda's bug cock
In hindsight Fortuna got lucky they only had to deal with a crazy pope.
I loved V as a character and his moveset leaves a lot of room for expansion. I think they didn’t give him more summons because they wanted to tread lightly since his playstyle is so new and different for the series. Imagine being able to summon switch as fast as Dante can weapon switch.
Does somebody have the one of Nero reflecting it with an Ex-Act
I fucking love when you can see the time flowing with the progression of the stage
I remember pouring dozens upon dozens of hours into Madness Interactive back in the day. Good times.
Good stuff.
Because Donte caring and showing emotions outside of being an asshole is lame.
>only blow mode has a fleshed out move set outside of swordmaster
>fucking hate the bulky ass shoulder pads it adds
Anyone else feel me on this?
I got S on all of SoS, beat the Nero and Dante credits sequences and I dont have it
A perfectly legitimate question.
I was lazy so I just used these for the requester in the previous thread.
>page 7
rip thread can we have more wholesome shit next one, shit was cash
Because it's said he lived with Arkam while he was "researching" the seals. Do you think he had sex parties there?
Exceeded Payline can reflect the entire volley if you're already in the air when he starts it
Don't give them idea's for DMC6.
Maybe this is the real reason it's called Hell and Hell
>Do you think he had sex parties there?
Probably not, but it's not like he couldn't take breaks.
pretty sure i don't even have all S on all mission combined, exception being 18 and i think 10(?)
it might just be something like
1. beat Vergil without getting hit (HaH most likely)
2. finish the fight at full hp (HaH most likely)
3. reach SSS once on the fight (i've done it with Nero and Dante)
4. go above X style points
5. it's a random unlock chance any time you win 19/20
Of course. Arkham is a motherfucking party beast. Have you seen the guy break dance?
All I want is for shoulder pauldrons to be smaller.
Well if it's on there it'll take a day or so for someone to record it from the web player/app via audacity or something and probably put it up here.
Just beat SoS