What game with swords should I get?

What game with swords should I get?

Attached: 1101011.png (355x510, 296K)

Severance - The Blade of Darkness

Realm Royale has a class with swords

Came here to say this.
Also Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

Nier automata easy. The other too are shit.


Two* fuck my ass!

>retro shit

>muh graphics
Get out.

Bottom for authentic European experience and swordplay. Top and middle for japanese cringefest.

FFXV is the only fun game of those three.

NieR is the only one with deep themes.

KC:D is an autism sim

So it's all cringe

Final Fantasy is a baby game
Nier Automata is much more of that "crazy action game" genre so idk if it qualifies for a sword game
and Kingdom Come is JAANK as FUCK

I would say the best of those 3 is probably Kingdom Come, but dont come back arguing its shit if you end up not liking it.

KCD by far. The other two are _______Japanese_______

Bottom isn't cringe.
Weeb posts should be disregarded.

>>retro shit

>those games

Attached: Dark Messiah combat.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

>muh history sim
Sounds pretty cringe.

>FFXV is the only fun game of those three.


Attached: Final Fantasy XV.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

That's showing a lack of complexity, not fun.

>same cherrypicked webms
I honestly wonder if these fags have played any other RPG on the planet. Like there aren't enemies you can just beat down with 0 effort in Dark Souls.

Attached: 8).png (540x549, 357K)

Less cringe than generic japanese fantasy that's been done to death since the late 80's.

max comfy
>nier auto
depressing core
>kingdom cum

Why does this look so good? Mods?

This. KCD is great. The other two are weird anime shit with twink men and underage girls with huge wobbly tits. Disgusting.

Of those 3, get Automata and Kingdom Come

FFXV is unfinished garbage

Not that guy but I have played other RPGs, see pic (Note: it's missing the KH3 Platinum)

The problem that webm is not showing is that when you get to 0 HP you can use an item ON YOURSELF to get back into the fight (if playing on Easy, the game will review you for free and give you buffs) when in every other RPG that character would be useless and in stuff like P3/4/5 or Noctune it's a game over.

Attached: Plats.png (856x4508, 1.47M)

There is a katana in mgs2

>enough said

did you play some gay game on the switch tablet just now by any chance

yeah but NieR is better than MGS2

I know you try to insult me but I don't get in what way exactly.

Want to play ffxv but the download size is retarded.
NIER is just eeh and kcd has some weird combat.

Attached: 1479754481057.jpg (452x428, 89K)

Nier. Easy.

First if you're a 15 year old girl who likes Jpop.

Second if you're a weeb.

Third if you're a historyfag.

Not being able to alt-tab in "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" kind of sucks. For when you need to adjust Volume mixer. Could be clunkily solved by editing registry values for application volume, but shows, that not only graphics suffer from age.

Disagree, the OST and boss themese alone make MGR more fun to play.

"Necropolis" is pretty good for bladed/melee combat. One of the few roguelikes playable over network.


you will put most hours into kcd
nier for ass
I can't say anything positive about ffxv

Isn't that shitty low polly Dark Souls clone with Reddit humor abandoned by Hare Brained Schemes after FTL?

* I said it twice, because it is important**!
** Important is pretty important.

nier unless you have shitty taste

It seemed like a finished game last time I played it. I don't know any other roguelikes playable over network with enjoyable combat system. "Barony" may be more advanced in some areas, but combat does not look fun in it. I mean, it looks like "The Elder Scrolls 3" combat, which is fine for RPG, but not for fun action.

Just randomly remembered, how asterisks were used in books. Not really trying to insult people, correcting their misspells. Just feels wrong.

>shitty game with terrible gameplay
>same as above but there's a female ass in it so it's GOTYAY
>solid RPG with tons of research put into it, kind of a learning curve for the combat and all roleplaying mechanics, though
So, if you're a weeb play the first, if you're an ironic weeb play the second, if you want a game to soak some tens of hours in and learn some new shit play the third.

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