so…japan is over?
So…japan is over?
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Jews fear the samurai
americans are afraid of a little titty from jap games, and japs only want to play hgames so...
Japan is already streaming everything randomly
>UK and Europe are separated
>tfw even had garbage like a service intended only to stream play FF13
No japan is the last bastion
textbook example of FPBP
Ironically, Japan is the only place game streaming would work really well in.
>Google doesn't know that the UK is part of Europe
They are loyal to Nintendo and Sony, this wouldn't fly over there. See Xbox sales.
They know they can't please Japan. Just like Microsoft already realized that years ago.
japan don't play games
It’s been well established that the UK is the only country that deserves to be separated from Europe
>one of the few places this thing would actually work in
>not releasing there
Angloids aren't European. They're barely even human.
>UK is not europe
god damn I hate americans so fucking much
>reddit spacing
Yea I can imagine you want the Uk To be part of europe
Have you paid any attention to xbox sales in japan son
Ironically Japan is one of the few places where this would have been somewhat viable.
>Forgetting the shitshow that was Brexit
Japan is old, provincial and irrelevant as fuck in 2019 if you haven't noticed. That's why they dodged the leftist craze.
The EU is not Europe as much as it wants to be.
The current legislation proves otherwise
no it doesent
Just because they want to separate from the European Union doesn't magically make the UK not part of the European continent.
the sweet irony is that Japan and Korea are literally the only place where they could have had lag low enough to fool people for a few weeks.
It's because we're superior to other European countries.
>single currency
>single laws
>and now single army
>not a country
Your bitchboy politics dont overrule science.
I was more surprised the list wasnt Korea and parts of the nordic countries since they all have baller connections compared to the us and Western EU
>part of a continent
I’m sure you were Chang Korea will jump in after its popular here like every other game.
Not our fault you couldn’t cecede
>most of europe
>Japan isn't part of Asia
don't drag cute girls into this
Believe it or not, the British isles is not its own continent. Nor is the UK in the Atlantic Ocean. In short they're European islands whether or not you like it.
that begs the question
Except OP is talking about countries, not continents. Hence the picture saying the US and Canada and not just North America.
Neither the UK nor Europe are countries.
Well, the UK decided to off itself.
It's not like we had asked them to.
>Europe isn’t a country
Not yet of course. Maybe after the single established army. But japan seems to think so.
>off itself before Europe off itself
Europe != The EU.
who /brexit/ here
There isn't THAT much separating European countries. I'm from Northern Europe and feel like I could get along with most European country's people.
The UK was really the odd one out. They can't even get their shit together within their OWN fucking borders. Even fucking non-EU Norway and Switzerland feel more European than those American dogs from England. It's probably better they are gone.
UK and Russia are usually considered separate markets than the European market despite being part of the continent.
Norway, Switzerland, and the small tax haven countries are considered part of the European market despite not being in the EU.
By that logic Norway is not Europe either. Stop being an idiot.
I can see how an idiot would think that.
22 European countries are not part of the EU madam
You guys are idiots. The context of this situation is not geography, obviously the UK is in Europe. It’s about countries, hence why the US and Canada are not bundled in North America. And why Europe, it’s own country, is not with the UK.
>inb4 wahh were not a country (yet)
Stop supporting the EU then
Have you ever traveled beyond the border of your country?
Seriously, give it a go. Get InterRail and go places. It's fun.
Russia is from Asia retard
That’s not what I was talking about but interesting that’s what though chose to say
>Stop supporting the EU
The EU has been doing its worst this century (currently with Article 11/13). and I won't defend them for the garbage they have pulled off, but Europe would be a worse place without it.
The EU is the lesser evil. I seriously hope some self-reflection will eventually settle in with EU officials, but this is a case of "Hope dies last." and it's close.
If there was no EU, the same shit would simply happen on the domestic stage.
Vote for someone opposing Article 11/13, and you are probably already helping.
>EU is the lesser evil
Lesser evil to what?
1. Being Russia's bitch
2. Being USA's bitch
3. A bunch of wars where countries the size of Pennsylvania try to take over each other
>Yea Forums pretending to be an expert in politics
It’s never been that in the history of ever. Except for Eastern Europe because it was physically conquered. Any other time is just anti American and anti Russia paranoia. Which is weird because most American politicians support the EU. Even obongo
Fuck off to your Marxist subreddit destiny
>jews fear the samurai
funnily enough google is a jew company
Google has the NWO behind them
Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish
Enjoy the NWO jewish illuminati console
Be a good goy buy google
>Lesser evil to what?
Countries all doing their own thing.
I don't know about other European countries in that regard, but over here it's mostly failed teachers and sub-par jurists running for office and seats in parliament.
The EU sucks ass, but that's mostly because our local politicians already suck in the first place.
It's homegrown, so to speak. Making the parliament more "diverse" in terms of shittiness probably makes it more resilient to outliers. That's a good thing. The lesser evil.
Would love some more coverage. though. On TV it's all "OH LOOK TRUMP" these days, never "OH LOOK JUNCKER" or "OH LOOK WEBER". At least we had some "OH LOOK VOSS" recently. That faggot really needs to go and stay go.
ahahha Phil Harrison is working for google now, the shill king of 2006 Sony is back boys!!! fuck hi and fuck Jade Raymond and all the other shills at the presentation!
didnt you know user
the world is divided in two parts
EAST and west
EAST is japan
WEST is every other country in the world, even china
>UK and europe are 2 separate things
EU or Europe? Cuz you know, Turkey is yurope for some reason. Russia is yurop too, but people seems to forget that very often like this numbskull
even without brexit, bongoloids should be considered separate from europe
i live in japan, why would i want this? to stream assassins creed? kool
no you fucking inbred moron they know it cant compete in japan so they are not bothering
brexit retard fucking burn in a fire
what's a brexit? something ducks walk on? eurofags are weird.
Turkey is Europe only in a very loose sense of the word.
Essentially like calling the UK a South American nation, because it has some isles down there.
Don't exactly remember the percentage, but less than 5% of Turkey is technically Europe, the rest is Asia.
In Russia about 75% of the population lives in Europe, so you could arguably call it European.
If this shit runs on XP I might get it.
But they are retarded like Sony so it won't.
Add another nazi frog to the filter
This but unironically. Don’t need to stream gacha games because they already run fine on phones.
>one world government is a good thing
>its a lesser evil than countries doing their own thing
if you are not a FUCKING RETARD you dont need to stream any games
Canada streaming 4k LOL
outside of Toronto people can barely stream Netflix at 1080, and we pay out the ass for data caps because our government is so cucked
Nips laughing at this now.
You know why Russia is part of Europe and Turkey isn't? Russians are white. Turks aren't.
I wonder if nips have happenings on 2chan like they do here.
Don't have to bother translating into a dozen languages if you roll it out to UK only
thanks for reinforcing I guess
This, streaming games is not feasible for many. Maybe in 10-20 years that would be the norm but now thats just not possible.
>there's an assistant you can call when you are stuck in a game
Why even bother translating they all know English because they’re forced to take it
quite based and indeed redpilled