NEET here, What games do wagies play after their 12 hour shift? do they even have energy left to turn on their console? this is actually so fucking sad
NEET here, What games do wagies play after their 12 hour shift? do they even have energy left to turn on their console...
I rarely play, just watch animu and shitpost on Yea Forums. If anything i play Jrpgs or heroes of might and magic once in a while.
The waiting game. Yes wagies literally prefer to just wait/sleep until their next shift over anything that can't be quicky browsed on their goyphone.
I play a lot of games at work actually. I keep emulators on my work PC and just do some games whenever I don't want to give a shit.
At home I mostly play RPGs and horror games. Right now I am playing through Enderal.
Hearts of iron4(eaw mod), csgo and that magic the gathering arena game if i feel like getting mad at not drawing the right card and getting fucked
>tfw only work 15 hours a week
I know I can't keep up this lifestyle forever, but I'm gonna cling on to it as long as possible. God I love having time for video games.
I play multiplayer games with my wife
>12 hours
but even in Boland you only can work like 8 hours? o_O
>w-we're not really working!
My favorite cope, please, do continue
Quick question, how do NEETs get their wives?
Meh. I'm willing to exchange my time for currency. I am also willing to screw over my employer by not actually do anything. The company can go fuck itself.
Enjoy living off food stamps
I do 12s in america. 24s at fire station
im in the uk i work 10.5 hour shifts
and yeah i have no energy either
Mostly VR games these days, although I've been playing BaBa is You recently and plan on picking up Sekiro when it comes out in a few days.
dark souls 1 for a couple hours once every 3 weeks
i'd just do casual vr stuff but i unironically cant afford it despite being a wagie
>10 hour shift at day (including 1 hour lunch)
>plus 4 hour shift at night
i really fucking wish i was dead
t. writing at my lunch hour
>no energy to play vidya
Jesus Christ user, all that work and you can't even afford games? Surely you can find a better job?
I'm going from the standard Monday-to-Friday 8 hour shift schedule to a 3-on-3-off 12 hour shift. What am I in for? It actually sounds kind of neat to me.
At what job? I only work three days for 12 hours straight, it's tough but at least I could rest throughout the entire morning.
I have a standard 8 hour day and work from home 90% of the time as an IT Recruiter.
At the moment I am playing Etrian Odyssey Nexus and just finished Yakuza Kiwami, sometimes I spend the evening playing Overwatch with my fiancee who also works full time.
It's pretty great, we'll be going on our 2nd 3 week vacation to Japan within 8 months in April since we're in a very stable and solid financial place thanks to working in secure jobs. :)
That's what legal amphetamines aka ADD meds are for.
>tfw you design pixel assets for a living so your job is actually enjoyable
Feels good man.
The novelty is going to wear off incredibly quickly and youre going to waste your first day off work just recovering from the prior 3 which if youre anything like me will fuck your sleep schedule
Vermintide 2 and Division 2. My job starts early in the morning and I’m off by noon. It would give me more time for games but I got other commitments during the week. Besides that, I only have Saturday
It kills you if you commute for more than 5 min
well, some people, I suppose. Have you ever worked a 10? It's like that but then even worse since it really drags on. Hope you have some good shoes.
You'll hate it while you're there but love the three day weekends. Life will feel full again if you found M-F was too draining.
get drunk and play cs with the boys literally every night, fucking hate cs
Aircraft mechanic. The idea is to stop wasting time with hand-offs between crews mid-day. You come back to work the next day and everything is right where you left it, no need to catch up on what the other crew did.
my favorite cope is the one where you eat top ramen for the 7th time this week
I work from home and am shitposting as we speak lmao
I'm comfy as fuck, making dosh, and not living on literal scraps
NETTs, not even once
I'm only an 8 hour retail slave.
Really depends, sometimes fighters, sometimes jrpgs, ffxiv on occasion, repeatedly going through dmc5 at the moment.
I hate it, but not as much as I hate being broke and I can't get neetbux so that's life.
it's called being a third worlder with underage siblings and no working parents
Then you get used to your job and enjoy the full 3 days off of work
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
That sounds rough user. I hope you're okay.
That sucks, you mind saying which country?
I just play whatever I have on my PS4 for a couple of hours before going to sleep
I miss being a NEET
I do 6 hours of overnight stocking 4 nights a week at a whole foods and it's top comfy.
wagie wagie get in cagie
>Shift work
>Working all weekend until Tuesday
>Dodging spoilers left right and centre for Sekiro come Friday
Worst part is I just had Saturday Sunday and Monday off
Im starting anti depressants this week
Wish me luck wage bros
>12 hour shifts
holy fuck you dipshits must be the most unskilled pieces of garbage or fucking too retarded to get an education.
just look at whats in demand. go to college for 2 years (cost me like 6k)
now i'm in an office for 6 hours watching games all day and playing games when I get home, learn to abuse the system.
>spoilers for a game that has four endings at
yeah man, good job. Keep it up.
Imagine being a wagecuck who isn't making shekels from investments.
Sorry that you failed at life.
>apply online for shit tier jobs like retail because im an old failure
>applications take 40+ minutes to fill out because of the shitty 300 question tests with questions like "would you steal? yes no maybe"
why is this allowed
NEET NEET can't afford to eat
Please oh please, government give me my cheese
my skin is bad and my heart is sad
I'm a daily disappointment to mom and dad
And where do you find that shit in Florida, specifically Miami? Also, does it really even matter? 12 hours isn't bad.
Stocks are stressful. And if it was that easy everyone would be doing it
I got into crypto and then had 20k worth of BTC and ETH stolen from me in the Quadriga exit scam.
Move you fucking idiot.
>tfw rich buttcoin NEET
seethe harder
>getting money from the government
lol. It's from playing the market, investing is ez
>bad health
nope plenty of time to exercise
>daily disappointment to mom and dad
who cares? It's your life
>dude just move lmao its easy and cheap
To fucking where, mongoloid? Any cheap houses I can buy?
I don't live in the shithole that is america.
if you think 12 hour shifts is normal, there is no help.
enjoy losing all your interests.
>anime image
just once i would like one of you to break this stereotype
How do I find what's in demand? I'm genuinely clueless. Is there some sort of website I can go to with a list of cities/countries and what they need?
right because all of europe is perfect with no issues at all right?
I was 12's but it really was 14's
that was military though
do you expect much else from the same user saying
>dude just get a college education and get a free job its easy and cheap
Im in Canada specifically Alberta, we have this site that helps out
>inb4 doxx
Doesn't help with being a wagie. Only benzos help. Pop a few valium and the days will pass without much suffering. Pleasant times.
It was the only way I could get through working without wanting to die. I have no idea how normalfags do it. I wish I could be like them.
If everyone is richer, then money is worthless. There has to be poor people for me to be middle class and have hope of becoming upper middle class.
The poor are being automatied out of existence. But they aren't doing it fast enough
I live in Canada you mong
why do people in USA forget that there is a massive fucking landmass above them that actually works.
12 hour shifts isn't normal for skilled laborers in america. Maybe for restaurant or service industry. Max I work is 8 as an apartment maintenance tech.
>show up to work when i want
>leave when i want (as long as the jobs get done)
>dog accompanies me
>Hourly + commission from contracts
>gram gram makes my lunch everyday and stacks it the fuck up
>home before the after work traffic rush and after the shit kids leave from school
>fridge, freezer, pantry and cupboards packed with food and drink curated for my tastes
>two side-by-side 60" LED screens in the front room for simultaneous gamin and watchin
>get to play all the new hotness come release time cause i have disposable income
>hi-speed internet plus all the entertainment amenities
>Medium spec gamin PC in the room adjacent
>master bedroom and cali king size bed
Shit is CASH and NEETS will never know the comfort of being self sufficient
Imagine having to worry about any of this crap instead of just being a buttcoin NEET or having rich parents who can just pay your way through uni and shower you with industry connections
I mean, I'm not mentally negative and weak, like you are. I see it as no big issue, since I work for three days. I like working tough jobs, but this doesn't mean I'm not doing anything else on the side.
College itself is a scam, so I had my suspicions. It's better to just open a business like Landscaping/Cleaning as an example, that will literally get you a lot in a year or two.
my dream right there not gonna lie
you said america you moron, not the united states. sorry to break it to you but you do live in america. im not even that user, i just felt like correcting a stupid leaf.
>Work a morning job
>Go to class to finish my last semester of college
>Go to evening job
>Have maybe an hour and a half afterwards to do whatever before bed and the cycle starts
The only vidya I have the time to play anymore has to be handheld. I play a lot of Project Diva and Vita DRPGS/RPGs/etc. I can do this in bed, or on the toilet, or as I'm eating dinner.. Otherwise, it's Smash and other fighting games on the one day a week I get to hang out with friends.
>mentally negative and weak
you are sucked into the system, i can assure you this is not what you would be doing if you could live for free or make more working less. you just accept your life as it is and try to trick yourself into thinking its ok, have fun when your 40 and you off yourself because you lost your youth
I shitpost at work. (Right now I'm getting paid for this)
When I get home I usually spend an hour or two playing endless space or endless legend with my gf. Then whatever i want while she watches me play with her head on my lap.
It's not too bad.
Yes. There would be 4 spoilers.
And here you are shitposting on Yea Forums. Some life.
married wagies dont play games
theres no time
no games until you die
I’ve been unemployed for like 2 years and I probably won’t be able to even start looking for work for another year due to medical issues. I’m so fucking bored, how do neets not want to kill themselves?
if you think people refer to Canada when they say america you need to off yourself asap, do not breed
>Aircraft mechanic
If Airforce prepare to hate your life
JUST LIKE ME. Sounds civilian though and you guys have rights
My brother used to be the king of turbo hardcore minmaxing autists and would just stomp in all kinds of niche complex; mount and blade, Elite Dangerous, Supreme commander, he was just good at literally everything.
Then he got a job and couldn't be bothered to keep his passion in his hobby around because his wageslaving just sucked his soul out like a bing in a sony gynecology clinic.
I suspect that will be me too, eventually.
At least my life is my own. Your boss owns you.
get some insoles for your shoes or you'll be wincing in pain when you work at the end of the say
assuming you work standing up, anyways
depends on the profession but mostly it's unskilled
like security guards
You can always just leave a job. Its not some kind of holy pact that lasts until your dying breath.
Remember to vote for Yang 2020
>will tax corporations and do away with welfare and distribute that money evenly to 1k a month for anyone 18+
they have to try and filter out low aganecy niggers
it doesn't work but they try
Is that supposed to be some sort of comeback?
You say that as if Yea Forums isn't filled with normalfags at this point.
Every single time
LITERALLY every single time Anons get mad at *yawn*/wagecuck threads
>work 7h from home
>wife cooks dinner
>play with children
>8pm to midnight is sex and vidya
I won life.
What boss? I'm a trust fund dumbfuck who's parents own shit loads of apartments in Seattle.
>their wives
the answer is your wife
Most start up businesses fail and even doing manual labor like landscaping/cleaning you still need capital to get off the ground unless you enjoy doing manual labor for peanuts in perpetuity.
loads of hot camgirls on camsites from columbia, damn i wish i was in columbia with my current wage.
And here you are shitposting on Yea Forums. Some life.
Do you even wonder why single player games are dying in favor of quick reward MP games without depth?
Because that's what wagies play, my wagie friends all play service games like heartstone, hots, or [insert current FOTM BR here], because they need that quick high from those RNG filled short games.
lol americucks will gladly work to the bone at some menial task to spite the niggers around them
she doesn't stand a chance
failed normalfags
>Working a job is slavery
This is what a NEET actually believes
I'm literally in a video conference right now, nigga.
>Paid like fucking crazy because I made myself a major ingredient in the glue that keeps the company together
>work from home whenever I want
>work literally whenever I want so long as I'm reachable within 20 minutes. Have never been contacted outside of 9-5 local time.
>unlimited PTO
>job essentially does itself
>spend majority of my time playing video games while listening to other people talk in google hangouts with my mic muted
You can always just leave a job if you have no responsibilities and are fine with having no health insurance and living off your savings. Of course you can just get another job and be owned by another boss.
>will tax corporations
Lazy NEETs want to suckle off everyone else's teet instead of forging their own success, it's pathetic.
Trump is legitimately a better choice for anyone who isn't a pathetic manchild, and I'm not even some /pol/ MAGAtard.
At least I never have to get a job or education. My entire life was paid for before I was born.
>Working a job is not slavery
this is what a slave actually believes
It's what people will believe 100-200 years from now too
>and I'm not even some /pol/ MAGAtard
Yes you are.
Not really no.
>NEETs constantly have to assure everyone that they're totally happy and not miserable, just like normal people don't do
Just a reminder that NEETs have some of the highest suicide rates
I come home and play halo or DmC5 until around 5 am. I work second shift so I can sleep in until 1 or 2
oh whoops nevermind then, yeah you're fucked
>t. Hytale dev
holy shit look at all these wagies
You're saying that like all money suddenly disappears the moment you are not in a job?.. But still defending NEETs?.. How?
Nah. Trump is an actual idiot when it comes to... well, just about everything but at least he isn't trying to steal my hard-earned money and give it to some autist who's too socially-inept to work
>this graph compares top 10% to bottom 90% in raw numbers
>doesnt show growth of average household compared to inflation
a bloo bloo bloo
Both the rich and poor got richer, the rich just got even more richerer
Enjoy being poor AND considered a failure
wow this image looks a lot like hatsune miku with cat ears
They have gotten too powerful to allow other people becoming successful you retard.
Yes you are.
Oh, here we go, are you one of those edgy, "YOU'RE A COG IN THE MACHINE" matrix people? I can assure you, that you know nothing of me, people who will continue doing nothing, not even trying to find some rise in employment all the way to 40, off themselves. You are thinking too little saying dumb shit like "Your boss owns you! You're sucked into the system!" Fun fact, to open a business anywhere, you would need to suck up to the government for that, and they technically own you, if we go by your mentality.
I like my work ethic, I don't care about working too little or too much, it's indifferent to me. I just want the opportunity to try/learn different things. That's what I do in different jobs. Right now, I'm on my way to learn mechanics and farming. When you say "You could be making more, by working less" it just tells me that you aren't very good at saving money.
is called wage slavery, the current slave system
>get home after 9 hours on the grind
>Crack open a cold one
>Make dinner as simple or lavish as I have the energy for
>Alternating days are studying or video games
As someone who achieved a 100 hour work week back in college (usually 80-90) working 45 hours a week feels like Im barely working at all
>instead of forging their own success
$10 says you shriek at the notion of an inherentence tax
If you browse this site you are a failed normalfag. You don't think people would look at you differently if you admitted to browsing this site?
user here spoutin' truths
>he isn't trying to steal my hard-earned money and give it to some autist who's too socially-inept to work
Except that's what your taxes pay for right now. Yang changes that.
>become a burnt out gamer and wagie after years of NEETdom
>spend the weekdays thinking how much fun i could be having playing videogames at home
>spend the weekends staring at the screen trying to get motivated to play something while stuck in a purgatory of opening and closing Yea Forums every few minutes trying to quit and coming back for just one more thread that might not be shit
Every single thread NEETs have to justify their uselessness. Y’all deserve your own holocaust
t. slave
I go home, get my gatcha dailies, then pass out on the couch struggling to breath as I sleep for 3 hours before i go back into my safety cage.
>You're saying that like all money suddenly disappears
He literally mentioned savings in that post. Also why do you think people work jobs? Are you illiterate?
>tfw work 6 hours a day
>But because of classes and commute I essentially have a 12 hour work day
I want to play more video games.
>do they even have energy left
>this is actually so fucking sad
Someone has to support you.
>QOL improved, so it's okay if 1% of people possess 99% of riches
imagine defending a parasitic elite you're not even a part of. you're a good dog
Oh the ironing
>air force
Lol that's me. P-3 Orion, what about you?
Fuck, it wasn't until I got a job that I truly realized how much free time I had for all my vidya. You get home from work, you're tired, you eat, and you immediately have to go to sleep because you're getting up in 9 hours, for another 9 hour shift. Free time suddenly became such a rare luxury. All my neet Yea Forumsros, trust me, no matter how depressed you are right now over not having much going for yourselves, you have a LOT of free time. Cherish it.
>be at work 12 hours a day
>wife comes to neet's house for a good fuck for 3 of those hours
how do you think
>Also why do you think people work jobs?
To gain a sense of satisfaction at a job well done and to contribute to society.
Imagine being so politically illiterate that you think the wealth of all but a few of the wealthiest is "hard-earned"
>some autist who's too socially-inept to work
I can't wait to see more of this rhetoric as more and more jobs become automated. Literally "learn-to-code" tier rhetoric. Boomers are pathetic.
>Work in a law office
>Spend the day browsing Yea Forums and entering information into computers
>Paid pretty well
I feel genuinely sorry for NEETs sometimes. An old friend of mine from high school killed himself recently, his parents think it was because he never stopped being a NEET. Sad.
I love when people have this attitude and also have the attitude of
>why is everything so terrible
Especially for games
>it's like the devs didn't even try!
When you say "the company can go fuck itself" what you're really saying is "the customer can go fuck themselves".
I mean, see? There you go. You didn't even try to read my entire argument. There's no point in discussing. Keep living with a small-mind.
>contribute to society
you mean make profit for a bunch of assholes while the planet goes to hell
>muh work ethic
>muh bootstrapitalism
>muh savings
>Oh the ironing
How is it irony that NEETs have such high suicide rates? Do you even know what you're talking about?
But that’s not truth, the growth for the bottom 60% has been erased by the higher growth of inflation. You make more Money but it costs more to live.
>these big blocks of not mad at all text
Fuel systems on F-16's
extremely shitty
Good one!
cope all you want, you are nothing but a resource to be exploited
They play the latest generic shooter.
seething boomer lmao
No I work to eat...
Im tired of you dumb burgers saying this shit over and over about being "too tired to do anything after work. This is only true if you live a horrible lifestyle. Quit smoking, drinking, fapping, and stuffing your fat face full of food all the time and you can be alert and energized on 4 hours sleep or less.
>You didn't even try to read my entire argument
He wasn't responding to one.
I don't understand Americans. They get upset when some hoodrat trash gets a free smartphone or some illegal immigrant gets food stamps but don't give a flying fuck when major companies leak their private data, avoid paying taxes and are continually trying to find ways to charge them more while providing less and less for the end consumer.
Hell, major banks had facilitated a massive financial crisis that brought the global economy in a recession and cost the American taxpayers upwards of $22 trillion. What did these banks get as a punishment? Fucking bailouts.
>I'm willing to exchange my time for currency.
I feel bad for slaves. If you found out you were going to die in 5 minutes, would you be happy that you spent your last day accumulating currency instead of being happy?
I haven't had a day I wouldn't be fine with being my last in over 7 years. I could die this minute with zero regrets, that's what freedom is.
But all the latest shooters are free to play, which is right up a NEET's alley since they have no money.
I enjoy life more than games :)
Because they have been fed lies that the corporate world is what is saving them and making life good.
you sound like a boomer
>opportunity to try/learn different things
why the fuck are you on Yea Forums then?
th-they deserve it
>he says while crying about his shitty life in some old tenement without any friends, money and/or love
Oh, here we go, are you one of those edgy, "YOU'RE A COG IN THE MACHINE" matrix people? I can assure you, that you know nothing of me, people who will continue doing nothing, not even trying to find some rise in employment all the way to 40, off themselves. You are thinking too little saying dumb shit like "Your boss owns you! You're sucked into the system!" Fun fact, to open a business anywhere, you would need to suck up to the government for that, and they technically own you, if we go by your mentality.
I like my work ethic, I don't care about working too little or too much, it's indifferent to me. I just want the opportunity to try/learn different things. That's what I do in different jobs. Right now, I'm on my way to learn mechanics and farming. When you say "You could be making more, by working less" it just tells me that you aren't very good at saving money.
Lazy NEETs want to suckle off everyone else's teet instead of forging their own success, it's pathetic. Trump is legitimately a better choice for anyone who isn't a pathetic manchild, and I'm not even some /pol/ MAGAtard. I mean, I'm not mentally negative and weak, like you are. College itself is a scam, It's better to just open a business like Landscaping/Cleaning as an example, that will literally get you a lot in a year or two.
There's a reason people dread losing their jobs. Finding another one isn't exactly a walk at the park, and the in between isn't usually described as a fun moment
TF2 is pretty good for just dicking around and mindlessly fragging in pubs. Other than that I like to play DOOM
I really like Fighting Games so if i had a 12 hr shift i would play some matches on those games,i always find a moment to play vidya,at least 1 hr.
Tho i believe that constant 12hrs shift isn't healthy. i do 8hrs shift normally unless shit hits the fan, so i usually have a lot of time to play.
i dread the moment i get old and sleep trough my free time like my dad does.
Used to work 13 hours a day, came home exhausted and went to sleep without eating, had to wake up a few hours later to resume the grind, I almost killed myself that way and kept doing it because I literally didn't know any better, and there was fucking nothing else to strive for in my country. Now I'm a neet and it's even worse lol
>also why do you think people work jobs
I gain barely any more by working at my parttime shitjob when compared to welfare but guess what going outside 4 walls 5 times a week and having tasks to do with other people helps to keep you sane
>tfw 2k a month neet
>wake up and program whenever I want, even make some side dosh from apps
>completely stress-free existence, sloth personified
>felt like cycling around the lake and doing gardening today (good month for sowing mi'lord)
>did it
Don't you guys at least want to try NEETdom a bit? I work half the year and the year I'm not working is easily superior.
I played Kingdom Hearts 3 and Spider-Man recently
Imagine if a fraction of the energy retards like spends whining about freeloading NEETs was used instead against corporate welfare.
Boomerism is one hell of a drug
Said the NEET cuck, after stashing away his array of piss bottles.
Please do functioning society a favor, and become another statistic by felating a tailpipe
So, what have you accomplished, user? What do you consider a better QOL?
I could easily live off of 2k a month
But I play DnD and board games with my friends when they're done working :)
>2k a month neet
so how many people will be working then? couple thousands?
anyone who spends his time flexing on Yea Forums isnt content with his life
You misspelled shitposting
What do you think weekends are for you nigger
Its not for everyone. If you do not have willpower to make yourself to do things you will end up "depressed". I've been NEET 3 years at most and yea shit gets sad when you just cant order yourself to do anything.
Just be born in a country with better benefits
>tfw can't move out of shithole country because no money
>can't get degrees because expensive as shit
>tfw have to accept shit tier backbreaking jobs
>I'm supposed to be thankful for this opportunity according to my employer
sometimes I fantasize about killing myself in front of my boss and traumatizing him
I’m not a NEET but I have to respect them as they looked at a world and a system where the idea for literal slave cages exist and say “fuck that shit”.
You know if you work 12s you usually only work 3 days a week. I we would love to work 12s at my hospital.
>going outside 4 walls 5 times a week and having tasks to do with other people helps to keep you sane
I'm sure that's why people work shitjobs and not because they need to sustain themselves financially. Would also explain why half the people who actually work for a living here work from home.
Not only americans, user. Most right wingers of most developed countries think like that, because poor people are the perfect scapegoat for elite politicians who don't want people to look at them
I post here for fun, though.
Kill your boss instead.
>it's another "NEETboy who entirely depends on his pussy parents not kicking him out the house thinks he's got a grasp of how life works" episode
video games
Resting so you can give 110% during the week
That is, unless the boss calls you into work ;)
Keep telling yourself that.
I salute you man, keep your head up.
Robots have been threatening to take all the jobs for decades. Well where the fuck are they? My job is fucking shit, please take it already its been years. One of those immigrant people we are supposed to be flooded by can have it too, I dont care as long as its not me anymore.
yeah but in the end they're caged in their own mind, parents basement or equivalent and limited possibilities and the fact that they already peaked, very low though
with no real goals to change their daily routines that consist of shit that will never make them feel fulfilled
how do you get so much
I have 30k atm but see no problem working where I am even when the pay isnt any good... Really now are you really so busy that you need 16 hours of free time every day? Or are weak like an old man who gets exhausted from a little bit of work?
But I own my own apartment and the government pays me indefinitely to live
Truckers are very much an at risk species
Would probably help if most game companies cared about their workers. It's not some coincidence that the turnover rate in the game industry is so high compared to other software dev. And no "Pizza Fridays" doesn't cut it.
It is, I'm 35 and work in a warehouse. My working career life is dead in the water. I work 8 hour shifts though, I'm not a fucking burger, I have some standards. I'm playing DS3 right now, have Rain World in my backlog.
It's funny, because this is what Amazon literally has. and what makes it scarier is the machines sounding like children laughing at a distance.
>tfw 2k a month neet
Bullshit. Either you have a legitimate medical issue preventing you from working, or this figure is inflated for the lulz.
me too, I have always been proud of being a neet even if now i have to work some days, I think I always will be a neet on my mind till i die.
Well that's the point, you can try and make more days like weekends
I play 30 minutes of Tetris before the booze and sleeping pills take effect.
>I forever get disability
But that's not true user, nobody just gets permanent free government money before like 60. If you get autism bucks you need to see a therapist every month for example.
Funny cause those NEETs have about as much of a grasp on how life works as the pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstrap boomers who post here.
Imagine slaving away everyday for some fake currency that will have no value come the apocalypse.
I sleep as much as I want, go to the gym, play vidya and prepare for the fall of civilization. Why aren’t you doing the same?
>But that's not true user, nobody just gets permanent free government money before like 60. If you get autism bucks you need to see a therapist every month for example.
Maybe not in your shithole country fell out of civilization :(
>People who live at home and sponge off their parents have as much of a grasp on life as people who pay their own bills
Please, I'd love to hear the reasoning
>wasting a carlos
>being a corporate cocksucker
I say this as a wagie myself, but go fuck yourself.
To be fair that accurately describes a huge swath of the working class just as it does the neets.
I do heavy lifting for work so I need to be in good shape. I only work 9 hour shifts so I go to the gym after and come home tired as fuck. No time for your manchild vidya.
>Spend whole weekend stressing about what to play
>start having fun sunday night
Why do spics like you always do this?
When people say "America" they're obviously talking about the United States. EVERY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET DOES THIS, except for you spic countries for some asinine reason. When people say "Americas" they are then referring to the countries in North & South.
Bartender who works at restaurant here. You simply lose all interest in starting a long game and you rarely feel like playing anything for more than an hour.
It's not a great feeling.
I don't live in school shooting land, I have permanent bennies.
yup, it's the problem with never actually doing anything
the only cock I'm sucking is yours faggot but things be how they are
>Really now are you really so busy that you need 16 hours of free time every day? Or are weak like an old man who gets exhausted from a little bit of work that isn't enough to cover expenses anymore than not working would?
>tfw fucked life up by not working for 3 years due to stupid decisions
>no second chances
>not even employable by shit tier bullshit jobs
lmao dot jpg how do you like my speedrun
ex-wagie now NEET here. I unironically enjoyed vidya more when I was a wagie and had limited free time on my hands. I also played meme games like CoD with co-workers after work. Now, despite having all the time in the world to play any vidya I want, I'm so depressed, lonley and shut-in that I can't even get the small motivation it takes to launch a vidya. And in the rare cases I do, I end up quitting in less than 30 minutes and go back to shit posting all day. I was last a wagie 9 years ago. I like to tell myself that games are just shit today but in reality I'm too broken to enjoy vidya anymore. I only seem to enjoy them when I'm drunk but then it became a habit to drink every day and that resulted me in me being 300 pounds with failing organs.
Jesus christ fellow wageslaves, join a fucking union, you have way more rights than you think. Unless you're a burger, haha how's that """democracy""" workin for ya?
>"only" 9 hour shifts
Are you me?
not in the home of the brave you dont
>Also I'm not gonna tell you what country I'm from
I'm very curious what country this is but I'm assuming you'll never tell me because this is bullshit
>it's the problem with never actually doing anything
this is what boomers actually believe
>Tfw making 5k per month working 4 days 8 hours per week at an interesting research job
Getting educated pays of, m8. Also as a non-subhuman I play PC, not console.
Apparently, I'm the pull-your-bootstrap boomer, when I just want to learn several different things. I didn't even call anyone lazy or anything. I legitimately want to learn things.
>own an apartment
Then why do I feel no pleasure?
You do know there are other ways to make money than slaving away at dome soulless job, right? You are underneath civilization and you don’t even notice it.
I work in HR and I'm the only dude in the entire department. I love it. All the baby boomer women dote on me and buy me sweets and chocolate and coffee. The manager also lets me go home at 4pm some days and just says she will put it down that I left at 6 on my timesheet. Why are baby boomer women so nice to me? I think I actually like being at work more than I like being at home playing games.
>he is going to be a Aircraft mechanic
>and yet he decides to lose is time with vidya instead of focusing in his career
Ooh... woah... grow up kiddo. I'm moving to America in the next month because I got a job opportunity in the engineering field in one of those South Dakota oil industries, starting salary is 90k.
I'm literally abandoning videogames for ever because there's a new life waiting for me and a whole new country to visit and explore. There's no more reason to waste my time with vidya.
There's more to life than staring at a screen and hearing "YAHOOS!".
NEETs coming up with sicks burns about people that work is like people that shit their pants daily trying to mock people that know how to use toilets
a lot of factory work in the US is on 12 hour shifts
Does it matter? All countries are the same to burgers. Let's just say white Europe.
Paying your own bills from capital income doesn't give you anymore of a grasp on how life works than paying your bills from Daddy's credit card. You're both horribly out of touch.
>I only work 9 hour shifts
Can you fuckers stop saying this kind of thing it's genuinely disturbing
If you "only" work 7-9 that is your day gone
Netherlands has this, guy I know doesn't work a day, just sits in his studio making frenchcore 24/7 on gov pay
good one Brick
umm yes but that's a response to something that was not said
I don't know who you are to judge though and you don't know who I am so meh
Inferiority complex, spics are aware of how shitty and irrelevant their hell holes are so when you talk about "America" you trigger the reminder of their reality.
>Does it matter? You're gonna check anything I say and confirm I'm lying
>feel fulfilled
This is the biggest meme around. You think a bigger house is going to fulfil you? Some kids? Landing a raise, or a better job?
Fulfilment can only come from within. It's not the destination, it's the journey, and for NEETs it's a 24/7 party.
It's fine to have goals, but isn't it funny how all of yours seem to just revolve around what the TV tells you to do? Instead of anything that might actually be considered a personal opinion?
What kind of research? I have a degree in Medical Biology but can't get any research job. Had to resort to working in Pharma industry as a Microbiology Analyst doing boring shit.
>doesn't know of the most basic support, Toimeentulotuki
Literally everyone is applicable it if the other safety nets don't catch them. Rent + water + electricity + ~600€ a month. You can also get a few hundred extra every few months from bumming off of Sosiaalivirasto by claiming additional expenditures like needing new glasses or whatever.
lol yeah she really gets a thrill from the obese 2 pump chump wearing a Gears of War shirt and stained gym shorts
Yea he is bullshitting. If he gets anywhere close to what he claims he is legit retarded and cannot work even if he wanted to. But thats probably "the dream" to some of you guys from what I read..
You might have had a point if the majority of people who work weren't getting paid like shit. The fighting between wagies and neets is just crab mentality at its finest.
admit it, you're a neet because you lack the capacity to amount to anything, no I am not talking about some factory wage slave job, which is all you can conceive as the alternative due you being limited
>Paying your own bills from capital income
We weren't discussing that user, but good job moving the goalposts entirely to a new stadium
Yes, I paid for a share in this housing co-op which is how you own apartments in my country.
>About to start a 12 hour 3-4 day a week assembly job
>also doing Extras work in TV shows or Movies.
>Family is to blame because "You have to get a job."
>Hes never work 3 12 hour nursing shifts and then had 5 days off
You don't know what your missing
I mean, you can literally do all that, and then come home to relax with a video game, user. It's a new thing called "Free time."
You go outsife the legal grid and become a criminal my friend.
I work 25 hours a week, usually stacked into 3 days (tues+wed+thurs) and then chill for 4 days straight.
Not feeling like playing regular stuff after work indeed, too tired mentally. But I'm perfectly fine with this schedule. I just read manga or watch some shit on workdays and then blast the shit out of games for the rest of the week.
>I'm literally abandoning videogames for ever
So why do you come here?
How can you say your day is gone when working 7-9 hours? Assuming you're getting 8 hours of sleep, plus 2 hours of daily chores, that's 13-15 hours to do whatever the fuck you want
You're seething at my life so that's enough of a confirmation for me.
Most likely lives in some cuck European country like France.
Biological psychology. I'm working on neuronal processes governing eye movements during reading.
>Durr there's this other super secret form of unemployment you see
Sure there is. I think that has a lot more of a grasp on this than you
that was a pretty limited view, I feel fulfilled from pushing myself further than before and that's not tied to your jaded view of the world
Because you are a miserable unhappy frogposter?
Apparently you don't know how to read because nobody here gives a shit or even questioned your desire to "learn different things". Of course you conveniently omit your so called argument.
>College itself is a scam, so I had my suspicions. It's better to just open a business like Landscaping/Cleaning as an example, that will literally get you a lot in a year or two.
>Confirms he was bullshitting the whole time
I don't seethe at people who have to lie about the benefits they don't even receive. It's legitimately hilarious though.
some of us get outta bed before noon, because there are people that actually depend on us. I understand being relied on is foreign to NEET scum but please try to understand. Just because the clock only counts to 12:00 doesn't mean there's only 12hrs in a day
Lately I play Apex with my coworkers. Why would I be tired after work? All I do is browse Yea Forums and check a panel every 30 mins and get paid handsomely for it lol
>own my own apartment
Nope, I’m enlightened
Slay the Spire, Soulcalibur VI, Paladins. Looking to get Sekiro. Sometimes either Civ or Endless games with a stream or something on on the big screen in the background. Its pretty comfy. I don’t know if I qualify as a wagie though since I’m salaried.
>super secret
it's literally not
Interesting. I'm studying a Masters in Bioinformatics part time myself. Looking to combine my medical biology knowledge with IT. Hopefully it gets me out of this boring lab job.
Having money to do whatever I want in life is amazing. I get so much PTO, they literally pay me when I'm on vacation lol
>there are people that actually depend on us
Oh yeah your corporate bosses? Imagine being such a slave lmao
I left the goalposts exactly where they were, unless you want to concede we weren't discussing NEETs either or that bills can only be paid from labor income
Oh look, even basic research reveals you don't get anything near $2k a month from this
I know you won't believe me, but I could have literally done anything. Which is exactly why I chose to do absolutely nothing with my massive brain, because I don't think the world deserves it.
>mfw NEETs start dying of heart failure and don't have health insurance
but all I want to do in my life is sit on my ass and browse Yea Forums telling people I feel great, in fact when I turn 50 I'll still be the same I pormise!
fuck you nigger finland CUNT
Ever heared of logistics, you amazing retard?
sounds like commie propaganda to me
I own the house i live in and the land its built on
My AF bros
PMEL here chilling in my temperature controlled lab fixing the tools you run over
I think the degree I'm studying might be kind of useless. I regret not just studying software development instead. I'm studying Business Information Systems. I find it fairly easy but I don't think I'll get a good job out of it.
>no I am not talking about some factory wage slave job
As opposed to a job driving a truck
Or a job in the service industry
aka the most common types of jobs, which makes you "limited" for "conceiving" of
>I didn't move the goalposts, I just changed the subject
Yup, you sure did.