Should a person this old be working, or even talking about video games? I mean...

Should a person this old be working, or even talking about video games? I mean, this is the kind of person who jumps the gun and goes on a rant about how video games are turning children into mass murderers.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.19 - (1332x840, 432K)

You’re making assumptions just like the people you think would make about you. Grow up.

STFU incel, she's a beautiful young woman. 35 is not old.

Seems problematic

She's like, 90 year old, dude. She couldn't hold the controller.

Are you part of the internet granny defense force or something?

Look at this bitch boy get mad because a woman is on stage. Get laid loser, have sex.

And you’re probably a Smash playing virgin. You shouldn’t make assumptions about people because of their appearance. Turd.

>just listen to me you fucking incel goyims hehehe

why did they let a witch be the host of the important technological show?

The Granny Internet Defence Force is out today, huh?

those are some insane hips for fucking 60
not saying I'd brag about it, but I would

now that's one hell of a shitpost!

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Fuck the way she looks. Has ANYONE ever played her shit before?

I don't think I've even heard of her shit. Rime? Sexy Brutale? Deadlight?

Reading more about her, she's the CEO. And her gaming power level extends to motorcycles in GTA san andreas. That's not quite snack cake maker level, but it's pretty damm low.

Don't be such a hateful bigot user. Intolerance frequently leads to violence.

People love their grannies. They hate smelly virgins.

So what did she actually say?

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this tbqfh

i don't think this old bitch even plays vidya.

she looks like 60

>those are some insane hips for fucking 60
Her granny girdle is just making her waist super thin to make her hips look bigger. Stop being so thirsty.

rime was the game people thought was going to be the next ICO when it was first shown off.

game turned out to be fucking boring and then quickly forgotten.

Anyone older than fourty who was not involved in the industry back in at least the late eighties has absolutely zero place in video games in this day and age.

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are you one of them discord trannies i keep hearing about?

She said that Google makes it really, really, really, really, easy for game developers to quickly switch the "art style" of their games by slapping the art-style of pictures you feed into the system.

If you can make a good game, I don’t give I shit who you are.

Hmmm. What are the odds that OP is a plant, trying to get an "alt right nazi hatemongers harrass new google console project, because they're bigots", using planted screenshots from this thread?

That's the thing though, I don't think she is working of the games, and all of the games they released have been artsy-fartsy rip-offs of the likes of Ico.

>hearing about
Yeah sure kid

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A hundred percent. I'm already taking screenshots showing how mean you people are being to the grannies by calling the OP a virgin.

Loser mad because a strong woman who runs a great company is doing well for herself. Go fuck loser, you sound angry and bitter. No one likes you, go away.

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They’ll have to change the title of their article to “alt right nazi hatemongers love their grannies”


Well, as a granny fucking pervert, I totally would.

But what about you guys?

How does she rank in fuckability with Kotik, Gaben, Guilermot, and who's the new guy, Bowser? Seriously?

Nothing beats bowser

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You make John Carmack sad

lol at discord grannies in this thread

You didn't even read 80% of that post
You're an idiot

I can only imagine what carmack has to say about

that point hasn't even been seriously argued in like a decade

John Carmack is over 40, and was not involved in the industry in the late 80s

Who else is next?