Reuben Langdon on Blast

Dante is a far right conspiracy theorist and MeToo denyer, holy fuck based

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Other urls found in this thread: 2019-03-19&q=resetera,neogaf

He actually posted a resetera link the absolute madman

The travesty that Dante is being accused of by the way. I sacrificed myself for this.

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I love the man and I support him completely but wew lad, they are gonna cook him alive for that.

Reuben Langdon is a lefty hippie and resetera is saying he isn't left enough.

I knew Rube Langdon was kinda dumb but damn what a dipshit.

Enlighten us on how he's a dipshit, Mr. resetranny that posts on the terrorist apologist white supremacist's videogames board.

proofz? being an environmentalist doesn't mean you're a leftie

>game comes out
>you can actively see resetera scouring the internet for something badwrongthink related to the game
What a miserable existence.

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He supports LGBTQ rights.


Get the fuck back to your trannyloverbitchniggerforum, faggot

>people calling him racist for thinking black lives matter goes too far when they rape and kill children
>people calling him sexist for telling women to just push men away and say no

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Jesus fuck, what the hell is happening now?

Have sex

I'd love to see him on Nick's show.

Are SJWs the new trolls? Not the le funny hahah XD watered down pretending to be retarded type we know so well and constantly infects this place, but the original kind, the SA kind, that set out with the intent to ruin a person's life.

This man is a monster and should be jailed for having wrongthink

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>Direct link

How is that leftie?

Good riddance.
DMC is overrated and outdated.

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They will never get him.

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Seeing how many SA fags among other boards nowadays are insane SJW faggots (i.e. Hbomberguy) this makes completely sense. They haven't lost their ways, they just found a better way to ruin people.

HAHA go get em Reuben

>but the original kind, the SA kind, that set out with the intent to ruin a person's life.
Yeah, basically.

ResetEra kicks ass.


>not just a few
>not just a majority
>EVERY single comment is something negative
I have never clicked a ResetEra link until now because this exact entity seemed nonexistent to me. Every single opinion is the same with no form of differences. I'm actually really creeped out.

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fuck off retard nigger tranny

NPC is overused, but it is still true

I’ll save you the trouble lads. Behold. A confirmed mod who doesn’t play games, confirmed by “her” and only watches twitch streamers for her gaming fix

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Yeah... she who must not be named was a SA cow too... now, the question is do they buy their own tripe or are they true Machiavellian marked beasts?

Everyone who doesn't join up on the cult, and it is a cult when you compare it to actual cults, gets expelled and shunned.


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This is what a cult looks like

>mfw I actually went through a few pages trying to find someone who even slightly disagrees
>suddenly people are making a list of games he did mocap in to boycott him
>for being a crazy ufo believing dude who has slightly not left opinions

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“She” is an opressed black person. Donate to “her” cause

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Remember THQ Nordic a week ago and how they went ballistic over that? How about the entire Catherine fiasco a week before that even? These autistic outrage culture mutts have so little of an attention span, I wouldn't be shocked if they completely forgot DMC5 exists by next week.

What's the deal with any amount of dissent the only merit to being called a transsexual? I guess being called a homo isn't edgy enough these days? Only the most intellectual debate here on four channel dot org.

Believing cherry picked out of context mumbo jumbo...and then calling them dumb and dipshit

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Ah this is fucking great

Is the DMC crew actual madlads with Reuben "i take a bullet and don't die" and Dan "I spoiled DMC5 so much i changed the VA industry with japanese games."

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It's going to burn out eventually. Nothing lasts forever, there's too many targets, not enough anger and a limited amount of patience from everyone else

resetera is an organized cult disguised as "progressive" videogame forum.

go hang yourself tranny

>tfw Reuben, knowing Dante won't return, goes full madlad
Is he becoming Dante...or was Dante him all along?

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>being called a homo isn't edgy enough

Homos are able to play video games without starting temper tantrums every other week, unlike psycho trannies who slice up their dicks

>resetera delusional liar summarizes Reuben Langdon's statements in the most vile possible way.

Based Dante dabbing on niggers
No wonder he can't pay bills, he'd rather kill niggers than demons.

Fucking this. At least you'll see some pushback. People call each other faggots for it, but it's something goddamn.


the man is being criticized for wrongthink. why did you call him a dipshit?

>why does the second gayest board on this website hate trannies?

Give it a week or two when someone actually says something retarded. Reuben spoke his mind, but he is well known for saying weird crazy shit. You know this if you follow him on twitter. I love the guy, but if you take him too seriously you are just being a moron.

It's not like you posted a very coherent point yourself you dumb nigger.

What said.

I can go to /pol/ and say that Nazis are fucking stupid, racism harms society, black people are still people and should be respected until an individual gives you reason to lose that respect, right-leaning movements go too far, etc. etc. all fucking day and not get banned. However, if you say the Resetera equivalent of any of those things you will lose your account in an instant. It's all-but-militarized groupthink.

>Incels get mad that they can't abuse women and minorities

Real talk, I wish this blows over quickly. The man believes in ufos and energy chakras, just let him do his thing. Plz don't hurt this precious goofball.

Capcom wants to get into peoples good graces again so I wont be shocked if they cut ties with Reuben at the end of the day.

They just need to learn to forgive LOL

>I don't even know the situation or the person we're talking about but heres my thoughts anyway.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

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Fuck this beta cuck for pushing cuck tier worldview. Hope they destroy his career. Evil rats eating their own kind.

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It's a literal cult where if you even slightly disagree with whatever they're pushing, you get banned instantly. It is fucking scary because these are the people that game devs actually listen to and partially the reason why games are getting censored more often now.

>everyone prises it
>everyone prises it
>Capcom wants to get into peoples good graces again
yea how about fuck off retard

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Flock off feather face

>irl Dante Royalguarding

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t. tanny nigger cuck

If they cut ties with Reuben, I'm fucking done with them. After the past two years I actually started buying their shit again. They drop Reuben, I won't buy a single fucking thing of theirs for eternity, even if they actually put out Dragon's Dogma 2 or MML3.


It's fine, Reuben is gonna royalguard the shit out of this.
I know this is bait, but
>martial artist
>voice actor
>started his own cutting edge mocap company way back
>has a lovely japanese waifu
How is this beta? His crazy views have been known for a long time, and we all know that sanity is the price to pay. For POWER.

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>/pol/ allows the discussion of different opinions more than resetera.
Resetera is full authoritarianism

They didn’t fire the THQ guy. Reuben is fine

he's literally right though about blm and metoo

Reuben trying to talk politics.webm

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>crazy views
What, is he a scientologist?

I hope you're right, otherwise I might have to do something.

is there another DMC thread or are they gonna be about politics now

Why they label far right anything thats not aling with them?

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Another user posted this in the previous thread about the matter.

Literally said nothing wrong

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General conspiracy theorist, spiritual guy. Nothing immediately harmful, a bit wacky. Doesn't stop him from doing his job amazingly well either, since it's his side hobby.

If James Woods still got to voice Hades for Kingdom Hearts 3 then Reuben is going to be fine as well.

He belives in ufos, chakra, energy, spiritual stuff, and other weird stuff you see ''the weird teacher'' believe in from nickelodeon live action comedy shows.

>Only the most intellectual debate here on four channel dot org.
I know you're baiting, but having the opposite dissenting opinion on resetera would get you a ban.

They'll forget about Reuben by next week. They always find another boogeyman to be outraged over.

Oof, not a good look on Capcom hiring this guy
Fuck this nazi peace of $@÷%!!

He isn't though, we was a Bernout.

Why do you niggers give this so much importance? Who gives a fuck about Resetshitera?

Jesus, you're practically building the "controversy" here you fucking faggot.

>He belives in ufos, chakra, energy, spiritual stuff, and other weird stuff
Just like my brother, if he's based as him then it's fine.

>resettrannies spin the narrative to make him look like an evil man
nothing has changed

Reminder that unironic resetrannies are posting ITT.

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James Woods is a boomer cuckserv who used to do child casting couch with David Cronenberg

idk why you say "based" when this and the "capcom investigating" is already telling that he will be replaced.

Personally I don't give a fuck. As long as they get a good voice actor, I'll be happy.

Speaking of... why are murricans so obsessed with their voice actors? Nobody ever gave a crap about them on the past. Fucking celebrity cultists.

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Give us the Dante!
Give us the rope!

Give us his hands!
Give us his feet!
Give us the Dante!
Give us the rope!

Why the fuck is resetera so influencing nowadays when it's literally a website when you can't say what you think without getting banned, it's the URSS of the vidya websites.

>japs caring about tranny shit
Jap devs are getting sick of this shit, they aren't on the tranny side.

Lets not forget that Ruben also forgave the guy who SHOT AT HIM AND ALMOST KILLED HIM.

>Dante is a qtard boomer

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The Japanese care FAR more. It's not just aesthetic choice that Goku still sounds like an old Japanese lady.

they are convinced you can taint the argument of your "enemies" by calling them that

resetera literally exists for all these leftist "gaming" sites to prove themselves right

Who on Earth is so obsessed that they need to find out an actor's personal opinions by digging up a bunch of interviews and personal tweets? And then go out of their way to demonize and attempted to get blacklisted from their profession just because they think differently?

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He is not just the voice actor, I doubt he'll be replaced.

>Dan "I spoiled DMC5 so much i changed the VA industry with japanese games."


he's just saying what any normal person thinks, don't see a problem here

But Reuben is right.

Why would somebody even care?

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Mentally damaged leftists. The same people who were burning witches at Salem.

What the hell..I don't give a fuck about politics in games (or in general but that's because i don't like politians in general), why the fuck do they need to do that?

what a monster

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The crazy part is how there are still people who don't believe in those things which have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

>That Sparda air hike dancing


To people like resetera, that is a problem

There are some, they all get banned for nonsense and the npcs there come here to astro turf.

>I'm actually really creeped out.
this. Yea Forums might be shitpost central but I'll take it over resetera

Fuck that fucking website.

Turns out the SA helldumpers were never just trolls and actually just really petty narcissists. Now they can break their toys with a sense of morality is all. I still remember that one mod Abe pushing a guy into suicide.

Not really, they WERE the witches. They don't float cos they are mostly fat goblina yentas.

holy fuck
so they are at that level now

Reminder they're reacting this way when Jonny Depp was recently vindicated with mountains of evidence after a massive #MeToo smear campaign by the woman who beat him and cut his finger off.

>this guy has the wrong politics so he shouldn't be allowed to pretend to be a character in a video game
reminder that this is what these people actually believe.

That’s considered “wrongthink” according to them. I’m serious.

We're talking about people who want you on the streets if you make even the wrong kind of joke, user.
They're beyond comprehension.

>"1984 wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual" is just a bad mem-

No idea why anyone wouldn't believe in UFOs.

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Why? why do they have to ruin everything. I just want to enjoy my hobbies. Why can't they just accept people with different views and opnions? Do they have to go after everybody that doesn't conform too their ideals? Do those people even enjoy games? What reuben said isn't even bad, I think he even said that he supports those causes, but they sometimes just go far.

>When contacted for comment yesterday, a Capcom spokesperson said the company was looking into the situation, but stressed the views expressed by both Camen and Langdon are not shared by Capcom whatsoever.
>looking into the situation

>Politics retardation
>Guy says extremist sides go too far
>Reuben will probably be targeted and may lose future roles

Thank you based mentally ill cunts for ruining another good thing. This is why people like that mosque shooter exist. These cunts push, push and keep pushing, then they get surprised when people push back. With bullets. You can't reason with them and they have no interest in reaching middle ground. There is literally no choice but to either ignore them or remove them physically. Ignoring them just gives them more time to corrupt and ruin the world even more.

>why the fuck do they need to do that?

Yea Forums, /pol/ and many other boards are literally the only fucking place you can have sane, uncensored discussion about anything these days.

It wasn't THIS bad some years ago, it certainly was pozzed up badly, but atleast there were SOME sites that you could speak your mind without a ban, now everything is ran by a communist tranny who censors dissent.

This. Their argument hasn't got legs because Reuben hasn't said anything bad nor has he done anything to anyone. They'll move on, and Yea Forums will post screencaps of their next hate wave moving on as well.

And do what? Cry about my jokes on twitter?


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He spoiled DMC5 by mistake in 2015, after that he was in no interviews, and japanese dev were far more cautious, people tried to do that with more actors like Hayter but beside him laughting we got nothing.

Even gays hate trannies and think they should be taken off their retarded acronym chain.

This is enough for Reuben to branded a cuck by most pol niggers. Why are reset trannies so extreme.

Everyone sensible believes in UFOs, not everyone believes they're aliens because there's no real proof of that.

That whole situation was really eye opening

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Forgot pic

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Look, even if I think that you people here are the most horrible of shit at least I'll not get banned for telling you so, that fucking echo chamber of thoughts is a lot scarier.

has anything good happened on /x/ lately?
i haven't visited in a while

He was Dante all along, and now he's setting out to truly make us the Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition all along.

we must stop this evil menace to society

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I'm sorry, what?

iirc seiyuus have a way more professional training than western voice actors. Their quality at least gives them a better edge. Seiyuus are also loved all over the world. Only americans care for their english voice actors. The american dubs are in general awfully terrible, specially 'cause they try to adapt sensibilities to emulate western values.

>Ragtime'd Hell Antenora
I just noticed it

It's crazy, but it is at least understandable since the CIA has been working for decades to control public perception through Mockingbird.

Bunch of actual insane faggots.

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people are going to call on a witch hunt on rouben arent they?, what is it with people man, the dude us a giant hippie and good guy that said shit that was taken out of context so they can satisfy their bloodthirst.

Is Lorelei still a filtered word?

I honestly kinda miss when calling somebody gay was a decent insult.

What the fuck are you smoking?

So how can we retaliate if this actually results in anything? I'm tired of taking it on the chin like a whore.

These are the people who call Yea Forums an echo chamber

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Wait, what?! Who shot him?

seeing how they caved on the music, I could easily see this as the last mocap he'll ever do on the series. Don't overestimate the nu industry.

No, they'll call your boss and tell him that you're a racist child molester nazi.
If he doesn't fire you, they'll call his boss.
Repeat ad nausea until it works and you're out of a job.

If you let those "people" take control, being white will be a mental illness that you can be put into a mental hospital and lobotimized for like depression was.

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Isn't it funny how strangle-hold moderation has had incredibly negative effects on internet discourse over the years, when it's supposed to improve discussions?

What Reuben even did?

Witch hunt?
They are going to talk about how totally horrible he is on their own safepsace website for a few days and then forget about it.

Outrage addicted millennials have no attention span.

I literally don't hear about that shitty website outside of Yea Forums.

He's gonna bend the knee, they always do

Had common sense.

I'll never forgive Capcom if they replace him.
I'm so sick of this, why do these people try to destroy everything fun.
Why do companies even listen to this insane fringe forum cult.

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/pol/ has a huge variety of opinions, most of them are from the various ideologies of the right obviously, but you do get lefties and liberals too. And no one gets banned for wrongthink.

>Says his mind like any man with a spine should
>Other side supports mentally ill freaks like Shoo
I dont know if he is retarded or just a normie

Knowing Reuben he wouldn't want any smear campaign or social media war starting over this. He's got a backbone and enough common sense to ignore these psychos and is capable of handling it.

>you share this board with people who unironically get on resetera
>you share this board with people who unironically agree with these twisted hit pieces and outrage
>you share this board with people who unironically think Reuben should be cast away from VA for sensible comments like his
I literally can't take this anymore.

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Lmao English is the original audio in DMC

Is this satire?

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>yeah well subreddits are echo chambers too
good argument

I work in my family business, they can call whenever they want.

Never forget

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A lot of devs and industry people post there.

Say something about the whole Vic situation which made ResetEra angry aka

>giving these cunts attention
Literally fucking stop, it's exactly what they want

He had a different opinion.

tranny nigger already showing HIS true colors, yikes

reuben is said to be super nice irl, of all the people to go after jesus

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Oh shit I made that image.

>Goku has an objectively unfitting voice because uhhhh more training because uuuhhhh people in france and brazil like other voice actors because uhhhhhh American dubs are bad okay


Supporting LGBTQ rights doesn't exclude you from being a conservative, because it's not like those rights cost any tax dollars. Pursuit of happiness and all that jazz

This is why you demoralize the trannies, do it enough and their weak wills will break and they will kill themselves.

anyone else first time checking reset era?
what are your opinions?

We're in some bizarro world where Yea Forums is pretty fucking old school liberal in the way it's run. You can discuss literally any topic without recourse, only being banned if you post images that break the law, while Resetera is a full blown authoritarian nightmare that squashes all dissent and difference of opinions. They require you to sign up with your drivers license and social security etc. so they can hold you to ransom if you anger them in some way. They're pretty much on par with Scientology.

Bingo bango

/x/ has been dead for years

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>drive-by posting

Pretty great, way more constructive and thought-provoking this shithole. I'm buying an account for when /pol/ gets this site shut down.

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I still think aliens are just humans from the future.

They found a monkey torture cult on youtube

There's just a far bigger market for voice acting in japan so the average quality is higher. a single example of a weird casting decision where they kept the lady who voiced him as a kid for him as an adult doesn't prove anything.

I hate it

Our actual actors don't normally take VAing video game and animation jobs despite giving a hell of a better performance on average when they do, so the VAs have sort of carved out their own little spot to be worshiped. Some take it too far and believe they're actual celebrities at times though.

is there a tldr of this bullshit?

Apparently so was Vic.
The fact that he's a likable person adds to their problem.
They need to turn you into a monster because that's the only way they can claim legitimacy in the public's eyes for trying to ruin your life.

>Pages upon pages of people with the exact same opinions
I know Yea Forums gets accused of being a hivemind but fucking hell.

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gaming is about shooting,rpg,simulation, racing AND HOT FEMALE CHARACTERS
that is the soul of gaming and that is what sjw want to destroy

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I thought the music thing was mostly because of the fan reaction.

So how this is bad? He's just having a different opinion. All he's saying is too much power in ANY hands is a bad idea.

>inb4 "well it's the same thing here"
Judging by this thread, not really. As much as we hate resetranny falseflaggers and contrarians, they ironically keep the opinion pool diverse, and prevent the site from becoming a total echo-chamber. You can't really do that on Reddit or Resetera, though, since mods will just ban you if they feel like your opinion is too rude or unpopular.

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The UI is fucking garbage and hurts to look at, everyone sounds like a drone that's programmed to attack whatever the OP has in it and nobody seems nice
10/10 it's Yea Forums but even worse

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Some insane goon that stalked moot.

I hope you end up realizing you're the opposite gender and end up offing yourself while you're there. 2019-03-19&q=resetera,neogaf

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I'm black and he's right

He's a glow in the dark nigger on board with Project Mockinbird which is a false flag operation dating back decades. He's got a UFO documentary coming out on Gaia of all places.


>"dude this site is so shit resetera is so much better!"
>post history is nothing but pure shit post

feel free to leave us alone any time tranny

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>reuben is said to be super nice

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Ruben went to a 3rd world country to film a documentary and was shot at in the car he was driving. Nobody was injured.
Reminder that hes doing more than what resetera keyboard warriors think they do.

>People like thing
>Uh other people like similar thing
So what? Am I not allowed to like my home just because it's not a mansion?

He's a weird q boomer, obviously his politics are retarded, doesn't mean these tranny cunts get to take him away from us.

>Way more constructive

Logan Paul was the gamer kid in that episode.

You poor soul with your internalized racism you.

>gets called out for doing and saying dumb shit
>starts squirming and reeeeing

>dismissing equality movements


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I stand with Dante!

what are you even talking about? i just made the objective statement that japanese voice acting is better because of a far bigger talent pool and more money. if you prefer watching dubs when you watch anime that's up to you, i'm not going to stop you.

>Literally banned for wrongthink
That's legitimately insane.

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Rueben is a leftie, but he's classic left, not the "left" we have today and teh fact that you can't see that further proves the insane "left"s rhetoric is erasing any middle ground and making anyone slightly right of extreme left, right wing.

>supporting lgbtq rights doesn't exclude you form being a conservative
It kind of is, you're giving a platform to the mentally ill and dysfunctional. Assuming trans psychotics are on the same level of human being as a normal person is asinine it's as if you're allowing a dementia patient the same agency as a normal person.
>it's not like those rights cost tax dollars
They really do, especially when these dysfunctionals join the military, they want to push more trans soldiers, that's retarded.

Oh no! Forgiveness?! What a monster!
Fucking hell. Usually i wouldn't give two fucks about this, but remember Capcom removed Subhuman's vocalist due to allegations or some shit. What if they take Reuben from us?

>Check replies
>Stances that would make even a devil cry.
Had to stop reading right there, how can you share a website with smug fuckers like that?

The absolute state of manlets.

These are reasonable statements. Why would anyone be upset by any of this?

Remember when Yea Forums's favorite insult was "autist" back in the early 2010s? There's now a million buzzwords on Yea Forums now compared to back then.

fucking sjw

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Pretty damn ballsy.

he is
I went to an anime con a couple years ago where he hosted a panel on DMC and signed autographs
we had a bunch of cosplayers and fans hang with him for a day and literally ate lunch with him and asked questions
he is as humble, and based as it gets

I am scared for the first time in my life, I exist in the same planet as those "people"

Know your role in the conversation instead of randomly butting in for no real reason.

is what started it

Have you been living under a rock the past 4 years?
Is this your first encounter with thought policing?

what is wrong with you

this, it looks like a 2005 forum

Unsurprising, eurogamer is a trash publication

There's a reason why (((he))) pumped his body up with estrogen, dumb crazy tranny are literally incels who think tearing their genitals apart made them "had sex".

Feels bad, guess reuban won't be in DMC6.

>people need to forgive
>implying this is in the past, not something happening pretty regularly

It's pretty obvious that resetera is actively shilling their shitty forums here with threads like these. Where else are you going to find retarded political extremists?

Why? Because bunch of retards are mad at him on their hive mind forum?

the whole mignolla thing is particularly fascinating. They guy is bloody awful, like, cartoon levels of an american trying to westernize japanese culture, but somehow it have a legion of fans doing literally conspiracy theories. What the fuck is wrong with these fucking burgers?

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> They require you to sign up with your drivers license and social security etc

That can't be true. Who would ever give up that info to talk shit on a forum?

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>V has heavier moderation
>now you can't say niggerfaggot

Not him but yes.

Every person there reminds of all those "journos" talking about video games.
>This devil hunter has a stance but none of them are good
>Looks like Uncle Dante became THAT kind of uncle.
>Yeah this party is getting crazy but not in a good way!

If Reuban gets fired for this shit we have to do something. No one should get their professional life ruined because a group of mentally ill internet users disagreed with them

>anything good

Dude /x/ has been absolute irredeemable shit since 2010. It used to be the best bored, now its a bunch of legit schizos and tranny faggots trying to summon tulpas so they can fuck them.

Its all unironic as well.

Reading resetera unironically makes me want to hang myself

Yet here you are..

>blm and #metoo
>"equality movements"
good one

If you explain the situation to any normal person you'd see that Ruben literally did nothing wrong, his opinion isn't even controversial and he didn't even talk bad about the movement and even supports it ,resetera is just twisting his words to make him sound bad for whatever reason.

Kill yourself resetera.

I was holding out until 5SE, but I'm going out and buying it tomorrow lads.

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japs don't care about this shit

You know how this shit goes down, nobody's gonna touch him with a fifty foot pole after this. too much controversy, if you think this ends on restera you're wrong, this'll be on polygon and twitter before the days over.


Back up your first argument you fucking baiting retard

>it's another "woke white people getting mad on others' behalf and deciding that they know what's best for the rest of us" episode

Attached: falco.png (227x226, 57K)

You fucking bigot you have to speak in his language for him to understand is it really that dificult to you? Fucking nazi 4channeler
It should be like this: ayo whats poppin cuh you be institutionalized brother they be feedin you lies dont be a coon cuh

So what you're saying is that only the TQ in LGBTQ are the problem. I have no issues with fags and dykes getting married and adopting kids, and neither should you.

Welcome to the modern world user, I'm surprised you've learned how to use a computer so quickly.

doomer pilled

He's definitely going to be in DMC6. Reuben has done nothing wrong and all of this will be forgotten in a week.

>too much controversy
>for actors

Attached: 1550068339363.jpg (644x437, 56K)

Yeah, I'm pretty fucking left leaning, and only really enjoy this website thanks to its adherance to no names, no avatars, no accounts, for good or bad. These fucking wackos are legitimately frightening, you can't even say someone is a nice guy if that's who their outrage machine is targeting today.


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Who gives a shit you fucking mong?

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It is true, and it's precisely because of what I said.

>so they can hold you to ransom if you anger them in some way.

It's a cult, you either conform and get good boy points or you get doxxed.

I've been reading comments but even here on Yea Forums at least there is 1 user out of 500 with a different opinion, on that website literally everyone thinks the same, only thing different is the anime avatar.
What the fuck?

>I know this is bait, but

Why bother replying at all if you know that the other guy doesn't actually believe in what he's saying, and is just trying to get replies?

What first argument? Calling someone a name is not an argument. An important lesson.

I would legit not buy another Capcom game for as long as I live.


We all should make Reuben a card or draw him with aliens and shit

The US military spent more on viagra than on anything related to transgender soldiers.

Wow a completely reasonable human what an asshole.

get ready for every social media site to require a passport/driver's licence or some other form of ID over the next 5 years.

It's weird that Resetera wants to cancel Reuben Langdon especially considering that he actually acknowledged the reason behind movements like #MeToo and BLM, just disagreed with the over-the-top reactionary approach they're taking since the elections.

The new left is quite weird. They go so far that they start looking like conservatives from the '80s.

Hol up
Are people legit butthurt about the dr faust cutscene?

ufos are weak shit
spaceapes have already infiltrated ISS
wake up sheeple

Attached: space_gorilla.webm (718x404, 2.15M)

I mean look at Vic.

Even billy zane was blacklisted and that was when it was WAAAY harder to blacklist voice actors unless they like, raped people on camera.

Anyone who doesn't agree with what is considered universally "good" by the hivemind is immediately silenced, shamed into agreeing, or banned.

Say whatever the fuck you want about this place but at least there's actual discussion here once you dig deep enough, this is like a "THING I DON'T LIKE" thread except nobody realizes its shitposting

Reuban is too big of an asset for Capcom to just throw away like that
>Dante's voice since DMC3 where he became everyone's favorite
>Ken's voice since fucking ever
>Loved by the fans
They're just going to say "we'll look into it" until Trannyera forgets about it and finds a new scapegoat to bully and circlejerk around of by calling themselves "rightful"

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because they have power and influence because industry people post there. it's unfortunate but ignoring them is absolutely not going to make them go away or diminish their influence.

first post is
>I knew Rube Langdon was kinda dumb but damn what a dipshit

wow holy hot damn I can feel the facts melting my skin off, hopefully the pool of melted flesh will form a pretty pussy like yours so we can some "girl" fun if you know what I am talking about :)

The fact that these loonies don't believe that people can change is why the left will never win.
They don't try to change people, they just try to pretend they don't exist

It seems you've been reading comments for a whole fucking minute then retard

I noticed this too, almost every single comment agreed that reuben was evil or that they wouldn't be buying DMC5. There was no discussion just agreement

>VA says something unpopular
>entire the site wants to recast him or just remove Dante from future games
is this satire?

If niggers didn't commit half the violent crime in america we wouldn't have blm in the first place.

People even mad about the "I believe I can fly" trophy for racking up 60 minutes of total airtime because it is an R. Kelly song. Not even memeing check the thread on trannyera

Completely a coincidence this snowballed when fags got the right to adopt kids as a general policy

No, it's reality.

The jews are in the process of dehumanization the actual left movement by injecting either falseflaggers or literal idiots so people would be more open to right movement

Fuck if I know. I just feel like we'd have dubs with legs to stand on if we took anything beyond Hollywood a bit more seriously. At least something better than having glorified dorks feed lines back to us like currently.

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God this hurts so much.
I got the game on digital so I am stuck with it. If I knew this before then I wouldn't have bought it. The game is awesome but such a thing will only make me hate it. I guess I will be playing it in Japanese from now on.
Won't be buying the sequel if these assholes are involved with it.

People don't call them a cult without reason, post anything they deem bad or commit wrong think and they know who you are IRL, probably even black mail you too and threaten to ruin your life if you don't correct yourself.


this. where are the trigger warnings? you can't just call someone a dipshit.

go back to your shithole faggot.

The other day I overheard at work someone say "Michael Jackson is worse than ISIS"

Fuck this gay earth

>Right hand post completely disregards an excellent connection and point because it doesn't fit the narrative
Disgusting. Prison reform is important because rehabilitation should be what it's about, rather than storing bad people in worse places until they become worse people or die. All people can change, the difficulty is in riding the line between "rehabilitation" and "brainwashing"

>Dante is a far right conspiracy theorist and MeToo denyer, holy fuck based
How is this news to people? We've known he was an anti-vaxxer for ages

Attached: this progress is getting crazy.png (710x620, 428K)

>this is the tranny's attempt at changing public opinion on Yea Forums

big big yikes bro

you tell me

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You copy pasted this from the resetera thread didn't you.

They wouldn't even need that once biometrics become standardized among every device.

All this character assassination lately really opened up my eyes just how the witch hunts started so many centuries ago.

This episode has been on repeat for years

Attached: 1552400281079.png (156x111, 6K)

terrible bait

>User Banned (permanent): excusing rhetoric dismissing equality movements
Wait, what the fuck does this mean?

You would if you knew the statistics for lesbians to be horribly fatally abusive and for gays to be pedophiles. Did you know that almost all pedophiles are gays? Did you know that about 50% of pedophiles became pedophiles because they were molested at a young age, did you know the same is true for gays?

I don't know how much of the gay/lesbian side is only gay or lesbian because of young trauma, but we'll never find out exactly what the whats and whys are with militant douchebags policing thoughts like this.

Based reasonable Reuben.

It's like I'm really on Resetera. Thanks friend.

Yes, I thought the posts above me did the same

>Yea Forums(channel) with all it's autism, shitposting, retarded memeing etc. is now one of the best places to have an unfiltered discussion about anything no matter the views you hold or statements you make

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Not even, He supports the idea behind the movement.he just used common sense and said that people can and would take advantage of those movements.
Hell just look at Johnny Depp right now.

>you share this board with people who unironically get on resetera
I feel like the only person on Yea Forums who doesn't spend my time looking at twitter and retardera for stuff to get mad at.

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Progressivism is just the continuation of puritanism.

Banned for (agreeing with) wrongthink

I'm genuinely curious how many ResetEra members are pedophiles.You reckon Kyle Cross probably has a nice, big folder of cunny on his computer?

kys niggerfaggot

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Until it gets shut down after another (((shootout)))

>I agree with everything he said, People like to bitch about everything these days.

>You gonna go to /cgg/ once you get banned here and bitch about how cuckERA gets triggered about everything or some dumb shit that you will say for some other forum to console your hurt feelings.
Fucking hell, they are even aware of what other sites think kek



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how dare people who disagree with me come to my safe space

So from reading through this thread I've gathered that Reuben is basically a 70's hippie and wants love for all and dabbles in conspiracy theories. This is like stereotypical cool boomer uncle.

I'd rather pay for a hard soldier than one who is mentally ill and drills a fucking hole in their crotch. I'll pay for ptsd folks who needs it but not these fucking useless charity cases, almost as useless in the armed forces as women but they cost more per soldier till they kill themselves.

>wants to get into peoples good graces again
>fires the main character of their series and mocap guy for every game their are pulling out
kys nigger

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Why would Capcom fire him? Are people fucking nuts?

Resetera isn't some industry giant, they got their balls snipped from the neogaf debacle. Their whining is nothing to Capcom.

he literally IS dante.


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I see a ton of UpsetEra posters over here trying to change the tone of the topic. Nice try faggots lmao

Exactly, he is the original left

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/pol/lacks not welcome.

>how dare people who refuse to allow people to disagree with them come to my safe space
yeah I just fixed that for you

>mfw made an account when the site launched specifically because they were demanding absurd shit to register for the first few months
>mfw now they need all of this
Wolf in sheep's clothing and they can't even fuck me over for it

Attached: 1478980164669.png (377x393, 135K)

>check Yea Forums
>everyone loving the game
>check OP
>entire world falling apart because some VA guy said something mean

Sorry I thought you were saying we are a hivemind. I got angry at you for trying to defend resetera while you were doing the opposite. I just got so fucking angry at these people I fucking lost it

Someone hasn't heard about Mr. Game & Watch I see

I honestly don't think I would have heard about Resetera if people on Yea Forums didn't freak out about it. I also remember that I didn't know about Reddit until I saw Yea Forums freak out about rage comics back around the 2011 and 2012 times.

>said something mean

the ironing


>comparing nintencuccks to CHADCOM

Sometimes I get the impression that Resetera outrage is really just building a real alt-right by blaming and pretending to be mad at futile things.


They get so mad at even the most futile things about games and personalities people actually like so that it creates a strong sentiment that actually goes against what they want. It would've helped if many of the people they blamed for being alt-right were actually alt-right, for instance. Which is why this whole thing is so crazy.

Also I can imagine this being a paradise for trolls. How to get someone blacklisted and his/her life ruined because of something very finnicky that gets devoid of context.

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>Their whining is nothing to Capcom.
"legit" news outlet like Eurogamer and Newsweek already contacted Capcom about this. All companies want to stay away from negative press, even if the bottom line is making dimes.

You're fucking delusional if you don't think the kikes are involved with Capcom.

He is a transphobic, antisemitic conspiracy theorist. He should be fired from the gaming industry.

Attached: reubens article.png (1123x407, 45K)

He actually sounds like someone I wouldn't mind meeting, anti-vax stuff aside. If I'm supposed to "hate" him after this, they're doing a bad job.

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Thats how he's been for a while. Hes a genuinely Good-hearted and well meaning person which makes this whole situation all that more absurd.

I literally have never once said that I don't want people disagreeing me since I posted, unlike resetera posters/admins that clearly publically ridicule/ban for the opposing opinions

cry more you fucking bitch lmao

>if I use this Yea Forums term this will surely dismiss the fact that it's my site that bans people for having an opposite general opinion (i.e. safespace)

ok robot

>entire world
Just Resetera. Everyone is defending him on twitter

If that's the hill you want to die on, user, then go for it. I'm going to live in the real world where Reuben has been a loony for ages.

Who the fuck cares what those retards think? Remember the stink over AGVN and his Ghostbusters review? In two-three days this will be completely forgotten.

James Gunn is directing GotG3, you're telling me Dante is getting the boot? Not in a million years.

Attached: 1523157631304.jpg (640x626, 57K)

when did you realized Yea Forums was the only place where you can freely talk about stuff?

Nothing absurd, jews perverse and corrupt everything

>Completely a coincidence this snowballed when fags got the right to adopt kids as a general policy
Are you implying that kids adopted by homosexuals become trannies? That makes no sense because they have only just recently been allowed to adopt in great numbers. If what you mean is that gays should have been denied basic rights because a tranny acceptance movement was inevitable, then you're even more retarded. Transexuals have no clear goal beyond being heard, just ignore them. The government could enact a law that makes it illegal to deny them sex and they would still complain.

Man why can't anyone just blow up the resetera servers and preferably break the hands of the site owners so this shit never comes back? How do they manage to be worse than NEOGAF for fuck's sake?

He might not like it, but unlike resetera, he can't exactly get people kicked out for disagreeing with him.

As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish; so is suicide to a transexual.

Attached: V.jpg (1280x719, 52K)

If only this were true.
They have influence in the games media, then the media influences the companies.
Eurogamer is already questioning Capcom about it.

These insane forum cultists have to be stopped.

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based and redorbpilled

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Good thing I gave up social media years ago

>all these people with Dante avatars
oh no no no no no

Thank you, based reuben.

Attached: ROYAL RELEASE.webm (700x394, 2.44M)

How many of them trannies and how many simple false flaggers who just want to see the world burn?

If only more people could adopt the whole "love for all bit" without fucking asterisks desu.

Whenever I see people act like SJWs on Yea Forums, I still can't help but assume that they're just trolling, especially due to how many (You)s those posts tend to get.

Transexualism was found to be a social disease in a study that was recently shoah'd with the force of an actual holocaust. I don't need to convince you the sky is blue, m8, rationalizing it for yourself will only make confronting reality later more painful

So it is written.


based woods

>If cops weren't murderous attack dogs shooting people with little to no provocation we wouldn't have it
Fixed there friendo.

Honestly, he's not saying anything terrible outside of the whole forgiveness thing. Though that is a big part of healing, I find. Instead of just "cancelling" him like people are wont to do in this day and age, it'd be better to have a discussion with him. Reuben is a smart, somewhat old-school guy that's very approachable on most subjects

>learns jewish
kys niggerfaggot

Attached: 1552418570413.gif (550x340, 2.9M)

>James Gunn is directing GotG3, you're telling me Dante is getting the boot? Not in a million years.
The James Gunn thing was the opposite, in a way. It was right-leaning groups who found out about the jokes he made. Left groups like Resetera were very vocal about the decision from Disney to fire the director. And that uproar led Disney to hire the guy again.

But apparently the opposite cannot work.

>if I keep doing the same thing and keep dodging the question it's ok

is this your master plan of confusing the Yea Forums narrative, yikes!

>Eurogamer is already questioning Capcom about it.

Matt will rip them to shreds. For the record I think Reuben is a retard like all anti-vaxxers but this shit is so ridiculous.

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Check the actual DMC thread and the witch hunt thread in Resetera, there's literally no overlap between the users. People are discussing mechanics and strats in peace on the the other thread, they just dont opine on the witchunt thread because they're afraid they're gonna get banned

When i first came to Yea Forums and was infested with CP and no mods to be seen anywhere

Why can't we have all three, I like Nero

>if someone tries to grab you at a con tell them to fuck off
i don't understand

>little to no provocation

>Matt will rip them to shreds.
Too bad Matt Walker is from DMC Discord which is moderated by a fake leaker from Resetera.

Shut up, gaylord

>refuse to wear belts
>refuse to stop grabbing at guns at a disproportionate rate
Adapt or die, friendo, I like my cops better than my robbers

going into a thread, posting a flame-bait response, then not replying to or even reading any responses

These nancy faggots aren't interested in having conversation with anyone. They just want to go "LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU" all while trying to get you fired.

Here's your (You) homie

Why even bother with that shitty platform, why not use gamefaqs forums?

Fuck off, retard.

Matt is also a regular Resetera user, he'll cave to their pressure.

Bros, I don't want to see reuben lose his job... he seem like such a nice guy.

I told you earlier, almost all pedophiles are gay, the sexual trauma cross over for either demographic is about 50% on either side. There seems to be a correlation of pedophilic tendencies and gays so it wouldn't be wise to let them have children until we know exactly what causes being gay.

i’m sorry what was the question?

>James Gunn is an actual Lostprophets-tier pedophile who bragged about raping children on twitter
>This Reuben guy is just a good guy who dared to disagree
This world is evil

fuck off tranny

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They're just going to ride this storm out. In a few days nobody will fucking remember or care.

You niggers are like a gaggle of cowardly hens, clucking about what you know will happen.

You really think Reuben is getting kicked for this? Fucking really? Blow me, you outrage culture addicts.

>refuse to stop mass murdering
>refuse to stop making cringe like "dab" and "floss"

i too, my friend, like to take dicks up my ass

Attached: when you nut but she still revving.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

Discussion on actual mechanics actually get higher platform because devs and industry insiders check the forum

No, fuck you tranny, you are going to ruin his career.

ResetEra is where all the gamefags went when their guy (((Goldberg))) got outed as a pedophile

>the New Zealand shooters manifesto clearly states that he memed it up with shit like the "Subscribe to Pewdipie" shitck to get journos and woke people like this to sperg out about it and accelerate the "culture war"

They are literally playing into his hands, fucking idiots.

Attached: savingmefromthishell.png (376x438, 265K)

Its great that Gunn makes /pol/tards so mad just by existing. Everyone already knew about his Troma work, underage.

>Did you know that almost all pedophiles are gays?
I doubt most gay men are pedophiles. They probably just prefer tight teen ass just like heterosexual men do.
>the statistics for lesbians to be horribly fatally abusive
I've had girlfriends, I'm well aware of women's lack of self control and propensity for violence. I still believe any parental pairing is better than being raised by a single mother.

>Inner city motherfuckers and their lack of belts.

I'm black and this shit boggles my mind.

What a champ. He's the hero we need.

>people are lynched by angry internet mob just by having their own opinion

Attached: 1509185107319.gif (500x340, 768K)

>Did you know that almost all pedophiles are gays?
But the majority of children abused are girls. And the majority of pedophiles are men. White men.

I'm not joking.

>is now one of the best places to have an unfiltered discussion

I feel like Yea Forums has it's own problem where people on here are obsessed with "LE EPIC TROLL I WAS MERELY PRETENDING" shit.

>If Reuben had actually died during that carjacking in Guatemala this still would've happened and they likely would've tried to slander his name even in death
Glad I'm not in that fucking timeline at least, this one's still pretty shitty though

Attached: 1537371059730.png (613x594, 536K)

yes welcome to any Yea Forums twitter screencap thread

>dude gets shot IN HIS OWN APARTMENT "by mistake"
>choked to death for selling loose cigs
>shot for informing the cop that stopped him he did have gun, after being asked
>shot while on his back, hands up, for taking his special needs patient for a walk
>arrested for waiting on friends in a coffee shop
>shot for hanging out in his friend's back yard
Yes, zero provocation, fuck off magatard.

These people don't care. They don't understand what they're doing is going to cause a civil war, they're emotionally driven monsters with no ounce of reasoning or foresight.

No I don't think he'll get kicked, but it sucks to see him get dragged through the mud regardless.

this is so neutral im confused most of it is true though me too have prob ruined more lives/given roasties more power than helped at this point

does release only get iframes if the bar is full?
i kept getting punished for releasing at 2/3~ on the vergil fight

Considering Vic Lasagna got the boot for nothing but CLAIMS against him, it's hardly a stretch to think something bad could happen to Reuben over this.

>You really think Reuben is getting kicked for this?
I don't think they'll go far as removing Reuben Langdon's work with Dante in 5 or any previous game, but I don't think they'll recast him in any future game.

Thanks G

I can't tell if you're talking about the NZ shooter or the video game journalists

welcome to the internet post 2010

You dont think Matt doesn't know who Ruben is? Resetera is obviously witch hunting and barely knows who the guy is.

>gets btfo on twitter by some baby tard barely teen so hard that you get all but run out of the forum you lorded over
Karma always comes around eventually

And holy fucking shit, it is happening AGAIN. "uh oh like Dante is like the SUPER BASED XD XD SO EPIC FTW"

Man... WHO FUCKING CARES???!! Those idiots are already seeking a new celebrity to pound their boypussy. Cringy as hell.

And these Resetera retards are literally the same. You know what happened? Nobody on the japanese side give a flying a fuck about their background. WHO FUCKING CARES?? They don't, and because they don't care about their retarded politics they are throwing a sissy fit all over their shithole.

Videogames were a mistake.

Attached: MRREDDIT.jpg (512x396, 28K)

> they are attacking uncle dante

ok that's it ...

Attached: 1507332530036.png (432x616, 215K)

>post deleted

Are the Yea Forums mods being strangled by the NZ government too?

What exactly is basic about the "right" to have a child. There's work involved, it's not as though the stork drops them off for normal people

Source that the fake leaker is the mod?

Weird flex but you do you senpai, Dantefags and Nerofags should get along

Why don’t they get upset about DmC?

kill yourself

Vic's been known to be a grabby dude at cons for years, I'm not surprised. The only people who seem to be are retards looking to get offended at meetoo nonsense.

Then you're a moron. I hope you screencap your post and look at it in about 5-10 years.

Literally wouldn't happened because he won't get interviewed

I mean you could say that yes.
but you'd be wrong

Attached: crimerates in the us.png (616x5370, 1.5M)

>posts vague instances with no context at all and expects people to agree with him

it's literally a cult

DMC6 is quite a while away still.

>2 weeks only because you like snoy, now go in the corner and think about what you said, incel!

>tfw resetrannies will double down on "owning the orginal franchise fans with DmC epic style" cyclejerk
>tfw we will probably see "Donte said trans rights" or some inane faggotry if sorts in the near future

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>been known
Claims made by people with no evidence.

Because it made "gamers" mad.

>Nobody on the japanese side give a flying a fuck about their background.
Subhuman got axed and vocal got replaced. Japanese games are coming out in the west censored to shit.

Yea Forums doesn't like autist because it hits too close to turn.

Why do you think 'discord tranny' is a thing over muh reddit? Because 90% of this board uses that shit.

Reuben is based. Fuck TrannyEra.

MJ was too pure for this Earth.
People are such fucking sheep. They must be putting something in the water to make all these smoothbrained retards.

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You're absurd. The amount of work and passion he puts on for each game is almost irreplaceable.

Fuck it. I'm going to buy 5 physical copies of dmc5 now.

Quite clearly people from websites like Resetera.

The NZ shooter would have no power if these people paid attention to his manifesto and actually understood his goals. They're falling right into his hands.


The basic right of equal protection under the law, not the right to have/adopt children.

From DelusionaryKiller's Twitter, known DMC player.

Attached: Son of Sparda.png (701x129, 107K)

No, he knew it would cause a civil war, he explicitly stated that's why he did it, knowing full well the only reaction these people would deem sensible would be remove the brakes from the train and start shoveling coal like their lives depend on it

>mfw Dante is gone for good

Our time is now Nerochads

Attached: 1552743987961.png (853x486, 657K)

That only happened because the vocalist got too friendly with a girl, Reuben however said a few words that extremists ddidn't like which is completely different. No fucks are given and after a week no fucks from anyone will be given.

>resetera has more power than a mass shooter
You've been on Yea Forums too long, it rotted your brain

Literally buying two copies of DMC5 right now, absolutely based.

>500 posts because of some fucking voice actor whose ideas have zero effect on the game and because of SJW screeching on NEOGAF

DMC fanbase is mentally ill, yet again proven

Attached: feetsss.gif (627x786, 353K)

It boggles my mind a website like this exists.

That's unironically true though.
Matt literally frequents discord and resetera. He has literally posted on twitter several times about "the nice people on resetera and discord"

because they were still neogaf back then?

> far right conspiracy
Isn't he a leftie that doesn't like Trump?

>He's just having a different opinion
In the multi-haircolored hellscape that is Resetera, this is enough to be branded as scum of the earth I'm afraid.

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And? You think Matt would suddenly shit on Reuben? You people are retarded.

They hate DmC too because of homophobia or something

Apparently he's not leftie enough.

You do realize in the very unlikely chance Reuben gets fired that both Nero and Vergil's voice actors would quit right? they're all very close and wouldn't even have the job without Reuben.

>gonna pretend to be retarded
>implying I seek any sort of resolution with a /pol/tard who'll just call me a nigger and post the same tired crime stats to justify blaming blacks for all evil everywhere

cool, get me one bro

Frankly if it was up to me, people that spend more than an hour or two a week posting on online message boards would be treated as mentally ill.

I wasn't going to buy the game because I don't really like DMC games but I will buy 5 now

>it's wrong to be worried about a guy possibly getting his life ruined over an opinion.

>I still believe any parental pairing is better than being raised by a single mother.
Imagine two self destructive single mothers. It's real bad. I also don't have anything against gays, I partied with them alot, tbu the statistics regarding them are concerning and we still have no idea what the fuck causes them genetically or otherwise besides teh molestation thing. Every cured gay seems to turn to christ but their trials seem to say they were weak willed sometimes molested beta males, but there's no way to tell if that's all of them or what the fuck is going on. We need more research but we won't get it with these worthless activists.

what's the point of heaven and hell?
s ranking eerything by jumping and shooting isn't much fun

>whining about muh gay slippery slope in a thread about DMC
Why are you people such cliches?

that gif isnt ok

- said the foot fetish fag

If Capcom honestly replaces Reuben for this shit then I'll never buy another Capcom game again.
Dante literally wouldn't be the same right now if Reuben wasn't doing it.
So much of his current character from 3 and onward is because of Reuben.

If you don't have any links to post just say so and be done with it, no need to sperg out

>Why do you think 'discord tranny' is a thing over muh reddit? Because 90% of this board uses that shit.

I think another thing is that Yea Forums originally got mad at Reddit because of the "THEY'RE STEALING OUR MEMES" drama, but I don't think I've seen Yea Forums care about that stuff since 2012.

I meant to say "gave". As in they contracted the guy not caring for their politics, because who the hell see or care about those things on a completely different culture? Picture yourself contracting that one guy for that one job for years and not having issues. He does his job, is over and bye. Come this time a fucking mob starts telling you that you didn't know the guy was a nazi all this time. You don't give a fuck about nazis. You just care about the job being done well or not. And on and on. This is what is happening her.
Also that vocalist was on a fucking pedo shitstorm. It dials issues up 11. And really, they guy was AWFUL on his job. Ever seen his videoclip before he was kicked off the band? Oh my God.

Then, AGAIN, who the fuck cares?????

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But Donte and Ninja Theory seem like they don’t like homos.

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Equal protection under law for what exactly? Equal scrutiny says case by case not to allow people biologically incapable of having children the option of raising them because maybe biology is trying to tell us something. That applies to people who are straight, too. Or do you mean equality of outcome, where all our "outdated" ideas on who gets to do what get shit on because someone is butthurt about them?

user, Resetera is a very left website, and the left as a whole are falling for that faggot's plans. Tighter gun control in NZ even though everything he acquired was illegal to begin with, pushing the culture wars even further, the Muslim community will be frothing with revenge and someone has possibly already attacked back out of spite in Denmark.

btw did you know that UFOS are so common in Chile that there is a special goverment branch designed to catch them?

I wonder why

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Maybe don't let these retards take an inch idiot.


>that one FYAD mod that got embarrassed that he had his username as Rape as a joke for a while and got eaten alive
Why was FYAD so untouchable by the rest of the forums anyway? All they did was shit on SA, they were even making fun of troons in the games forums before any of this current shit happened

not sure why they think it's a good idea to include
it can work for a mega buster meme run i guess

Fuck no I don't think Matt would do that. If he did he would be retard-tier.

His plan was tighter gun control? Wow what a strange terrorist.

You people who take this culture war shit seriously are so embarrassing.

He doesn't believe qanon, fake news. He tweets about conspiracy theories of all kinds all the time because he finds ot all interesting. The article is trying to paint him as a believer to further their rhetoric. Guy is a hardcore environmentalist and advocate for LGBTQ rights and poor people, he's about as far left as you can be without taking crazy pills.

Because of Brokeback Dante?

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>Supporting LGBTQ rights doesn't exclude you from being a conservative
this timeline is wild

That entire thread is gold

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>being so mad at how awesome DMC5 is that you go out of your way to try social justice mob slandering a voice actor for the game
mods need to wordfilter resetera

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What is it with western gaming journalism and constantly trying to take down Japanese developed games.

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unironically flouride poisoning is a real thing, it gives little to no benefit to teeth when applied topically but over consumption of it is linked to bone deformities and decreased cognitive function.

Because Yea Forums hasn't been responsible for a new meme of note in years.

>trolling in a sensitive thread
What the fuck?

>whole notch twitter situation
Nah, I can see them doing this purely out of spite.
Everyone is a trans icon if you're autistic enough.

Yeah it's totally normal for a society to radically change in under a decade bro

>His plan was tighter gun control? Wow what a strange terrorist.
Yeah it's not like the right absolutely believes in the freedom of gun ownership, and having guns taken away isn't going to cause another heated series of headbutting contests in a world boiling over from perpetual culture wars.

Are you stupid?

I never heard anyone talked about it outside of Yea Forums