>all games are streamed and owned by Google
>say n-word anywhere in the internet
>de facto banned from video gaming altogether
It's fucking over bros

Attached: 1nn3gx.jpg (513x600, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't say the n word then.

>What are emulators?
>What are physical copies?
>What is piracy?
You have to be at least 18 to post here

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Why do you need to say the N-word?

>say n-word anywhere in the internet
>de facto banned from video gaming altogether
that's a good thing
fuck Yea Forums and fuck teens

fuck you niggers its my god given right to say that word!

Attached: 1544155992724.png (438x503, 122K)


>Be white
>Download/Upload a video on the internet
>Get fined $150,000


>saying "nigger" in any public location
>get your shit kicked in
how tragic

How dumb do you have to be to take the content of a wojak post seriously?


How can you pirate a game that has only ever been streamed?

>It's okay to not have freedom of speech


Why do you need to say fuck?
Why do you need to say darn?
Why do you need to express yourself in a way our corporate overlords do not approve of?
Why do you cling to your individuality?

that is clearly not the same. being permanently revoked of using something until you die is far worse than getting your shit kicked in.

>Say nigger in an all white area
>nothing happens

>being a racist

go to the fucking gulag cunt

Good your kind deserves to be hanged.

>freedom = insult

an eagle soars in the distance

not like there will be any good games anyway.

absolutely based

That doesn't look go--
>implying I will be alive in the year 2030. with my current life style
Yeah, fuck it. Don't care.

>4Channers unironically can't go 10 minutes without saying the N-Word
Big Yike

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>Muslim beheads a priest in a Church
Part and parcel of a multicultural society
>Man kills a bunch of muslims

If the n word is bad, why did they make it so fun to say?

>get branded as a racist and get your shit beaten by basedboys.

Because it's the internet you fucking nagger

Niggers call other niggers ''niggers'', but when other people say the word, then it's suddenly racist. That R E A L L Y makes you think.

Yes, freedom means being free to use insults.

That is indeed part of freedom of speech. It's one small step from not being able to say nigger to not being able to call the leader Winnie the Pooh on threat of execution and organ harvesting.

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back to Yea Forums. this sort of racism is not tolerated in 4channel.

They didn't it's just that you're a literal child who has to say it all the time because you can't think of anything actually witty to say.

Good. Racism is fucking dumb. It should be like this today.

>Say nigger in public
>With a battalion of Police nearby
>300 black males arrested in one day for attempted assault

Attached: 1520985042988.png (285x810, 72K)

>emulate a hardware where you don't even have access to either the hardware nor the software (game) to reverse engineer

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Do you seriously think emulators and stuff will be available in 2030?

>he thinks the police would actually arrest them
Nice joke incel.

>black person says "kill all crackers!"
>nothing happens
>white person says "fuck niggers!"
>has everything stolen

no white man truly wants this. people who say it's fair know that it isn't and just want to stir the pot. if the same rules to loud mouth niggers then I will be all for it.

>Everybody panicking over fucking nothing

>White people care if you're racist

They absolutely would. About half of the black men would end up like Michael Brown, too.

>no white man truly wants this.
Talk about yourself retard.

You just don't grasp the gravity of the situation.

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imagine letting a single word have this much power

>white people don't care that you're a racist
Go outside for once.

You're right, they would shoot them

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Where is the best place to get GDC news?

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Do you think they'll stop at the N word? They are going to go after all derogatory words. After that, it's cursing. After that it's negative opinions. By the time you realize it, you won't be able to express anything unless it's sucking the developer's cock.

Good. We need more regulations and restrictions of our rights for the greater good of society. Look at the mass shootings that were influenced by fridge, niche internet communities, especially on Yea Forums and Reddit, and it's clearly obvious that some has to limit speech and restrict the power of these violent groups. There's too much freedom, we have to limit to those only a select who are capable of not abusing such rights.

>go outside
I live in one of the whitest states in america, nobody here would bat an eye if somebody yelled nigger at the top of their lungs

>Insult someone for being a nigger once
>Google sends assassins to your home to kill you
>Censorshipfags continue to show their nigger mentality by being ok with people having their lives ruined over sounds, and will continue to suck off authorities for free

Stop lying.

This. Calling a white person a racist is much more offensive to them than calling a black person a nigger. That word terrifies white people.

It's a stupid fucking streaming service that nobody is going to use. It's the Ouya all over again.

>muh n-word

Just make a new slur. Language evolves all the time. Holy moly.

I'm serious, hell when I went to school we'd see who could yell nigger the loudest without getting in trouble with the bus driver.

>Insult someone for being a nigger once
>Google sends assassins to your home to kill you
Based as fuck.
>Censorshipfags continue to show their nigger mentality by being ok with people having their lives ruined over sounds
Eat shit.
Retards who can't go one minute without saying the n-word are nothing but subhumans children who deserve to be purged.

yea that ain't gonna happen

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Because we shouldn't give anyone the power to restrict words.

Stop lying.

This, but unironically.

That one school administrator screamed nigger at a black guy like 10 times and he didn't stack her. She got fired from her job, but she didn't get beat up.

Should have thought of that before being born a wh*toid


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>camwhore thot streaming games to betas on stadia
>join my game and play with me teehee
>its a 4 player game
>donate $xxx for premium slots teehee

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Dude. You just said the N-word in your post.
Google would have sent a death squad to your house over this post.

Freedom of speech doesnt mean Freedom from consequences. Google is a corporation and legally speaking that mean Google is a person with full constitutional rights and that means Google has the liberty to disassociate thenselves with anyone. If you dont like it start your own company

I knew kids who made a "I hate niggers" song and it circulated the school when Youtube first started. Everybody thought it was hilarious

Thank you for using Google SWAT feature.

It doesn't bother me at all, and I'm not even a white supremacist or one of these frog poster 12 year olds. I had a professor call me racist because I disagreed with her assessment of "The Little House on the Prairie". I like to argue about language and I like talking about controversy.

Eh, you'll get some dirty looks.

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It absolutely does. If freedom of speech didn't mean freedom from consequences, then North Korea has freedom of speech.

I dare you to go say "Kim Jong Un is a fat faggot and smells like rotten spaghetti" in the middle of Pyongyang.

Why are normalfags so bad at discerning fiction from reality? Do they think pixels on a screen are an actual threat to them?

From some old blue hairs

Google isn't incompetent enough.

how indeed

Attached: moon landing.jpg (320x240, 23K)

Is this how the beta uprising will take form?

It's the same as yelling FUCK, nobody's going to stop you

>he thinks it's just gonna be videogames

>online banking
>real life banking
>online shop purchasing
>chat platforms
>video/content platforms
>social media platforms (which will be used for actions such as voting, or "microvoting", permanent generated referendums done via smart device on the public to gauge opinion and interest, which will effectively replace the single big election or render it irrelevant)
>barred from purchasing cars (since you will be connected to the cloud as they will be partially operated and updated by network/blockchain sharing their own camera information like a hivemind)
>all of this has your ID connected to your online account, itself being a requirement for literally anything

Stop policy for feelings now before it's too late. Do not vote, under any circumstance, anyone mentioning equity, race policy, gender policy.

>he's never had the pleasure of working at an all-white company
Shit's great. It's amazing how casually racist people can be when they're not worried about Big Brother breathing down their necks.

no there's still hope. We just can't let the globalists win.

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Just stop saying nigger then you fucking faggot
Fuck video games

It's over, fucking boomers. Time to neck yourselves.

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there is no political solution

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>ree this videogame has a liberal message they're literally brainwashing me to accept their politics!
>dude it's just pixels on a screen it doesn't do anything lmao
Choose one

Companies actually CAN’T prevent you from using your freedom of speech
Also, even GOOGLE will say
free·dom of speech
the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
"the move would further harm freedom of speech in the region"

Both the words 'racist' and 'nigger' terrify white people. Whites can't say nigger even when talking about the word itself.
Like last year when CNN claimed there was a tape of Trump saying nigger. They had to dance around and say "n-word" or else advertisers would pull ads.

>tfw work in a gas station with a bunch of white people and Mexicans
>tfw all the Mexicans call black people niggers
Everyone hates nigs except for those who fetishize them.

Eat shit racist.
You and your kind will die soon and there's nothing you can do about it you scum.

Went into a gas station with my dad one time. He must have known the cashier because the first thing he said was, "Hey what's up nigger?" and they both laughed. The school system must have onions-litized me because I just stood there in confusion for a good 20 seconds before I realized that it was just a word again.

That's because we're all black here on 4channel so it's okay for me to call you nigger, my nigger.

the more you tell me that I cannot do something the more I want to do it.

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is that Rich Evans as a cat?

subscribe to pewdiepie

>Freedom of speech doesnt mean Freedom from consequences

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Unlikely. Racism exists for a reason. It's more likely that oppressing white people so they can't be racist will cause the prosperity in the country to go down dramatically, killing off millions of black people who rely on whites giving them handouts to keep them alive.

Niggers live in a zoo, and white people are the zoo keepers. Kill the zoo keepers and all the animals die. Simple as.

It’s not called the bill of needs

MFW banned for saying there are only 2 genders

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>use any sort of adblocker on your browser, or just refuse to accept google's tracking cookies
>can't play your videogames any more
Thanks Jade.

Dumb fat cat poster

>Unlikely. Racism exists for a reason.
Yes because there will always be retards like you
But soon the world will dispose of your kind soon enough.

mentally deranged trannie

definitely a nigger.

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>Freedom of speech doesnt mean Freedom from consequences
I agree, if you say you're gay I should be allowed to fire you from your job. We should change the law, gay people need to take responsibility for coming out as gay.

The funny thing is that, even if this claim was true, they are suggesting that companies should never be critized ever

Gay people are a protected class so no you can't retard.

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This webm LITERALLY happened last week. Except instead of dancing the Aussie was shooting up a mosque.

you have to do anything you can to stop it and push this far back as possible

also stop buying consoles and buy pc hardware and play games on pc

>you used to be able to sift through the faggots by saying offensive things
>now you can't even call a cross dressing man a crossdressing man

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I have a penis, but I can menstruate too!

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>"Our Google Analytics database has detected that you are in possesion of illegal software. We have notified nintendo and your google account will be banned until you pay an unban fee and you have deleted your illegal games. If you want to get your pusharsed games back, you will have to pay an additional gaming fee."

What about religious people? If you say you're muslim, I should be allowed to fire you. You're not free from consequences bro. Replace muslim with christian in this argument if you're liberal.

Fuck gaming, we all know what this means for the next step. Soon you won't even own a PC. You'll have to subscribe to a Cloud Workstation(tm) somewhere in Microsoft's dungeon which contains all your sensitive data. Of course, only Windows Store(tm) Applications(tm) will be allowed. Then your OS will be streamed to your dummy tablet device. Honestly fuck technology and fuck big business. It had so much potential.

Attached: shaggy.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Thats government censorship which is totally different from a company. Again: Google is considered a human

>jewgle buys out all the vidya companies
>buys out microsoft and sony once their physical playboxes become obsolete
>they own every gaming right
>they delete every single non-pc vidya from their libraries
>only genderfluid bf5 types from now on

The thing is, devs and publishers have every right to ban you for being a twat online. Other people buy this product and play online, and they’re trying to foster a respectful online community ($$$). It’s honestly gross and shows how immature/flyover hick you white lot really are. It’s just sad that you have to get attention in an online game by shouting “LEL NIGGER”. Doesn’t add anything to the game, and you know it. But what’s the point, this is Yea Forums.

user instead of asking this on videogame board like a retard go and educate yourself about these matters.
But you probably won't because you're a retarded racist.

>online gaming without saying nigger or faggot
What the fuck.

>if freedom of speech means freedom from consequences you should be able to call your boss a nigger and mean it
This is your mind on jewgle

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this is not a troll comment asking for (you)s btw
its some 90iq nigger muslim

I see no difference between a tyrannical government and a tyrannical corporation.

>Freedom of Speech has consequences
>Except for when those consequences affect me and people I like
Shit like this is why I never take censorshipfags seriously.
For you youngers here on Yea Forums, I want you take a look at this faggot and notice how much of a dumbass he is.

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If you dont like it develop your own game and have your own servers.Its their property they are allowing you to use

go back stupid

Well then you sir are a fucking retard, Google was created by the US government with taxpayer money

>Say nigger
>get credit card cancelled
"Start your own credit card company"
>get electricity cut
"Start your own electrical company"
>get denied healthcare
"Start your own hospital"

Why are neo liberals and libertarians good goys for capitalism, bankers and big corporations? (inb4 i'm accused of being a communist)

You can choose who you do business with. Thats called the free market and its what makes America great

This is the worst thread on Yea Forums.

forced integration with discord, it automatically teams you up with trannies and lolicons and gays and other deviants that can check out your google account, your name, your photos and bully you into becoming a faggot.

>This is the worst thread on Yea Forums.

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>I want to discriminate against people without any consequences
Eat shit and I hope you die.

you have to go back

Their house, their rules.

It's your fault you allowed Google to become a monopoly.

Sucking off corparations (especially ones that are monopolies) is actually socialism.
True AnCaps and Anarchists would shoot Jewgle in the face before any other ideology.

You can't pirate a game that never leaves the google server farm unless someone literally leaks it.
You can't emulate if you don't have the game code.
>implying physical will exist in the dark jewgle future


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Not if the corporation becomes tyrannical, no.

steam and the digital stores already cucked the physical ownership of the games you pay for

>you can discriminate against somebody by saying a word to yourself in an empty room

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>>I want to discriminate against people without any consequences
You mean like the working class people you want to censor constantly for holding opinions that differ from your own?

>huhuhu i'll post le meme on 4channel


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ITT piratefags mad a private company wont let them steal and communists angry they cant tell a private company what to do
Go suck off Bernie, fags

Nice slippery slope

Fuck you nigger.

Iys impossible for a corporation to become tyrannical. You are free to not use their services

We can’t be as cucked as you, user

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duckduckgo console when

as much as i don't like marxian socialism, let's not pretend that capitalism doesn't give power to monopolies. Concentrated and unchecked wealth gets you neo liberalism.
AnCaps would get their land bought by Soros, and turned intro Brazil 2.0, or get invaded by China.


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You can still pirate them by fucking with the drm and technically have the game.
With google it's like trying to pirate WoW, except the server part isn't half the game, it's the entire game.

Dude gay marriage was legalized 3 years ago and they're already pumping preteens full of hormones to make them cockslaves.

They an't control being black, they can't control the history of their people.
You can control being a racist.
So given that western law requires both a guilty mind and a guilty act. You're the only one in possession of both. You're the only one committing a crime, even though blacks/gays/trannies are a blight.

>You mean like the working class people you want to censor constantly for holding opinions that differ from your own?
>Hey you can't say the N word or fire people purely because their gay or their colour
>Muh freedom of speech!!!
Get fucked.

Don't forget to report racism outside of the containment boards :)

what a fucking bigot
10 year olds have always wanted to be drag queens in gay bars for money!

>playing my game on GOOGOL(tm) big brother console
>get killed
>think about bad word
>sirens outside the window, hovervan lands
>it's the sharia cyber police
>controller claps handcuffs on my hands
>inspector says I have been dodging obligatory monthly gender change surgery for a year now
>they replace my cuck model cyberbody for penal one
>get sent on the frontlines, sit in an irradiated trench, shoot chinks
>such is life in 2030

epic strawman dude. Is that all you have?

It’s amazing you think these two situations are comparable in any way, /pol/ has rotted your brain

When the corporation is a monopoly and has influence in the government , you better expect that their anti racism bourgeois narrative to get you fired and banned from many of your normal rights. Their end goal is to economically murder you, till you die homeless or commit suicide.

>impossible for a corporation to become tyrannical
As an unironic AnCap, that’s demonsterously false, especially with media and social media.

It's better than your strawman that's for sure.

Niggers detected.

I don’t understand is google just making their own console or are they somehow integrating with other games?

>pumping preteens full of hormones isn't related to the massive amount of gay propaganda we've undergone in the last decade

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If this shit if true, and actually works how they say it does then consoles and Steam is dead.
There will be no reason to spend money on new hardware if streaming will be instant and 4k.

Its been fun boys, but we live in the future now,

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Never gonna give you up

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shut up nigger

>>think about bad word
Literally your fault.
Nothing to see here.

by that logic a corporation could build a bubble around your home and force you to pay for the air you're breathing, the government is supposed to intervene via anti-trust laws

Niggers don't nee to worry see

Fuck outta here bobby

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You’re right. Gay Marriage jumping into pumping youth with random chemicals and convincing them to cut their dicks off is far less realistic than YouTube making rule broader to encompass a wider range of wrongthink

So you agree that Christian bakers have to bake cakes featuring gays injecting each other with AIDS blood and jizzing on an effigy of Trump?
Google isn't the government.

This. The ancap failure condition is an organization growing influential enough through voluntary means to set up an involuntary state.

They're trying to be a mix of YouTube and Netflix for games. There's no console because you use your own devices.

You should have never paid for PS+. Xbox was dying on its own, but now subscriptions are the industry standard, and it's your fault.

>ancap works with more that 5 people

They are getting third party support to stream AAA games in 4k 60fps on google chrome browser.
Consoles are dead

>gay propaganda is related to a company's policy in muh shitty platform
Please continue misrepresenting my argument, it’s seems like the only way for you to feel better about yourself

Seems like only good goy pay piggies will have this problem. Us pirates will always find a way.

Attached: chad pirate.png (2518x1024, 276K)

>slippery slope

>videogames past year 2007

Attached: J U S T.png (544x632, 871K)

>gay propaganda isn't related to doctors telling 10 year olds they should cut their cock and balls off

Epic strawman fellow /pol/ack!

>slippery slopes don't exist
>give examples of slippery slopes

>say "inward"
>Google misinterprets it as n word
>you are now banned forever

>google totally doesn't jump on whatever "progressive policy" is being pushed every 2 days

That's the name my parents gave me

>he keeps going
Do you have ADHD? Only you mentioned gay marriage and tranny kids, I’m not taking the bait

>can't say the m-word without some snowflake getting upset
>can't say the t-word without some snowflake getting upset
>can't say the r-word without some snowflake getting upset

kill yourself, you fucking midget tranny retard


Google doesn't even celebrate Christmas anymore, but it celebrate Hanukkah and Ramadan.

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If white people pay reparations then they get to use the n word, hard R. That’s the deal.

>we exist don't kill us
>we exist let us be together in a civil union
>we exist let us marry
>we exist let us adopt
>we exist let us tell your children how to be gay

muh strawman bohooo fucking bigots bohoo

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>calls slippery slope
>has nothing to do with the conversation
>again, nothing to do with the conversation
I’ve never said slippery slopes don’t exist, but this platform is so irrelevant it’s almost a non issue, except for retards here

>Don't use this nigger product then.


>In the year 2025 google will put out a bounty on all physical copies of games offering 10x the cost of what they were at release
>This leads to people trading in their games for google bucks and others to even steal them from collectors
>By the year 2029 all physical media has been destroyed and assimilated by the google hivemind


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>implying it will reach even 2020

So just like real life?
And can you actually prove your circular argument?

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>Gay, anti Christian, anti white propaganda has nothing to do with people getting banned for bantering on the internet

>this platform is so irrelevant it's a non issue
>investing billions in a gaming focused infrastructure

are you even trying you jew?

Just say nice things about Israel and the wonderful Jewish people and im sure nothing bad will happen goy.

>This whole thread

Well I guess it's fun to pretend to be retarded now and then.

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Facts doesn't care about your feelings

Good goy.

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Damnit Bobby, I said not saying the baed swearin words ahgain


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It must be so nice to be a sub 100 iq monkey, you don’t even need to defend your arguments, so just keep attacking with irrelevant shit
A platform's worth is determined by the games it provides, and so far there’s absolutely nothing in the lineup to attract even the most fervent shills
>anyone who disagrees with me is a jew

This would have more gravity if the current topic was a game streaming platform that won't work with any game a potato PC couldn't already play because of the extreme, unavoidable, input delay.

>le apolitical weeb
It would not surprise me if you were racist as well.

>Non-ChromeOS systems have been banned for "encouraging isolationism and perverted thinking"
>Every single computer is now a grey pane laptop running ChromeOS
>Keylogger running constantly sending your inputs to ChromeKingdom in the middle of the atlantic
>Just trying to lay low and watch a youtube video with copyrighted material in it
>Disc tray opens with HRT on it
>Entire laptop halts
>very slowly take the pills in front of the always-on front-facing camera
>start freaking out
>ceiling mounted turret turns on and turns you to swiss cheese
>ChromeOS starts snapping photos of your corpse and automatically uploads them to Twitter for women to laugh at the insecure mancel

Attached: hrt_tray.png (545x443, 545K)

you're not a dev
you will never make a dollar unless they accept non-robot burger flippers in mcdonalds


>I can't think objectively without Google guiding my hand

Sounds dumb, so if the internet goes out you can’t even play any games and you gotta pay a monthly fee+flat cost per game most likely.

What the fuck are you talking about? My argument applies perfectly. If you're not free from consequences of your speech, why can't I fire you if you say you're christian or gay or a tranny? Those are the consequences, why are you protected from them by law?

Read text above and this time try to argue instead of just being a passive aggressive homosexual.

>My argument applies perfectly
>Using flawed logic meme talking points

Attached: 1548131112619.gif (385x473, 2M)

>The year is 2075
>All governing that isn’t Israel are all absorbed into Google, Twitter, Netflix, Disney, Amazon, McDonalds, and Coca Cola
>All of these companies also own everything via domination against competitors, lobbying, and established copyright laws from decades ago
>You live life, renting a room at a Disney restort hotel, drinking exclusively Coca Cola and eating Big Macs, everything you say, or even think, is monitored with advanced technology provided by Google
>All your entertainment is propaganda provided by Netflix and Disney
>Everything you do has to be signed with a novel long ToS, using words these companies invented so that you don’t know what you ever sign up for
>Breaking the ToS, even by accident, will result in death squads being sent to your immediate location
>Inspite of their complete control, there is a charming group of rebels living in the shadows who try to have experiences before the take over
>1 guy in their group speaks
>”Wait a minute guys. Google and Twitter are corparations and legally can do what they want”

Ni... n... I NEED TO SAY IT NIIG...


Attached: 1551798409389.jpg (250x419, 16K)

oh yea so worthless it's already partnered with id to present doom eternal
>hurr durr joo h8er
fucking off anne

You're either dumb as a rock or some kind liberal jew shill
that's beside being a massive faggot

>a multiplatform game will make it worth it to buy the platform
Keep fitting in more buzzwords, it doesn’t make your paranoia any less retarded
>ur dumb
Kill yourself


Attached: I_8f1d5e_1267362.jpg (265x290, 17K)

Nice advice

Hold up. Doom "Eternal". Diablo "Immortal".
Something is up.

>hasn't made a single post without a talking point

Attached: SOYBOY.webm (426x240, 2.93M)

>My argument applies perfectly
>He actually believes this
Good job embarrassing yourself.

except you wouldn't need a conventional platform like a console or pc, with stadia you can run it on your fucking phone, you gay dump jew nigger.
>kill yourself
>complains about buzzwords
>buttmad and in denial about jews

I bet you think you sound so enlightened, go back to watching destiny

you're not fooling anyone, reshittera discord tranny.

well then there will be a new market to fill that void

N I G G G E R !

>Obama didn't sell the internet to the EU before he left office

Today it's nigger that's taboo, tomorrow some other shit they can come up with, absolutely arbitrary.

If you let these faggots decide what is and what isn't acceptable, then you gave up all your rights as an individual and you are a worthless slave with no respect for yourself and people around you.

>Freedom of speech does mean freedom from consequences
Then it's not really free is it?

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This is a great post son, keep it up.

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I'm getting (You) after (You) in this thread
Thanks newfags

motherfuckers like you always yell FREEDOM OF SPEECH while not having a single fucking clue what freedom of speech is even about. Freedom of speech protects you from legal punishments for what you say. Freedom of Speech does NOT include not being ostracized and/or judged for the things you say by the rest of society.

It's a talking point that SJW's tried to use in 2016 to get centrists on their side to "I-...IMPEACH DRUMFP!" for being recorded against his knowledge a decade and making jokes. It's odd that it's coming back now, especially when the anit-trump propaganda has ramped up at the same time.

1 no race of people has ever been supressed by the words fuck or darn.
2 Just because your corporate overlords disapprove of something doesnt mean the opposite is somehow automatically correct you peak-contrarian
3. >thinking that saying Nigger somehow gives you ""Individuality""

See supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/326/501/

>year is 2075
>water scarcity has led to global war
>90% of species are extinct

But muh video games.

no one actually likes niggers or trannies

>saying nigger suppresses black people

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>my city is a racist shithole
>therefore i know how the entire rest of white society functions

I hate niggers yes I do
I hate niggers they look like poo

>yelling nigger is the same as yelling fuck
how many years do i have to live exclusively on Yea Forums to delude myself into thinking this?

I don’t think you go the point of my post, or even read it past the first few lines

>can't point out logical fallacies withou some snowflake getting upset

kill yourself, you fucking retard of unknown body shape and gender identity

>year is 2075
>water scarcity has led to global war
>90% of species are extinct
>but I'm just fine drinking water from a well in my "fly over state" because I don't live in a cramped post apocalyptic city full of niggers and spics

the word was used to refer to them when they were property you clown

t. nigger

I wasn't actually replying to your post.

I'm too Niggardly to not say Nigger

>be nigga
>see nigger written on screen

Actually it was negro and colored, nigger is new

if you regularly mumble "nigger" in an empty room by yourself you have some serious issues in general and should take a vacation from the internet

you're both brainlets. But especially

how much fucking onions did you inject in all your 15 years of age?

can people scream SNIGGERING out loud or do they need at least 5 nigger ancestor for them to be allowed to?

are you white?


Get fucked niggers.

It's true, look up the history of the word "nigger", it wasn't even widely used until the late 1800's, AFTER slavery.

This is the target demo for google and it represents american diversity pretty well. Tell me why some edgelords should be allowed to fuck with their profits when these ladies just wanna play vidya

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>What are emulators?
Illegal software, citizen, better turn that over to the Alphabet corporation

>What are physical copies?
A relic of the past used to illegally "share and trade" game licenses, allowing underground black market gangs

>What is piracy?
Something eliminated due to all games, single player or otherwise, sending 10GB data pings every 20 seconds only alleviated by having Google Fiber internet

have sex.

kys commie

>the government wants me to hate niggers
I see the opposite of that.
They want me to allow them to ship millions of these 70 IQ subhumans into my nation and let them freely kill me.
As for the rich.

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hurr duur muh dick
muh cum
muh pussay

you worthless hollywood sub-product, erase yourself

Are you 180 years old, black and lived in slave-trading America?

Wouldnt be the first time that burgers talk about having "Freedom" when its not true at all

Have sex.

Google: It’s ok for children to chop off their cock n balls and take hormones at 4
Also Google: Don’t say this word

Are you so retarded you can't google "where did "nigger" come from?" It wasn't used until after slavery, meaning it doesn't mean shit except "black person".

>oi do you have a loicsence for that skin color m8?

Your taste in insults doesn't give you any """individuality""" user. All it does is hint at your opinions. Nobody yells at you for saying nigger just because they dislike the word, they yell at you because saying it has huge implications for what kind of person you are.


If i went on the streets and said "I said stop acting like fucking kids" noone would do shit

If i however rearranged the exact same words into "I like fucking kids" suddenly that has big implications on my character. The words themselves aren't the problem.

I work at a North Carolina highway gas station and I constantly get 1 or 2 people a day that come in talking about niggers and/or jews. Being a part of the service industry I just smile and nod. I'm never like, politically mad at them or anything, I mean I GET IT, but it's really shocking to have that opinion and be open about it. All I can do is say "wow that happened" after he's gone.

Like not even like "Dude fuck all niggers" all angry and stuff just like passing details like "Hey man have a nice day, kill all the Jews".

>saying nigger is equivalent to saying "im a pedophile"

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nice reddit spacing and don't make any kind of logical fucking sense you stupid nigger

Yea Forums needs to make up their mind. On the one hand it's "fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck arabs" and 5 seconds later it's "yo wtf im not racist at all"

If you're gonna be so blatant about your personality, atleast own up to it. Dont bitch out.

>Conform, no opinions
Oh yum, mind sharing some boot polish with me comrade? I too love licking boots

it's like so fucking cool dude

If that's what you took away from that comment then im not suprised you're the kinda person who wants to say nigger.

>Yea Forums is one person

>the same people who think there's racists hiding under their bed are the same people who say "fuck niggers"

You're the one who said it you stupid asshole

I get dirty looks by single mothers when I take my 4 year old to the park.

>I see the opposite of that.
yeah its almost like you see what they show you. And its almost like its exactly working as its only making you hate them more and more you brainlet. The government pitting whites and blacks against eachother is not some new concept, they've been doing it for decades. Its a good topic to keep the masses entertained with while they fuck all of us over equally in the background

You mean like ISPs? Where my only "choice" to live in 2019 is to get fucked by Comcast or AT&T?

You should. Its weird for a man to be with a kid unless a woman is present

Start your own ISP. Literally nothing is stopping unternet service isnt a right.

Not him but his point was extremely simple. Words have implications beyond the literal interpretation. Saying nigger out loud is an extremely bright neon sign pointing to the kind of predictable, uninteresting person you are.

Hello incels, your days are numbered.


It's not cool but it will atleast make you less miserable and angry :)

have sex

I don't care what his point was, he compared saying nigger to saying "im a a pedophile" in public, he's a fucking idiot and should kill himself.

t. nut slave of the vaginal jew

pathetic balding fag

thats a yes then? faggot nigger lover

>some british cunt complaining about men
What else is new?


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Yea Forums racists:
meanwhile literally every other Yea Forums racist:
>"i hate niggers and jews and women and basedboys and the left and ..."

yeah nice individuality you have there, truckdriver-npc

Well time to finally tackle that backlog and become a full blown retro gamer.

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i have something important to say.
thanks you.

>rules 1 and 2
>talking about Yea Forums in real life

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BEST Yea Forums thread

It's simple. Start using "N" or "N-word" instead of nigger. Eventually "N" and "N-word" will be banned too. Example: "You fucking N!" Everyone will know what you mean, and that's the power of language.

"stop being an upset snowflake" - said the upset snowflake

>giving the word even more power
thanks, retards

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im so mad
im gonna go have sex with my girlfriend, so i wont be so mad

You watch the playthrough on youtube. Streaming wont allow for any fast paced game anywhere. It will be all visual novels, turn based strategies, card games and maybe one game which makes you feel like spiderman / batman with alzheimer (high input lag).

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How about dont be a racist? Just dont do it and choose to be an adult. When you have a racist thought criticize yourself and grow

I am glad you think that having invaders with an avg iq of 70 is good for us.
Do you have a fetish for proto human looking stuff or are you just retarded?

>dumb racist trumpsters hate that they will no longer be able to be pants on head retarded with out impunity

Sounds like heave to me. Where do I sign up?

Yea Forums sage space seekers:
The other side of the same coin, you cunts are all the same.

This. Nigger doesn't even mean "black person" anymore.

fuck outta here resest era, subscribe to pewdiepie

Don't dead name shitlord its 4channelers, thought you reset era guys would understand.

>Hmm, you know, these crime statistics are really making me think-
>Gets shot by google assassins for wrong think


Your first mistake was being older than 14 and still thinking IQ is an actual working concept and not some "check your pulse because it shows me if you're lying"-level pseudo-science

Shut up n-word.

But it is perfectly normal for an adult to have racist thoughts, as it stems from our base instinct of self-preservation.
You only need to not display it outwardly since nowadays it's not accepted, and since blacks are slowly becoming more civilized.

Sign up at your local Communist chapter so if civil war ever breaks out it’ll be easy to track you down and dispose of you and your family.

Someone post that excerpt of the book an user was writing with every other word being nigger
My sides were in orbit

>"mass shootings XXXDDDD"
im glad i didnt stop aging mentally when i was 16