ITT: Sequels nobody talks about
Did anybody even play this one? Seems like most jumped from TH3 to THUG.
ITT: Sequels nobody talks about
Did anybody even play this one? Seems like most jumped from TH3 to THUG.
Public service announcement: do not play THPS4 for the Playstation, its dogshit. The PS2 version however is really great
I know it's "cool" to say TM3 and TM4 are garbage, but I doubt most have even touched this one. TM3 had weird physics and lame level design, but TM4 is actually pretty solid. Deserves to be talked about in higher regard.
most of the levels were really bland
THPS1 and 4 were my jam. Absolutely played the PS2 version though.
I have it on Playstation I enjoyed it.
everyone played it
felt like "3+" instead of its own thing
it wasn't bad by any stretch
4 is probably, on an objective level, the best THPS. I still prefer 2 and 3 though. Reverts and spine transfers made it a bit too easy to get huge point combos, at least manuals required you to have some map knowledge. And it just feels like it lacks "soul". Its still absolutely worth playing though.
>a junkyard with a crane that can be controlled to drop dudes into explosives
>a complex city level with a subway and skyscrapers to traverse onto
>a kid's room that makes you feel like an explosive hotwheel
>Sweet Tooth's circus having visually distinct tents with a roller coaster surrounding the whole area
>cool hidden secrets everywhere
I would argue it has more personality in it's level design than any other in the franchise.
I think most kids who grew up on THPS 1-3 had already moved on by that point. When THUG came out it was like an adventure game wearing THPS clothes, giving more of a reason for most to come back.
THUG was the pinnacle of the series in my opinion, but that's not the discussion here. I just think that the fourth game failed to introduce anything very interesting. Except maybe Daisy.
4 came off pretty experimental. It introduced a lot of new stuff, and was the first THPS to discard the 2min timer and introduce missions provided by NPCs.
4 is actually pretty underrated. Alcatraz, Carnival, Zoo, and Skatepark were all good maps.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the neat VR-like levels.
I played it, remember fapping to the Jenna Jameson skater and getting hyped up unlocking Jango Fett and Eddie
This guy right here. It's pretty hard to even find worthwhile reviews on it.
Like you said, most already moved on to THUG, but it was still pretty good. The novelty of Tony Hawk games was slowly wearing off at this point as well.
3 is my favorite SF
Everyone tells me it's one of the worst
I don't care, those levels were kino
>japanese hotel fighting chinese triads and PRC military
>fighting the Russians in Afghanistan with the AUG that could shoot through walls
>playing as an ATF agent during a siege on a redneck militia compound where you discover the FBI agents running the operation are actually NSA agents sent to recover a satellite, kill everyone and make it look like an accident
THPS4 is the one I have the most nostalgia for, but THPS3 is the best one.
THPS4's biggest problem is that the levels all get worse as the game goes on.
I guess nobody cared after X6 and X7 were such trash. But X8 was actually pretty damn good for what it was. The only problem I took with it was the hit detection with the spikes, notably on the endgame levels.
3 got weird enough on the Play Station, the lack of care was very noticeable.
more like because x8 is barely a game, x7 is unironically a better to play
I liked it, 4 had a lot of variety and was a great multiplayer game at the time. Was better than 3 for me. Small brawl is still my favorite
You're probably the smartest person I've met here in a long time.
I never see anyone talk about this game, let alone Gex in general. It was honestly pretty good as a sequel and in general.
There was a Twisted Metal map? Whoa.
I loved this game when I was younger. I probably have the most nostalgia for the second one tho.
4 fucked up missions. The arcadey structure of 2/3 was perfect.
This. It was the FIRST game in the series to ditch the timer, and have open world-ish missions. Mechanically, arguably the best in the series, so yeah it was pretty important.