Stop shitposting about STDia for a second and get in here. Who're ya maining?
Castle Crashers Remastered confirmed for Switch and PS4
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>no BBT port
its the exact same fucking game as the xbla version which came out a decade ago. why dont these lazy devs make a sequel already
How about those lazy fucks make a Sequel
I want another one so badly
I Don't think I have enjoyed a game since I finished that one
This. I just want CC2
This game is overrated as shit
fuck you
It would be underwhelming as fuck. It's a beat em'up.
>over a decade old
Panda bros unite!
How is any different from the existing versions that ALREADY GOT A FREE ULTRA HD TEXTURE UPDATE?
I just played the green knight.
Redundant remaster. It already ran decent on PS3 even. If I close my eyes I see the levels scroll by.
Blue cog wheel knight because he's busted
just play Dragon's Crown pro
fucking this
no hatty no buy
>used to the finest beat em up offerings the arcades had to offer
>friend passes me a controller for this and scott pilgrim
Absolutely disgusting.
Why do switchfags love ports so much?
make a sequel ya lazy cunts I ain’t buying your game again
>literally no new content at all
Why even bother
Great games being portable + third party that skipped Nintendo platform the first time around
gray knight, background cannon fodder deserve revenge
Fuck that i want a new Alien Hominid
cool and good
Its more fun when you have friends to play with, but I guess you would not know about that.
CC is really good
Wasn't this some 0 IQ buttom masher that was literally made for autists?
gives me an excuse to pick up a game i haven't tried when it first came out, since it's now on the same platform as a bunch of other shit i've been playing too
Alright bros, what should TheBehemoth's next project be? They already covered
>ground shootemup with Hominid
>beatemup with CC
>Little Big Planet with Battleblock
>tactics/strategy with Pit People
What's next? Mind you it has to be a 2D genre so Dan Paladin can do his thing
Personally I want a Street Fighter or Star Soldier parody, the latter could be Hominid 2
Rhythm game with newgrounds songs
>No Xbox
Me and my friends play superior arcade beat em ups
mode 7 kart racer
Fuck yes.
Time to fire up the ol' soul vs soulless folder and get ready.
It's been on Live since Xbox One launched my dude, TB has been in Microsoft's deep pocket for years
>Waterflame in a rythym game
sign me up
Could work, but it would be hard to animate as a cartoon
This game is mushy as shit. None of your hits have any impact at all and all the animations suck ass. No idea why everyone likes it so much.
I played this a decade ago.
>get a new character
>have to start the whole map over instead of just going where you want
>unlock the super extra hard mode
>everything is exactly the same except now things take even longer to die
>when things already took forever to die in the normal mode
That’s what video games are
indie crossover fighting game like Blade Strangers but more ambitious
>Tfw Yea Forums's too young to remember the OG days of Xbox Live Summer of Arcade
Wasn't this the game almost everyone with a 360 had? I figured the remastered would return to the xbone.
The bosses
>yfw the first time you got to the dragon boss
>shadow complex
>’splosion man
True kino. It helps that summers are typically starved for good games anyway.
Best boss in the game is the groom and the Cyclopse in the final castle. Prove me wrong.
Honorable mention to he be romanced for having the best theme.
see , no one remembers that it's been on the Microsoft store since 2015.
Interestingly enough, it's 100% off right now so I'm downloading it for free
Nah u rite, Groom Knight's castle is still my favorite level in the game so fighting them both was kino
That game is for pedophiles!
Pink is best knight and you can fucking not prove me wrong
>Still no server browser for PC
She's not Hatty Hattington
Still looks like flash garbage, i only put up with it because back then there was no new beat'em up to play.
>the promise and let down of From Dust
They've made several other games in the meantime, it's not like this was their last one.
What about a sequel? Or other games. All these niggas do is CC and the biding of isacc.
The remaster has been on Xbox One for a while
I still remember what a surprise hit Limbo, feels like it wasn't all that long ago. Nearly 10 years though.
>tfw still no PC port of Alien Hominid
cool, the pc port is coming to nintendo. wahoo
I actually just finished Hominid for the first time ever a few weeks ago, hadn't played since Gamecube
scott pilgrim was great go fuck yourself
Make a new game already ffs you lazy hacks
>Why not a sequel, you say?
>Spooky tough question (but not really)! I often see people claim we would never make a sequel. That’s not accurate. We might make one someday, but it would have to hit all the right points at the right times. It has to be a product that would end up vastly improved, rather than “more of the same”, which is only something we can accomplish with gaining experience.
>Another thing to consider is that there would be no Castle Crashers 2 if we started out by making sequels. You’d have Alien Hominid 2 instead of Castle Crashers 1. Or, alternatively, there’d be no BattleBlock Theater if we made Castle Crasher 2. It’s fun making different worlds and genres you love and want more of. We like the idea of more too. A constant internal battle with our minds! When we sat down to make the company we already had more games ideas than we could ever physically make in the first place and we want to bring them to life. Conflicting stuff!
>the big breasted witch reinforces a lolicon fantasy
They didn’t make the Binding of Isaac, dumbass.
>100% off
Where are you getting this deal from user?
based did you played it with someone? i wonder if dolphin can emulate it
The Remaster is free on Xbox One if you owned the original Castle Crashers on Xbox 360.