From is finished.
From is finished
Good, they're a one-trick pony.
LMAO who cares, its on PC
>PS4 version
Who cares, unlike Bloodborne we aren't limited to the worst platform this time
Who gives a fuck?
nobody will actually buy it on a console if you can play it on 60fps 4k
At least console bros are already playing ;)
Imagine willingly buying a console version when it's on PC.
at glorious 20fps
Only those who somehow got early copies, are you playing it user?
it's more hardcore
steady framerate = casul
in what fucking world is from a one trick pony?
>tfw I'm playing this game on PC at glorious 144fps
no pvp no buy so nope
Who is this QT and is the full picture worth pursuing?
tfw going to play it on PC in 20fps
This world, where they can only make Souls games over and over again in different settings.
Demon's Souls
Dark Fantasy Souls
Victorian Souls
Japan Souls
He comes from r*ddit dot org :) he only knows about soulsborne
Ah, must be this. Thanks.
Well yeah every FROM game runs like shit on Sony's consoles. Especially Souls games. Even Armored Core 4/FA/V/VD ran better on the 360 while the PS3 suffered catastrophic frame rate drops on missions with arms forts or multiple ACs. Dark Souls 1 ran at like 20FPS with drops. Literally unplayable.
DS3 and Bloodborne also run like shit on the PS4. Bloodborne didn't even get patched for the pro.
And we knew about Sekiro's PS4 Pro FPS drops for like a week now
Why is this surprising or even "harmful" to FROM? It's not like sonyó ›ˇggers will complain. They can't even tell the difference and by now they're used to eating shit.
PCchads win once again.
>From is finished because a console game runs bad
Oh please, consolefags are already used to shit performance, they don't give a fuck.
>still using consoles
Based Stadia poster
man, please
please source
>not playing it with stadia at 60fps without investing in expensive hardware
The only good Tara Tainton video is her wearing the blue bikini
FromSoft game with stable FPS just won't feel right!
from the looks of it they are too busy making reddit posts about shit framerate
the yellow bikini on was pretty good :^)
all those freckles look dumb
>not pirate on PC
good job cucks
Why would you get Sekiro anyway
It's a Souls rehash in a tired boring predictable setting with less features than previous Souls games (no online whatsoever, no weapons and equip you can find)
>console cucks
Will they ever learn?
>old hag
Fucking gross
>playing on console
are you completely insane or just braindead?
Tell me more since you've obviously played the game extensively.
Do I need to?
I saw the videos. I can already 100% predict the entire game. It's filled to the brim with tropes about fantasy Japan
>muh sky lanterns muh samurai muh pagodas muh cherry blossom backdrop muh wooden buildings muh statues of some onis
BUT WAIT LE MIYAZAKI IS A LE GENIUS so in the second half of the game there'll be a big twist and actually there's an evil dragon and nightmares and some dark magic and eldritch horrors!
But how does the gameplay feel user? We're talking about a video game, not a movie. Who gives a shit about the rest of that?
I've never really understood the Bloodborne fps thing, apart from like, when you kill a boss - where really does it drop at all? There are a plethora of worse games
which video is this ??
Like a faster, mashier Souls game with more movement options
>tara tainton
Disgusting tits and only does one kind of video. Fuck her.
My PC sucks though
You kidding right? I played BB on a base PS4 and it had shit fps throughout basically the ENTIRE lower town part. I forgot its name to be honest, it was that area with the fog and shit.
From is doomed! I can't invade with the help of 10 ranged NPC's and the lag, and kill people that don't give a fuck about me or anybody else that plays it the way I play it? Nobody is going to buy it, just you wait ahaha.
On to a more important subject, Dark Souls 3 on Evo when?
>dark eyes
>Armored core 6 is never ever
It's been 6 years since VD
Old Yharnam?
jesus christ my dick already hurts please no more
>From is finished.
If only their games were.
>console gaming
why would you do that to yourself? gross
I still don't understand how people can buy games on console after knowing exactly what they are going to get. After bloodborne's glorious loading times and 25fps you would think people would want to experience the next From title at better quality, guess once you're a shit eating faggot you're always a shit eating faggot.
those niggas don't know what the fuck they talking about. They say that BB's frame-rate was bad sometimes but the frame-pacing is constant. Even when the game was locked at 30fps the pacing issue was still there fucking everything up all the time non-stop.
If anything I'd expect this game to run better on an xbox one x than on PC given fromsoft PC ports
DS3 ran at 1080p on PS4 while it was only 720p on Xbox one, why are you talking out of your ass?
Wow fuck From!
Actually ordered the ps4 steelbook edition for physical copy but will pirate and play on PC.
Fromsoft betrayed us... I don't think... I can go on.......
>retards buying game on hype crying because it isn't perfect
big news!
but keep being shills and buying games on release day and pre-ordering
Don't forget about King's Field and Shadow Tower
First of all the games are well liked and commercially successful so there's no reason to stop. Second they do change things up. The only derivative ones are DS2 and 3, so you've still got three standalone games that are similar to each other but different enough to all be worth playing.
All they really make these days are Souls games and Armoured Core, and they haven't made an AC game in quite some time.
Console plan problems dont concern me
They should learn how to program and how to optimize though, really. Even when they add DLCs to their games, you can only reach it and 90% of its content by taking some cheap portal into the DLC world, which is totally self-contained and separate from the base game world (probably because it's spaghetti code they don't remember how to safely modify). They couldn't even modify Bloodborne's to add its new DLC blood gems and DLC weapons to all the base game ones already found in the Chalice dungeons
>The only derivative ones are DS2 and 3
dumb wojak poster
>Claim that only DS2 and 3 are derivative
>Call someone else dumb
>playing on consoles in 2019
Leave Armored Core to me
snoygers never cared about fps unless it's on a nintendo system. Remember bloodborne silky smooth 20 fps with dips.
The demo for this was pure trash
Why? I played it at a friend's house and I thought it was good.
Last AC game I played was AC1 as a kid though, but I played the hell out of it
from software has been clear they shifted their focus to PC gaming ever since dark souls prepare to die out sold every single console release combined, the were more concerned with PC being the best experience with dark souls 2 and 3 and sekiro is not an exception
pretending a fucking ps4 can run sekiro at 60fps when it looks better than bloodborne is simply asinine
>Nintendo exclusive
>Cell shaded and everything looks like lego
Yeah... No thanks. I'll just get Mechwarrior 5 when it comes out.
>The only derivative ones are DS2 and 3
Ladies and gentleman, I present you a DS1 fag.
Framerate was dogshit, movement was clunky, weapons felt unsatisfying
in this one, where they should probably change their name to SoulsSoft at this point. I need some fucking Armored Core.
watching stream now, I legitimately think Nioh has more fun combat.
>on console
almost got me here for a second
nigga you're blind.
pretty bland desu
I guess I was foolish and believing From would fucking once make a good console version.
Oh well I guess I'll have to pirate the PC version now.
This. All their games are fucking trash, including Dark Souls 1.
About time people wake up. I don't even know how they manage to make games that look like shit run at 20 FPS, wtf?
Their last major release was Deracine.
>Major release
It mostly drops when there are lots of particle effects or especially monster fur right next to the camera. In some areas like Old and Central Yharnam, the FPS drops due to the detailed environment but also particularly when you are near any smoke from the burning beastmen on stakes.
I could literally not give a shit unless it will be a problem on PC.
>console beggars
I'm gonna play on 60 so I don't care.
283 employees
I suppose not "major" in the AAA sense, but as the last game they released it was not similar to Souls at all.
Console comparison was for the previous gen, where DS1, DeS and Armored Cores were. Not for PS4 vs Xbone faggotry. Moron.
Who gives a fuck? To this day, even on Pro, DS3 has shit performance and frame rate drops in comparison to the PC. And BB was indeed left unpatched.
Seeing how Sekiro uses the same engine (which is as old as Demon's Souls) the shit performance was expected. At least on shitboxes.
Also on a side note DS3 on Xbone was 900p but again, boasting about about sub 1440p in the current year is poverty-tier anyway so who gives a flying fuck.
what's the name of her on the right?
ming ming or minka ming or some shit
>t. falseflagging sonyó ›ˇgger
I love old chicks, they fuck like there's no tomorrow.
Because there is no tomorrow after the wall. Just the lonely abyss.
>everybody saying this is not a souls game on steam
>watching the streams on twitch
>it's a souls game
I thought my post was pretty clear but let me spell it out once more.
I pre-ordered the PS4 version because I prefer physical games and I had faith From had learned how to make games run better on console. They obviously haven't.
Now that they have my money, pirating the PC version doesn't seem like morally wrong to me.
The real question is how does it run on the Chadbonex? I’m guessing 1080p at 50fps.
>t. falseflagging sonyó ›ˇgger
her name totally isn't in the bottom right corner of that webm or anything user
Mindi Mink
>one who chases after two hares will catch neither
-Confucius, pointing out the retardation in From Software going after both the Tenchu audience and SoulsBorn audience.
Literally who?
Did they unfilter sonyó ›ˇgger or what
Check it out it's good
Souls games are probably the worst game series there is.
The reviewers were right all along.
No I just used my epic haxor abilities to get pass their soó ›ˇyboy filters.
i will wait for the digital foundry analysis
I should write a little something to automate that, or bind it to a key or something.
I wish people started hating it again so I could feel special for liking something unpopular.
I don't trust the opinion of a person with spelling skills that produce words like "continuesly".
>the Tenchu audience
Why would they chase something that does not exist
They should've just made another Tenchu, at least Tenchu was actually good.
now I know why there is a review embargo.
it's not bloodborne 2, it's not better than the other soulsbourne games.
it's...nioh, with parrying emphasis.
>It's Nioh
So how is it's loot system?
there is loot but not random armor seemingly
It made sense for the PS3 as it was complex to develop for, they have no excuse now that consoles are just heavily locked down PCs.
A heavily locked down underpowered PCs.
I will never understand people who say they don't notice frame drops, either they're blind or just lying out of their ass. I noticed frame drops when I was 12 years old and /only/ played console games at that point, though I called it "lag" back then. How can someone be so blind?
>Yea Forums is nothing but screencaps of tweets and reddit posts now
Is this what it feels like? To be old and out of touch? I'm so tired, boys. Maybe I should just end it all.
Why the fuck all sekiro antishills are braindead husks?
The real question is why are you talking about the Xbone when literally nobody gives a shit about that dead and irrelevant platform.
The only reason the PS3 was complex to develop for was they went with a custom IBM CPU with retarded architecture. Not because it was some uberpowerful machine as Sonyfags would have everyone believe.
>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>Shit framerate
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)
This retard brought it up in order to cope with his shitbox. Not me.
I was comparing 360 with PS3 last gen and PS4 with PC this gen.
You're a shitposting retard but your last point is legit, Dark Souls 3 enemies are kino.
>dude black knight from demon's souls lmao
hmhmmmm very epik mmhmhm yes yes
Half of those is based
The rest is irrelevant or not true
it does look very generic compared to souls
PS4 wins by default for DS3, no hackers (PC) and not dead online (Xbone).
I'd rather take a hacker every 50-100 invasions than 30 FPS with frametiming issues permanently.
>Everyone better than me is a hacker
This one's my favorite.
Not that it matters because Sekiro has no multiplayer.
>Is this what it feels like? To be old
>and out of touch?
You're not out of touch
>I'm so tired, boys.
Stop coming here, your energy will return, you'll feel more alive. This place literally sucks the life out of you.
Get off before its too late.
The absolute STATE of peasants.
Dark Souls on PC has always been a joke.
>playing online in any Souls game
you can't afford a computer with a graphics card dude lmao
absolutely seething nigger begging for yous
How’s Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, cuck?
>playing any Souls game
I emulated BOTW at 2K 60 fps, cope harder PCincel.
Cope negro.
Don't be a faggot, Nintendo is one of the few game devs that deserve payment for their titles. I hope you still bought a Switch and copy of the game before emulating it.
>Demon’s Souls
Playable full speed 4K on the PC lad.
Now that Sony has cucked you by shutting down the servers RPCS3 is the definite version to play :^)
>Playing any games
They were all safe and generic.
Technically solid visuals but no soul or character.
t. estronaut who unplugs whenever someone invades him
absolute oof
>implying I play online in the first place
I've never been invaded a single time
you don't have to be online to get invaded in ds2
Cope harder PCmutt.
Trying not to spoil myself. Does the game look bad? Does it turn into Bloodborne 2 with supernatural enemies?
>playing DS2
Even more embarrassing than playing online
What a shock, none of their other titles had FPS problems on consoles at all. Wow
Funny you should call us mutts, only affluent White males can afford to buy a top-tier gaming rig. All the shitskins like you are stuck playing consoles.
I'm not coping, I'm dabbing on your paid online, servers shut down, 900p 15FPS grave lmaaoo
As opposed to Sekiro with generic samurai?
Or perhaps Bloodborne with it literally ripping off another established thing, the same thing Miyazaki did with Dark Souls and Berserk.
They're all safe and generic, just incredibly well done.
Like you guys are begging for ports?
You'd have to be a retard to not play this on PC, pirated or bought. Locked 120 fps baby, lets goo.
demons souls also has a pvp boss :)
Not him, but Demon's Souls' servers being shut down is no big deal, all everyone ever did was spam scraping spears anyway. Honest PVP was rare to come by.
>From STILL can't optimize their games
fucking hell these guys are hopeless. inb4 Armored Core runs like ass because of all the explosions every 5 seconds
Armoured Core would likely make the switch to Unreal Engine 4 so it should run better.
>stuck with a gtx 670
>will have to get this on ps4
>that soundtrack
yeah i'll stick with AC, thanks
>console has framerate drops
imagine my etc etc
Law-let here. Can I get a QRD on broadcast exclusivity embargoes? Is that really enforced? How the fuck did we end up in a world where a publisher can sue some streamer for getting their hands on their product before a predetermined public release date? It just feels wrong and fucked up.
Yeah I know, but we have ancient, third party games that still have online on the PS3. Like Armored Core FA and VD.
Shutting DeS down was a cheap dick move. Especially because they didn't remaster it. To make things worse they're still doing this shit. They shut down Gravity Rush 2 serves like a year after its release. And they left BB unpatched and with a dead online. Watch them shut that shit down before any of the Bamco Souls games too.
they can make whatever changes they want but if they change the soundtrack to orchestral i'll drop it immediately.
No one is being sued, the publishers just contact Twitch or YouTube to get the streams taken down.
>Bing bing wahoo
Nothing wrong with that, hit by the shockwave of him stomping/breathing I can't remember. Plenty of games have this, player's fault for not observing the boss and his abilities and charging in blindly.
The team just went through their motions.
Again; Technically solid, but has no soul.
It's just like the millions of modern digital paintings you can find online or in anime games, technically adept rendering of souless and overused environments and/or tropes.
They get the job done on the budget. Might impress normies to whom overdone detail = SO REAL. That's it.
Maybe because DeS PVP was cancer.
At one point they had a single room for years and not even a whole floor lol
Funny how a little success makes people shove money at you.
So technically some madmen could legally get away with it on some lawless russian tube sites, even if they didn't conceal their identities? Interesting.
But I still assume it has to have some legal backing, otherwise they wouldn't have the nerve to even do that.
Their offices look like garbage, I've worked a nicer looking call centres. How do Japs find the will to live?
The legalese within the product you purchased is something you agreed to. In other words you already signed a contract with them via your purchase to not play(or at least display) the game until its respected release date.
I heard they have a pretty big turnover. It's not a fun place to work even for Japan standards
You're fucking mentally ill.
There is no law backing it, it's not illegal for you to buy a game released early, you don't sign an NDA so there's nothing stopping you from streaming it.
They COULD sue you but I could also sue you for looking at me, the case would get thrown out quickly.
No denuvo right? I was gonna get it on PS4 for the steelbook and just play it on PC it's cracked fast.
Game dev in general burns people out, I imagine it's even worse in Japan.
Didn't these shitheads say they were going to improve the framerate for Sekiro after they saw how Nioh handled it?
>tfw Armored Core 4 and For Answer run at full speed with no frame rate drops on the Xenia emulator
Glorious. Just need that write color buffers fixed for FA and V/VD and it's perfect.
I have a lot of pity for PCfags. Literally the only games I ever play on my top end rig are shooters and RTS / Resource Management (like Banished).
Any other game is superior on console because I can play it in my living room with my wife and kids around instead of squirreled away in my office.
PCfags are totally correct about the perf advantages but it could not be more clear that all the console advantages are invisible to them because they revolve around social scenarios clearly absent from their lives.
Really is a shame man. Make some friends. Play so local co-op. Drink and play party games. I promise you it's worth the minor FPS drop.
Feels bad man.
>t. falseflagging sonyó ›ˇgger
>console plebs
nobody cares
Reads like something out of the trannyera not gonna lie
>it could not be more clear that all the console advantages are invisible to them because they revolve around social scenarios clearly absent from their lives
You even made sure to do the spacing thing to get more (You)s, bravo!
Here's mine, don't go crazy with it
>Plug PC into TV
>Insert controller
>Now have a better console
Great bait. Deserves my you.
Is this a zoomer thing? What is this? I'm definitely too old for all this hip modern internet lingo...
I have no idea what you mean by this. Yes I have a PS4, and I have a PC. I want to play it on PC but I also want a physical copy.
who cares
They really do, I thought about this while watching the Sekiro Gameinformer interviews.
Like it’s weird how they design all these fucked up enemies and worlds but their offices look like absolute soul sucking shit
I honestly can't think of more than 5 non-Nintendo console games with local co-op made in the past 5 years.
Y'know, that aren't just ports of indie PC games that also have local co-op on PC.
Post specs
either baiting or retarded, I'll just leave this here just in case
>He moves his tower downstairs every time he wants to swap to a non-shooter
Sure thing bud. Why go through all that hassle when I could play everything on a console that never has to move? It's not like I'm going to NOT own a console for the exclusives, so why would I inconvenience myself for a perf bump?
imagine buying a game on ps4 instead of pc for fucking achievements
there's these things called cables that make it so you dont have to move your whole PC to connect it to something
>Investing in a two story house
Ouch. Enjoy your electricity bill.
Imagine going downstairs just to play a single four years old game
Nintendo does make a lot of them, but you'll find that many games are social in that people like to spectate. I played RE2 remake with my family and it was a blast. Spooked the hell out of my kids.
I'm sure it performs better on PC (if it's on there?) But why would I want slightly higher fps and miss out on my wife screaming and and kids hiding behind the couch?
Get friends and a family and PCfags will understand.
4770k @4.2
I prefer to own my games, thanks.
Hmm, this sounds more like a cope than anything, I just stream from my PC to my Shield if I want to play in front of my family.
Sorry m8, but consoles are utterly useless in the modern world, and Google's new stuff will replace them easily.
Achievement autists are the weird, I literally could not care less about meaningless achievements and they spend hours getting just one.
bruh he refers to the fps
Steam has achievements which you can show off on your profile if you're autistic enough to care about, that guy must have more than autism
In what fucking world aren't they?
from speccy dude
I honestly don't even pay attention to it. I make enough to throw about 50k/yr into savings and anything on top is just sorta play money. Do adults actually worry about bills?
Fucking ew white women are gross
he probably has his trophy collection on his ps account so steam achievements are no good for him. pathetic regardless
I'm not downloading shit just to post specs to some random wtf is this facebook where people give a fuck about others opinions?
Google's OnLive is interesting sure but again, I prefer to own my games and not have streaming input lag. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of using the PC for a perf issue? I've tried it a few times but honestly can't tolerate the input lag. It bothers me way more than 30 vs 60 FPS.
>implying you own anything on your closed box that has protection upon protection on every single thing
sony can cease your access to every single game you own if they wanted
>He doesn't know you can hook up a PC to a tv
>DDR3 IN 2019
>I prefer to own my games and not have streaming input lag.
You are the minority on consoles.
>Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of using the PC for a perf issue?
You misunderstand, this Google stuff will only impact consoles since it's aimed at the lowest common denominator.
The entire point of a higher framerate is to decrease input latency.
The future will be dedicated hardware for enthusiasts (PC) and streaming for everyone else.
Sure dude, if you wanna run 150 feet of cable through your walls just for an FPS bump, while missing console exclusives, be my guest. I just don't feel that's worth it.
How do you even tackle the controller issue? Just blue tooth it for 5 rooms away? Sounds like a shitty set up but maybe you found something that works for you.
in the world where you actually look at the games they've made
>console gaming
>doesn't have speccy
lmaoo fucking busted
I knew it
You filthy fucking falseflagging sonygro
Yeah its old ram what are you gonna do about if faggot
there is literally zero reason to have speccy other than for ecred on an anonymous image board
So this is where the peasants get together
>i-iits-s old ram b-bro
When has this ever happened? Never? K. You can unplug your internet and play every PS4 game offline forever. You can lend disks to friends or resell them. They're yours.
Now has Valve ever banned a user and essentially deleted their entire library? Yup, they sure have. I don't like renting my games from Gaben.
Speccy is spyware, m8. It's been a meme for years to trick people into using it.
stop embarrassing yourself further dude
How are they exactly going to do that to a console that's not even connected to the internet?
PC has physical copies.
Are you for real? Please be joking. P-please.
>download game
>burn to disc
Yeah, I said it's old, as in I bought it a long time ago and haven't upgraded since. You sure are getting assblasted about someone elses ram
Calling /g/ on you
>Now has Valve ever banned a user and essentially deleted their entire library?
>implying sony never did it
>implying sony can't ban your specific physical copy if they wanted
Also, you will never get your library deleted unless you commit to some extreme shit, and idk why a normal user would care about that shit.
stop replying me with stupid shit you retarded brainlet
No, they have a cheap ass plastic case that holds nothing but a voucher inside to redeem a digital copy of the game. I might as well fold a piece of paper in half and write Sekiro with a marker on the front of it.
>you're the one getting assblasted b-bbro
All plastic cases are cheap retard, there's a steelbook version on PC too though.
Are you seriously saying a disk makes the difference for you?
How does Sony ''ban'' a physical copy of a game?
Link me the PC steelbook version
Yeah I'm not surprised stoked about the Google thing. I mean it could be neat, kinda, if you can essentially Netflix all your games under one subscription. I probably will never buy a streaming only console though.
People really had a problem with Bloodbornes fps? I never noticed anything dropping on mine. I don't have the newest PS4 or whatever mine seemed consist always.
Maybe because i am used to seeing absolutely dog shit frames, i rarely have the luxury of seeing 60.
>I probably will never buy a streaming only console though.
You're on consoles, so you probably will.
You'll buy wherever the market goes because you don't really care enough not to.
You can't tell the difference since you're used to eating shit.
Yeah I ain't paying 90 bucks for that when I can just pay 60 for the steelbook PS4 and pirate PC.
Nah but ccleaner from the same company was compromised at one point.
Guess you know me better than me, bud.
People will defend it and lose their minds at anyone who dares to bring it up.
>Banning a physical copy (????)
Zoomers can't really be this dumb, can they?
Lol the state of gaming in 2019 doesn’t PC still play BB at 0fps?
>4 years old kusoge
PS Now exists stupid nigger
You can play Bloodborne on pc via Sony's streaming thing.
720 @15fps
why does she have poop particles on her chest
>Extreme shit
You mean anything Valve decides, for any reason, without you having any recourse? Sure thing bud. You do that.
>living in a mansion
why are you on Yea Forums?
>2750 sqft
Bruh... What trailer park do you come from?
And I'm on Yea Forums because I've been coming here since 2007 and am a professional dev.
You must still live with your parents you fucking parasite. You know that when the cable guys come to set up your shit that they'll put the modem anywhere you want, right? I bet your old, poor ma and pa wanted it downstairs because didn't want you hogging it.
if its really that big of a deal just build a second PC. A grand shouldnt be a lot of money to you.
for you to have sex
Waste not, want not.
PS4 niggers are begging for ports constantly since their shitboxes have no backwards compatibility. How fucking cucked is that PS3 games are playable on the PC but not on PS4 lmao.
In other words, you are a pleb. Gotcha.
It's pretty peak zoomer to not realize you want your modem centralized in your house. Get range extenders for peripheral rooms (office, bedrooms). I do my own wiring for stuff like our Nest and there's just not enough reason tk. Go through the trouble.
That would be an option but again, for exclusives you're going to own a PS4 and Switch anyway, so just because I could get a third device in my living room doesn't mean I'm stupid enough with my money to actually do it. $1000-2000 for an FPS bump on a game you'll own anyway is pretty irresponsible. I use that kind of money for a new grill or hot tub or something.
worse on base ps4 which is a given
most people dont throw away money just because they make a lot
>Players should notice a shockwave hitbox
How without being hit atleast once? Id make an argument but honestly its gaping dragon its pitiful boss any shitter can kill.
Why do you have to choose? Its a grand.
In regards to this I've actually liked my PS4 pro a lot. I hear people have issues with load times on games like KH3 and Anthem and when I tried them the load times were always under 10 seconds. It is pretty nice for a living room device to run that smoothly.
Still fucked on the Pro
>what is mini-itx form-factor
You can have a top-tier PC in the same size as a XBone I think.
digital foundry was playing on a 6 month build and there is a 4gb patch coming on release day but im not too hopeful
Boring bait desu. Here in another reply though, you got em
>Reading comprehension
It's not that a grand is anything, it's that as an adult you weigh "30 FPS bump" vs "New Weber Grill".
Not to mention a PS4 fits nicely into minimalist entertainment centers that wouldn't fit a PC tower. I don't live in a dorm room. I want my house to look nice.
All I'm saying is that there are more than enough reasons to prioritize a console if you're an adult with a job and a family. If you're a college kid who is just looking to max the game perf in their dorm room, going PC for everything makes total sense. Hell that's what I did in college (except the N64).
Its adult PCfags that bum me out when you can tell that they're stuck in that college / basement dwelling life style. Not because PCs are bad, but because you know they have a less fulfilling life. It's not ALL PCfags, but you can really tell when they crop up. This thread has a number of them. Just too bad is all I'm saying.
let them, they aren't getting it for free
It's a thing only weenies care about.
>being a redditor
I wish someone would finish you
You could do that with your PC too if you weren't a dumbass.
in what sense?
the parrying? or the bonfire?
How about you fuck off out of here and stay on reddit instead of transferring that fucking cancer here eh? Fuck off.
I mean that's not encouraging but who knows. "Bad frames" from some anonymous redditor is not enough to spook me off of it. Will agree though that BB was largely fine and the drops I got once or twice during my playthrough really didn't effect my experience.
Hopefully Sekiro is smooth on the pro.
>"Bad frames" from some anonymous redditor is not enough to spook me off of it.
im just posting the things op neglected to put in the thread
Oh yeah I believe it. But I don't know what that user considers "bad". Maybe 59 fps makes him vomit. I have my limits but they're not that high. We'll see on Thursday or whenever it comes out though.
I only play games with 240 fps plus these days anyways
is this really indicative of length or more indicative of the many minibosses with differing moves in sekiro?
>indicative of length
not exactly, but its definitely indicative of how much content will be in the game so i assume around ds3 and bloodborne's length
Yep, I do.
For instance, I'm sure you paid $800+ for your phone (paid in installments of course), I'm sure you have a Netflix sub, I'm sure you own a $600-$1200 TV (also likely paid in installments), and I'd bet you even rent your property.
Oh this is fun.
>$800 for my phone
Google says my Pixel 1 is 650
>Netflix sub
Got me, I do live in the US. pretty low hanging fruit though.
>600-1200 TV
It was $400 about 8 years ago during the Black Friday Sale.
I mean the bank owns the house, but a mortgage isn't the same as renting.
So you we're 1/5? I mean thats not terrible for a total stranger I guess.
Who the fuck pays off a TV in installments? A $4,000+ TV maybe, but a $600-1200 one?
>Who the fuck pays off a TV in installments?
Poor people
I sometimes think about splurging on a ~4000$ TV. Any idea if they're worth it? Mines still 1080p, but I've seen some 8k OLED like 60" things that look nuts. Kinda worry that once the novelty wares off it won't really seem that important though?
>Google says my Pixel 1 is 650
>32 GB
>32 GB on a phone
I guess when you grow up and a floppies were measured in single MB, then it doesn't seem as big a deal.
Wtf you even use 32GB for on your phone? I've got like 10 games, Spotify, some fantasy sports apps and my pictures / videos and I'm only half full. What more do kids have that takes up all that space? It's Instagram like a huge app or something?
If you have that kind of money, sure? If not, don't. There's plenty of other things that would be more worth your money and you can get solid TVs under $2k.
8K TVs won't be mainstream for a long time.
Videos and photos add up, they can be hosted for free with a Pixel I think though.
I have a 512GB phone and I think if I didn't take any photos or videos I'd use almost nothing.
>Games in 2019 still can't even hit a standard 30 fps
What the fuck is going on lads
What are you even doing on Yea Forums, old man?
>expecting shitty hardware that was already outdated in 2013 when it released to run modern games properly
Been coming here since 2007 and just never stopped.
>Old man
I'm o-o-only 33
Yeah I dunno. I back up my images onto an external drive every 6 months or so and then wipe the phone..I've just never seen the necessity to have that much storage on a phone.
Feels lonely bros
PC Bros I'm sad. I'm legitimately too poor to get a decent PC for gaming and only have this Ps4 with which to enjoy(attempt to) Sekiro with because a friendo didn't like BB and has a sweet rig
Should I just die?
Yeah I mean I COULD, but $4k is like... Half a trip to France. I'll go vacationing with my family before I get a slightly nicer TV. As the years go on and the gap widens though, I get more upgrade.
>it's that as an adult you weigh "30 FPS bump" vs "New Weber Grill".
You're 11 years my senior, the fact that you have to choose is pathetic.
>black insect eyes
Why does every shitposter over the age of 25 insist that they've been on Yea Forums since 2007?
I think it still looks fun.
>Zoomer thinks money grows on trees: the post
We'll see how that works out for you when you start paying taxes. Unless you're an heir to millions, every expense is a choice between one thing or another.
someday you'll get older and daddy will cut you off and then you'll remember this post and think about how stupid you are
What an ugly old hag. Disgusting. Westcuck "women" are a joke.
Sorry, I'm not a nigger so I'm not all that worried about it.
>Incel thinks money will be free because he's white.
Man, conservative uneducated zoomer kids are the fucking worst. Bet you dreamed of growing up to be a YouTuber when you were in middle School. Fucking pathetic.
Oof, looks like I struck a nerve.
It's okay buddy, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
good evidence that sekiro guide has bigger fonts
Yep before Souls it was AC/mech shit and nauseum but at least they did different stuff sometimes like Otogi and Lost Kingdoms, they're boring as fuck now.
Why would I get a console when I can use a PC even in the living room? Are too much of a brainlet to make it work or something?
Is he not aware that the BB guide being longer than any other Souls game doesn't mean anything about its length?
Is this a joke? All their pc ports have run at a perfectly stable 60fps ever since DS2
This is far better than tenchu has ever been or will ever be
playing it right now and its actually 60 fps on pro
Wrath of Heaven exists so that's obviously not true.
>Keep getting poor fps on the console
found your problem