how are they going to guarantee this?
splitting the playerbase againt desktop PC users vs streamers? lmao
How are they going to guarantee this?
Other urls found in this thread:
They forgot to add : No modding
they cant, we have neural aimbots already
They forgot
>We own you
because you access the game through streams, you can't hack them like that obviously.
>No cheating
false, you can still aimbot with the help of neural network
it will actually be even easier to do with stadia
No pirating.
Yes, you use THEIR datacenters to play THEIR games and you will PAY MONTHLY FOR IT.
>because you access the game through streams, you can't hack them like that obviously.
you dont understand
not everyone will be playing with their shitty streaming service and will be able to cheat and hack freely
>no up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start
Fuck you. And go to hell.
>We dont want the Chinese audience
oh I misread you sorry OP
Google will own everything, server instances will run on their datacenter too with no crossplay or access of any kind.
>"Google assistant" We see you are trying to use the blood cheat code
>we are sorry but we must censor this toxic addon
No modding, no fan patches, no model ripping, and no media immortality by file archiving.
>no media immortality by file archiving.
That's not been a thing with gaming for years, though, as long as you don't break the EULA.
I copy whatever the fuck I want and an EULA won't stop me, Google will physically disallow you from owning any kind of file and they will be happy to end the concept of a file system like they already do with their services.
Take Google Docs for example, if you set up Drive to back those files up on your PC you are actually only backing up internet links to those files, there's no actual data there at all, it's how it goes with all of Google's file formats and they have censorship systems with Docs too to lock people out of their files if they detect words that break their terms of service.
You don't "own" files, user.
You merely posses a limited license to use them (No looking at them in a hex editor!!!! Think of them catgirls, will ya!).
Yes, this is fucking retarded, but a legal reality.
If you don't like it, do something about it, instead of constantly breaking the law.
>You don't "own" files, user.
I do, the files are on my PC and I do whatever I want with them, EULAs aren't legally binding under my jurisdiction and no one is breaking any law by messing with those files.
How much will games cost?
>inb4 ads during your gameplay
it's like they didn't know there are cheats that don't interact with the client.
Yes, you don't have any access to your game in Stadia, it runs entirely on their hardware and it's on "the cloud".
>Subscripe to Stadia Red for an extra $15 a month to play without ads interrupting your gameplay
>have to yell "I love pizza hut's new quesada chicken burrito" to save your progress
Reverse engineering is legal pretty much everywhere, user.
That's Google's sole income stream so that's a given, did you know that it was Google that ruined the mobileshit market by actively promoting ad and gamblebox cancer in their dev guidelines?
>streaming box includes a webcam on it that requires a view of the main player at all times
There's no streaming box. But the controller has a microphone that's on all the time.
how long until you get banned if you keep saying nigger?
To be fair you can use your own controller. Still garbage though
>it's like they didn't know
of course they know, but most of the dumbfuck media and consumers don't. this is marketing, user.
If you own a microphone already, google has been using it to record you for years.
lagswitch can't be countered not even ddsoing yourself for momentary boost
im just gonna shout NIGGER all day
this image alone guarantees that this will never work in chink land.
does chrome still cease to work if you block a bunch of google ads services through firewall or file host?Cause when it launched it did and I instantly uninstalled it
Not let China in
So are there discs/carts or is this a completely digital zone?
>to reload, please stand and hold the "dab" position for two seconds. Failure to comply will result in connection outage.
no offline play
>hardware id gets banned along with your account and everything linked to it
What if I am playing some H games?
When’s the last time google put out a successful product or service? Seriously?
>>not everyone will be playing with their shitty streaming service and will be able to cheat and hack freely
They will, because the game code literally won't be accessible to anyone outside of google HQ. That's the future we're heading towards, games that are literally unpiratable because the code for them will never be released. The best piracy will be able to manage is sharing your account.
Android? Chromecast? Google Home? Pixel?
No cheating no hacking? Was this really anyone's problem? What game are people cheating in, counterstrike?
>no cheating
>proceed to put a big cheating button right on the controller
Every online PC game? Especially the popular ones? Not that this platform will ever fix that since you can't ignore the current PC audience nowadays, nor do you want to fragment your limited streamer-only audience away from that pool of players either.
>>lagswitch can't be countered
Games will no longer have any latency between players, though. If you crash your connection you'll just ruin your own game, because what you're really doing is just sending commands to a computer that's playing with 0 ping. On the plus side, things like getting shot behind cover will be a thing of the past.
What are you talking about, nobody but valve has the code for CS but you can still hack it and cheat.
>On the plus side, things like getting shot behind cover will be a thing of the past.
That'll only happen if the game happens to host the server itself within the same data center for all the players involved.
>Decide to see what all this streamer nonsense is about that the kids so much
>Open a video on twitch
>Guy loads into a server
>Gets killed
>"Wow man lots of stream snipers here"
>He quits out and moves to another server
>Plays for 5 minutes
>Gets killed a few times
>"Like dude- there are SO many stream snipers in this game!"
>They start talking about playing something else while I close the tab
I really don't get the appeal of this.
CS you have installed locally with access to the process/files to fuck with them. Streamed you only got a compressed video feed, there's literally nothing you can do with it that'll affect the actual game to give you an advantage.
pointless, the game will do it for you
Because the code is running on your machine, genius.
Actually, I guess technically visual recognition aimbots will still be a thing, and as processors get faster they'll get more advanced. But traditional aimbots, wallhacks, speedhacks, no-recoil, all that stuff will be gone.
Why wouldn't it? Assuming we're talking about a closed off game here, and not something with a remote runnable version in the wild.
Those won't be allowed on a family friendly system.
Literally every single cheat worth a damn doesn't rely on fucking with the game files at all nowadays since that's easily detectable retard, this won't stop any kind of aimbotting and will only "protect" horribly programmed games like GTA V where it's extremely easy to hack money in and fuck with other people in all kinds of ways.
CS pros have been caught with hacks in their fucking mouse's internal storage, that's how outdated this notion is.
the only good ones need skill + being enjoyable to watch
the rest is twitch sluts and regular lamos
I guess. I don't really play shooters. Are people cheating in MTG Arena and Starcraft 2?
Stream sniping accusations are the new hackusations.
>multiplayer games with a second of input lag
>at least theres no hackers
I don't want some incel white nationalist putting his racist propaganda into the game.
This, even googles new image format is designed not to be compatible with editors
>no cheating no hacking
>surely nobody in the world ever open the hardware and change it, that would be illegal and it's totally magic that helped cracking all nintendo's device, ever.
You're actually mentally fucking damaged, you think some magic files stored in a mouse are going to do anything to a fucking VIDEO STREAM?
The best you can get is an video analysis aimbot, but with the latency now being against the player, the predictive ability of aimbotting is massively diminished.
multiplayer will not only have lag, but out of synch players depending of their internet speed since they will force the same resolution for each player to avoid people to win by playing at 200p to reduce their own lag.
Nintendo is also very hostile towards hacking or tampering of any kind by bricking systems on purpose and harassing emulation sites for example, they can fuck off too.
There's nothing to fucking change. If your console fails the checks you get booted off the online service and hardware banned, and if you try and play offline you'll find there's nothing to fucking play.
>you think some magic files stored in a mouse are going to do anything to a fucking VIDEO STREAM?
Yes, aimbots don't rely on fucking with files at all.
Latency doesn't matter since everyone else is equally crippled.
You are retarded for even considering the notion of someone playing CS on a stream to begin with.
If there is no cross play this will be dead af
>what are machine learning aimbots
Wow what a moron.
It's already been down that people can use entry shit like tensorflow to make undetectable aimbots based solely on visuals.
>massah google is pure and invincible, nintendo only lost because they are evil and foreigners
the googlecock is deep in your ass today, slave.
The time for the lag to adjust and properly receive your audio.
They already confirmed crossplay, but didn't go into details as to what game and with which platforms.
They all say this and it never holds true. The thing about cheating and hacking is that it will always happen, you can only prevent it from happening alot.
many modern hack don't alter the game, they just read the screen and process actions out of the context they learned. all you'll need is a chinese version o fthe pad that hav a smal usb input to feed it, and tada, cheats.
It's even easier to to since the 2s lags allow you really comfy processing time now.
I'm not defending Google, I'm saying Nintendo isn't any better when it comes to locking their systems down, they are both cancer and you are cancer for putting a corporation's feelings over your own fucking rights.
The games are running on their machines, you're just watching a video, so you would literally have to go to their physical location and tamper with their systems to get an advantage in-game.
Lag-switching would just get you killed.
>ok google, aim at that guy's head
So the no cheating or hacking claim is completely untrue then.
It'll be like playing Quake 1 over modem, except even your mouse-look is now lagged.
>Yes, aimbots don't rely on fucking with files at all.
Holy fuck, do you think aimbots are magic or something?
We're talking about a hypothetical stream only game here. Not about if anyone with a brain would play it, because nobody with one would.
The problem there is you've still got 100+ms of latency to deal with. Traditional games use hitscan, so if you tell the game you're shooting someone in the head, it believes you. With latency added before that step, you have to lead every movement and shot by 100ms to actually land a hit. Maybe in slow paced games this won't be an issue, but if you can move fast you could juke an aimbot.
>consolefags already excusing and whataboutisming about this
So that's how games die.
I'm sure 95%+ of what they said was marketing lies and half-truths.
loli cunny!
You seem to lack some basic understanding on how a videogame operates. It's fine, I used to think videogames were made by hand drawing every possible scenario, including the ui, and then the game loads the appropriate video as you input actions into the controller.
Google has the NWO behind them
Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish
Enjoy the NWO jewish illuminati console
Be a good goy buy google
Idk about other countries, but in my shithole you're legally allowed to make copies of anything as long as it's done to preserve the content.
You seem to be ignorant on how advanced CSGO cheats are nowadays, the mouse hack is for injecting shit in LAN environments but many hacks completely rely on video feed information to keep them undetectable and google's locked down systems can't fix that, it would be purely for server-sided hacking which isn't common in actually well made games.
You are retarded.
>please drink your verification can of MTNDew to continue
gone are the days where you sit infront of a screen to game eh? ouya 2.0
They will probably accidently release those pictures the webcam took when you were fapping or the screenshots of that futa on male furry renamon you enjoy so much to the office you work for.
Whenever someone really tries to crack down hard on cheating and hacking it always hurts their legitimate player base more than it does the cheaters and hackers.
Banning China
Based and cunnypilled
It's not them trying to crack down on anything, it's just their attempt at bringing up perks of their cancer system to woo normalfags.
So do they pay me to have this in my house? I can't imagine why I would pay to not own a game AND surrender consumer data that will be used to generate revenue.
No piracy
Wait, how much does this shit cost to stream 8k 120fps AAA games with the multi GPU fluid physics and picture in picture shit and AI textures while simultaneously uploading and streaming on youtube?
Streaming is extremely cheap, the bulk of the price would be the servers themselves but each instance is just a mid-tier PC so it shouldn't be too expensive if we go by the law of economies of scale, running each should be a few cents of electricity.
Also it's only 1080p/60fps for now, the 8k 120fps shit was just marketing talk for "our servers are scalable, duh", it would be the equivalent of Sony announcing the specs of the PS7 when announcing the PS5.
Why do faggots cheat on video games? of all thing you can actually cheat and get a fulfillment feeling by doing it why pick video games you are literally just making some 11 y/o mad, congratulations its like taking a baby candy you faggots.
>macros are hacks
Holy shit.
Nobody knows, they wouldn't say.
Biggest red flag in a sea of red flags.
>No fun in general
People cheat to get more playtime out of the game after beating it and getting bored with the gameplay loop.
>aimbots are macros
>thinks mouse hacks = "mouse gaming software"
based fucking idiot
>god mode
>more gameplay
Gonna need a source on mouse based aimbots user. And no, using the mouse to execute code on the computer doesn't count.
>God mode is the only cheat in existence
Proves you're just a parroting retard
>Piracy would now literally involve hijacking a Google server farm
We're living in the future boys
I googled it before responding, dipshit. The only thing I found was using mice/keyboards to inject cheat software on a computer, but that's injecting code into the game, and could be done with a usb stick, not mouse based. Just because you use a mouse to inject the code doesn't mean you aren't fucking with the game's process, which is impossible with game streaming. Post a source, you dumb faggot.
IT IS THAT fucking faggot Phil Harrison!!! this dude shilled for the PS3 in 2006 so hard. He lied 90 percent of the time calling it a supercomputer and how the ps3 would make the PC obsolete!!!
do not believe his shilling!!! the same thing goes for Jade Raymond, she took all the credit in Assassins Creed when she was only a producer not a game designer, programmer, artist...... she then formed EA MOTIVE and completely failed at everything
fuck them both, glad to see Google has 2 of the biggest shill/sellouts in gaming to help them make this abomination
>I am that special snowflake cheater that do wak shit with my copy pasted scripts
99% of cheating online faggots go godmode+ oneshot shit prove me wrong.
Mouse hacks are in no way related to the discussion at hand, I don't even understand what you are trying to argue about.
Video-based aimbotting is pretty common and the go-to way for undetectable cheating nowadays since games always have anti-tamper shit, I despise idiots like you so much who need to be constantly force-fed information.
>moving the goalposts
I was responding to osmeone who claimed
>Literally every single cheat worth a damn doesn't rely on fucking with the game files at all
>CS pros have been caught with hacks in their fucking mouse's internal storage
you dumb retard. Those mousehacks are just using the mouse as a delivery system to install traditional aimbots onto competition computers.
That's an example of how far cheats have gone, there's no formal connection between the statements you quoted.
You are retarded and arguing against a strawman.
>hurr durr you don't need to fuck with the game files, mouses have aimbots now!!!
>acutally the mouse is just used to install a traditional cheat onto competition computers
>no one was even talking about mouse hacks!!!
Jesus dude.
Complete strawman retardation, don't blame me for your poor understanding of hacks and bad reading comprehension.
Steam sniping is another word for i suck at this game and leave because I got shot in a shootiing game buuuhuuu
onlive tried this
they aren't around anymore
>ad hominem after I literally quoted the retardation I responded to
Most hacks still revolve around "fucking with game files," whether that be reading/writing to memory, hijacking draw calls, or whatever, none of which are possible with streaming, and none of which have anything to do with periphs, other than that they are what are used to deliver the hack in competitive environments. The future of cheating is videobased, and Google is still going to get fucked, but it won't be as egregious as traditional cheating, where people straight up see through walls and get kills from across the map.
well if code dose not run on your machine you can not edit or read data form ram, etc...
I imagine that you will only be able to play multiplayer with other Standia players. It's like its own platform
And then you realize PC gaming will never die and they already said there will be crossplay so traditional cheats will still work just fine, it's literally nothing but marketing talk for retards.
All 3 people who will get Skadia are sure going to have fun playing a hacking-free game!
you cant hack a youtube video
I agree. It's fucking retarded. They aren't prepared for it and are going to get BTFO, like every other company that's waddled into online gaming with the attitude "lol we're not gonna allow silly cheaters to win."
You can manipulate your input.
that would require a hardware mod
Nah. What your computer tells to the server is fully controlled by you.
entire connection will be encrypted. you wont get the key without hardware mod
>It's even easier to to since the 2s lags allow you really comfy processing time now.
Holy shit you're retarded
Because you're not going to actually be running the client, you'll just be streaming the game.
All you can send is input, you can't alter any of the game's files or send the server anything you're not supposed to.
>yfw to (try to) block video aimbots they make the stream HDCP protected if they aren't planning to already
>stream sniping takes a literal turn when people find a way to hack their inputs into another person's streamed gameplay
>no cheating
>no hacking
I guess they're not selling the Googlebox in China then. Not surprising, though, since the CPC considers Google to be an arm of the american alphabet soup agencies (they are.)
>Literally every single cheat worth a damn doesn't rely on fucking with the game files at all nowadays
Extremely wrong.
Aimbots, ESPs, wallhacks, all them rely on being able to inspect the internal gamestate or at least the packet stream. If all you get back is a series of images, it is *much* harder to make hacks.
Wallhacks and ESPs would become essentially impossible.
Neural-network or just computer-vision based enemy highlighting, tracking and aimbotting would be possible, but lower quality than with hacks that can directly read model positions from the game.
you don't prevent it, that's like preventing murder irl
you catch the criminals after they commit the crime and you remove them from your system, permanently if they can't take the hint
> no more comical satire ads where the products and companies are renamed to fun jokes to lampoon their corporate fascism in the interest of intellectual honesty