Why don't companies want us to own anything?

Why don't companies want us to own anything?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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So they can ban you from using their products for wrongthink.

They want to own us OP.

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To amass legions of slaves, dependent on their products to get their fix. Ownership implies control. You are not in control.

Because why let you own anything when they can make you pay for it for your entire life?

This is what i'm thinking. What if i send a shitpost with a meanie word to one of me tip top ding dong senpais just memeing it up around from me android phone.

Is there any risk of them closing me Stadia account from the language used in a PRIVATE conversation?

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This is the future digitalonly-fags want

>Be corporation
>You don't actually sell anything and people give you money to not actually buy anything and you still own everything you hypothetically sell
>Make billions of dollars

Gee user

ownership is freedom

owning your masters (MJ, Kanye, reasons people release music independently) , your copyrights, your media, your home, your land, your food, your power, your speech, everything

Private property is a thing of the past, grandpa.
Everything is a service. Don't own a car. Take an Uber. Don't buy records. Stream on Spotify. Don't buy movies. Subscribe to Netflix. Don't purchase games. Play on Stadia.

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There's nothing of value in physical edition of newer games anyway. Do you enjoy empty boxes, no guide, putting your game in and installing your game + day one 150GB update ?

How long until we have to pay for air?

>Google’s Selfish Ledger is an unsettling vision of Silicon Valley social engineering

Google wants to erase differences as much as they can even if that means removing things from people.


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They want a continuous stream of money. They make more money than a one time payment purchase.

Simple: so that they have complete control over what you consume and in turn control you.

>games as a service
>hardware as a service

fucking end it all

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Because (((they))) control what we own.

>say word
>everything stolen

fall in line, white boi

last year, fucko

kek beat me to it

Didn't google just ban some guy for doing shit they don't like in RDR2 single player? Why would I trust this company not to ban me for wrongthink in a single player game if all the gameplay footage is sent to google?

Probably cheaper to run a streaming service than to manufacture physical copies, probably also get more of a share of the profits

and this

I hope I watch humanity die in my lifetime.

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You don't actually own games, you just own a license to play them dumbass

Why does nobody buy things outright anymore? The only thing you should be taking out monthly payments on is your house. Not your car, not your TV, certainly not your fucking games.

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Yar har fiddle dee dee
Theres no such thing as intellectual property
If you want something get it for free
You are a pirate

considering they're aiming for a future without white people it's only natural for them to create an environment where nothing can be stolen by niggers because their customers will own nothing.

HA. Was about to post this and wonder if anyone could sell air to China. They are.

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>fucking as a service
I believe that was actually the first one from historical perspective

Ultimately it's a consumer choice, people are still buying vinyl records, in fact the tend had been rising. Now you can get almost anything on vinyl.

Man, the mel brooks/zucker brothers films are the best comedy movies ever produced

Because it's not profitable.

The thing is, they can't revoke the license if you bit it physically.

You still own the physical discs and the consoles. When the fuck is a company going to come and take away your discs or carts?

>Dude just get a loan bro
>Just finance it bro
>Just pay installments bro
>Just get another loan bro
>It's just debt bro
>It's just more debt bro
>Where's our money bro

What is the upcoming game you're the most excited about?
Are you ready for Google to copy Epic and purchase exclusives?

You can kill yourself. It's like your wish comes true but just for you!

>we're literally living in a cyberpunk dystopia
>it's not nearly as cool as in fiction

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Games are disposable entertainment like music and movies anyway

Already a thing in China

Charging people rent every month will make them more money than a one-time purchase.

>it's right there bro, i drew it with bitcoin marker.


That's why i own a used Rover with a Honda engine. Best investment ever.

That wouldn't solve anything. I die, I get replaced by 60 new humans in a day. But if killing myself absolutely guaranteed killing everyone else then yeah that's the correct option.

Nobody does retard. We're just dollar signs.


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>implying libertarians believe in "intelectual" """"""""property""""""""

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I feel like that's the kind of shit people say who don't understand what crypto is and how to use it.

shut up kike

This is the future goy.

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But if you kill yourself you wouldn't suffer whatever you're complaining about that humanity does.

Why should I tolerate that bullshit?

You never technically own software. You just own a license to use it

Fuck you unchosen one! The new testament isn't legit!!

need a source

I'll just keep pirating, going to download all of my backlog (which is huge) just in case that the kikes REALLY get in control, the future is looking grim

>kill wrong npc in game
>game stolen
screencap this, it will happen


>Pay monthly fee to play "your" games
>A year or more into your subscription you can't play games because your google account was suspended for for an unstated reason
>Can't appeal or anything because of a retarded TOS that you probably glossed over
They want control over everything so they don't have to answer to you. Your input does not matter. Google's word is law.

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I take an Uber because cars are too fucking expensive not because I prefer it.

Its weird you hate Google for this but most people here have a steam account and you own NOTHING ON THERE

yeah. no input lag. retard.

it's cheaper to leave you with nothing of your own

who, at every step, is trying to take away our freedom? seriously

>using google docs in the first place
There's the mistake.


Its late stage capitalism. You are spending your whole life transferring wealth to large corporations, and at the end you have nothing to show for it and nothing for children to inherit.


Stop being problematic or you can't use our stuff!

Thanks I'll just keep pirating literally everything.

The guy who uploaded videos of him feeding feminists protestors to gators in rdr2 got banned on yuotube

ding ding ding.

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My suffering doesn't matter. It's not about that. It's not about escape, it's about wanting mankind to fuck off forever because we benefit nothing but ourselves. We just take and consume and bleed dry. We're never going to change.
I am at least happy dwindling resources should start us down the path to extinction not too far off.

Also what's gonna happen when "your" hardware gets old?

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At least you can still have the files on your own computer.
Rip mods.

So they can force you to give them money forever

to charge you per hour
for them someone playing a $60 game for 500 hours is a massive waste of potential

Windows 10 is spying on you too.

Using steam is free, they allow modding, they aren't the cia, and I don't pay for input lag and shitty bitrate

From a capitalist point of view this means two things:
1). The companies are going to avoid people using banks so they can get more money from those people.
How? First things first a wagie won't have lots of money on hand at once, especially not the average consumerist wagie who tends to spend it immediately. Well before, you usually took a loan to buy an expensive product or didn't buy it at all.
Now you are paying basically the same (or higher) price to a company over some time, without thinking twice about it like if you really need that, or do you need to get a loan or wait with your purchase and stuff. Company will get their money not immidiately, but they will be able to sell more products.

2). Stable income. Most companies are on stocks and they really don't like getting fucked by one bad or even mediocre decision. Instead of selling X stuff at once, they prefer to get those clients over long time, this way the flow of money will be much more stable which pleases the shareholders since they would be able to invest with no risk.

In summary, the companies just found a way to do the same thing banks do and of course it's profitable.

I don't stream games on Steam though.

>10.7 teraflops of power
flop is right


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(((Who))) indeed

Even fucking Microsoft Windows 10 is a paragon of user freedom compared to this shit. I don't need their permission to purchase, use, or develop software for it.


this is what happens when capitalism takes control

>banned him from youtube which is a think people are abandoning
Here I thought you meant they got his game revoked

Hell. Hipsters are even buying casettes.
Though I can see those being good for lo-fi music.
I actually want to find some old punk cassettes, but those are collectible and expensive as fuck.

At least fags are doing their part and not reproducing.

Hopefully never. Consoles by MS, Sony and Nintendo will keep allowing for physical media and keep making physical consoles.
Physical media like that is just a case where the license to play the game is tied directly to the disc / cart itself, so by selling the disc you can sell the license too.
I hate how you are stuck with every game you buy digitally, you can't even transfer it to a new account if you ever make one. And what happens to all your digital games and shit if you die? Your games can't be distributed like a will or sold by your family, its just wasted

Sure you do, debt. Because keeping people tethered to you through debt is also a way to keep them giving you their money for their entire lives and not just them their next of kin as well and if they don't pay up through them in private prisons that also have debt so now they have debt on top of debt and will never be a "Free" person again not them or their family

All of you look around your rooms, soon everything in there will not be considered yours and if you touch it in a way it wasn't sold to you, you will be sued into the stone age

Easier to control that way.
Companies are not and never will be your friends, they do not care about providing a worthwhile product, they merely want to control your every thought and action so they can have a reliable paypiggy to prop them up for years to come.

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no thanks chinese spy

They look at those melee fags who have put in thousands of hours on an 18 year old game and get furious.

Because they want you to believe that corporations are people, therefore corporations actually own the product. Not protected by a corporation? You're basically not a person anymore, not worth enough money.

>"damn it, pay atention to the enemies"
>google AI hears that
>game freezes
>pop up appears
>it says "You are banned for mansplanning, hate speech, homophobia, transphobia, misoginy"

>say something "offensive" on game chat
>your account gets banned forever

1. the country is fucked
2. the rules don't matter
3. secure the bag

Don't be so fucking dramatic retard. Spotify exists and yet you're able to buy physical music media. Same with Netflix and Blu-ray disc. They've been taking about the Netflix of gaming for years now.

Walk, fatty.

>Its late stage capitalism.
I understood that Reddit reference.

>windows 10
Why would I use that piece of shit?

Hey dipshit, you know Congress and Senate and even the supreme court are things right? Even if Yang wins his policies will be blocked by the republican owned Senate, the supreme court will side with them and Yang won't get anything done, nor will any Democratic president if Trump loses. Even if he's lost Republicans still win through the Senate and Supreme Court, I don't understand why people care about the election when those two things are locks for Republicans for the next 30 something or more years, just look at the fucking maps.

You either live in a small town and walk or cycle everywhere or you only need to drive couple times a month

people on this board are paranoid as hell. Jesus, half of you need to start taking anti-psychotics.

I own a shitton of games that I no longer care for and get me a whopping $4-$10 and are more trouble to sell than it's worth. Additionally, these games are starting to show signs of CD/DVD rot and the Instruction manuals are yellowing.

Who wants to replay Uncharted 3 or Breath of the Wild 4,5, 6 times?

What they want is the insights into AI. That will help them with robotics.

But then you can't pay for the service anymore. How are they making money that way?

>yes goy nothing bad will happen at all just trust us goyim

How's your high school jr year going?

Any recommendations for a email service that isn't Gmail? Even ones you need to pay for. I should probably start easing myself out of the botnet before it grows too powerful.

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Streaming is the Fort Knox of DRM and its the key goal ahead of Denuvo. You don't a disc or data download, just permission to stream from data centers.

Absofuckinglutely they can. The fact that they're using Discord in their presentation speaks volumes too.

Literally only retarded millennials actually think like that.
The kind of dumbfucks who buy a $1200 phone in "installments" with their phone plan or pay $1200 for an $800 TV because they want to buy it in installments.
This shit only keeps happening because these retards keep falling for it.

doesn't matter really, nothing to lose voting for him
Trump's not getting the wall or stopping deplatforming and the republicans are actively working against him when he tries to push on either issue

also I think UBI is inevitable, you're going to have to deal with it sooner or later because automation

buy a raspberry pi and set up your own email server. domain names are cheap.

Fuck off accelerationist. $1000 a month is chump change and not worth the taxes that come with it.

So you rent everything forever and are obligated to continually pay to use their products and feed into the yearly upgrade cycle. Aside from increasing profits, this encourages company wars and gives them the ability to further deplatform anyone who goes against their wishes

Yeah, I wanted to be a cyborg in a dark, neon-lit city fighting the corporations and the government, not this.

It's a lot weirder sometimes

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Google isn't even runned by Jews hahaha fucking moron.

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>gaming company


pick one and only one.

all Google can do is steal data. that's it.

Except I can just download those games and save them on my hard drive LOCALLY instead of only being able to access them if Valve says so.
Consoleniggers will eat this shit up though, that I can guaran-fucking-tee.

see this they don't care. Google and the other Silicon Valley companies want to force a social engineer program in the minds of the goy.
And just like microsoft. investing in the vidya industry is fucking peanut compared to the amount of money they make of everything else

I hear protonmail is pretty good.

Just use one of the more "outwardly friendly" cock.li adresses.

I'm sure they said the same thing about both sony and Microsoft.

High speed internet was a fucking mistake. Look at all the trouble it's caused.

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>there are people in this thread that spend money on digital media

>When in the last few decades companies have gotten laws passed saying you aren't allowed to motify or fix a product or even take it to someone who can fix it that isn't on that company's payroll and that even through you "bought" the product you do not own the product

Fuck off user. Companies are up our ass all day everyday it's not wrong at all to see where their ultimate goal is, for fucks sakes we're getting more monopolies than ever before, corporations have gotten so strong now they flat out own the government and soon they'll start owning entire cities,maybe even states, just as Walt Diseny always wanted.

Every game is digital media.

this is literally dead on arrival.

worse than google glass.

To avoid piracy and own you entertainment time completely
What they are missing is that people are driven away from this type of services by the day

>intelligence is chiefly influenced by socio-economic status

I use Protonmail, it seems fine so far.


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So that the means of control stay entirely in the hands of the corporation. You are essentially renting games through a box you paid for. If you break the agreement that you are required to sign, it will be taken away from you and may not ever be returned. It's all sync'd to the Cloud, along with your identity.

You don't "own" shit anymore. Companies aren't interested in selling anything, it's rented and that end of the month residual income allows them to fuck around in other ventures. It's not to say someone passionate cannot create a viable rent service for videogames, it's that the idea of Google being able to make one is an affable dream at best and a complete waste of money invested into it creating an unenjoyable experience for the end user at worst.

Useless, ineffectual misanthropy is so cringe, go outside faggot.

Yes. Google gaming is DRM online only rental and VERY liberal California company can ban you and your rental games for wrong think from your social media posts they scout. No online = no game sweetie, buy GOOGLE RENTAL DRM NOW!

yeah right zoomers are definitely going to buy into this shit

No it wasn't letting american companies nickle and dime us for real internet speds was the mistake, those motherfuckers have a monoply and the government, rather than do it's job just took a bunch of lobby money to let them do it and now it's gotten completely out of control to the point being a government official is just being a sellsword to whatever company writes you the bigger check

I keep meaning to set up something like this, but then realise I'll never manage to maintain the uptime. I'll turn the router off at night before bed, or forget what it is and unplug it for something else, or the breaker will trip and I'll forget to set it going again.

I know thats why no matter where they are the Jews have superior IQ's to whites and everybody else.

If valve disappears those games do too

>point out they dont own games on steam
You would defend lootboxes too if newer lootboxes had you pay $100 for them, WLL AT LEAST OLD LOOTBOXES WERE $5

you'd think it would cost way more in bandwidth to stream constantly instead of just downloading the games
but this way they get people hooked for life paying those subscription fees

capitalism fell apart when people started accepting this shit, it's ridiculously inefficient from a resource consumption point of view, but because it moves more money around than traditional sales(even digital sales) it's way more popular with companies and economists

the $1000 is non-taxed, its a refund

>own nothing
>download files
>install crack
>delete steam
Yeah great streaming service there guys

Got a study on this?

All based anons will stop buying games NOW, learn to love and love what you have now, and take up hobbies such as reading physical books, exercising, going outside, making things with your hands, talking with your neighbors, baking a pie... Real human things. Leave these ai bug people alone and don't get sucked in

This is the final moment

I would say it has a higher influence than anything else. As much as /pol/ hates it, a sand nigger from bumfuckistan probably worked harder than the underachieving yet highly opinionated /pol/lack who spends most of the day shitposting to come to your country to study medicine.

I can play my PS3, PS4, STEAM games offline at any time. Your Google rental DRM service doesn't work without rental money or internet access. I hope your mother gets hit by a truck you lying cunt of a Google marketer.

>0.000001$ has been deposited into your Google play account


This, the rest are memes.


>your access will be restricted, however if you read our TOS, you will know that even during your banned period you still owe us a monthly fee. toodles, dickwad!

man they don't even want you to have DOWNLOADED digital stuff


Stadia? More like Stadia hell away from me am I right?

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Oh they will still bill you every month, why wouldn't they?

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Yeah good luck with that when they stop selling games and make them stream only.
Unless you start stealing google money cards in your local supermarket you are out of luck.

well, this is going to be a teraflop.

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>STEAM games offline at any time.
Lol wrong, may times steam offline didnt work cause i had to sign on to turn it on

Not an argument

The part that showed "now you can watch a walkthrough WHILE playing by pressing our dedicated "play for me" button" cemented my belief that we actually live in a simulation.

You CANNOT refute this.

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Real talk, are hardware manufacturers on suicide watch now?
Why would anyone buy le epyc gaymer rgb thunder lightning super blazing fast xtreme GPU, when they can play the latest Assassins Creed or BR on their phone?

I believe its true

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>here's your gameplay bro

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This does not match the beat of the original song.

>why dont companies want to make more money?

idk man thats crazy!

Thanks, I love it.

Holy shit my sides

I'm talking more on the gaming side of things. If we were still on dial up, things like this, 20 gig patches, DLC, microtransactions, lootboxes, games as a service, etc, wouldn't be possible. I know we enjoy the speed and whatnot, but god damn, the side effects for gaming have been atrocious.

But atleast your father beat you much.

Imagine saying faggot online or fucking nigger by accident like pewdiepie, your controller picks it up because google is always listening and recording, you get put on a list as a problematic player and get insta banned from whatever online game your playing, no thanks. It’s Ouya Twoya

if you can download things you can alter them copy them etc...
This is basically what all companies really want is to restrict consumers as much as possible and the funny part is they will always try to spin it as a positive thing
Yeah just let us handle everything you don't need to have even the slightest bit of control or think at all really it's a feature!

Breh that's article from 2005. I've looked average IQ by countries just before you posted it and Israel wasn't even in top20 in 2000 and 2010. How comes country with the greatest proportion of ethnic Jew doesn't have average IQ above 100?
>inb4 muh Arabs

Turns out the matrix is real and the machines aren't even trying to hide the truth anymore

When the majority of new games become exclusive to streaming services it's going to be the end of piracy once and for all. What new hobby will you guys pick up?

good. people who use those words are usually annoying or dead weight in my games anyways.

I wish life were awesome as a NEET. The lack of money got to me though.


Hahaha they replied that it’s just a “thought experiment”

There is already evidence to suggest that synapses fire before we are even consciously aware of making a decision.

dead weight detected. waahhh i cant spam nigger faggot in my games when im feeding and "le epic trolling on the mic" fuckoff

t. tranny

another interesting bit: people dont make decisions based on logic or reason 90+% of the time. It's all emotion based.

The consumer market for high-end GPUs gets a lot of press, but its really quite small. AMD getting a 10.7 gigaflop SOC into Google's server infrastructure is a huge win for them, much more profitable for them than selling the Radeon VII to end users.

Because jewing you out once is not as profitable as jewing you out for life.

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Do you believe in Demiurge?

You have a study on that?

Ha. Beat me to it.

Just because you bought something does not mean you are entitled to it.

For example: When you buy a banana you just buy the banana and but not the license to use a banana. Think of it this way: What would these guy growing bananas do if everyone just bought a banana from some random shop and then expect it to be entitled to a good meal? They'd just go out of business because they don't get any profit when their banana is sold by the shop owner which is similar to developers and publishers who give money to developers for creating games(or bananas in this case). Asking for more just takes away money from the devs while the publishers rake in money and you kill the industry.

You're all just entitled faggots who have to make unfunny shitty comics for your gay little hivemind opinions. Just look at all the major review sites. They agree that gamers are fucking entitled neckbeards who are losers.

Intellectual checkmate faggots.

>Literally only retarded millennials actually think like that.
Not true. Installments, loans, and credit have been around since the 1920's. You only associate it with millennial because it can also be used as an absolutely stupid way to spend money you don't have.

So getting shit for free is the only way not to get Jewed out? Fuck off commie scum!

You'll never be a woman.

I wouldnt be surprised if Google used this as an excuse.

my first car was 500, stop being a poorfag

go back to resetera. if you really thing people should get banned for saying 'no no words' in private then you're a fucking piece of shit.


have vaginal sex

They want your money or your life. Google is the best example for why the US has to intensify anti-trust laws if it wants to stay relevant.

>Just because you bought something does not mean you are entitled to it

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There is no study in the article from Scientific American you posted. No data, no research. It's 6 short paragraphs chewing the claim by Gregory Cochran. 'They claim that Ashkenazi Jews—an ethnic group that includes physicist Albert Einstein, psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and composer Gustav Mahler—are more intelligent because of genetic mutation.' That's it.

In the real fit of politically correct double-think they managed to mention that Jews are potentially superior on genetic level and that genes don't matter. Truly impressive feat of combining contradicting ideas.

Of course, Google has no power to take away games you bought on PS4. But if you buy it on Google console...

not no no words. just those words, to trigger the right :)

Even if these kind of people are annoying, supporting banning wrong thinking is retarded. It’s like saying that 18 years old that is facing 14 years in prison in NZ for sharing the video and posting edgy memes deserved it

Yeah, exactly what i meant and not twisting my words.

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is this pasta?

they'll never do it
dems think google is on their side and repubs are more or less a mouthpiece for the kochs who most-certainly do not want more regulation

>tfw this becomes the standard in a few years
>tfw I'll be neck deep into emulation, with several lifetimes worth of games
lmao enjoy your dystopian shitfuture

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I knew we were fucked when people started making videos apologizing to corporations for leaks but to see this shit and it's clear they've won.

>When you buy a banana you just buy the banana and but not the license to use a banana.
Shouldn't that mean that game companies should just be distributing binaries and programs when they sell games, and not "licenses" to use the games?

Or you know, just don't be a racist, sexist incel.

>Make homes too expensive to buy so you don't own the place where you live
>Make entertainment streaming services so that you don't own what you watch
>Work for companies who own your work
>Use social networking sites that own your info/data
>You'll pay for this

lol no its not wtf?

*spreads ass cheeks*

Hahaha how exactly were your words twisted?

To perpetually sell it back to you over and over.
Happened with the lightbulb.

>food analogy
Can you not just wait five hours for us Europeans to go to bed before you start spouting your inane NA retardation?

So... You also don't have any evidence. So Japanese people have the highest IQ's?

Why is the economy moving to service based? Everything is a service, no more products.

implying you actually play games

pretty much this, plenty of good old games to play, same with movies, all movies are shit now but plenty of great 80s - 90s stuff to watch


less power for the consumer
more power for the creator
less freedom for the buyer
more freedom for the maker
less control for the player
more control for the company

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everything in service to increase the almighty GDP



This is so misguided, so, so... I can't even think of the word. It's so """ahead of it's time""" in design, it's like an obvious, Google just attempting, seeing what they can get away with. It's like cooperations now and just being completely honest, in fucking us over, but to our faces, in a unironic, ironic way. We all know what we're doing now, we all know what we're watching, they must know we can see through it, it's all just one big test.


I wouldn't be surprised if this bug shit was done on purpose, to cause a shitstorm, make people meme it, just like I'm doing, and market it more, holy fuck, I am the problem, or are you? Is it all of us? Is this the matrix?


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How are we supposed to run a debt based economy if you own shit instead of issue monthly payments

>Google Assistant, how do I saw the N word in chat?

These people are not even pretending to be retarded. They are completely braindead imbeciles. How is it possible to read this:
>What would these guy growing bananas do if everyone just bought a banana from some random shop and then expect it to be entitled to a good meal? They'd just go out of business because they don't get any profit when their banana is sold by the shop owner
and take it seriously?

Because if we don’t own it, they do, which means they control it.

Think of all the cool vidya that has shut down over the years because the companies didn’t feel like maintaining a server anymore. Stuff like Chromehounds, MAG, Warhawk. These are all games people might be playing instead of whatever new garbage is being pooped into their mouths. And that’s a problem.

>being triggered by nigger and faggot to the point of thinking banning users like this is justified
>the guy triggered NZ officers by sharing edgy meme and the livestream.

It’s the count dankula shit all over again. you are supporting this kind of thought police you fucking retard, you can’t have both ways

>no mods
>no cheating/messing with the console in singleplayer
>no fun

When you grabbed my dick mid sentence.

Thank the pirates. They caused all this. They caused all the problems there are in the vidya world.

Red fucking pilled

You underestimate the retardation of the average gamer, most will just make a new account and buy another liscence.

>merely pretending

epic simply epic ftw :^)

>being triggered that those words are banned

hahaha we are the samething my friend. have fun on ur side. my side at least has hot bitches and rappers and shit :)

>Um uh you grabbed my dick mid sentence cus you're gay and shit.
> Got em!

So basically you have no real answer.

>you now realize that this is what "next gen" means now, and that sony and microsoft are likely on the same general path
Not like this! Not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!

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They can, but they won't. Unless your "friend" is a faggot and reports it, it's unrealistic for them to monitor all private conversations ever

>my side at least has hot bitches and rappers and shit :
>niggers and thots
no thanks

>fat white dudes and incels

no thanks

these a billion times
the customers are slowly becoming slaves

I’m not attached to these words because I’m not even American, so they don’t have the negative connotation to me as they have to you, but thinking that the almighty google knows what is best for you is just ignorance. Look at all the conferences they had that leaked and what happened to damore for wrongthink, our future is going to be ruled by capeshit and google products

its not just google. its commonly accepted in america, that u should not go around calling people niggers and faggots.

And it's this thinking that causes these products to fail because ultimately what your consumer wants is what makes them buy.

Don't forget the xbox one launch.

protonmail has deleted peoples accounts for wrongthink

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A braindead imbecile.
Next time just don't respond at all, you retarded newshit.

>more power for the creator
>more freedom for the maker

Enter artificial intelligence.
who is investing in it? that's right, Google.
but worry not, their main concern isn't 'fighting wrongthink'. this is the delulded /pol/ mindset. they'd rather capitalize on you marketing preferences.

>Pirated games
lmao git gud fagit

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it's capitalism evolving naturally. private corporations want to abolish the government and own everything, including you. you are not supposed to own anything under capitalism, certainly not your entertainment.
The next and final stages of capitalism is renting your own body modifications, renting sun time if you live in a dense area, renting clean air if you live in a polluted city etc. It will take time, but we will get there. All of this was predicted about a century ago, so don't say it "won't happen". It will happen.

Even if Stadia fails to become a thing, it will come back in some other form eventually. Not being able to own your games is a must for companies like Google.

I just want to be a Culter

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>we're living in a dystopia but without all of the cool science fiction shit
i fucking hate this gay ass timeline, someone nuke the world already for getting us into this shit heap


I knew The Who was a terrible band

>'IQ and the Wealth of Nations' by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, 2002

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Because we're only getting the punk part, as in being fucked in the ass by corporations.
The cyber part, with waifudroids, , flying cars, aesthetic neon, and non-meme VR, is still severely underdeveloped.

Don’t play dumb

Nah, it's always cool but not everywhere.

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>this is moot idea
I knew from the moment he left he would put this shit. That fucking jew.

But can it run dwarf fortress with lots of population?

Or are you one of these people that actually think pewdiepie meant when he said nigger

That's probably the saddest part.
They announced it as "dude image all the creative power for the developers!", but the way things are headed, devs that actually care about their games will probably get even more fucked than they already are.
The suits are the only ones that can benefit from this fuckery.

>it's unrealistic for them to monitor all private conversations ever
Oh sure!

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Didn't some MMO years ago banned players for insulting each other jokingly in whisper chat?

Cyberpunk is so fuckign gay, take me back.

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Steam didn't pay developers for exclusivity deals when it launched. You're a moron if you think Google will be the same.

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Did people in the 20's live in debt as much as today? Of course not.

Overwatch ban you right now if you post something against their chat rules outside the game itelf.

Plenty of people have been banned for old tweets and facebook posts. THE FUTURE IS NOW!

There should be zero physical repercussions for being racist or sexist.
Only judgements by other people.

History of Christianity

Docs is pretty useful for taking a break to shit but writing on the same document you were before taking a shit.

So as long as I don't do stupid fucking shit and plaster my public email all over posters I'll be fine?
Yeah I think I'm good.


this is literally exactly what it's all about. totalitarianism is coming.

Imagine looking like a stupid ass Gen Z and playing your games on a fucking tablet.

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Why would you ban a word?

It's because you plebs refuse to wear trenchcoats like me.

I can mod my games on Steam, make physical backups, open them without internet connection directly from their folders without Steam even running.
That means a lot.


you didnt see the part where anyone could take your protonmail email and shove it anywhere without any form of verification

Was getting the Second Temple destroyed part of your plan?

>download game on steam
>shit generic steambypass crack in the folder
>suddenly works without steam

quit being retarded.

Only late zoomers play on tablets.

Ownership is bad goyim.

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>Everything is a service. Don't own a car. Take an Uber.
You speak like taxis are a new thing, and not everyone can afford a car.

Black people use those words all the time and are never called out for it.

because of but before wrongthink set in, they didnt want you to make something successful based on their idea. nintendo shuts down pokemon fangames because they know if they dont they might have a DOTA on their hands

And maintenance costs? Fuel costs? Insurance?

Ignoring the food analogy it's a horrendous analogy that doesn't make any sense. Of fucking course you should expect to be entitled to a good meal if you buy food from someone selling you food. It's in the vendor's best interest to provide a good meal because then people will buy from them more often and recommend them to other people, or if they provide a bad meal then it's vice versa, and they run out of business from lack of sales. Are you fucking retarded?

all these dumb conspiracies itt.
The simple answer is licensing is more lucrative than selling, Especially something with a variable cost of near $0.
Take spotify, it is not like they are going to start losing money if you over consume on the platform, producing a copy of the MP3 costs no money. But once you are invested in using it for your library, they have your business forever. No new album you like coming out this month? you are still paying $10. A better store comes up? your library is here pay another $10. Realistically how many people were paying $120 a year on music before? nobody.

80 or 90 some years ago, the wife of Charles Lindbergh, Anne, wrote a short book in which she stated that totalitarianism was the natural state of humanity, one to which we lived in for millennia, and one to which we would soon return, as the consequences of giving people freedom make such a shift inevitable.

Or, in the words of Winston Churchill, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

Thank fucking god my favorite genres are antithetical to the streaming meme

Because they don't want you to have a choice. This is where consoles and brand cuckoldry/loyalty has lead us. Locked down shit boxes.


like i said. whenever those words are uttered in game, its because some 12 year old is "trolling", feeding and raging, or spamming mic. im not even saying its the right thing to ban the words, just for my own personal enjoyment of the video games, i dont giva fuck if they ban the words, even a more enjoyable gaming experience if they do lol.

Fuck off faggot nigger

>my first car was $500
So it costs you like $2000 to keep it running then?
>Don't own a car. Take an Uber.
This is pretty dumb considering Taxi Cabs, what Uber actually replaces, are pretty much as old as the mainstream automobile. And before then you could hire a carriage.

Can you play games on the PS4 or XBOX without going online or logging in?

They literally paid modders to make their mods exclusive ie counter strike


Yes if you have discs, which any sane adult would.

I don't know about that. The arabs in engineering routinely cheat, probably at even higher rates than the Chinese, Indians and frats. Almost every foreigner who comes to higher education in America is incredibly wealthy.

u too, fucking faggot nigger tranny incel cuck

don't they still require some day1 update or download?

Not that I know of. I remember some Wii games requiring a firmware update, but I haven't heard of such a thing on PS4/One.

But most modern games don't actually fit on optical media, and would be painful to play using their readspeeds as a bottleneck. So how do they work around that?

>this is what coping whitoids tell themselves
lol, keep making excuses to go on shooting sprees because you're too dumb/lazy to study

There's that word that desperately needs a filter

Man, the future looks bleak. Guess I'll just hunker down with my handhelds and use the net for videos and work now.
Screw streaming.

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> I remember some Wii games requiring a firmware update, but I haven't heard of such a thing on PS4/One.
What? sony is the most notorious for that though. Why do you think they always have like 5.05 to 5.06 (mandatory Adds nothing?)

That's not remotely true. Few games break the 50 gig limit of a Blu-ray disc, and they're installed to the hard drive anyway so disc reading doesn't matter.

What? I get fine grades. I have a 3.4 GPA. The frats routinely cheat and are also white. If you think for a moment that cheating isn't rampant, you're wrong. If you doubt that cheating isn't a group effort, you're also very wrong. If you think that people don't associate with each other by race and origin, you're just fucking retarded.

fpbp, they want less freedom and liberty for you, they don't want to hear your opinion about a game for example. but in the same time they only want your money. The biggest problem is, the world become a hybrid between 1984 and brave new world, they censor stuff but in the same time they do it in the name of freedom and democracy.

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a lot of games have a day 1 patch that fixes a bunch of stuff but you can still play the glitchy shit version

>it would be prohibitively expensive and insanely difficult to enter the dedicated gaming system space
>instead Google tries to use what it has a tech advantage in to carve out a niceh product
Why are you guys always doing this? remember when mobile games were going to replace everything? or every game would become subscription based?

i honestly have to try that out, like unplugging my ps4 for a month or so and test a brand new release, just to see if it actually allows you to play the full game based on blu ray content only

>did the great depression live in debt as much as today? Of course not.

lol this

"what do u mean i cant spam the mic and chat calling people nigger faggots when i lose a game anymore?"

finally some peace and quiet in my vidya.

try playing mass effect andromeda without the day 1 patch, it's absolutely hilarious

Mobile games almost destroyed the Japanese gaming industry.

Eat shit, senile faggot

Google has the NWO behind them

Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish

Enjoy the NWO jewish illuminati console
Be a good goy buy google

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>it would be prohibitively expensive and insanely difficult to enter the dedicated gaming system space
One would think Google has enough capita to both develop and start selling an actual device for gaming if they wanted. Then it's all about exclusives and gimmicks, both of which Google can provide easily. Why not a normal console that has the option to stream? Also this isn't a niche product, Google is trying to get EVERYONE into gaming.

>Few games break the 50 gig limit of a Blu-ray disc
Most my steam library is way bigger than that though. I mostly play weeb games on my PS4 so I don't know about AAA or multiplats since they are all on my PC. But my FFXV install is like 150 gb, R6 siege is over 100. GTA is about 100. Most AAA games I download now are averaging about 70gb. I get console saves some space using textures made for ants. But I feel like there are quite a few games, and growing that cant fit on discs.

Believing that South Korea was run by a feminist cult was a conspiracy theory was until it was true.

Mobile games have supplanted a huge part of the market though. Do you really think they didn't play a part in Nintendo merging handheld and home markets? Gachashit alone is now the most profit for the least effort as a whole, meaning that more publishers are going towards it.
I'm tentative on this device simply because Google is a very dangerous, predatory company with deep pockets and tendrils that worm their way into many places outside of search. They've also shown that their internal policies are less than scrupulous, both towards customers and employees (although the employees are rich, so whatever, they can endure it if they actually land a Google job, especially as an Asian apparently, whcih they don't want more of).

>Google isnt owned by jews
>ceo of alphabet is (((larry page)))
also cofounder of google btw


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In capitalism, the less ownership (capital) you voluntarily grant to others, the better off you are.

There's a push all across of society for "subscription services". They don't want you to buy anything once and have it for life, they want you to pay by the month. You need to pay them rent.

So what are you guys doing to prepare for this proposed google apocalypse?
Got all the roms you want downloaded yet?

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fucking jidf being cheap and hiring indians, fucking kikes

Increase dependency and tax racketing
Decrease life span
Limit expression outside of their devices

>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
You know I googled them just to be sure and be a responsible skeptical guy and bada bing bada boom, they really are both Jewish. Wow.

No wonder Google is promoting vaccines too.

If the worst of this google thing is exclusive mods I'd say things turned out pretty well

>Mobile games almost destroyed the Japanese gaming industry.
sure bud.
>One would think Google has enough capita to both develop and start selling an actual device for gaming if they wanted
They do, but they don't have the technology on hand to have an edge. They could maybe make an ARM device to go against nintendo, but that would fail and lose them money. They would just license the same basic SoCs from AMD that Sony and M$ do. With an almost identical box with no real advantages, to enter a crowded market, and go against established firms. There is no money in that. They just lose everytime.
>Why not a normal console that has the option to stream?
Because the normal console part would not be able to compete.
They can beat M$, Sony, and Nintendo in streaming. They can't beat them in shitting out boxes with licensed SoCs.
>Also this isn't a niche product, Google is trying to get EVERYONE into gaming.
Sure, maybe niche isn't the right word. It is more for the casual game who could not even be bothered to keep up with consoles/let alone PC. They want to capitalize on a market that is not yet really served.

finna copy my silent hill isos and psx emu version of 5different hard drives
same for the mon hun games

maybe buy cheap used old 360 and the few exclusive i'd like to keep off ebay.

hide them in the bump stock safe for when the gobmint comes

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>Just because you bought something does not mean you are entitled to it.

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Can't wait for Giantbomb to suddenly love this idea 3 months down the line. The change will probably be spearheaded by Ben, the resident Zoomer.

>Mobile games have supplanted a huge part of the market though.
*ciatation needed*
More PC and Console games coming out then every before. Bigger budgets than every before. Microsoft seeing its most profitable years in gaming. Sony seeing their most profitable years in gaming, Nintendo going all in on a fucking handheld, sees them making their most profitable years in quite some time. Valve literally printing money.
>but with mobbage existing why would CDPR make cypepunk! EA is just gonna make bejeweled now? you cant have both bejewled and battlefield!
>Do you really think they didn't play a part in Nintendo merging handheld and home markets?
It did in the sense that smartphone technology is what drove ARM progress to the point where the X1 existed and they could pull it off.
>Gachashit alone is now the most profit for the least effort as a whole, meaning that more publishers are going towards it.
It is not zero sum you fucking retard.
Companies stay in any market with possitive profits to be made.

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Didn't they talk over the presentation?

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everyone blaming capitalism itt when the people creating these services are technocratic globalist pinko types who want it to fail so they can role out their authoritarian system to replace it

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yeah I meant months later, but they did. I dunno how they reacted.

Capitalism is an authoritarian system. Are you really too retarded to see how the people with the capital control you?

holy fucking fuck.

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So is this thing gonna run on android TV? cause I would love google giving more support/love to that platform.

>dowload game
>install crack
WOW so hard, nice streaming service

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capitalism is an economic system not a political government. explain why googlers are mostly intersecting commies yet they have no problem rolling this stuff out if its so le evil

>Don't own a car. Take an Uber.
Taxis existed before this
>Don't buy records. Stream on Spotify.
Radio stations existed before this. Also yo can still buy records
>Don't buy movies. Subscribe to Netflix.
Blockbuster existed before this. You can still buy movies.
>Don't purchase games. Play on Stadia.
You niggers act like this is the first and only vidya streaming service.

oy vey

Quantity doesn't mean much, and AAA home console games are not what I speak of. There is no longer a single dedicated handheld in the entire market. Think on why. At most there's the Switch, which is both. Mobile markets haven't touched the home console market at all. I couldn't care less about whatever open world gritty third person AAA game is out, those will always be the big console sellers (and probably will be high sellers on this shit) in the west.
And don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say it's zero sum, and I didn't say anything about whatever games you're talking about. I said MORE publishers are going towards it. It provides cheap and effective cash infusion. Going toward it doesn't mean they're solely dedicating efforts towards it, but rather that it's the market where they have the widest audience.

It's lost all meaning. Virgin hasn't had sex, incel is a virgin but demands sex. It's replaced virgin yet unlike soi it's not auto flagged by Yea Forums mods for a word filter. Every liberal writer has a quota to meet by using incel.

Look at this fucking poor

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literally this

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The death of modding is the most tragic part of all of this.
Half of my favorite games are so great because of the free user generated content. Modded custom maps and such going the way of the dodo is a travesty.

>Taxis existed before this
cars and gas were cheap and affordable, no longer
>Radio stations existed before this. Also yo can still buy records
A radio isn't a subscription service.
>You niggers act like this is the first and only vidya streaming service.
You seem to have a lot of faith in the next generation of consumers.

Just use Bing

>ignores the comments on Google being a predatory, dangerous company
Sometimes I wonder how people who don't care about their info being attached to a name ended up on Yea Forums

thats a fault of central banking and fiat currency not just capitalism

And RDR2 came with two discs. How young are you exactly? Did you know FF9 was a 4-disc game?

I've been beating the drum for months now but literally no one cares, least of all the mods. Keep in mind the words they have banned too
>f am

Antivax retard.

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you stole this from your dad's facebook?
embarrassing, even for a child of satan

Both are features of capitalism that have never changed and never will. So yes, it's a fault of capitalism.

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Yea Forums hates on valve but you can guarantee that google will ban any game with boobs or swear words they don't like or if gaming journalists don't like the developer

unvaccinated children are smarter AKTUALLY

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Hello soulless NPC.

>It's okay when Valve does it

I can guarantee that Google will ban every single game with an anime art style.
Which will greatly please Yea Forums but it means that there's not going to be anything I want on the device.

you know there are other types of currencies right? we got taken off the gold standard in the 70s. look at that graph again

Control and profit maximization

When you own a game it's just sitting there and not accumulating more value for the publishers/platform owners.

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In my life time. I can't wait.

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Long term value of almost everything in the west is getting shorter and shorter

Subscription, or in other words, all products to be imbued with a landlord/renter relationship.

You would recognize this had you read Marx.

That's true for the planet, not just the west, Chang.

>hell yea i trust big pharma corporations
>hell yea i MUST inject the drugs cocktail i pay for yearly into my son's urethra just as dr. Goldberg showed me

Same shit with a gaming. PC is fucking expensive and even console isn't that cheap for most poorfags. This is where Stadia coming in.

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investors and boards like guaranteed income. You have to inherit a risk when developing a product that you only sell once, what if nobody or not enough people want it? By creating a service they get all the consumers that would have bought in anyway, and have a system in place that they can modify to "cater" to anyone that hasn't bought in, all while raking in cash monthly.
Look at how smartphones sell in the "first world" of America. People sign onto monthly plans that pay off their phones like a mortgage, except at the end instead of owning the device, the company takes it back from you and you get handed a new phone to start paying for. Endless cash flow and you don't actually own anything at any point.

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Selling you something is less profitable than making you rent it.

Quite obvious actually.

To the people defending this, why?

>There is no longer a single dedicated handheld in the entire market.
Sure, but it is because Nintendo went hybrid.
3DS was actually really succesful and did quite well for ninty. I will agree that mobile market does blur the "handheld" market for shit like "I want a gameboy to play tetris" or "pokemon pinball!" but I don't think it took over the handheld experiances like say Fire Emblem, or JRPGS etc. If anything those mobile experience just got more hardcore as Nintendo dropped the former for the latter.
>Mobile markets haven't touched the home console market at all
Or the PC gaming market. My point entirely.
>I said MORE publishers are going towards it.
Yes, but again, since it is not zero sum, they are doing it IN ADITION to catering to the traditional gaming market. Mobile gaming is it's own seperate market. Not a replacement or threat to traditional gaming. I will concede it replaced dedicated handhelds for the most casual of experiences sure, but it is at most a rebrand not a shift in the market. Since paying $100 for a device to play tetris or pinball on just isn't worth it anymore.
Your post to basically say you don't disagree with what I am saying is kinda silly. My entire point was it turns out mobile gaming did not infact replace, threaten to replace, or hurt traditional gaming. It simply grew on its own as a seperate entity. the only people who dispute this are zero sum retards. Hence my assertion that you thought in such a way. Because you said it "supplanted a huge part of the market" when it did no such thing.

>vaccines that are cheaper than antibiotics are a big pharma conspiracy
u wot m8

It's the same people who defend pic related.

Genuine brainwashing victims.

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Larry page is also the current Ceo of alphabet googles parent company

the indian who is ceo of google is just a puppet

Reminder that Streaming is ALWAYS anti-consumer.

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>ignores the comments on Google being a predatory, dangerous company
That is not what I am discussing.
> How young are you exactly? Did you know FF9 was a 4-disc game?
yes but in the modern day, aditional download is a common replacement for that. Especially when the discs had to have extreme amounts of redudancy in the files.


An imminent solar torment it's coming in the next two decades.
You can't blame company's for a natural catastrophe if coming from outside of the world right?
They win in not giving any refund and you loses the real money.

Never buy digital things

>all products to be imbued with a landlord/renter relationship.
this, 100%. Here is my whacky conspiracy theory:
I believe whoever is in power doesn't want the next generation of people to have any autonomy, one of the ways they want to do this is to slowly force everyone econmoically into renting, or if you own your home, to rent part of it to a tennant. This way, the privacy and safety of being part of a family is pushed away. I still live with my parents and we have to rent, I have to live with two people living under me that hate my fucking guts. I truly believe the people in power want privacy to only exist for the rich, and an under class of landlords. I can't get into it more now because I'm too fucked up to type anymore. But really, I believe they view home ownership, even ownership as a concept, as only a privilege the rich should enjoy.

I've worked in a pharmacy. There's GAZILLION of bullshit meds but vaccines aren't one of them. Why do you think we give them out for free but charge for everything else?

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physical media is still the most selling in japan. its a western thing. westerners stopped buying physicals fro some reason.

Rental has it's advantages but only if you're thinking short term.
If you're super casual and only play games once year this a great opportunity. If it's your hobby then it's not cost effective.

digital distribution was the doomsday countdown people worried about before yet consumers have eaten that shit up, this is gonna be the same result and there's nothing we can do about it except delay it.

isn't the point of private healthcare that it's supposed to be cheaper in the long run?

How the hell is so much being spent?

when do we start to murder the rich faggots ruining everything for the rest of us

You have any data to back that up?

>make sure diseases do present themselves in the subject's lifetime
>ensure future meds sale
you won't fool me

rich people deserve to live better than us. they earned that right

what happened in 1980 that made the rich this rich?

Pharma only gives a fuck about profits. Nothing else. See

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Uh, I was under the impression it was literally the oppposite - Americans buy physical because the internet is trash. Meanwhile Japs play everything on their phones and couldn't care less about buying discs. I understand they LOVE packaging and branding, but for video games and media my impression was they couldn't care less.

private healthcare is only theoretically cheaper, i.e. free market competition. the issue is lobbying and corruption in the system, same reasons internet infrastructure is so bad in the US.

Just pull up your bootstraps you lazy millennial! I built this company with blood, sweat, a tiny 3 million dollar loan, and tears!

Pretty soon, probably. That's why most of them live on islands and have private armies I mean, security contractors. That's why there's a sudden increase of interest in space exploration- the only people who could afford it want to rule from a place where the plebians could never reach them.

Scan or die, goyim.

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there is demographic data that says unvaccinated are more likely to have college educated parents so I extrapolate that the children are smarter

PCs became a thing around then.

The Nips love digital because they're a nation of sheep.

Have you ever seen a rich person go outside? They have a full armed security detachment just follow them around everywhere.


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Isn't it weird that we constantly hear about shootings in schools and religious communities like Mosques and churchs, but we literally never hear about big mansions getting shot up or rich kids getting raped and killed? I always though it was wierd that all these supposed shooters that want to hurt people never seem to want to hurt the people that are actually responsible for the state of the world. It boggles my mind in fact. The only thing I can think of is that rich people have better security.


Remember when the left was distrusting of cooperations and the right apologised for them? I guess that’s Proust’s kaleidoscope in action.


When enough people have become agitated as a group to lose their fear of escalating force from police and military intervention.
Fuck property tax

I know at least a dozen people that believe this unironically and have told me more than once this is the truth. Every single one of them grew up in a large house in the richest part of town.

>your credit card, sir
>and your foreskin, sir
>alright now proceed onto the chemotherapy that'll kill you in 6 months and give your family crippling debt which will force your daughter to fuck twenty niggers on Goldenbergs porno production to avoid going into tax jail

>The only thing I can think of is that rich people have better security.
They do. Even low-grade rich people, your standard millionaire, live in gated communities, have security cameras and alarm systems, own a lot of guns, or hire security who do.

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Digital got big because games are seen as a disposable cheap entertainment now rather than something to be dedicated to as a hobby. There's simply more of the casual market in the west that eats up games like going out to a summer blockbuster.

It's not too bad if you mostly stick to Japanese games. Ace Combat 7 and Dragon Quest XI didn't even have day one patches at all. I also recently finished DMC5 straight from the disc install since my internet was down. It played fine. I'd imagine you'd have to stay away from AAA western games though; some of those are completely broken without patches.

Well if you propose to some 6yo boy he can transform into a girl, he will do it. Then others little boys see Quentin becoming a girl, and want to do it to, especialy since their teacher now approves this.

Make your suicide a notable act, join the growing number of people suiciding, be the change you want to see in others.

What basket of goods are they using that this is remotely true? this must suffer from insane technology bias, substiution bias and pretty much every mistake under the sun. The question is was it intentional to achieve the desired result? or just sheer incompetency?

it is true. can't see any argument against it. its a doggie dog world

This unironically happened to me with a popular racing simulator.

Wrote a review on my shitty little blog that exposed how the lower tiers were full of faggots who just smashed into you. Woke up the next day and was IP banned. Couldn't log in for something like two years until a guy who was friends with the devs tipped them off that I'd have a leg to stand on in small claims court.

If Google goes full SJW and bans you from the console for calling someone a faggot in an online game you'd have class action lawsuits out the ass. You cannot deny a consumer access to money they've spent and unconsciousnability laws immediately void any weird shit they try to put in the ToS about it.

>Calling somebody a waste of fucking air for hold me me down is not allowed.

Fuck off.

Fuck game streaming, I imagine that it would completely kill niche games while making popular games more profitable

Because something you own can be passed down in the family or other, and that represents less money for the corporations

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This thing better FLOP to high hell. Just fuck it.

imagine being so retarded that you pretend to be retarded for fun

>The only thing I can think of is that rich people have better security.

If you want to put on the tin foil hat, you might say the shooters in these instances were paid off. Or rather, their families were.

For example- assassination in the middle ages was generally a suicide mission for the assassin. But they went ahead anyway, often because their client or king or whoever would see to their families needs afterwards. They die to get their family a free ride through life. Some people would make that choice.

A constant revenue stream is the most reliable way to make money, allowing you to own things doesn't bring in a constant influx of cash.

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Where is this data?

Not that guy but doctors literally admitted it's not profitable to cure diseases.

studies on the internet you can find

3DS did well, but not on the level of the DS. Aside from the debate on that though, the mobile market has taken away demand, especially for parents buying a game device for their kids. Since a smartphone can play a load of ad-ridden, f2p drivel, there's no reason to spend $120 or more on a handheld. The "mobile experiences" didn't get any more hardcore. Some of the most popular game brands in the world, like Pokemon, have deliberately watered themselves down to try and net some of the smartphone crowd, which has even outright been said by the devs. It didn't outright annihilate the handheld market obviously, as the last little spurt of it exists in the Switch's hybridized functionality, but it certainly made a huge impact.
I don't particularly care about PC and know little about it, it's just what I use for emulators.
And yes, mobile has replaced dedicated handhelds for the most part. It is absolutely worth it to pay $100 for a device with a fucking D-Pad and library of real games instead of horrible mobile ports of real games like Life Force mobile or watered down, trite shit like Fantasy Life 2. It absolutely supplanted a massive part of the handheld market, not the whole thing but a huge part. It was not a rebrand. The mobile market is centred around the f2p model because people have become so reluctant on paying more than .99c for a game.
However, in regards to console games, it hasn't done much more than popularize mtx on a larger scale than any MMO has.

>own a lot of guns, or hire security who do.
This is the genuine, actual reason why they want to take guns away: it takes away the ability of the proletariat to fight against them.

When the guns are taken away, their security guards will still have them. You can believe that. Hell, in a sense the police are one big security force for the rich.

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>Shit like this is only possible via laws like copyright protection, other you can just get your games from other entities
>Most companies with this kind of power only because of anti-competition laws and a centeralized bank

Good thing corporations are people too :^)

>fast forward 20 years
>stadia has the death stranding saga's exclusive rights
>kojima acts like a bitch
>google pulls a konami and delets the saga
>a la netflix removed movie

this is all your fault, you couldn't enjoy it with moderation
you went all out with your "vidya" like a crazed homo
now it's gonna be a defunct medium owned by solely by corporations

>it is true. can't see any argument against it.
I can. My family used to have a decent amount of money, it all got stolen. I'm not shitting you either, my family lost a 6 figure amount over night and the bank couldn't do anything about it. The fact is, hard work means little. It's being able to take things and get away with it that matters. This happened roughly when I was 9. Ever since then I've hated that argument, my family did the hard work, it didn't matter.

On the flip-side, non-ownership is freedom. Freedom from attachment. Attachment is the root of suffering.

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I figured. You seem to type like a google employee.

you mean goldbergs

ok slave, you're right, none of this matter hook me up to the biopods

Never. Cause we are proles with unlimated bread and circuses.

The history of humanity is the story of a few families, with the masses being the victims

Most of our military spending is to be used against us if needed

>The history of humanity is the story of a few families

Have you guys seen this video


We need to mutilate your child's genitals, goyim.

You see, we have to make his foreskin into a stem cell skin treatment and sell it to a celebrity for $30,000.

We'll be charging you $800 for the procedure

Attached: circumcision.jpg (1031x1880, 546K)

I found an abcnews article staying this but it also stated that these people are also the types that believe in alternative medicine naturopath pseudo science bullshit.

This is why the left has been infiltrating the upper ranks of the military. Because their 'no guns' agenda means they can't win a Civil War unless they have the guys with the real guns on their side.

google.com/search?q=penis facial


probably also believe in communism

Ebay sells her used panties to old men!

>you cant blame the jews for a natural catastrophe if coming from outside of the world right?

I can and will

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Yeah, Goldman Sachs analysts. They noted how Gilead Sciences’ treatments for hepatitis C, which achieved cure rates of more than 90% started bleeding money since it was no longer needed.

>GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patients
>In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise

Basically healthy goyim = not as profitable goyim. Take that vaccine (that needs aborted baby tissue in order to be produced - I am not shitting you look it up) and get sick so my corporation doesn't fall into debt.

>streaming only
>no games announced
>linked to shitty social media sharing in every aspect
>Google, one of the shittiest companies in the world
>half the trailer was just fluff with no substance
remind me why people are reacting so positively to this again

Also, it doesn't state that the majority of educated people are antivaxxers but rather that the majority of antivaxxers tend to be college educated.

Because capitalism.

You'd need the military on side, or at least a significant part of it, to win a modern Civil War situation regardless of your 'side' or gun ownership.

Don't get me wrong, gun ownership helps, and I'm pro-gun, but you're not going to win anything long-term with *just* civilian firearms.

>using foreskins (which are causing brain damage for babies) for beauty creams
>using aborted fetuses for vaccines
Now I don't want to sound like a boomer or anything, but this seems borderline Satanic to me lads.

Nope. Humans are greedy. Successful companies are often run by the greediest humans. They definitely want an all-online future. It even goes beyond games. If you haven't figured it out and can't see the direction things are going in, you're gonna get fucked... HARD. And by then, the infrastructure will have changed so much, you won't be able to undo it.

It's inevitable. But gamers/people should be looking to prolong it for as long as possible.

>3DS did well, but not on the level of the DS.
This doesn't matter. What matters is possitive profits. Nintendo wouldn't drop out of a market because making tonnes and tonnes of money isn't enough for them. They did it because they don't want to compete with themselves.
>the mobile market has taken away demand, especially for parents buying a game device for their kids.
Unless the child wants to play real games.
> Some of the most popular game brands in the world, like Pokemon, have deliberately watered themselves down to try and net some of the smartphone crowd
Really? I was under the impression GF was making their brand new games Sword and Shield for the nintendo switch, which is the same game they always make but taking advantage of the better hardware? or are you trying to conflate Pokemon Go! a seperate game for a seperate argument with mainline pokemon? kinda silly. It almost exemplifies my point exacty, Pokemon Go isn't replacing normal pokemon. It is just a seperate product for a separate market.
> It didn't outright annihilate the handheld market obviously, as the last little spurt of it exists in the Switch's hybridized functionality, but it certainly made a huge impact.
If anything a possitive impact, since Nintendo no longer needs to make the cheapest hardware possible to capitlize on the tetris/pinball/pokemon GO! type of consumer.
>It was not a rebrand.
It is though, casual games are just now on android or Ios instead of nintendo. And more hardcore games are on a hybrid system, not a handheld.

Legitmately makes me suicidally angry
I don't wanna live or die

this but unironically
based and redpilled

They also inject placenta into themselves. Google "mesenchymal stem cell treatments"

just because jews are corrupting (surprise surprise) a scientific study that has been founded by Christians several hundred years ago, doesn't mean it's automatically evil and should be purged because you're being tricked like the good goyim that you are.

Read a Bible

>antivaxxer actually in thread

you dont have to believe in satan to call something satanic, you just have to believe that the person you're calling satanic belives in satan

But your organ is in a most quiet state! Aren't you happy???

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admit it, you're a neet because you lack the capacity to amount to anything, no I am not talking about some factory wage slave job, which is all you can conceive as the alternative due you being limited



NSA says hi.

Learn humility, douchebag

gas yourself nigger

Ah yes I know about that. Saw a webm of it too. Pretty weird. Kardashians also have "blood facials" where they use their blood to regenerate face tissue or something. Kinda fucked desu.
There's also that one study that talks about drinking adrenalized young blood extending your life.

Google founded by
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
Both jewish

Remember everyone who warned us that the future of console online would be paid-only and that dlc/season passes would become the norm? Guess they were being paranoid too.

The domain doesn't have to be cock.li, I use airmail.cc for my primary account and waifu.club for my burner