Post cute vidya characters to scare off Googleposters

Post cute vidya characters to scare off Googleposters

Attached: 1447931610331.png (416x455, 127K)

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t-thanks user

Attached: Patty_Fleur.jpg (272x598, 51K)

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Attached: Lanky Dragon.png (687x638, 148K)

ok fag

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Attached: b90523cacd985dbb4d264ebcd7de854e.jpg (547x774, 317K)

I’m going to marry Freya!

Attached: F7564F04-F1A0-4DEF-9562-1CFE10D6B002.jpg (905x1280, 203K)

Attached: pic.png (1200x900, 628K)

how would these niggas get along?

Attached: file.png (768x249, 99K)

I need more plain clothes GV in my life. I've barely found shit.

Attached: 59245642_p0.jpg (1200x894, 812K)

Attached: 1542529841331.jpg (709x1024, 70K)

Attached: 3e3a52b3-acbf-4633-a502-0804232ebad2.gif (370x300, 162K)

Rise up and fight da Google!

Attached: AC246A0F-0520-4FD9-8D19-B1B42A530B0B.jpg (920x1400, 429K)

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Attached: __fio_germi_metal_slug_and_snk_drawn_by_shuf__a1b2e05730e196fee165ca085cc4d260.png (700x993, 882K)

Attached: Jack.jpg (584x712, 50K)

Attached: heropon dance.webm (250x240, 1.84M)

I just woke up, what did Google do now?

Attached: tumblr_nezjnhlhQy1r3ppj6o1_r1_500.png (500x536, 213K)

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka a.png (313x507, 129K)

Attached: 3837853e33d3c80a873598724f328f7e.png (841x707, 310K)

Attached: 1546140987741.jpg (1280x720, 283K)

Attached: Get up.png (1000x750, 233K)

Turns out their "console" is just a shitty streaming service with YouTube™ functionalities. But it has Skyrim and Assassin's Creed!

This is too gay.

Don't forget DOOM!

Attached: Metroid and Chus.png (800x650, 127K)

>no balls touching
Your gayometer needs recalibration.

have this instead

Attached: 1536369830836.png (624x594, 225K)


user, that doesn't change anythung

Attached: Tricks.jpg (540x1012, 277K)

Attached: Kitty Litter.png (353x233, 55K)

Girls are cute

Attached: 1537677120895.jpg (600x406, 46K)

>"Games as a service"
>always online
>controller literally spies on you
>OnLive 2.0: the Slackening
>"Ubisoft has always been at the forefront of"
>buttery smooth 18 frames per second
>visible seconds of input lag during demonstration
>glitching and flashing polys on prerendered splash screen
>requires Google Chrome
>"The data center is your platform"
>not a single white person in any promotional material
>streaming and ecelebrities made a priority
>promises of streaming 8k at 120fps
>"no cheating, no hacking"
>modding referred to as a negative
>someone in a wizard costume on stage
>fucking MatPat appears to present
>then Jade from Jade's Game
>"Humanity could have gone to Pluto 10 times and back" but watched Youtube instead
>skip button if game is too hard
>stream advertising streamed game service repeats/skips
>launches only in 4 European countries
>price conveniently not mentioned

Attached: 3386aae6eefcaefdbf91702c321f70de99581405.jpg (450x399, 182K)

You don't know that.

Attached: Squished veemo.jpg (1024x538, 50K)

Attached: Loli Witches.jpg (488x359, 120K)

Cool, i'll keep ignoring it

Attached: 5d9250f8d374520e645f62b6799e31ec.jpg (736x747, 104K)

Attached: 2919281_p0.jpg (384x512, 173K)

Attached: onion.png (506x300, 20K)


Attached: 1523965913252.jpg (480x640, 113K)

Attached: Smol Witches.jpg (460x380, 44K)

Guys I really love shota, it's the only thing that gives my life meaning. If I wasn't suffering at work right now, I'd post some cute shotas.

Attached: original.gif (540x569, 237K)

We understand

Attached: 1552939061687.jpg (500x530, 91K)

Attached: Team Shota.gif (600x350, 1.83M)

>not posting shotas at work
With that mentality you'll never get promoted.

Attached: 1541751742960.png (1000x485, 324K)

Attached: Smoking Cock.png (600x800, 133K)

"I don't get it."

Attached: dracula.png (1280x720, 296K)

I don't store any images on my phone

Attached: SF Girls.jpg (1024x765, 103K)

Was that a request for vampires user?

Attached: 20201299_p0.jpg (513x516, 105K)

Attached: Thinking Chef.jpg (577x577, 81K)

Me neither. This is from my work's PC.
I'm literally getting paid for posting shotas.

Attached: 1528108220006.jpg (1024x1024, 327K)

Attached: 1552622554528.jpg (1616x1169, 497K)

One more week

Attached: Sorel.jpg (800x1000, 390K)

You sound pretty based

>I'm literally getting paid for posting shotas.

They are most certainly welcome

Attached: 1511567631714.jpg (1735x1086, 290K)

Attached: Dirty Robutt Asshole.jpg (1024x882, 121K)

user, don't spook me, I'm listening to Fukkireta right now.

Attached: 1500656706945.jpg (913x900, 259K)

Attached: D0kqSgTV4AIh1Fj.jpg (1000x708, 88K)

So I see you are anons of culture as well

WHERE is he from, I like him already

user pls I love them too, but don’t do that

Moar little Cereza and Jeanne pls

It’s okay we understand c:

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Attached: 1552109349403.jpg (1654x1654, 830K)

>WHERE is he from, I like him already
He's the main character of Mary Skelter Nightmares.

Attached: 51573887_p0.jpg (900x900, 445K)

Amy a cute

Attached: Amy washing Raphael.jpg (704x800, 514K)

I only have little Cerezas left

Attached: Loli Bayonnaise.jpg (500x809, 310K)

I thought it might not be Teto, who is this Amy user?

Attached: 72668375_p0.png (1260x989, 1.18M)

A character from Soul Calibur. She's coming to 6 soon as DLC.

Attached: Orphan loli.png (1750x1740, 3.08M)

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Attached: Crybaby.jpg (650x650, 291K)

Attached: 1524074215368.png (800x800, 245K)

Attached: Artorias and Sif.gif (540x304, 2.21M)

Google isn’t video games, they’re a soulless Corp trying to ruin them for money. They’re gonna attempt to soak it all up then burn the ship so nobody else can have it.


Attached: 1549911868021.jpg (1024x698, 71K)

Beat me to it

Attached: Lolinetta.jpg (421x421, 52K)


Attached: DqDYPHXVsAACR5f.jpg (896x965, 93K)

Attached: Happy Family.jpg (700x714, 69K)

Stadia really seems like it's being produced by people that literally don't "get it". How they think their streaming service is groundbreaking or going to change video games as we see them is absolutely bizarre.

Attached: 1539368476528.png (700x550, 224K)

>adorable looking male mc
>seems like every other major character/party member is a girl
It’s not that I dislike girls by any measure, it’s just that it seems like another instance where the boy gets shafted by the fanbase, or even the game itself

I love seeing little Cereza’s as well c:

A good lad right there

Attached: B2BF3299-3155-4133-B405-0825BFD3BCEE.jpg (608x1024, 90K)

This is the last one I have

Attached: Where is it.jpg (600x425, 92K)

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Attached: 1534635296203.png (600x800, 185K)

Attached: Moustache.jpg (745x1024, 222K)

>tfw Dr. Pepper is your favorite soda

Attached: Me on the top.jpg (769x951, 141K)

Attached: Ohayou Eli-.png (400x334, 57K)

>consolefags finally realize how PCchads feel about them
>they think they are allowed to be smug now

Attached: Off the Hook.png (625x626, 58K)

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Attached: Persona Autists.jpg (556x500, 52K)

Not into fightan, but she has a pretty cool design.
I'm sorry user.
Yeah, it's him and a bunch of girls for the party, the other NPCs though are pretty much an even split I'd say. And I doubt the game has much of a fanbase, it doesn't have much art on pixiv sadly.

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Attached: Doll.jpg (777x1024, 102K)

Attached: Wedgie.jpg (1024x768, 75K)

Attached: Me in the air.png (1064x1500, 472K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: d74e6b6f17b1883e172aa5e2171d971e.jpg (530x750, 132K)

Um who put moustaches on this image?

Attached: 1488129705590.jpg (500x707, 126K)

That one user who puts moustaches on everything. It was in a vidya burger eating thread.

Attached: Squid Barg.jpg (745x1024, 128K)

Attached: Fluffy.jpg (900x1200, 126K)

Well now I'm hungry...

Attached: WFT Hambagga.jpg (600x603, 46K)

Attached: 1519844202182.jpg (1249x1300, 211K)

Attached: Midna eating cake.jpg (764x1000, 110K)

Sounds pretty risky shotabro, but hey at least we get more cute pics so post more.

Attached: 1552508346575.jpg (668x930, 140K)

I meant hungry for inkling children

Not for eating, user

Attached: I want to eat off her forehead.png (882x857, 111K)

>mrw i’m a vampire

That is an interesting image.

Attached: 1552306279196.jpg (844x856, 127K)

I'm sorry, I completely forgot to reply. I don't have too many cuteish Alucards, but this is probably the best, art I have is mostly good looking rather than cute as you may imagine.

Attached: 1494464044871.jpg (557x696, 627K)

I think it's cute

Attached: Disney.jpg (500x400, 30K)

Attached: 21BD735E-58DC-4C2E-A91F-F096527D0975.png (337x330, 25K)

i love natsuki!

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Attached: Fortune and Bella.jpg (597x600, 144K)

Attached: 1541985506718.jpg (665x695, 38K)

Attached: Juri-chan.jpg (896x694, 52K)

>cuteish Alucards
Since when is Alucard ever supposed to look anything but brooding and sexy?

Attached: Mei Sled.png (1461x945, 481K)

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Attached: Cat.jpg (299x380, 30K)

Attached: 1552087358536.jpg (736x736, 47K)

Cute hat.

Yeah I think that's mostly why, the other one was chibi-ish but otherwise it doesn't really work.

Attached: Smash Shotas.jpg (640x864, 86K)

Attached: 1552782060534.jpg (744x1062, 52K)

It's ok, I have my own space and nobody cares about what I do.
Funnily enough, Yea Forums is the only board blocked in my job's network.

Attached: 1550998189401.png (600x600, 285K)

What do you guys think of the new Pokémon boy?

Why is he so perfect?

Attached: 3417.png (555x534, 42K)

Attached: Juri players.jpg (800x593, 79K)

Is Villager actually a shota or just a midget? I never played AC

Attached: 1548888076928.png (1440x1440, 653K)

I got banned for lusting over him this morning

t. Tetra

Attached: 0002.png (443x292, 131K)

>tfw there will never be another console 3D zelda featuring toon link

In my opinion, shota/loli is more a body type and personality. You can have 1000 year old lolis after all. Villager is a cute playful childish boy so I think he's very shota

I actually like the look of the LA remake

Attached: Toon Link gameboy.png (326x254, 10K)

Attached: Paya.png (502x717, 297K)


I like to think there will be. It's Toon Link's for a game next.

What do you work as user? Always nice to meet another shotabro. I pretty much browse Yea Forums for these threads.

Attached: 1552564786371.jpg (465x666, 89K)

Attached: Old loli.png (641x976, 290K)

God bless the Ashley thread that was around earlier today.

Attached: 1522440028718.jpg (1028x818, 148K)

If there is, it'd be some sort of spinoff title. Every mainline Zelda forever will probably look like SS/BotW

Toon Link's turn*

>much more expressive than other Links
>not descendant of royalty, not the "Chosen One", but accomplished shit anyway
>cat genes
>big eyes

Attached: 1550999660431.jpg (400x358, 73K)

I wanna playfully nibble a shota

You know what they say about kids with big eyes, right?

Attached: Is it really that big.jpg (1280x1267, 276K)

They have a big heart?

Attached: 1552180196419.jpg (450x450, 46K)

>when she sees you didn't fall for the google gaming meme

Attached: wife484.jpg (372x840, 38K)


Attached: smile.png (1024x1024, 961K)

They certainly need a big heart

Attached: Zelda sees Link's penis.jpg (1000x1500, 206K)

I'm just gonna say it has to do with education and the government, and that it isn't in the US or Europe.

Attached: 4ac5febb3926ad78ef7c26a349f85a46.png (420x420, 93K)

It's weird looking like every blond haired protagonist in Japanese games/anime. People have always been nice to me, but women see me as being cute like a child more than a man and I'm 23 now. I just don't know what to do with myself. Short hair doesn't look right on me.

Attached: Midna and Tink.png (687x585, 304K)

Attached: 5244222C-94D4-4D91-A40C-B105C2A92F3E.jpg (500x353, 22K)

>Here's that Twilight Princess sequel that you wanted

Attached: midna2.png (676x869, 278K)

Attached: 1552727144264.jpg (370x370, 42K)

>you will never, EVER read to a group of Waddle Dees
It’s not fucking fair bros, why am I even here still

I love it, and all the other ones other anons posted, thank you!

I love this one

He’s absolutely perfect. Sword-kun a cute British boy

>Villager Boy x Inkling Boy
Well this is new, and I sorta like it. I always wondered that about the Villagers myself. I look at them as kids/teenagers that just look more like kids personally

Attached: 3AD7C445-03CF-406B-8D59-5A6FF9E72604.jpg (953x1024, 199K)

Fuck no

Attached: Veemo01.jpg (556x1024, 85K)

Attached: Mei hates bullies.jpg (1024x634, 90K)

Hyde is cute! CUTE!
Seth’s nice too.

Attached: C3F1C1F1-5B69-4694-A5D0-2B27997AE522.jpg (500x500, 70K)


Attached: Mika Drum.gif (100x100, 24K)

Remember to cuddle your shota every day

Attached: tumblr_pahhahuDGy1se0jzho1_500.gif (500x281, 438K)

I don't have a shota unfortunately.

Attached: Squidposting.gif (568x403, 64K)

sure thing!
i'll cuddle with him.... :)

Attached: say the.png (1077x632, 109K)

Bit of a conflict of interest there kek. I'm gonna guess youre in an Asian country maybe?

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Attached: RAWKET LAWNCHAIR!.gif (400x400, 129K)

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Attached: Glory Toobs.jpg (401x401, 45K)

Attached: Bon Bon.jpg (834x1200, 197K)

Attached: 1552167341391.png (1181x1119, 1.31M)


Attached: somewhere_by_the_sea_by_keysamoguri-d5bencg.png (899x654, 1M)


Shotas are for cuddles and loving. As are lolis. c:

Attached: DD07D9B7-78A5-4128-BC77-D6916D25E8F5.jpg (947x699, 451K)

Attached: 2B Painting.jpg (1024x768, 188K)

Attached: Imp likes to cuddle.jpg (660x660, 254K)

does cp mean in japanese what it means in english

Attached: 76e432b09229e4f5f558e55c9202b3af3860be0cf5526580b256b02a9ab12de6.png (802x540, 136K)

my wife Rin

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Attached: 34F02577-50D5-4D6A-A5DB-1249E30EC347.gif (1280x720, 2.93M)

wow, thanks user!

Attached: 688975796673.jpg (250x250, 16K)

Attached: tumblr_njiuvjGi9o1rhi61mo1_500.jpg (500x744, 26K)

Attached: Jokah and his Smash Harem.jpg (1024x662, 140K)

I love you too user.

Attached: 1541321988189.jpg (840x1440, 247K)

Attached: Splat Imp.jpg (1149x1854, 1.16M)