The S stands for hope

The S stands for hope.

Attached: gdc-2019-google-9067.jpg (500x334, 23K)

The S stands for Sneed

well, on earth it stands for Shit

the s stands for my peanus weenus


Hope it fails.


This logo is look so retarded

Just like Dreamcast logo

The S stands for Shekels .

For Subversion.

Upside down it looks like a turd


Formerly Chuck's

formerly (and currently still) based

the S stands for "Shut the fuck up give us money for nothing in return you stupid fucking retard"

Attached: 1552714335391.jpg (735x884, 48K)

>a zoomer with a unfunny forced meme

S stands for Satan

Attached: Family.png (660x609, 69K)

S for Sasuke

Formerly Google's

s stands for shit

what did google mean by this

Attached: stadia.jpg (1000x204, 18K)