
Is the era of hardware consoles over? We've come to the point now where everyone should have high speed internet, so streaming seems like it might work.

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Only if video compression and latency are non issues

Just woke up can you tl;dr the google console?

why would I want people to watch me play

>not a console
>streams the games to your screen
>monthly subscription model

>left analog stick on the bottom
Jesus christ you would think they had clever people at Google but how do you fuck up the most basic thing

>We've come to the point now where everyone should have high speed internet
Everyone should, but the reality is that so many people don't.

I bet Nintendo hates this.

Wonder how they’ll adapt.

You buy games but dont own them. The data center is your console. No mods. I cum in jades pusy. Latency.

They've already dabbled in streaming games to the Switch in Japan. You can get Resident Evil 7 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

>I bet Nintendo hates this.

not if this thing is $40 a month + games.

not real capitalism faggots eat shit

Good thing I have a backlog to last me decades. Industry is going to shit with all these retarded gimmicks

asymmetrical gamepads are trash

Because it’s another competitor riding off the hype of being able to game where you please. Different types of portability but the same idea.

Nintendo will be eternal since they've proven they can make profit and survive off of its fanbase buying their consoles and games exclusively, despite being objectively underpowered hardware and software. It's Sony and Microsoft that will have to radically change gears next gen to compete with this shit.

Not until there's a huge input lag

Why? Because you love fucking up your left hand?

There’s no way it will take off in Canada. Our internet is slow and has shitty data caps

Tell that to onlive

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I didn't watch the stream, what games are coming? Is it just Android stuff?

>You buy games but dont own them.
Implying Steam is any different

Considering Canada has the most expensive internet packages on the planet with crushing limits, and the US has IP deadlock in most of the country where your only options all suck, this console is doomed for anyone that doesnt live in a 7 figure neighbourhood

I've been using dualshock for years and never had any problems
xbox 360 controller was uncomfortable as fuck

Is actually more powerful then the xbox one.
10 teraflops

How small are your hands? Im being serious. Usually people complain that its the other way around, but they have bigger hands so thats why.

I'm getting 600mb/s internet speed for about $90 in Canada. I don't think thats so bad?

they already have some shitty game streaming they used to run RE7 on switch
why would they hate it

>throttles your gaming experience

Attached: 60274999?size=1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

As long as people take pride in having certain game boxes sitting on their shelf, I’m not sure people will buy into this. Brand power is too strong.

600 MB or mb? Like when you download a file are you saying it downloads at 600mb/s? 1.2gb file in 2 seconds? Where in Canada and what provider? Here in the GTA in Ontario that plan is impossible.

And people wonder why marriage is completely dying off. Who would marry pic related aside from cucks that already sold their soul to onions corporations

Also do you have a limit?


Men are this but on crack so its silly to blame the odd internet hoe. marriage is dying because religion is fucking stupid, people are still getting together just as much as before, nobodies just having kids anymore because its too expensive.

dpad placement is just way better on symmetrical controllers
especially if it's used a lot like in fighting games

Fighting games was the only reason to go PS3 controller over 360, but the Xbox One objectively has the best controller now besides a fighting pad.

Thats megabit, which almost all interent speeds are listed as, so its 75megabytes a second I'm getting. I live in Edmonton, and its Shaw.
I don't think so, I download a fuckton, easily terabytes a month, haven't been charged extra.

I can download and play my games on local hardware with no internet required to play. Google wont let you do that. Get fucked retard.

>religion is fucking stupid
Shut the fuck up schlomo. Almost all atheist communities are lead by kikes.

Pirates caused this.

Hardware power was always a meme. You buy a console for the games it has or will have, not because muh processing power. Hell, I’d buy a gameboy tomorrow if Nintendo announced they’d were developing new titles for it.

>buy game on steam
>move game to folder
>technically never need steam again

If religion helps you and community helps you great, but most people arent having to fight for survival so much anymore so we're able to handle more and reason more without having to default to some fictional being in the sky.

Atheist communities? Sounds retarded. Im an atheist precisely because I dont need a community to help justify my beliefs, thats really dumb if there are kikes trying to still schwig atheists out of money.

>Game ask to open Steam to launch
>Download a Crack
>Fap to your heart content

I have large hands and Xbox controllers are shit.

I don't know about Nintendo, but Microsoft is finished. Xcloud would be revealed tomorrow.

>Is the era of hardware consoles over

Yup the writing has been on the for years.

Did you guys notice the totally not obvious Google shilling on Yea Forums since a few dozen minutes?

And why would anyone care about this?

The only one safe is actually Nintendo. Surely you don't expect to play your Strada shit on your 10GB 300ms phone plan in the subway, a plane, or anywhere else with shit phone coverage, are you?

>I bet Nintendo hates this.

It won't really affect them. People buy Nintendo to play Nintendo games. They're not on Google.

>Microsoft is finished.

Nope. Microsoft have bee quitely positioning themselves for years now. They're a part of our everyday lives. They're already in your house. The future gaming war will be between Microsoft and Google. Nintendo will truck along doing their own thing.

Sony are the ones in trouble. Watch them desperately try and buy up 3rd Party devs over the next few years.

No, that doesn't count! Google is based!

I don't want the Stadia service, but I might be interested in whether the controller is useful for other things. It would be a bit ironic if the service flopped while the controller succeed.

So xbox one?

real talk:

the only way to make the same types of generational leaps we've been accustomed to over the last 30 years (i.e. pong to what we have now) means that platforms like stadia and xcloud are inevitable.

consumer hardware has hit a very real dead end and the age of die shrinks is almost over.
moar coars is not a sustainable consumer model.

the only way devs can do the things they want going forwards is by distributing compute across server farms.

you paid for this future with your money.

>shit PS analog layout
>D-pad looks like shit
>meme front buttons


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