Does it pain you Little Sun? Crave you salve to soothe the ache?

>Does it pain you Little Sun? Crave you salve to soothe the ache?

Attached: tEowBK1.jpg (958x707, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wow what disgusting graphics

WoW is 14 years old and still looks better somehow, that's sad

tranny general is that way m8

god i wish she would bully my dick

>tfw nobody will ever care that you where one of the first players on your server to beat the latest raid, no matter how many suicidal bouts of depression you went through or dead pets to achieve it

what do you think she was doing when you were controlling Y'shtola

>ywn get fucked to death by Sadu

Attached: 1546398963847.jpg (436x413, 38K)

Best lizard.

Considering how that fight was going, her and the warrior of light are totally gonna fuck. She was getting off to that.

Attached: sadu_dotharl_by_ashtender_dctn9a4-pre.jpg (809x988, 77K)

Terrible accent. Why are people of the far east British?

All the voice actors in then English version seem to have that issue. I know a lot of folks that play using JP language for that reason. You can switch it.

Does Thundergod still sound cool in JP?

Attached: 1537340057244.jpg (1920x2711, 460K)

it's because they use a british casting agency, probably (Pipin is Shulk's voice actor). it normally works anyway because Eorzea is "meant to be" Europe but it is a little off in the east.
Though I don't mind it myself, I understand why people have some issues with it.

nice pasta
yummy yummy

he sounds better in JP.

Any proof of this?

>playing in obnoxious anime ching chong language
No thanks fag

Eorzea is fine. Though the voice actor change between 2.x and 3.x was jarring at first, the majority of replacements besides Merwybl suit the characters rather well, much better than 2.x American voice actors trying to sound British. But Othard and Hingashi is the far east, a supposed foreign land. Couldnt they have hired like, broken-english speaking voice actors like the one that did Yugiri for a bit before she was murdered in real life? I think that was her. She's had 3 voice actors already.

they should have given them fake asian accents. only ala mhiggans have unique accents for some reason

To be fair, there appears to be no language barrier in terms of speaking anyway? I mean Lyse can talk to easterners just fine, and she has no Echo.
Even the Mamool Ja (and the young Whalaqee kid that shows up) speak regularly to us, and they're from the only "unkown" part of the world that we know has people.
There just seems to be some worldwide language for some reason, so I assume accents just kind of... exist.
Hien's VA tries to do this.

>Yuuuugiri, Goooosetsu
At least he tried I guess

I did of course forget that the Whalaqee meet, you know, Eorzeans, and I think it's a plot point in the Blue Mage quests that the Roegadyn gives them a contract they can't read.

"Watch this, Lis. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half."

Attached: 20180919003756_1.jpg (1920x1080, 358K)

You can't do that because people get offended at "engrish" even though 90% of asian people sound like that when they speak english.

Yugiri and Hien do their best to sound "asian" so does gosetsu.

I want to become Sadu snack.

Magnai a cute
pls no buli

Do you think FFXIV will be ported to the new console?

Attached: 1553018864712.png (1052x1018, 178K)

It has .7s delay already so why not

You mean streaming service?

This is your tank (and healer) for tonight, say something nice.

Attached: green ranger and his pocket AST.jpg (626x754, 144K)

Sadu x Magnai is endgame. You cannot convince me otherwise.

Attached: tumblr_os4j1orSnX1sbzeybo1_1280.jpg (1200x923, 177K)

You kind of look like the green power ranger.

Attached: images.jpg (187x269, 11K)

Attached: 1524039948858.jpg (933x900, 450K)

Their sex must be wild. Mating press and amazon positions.

>Their sex must be wild
>vanilla stuff

Attached: galaxythink.png (128x128, 25K)

Well, maybe she gets really wild and stick a finger in his butt, too.

they're both virgins and WoL will be their mentor

Attached: 1552875724368.webm (1294x1080, 2.12M)

whoa what mod for this outfit

3 days until fanfest. Part 2 next week.

Attached: 1551159171450.png (526x525, 299K)


Thanks, I wanted to vomit.

You're right, nobody cares about your shitty pointless achievement that benefits no one in any way except to hit home home pathetic you are

>like the one that did Yugiri for a bit before she was murdered in real life

i hope estinien joins our party for shadowniggers!

Attached: estinien1.jpg (1334x2073, 962K)

>That fucking crack in his voice as he said that in the English dub
So good

The Shad party

Attached: 1524507287701.png (1920x1080, 3.35M)

god i wish emily epperson would touch my pp

keep your gay ERP in

that's fucked up


Fuck off back to

who is this semen demon, i saw a doujin of her being fucked once but it did not give a name

Sadu Dothari from Final Fantasy XIV

Is Sadu interested in Magnai?

does this image exist without 90's magazine printing artifacts?

Sadu is only interested in fighting strong people

magnai was consistently btfo'ing sadu in the azimbowl before we showed up

Sadu X Warrior of Light

they are clearly the cutest couple

Attached: t3_6jgkey.png (1240x875, 1.01M)

the Oronir tribe has more people than the Dotharl and they also have other allied tribes.
Not like Magnai is a pushover or anything but that's why they keep winning.

>That big ass glowy ark in the peaks went completely unused

What the fuck? Why is it there?

they talk about it in a sidequest, it's part of the war of the magi lore

they would have had more people if they didn't slaughter Mide's clan

Attached: mide.png (250x250, 154K)

it does look like it could have been a dungeon. There's always ShB I guess

Thunderchad's JP voice is pretty fantastic

Sadu a qtt

Attached: 1548970279869.jpg (1280x1830, 203K)

Is it translated yet

3 days until SOMEONE gets btfo


>If there are no male rabbits I win
>If there are male rabbits I still win

Feels good not having a stake in this autism war between twink fags and lore fags.

God I can't wait until the shitposting starts just slide into the winning side and absolutely dumpster the losers.

Was hien Japanese American? Sounded off from everyone else but nailed his own role perfectly. Reminded me of some Asian families I grew up with in Los angeles.

Gremlin will be the Lyse of ShB but actually good.

Attached: 1540560991653.png (1329x973, 2.46M)

Sounds best in German.

I worry that if there are no males this stellar community will be screeching in poor Yoshi's ear for the rest of time.
You thought the make bunny suit faggots were bad? lord help us

What will happen if they release both bunny man, bara cats and amazoness cats?

I'm starting to like the gremlin. I hope he becomes a companion

Everyone wins I guess?

Can someone post the comic where all the females of the races have the same face and the artist is dissappointed?

that's probably the best case. If if weren't for the leaks no body would be expecting a new race. So us getting 2 full races will be great

I mean he should know this from experience I doubt he'll give a fuck, he'll either cave or just say "PREASE UNDAHSTAND"

Also keep in mind asking for new genders is a lot more than asking for new outfits. We probably won't see them until 6.2 at the earliest.

Attached: file.png (1024x1089, 622K)

Attached: l-lol.png (1280x1363, 765K)

So the next patch is the 26th? Or the week after?

my btfo folder becomes irrelevant

>tfw world first 3 raid tiers and everybody stops caring as soon as the next one is out

Just get another one if you're so great Miunih

Lolifags of course. Also shotafags depending on if bunnymen are shota are not.

Or unique subracefags.

Ucob brings back good memories. Unfortunately ultima wasn't as entertaining.

Attached: 1509743321520.png (363x169, 23K)

Faol would be rad just to have the clans mean something for once besides light/dark.

Getting to the Steppe and having all of the Au Ra warrior women by tiny little anime girls still makes me a bit upset

I still think unique subrace is confirmed, viera only has ONE render for ONE race, and if the lightskinned rabbits were the subrace they would have slapped it on the render.

It would also make sense with the genderlocks.

Just a few more days until we get to laugh at the delusional Blessposter

Attached: Reminder.png (991x166, 41K)

Lightskinned rabbits are the subrace, read the fucking NPC dialogue in RTI.

Also, Fran, who is brown as fuck, is from the lightskin clan.

Then why didn't we get a render of them? It doesn't add up.

Attached: 9062674774063479.png (1500x2000, 1015K)

What would be the point if it's a lazy recolor

Because every race has them. Even Au ra had them on release. Why would we not get them released at the same time unless they weren't seen.

Attached: 214691847ece88552b283dcf5d0f2b87.jpg (1000x720, 115K)

damn those are some gangly ass fingers

Whens the >shad benchmark?

Because they didn't want to bother, I'm absolutely certain they won't even have different 'clans' in the character creator. Same with Hrothgar. They know what they can get away with at this point and they'll cut as many corners as they can to avoid too much work. This isn't even pessimistic, we've seen it time and time again, BLU being the most recent example.

>mfw was part of one of the first statics to clear Twintania in 2.0 on Aether

who /madlad/ here?

Attached: 1547986025048.jpg (235x300, 24K)

>Momo's complete meltdown over the 5 seconds of transition being leaked.
UCoB was a good time

Stop being mad your shitter job got added in how it's been in every iteration of the series.

The superior SAM job took it's rightful spot.

I'm not tracking down all the specific dates, but I think the benchmarks went up for Heavensward and Stormblood a little before they had their job changes live letters, but well after their last fanfests.

So... maybe look forward to it in late April at the earliest?

Male Raen should have been shotas and female Xalea amazoness

Attached: 1552690481608.jpg (600x847, 353K)

This. I know we're getting gender locked races, which I fucking hate, but all the SE cocksuckers refuse to believe it. Fanfest confirming gender locked races means I get to shove it in the face of everyone who still had faith.

But on the incredibly off chance that the mountains of evidence against playable male Viera is wrong, I get to be happy that SE didn't colossally fuck up.

SB benchmark trailer was uploaded in late April, so I guess somewhere around that.

>Literally have multiple interviews by yoship telling you he can't add it into the game
>Multiple comments by him that it just doesn't fit into the game
>Somehow still upset and calls it lazy when he warned you if you forced him to put it in it would shit.

What is wrong with you niggers?

You and I both know Yoshi is holding this game back with his autistic decisions. It’s not just BLU.

He's not wrong. Look at the textures of her horns. Embarrassing.

Working on it

Attached: wip.jpg (400x370, 56K)

Absolute cringe character and cringe dialogue. Makes fucking Naruto looks Shakespearian in comparison.

You're not wrong.

Be gone Tranny.

>2 sentences
>a pasta

Here's the gameplan:
Introduce gender locked races. Fans throw a shitfit, but they've already pre-ordered the expansion

Then when announcing 6.0, they announce playable male Viera and female Hrothgar and the fans suck the developer's dicks for "listening to the feedback" ~2 years later.

the only autistic thing yoshida has done that wasn't requested by players was fucking mahjong.

I hope the person who wastes this much time on extracting, rigging and animating their ERP avatar at least parleys those skills into a job someday.

>they've already pre-ordered the expansion
SE still haven't charged for expansion, but if you claimed pre order items it might be a bit harder to cancel pre order.

Not really. S-E allows you to do preorder scams, see also the maid/butler outfit.

It’s literally an animation already in the game. They just have to change a number. Don’t be such a sperg.

No, but if he truly believed that Sadu was his moon and did his usual pining, Sadu wouldn't completely ignore his advances.

Bless you

I like that a lot of them are like Sadu, instead of being super meek, but I wish they weren't all fucking midgets.

Gods work.

You're a saint

>You're a saint
Ah yes, Saint Dickus, giver of foreign pornography.

Sorry I besmirched your masturbatory obsession.

She was a man in her past life, this is not how reincarnation works. I'd split her steppe in a second.

No problem, it happens. Just don’t let it happen again.

Brother of Saint Chris, the patron saint of football

Attached: file.png (1080x1579, 2.84M)


I never understood this. Why is translation so hard to come by especially for content that should have tons of weebs who can do it? Shouldn't it be as easy as finding one weeb fluent in Japanese that can do it in like 10 minutes?

god I love au ra hentai


Attached: 1552630533489.jpg (2000x2256, 389K)

In actuality very, very few weaboos actually know Japanese let alone enough to translate dialogue accurately. They're all a bunch of half assed posers.

What's really fucked up is you clicked on a kotaku article.

Money, and translating is hard, it's the reason why the le and la leaks are so hard to pindown as confirming or deconfirming anything.

Simply based on the fact that localizing a copy and paste wouldn't make sense.

#1, Scanlators are not typically fluent, they can muddle through translation slowly with a dictionary. #2, People who are fluent enough to live translate are mostly too healthy to be so obsessed with translating porno doujins. #3, Those who aren't, are the people most aware that this is a marketable skill and thus would not do it for free; and in fact will actively sabotage free translations to strengthen their own value, see Fakku.

Me too

Attached: fghsfghsefgsestydfbvnd.jpg (1221x632, 93K)

Are you the same guy who was """"""""""working on"""""""""" this?

Attached: terry gets prankt.png (1415x639, 1.79M)

>Still being mad about Fakku

Stop it nigga, if Fakku actually helps the authors.

But ~I~ want it for ~free~! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Does anyone in this game ever get Jonah'd? i.e. publicly humiliated by a women in a completely unrecoverable way?

No kidding. Not the authors have overseas avenues and can sell their stuff uncensored as well. I wonder what they get for a cut though.


>Fakku shills literally in every fucking thread

Fakku """""""""""""""""helps""""""""""""""""" authors like crunchyroll """""""""""""""""helps""""""""""""""""" studios.

Dr. P's art is always so great, I'm not sure why.

Attached: 1531218484749.jpg (1317x1080, 492K)

>Fakku """""""""""""""""helps""""""""""""""""" authors like crunchyroll """""""""""""""""helps""""""""""""""""" studios.
That's a nice source you got there shitlord.

>lvling MCH right now
>feel like I'm wasting my fucking time
fuck this, I'm going to go finish off drk.

Attached: 1552693670070.jpg (480x480, 22K)

>unlock Gauss barrel
>immediately start hating the job
I feel sorry for MCH mains after trying to level this class. I don't know how they do it

Attached: 1552573673870.png (308x197, 66K)

absolutely based

Attached: the wizard's birthday.png (1398x876, 922K)

>Do monk story
>Expect it to be all about serenity and meditating on mountains and shit
>Expect some connection to Doma since that's fantasy asia
>The monk is actually a super angry power hungry idiot out for revenge who isn't even from the East
>The arrogant scientist is actually the good guy, is smart, and is completely on point when he calls chi a mystical mumbo jumbo interpretations of aether
Are there any other stories in the game that subvert your expectations?

You're wasting your time.

Eric, the scientist, is kinda wrong in saying chi is mystical mumbo jumbo when it is actually some form of mystical mumbo jumbo.
MNKs are literally necromancers. Punching Necromancers

My ESL ass had started working on it then I got distracted.

Attached: file.png (631x209, 19K)

It was much worse when Gauss Barrel made all your shit have cast times

Attached: file.png (457x49, 4K)

That one time when Sultana wanted to give gibs to refugees.

>MNKs are literally necromancers. Punching Necromancers

just get a proc you fucking ape

Are there any monk weapons that are invisible so I can punch people with my hands rather than brass knuckles/claws?

Emperor's new fists

Yes, but you still have to unsheathe your fists and look dumb

Wait user, I believe this line is a mistranslation.
Sadu reacts to Magnai asking because he expects women to become pregnant simply because they're alone in a room with a man.
I think it should translate to something like "OF COURSE NOT, WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET!".

Considering they all had the same face in the trailer, it's likely they just haven't finished the face assets yet, and thus didn't make a second render yet because they didn't have another face available.

That doesn't make sense the au ra render also has same face on the males, the only difference is the hair.

Emperor's Fists are gay and look like you're lazily slapping people with tiny flyswatter hands. Get yourself Fists of the Fiend/Fists of the Sephirot which have enough bulk to actually look somewhat threatening while still keeping the essence of punching people's shit in with your (almost) bare fists. Makai Gloves are also okay.

>need to go through Alexander raids to get A9S so I can grind my anima weapon
>managed to get into A1-A8 in the DF in like 5-10 minutes each late at night on a Sunday
>it's been over an hour and normal A9 still hasn't popped
Fuck. I don't want to run unsynced Brayflox hard any more cause I think it's actually making me lose my mind

Attached: 1548963646846.png (342x478, 109K)

Thanks for the suggestions user

I hope their lv.1 armor is the gold saucer bunny suit

Thanks user.

I thought that exchange was strange... Been on and off of this thing also, haven't pushed much to get it done quickly.

Attached: wip2.jpg (800x400, 91K)

wait is this your opinion or is it a gremlinpost
is it both?

What did I miss? What did these trannies get caught saying?

Attached: 1540277405975.png (640x319, 50K)

>Discord shit

Attached: 1546785718311.jpg (600x491, 29K)

>maybe I regret chopping my dick off, bit of a hasty decision really

some elitist shit about ozma.

It's around 5 hours of brayflox if I remember correctly. I did it in one sitting.

shhh, let him believe that feol is the subrace despite not even being mentioned at all by the dramaturge

What's going to happen bros?

Attached: 1546650702763.jpg (1984x1488, 392K)

I'm not saying feol is the subrace but I think the subrace will be a bit more different than the color swaps. I mean just look at the trailer, if the rava and veena were that easy to differentiate they would have done that.

>assuming I'm mad or even invested at all in an issue because I cited it as a factual example
Stop the absolutism, yourself.

Who wrote this? In-universe I mean?



Again, you are projecting, and I find that only interesting enough to give you an occasional nudge toward not seeing the most tedious of things as an us vs. them conflict.

I don't think it says, but I'd assume it's either Edmont, Seigetsu, or Honoroit. They're the known characters we've met so far with published books in the future.

>Factual statement
>Fakku sabotaged free translations


G'raha or the Leveliuer twins

People probably took (in the discord words: stole) a portal, joined the chat they were invited to, started recording and wiping on purpose and putting the footage as "EPIC OZMA WIPE RAGE YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!" on youtube

But I still do, I just have to torrent Fakku releases

He really doesn't.

What is this from?

Chronicles of Light book

V I E R A C _ _ _ Y

Attached: 112233.jpg (960x336, 155K)




Are you unable to think for yourself user?

not happening

I check the FFXIV tag weekly, and I just did yesterday, and I've never seen this pic.
RIS gives nothing either.

The judges threw the book at the man who killed her and her kids. He'll rot away in jail until he's dead

>feeling remorse for an ape

Come on user. It was her own fault for even being involved with him, they probably shot up together all the time.

She got what was coming to her.

Yeah okay.

I just want to make pic related as a retainer but I won't sleep over not being able to

Attached: Model_buster_color.jpg (300x400, 22K)

hey i said i check every week
I didn't say I have a good memory or when i started checking

All of the Doman VAs except for Gosetsu are ethnically Japanese.

Eh to be fair that's fairly old by now. Had to do some digging.

why does this game have so much futa art

Because Au Ra where made to breed.

Attached: lkpbupiaoswjeiransdvnasdae.jpg (931x497, 72K)

>why does this anime game with a known massive tranny playerbase have a ton of futa art?
It's a mystery user

>massive tranny playerbase
There can't be that many trannies. I think most just like the porn.

WoW has a lot of futa art as well.

I envy your ignorance, really

Well Dranei are kind of a shoe-in for horse porn.

yeah and i do remember it (vaguely) but I feel way too lazy after a fuckheap of a BA run to look for anything beyond page 3, so thanks.
I'm not a tranny and I love the futa porn, I want to comm my own.

King's honor, friend.


This is what happens when you spoonfeed, newnigger.

female aura are lustful thirsty bitches.

best lizard

Attached: 66f47a0368ebb3131c33e7718fd52cdf.png (700x977, 1.03M)

Fug Alphinaud

with penises.


Attached: 93062307642680546805.jpg (417x250, 19K)

Attached: 1552271287599.png (997x728, 1.14M)

Fuck off, furfag

Bless you user.

Anyone have the gif of the deer getting "rescued" out of the pool and running back in

Don't be mad user, you'll be able to play it too.

fucking help why wont it display actual parsing information
its just this shit

Attached: huh.png (1451x821, 2.38M)

No that's gay

Attached: 1550535213233.gif (313x218, 2.43M)

Hit something

But the kids too? The fuck did they do? There's a time to shitpost with racism and this ain't it chief

thanks bro. BLM has the best memes i'm glad to be one

even hwen i hit something thats all it says

Sad but they're a victim of their environment.

Do you have parsing from network data on?

I'm not sure, how do I check?

It's been a while since I configured this stuff but I'm pretty sure this is it.

Attached: 1535475457607.png (470x202, 11K)

that wasn't the exact issue, but it did uncover the actual issue: my firewall
thanks user

>trannies are just a meme they don't actually exis-

Attached: 40%.png (465x581, 296K)

Easiest way to redpill people on the tranny presence in this game is to send them to the Balance or the BA discords

im surprised with how good xiv memes are

Attached: 1552662115185.png (750x750, 627K)

Brah, If you do ultimate in any serious capacity you run into SO MANY.
FFLogs trannies are 30% memes 70% reality.

>That guy is trying to be a girl
>Ah yes im making a fantasy character I wish to reflect myself as
>Make a girl but still tell people to use they/them instead of she/her
Its like they cant function without drawing unnecessary attention

I didn't think these people where real but I actually ran into one. Felt they had to tell you their supposed gender or whatever. Told them I didn't ask and don't care.

why are there two ffxiv threads on Yea Forums right now?

To contain all the trannies to this one since it started with a tranny lizard in the OP

Fanfest is coming up

The other one is gay.

there's 3 of them counting this one, we taking over this board

Because the 4.5 website updated today.

Fuck this fucking dragon girl. I can't get past the MSQ because of her and the battle it makes you do afterwards without a gap inbetween. Fuck everything.

Attached: 1528484039384.jpg (457x381, 55K)

Holy shit dude.

Good. Stay out of my dungeons if you're actually that fucking bad at the game.

Based and blessed

Attached: 1550908314781.png (213x343, 86K)

Attached: australium bait.png (1597x1600, 491K)

I barely hear trannies and most of the time it's actually girls in BA

JP or ENG?

Your FC is filled with casual shitters.

JP if you are going to play a weeb game might as well go all the way

Those arms are too short!!

What class? because if you're going as dps and you're not that geared, it's hard
I got my ass wrecked as sam, but swapped to whm and cleared it easily.

DRG. The problem is I've never played a healer before so the second fight just trips me up.

God it's so fucking great, I hope yoship makes more casual filter story quests.

You literally just attack with stone and heal hien a bit if he's at like half
holy fucking shit why would it be that hard

Attached: 1530210883644.png (587x306, 84K)

Dude there are literally four fucking buttons. Put Aero on, spam Stone, Cure yourself and Hien when either one is at 50%, and use the MP refresh when you need to. How are you this fucking incapable?

>plays DRG
>wonder why he's having trouble

You are genuinely brain damaged.

post more BLM and DRG memes right now

Stop responding to bait!

No, you're getting a pre-4.0 MNK meme and you'll enjoy it.

Attached: mnk.jpg (500x378, 54K)

Do you happen to have the chakra slave one?

yesterday I ate something pickled and I was like whoop

who is this cum plum

I do not and I wish I did.

Attached: LIkVYGB.jpg (600x603, 62K)

>not using sadpanda
What's wrong nigga?

Attached: nigga are you serious.jpg (424x459, 60K)

I play WAR and I have to admit, it's pretty nice to just turn off your brain and GRUG SMASH every once in a while

Attached: 1324243375584.png (679x427, 6K)

Attached: C_aeXpBUIAATDmY.jpg (504x417, 30K)


>be 2.0
> fucking amazing time, friends always online, world is magical and unexplored, content feels great.
>Kill me

Pls Yea Forums, i just want this game to be fun

>Not a single WAR macro featured AST equivalent of Esuna, absolving them of the "responsibility"
Ah, I miss Heavensward.

oh hey someone posting my OC from back in heavensward

Not a single AST was invited into parties until 3.2 or 3.3 (I forget which).

>Cant handle FOUR buttons
WoWfugee is REAL

Girls can be trannies too.

Im glad my OC is still wanted after all these years

Attached: Pick my stacks.png (680x907, 1.17M)

>pop brotherhood
>used forbidden chakra
>get all stacks back before the skill has even had a chance to completely cooldown
Best feeling

true endgame

Attached: rock.webm (794x436, 2.92M)

Attached: 1528956280332.png (837x688, 703K)

Attached: you're too old if you recognize this text.png (598x354, 194K)

>not world first

Keep moving, floor-kisser.

you lost me

Oh is that also in the English version? In the Japanese version he starts sounding like a schoolboy

I don't know who that is and I never really play those types of games, but man I am diamonds

She's the leader of some warrior tribe who has a rivalry with the dude and shits on him constantly. The warrior guy is the leader of the strongest tribe in the Steppe but he's also a fucking nerd who spills his spaghetti over finding his "goddess" every time a pretty woman is near him.

Her tribe also believes in reincarnation and she claims to have been a man in her past two lives.

Is Pharros Sirius Hard easy enough to solo?
I just want that dumb caster coat, but no one fucking runs the dungeon

Based and dragonzordpilled

jump puzzles are great

Attached: kugane tower.gif (294x335, 2.55M)

you could solo it as a 70 pld

Sadu put on fire a part of the Steppes just because Magnai pissed her off with the Nhaama bullshit. That's totally love dude.

When's the fucking story patch


Next Tuesday on the 26th

thanks, gonna jump off my balcony so I end up in a week-long coma

Please keep track of schedule, thank you.

March 23-24th - Japan Fan Fest and Live Letter with Director revealing next expansion info
March 26th - Part 2 Finale of Patch 4.5 Main Story
April - FFXV collab event, NA/EU datacenter infrastructure revamp
Early May - Patch 4.57 Cross World Visit Feature Implemented
Mid/Late May - 4 hours long Live Letter with Director detailing the combat system changes in 5.x and other misc news, Shadowbringers Character Creator/Benchmark released
June 28th - Shadowbringers Preorder Early Access released
July 2nd - Shadowbringers Expansion Street Date

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But you'll miss out on the fanfest shitposting.

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Isn't fanfest on the 22nd?

Friday for NA, but by the time you watch the event it will already be Saturday in JP.

yeah its literally a new players FC
I just haven't left it because i don't have a better one

Return to W[/spoiler]DARKNESS___________[/spoiler]

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ctrl s

>April - FFXV collab event, NA/EU datacenter infrastructure revamp

Does it mean that they will change location of the server again?

i miss having less than 200ms

>expansion all about dat dark
>WHM and PLD questlines: "light is fucking everything up and we're za baddies now"
>SE also nerfs whm and pld into the ground for flavor reasons
I can see it now...

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No, they're just making a new datacenter and shuffling servers around. They're still all going to be in the same place.

Bro WHMs were already responsible for one Calamity

t. BLM disinfo

I wanna smash

>he hasn't taken the greenpill
Fuck black mages
Fuck white mages

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if WHM only used more water based spells they wouldn't have cause a flood

stupid tonberry


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>choco meteor

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>still no tonberry pepe
I'm almost shocked this isn't a thing yet.

Here's your Alliance Raid BGM

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>it's a tank keeps trying to do big pulls even though the healer clearly can't handle it episode

poor bastard

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>it's a tank keeps trying to do big pulls even though the last one nearly killed him and he refuses to tank stance

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Whoa hold the phone, she's putting her hat back on?!

Her Hingan salaryman friends will make her feel all better.

Is she crying because she had to share a tiny sliver of the loot from the end of the four lords questline?

Are we going to leave her all alone bros? -.-;;

Sure thing!

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Shes out of her weeb outfit, weeb expansion is OVER

>playing an anime ching chong game but not using the original language
Mayhap you should see yourself killed

How much do we know about aether control? Could one create a device to channel wind aether into a wrist-mounted device like Mechinists use and create a wind-based shield?

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So glad I'm not a healer.

Yes. The sky is basically the limit when it comes to magic and magitek. Magical barriers are extremely common and the Gunbreaker is already shown using them.

Thanks, I actually did find it because I'm about to go on a modding spree but thank you anyway.

Does this game have more voice acting nowadays?
I played ARR and even the big important plot scenes having no VA was a real turn off for me, I just can't really get as I to the cutscenes if they are mute for some reason, I wish I didnt, it sucks.

My worst experiences as a Healer are when I draw Bardam's Mettle in roulettes. I honestly contemplate taking the penalty every time because it's gonna be a rough ride.

Yeah this is one reason Jap voice acting will always be better. A person cast as a character will almost always voice that character even into old age. Only reason they'd change the casting is if the VA died.
Imagine playing the story and hearing yugiri with 3 different voice actors, It's just pathetic. Play on JP audio as intended. They don't have that meme ye old english too so it's even better.

>Yes. The sky is basically the limit when it comes to magic and magitek. Magical barriers are extremely common and the Gunbreaker is already shown using them.
Sweet. I've been using this idea with my shield-less PLD. Glad to know I have something to protect me.

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You use Divine Beast Shield right?

If I recall correctly some redditors(I think it were redditors) wanted to hold an ingame ''funeral'' for the woman.

>I haven't looked at WoW's graphics in 10+ years

Reminder that Mamillian Beast like races are not desired by the playerbase. Reminder that the top 3 choices have and always will be Viera, Mixed Races and more Clans in that respective order.

Attached: 1V2MR3Clans.png (648x460, 31K)

>tfw just want to make my SMN look like a spooky wizard
>tfw scroling through xivstyle and seeing all the sick robed tank armours while all the fucking caster sets either look dumb as shit or have a giant open slit in front of them
holy fucking hell why is this so hard

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What about the Orthodox/Kudzu robe?

>bardams mettle
if you're fucking shit, yeah, those fights are easy as fuck.

>It's a Empire is really controlled by Ascians the whole time and was not about suppressing primals episode.

>everyone memes about FFXIV having cute lizard girls
>get into the game
>it's just dumb anime girls that look like they got covered in glue and rolled around in some gravel

Good looking fem highlanders are a rare species.

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Quentin used to play this, where is he?

There's really nothing you can do about a tank getting chunked for large amounts of HP every second and having to babysit them at the expense of everything else you fucking mong.

I wish I could kiss her on the lips

Not sure what shield that is, but apparently Kamikaze means divine wind which 100% describes what style of swordsmanship i want for my non-holy PLD. A shield-less 'gladiator' that fights with the power of wind aether. Fucking aye. this is trademarked don't steal my doughnuts

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She looks tired.

I do something similar where I use padjali weapons and pretend they are ''energy'' weapons made from my own aether. Works with almost every class except MCH because fuck that lunchbox

That's a rumor, I like to think they used too many and caused the flood themselves

THat's because they're just midlanders with bad skin

Would be pretty cool if they have unsheathing effect like that of Zantetsuken.

Divine Beast Shield is a glamour that makes your shield invisible. Don't actually try to enter a duty with no shield equipped.

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Pic unrelated?

If I see a tank double-pulling in damage stance, I leave. If they pull in tank stance and then switch without doing their AoE aggro combo, I leave the moment a trash mob strays off.

I don't have time for that shit. I could be doing beast tribe quests or working on deliveries. I fucking tank in 370 gear and I hold aggro better than some of these mongs, no one gives a shit about 500 DPS off your parse in a fucking trash dungeon.

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Oh yeah, I must be using that then and just forgot what the glam was called. I 100% have a shield on it's just invisible, don't worry user.

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>Eng voiceovers almost never have the boss shout their signature move
For this reason alone it will forever be the inferior choice. I can't imagine running Ravana without hearing CHANDURAHAAAS every time

>they're just midlanders

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You're right, sorry, midlanders aren't quite that ugly.

Keep digging, retard.

They straight up never do because Koji thinks it's immersion breaking, but stale memes aren't

You still haven't explain what you mean by this, but you keep repeating it as if it means something.

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Show me ONE good midlander who doesn't look worried.

I'm trying, but it's really hard in this swamp

>Ala Mhigo
>Tank only does one pull at a time
>Never uses cooldowns so you have to babysit them the whole time even on a group of 3 enemies
It's so wild that tanking is completely braindead in this game and you'll still see people who manage to fuck it up in every conceivable way.

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>Make a qt midlander
>Mod her with tits as big as a highlander

Best of both worlds desu

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Well, I mean they're no different from midlanders in that they have 1 good face option, and they have terrible skin, as in, their skin textures look ugly and diseased.

>when they tell you to equip a shield and ruin your RPing experience
No way fag.

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I use the hide sheathed weapon option and make do. Also Kinna weapons will be the shadowbringers weapons if you ask me.

I can guarantee you it's actually the English VAs thinking they're above shouting cheesy lines.

Big dick pulling as a DRK is insanely fun and I genuinely don't know why so many DRK's in your guys' stories have such an aversion to it. It's actively taking away from the most fun part of DRK.

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Highlander girls have all the best animations. sorry, man

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divine beast shield exist you have no excuse now.

enjoy your ban

But everybody has perfect skin, besides male cat/roe/highlanders and any au ra

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Yeah this is probably one of the best options frankly. It looks really good.

Is Arenvald okay with his wife taking nude photos all the time?

what the actual fuck

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>"it doesn't fit my look"
>glamour is hideous anyways
This fucking guy.

It's basically Eorzean culture

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>the shad trailer had all the characters lipsynced to english
reminder that english is the OFFICIAL language of xiv and you're wrong if you use the japanese voices

hard to make them not butch

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Thank god for divine beast shield.

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Somebody post THAT image.

>Mr Happy's guide to posting on Yea Forums

Heal before hp hits 0, keep DoT up, use Stone otherwise. How is that hard? You have like 15 buttons to keep track of on DRG normally so how can you fuck up 4?

Fairies are cute, they're cute!

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I sleep
>Alma possessed by Ultima
Real shit

>I do something similar where I use padjali weapons and pretend they are ''energy'' weapons made from my own aether
That's pretty much exactly what they are. They're exactly like the one Alisaie used during the WoD fights, but slowly hardened and condensed with wards so you don't have to constantly keep it maintained with your aether.

Thatd be awesome if you hadnt let living creatures you were responsible die for it

>2nd phase JP Ultima is constantly shouting SUMMOHN DAHKNESS
>NA Ultima is dead silent for literally the entire second half because thats her only line and Koji refuses to let bosses announce their attacks
bravo koji

but it's better because muh british accents!


What did YoshiP mean by this?

>play max height fem highlander
>almost always the tallest, or one of the tallest, in any given group
>join light party with 2 male au ra, a roe, and a fem elezen
>comment how it feels funny being the shortest one in the group for once
>they all come over and start petting me

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You're not going to play a pedo race, right, Yea Forums?

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The lack of people who can do decent damage and heal at the same time is astounding.

You either get a healer who doesn't touch a damage spell or one that tunnels completely on their DPS rotations and doesn't even heal with oGCDs.

I'm worried that this guy looks at Fran and sees "sexy child"

>play as max height male elezen
>feel like a giant in these parties of cats and lizards
God it feels good to be tall.

Ugh, fucking pedos.

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Reminder that everybody who freaks out about paedophilia in all the wrong places are statistically most likely to be actual paedophiles themselves.

That, or they're just roasties who are butthurt about fictional characters being more attractive than them.

Reminds me of that guy who called Dragon's Crown Sorceress a "lolicon fantasy"

It's a tranny. I was in a roleplaying FC with that freak. So yeah it probably is a pedo.

all anime designs are pedophilia inspired so i'm not sure what he's mad about

>all anime designs are pedophilia inspired

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I'd /pet you too if I was taller. Alas, I'm 2/4 height as a highlander so i'm only taller than the other short races.

Be nice, it's one of our very few benefits for being giraffes.

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It's only roasties when they themselves are old.
>pic of 40yr guy with 20yr girl
>ugh, what a pedo
>says the 40yr wine aunt

I'm a new to the game but I hear you used to have switch stances to either heal or do damage.
I can only imagine what a shit show that was.

How can one man be so based?

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>emperor varis destroys eorzan leadership with LOGIC and FACTS

I don't really feel like much has changed since then honestly.

The people who didn't care to DPS just never used it. The people who stayed in it for too long just let their co-healer carry the burden.

>Doing anything but grimacing at the evil

Do you inquire?

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They're a dime a dozen here on Balmung so nah not unless I feel like it anyway.

>Play max height female midlander
>Above average height without looking like a roided out amazoness or a giraffe

Best of both worlds.

The first part of that meeting was embarrassing, he destroyed them. It was great to see.

How will Failstroms ever recover?

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I made a max high elezen with max boobs for fun, I could watch her run for hours.

Please be sure to thank your healer today.

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There's been so many QoL changes to the game over the years that new players would probably throw up if they heard what some stuff used to be like.
>No cross-server PF
>Cooldowns didn't reset after a wipe
>If you changed jobs outside a major city all your skills went on CD.
>Debuffs didn't have a marker to say if they were dispellable
>The way sprint used to work
>You had a chance to miss attacks unless you had a sufficient amount of the accuracy stat. Healer gear had no accuracy by default.
>Res sickness also reduced your Vitality, so raised people would usually die instantly to the first raid-wide aoe. Res sickness also applied to people raised with healer LB3.
>The parry stat
>Chocobo companions counted as party members instead of pets, so you couldn't queue with them out and they took up a party slot.
>Couldn't queue for roulettes with a complete party
>No glamour dresser, 35 different types of glamour prism, and every item would only work with 1 type.
>Couldn't preview multiple pieces in Try On, couldn't dye pieces in Try On, couldn't glamour at all until level 50.
>Items only stacked to 99, 40 fewer inventory slots, no chocobo saddlebags
>No materia melder NPCs, materia only meldable by players, required a consumable for every meld, couldn't retrieve materia (only destroy all materia on 1 item at once)
>No partial match searching on the market board
>Half the number of housing item slots, and no storeroom
>No Alliance Raid or Normal Raid roulettes
>No orchestrions
>Scrip caps
>Recipes for food or dissolvents only made 1 at a time.
And that's just stuff since I started playing in 3.0

>it was "boya" instead of little sun in japanese
this is why you don't play with english dub

What a dick.

*Cracks open monster zero ultra* Those were better days indeed.

Why, because the english lines have personality?


Reminder that the English VA cast is 100x better than the JP.

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>Noobs today unlock glamours at level 15 instead of 50

Reminder to all barafaggots: you are NOT getting a new race, barely anyone even plays the one you've already got

To be fucking fair you changed gear so fucking often during leveling you wouldn't be bothering with glamor anyway.

Boy, they are going to be very surprised when they show the second viera clan.

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Male Viera are never coming out!

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who the fuck cares about bunny people all races in this game look like shit fuck you faggots

There is no need to be upset.

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>roided out amazoness
I fucking wish

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Good taste.

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seething WoWfag, what's wrong, don't like your new fat people race?


yeah haha you fucking anime queers keep fucking spouting that shit because you've never worked out in your life. they're muscular fucking beefcakes NOT fat you fucking pedo weeb and they're way more interesting than the animal ear uguu girls you fags have lmao

But they have such a stiff running animation.

everything about accuracy was hilarious in retrospect
like smn pets having a different accuracy cap than the summoner themselves, shit like t9 where you had to stack in front of the boss so every melee missed shit, and probably some other dumb stuff that i'm missing

also literally everything about chocobos, like how you had to manually dismount to talk to an npc if you were riding one, to the fact that the summoning time for companions went down as you leveled them up

Attached: Elezen Jiggle.webm (622x466, 1.89M)

Yeah I can tell you're a real muscular beefcake like them.

Barely anyone plays male roes, Highlanders and au ra?

>tfw /box

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Au Ra look more bishounen to me.

Only thing that should be stiff with max boob elezen is (You)
I'm sure you're aware but you get the most jiggle at 60 fps. Higher or lower you get less for whatever reason so I made sure to lock mine to 60.

>He doesn't want to hear best Gurren Lagann every time Pipin opens his mouth

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Reminder that this is 100% false


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I watched the dub.

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If Japanese is so great, why are Answers and Dragonsong only in English? Checkmate weebs.

>final trial will be you playing as Tataru holding the line alone because she's the only Scion left


>Couldn't queue for roulettes with a complete party
More like couldn't queue because there was no Roulette.

>Being a bulking fatty

Disgusting, unless you're top 20 powerlifter you just look gross.

>implying you wouldn't be just counting her stacks of jew gold or pleasuring old men

Glamour plates solve that

She'll be the only scion left because she murdered the WoL. You think that her attempts at murdering you in that solo instance during four lords was an accident? No, she kill you and you'll spend the rest of the game playing as her.

The only people who think Japanese voice acting is good in general are people whose grasp of the language stops at 'kawaii' and 'NANI?'.

It's shit. The actors are shit. None of them have ANY range and just do the same voice no matter who the character is, they convey zero emotion and frequently sound bored.

Oh yeah I loved having to hit tank accuracy in Creator because there was so much "stack in front" shit in that that you literally lost assloads of DPS if you didn't have tank accuracy

>Uematsu themes all in English
>ShB trailer in English
>Encyclopaedia Eorzea books in English first
>a lot of lore and even some story is written in English first
>Koji himself said that Eorzean is an English analogue, with Hingan being Japanese
>Eorzea uses a modified Latin alphabet
>Koji was instructed to write multiple full beastman languages and dialects that only appear in English, like Dragonspeak
>Dragons use English VAs
The English version is the true version of the game.

Attached: 1543462963017.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>hear about new glamour dresser
>can store 200 glamours
>oh cool
yoshi better up that cap right fucking now

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>tfw playing casters in arr/hw and every attack hit from the back no matter what
i pity the physical classes, who do not know such joys

>>Chocobo companions counted as party members instead of pets, so you couldn't queue with them out and they took up a party slot.
Holy fuck this was so fucking irritating

Retard plenty of jp songs and/or anime OPs use english. They love foreign words just think of words like jaeger or princess for example. They are just chuuni for them. Like how a weeb would walk around with a kanji shirt/tattoo they would walk around with one that said fuck or something.

Reminder that you retards have literally never heard the jap dub and only enjoy the English one because you think everyone having the same accent is "soul"

Are you a tank?
I play healer because I can't handle that stress and my only real job is to keep people alive and remember when to cast buffs for DPS bursts.

I need more plates. I need more dresser slots. And I need GP to have its own menu screen.

Because Nobuo heard Susan Calloway's cover of Eyes on Me and wanted her to sing Answers because of that

>people getting mad because you don't know every obscure mechanic of every dungeon in your roulette
>people getting mad over a single wipe in crystal tower of all things
stop pretending your time is valuable you're playing an mmo

So they're still not using japanese even though its supposedly so great. English 2 Weebs 0


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The forced ol' english accents on everyone and the shoddy localization of making everyone articulate like they're in a Shakespeare play made me have to enable the JP dub.
I realize the original translation avoids using nu-japanese but that's not a reason to do such a liberal localization.
I also hate that 90% of the quest names just western memes.
I'm not trying to justify the japanese dub performances, but the english one is even worse.

>Larboard and starboard say hi
Koji memefox should have been fired long ago. The whole Larboard and starboard is wrong too for fucks sake a shipfag friend was laughing his ass off about it. When nips do omega it just says left/right like normal.

>When nips do omega it just says left/right like normal.
No it doesn't, nigger. It has the nautical versions of left/right. But they contain the characters for basic left/right so it's easier to understand.
Anyone complaining about starboard/larboard needs to read some fucking books.

Go play an english MMO like wow then mouthbreather. Or rather just go back to it.

>People still struggle with lardboard and starboard to this day
L = Left
Larboard = Left

>I'm not fat I'm a bear

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>The whole Larboard and starboard is wrong too for fucks sake a shipfag friend was laughing his ass off about it.
He was laughing because he's wrong?
Larboard may be outdated terminology, but it's real terminology.

A guy in my FC is a marine biologist and he fucking died to Starboard.

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I never played WoW, keep seething
I didn't realize baiting people was this easy, gimmie more (You)s

I mean i doubt it's the FIRST xboard people have issues with. It's the one after that he does a 180 for.

Nobody is complaining that the mechanic is hard. Once you have seen it one time you'll never mess it up. Its just that its another dumb name on an ever growing pile of dumb ye olde English names the translation team loves to use.

>t. still progging o11s in week 27

>people actually want a fantasy game with attack names such as:
>Left Attack
>Right Attack
>Laser Attack
>Fire Attack

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I like the Ye Olde english, it feels more genuine for the denizens of a fantasy world to talk like that rather then having them talk like a typical bloke in the modern day.

My greatest hope is that eventually XIV gets a region full of Aussies, just so the Americans can seethe harder at accents and translation

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Why don't you subhumans ever complain that Akh Morn is impossible to understand because it's from a made up language?
Could it be because you're actually just upset at being exposed as an uneducated retard?

The English dub would just make them all sound like Brits though, like literally every other character in the entire game.

And here it is the ''I was just pretending/baiting'' yeah sure you did.
Unironically go to reddit or *mayhap* even go back there if you treat(You)s as some sort of upvote

No one would care about this if it wasn't in a hard fight. No one cared about larboard and starboard in the Ixal quests, and no one cares about dextral and sinestral with Louhi in pagos. Its a scapegoat for being a shitter.

>and no one cares about dextral and sinestral with Louhi in pagos
I was actually shocked at the amount of people who don't know what dexter and sinister mean.