Attached: google_stadia_controller_in_hands_3840.0.jpg (3840x2160, 998K)

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Ok google, beat this game for me 1cc on lunatic

Attached: TohouProjectInterviewSPOT2.jpg (1280x960, 395K)

More like, "Lemme just find a save state link for the next level and continue playing from there"

That controller looks like a piece of shit

>Symmetrical joysticks


god that looks uncomfortable

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 2.20.25 PM.png (428x280, 206K)

>Okay, google finish this game of Dota 2/League/Apex for me. At least a 2.0 K/D ratio.

seriously what the fuck is with all the people complaining about symmetrical sticks. Its FAR better than the shitty asymmetrical claw-grip faggotry that Xboner and Switch Pro controllers have

It's not required



Is it just me that thinks that controller looks xbox hueg

>claw-grip faggotry
are you gay? it's much more comfy to have both your thumbs in a natural position than twisting them like with dualshock controllers

>"I don't know what you mean by that. Here are some top suggestions by a cursory google search."

Attached: FranklinBluth.png (184x184, 54K)

Symmetrical C-sticks are an aesthetic meme
Having L-stick be in the position XBone or Switch have it in is far more comfortable

The day ZUN sells out by having Touhou on a Google platform will be the day I unironically commit suicide.
I’m not joking or exaggerating either. Touhou has influenced my life ever since I first discovered and continues to do so today with me only ever meeting my gf today because of Touhou, Chuggaconroy, and Pokemon Showdown

So you can immediately tell the person holding the controller doesn't play games, because they raise their thumb and arch it early rather than just letting it relax.

Controller still sucks, but this by-corporate for-corporate product isn't even aware of what they're doing wrong.

Looks like a Nintendo controller

What kind of fucked up world do you think you'll be living in where you don't just say like 1 word 5 times and end up just typing your asinine piece of trash questionsinto your stupid fucking videobox while you jerk off to your holololis dancing on the ceiling fuck you

>Wifi controller
>Building the lag into the fucking system

ok I read this outloud for a friend and his phone activated
kinda scary how it picked up over a headset


i dont get it, why?
how do you use the analogue sticks?

It's on Steam so the only particularly large leaps are:
1) 2hu working in proton
2) Having Steam on the platform.

The latter will happen eventually and I'd be surprised if (1) isn't accomplished already.

>no games

>input lag

>shit graphics/framerate



Literally worse than TORtanic


Attached: 1496382547289.jpg (258x245, 20K)

>Google how do I finish this dungeon?
>Thanks Google

Attached: EEE168C4-9098-4BE4-8406-C26D6AE06507.jpg (512x511, 24K)

>Mumble nigger because shitty input delay
>Controller instantly stops working
>Go online
>Google account deactivated

Because the Sega Saturn layout is the best.

Okay Google, take over the sticks for a while and get me a new rank in matchmaking while I jerk it.

Google give gf

well that's a name i haven't seen in a while. i remember him being at the forefront of LP's, always felt like he was never given the credit of helping popularize "people playing games" videos

>being this wrong
Listen, I know you guys are young and the Xbox 360 was the first time you ever played video games but those stick positions are objectively inferior and only placed that way to differentiate themselves from the dual shock, which also has a larger surface area in the top of the stick make it even more comfortable than those narrow little asymmetrical nubs


>Hey google
>You need to find a whip to beat this enemy

Attached: 1550021022182.jpg (540x540, 39K)


I'm in

Attached: jade_raymondcjzbk.jpg (1156x768, 317K)

ssshhhh you'll wake up the Snoyiggers

she looked like she is 50

aged like milk

>ask google how to beat boss
>google goes through all the "help I'm stuck links"
>top results suggest "get better at the game"

Attached: Bloodborne™_20151208091300.png (629x996, 778K)

More comfortable than anything that ships with a Nintendo console.

>okay Google how solve
>rando takes 3 minute doing the thing
>finish in under 15 seconds

Attached: arthur.png (184x184, 23K)

Those are baby hands, user.

I was born in 84 and my first controller didnt even have sticks and your still a faggot and wrong.

My hatelust hasn't been satisfied for a while? You think Google's console will be a big enough ship to scratch that itch? Not to mention that this is FUCKING GOOGLE that we're talking about here. It'd be like watching an evil Hollywood villain getting their just desserts.

You could have prevented this by buying her game!

Your seems to be affecting your judgment

Obviously OP is a joke, but I 99% guarantee you, "Google, how do I beat this level" will be a command to bring up a Youtube guide.

Attached: 1542936955172.jpg (250x250, 6K)

nigger, most of the time you use the left stick and the buttons, which have your hand in a symmetrical position

Did you miss the presentation?

I did, do they really have that?

Attached: 1472603937177.jpg (262x274, 19K)

Okay, Google! Give me a hand in clutching this game of Apex with the squad while I text Stacy for a sec, thanks Botnet!

They have a little cleverbot AI to feed you the info in-game like a good little casual


Attached: file.png (727x351, 335K)

I want a mobile touhou danmaku game but all the chinese devs are doing rpgs or other weird shit, I want to play 2hus on the go damnit

Yes, he said “Okay google, how do I beat this tomb?” and google assistant showed him a video of a tuberstar beating it for him.

just post the comic

You press the google button and it can tell where you are in the game, then it shows a video guide of how to get past it.

Attached: Angry_shitposting.gif (392x450, 66K)

You have a gf and you would kill yourself and hurt her because touhou is on a google console?

Still the only LPer I ever watched, though I stopped around the time he became a YouTube partner. So like almost ten years ago now

it's fine

Attached: 61ezdEZQbGL._SX425_.jpg (425x352, 17K)

>when a player is stuck on a level or puzzle and desperately wants that next bit of the story or the breathtaking views in the next level
>what do they do?
>they have to leave the game, fire up youtube, find the right video and watch how it's done
Holy fucking shit, I can feel the rivers of rage flooding in my veins.
Video games really are like movies for these cunts, the attraction is not the challenge itself, no, that's just a bother than stops them from enjoying the story and views.
It's curious that people have been blaming this shift on kids born with smartphones for years, when these old disconnected suit fucks are as much at blame if not more.

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