>no limits
except your data caps, dumb burgers
No limits
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Data caps arent really a thing here in the US. I pay about 70$ a month for 1.2gb up/down. The only people ive ever spoken too that deal with datacaps are in asain and European countries.
>data caps
im burger and what is this
The fuck is a data cap
Arent data caps only for phones?
Liar, I worked at a call center, most ISPs have data caps and the ones who don't will probably implement it soon.
Floridafag, every internet option available near me, even cheapshit, is unlimited
I think it depends on state mostly and how much competition there is locally; my parents are pretty fucked on internet with a 100gb cap but they live in bumfuck TN on a mountain
If you say so. I've lived in 6 major cities in the last 10 years, I've worked with thoasands of tech people in the US and I have never heard of an American with metered bandwidth that wasnt from a 3g/4g source.
burgers don't have data caps unless you're talking about the poorfag cell service options, stupid yuropoor
That shit only exists on smartphones monthly plan you dumb fuck
Yes and no, it only concerns mobile networks. Data caps are mostly used here in europe because the mobile infrastructure is utter bullshit, antennae with only 1800 Hz power, it's just laughable. Nederlands are an exception, they don't impose data caps because their infrastructure ain't shit like for example germany.
Sounds like it might just be a flyover state thing then. Populated areas dont have that issue.
Basically this.
>data caps
i live in houston and have a 1tb cap
You're on the right track, but "data caps" are for phones, silly.
Going by the replies in this thread I must be in the minority.
I live in burgerland and have a monthly data cap.
Where did this meme come from? I've never had a cap on my internet and I've had internet since dial-up.
I have no data cap but I live in rural Ireland with crazy slow internet. This google service is completely useless to me. PS5 and Nextbox when?
I'm with you bro. Iowa fag and I got 250gb cap
dumb esl tranny
>I've worked with thoasands of tech people in the US and I have never heard of Comcast
sounds believable
Virginia and have 300 GB monthly cap.
data caps must be a state or regional thing because I never seen them here. I've heard dogshit at&t throttles you if you go over some arbitrary limit but I don't know for sure
Do Americans also have data caps for their mobile phone network usage? I'm uncapped and the network speed is good enough to watch 1080p youtube videos.
I'm a leaf and we get buttslammed on caps.
data caps depends on how close you are to the big cities and how bad the ISP Cartel is.
Every major ISP in the US has datacaps even if they don't use them in all markets. Also your average American things 20d/2u is fast enough so good luck trying to sell them a game streaming service outside one of the few markets that has more than third world tier internet.
Depends on the service, my provider offers a choice of how much data I want, I opted for none since I don't use it for online, and they eventually gave me free data just for making payments on time, so I have a 4gb cap I don't pay for.
Most unlimited plans from mobile ISPs in america throttle you after hitting the 'cap', pay-per-gb is the norm for mobile providers.
Mine is 1TB.
I don't ever come close to reaching it and I'm allowed to go over 2 times a year without being charged extra. I'm confused as to why it even exists.
We do but usually only on the cheaper data plans. I used to be capped at 3GB a month on my phone but last year I switched to an unlimited plan.
The US is literally the only place WITH data caps.
I guess Australia, Canada and the entirety of South America doesn't exist.
who the fuck is dumb enough to have comcast lmao
>who the fuck is dumb enough to have one of the biggest most dominant ISPs in the US, one that's the only real option for internet in several markets
too bad. if i lived in an area where neither verizon fios nor google fiber were offered, and were unable to move somewhere else, i would unironically kill myself.
I can't get anything else
>don't ever go close to 1tb
really???? i come close every month. Comcast is pretty chill about it though, i get those 2 grace periods as well. i'm also a neet and i work from home though
comcast is actually pretty decent in my area. whenever i have an issue they actually help me out and resolve the issue.
Google fiber is in less than a dozen cities.
There are entire counties and regions where Comcast is either your only option or one of two for internet.
I have a 300 gb cap or something, if I look on comcast's website they show me how much I've used. I've never hit it, but I definitely have one.
I watch a lot of Youtube videos and download the occasional game. My sister uses the internet as well and my so does my mom from her phone.
Our date usage is usually around 400-500GB.
I've used Comcast for many years and they are pretty decent. I've had issues but they are rare and get resolved pretty quickly. I currently have a 300mbps download speed which is pretty great.
>tfw fioschad and get 1gbps up/down with no datacap and have never been bothered in the 15+ years of rampant piracy I have been doing
are you two watching at 1080p60?
Verizon is arguably even worse than Comcast in some places. There's a reason why "vinerizon" has become a meme from vinesauce.
Here's his upload speed he posted once
>Data caps arent really a thing here in the US
LITERALLY speak for yourself you fucking idiot
I live in an area of old people and no companies, my local area is literally a perfect scenario for me to get max bandwidth.
>"lol I have unlimited data!"
>gets throttled if the ISP notices you're using it too much
>old people and no companies
so no jobs?
yeah see all those shit states don't matter
takes like 15 minutes to get to the office on a good day, I work from home a lot though so even if it was farther I wouldn't really mind.
You don't matter
i never said i did
I agree we should nuke every state except for the northeast and Kansas city
I always watch Youtube vids at 1080p60 when the option is available.
I know my sister watches quite a bit of Youtube as well but she uses her phone and her Macbook and I'm not sure what the screen res is on those.