Other urls found in this thread:
>google thinks this is a good thing
Into the trash
>be me
>have chad switch and ps4
>play everything whenever i want
>be my friend
>has stacya
>can't even connect to the servers from school network
Try harder.
>we control the games now, goyim
Only eastern european niggers and subhuman chinks think that cheating in multiplayer games is a good thing.
This is what happens when you have pozzed fags and women think of ideas.
I missed the news, what happened?
only a Yea Forums shitter would think otherwise
stay bad Yea Forums, never change
0 games
>sucking google cock
Do you know hacking means modding, retard?
No lagless gameplay either
you forgot:
How do they solve lag? Most people have crap connections anyways. Same as Onlive in 2015...
>being this delusional and thinking It'll flop
Google basically presenting "MY SERVERS ARE BETTER THAN YOURS!!"
That's clearly not what google was talking about.
This just another way for google to spy on us?
He was specifically talking about multiplayer games retard
google spoke about this new hardware they cooked up that they won't release, but let you play games on through streaming at 4K 60fps now, and 8K 120fps tomorrow
some literally who eceleb came on stage to I dunno what he was even doing there
then jade raymond shown up asking people to buy her game
An hour of my life I'm never getting back.
>logo is an mspaint scribble
>can barely remember the name already, has nothing to do with vidya
Yeah this is going straight to the who fucking cares list.
Also means no mods, AKA no actual fun.
>streaming device
salty tryhards detected
stay mad knowing that ch(eat)ads always have the upper hand
They can't be serious
The input lag was already bad enough during the presentation, and you can be sure Google had the best possible internet connection for this press conference. How bad is it going to be when people try streaming 4k@60fps using a 1 mbit connection? Not to mention they said absolutely nothing about latency.
I like many of the things google showed, too bad it’s fucking google and it means half of the good players will get banned for saying nigger
this, though gif related implies I thought it would ever amount to anything.
Fuck off alphabet shills
Why laugh? This shit is gonna blow up. Sharing games with the click of a link and instantly playing it is exactly something that's gonna take off in this day and age, especially with the ubiquity of Google. This isn't fanboying, quite frankly the prospect of it terrifies me, but this shit is gonna be huge and could fundamentally change the way the industry works.
Fuck the online games as a service model and Fuck Jade
You won't be laughing when Stadia succeeds, and all AAA games become streaming-only.
>"Games as a service"
>always online
>controller literally spies on you
>OnLive 2.0: the Slackening
>"Ubisoft has always been at the forefront of"
>buttery smooth 18 frames per second
>visible seconds of input lag during demonstration
>glitching and flashing polys on prerendered splash screen
>requires Google Chrome
>"The data center is your platform"
>not a single white person in any promotional material
>streaming and ecelebrities made a priority
>promises of streaming 8k at 120fps
>"no cheating, no hacking"
>modding referred to as a negative
>someone in a wizard costume on stage
>fucking MatPat appears to present
>then Jade from Jade's Game
>"Humanity could have gone to Pluto 10 times and back" but watched Youtube instead
>skip button if game is too hard
>stream advertising streamed game service repeats/skips
>launches only in 4 European countries
>price conveniently not mentioned
>mfw Google actually succeeds in killing the non-stream gaming
>no cheating
>no hacking
so it's stillborn in china?
it's fine, I already wasn't playing those anyway
Don't you have a internet connection?
Googlefag is totally retarded. They believe google actually gonna make high end console with Jrpg exclusive
Enjoy your gaming with lag and no mods, faggot
just like steam machines right?
We are on time to stop this thing, it must flop
I don't think Google even understands what gaming is. It works because of hardware, streaming a game doesn't work and I have a great connection. Input lag up the ass
>all AAA games become streaming-only.
and nothing of value was lost. even if the worst-case scenario happens and stadia succeeds, japan will still be making real games for real platforms.
They mentioned Ubishit? Dear god no.
>watch bing bing wahoo on youtube
>no launch game button
The shit posters will be pleased
it doesn't take a genius to know you have a folder with anime girl pics on your computer
it's not even a streaming device
they're not releasing any device.. well except a controller with integrated wifi
they basically announced streaming through chrome and TVs with a wifi controller that will connect directly to google
>always ON
>input lag
>if you say something bad, google ban you
>no internet = no game
>will make billions
>fat lonely neet in his basement: "h-haha I'm so much better because I'm good at Bing Bing wahooing..."
Why didn't he stop this?
Western game dindustry in 2k19 guys everyone laugh. Buying and playing western games in the year 2019 lol. Western gaming industry is dead.
I'll by your subscription Jade
uhh excuse me, but where did you get this picture of my diary desu???????
>here is our retardproof button for our brainlet audience
How do you mod a streamable game?
How does it feel? To never win? That these "subhumans" crushes all your effort and upload pwnage clips to YouTube where you got recorded crying for being a cucked "moral"fag?
>One gorillion input lag
>The future of gaming
Google empire incoming boys
I told you this was coming. The future gaming war will be waged between Microsoft and Google. Nintendo will continue doing their own thing. Sony are DEAD as fuck.
The only way to do it is if it was a streamed VM and you just uploaded files to be run
It was part of his plan. To crash Google with no survivors.
good bost
94 million units sold and counting. cope.
>the future of gaming is not owning any game
truly amazing
Imagine being one of the largest companies in the world due to extreme, MASSIVE luck, and letting it go so far into your dumbass skull as to develop a corporate culture about how you are the greatest thing to happen to humanity. Then you release failure after failure after failure, every single time you fundamentally misunderstand your target market. Not to mention the laws of fucking physics.
Connecting gamers
Epic moments all across the world
He's our inside man. He started this and he'll make sure Google burns by the end of it.
Most definitely
That security hole in Google+ wasn't a bug, it was a feature
I'm going to Bing now.
perfect response
>No Fortnite
oh no no no no no
couldn't they come up with a better name?
>completely retarded pipedream, never seen a more delusional tech group than Google and their Stadia bullshit
>get to come on stage that one nervous gay game theory retard who thinks all nintendo characters are dead cause he's delusional
>guy before him literally looked like a zoomer
>hid and blocked game theory years ago cause I have a working brain
>immediately close the youtube app as soon as that mong starts talking
whats their gameplan?
I have but I get problems watching anything over 720p.
Fuck europe and old buildings.
They aren't going to solve lag user.
Also can't pirate games anymore if this becomes a thing.
Down with google.
no bro think about all the 1000+ player Battle Royale games that will be out on this console
Please make that happen.
No wonder Jade was reminded of Star Trek.
You were all warned. So many times you were warned about the end game of capitalism and how it would come for everything you hold dear. Google doesn't have to make a good product, they will just swing money around until you no longer own your games, your console listens to your every word, and nothing plays without 1.5s of input lag. While some of you will blame Google, others will blame DUH SJWs, this is all your fault. You could have resisted. You could have prevented all of this by not buying DLC, not supporting microtransactions, not supporting DRM, or by not owning an $800 spyware device developed by your economic enemies.
Didn't they try this already with Sega TV or something like twenty years ago? I still have no idea how that worked and never met anyone that actually had it.
is anyone else really worried about what kinda exclusives google could buy with their google-tier amounts of money
it'd be literally impossible for a lot of people to play them because you need really good internet for decent streaming
OnLive needed to communicate with a datacenter in fuck-knows-where to send you the stream.
Google has their datacenters all around the fucking world and streaming the game is literally no different than streaming Youtube videos directly, give or take local cashing of the most popular shit.
>how do they solve the laws of physics
Can’t wait for the game journalist to praise the controller and demand Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft add retard buttons too.
but that's just a theory A GAME THEORY thanks for watching
they dont seem to understand games
Yes, this is not a good future
Not a single demo google showed off looks better than DMC5. Thats how you know jewgle are trying to gaslight and scam you. Its all just claims.
I like Google and want them to do well but man, streaming games?
I don't even work in the industry and I can tell you it's a bad idea...
First of all, all the inherent problems of games as an OTT service... reliance on a stable and fast internet service, reliance on third party telecom networks (it's not like Google Fibre has managed to take over yet), input lag.
Then there's the consideration of the competition. Steam costs $0 per year and it's already essentially doing more than Stadia can do (you get your whole game downloadable to you on demand). Of course it's possible Stadia will give the option for certain devices that meet minimal specs to download and run games natively, but again, Steam already does that better. And on top of the inevitable Stadia fee you're going to have to pay extra for access to games. So that's paying twice, once to get access to a game and once again to actually get to play it. That's gonna be shit. Of course, because it's streaming, the prices MIGHT be lower compared to other services, but it's doubtful.
Then there's all the stuff about being unable to mod your games, and keeping the platform semi-open.
I think it's dead on arrival, but I understand the rationale for them to try and introduce this service. They took a look at youtube and discovered a huge portion of videos were Let's Plays and sharing gaming moments and wanted to capitalize on that. Still, an immediate jump to streaming games is incredibly risky.
Their audience is going to be primarily consolefags right now that don't have powerful PCs already, and people that want to be able to play on the go. Problem is they're competing with Steam on the PC market, and on consoles proprietary game developers/publishers like Sony and Nintendo that won't offer their games up to the service for fear of competing with their own consoles...
>livestream of a presentation has technical issues
>they expect to livestream video games to millions of people with no problems or lag whatsoever
> Moot works behind the scenes to end Google.
> Hiroshimoot works behind the scenes to end Yea Forums(nel)
What does it mean? Is it poetry?
So that leaves third party multiplatform publishers and people who cannot afford a high-end gaming PC but can inexplicably afford a yearly streaming service fee as their target audience... which are... boomers. Who are already on their way out.
>I like Google and want them to do well
Literally didn't read the rest of your wall of text.
Companies are not your friend.
Companies are not your friend.
Companies are not your friend.
The year of the linux gamer is upon us.
Thank you Stadia! I can finally play my videogames with Instagram/Photoshop filters!
Now this is what I call a soulful Artstyle™
>I like Google
I think it’s actually pretty cool.
>thinking the lag machine 3000 will actually get anywhere
Big companies do this shit all the time, try to barge into a new market and crash and burn. How many people do you know with a google phone?
That's why the SEGA "leak" had me worried. I'm hoping normalfags can see what bullshit this is so it can flop.
I'm sure pirating everything on a PC would make it all go away, wouldn't it?
>wants to laugh at someone
>messes up the post
well done user, well done
>input lag
>pixelated graphics
>no apps/emulators
>jade raymond
ACTUALLY worse than Ouya.
Fucking PSNow exists ALREADY, it's worse than that.
God help us if this is true the shit storm that will follow soon after humanity will enter a age of war
Twitch shooters will always be the most played games, and these dumb fucks are pushing a service that has blatant input lag. eSports will have none of this shit either, and all the kids all want to be eSports stars now.
It's fucking DOA
Why did a multibillion dollar company put a retard like matpat on their stage
do literally any of those bigwig apes play video games? even for 5 minutes with their kids???
reminds me of those kinect demos
Good, then gaming can finally crash and burn like last time. Then maybe in a few years when all the corporations have walked away from the wreckage to drain the life out of some other medium the virtue of capitalism, a small ass nobody company, can build something glorious out of its ashes and we can have a another golden era for games.
>How many people do you know with a google phone?
Anyone with an android OS?
>Big companies do this shit all the time, try to barge into a new market and crash and burn
Are you actually 12 years old? Have you never seen a massive company on Google's scale enter an industry? Didn't you just ask me how many people I know with a google phone? As opposed to what, some random computer company's phones? Oh wait.
Imagine applying anime tiddies to that filter.
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. Shitters at google wanted to be part of the gaming business so bad but they will always be nerds serving adwords
>Your games will no longer be limited by your shit computer!
>Now they'll be limited by your shit internet!
Are they legit retarded?
>no offline
>no mods
>no piracy
>no fun or freedom
>you don't even own the games
I hope it crashes and burns so hard no one will ever attempt something so revolting again.
Laugh now. They are doing this with 5G in mind. No one will mind streaming when internet is absolutely ubiquitous.
At least proves that it’s actually live unlike most e3 conferences.
>streaming the game is literally no different than streaming Youtube videos directly
a playstation fan I see!
this is a masterpiece
>everybody starts screaming their nuts off cause the screen went dark and there were some colored triangles moving around WEEEEEWWWUUUOOOOO US GAMERS RIGHT???????
Reminder that Yea Forums is always wrong.
This shit will be huge
it doesn't take a genius to know you're on google's payroll.
apropos, the the fuck outta here
This shit is completely DOA
This whole thing is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. What the fuck are they thinking?
Every single recommended video on the right is some weird russian pedo shit
What the fuck are google doing
> Moot and Hiro are two of the horsemen of the apocalypse.
God has a sense of humor. Unfortunately he's a shitposter like the rest of us.
You are forgetting that Google has only made 3 products that work. A phone, a search engine, and a browser that was shit for its first 3 years. This could honestly turn out to be one of their random startups that they scrap after a few years. Remember "Google fiber".
I've been using gmail for nearly 15 years now and GSE for even longer. Not to mention youtube and google maps. They've enriched my life by a lot and I've yet to pay a single cent. I'm more concerned about why YOU don't like them.
So yes, I like Google. I don't treat them as a friend, that's retarded. But they've provided many useful services.
>Google has never failed they're to big to fail
Google plus
>the recommended videos
what the fuck
Not really. It's going to be only Triple AAA exclusive bullshit that even retards on here won't be pathetic enough to cave in for them
>almost every frame is women
>Google fiber
What happened with that?
the fuck is with those recommended videos
Is pic related the target demo for Google? What game are these ladies playing?
Are you like sixty years old or what?
What do you mean? He literally just give us shitposting material for months, maybe even years. moot is truly our greatest guy.
>Google trynna take my pirated games away
Nice try asshole, but it ends here.
Timeless masterpiece.
>no cheating
>okay google
>Have you never seen a massive company on Google's scale enter an industry?
google cant even stick to one chat app for android
Because every single email you have ever sent or received, your youtube history, your location data, your phone calls and texts if you use their phones, are all recorded, stored, and readily available to the highest bidder, especially if it's a government client. I think you are actually 12 years old, even my 13 year old brother knows if something doesn't cost money, your information is the product.
I guess they used some tag for children or something? really weird
what the fuck did you just do to my recommendations?
This was factually the worst video games related presentation i've ever watched. I'm glad it already looks like shit and people know it, because i really want this thing to fail, and hard.
Fuck ANYONE who puts the assholes who sit in their rooms filming themselves playing video games for money on the same level of importance as the people who spend years slaving away so people can enjoy them.
>I'm more concerned about why YOU don't like them.
gee, maybe it's because they spy on their users and manipulate their search results to push political agendas?
Didn't generate direct profit, and Google discovered they could just datamine from Facebook anyway. This generates direct profit and is a much easier industry to financially squash.
who are the other 2 horsemen?
The worst part is
>22 M views
>30 M views
Holy fucking shit, nuke Youtube Kids
Epic Store
All of these things promised to change gaming forever just like Stadia.
lol it looks like a turd
That's great though. Poor and inferior third worlders do not belong in my gamer community. It'll literally gatekeep subhumans like anglos, Slavs, arabs, chinks etc out of my games
what timestamp is it where they talked about modding?
Honestly i don't know what this video about. and people that don't know anything about google streaming gayming crap probably will confused watching this.
And that weird russian recomendation video.
american ISPs killed them
lobby is too strong
>Dude traditional games and ecelebs lmoa
It's trash
>streaming the game is literally no different than streaming Youtube videos directly
You're as retarded as Google themselves.
the hardware is servers running amd ryzen and epyc cpus along with radeon vega 56 graphics cards
one of those four will go down as the definitive blunder of the decade
you're missing the fact that there's people in your country with bad internet because they don't live in a city
One resounding question.
>Ill sign away my personal data and consumer rights if I don't have to play video games with people from other places
You are pathetic.
Are google fiber and google fi the same thing?
The irony is that OP, always the sheep, found his image by googling.
>They think people wont be able to inject some fucking lines of code through a fucking browser.
Google is dumb or naive either of the two.
>posting on Yea Forums with an IQ of less than 3 digits
>the lag when the dude was playing AC on the laptop
Sony was talking about this shit for years.
And... what's wrong with that? I have 0 incriminating emails, youtube histories and location data. If I were to do something illicit I do it on a burner laptop/phone, tor browser in a public wifi space.
You're acting as if Google is the only one able to already get this data.
Compare Google to fucking Facebook and I'd take Google any day of the week. You're allowed to be discerning you know.
its what the algorithm recommends to your children when you set them infront of your computer/phone and tell them to just watch videoes so you dont have to be a good parent.
There was plenty of minorities and women if that's what you mean
Click somewhere on a youtube video where it hasn't loaded yet and wait for it to load. Now imagine that delay behind literally every action you do in a game and there you have "the power of google datacenters"
thumb it down bros
fuck consoles
explain the difference then seething console cucks :')
There is no logical progression from DLC and microtransactions to this.
Shut the FUCK up faggot, only real humans (18-25) gets it. We must #resist evil megacorporations because reasons.
If we're going with the theme, probably two other massive dweebs.
But I dread the day we'll discover them.
You realize most of those countries have better and cheaper internet than USA right?
Fair enough but you still sound like a wine aunt.
yes the very original idea behind everything google wants you to use. friend showed me everything he has done and has been at within two years through google. of course that is because he keeps using google and keeps the accounts online. needless to say it was fucking disgusting to see someones data collected like that
This one going into garbage bin as well.
>I have 0 incriminating emails, youtube histories and location data
>no one cheats china
>blocked game theory
How do I do this
cloud gaming will never work, i dont understand why they keep trying
most people have shit internet and dont want to pay a subscription to play video games
That isn't Google recommending that
What have you been watching user?
quality work
Can't wait for the media to flood us with articles, blaming white cis male racist alt-right incels for the dislikes, portraying Google of all things as the poor, defenseless, helpless victim.
it's okay to whore yourself out if you have no money. If you do, you're a fucking retard.
Yeah it won't happen.
The entire thing runs on their cloud you're just getting a video, how do you plan on hacking that?
Now the controller needs some sort of api to talk to the serrver running your game, that seems exploitable.
>And... what's wrong with that?
Oh. I'm sorry, I'm not going to attempt to explain anything remotely complicated to someone who is clearly sub 60 IQ.
"What's wrong with companies data farming my personal information and selling it with no regulation or oversight?"
Christ we're fucked as a species.
Google DRM stream: The future is no game ownership, only online rental streaming DRM!
Get raped, stupid California anti consumer company.
And they're still third worlders with broken English. Just like USA.
Fuck poor people, they don't deserve my hobby.
>arabs and slavs
>good internet
Let's play one of my favourite Japanese games in Stevia:
>Game starts
>Fun play, until ecchi or trans-mockering scene
>Sudenly, pop ups in
>"Sorry, this content has been cataloged as offensive and it's disabled in your country. Press ESC to continue
it's for zoomers who don't know any better.
mnheee neeeneene nanana meme omomo cclooouuudd gayman ebe
input latency for starters
>mocks traditional games now because it's the contrarian position
Yea Forums will cannibalize itself
>Be me
>3rd world wagecuck
>Shitty 8mb/s internet
>Can't even play Apex and download a patch at the same time
So this is only for first world countries with good internet connection, right?
>Google enriched my life
Jesus christ
>tfw 20 GB monthly satellite bandwidth
>stream 30fps 1080p @ 10Mbps
>play 4 and half hour
>monthly bandwidth is gone
>200 GB bandwidth for many users
>play 2 days straight
>internet cut off
>1 TB bandwidth limit
>play 4K/30 fps @ 40Mbps
>play 12 hours a day
>bandwidth runs out in 5 days
>no more internet
>mom I can play google game on my smartphone
>5 GB bandwidth limit
>plays on smartphone 720p 30fps @ 5 Mbps
>plays for 4 hours
>gets overcharged and forced to pay $500 phone data bill
I pay 15$ for 300MB no caps in Poland.
>2k subscribes on an hour old clip
Maybe in 10 or 20 years when good internet is accessible to everyone. Even shit countries like Mozambique and Zimbabwe only just recently got decent internet and it's not even available to 80% of the population
Go play with Russians if you love them so much. You'll learn to hate them.
zoomers don't have enough money for this.
see Every fucking internet service is spying on you. Even your ISP is spying on you. Yea Forums is spying on you.
Name ONE internet service that does not spy on you.
Assuming every internet service is already spying on you, Google still ranks ahead of most internet services based on the services they've provided without monetary compensation ("BUT THEY'RE SPYING ON YOU!" as I said before, they can do what they want with the useless throwaway account information they have on file).
Does no one here practice good internet privacy etiquette?
I'll give you a week to dig up incriminating info on me. If you find it I'll pay you $5000 USD. Hell I'll pay you $1000 if you can tell me my first and last name right now.
That makes no sense.
>>controller literally spies on you
can i get a quick rundown?
Why does poland get to be the greatest country in the world nowadays?
What's the part on getting banned for saying something bad? Does it autodetect slurs over VoIP when you're talking to people in game?
>can't mod games
12.5$ for unlimited 100mbit/s here in Russia and there are cheaper ISPs.
That's how you know he's an oldfag who actually fits on Yea Forums.
Only young people have 3 digit IQ
What countries actually have fucking internet caps?
Is this the power of America?
>sell video game.
>sell video game with extra content separately.
>sell video game with extra content taken from the main game.
>sell video game with main content taken from the main game as extra content
>sell video game where basic features taken from the main game are sold as extra content
>sell almost the entire video game as extra content
it is a logical progression, just an extremely anti-consumer friendly one. We are basically being trained to be peasants. The lords own the games, the servers, the connection, we simply live off their land and pay them taxes. This isn't capitalism, its feudalism.
until he mails you a syringe in the mail.
you selling all your data to a private party without oversight doesn't make any sense. unless you're really that stupid.
>people think this will happen
Id sooner have every single multiplayer game I play filled with Russians than sign over my personal data and consumer rights to one of the most devious and unaccountable companies in the world.
I live in france and only have 12mb, optic fiber is double the price why would I even want that shit
Don't be silly, it'll be fine for some time until someone is offended and reports it, then they'll patch the lewd out of all the games on their end.
They won't touch western games ever though. As always.
I'm more worried about this being 100% region locked. They won't run a copy of Japanese only games on a google server near you.
Way to miss the fucking point retard.
Being called a sub 60 IQ person by someone literally sub 60 IQ is a compliment I guess.
>"What's wrong with companies data farming my personal information and selling it with no regulation or oversight?"
It's only a problem if you naively assume they're not doing it already you idiot. What, do you not have a computer or a home address or a mobile phone? If you already have any of the three they already have that information.
Smart people assume companies have this info already and control what information they leak, tard.
>I'll give you a week to dig up incriminating info on me
I might not be able to do it but you are delusional if you think a google employee cant
>And... what's wrong with that?
Cool, if you see nothing wrong with that, then you should give me the password to all your email accounts and social media accounts. I mean, if you have 0 incriminating emails or YouTube histories, then that won't be a problem, right?
Oh, but I promise I won't go through them, if that makes you feel any better!
hello actual third-worlder
Easy. Schlomo Goldstein.
Now pay up that Google paycheck.
>use google's own image AI to determine where enemy players are
>feed to script that points your crosshair on them
>easy aimbot
what happened
LOL check this shit retard.
18$ for 600 MB internet. Zero caps. Only mobile have caps here.
I pay 13.99 for 500mb in Portugal enjoy your shit internet slav.
I have curated recommendations turned off.
>he doesn't know
Then fuck off globalist cuck.
everything is already looking terrible, even if you ignore the >streaming >latency >etc
the controllers look like fucking ouyas
even the name screams mediocrity
I can see it clearly now
>google advertises the fuck out of it
>has a huge pr team with constant promotions
>launch event with tons of twitch streamers
>only about 50k sales launch day and another 50k over the next three months
>constant returns for a mediocre product that won't work for most people
>google doesn't officially drop it, but it goes the way of google plus
The power of America.
Just about any North American bandwidth. Might be worse or similar for other countries, not sure.
>200 GB/1TB limit
Comcast only recently raised the limit from 200 GB to 1 TB. I suspect many other ISP have those archaic limits.
>phone data limits
Its a very common to have 2-5GB data limits on phone plans. Specifically, 5 GB costs >45-60 USD. After that either data overcharges occur or bandwidth throttle down to dialup speed.
so how much will games cost tho?
I'm already angry about how digital copies cost the same amount as physical copies despite having zero of the overhead tied to making a physical version of something
>still repeating this meme
Ty for spoonfeed
Conspiracy shills pretending they're living out their cyberpunk fantasies again
I don't use google products on my linux machines, don't use their search engine or browser, or anything related to them. I don't own an Android or Apple phone. I especially don't fucking use Gmail holy shit.
Companies probably still have information on me, but that is no reason for me to give it to more companies, or to give the one who already have shit more to work with.
If anyone is afraid of the liberals coming for their guns or going after them for thought crimes, or they're afraid of orange man starting a fascist dictatorship and rounding up democrats, both should be very, very afraid of any information they give to Google. Apple are also complete shitters whos products you shouldn't own, but at least they attempted to put up a fight when push came to shove.
SHATIA would look nicer
>Live in Great Billing
>current download speed of 48 Mbps and upload speed of 17 Mbps
I remember PS4 remote play working fine but this seems like a complete mess
I'm not buying a fucking Ouya 2.0. Fuck you Google.
See >you selling all your data to a private party without oversight doesn't make any sense. unless you're really that stupid.
Your data is being sold ALREADY to private parties without oversight you fucking retard. Why are you assuming only Google is doing it? Your ISP, your credit card company, your realtor, your bank.
It's about controlling what you leak and compartmentalizing your data profiles.
A google employee can dig up everything associated with a certain data profile. They have no idea what I looked up in a random Starbucks two months ago on a burner phone.
No, the very idea is CONTROLLING what you leak, and assuming someone can see it already you twat. Surrendering all your information is only something like you would do.
>No cheating
>No hacking
No mods
No disassembling game to see how it works
No trolling
No casual shoot-the-shit games
No offline single player
No fun
You're renting it at best.
I imagine it'll just be a subscription fee and you get to play whatever games they offer.
But mine comes with TV too. Besides it's all EU so whatever.
sell your expensive gpu's before this launches bros, you won't need them anymore
Eastern Europe has the fastest internet in the world after Japan and Hong Kong.
Internet caps AND terrible infrastructure. American ISPs are cancer.
>all these subhuman slavs in this thread
Explains the immense butthurt at American corporate supremacy once again. Sorry Vladimir, your failed state will never beat American. Hell, you can't beat Chinese.
>all these replies
What the fuck? Why does internet cost so much here in the US?
>>not a single white person in any promotional material
OF COURSE you had to put your /pol/ shit on there.
Anyway, you are right about everything else.
stop making stupid assumptions on others, just because you're a fucking mongoloid. I have shitloads of anti trackers up.
Why the FUCK would I give google access to my mail as well as my surfing habbits? You have to diversify, and make it as hard as possible.
this right here, anyone who willingly buys this is either a retard or a good goy
Depends if you beat or played the game through legit. Cheating can be fun.
What a waste. They only use it for meth recipes and how to do krokodil
Guess which company has the fastest service?
not his fault it reflects reality, libtard
>Your credit card company
>Your realtor
>Your BANK
You're already too far gone.
Because like the T1000 ma bell has risen from her splintered ashes and siezed control of your internet and phone lines.
Yeah guys this is 100% not political. At all.
>They have no idea what I looked up in a random Starbucks two months ago on a burner phone
google matches up your behaviour with other profiles to make connections, not to mention they automatically track every android phone
>9 stranges ways to smuggle Barbies in class
>because you need really good internet for decent streaming
More like because you refuse to support this cancer
>people having fun
The absolute state of obsessed zoomers
Yeah... except it's not. Google is not the first to try this streaming games shit and it flopped really really hard each time it was attempted. It doesn't even matter how advanced the servers that Google has that streams or how many they have. It's an eternally fucked idea.
what a loser
So how many Google bucks will this cost a month?
get over it you sissy fuck
It's OnLive 2. All DRM control by a corporation.
sweet jesus
how could they be naive enough to fund this shit with such a fundamental problem?
It's easy to build up good internet from scratch.
If you have lots of infrastructure that is already in the way then it becomes a problem.
Like old buildings in big european cities.
No one wants to dig them up and install fiber internet.
So the "lesser developed" nations always have better and cheaper internet.
Wrong you jew homo
>I don't use google products on my linux machines, don't use their search engine or browser, or anything related to them. I don't own an Android or Apple phone. I especially don't fucking use Gmail holy shit.
That's nice but it literally doesn't take anything away from people who use those services.
I too have a linux machine that runs duckduckgo. Not that it matters, because the ISP can see everything anyway. Even if you use tor browser they know you're using it.
>Companies probably still have information on me, but that is no reason for me to give it to more companies, or to give the one who already have shit more to work with.
The idea is not whether you give your information to companies. The idea is what you give them. You have to define what 'more' to work with means. If you look up formula one racing occasionally and have no interest in cars or racing, that 'more' information only serves to work against them in building a profile on you. So it's clearly not more, it's about what you leak.
>If anyone is afraid of the liberals coming for their guns or going after them for thought crimes, or they're afraid of orange man starting a fascist dictatorship and rounding up democrats, both should be very, very afraid of any information they give to Google. Apple are also complete shitters whos products you shouldn't own, but at least they attempted to put up a fight when push came to shove.
I'm bipartisan, as every rational being on earth is. If you've drunk the tribalism koolaid and are staunchly conservative or democratic you have more immediate problems than the government spying on you.
PSD2 is in effect. I work at a bank and I'm watching with amazement how the EU sells out its citizens to the big tech companies. I hope the civilians aren't stupid enough to mass sell their financial data to facebook and apple.
they expect me to buy this
Nintendo doesn´t give a fuck.
They will just release their new console and handheld whenever they want and do their own thing.
How much money does google pay starving Californians per post to defend it on an interstellar Foosball forums?
Get over what? You are the one who gets easily triggered.
What do think Moot's doing in there, man? He working to destroy Google from the inside. Do you have any idea how much money is going be lost in this shitshow?
This was his plan. This was always his plan. He had to abandon Yea Forums to save the world from Google. He's not the hero we deserve, but the one we need.
>streaming games
>no price announced
>this will be the standard in few years
Save us Asia. You are our only hope.
user, he said AAA gaming.
Nintendo isn't part of that for years now.
>google spoke about this new hardware they cooked up that they won't release, but let you play games on through streaming at 4K 60fps now, and 8K 120fps tomorrow
That part's possible.
What's NOT possible is to do the above AND have acceptably low input lag. Fucking forget all genres that require quick reactions or high precision because you won't get either from anything that uses streaming.
Imagine playing Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition without being able to remove the LGBT NPCs that they added and don't exist in the original game.
Holy fucking shit
The posters that talk all these conspiracy theories really do seem to be mostly underage. Banks, ISPs... any service you use is already collecting data on you and selling your information to other companies such as marketers, it's been like this for years. It sucks but this is the world we live in.
>Why the FUCK would I give google access to my mail
You're allowed to have more than one email account you know. One filled with normie interests and another for other things.
>You have to diversify, and make it as hard as possible.
That's what I'm saying. These braindead faggots like are like Google BAD, they can't see they're already being fucked in the ass every which ways by everybody.
>google matches up your behaviour with other profiles to make connections
Which is why they will never be able to track you down.
Because if you only look up MLP on a burner phone but racecars on another and nothing else, the algorithm will never connect the two unless you're doing something wrong.
What this guy said This shit doesn't work because of the literal fucking laws of physics. Unless they are building a massive hardware center within 10 miles of every single person who uses the service for them to connect to, you get shit like this You cannot make information go faster than the speed of light, let alone have two different devices process that information. Streaming in this way will literally always have input lag and be unplayable.
Sell their information to facebook and apple? Fuck man, they practically hand that shit over for free for emojis or some dumb shit.
You're not bipartisan, you are a blind monkey being led around by your corporate masters. Be sure to sign up with another credit card, after all the big man said you can't live without credit!
I'm not sure whether I should have lewd thoughts about Jahy.
>unplug controller
>throw it across the room
hmm 2 seconds of lag
looks good
> *tap.... Tap.... MOTHERFUCKER TAP*
And this is with ONE person playing worldwive LMAO. Imagine when it goes live
nah, if anything this will just hasten the true doomsday of CV based aimbots.
that's what I imagined he was doing too
i never was the type of person who refuses to buy things "on principle"
if the game is cool i'll play it on anything
Don't make her cry
Use municipal ISPs or other means of connecting you dumb fuck. Why the fuck would you honestly still be using a bank in this day and age, after they repeatedly fuck you either by using or information or other means, get caught doing it, and don't get punished?
>Sell their information to facebook and apple? Fuck man, they practically hand that shit over for free for emojis or some dumb shit.
No, you can now let a 3rd party 'access' your bank account so they can whip up a nice user profile off of you. I see it will be a disaster. imagine a gambling addict getting ONLY gambling ads. it's the ultimate weapon for commercial companies to target its audience.
it ended up being too expensive so they dropped it, then tried charging the cities they did implement it in crazy amounts to recoup costs, and they eventually went back to old ISPs
>be google employee
>watch game theory
>think its good content
>think its great content
>think its absolutely incredible content
>"mario DID die didnt he wow really makes you think"
>"omg if i get google to invite mr.gametheory on STAGE THEN I CAN MEET HIM OMG"
>think game theory is relevant to dumb game streaming console
>get game theory guy to come up on stage
>meet him
>unsurprisingly has nothing relevant to say about dumb game streaming console
>You're not bipartisan
I'm the very definition. I agree with some democratic values and some conservative values. MOST rational people are like this.
>you are a blind monkey being led around by your corporate masters. Be sure to sign up with another credit card, after all the big man said you can't live without credit!
Those are consumerists, tard. And I'm not that either. Even in my initial post I said I don't like and won't pay for a subscription fee, and that the reason I like Google is because they provided so many services free of charge.
What's wrong with it, you fucking retards?
It's only in North America and Europe
No nation with good internet is getting it.
Fuck you I like it
>municipal ISPs
Based retard
google has been spying on you for 15 years and you like them for it
Holy fuck that's even worse than I thought.
670 dislikes
google won
The controller has a mic similar to android phones, so if you think that thing isn't on 24/7 you are actually retarded. I'm sure they wouldn't say it outright, but given their track record of bludgeoning people over the head with their San Francisco values on youtube, there is no reason to assume it wouldn't happen here.
Google sees itself as the guiding light for humanity.
How many times do you need to be told those services aren't free. Not to mention you keep deflecting to other companies. They don't matter in this conversation, you can do similar shielding shit on them. You pay Google by freely handing over your information to them to sell to third parties and governments. You agree with what you are told to agree by search engine manipulation. You are nothing but an unpaid corporate shill.
it's better than consoles in their current state, admit it. but no exclisives, lol, who the well cares about fockin assasins creed
Imagine playing Red Dead 2 on this shit, the delay would be unbelievable
You're the one who specifically complained about ONE bullet point of his being "/pol/ shit", I don't know why you're trying to "no u" me
Because corporations are people user :^)
>3rd dude from the left
Oh no
The services they provide outweigh the crumbs of (usually inconsistent, or false) data I've fed them.
I routinely get ads for women, even though I'm a man. They keep trying to advertise things I have 0 interest in to me. I think I've been pretty successful.
Style transfer is a pretty cool gimmick, but I don't think that it makes much sense for video games.
what a time to be alive.
Can we nuke the Silicon Valley already? Everyone employed in that place today has no business breathing.
Pretty good knowing they live in a shithole when they step away from the pc
>Fucking sonicfox
I must admit it was amusing seeing the old lady playing the ship battle game.
why? what happened?
It will have the greatest launch library in history of mankind.
I estimate as much as 95% of all playable games from all platforms (yes, including exclusives Snoy and Nintentoddlers) will be playable at launch, with goal of reaching 100% playable game out of all games ever created
Enjoy platform where you can play Bloodborne, Mario Odyssey and Halo, all under a single button press
>Input lag
What did you input user?
Did your controller not move the man across the stage? Mine did.
>tfw no asuka gf
No Style
No Grace
Casuals will put up with the delay
>they want fighting games tournaments on this shit
whatever helps you sleep at night, faggot. just remember this day when you unironically shilled for google
Sega channel is unironically a better idea. You just downloaded games to your genesis and played it for a month. No input lag.
disliked for sonic fox
>How many times do you need to be told those services aren't free
Fair enough. It's not free, but it's a costs to benefit ratio. As far as these tech companies go, Google has one of the lowest costs to benefit ratios. I'd rather use Google than Facebook, instagram or whatever.
>You pay Google by freely handing over your information to them to sell to third parties and governments
Like I said before, what information they glean from you is your own responsibility and completely under your control. EVERY company is spying on you.
>You agree with what you are told to agree by search engine manipulation
Doesn't work. For instance when they started censoring pornographic images on image search I just moved to Bing. It's the same deal when I stopped seeing the links I wanted to see on GSE. You're acting as if you're locked down to using these services, when 1. You're free to use them or supplement your usage as you please. 2. You directly control how anonymous your usage can be.
the input lag IS the latency, user. When the client and the server are in the same data center, the client-server latency is irrelevant. The trip between your PC and the data center only holds your input data.
Could it have been any more predictable?
>no real hardware
>stream meme nonsense
>"here r our aaa partners :)"
>16K 500 FPS at 10 KB/s bit rate
Who didn't see all of this coming?
I have no doubt about what you say, I was just hoping Google would come out and say it themselves in a way to completely shoot themselves in the foot, perhaps justifying it in such a manner that they're policing online interaction "to make sure the children are safe!" or some other retarded ass goal. Like that one time they said they were doing their part to prevent youth from getting indoctrinated with extremist views and it just turned out they were removing anyone with a different agenda than themselves from search results.
>don't own the games
>can't download the games
>can't mod the games
>can't run the games myself
>need to also buy a Chromebook or Chromecast
>seconds of input lag to begin with
>likely going to be laggy as fuck
>the game must run and stream over wifi at the whims of whatever ISP overlord you have
>controller also functions over wifi
>unironically try to get FGC to use it over consoles
>"let's get MatPat to shill it!"
How the fuck does this meme "machine" even exist?
The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that by picking streaming, google is going to cite consumer complaints about why the current big ISPs are not doing a good enough job and use that as leverage to try and change regulations so they can break into the ISP market like they want.
He's destroying them from the inside
Who is even the target audience for this?
People who only play mobile and f2p games will continue to play them on their current devices and won't bother with Stadia.
Hardcore gamers won't touch this shit with a ten foot pole.
Weebs and non-mainstream gamers won't even find there their niche games.
Normalfags will probably keep buying console bundles with the seasonal blockbusters.
I guess e-celeb worshippers will subscribe to this so they can be part of the epic experience with their favorite faggot.
Yes, user, to spy on you, collect all the data about you, control what you can and cannot say, and in the end you will not own anything and will have no way to protest this shit.
Everything could be stripped from you on a whim of some hipster good for nothing faggot working at a faceless corpo.
Welcome to cyberpunk, motherfucker.
Nothing wrong with shilling for google. I shill for steam too. I bet you're one of those EPIC faggots.
Where's the money going to come from? Is google going to moneyhat all these AAA games at the cost of cannibalising any further sales?
they aint getting a single cent from this shit till they get my boi mumkey jones back on youtube
how gullible are they to believe people won't create an AI to cheat?
retarded suits that dont understand how anything works
>The coping of the google shill
Truly march 19th, 2019 will be a day to remember.
Casuals with no standards, aka consolefags
I want to play on Jade's platform
I agree with you... What's up with companies doing intentionally vague trailers?
I mean, I know why they do it, but it still kinda sucks how the introduction video doesn't really describe what it does.
>The trip between your PC and the data center only holds your input data.
so... input lag.
This bbc article is just fucking hilarious
>In games where split-second reactions are a matter of winning or losing, high latency rates infuriates players.
>In an attempt to avoid this, Google said its Stadia controller will connect directly to Google's servers via wifi.
So it's a wifi enabled controller? How exactly does that eliminate input lag 'with wifi'? The inputs from the controller still have to travel across the internet to the cloud server where the game is rendered, then streamed back to your monitor.
>we PC gamers have high standards and lead the industry with our cutting edge games that requires 3000$ to barely equal a 200$ console.
Yes, so saying
>The input lag was already bad enough during the presentation... Not to mention they said absolutely nothing about latency.
doesn't make any sense. The input lag IS the latency that you need to be concerned about.
Thanks I've been looking for this for a while
It's not just BBC, the guy literally said that in the stream, their audience are strictly complete fucking morons that will fall for any kind of marketing talk.
steam is nothing like google, retard
They are absolutely out of touch. In another plane of existence, basically.
>literally 2+ seconds if input delay
what the fuck were they thinking
Here's the consolefag unironically championing for streaming garbage.
I know how your kind goes, in 5 years when all consoles are streaming shitboxes you will be defending the next step in whatever cancerous bullshit they come up next.
We connected the controller directly to our servers bro. We have literal wizards working with us.
Don't worry about it. It just works :)
Considering that's the input latency of consoles in general, its fine for most casual gaming.
>connect directly to Google's servers via wifi.
so, they literally only tested it in their server office or something?
Maybe google are going to launch a global free wifi network.
Changing the fucking color is not an “art style”. This is supposed to be impressive? It looks like a bad rom hack with texture swaps.
Because they come in packages, and you also get better bandwidth and service.
whatever gamers are dumb it's not like they'll notice
did cyriak make this?
>haha I have no argument but THIS IS YOU AND YOU SAID THIS
pathetic, considering you are the google customers, nigger.
back to resoiera
If it weren't for the search engine they'd have died in the 90's right?
how do tech companies know so little about tech?
What the fuck kinda name is Stadia anyway
Sounds like a TV channel for sports or some shit
You can buffer a video and let it pause and load a for a bit. You can't really do that with a video game.
Not wanting to watch turn-based fighting games
Literally nothing they can do can remove input lag and the input lag alone kills any potential streaming has for gaming.
Only solution for that would be to invent some fucking Star Trek technology that enables faster than light communication and if they were capable of that, I'd think they'd have better things to do than rent games.
>controller will connect directly to Google's servers via wifi.
How the fuck will this help in any way?
>no indie games
>no anime mmos
>no streaming based games
Is this paradise?
>implying cope
Here's an example of good internet privacy etiquette:
You probably think I'm a 30 year old bipartisan.
Well I'm actually neither of those things. If you were Yea Forums and you built a profile on me you are already wrong on two counts.
someone please post that one onlive pic with the ninja wizards
>PC chads shitting hard on this shit while even the "skeptical" consolefags are weighting the """"benefits""""" and getting mad when someone equates it to the console casual race to the bottom they always engaged in
kill yourself jewgle shill
actually i will because I don't play AAA normalfag trash
Keep dreaming m8
>What game are these ladies playing?
a dating sim where all the anime girls are replaced with witebois
>this input lag
>first google shills are already here
It will be a subscription service. The prices will fluctuate and they will offer many "packages"
What they mean it is that the controller will connect to your home wi-fi instead of going through the PC, this won't fix any of the problems inherent with streaming but it will be enough to fool idiots.
Cringe and yikes
This is so pathetic. Even Ubisoft and EA toned down this "us whacky gamers, huh?" shit at their press conferences. Google is trying to catch up.
>go to
>it redirects me to the chromecast page
They said it wasn't a box though...?
I hope they won't edit a streaming based game, online users are way too soulless for multi chapter game
Why the fuck is that video so filled with fucking streamers? Like 5 seconds of footage from what might be actors pretending to be actual gamers and the rest is e-celebs. The fuck?
Multiplayer games on a streaming platform. Epic joke
And even if it is possible, no one will play on it because of input lag and the fact you don't own shit.
Either way, both Goggle and you, their loyal drones, are retards. Only difference is, they also want to settle in your ass permanently.
I cant believe moot had a hand in this.
Someone give me a quick rundown.
good lord this was the cringiest millennial tier trash I have ever watched
honestly curious, who the fuck is matpat?
explain me how you beat a game with 2second input lag? Especially a fucking action game relying on QTE to do about anything
>mfw "eee dee"
Streaming will be unbearable for actions games but an excellent idea for slow paced games like puzzles and turn based games.
He's a Google Maps monkey, he has nothing to do with this.
Everything on the fly would be cool, but it's not the right time.
Only a slim percentage of people can afford large TVs, good peripherals and have a 1Gbps internet connection.
Also, could have they chosen an uglier name and logo? Screams soulless to me.
>haven't paid a cent
The services aren't free, they are harvesting your intellectual data and both using it to hurt you and sell it to others
>no mods
no thanks
>it doesn't go through your pc, it connects directly to your wifi!
>the wifi
>that is just wirelessly broadcasting your internet connection
>that your PC is connected to
>that the controller is still going to have to send the inputs down
Everyone at google is secretly a genius.
it says you are connected 2 ways.
controller, the inputs, and the streamed game, a video.
the controller has its own dedicated connection that sends inputs.
the video you are watching is the game running on google servers.
when you have slow internet you will lose quality of the data you are receiving, like a youtube video losing pixels, but the game will not run slower, and sice you are comunicating through a diferent more stable connection you can still play even if it looks like shit.
welcome to the future boys.
>>modding referred to as a negative
they can fuck of with this streaming shit
That controller is one of the cheapest looking controllers I've seen that wasn't intended for toddlers.
Didn't this make her disappear until now?
Is he still around to do a follow up? She deserves it.
>excellent idea
Nope, fuck off retard.
It makes even less sense since puzzle and turn based games are a lot less intensive so your shitbox won't need a stream to play it.
So it's perfect for mobile games, call it what it is.
Cope harder user.
they base their reality off twitter and they don't play or enjoy games
you say this, but input lag in any form is always going to feel bad, regardless of the game. Snappy responses and input->feedback loops are crucial for casual games and you just can't get that with input lag.
So Google is just trying to centralize gaming? No cheating or hacking, but also no modding, no pirating, and no having the original version of the game intact when updates inevitably change shit. When things are censored and removed?
What happens when a games license runs out, like what happens with Netflixs. It's just removed for everyone. What happens when the service goes down. No one can play games? Their solution to piracy, modding, cheating etc is to just turn gaming, from what it is now, fairly decentralized, into some centralized point of failure controlled by some corporate overseer?
>welcome to the future boys
Thanks, I'm good
stop killing games
yes and it's an investors wet dream
Many modern games already have multiple frames of input lag running natively because extreme graphics basically beg for frame buffering and render ahead. Now you're adding even more?
fighting games? Nope.
Shooters? Nope.
twitchreaction hack n slash? Nope.
Racing games? Nope.
what are some good stadia games?
basically mmos, turn based rpgs, strategy games, and casual shit.
Latency isn't even actually the biggest issue. The biggest hurdle is cost for google. How do you give every user of the platform 24/7 access to at least one instance of $700+ tech individually, yet still make a profit?
This isn't the question that only applies to google. Its the question that has been the ultimate downfall of every single preceding attempt of a game-streaming service.
A normal high end gaming environment is consumer-based. People buy their own gaming computers and hardware. Google wants to make that purchase for you instead. If only just 1 million people wanted to use this service simultaneously, that's almost a billion dollars of stadia hardware right there, probably even more if google promises multiple stadia working intandem for a single user, and that's still ahead of the other consumer cost being electric and utilities to power their own gaming habit, which google would be paying for 24/7 on top of datacenter cooling.
Its all an insane pipedream thought up by mad zoomers. It will fail like every other streaming service, or it will bankrupt google if they try to stick with it.
Why do "men" do this to themselves?
$240 a year
Why don't the people on stage greet the next in line? They just leave, no manners.
But you see, it's google server and ai and it just werks 8K 120fps soon get mad snoooys
>DuckDuckGo users
holy shit that's true. WTF?
>Its all an insane pipedream thought up by mad zoomers.
Nah, it's coked-up boomers in pantsuits. Zoomers are the ones supposed to buy it, but even they won't care.
>Why do "men" do this to themselves?
molestation, weak fathers, attention/affection for behaving in an effeminate manner
You know the answers to these questions, and Google is by far the company that least respects any kind of privacy and file ownership.
Google Docs for example doesn't have any actual files in your PC even if you use Drive to backup them, they're just links to the files ~in the cloud~ which they can lock down at any moment if you engage in wrongthink.
If you think EA is evil then Google is Satan.
>Streaming will be unbearable for actions games but an excellent idea for slow paced games
No, fuck off. It's not an "excellent" idea for anything, it's a horseshit idea. It's literally Google trying to see what kind of unbelievable bullshit they can get away with. There are NO advantages for the consumer, all it does is rob you of the last shreds of ownership of your games that you had and give all control to a hostile unaccountable megacorporation.
>Why do "men" do this to themselves?
it's fun
If you speak of MMOs like WoW and FF, then probably, but not the more action-oriented stuff that's coming out these days.
Here's hoping Google will fail miserably with this shit.
This. Autistic Cali people
Well put. There's NO way, NO way this will scale to anything but a few million tops. It will be an expensive service too.
It will be 720p upscaled on average.
>it will bankrupt google if they try to stick with it.
wtf i love...whatever this shitbox is called now?
>and all AAA games become streaming-only
Good, let the creativity and non-"movie experience" game design come back to the hands of people who actually know and love the hobby.
Indies have been far more interesting than anything the big companies can shit out for years anyway.
lol have sex
The human eye can’t see past 24 frames per second. I don’t see why google is shilling 60.
$149 a month for a "casual gamer"
streaming plan (720p)
$199 a month for a "awesome gamer" streaming plan (1080p)
$249 a month for a "very epic 1337 gamer" streaming plan (4K)
$149 for each controller
Screencap this
their search engine isn't even really theirs, it just organizes and displays data from Bing's webcrawler
look up critical flicker threshold
Shall I Bing™ it instead?
Of course we can and 60 fps feels and looks smoother than 30.
With google glasses you can see up to 9001 fps
>every city, town and village, had a place where everyone could play
kek, not in china
That plus a culture that frowns on sincerity and praises being "ironically" retarded.
It will be literal netflix prices.
Not a single respectable looking white male shown in the video
lol have sex
fucking resetranny
Isn't that a shitty suger substitute?
Lol become celibate.
it's alright, where did the bad man touch you?
What the FUCK
The best sugar substitute desu
not shown on this board either rofl
Look how many times he presses the A button before his character makes the leap on the statue?
So what the fuck is the console about? I tried watching the reveal trailer and it didn't have info for shit
It is the Google way to want to control everything
seriously. Worrying this much about face is unhealthy and unattractive.
Whats with the groudon meme anyway?
They wanted to make the new big revolutionary invention, but they're also retarded so they just made something retarded and unnecessary.
Who touched you user? It's okay your anonymous here.
It'll stream sonic 2 at 60fps
not even PS Now is that bad and I have played it on a 3rd world type of connection.
what are you trying to say
I wish anime was made in 60fps because 24fps sucks dick.
It will be FREE tier for 720p
$9.99 for 1080P
$19.99 for "4K"
based android
holy fuck
Jesus Christ, this is Disney tier evil.
I've never used Google Docs. Why the fuck would people use this over just opening a notepad or pirating MS word or someshit? Why are people so adamant to use cloud shit.
Also how the fuck does Google have time to go reading every persons docs to see if they contain wrongthink?
It's an extremely interesting system and I'm glad Ray finally got something fitting her.
>worrying about face
Reminder: If you buy into this shit, you are part of the problem.
Never accept streamed games that you don't own that can be taken from you at an instant for any reason.
>Streaming will be unbearable for actions games but an excellent idea for slow paced games like puzzles and turn based games.
>play civ/4x game
>open building menu
>0.3 seconds delay between each menu moving and selecting stuff.
I think people are trying to keep the thumbs up and down balanced
my gf touched me in my no no place ._.