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True that.
Christianity is responsible for 2,000 years of death and oppression, so yes, it is.
But it is.
Just like islam. Only Judaism is truly peaceful religion
How come there wasn't a backlash for this game?
Do ya think the Catholic church would say something? They'd just dig themselves deeper.
this but unironically
There wasn't going to be backlash because being Christian isn't "cool". The only backlash this game would get is being a worse version of the first one.
just like any other middle-eastern monotheistic religion
It's not evil, it's just cucked and weak and full of people enabling zionism and the khalifate.
Christianity is the least cucked religion in the universe. But anyways, why do non-Christians think they can understand Christianity and make entertainment media in attack of it?
It is
T. Brainlet who knows nothing about history.
It is hilarious to me that they designed all these open environments that only had 1 way to venture forward with. Truly incompetent devs. I wish they cut out all the edgy bullshit and just made a horror game that took place in the school.
Play the redpilled game about cults
The Cathars were right when they called the Roman Catholic Church the Church of Satan.
t. Abrahamic kike cuck
But they weren't. Everyone was being brainwashed, and all their insanity was entirely from that.
We’ve all seen this shit before. Pissing on Christianity isn’t a hot take at all.
Even with innumerable resources and manpower it took the church an embarrassing amount of time to stamp out the Cathar "heresy".
>religion founded 3500 years ago
>members today are now running the world and vastly overrepresented in nobel prizes
>religion founded 2000 years ago
>members today are trying to teach Flintstones as science in schools and larping as cannibals using crackers and booze
>religion founded 1400 years ago
>members today are literally 600 years behind the previous group and are going on crusades like those people did 600 years ago
I guess all religion evolves at the exact same rate.
Why not attack actually evil religions that worship Satan like Judaism or Islam?
Woah, you mean, there never was any Christian cults? Latter day saints were made up falseflag?
Read some Nietzsche you zionist slave.
It's also responsible for thousands of years of scientific and social progress
Judaism and Islam are newer religions that came after Christianity.
>ywn be in a comfy rural cult waiting for societal collapse
why live
You all worship Saturn you deluded fuck
I don't read atheist cucks.
>Zionist slave
I'm a Christian, not an atheist or a jew.
Is this a good stealth game or is it too linear to be feasible?
>tfw a game about killing unrepentant terrorists got a thousand of buttblasted articles because muh islamophobia
Because all religions are Abrahamic right brainlet? You're just as bad as your (((progenitors))) but you're too stupid to realize it.
Judaism is far older than Christianity
This post is 100% angloburger approved
No, Judaism is a newer religion that originated during the Babylonian captivity.
Nothing worse than an atheist than an atheist who pretends he's enlightened for being one
>Be christian
>Have name similiar to christian
>Girls love my name
>Have easy time searching job because white and fellow christian
>Holy, pure and mighty wisdom upon me
God lads. Why is it so fucking good to be christian?
Sorry kid, there's no "overrepresented" in scientific pursuits. Whites, blacks and Asians simply are inferior to Jews.
You forgot
>threw it all away to larp on 4chinz
Judaism is the religion that Christianity stems from, it's impossible for Christianity to be older
Out of plain curiosity, where did you get your education?
You've been brainwashed by Jews who hijacked the religion of the old testament and pretend it's their religion.
Remember that the Israelites of the Old Testament were Christians.
But Murkoff, which is a evil scientific company, was the bad guy behind it all and they're the ones who made everyone crazy in the first and the second game.
You should be saying "DUDE, SCIENCE IS EVIL LMAO!"
Researching the Talmud and Babylonian mystery religions.
It is
I'm not an atheist you domesticated drone. More religions exist outside of your trinity of Jewish cults. The fact that you can't conceptualize religion outside of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam shows how deeply rooted your brainwashing is.
>Researching the Talmud and Babylonian mystery religions.
100% this means researching fundie blogs that lie about the talmud and make up religions that are according to the depths of someone's butthole babylonian
>Hes delusional
Makes me feel even more powerful
t. pagan fag
god imagine being a pagan
you could literally take cock in every single orifice every single day and drown in semen
and you'd still be less gay than pagans
And you still missed the fact that Christianity's existence requires Judaism to predate it?
Jesus' parents and he himself were all jewish
I'm pretty sure that it's correct terminology to state that "Group X is overrepresented" when what you mean is that there are proportionally or sometimes literally more members from that group than from others. It's not a value judgement.
>Christianity is the least cucked religion in the universe.
No, there are no lies about the Talmud outside of Jews saying it's not evil.
Judaism is exactly as old as Christianity brainlets.
Their Torah is literally the Old Testament. The only difference is Jews don’t recognize Jesus as a messiah and the New Testament is not legit because of that.
>Remember that the Israelites of the Old Testament were Christians
>these people who existed before Christ were adherents to the teachings of Christ
you retard
There's no proof that Judaism predates Christianity because the Old Testament is full of references to Jesus Christ.
judaism also has the benefit of having members that work together probably better than any other, and also the higher IQ helps
I 100% guarantee you that if you google whatever fantasies some christian fundie has told you in his blog, you won't find them in a scan of the talmud. I'm tired of testing these claims and I always find them false.
>antagonist is christian
>but protagonist is also christian
If you knew anything about Christianity, you would know anyone who committed murder and oppression in the last 2,000 years were never of Christ to begin with.
>Only Judaism is truly peaceful religion
you should read the old testament again goy
Jesus Christ has always existed. He has been mentioned many times in the Old Testament.
Here's an example:
The old testament isn't Christianity because Christ and his teachings are absent from it.
>the Old Testament is full of references to Jesus Christ
No, it fucking isn't.
Imagine being a circumcised slave branded by the tribe of Judah. Your religion brought the social rot of pacifism and the destruction of natural hierarchies.
I'm not sure about them actually having more co-operation but their religious doctrine mandates zealous in-group preference so they will help themselves and each other due to being "god's chosen people".
The Old Testament isn't about Jews. The cananaite religions have more in common with Judaism and those are the type of people God wanted dead.
That's not what the game was trying to say at all
Begone, demiurge worshipper, the gospel of Judas predicted that christian churches would lead everyone astray and commit all sorts of atrocities in the name of Jesus.
Yeah, it was the christians that did that and not a certain other group that got into power
youre fucking delusional
Post more examples. That one is too ambiguous. "A form like the son of god" could be literally anything.
The Old Testament is a part of Christianity. It’s in the Bible you doofus. Yes, Christ and the NT are obviously a much bigger part as Christ’s sacrifice negates aspects of the OT such as animal sacrifice, etc. but that doesn’t make it not a part of Christianity. It is still the foundation.
because they will retaliate
you can shit on christians all you want, because we wont do anything about it. because our religion is actually one of peace
of course cowards will pick on the people that don't defend themselves. however they don't realize it only makes our resolve stronger
Hottest take I’ve seen in a while.
It is also responsible for keeping western society together for about 1960 years. Why do you think those sandniggers are winning?
despite having less to do with the ancient Hebrews than those inbred muzzies, modern Jews are the continuation of Abraham's line if you like it or not
Also the Old Testament references a messiah will come to save the people, it just doesn’t call Jesus Christ by name. The Christians later decided that the OT was referencing Jesus all along.
Imagine your face if you were a christian and you had to refute this:
Of course you dont know the form of god if you arent christian, heretic scum.
No, they're not.
Christians are the true seed of Abraham.
>No, it fucking isn't.
Yeah, there is.
>What is the Lion's Den
>What is God's Covenant through Isaac's Ancestors
You're only proving my point. You can claim to be Christian, even go to Church, but are these people truly Christian or do they only use the aesthetic? Case in point, The Letter to the Romans.
>I've never even touched a history book in my life and read r/atheism daily
Reminder Eastern Orthodox is the only acceptable version of Christianity
It wasn't truly a religion war though. More like another excuse for french noble to kill each others.
Besides the pedo priest, what else was wrong?
Because the game was shit.
>liberal friends start shitting on christianity
>I say islam is far far worse and I don't understand why they are so afraid to confront it
>they drop their big "got ya!" with WHAT ABOUT THE CRUSADE?!?!
>which one?
>they don't even know what I'm talking about
>Christians are the true seed of Abraham
Show me one religion that has admitted to a different religion being the real chosen people. Of course Christians are going to claim they're the true seed of Abraham.
Didn't they pretty much not commit to it either and in the end the town was revealed to be a CIA op?
How is this game compared to the first one and the dlc? I loved Eddie Gluskin, too bad you kill him and this one seems like "priests are bad" which already sound boring and coward
Read your book, it advocates turning the other cheek when attacked. It also states that everyone can embrace the doctrine of Christ. Thus leading to this universalist melting pot you see today.
I'm a l*beral and even I fucking know they're universally referred to as "the crusades", plural
So very christian of thou, mr LARPER
Thee LARPS wonderfully
Problem is I actually believe my religion (different user) and I am disgusting by all these LARPing christians.
Imagine having to fill youtube with videos of false happenings because you religion holds the same validity that a Vampire: The Masquerade game.
>new testament
>legitimization for the continuation of Abraham's line
i'm not well versed in the topic, but with that argument you could argue that Muslims are also the sole inheritor when this stands in one of their hadiths
>of course cowards will pick on the people that don't defend themselves.
I think you're confusing the concept of defending yourself from attack with the idea of violently lashing out over something intangible that makes you feel bad. I assume you're a muslim then?
See? If you weren't larping you'd know pride is a sin.
"Being attacked only makes us stronger". The thoughts of a domesticated weakling. We need to return to an eye for an eye. Jesus was a commie faggot.
I love that they mention the crusades when they probably haven't even heard of the caliphates
>tfw you're getting attacked by Muslims so you ask the barbarians to the west for a little help and then they go on a barbaric rampage through the Muslim lands
Why do Liberals say stuff like "Oh, if you're against gays, you're also against clothing, must beat your wife, sacrifice an animal, etc" and completely ignore that all changed in the new testament?
Christians ARE the true chosen people though. The only way to get into God's kingdom is to believe in the lord Jesus Christ as your savior. Any other way sends you straight to hell.
Watch user DESTROY his anecdotal strawmen with sheer LOGIC
>it advocates turning the other cheek when attacked
Out of context, dummy
>It also states that everyone can embrace the doctrine of Christ.
Yeah no shit, we are all His children. Imagine being a race idolator in 2019 lmao. pagan wignat retard
>Problem is I actually believe my religion (different user)
brain damaged retard
beating your wife is okay.
*according to christianity and christianity alone
Gee, I wonder if there may be a bias there.
So it wasn't the Cathars beliefs that got Rome all fired up? They were outright saying the church worshipped the Demiurge when the crusades began and had their religion outlawed. They just wanted to have a war for fun right?
problem is even when its plural, people commonly think of it as Christians invading muslim lands
they are completely unaware it was an ongoing war between europeans and the ottomans and had less to do with religion and more to do with fighting over territory
because the real Atheism died with Christopher Hitchens (one of the last person who actually read the holy scriptures and tried to rationally debunk them) nowadays we have mouthbreathers like pic related that just argue the same talking point from 20 years ago
Weren't the muslims the aggressors in most of that time period?
>christcucks beleive this
Who do you is aipacs biggest allies?
Good joke, but you don't have friends
>real Atheism
You really think it's an ideology or something? Because that's probably the opposite of what Hitchens wanted.
Real redpill time.
Let's take a look at history
>English push the Vatican into attacking middle East, sowing centuries of war and hatred
>Iran was a secular monarchy
>Brits didn't like that, couped the nation and installed ayatollahs and theocratic rule, causing a surge in extremist ideals, all for muh oils
>then creates Israel after ww2, displacing the Muslim population there for lulz, ensuring instability for centuries to come
>didn't bother anyone, Russia came along
>USA trains Taliban, with Osama at the front, wins over Russia and then fucks off, Taliban splinters into warlords who now had no purpose
>then destroyed the country for centuries to come when Osama came knocking
>stable under a despot
>USA smelled oil, attacks country twice, destroying it the second time, causing ISIL to get a foothold, all with a lie over WMDs. None got punished, but they sure got rich
>generally peaceful besides clashes with Israel
>America, with CIA pushes the Arab spring, leading to fanatics getting into power
>Stable under a crazy despot
>knocked of his bullshit, even dismantling his nuclear project to give an olive branch
>Eh, fuck it, UK decides to fuck up Libya any way, opening the north African passage
>fuck those guys too, sell weapons to Kurds, then doubleside them, sell weapons to Assad to ensure a long civil war, leading Erdogan onto his paranoia trip when he saw how much weapons USA and UK sold them
>oh, but also let's give money to Saudis so they can establish their wahabist schools all over the world besides USA.
Well, you get the gist. I think you all can see a pattern here on who is really the enemy of Europe. Who creates these floods of Muslims into Europe and then told europeans how evil they were for not taking them in.
Hint, it's not long nosed people this time (though they happily latched on). This started way before. And these people consider themselves "the good guys who must be the world police"
Christianity is the most attacked religion in existence. So many evil people seek to destroy it by infiltrating it and corrupting it from within.
You don't think it's possible that butthurt Satanic Jews would send in their puppets to infiltrate churches and corrupt them from within?
that's right, the 3rd crusade is generally the one people are referring to where the goal was reclamation of the holy land deus vult and all that
it was sponsored by the church because the ottoman expansion had nearly wiped christianity out entirely
they were fighting off turkish invaders and reclaiming the land they had previously lost, they were never trying to expand territory they never had
it was a retaliatory effort
Your other Christians seem to embrace pacifism. SeeHierarchies don't merely exist across racial lines basedlet.
Because they don't know shit
in the days of the early caliphates all the aggression was from the muslims. The east-romans and persians were completely spent from a 20-year long autistic war and the west were busy fighting each other over the scraps of west-rome
3 reasons
1. AIPAC and the PACs it work with have an ungodly amount of money they use to influence congress
2. most media is owned by a certain ethno-religious group
3. evangelicals and other retards like them believe israel will bring about judgement day or some heretical shit like that
>why do non-Christians think they can understand Christianity
Faith is irrational acceptance of unsubstantiated claims without evidence or even when disproven by evidence. Therefore someone who does not have faith is in fact more of an authority to address literally any subject because they are not irrational. Why would Christians think they can understand anything and criticize anything when they are by definition not being reasonable?
Can you provide something that serves as evidence that this claim carries more weight than any of the other religions that claim the exact same fucking thing?
Nice deflection
>more of an authority to address literally any subject because they are not irrational.
If you knew anything about how the human brain works you'd know we aren't rational at all, and the emotions take over more or less any decision that involves emotions
Because it wasn't about religion as a whole but crazy mountain people religion used to control an isolated population. Also freedom of expression etc. Etc.
Personally, outrage these days is just a form of marketing. There was no outrage because they didn't pay 'influencers' to be outraged about it.
Atheism was a pushback against the junta of church and organized religions in public life and society (bible belt in the US for example) sadly most of the leading figures either died or stopped pursing further things in terms of atheism after their goal of secularizing society was achieved. But the followers of those leading people didn't see the irony and became very much the thing that they made fun off (at this point i became euphoria r/atheism)
Without any figure heads the atheist divided themselves into little subgroups.
Left leaning atheist went into atheism plus and then into Social Justice while right leaning individuals disappeared for a long time and resurfaced with the rise of the alt right so predominantly
there's a difference between being pacifist and not being wrathful
you can defend yourself if there is a real threat to your existence, but lashing out with violence because some dorks say mean things about you isn't the way to be
>brain damaged
Refute this
>atheism creates a secular society
>then proceeds to import muzzies because native birth rates are too low to feed the almighty GDP growth
>said muzzies (perhaps justifiably) see secular society as a manifestation of evil and commit terror attacks
>as secular society becomes more outlandish said muzzies commit more terror attacks
>this continues until the muzzies have control or the seculars kick them out
yeah hold on champ let me read your fucking essay real quick
t. Can't refute it
That's irrelevant because one "not entirely detached from emotion" option is still more reasonable than an option that is demonstrably irrational. You can't dismiss empirically provable claims with unrelated hypothetical emotional influence. Someone who believes a thing that is literally wrong and can be proven to be so is less credible than someone who rightfully disbelieves it. Therefore someone who is not a Christian is a better authority on addressing matters related to that religion than someone who is a Christian. Because religions, what they do and their members are things that actually exist. The things that religions believe don't.
eye for an eye is literally allowed you fucking moron
And being attacked does make you stronger, you ever notice that when someone survives an assassination attempt they get more popularity suddenly?
God these low-IQ npcs are killing me with their stupidity
>low-IQ npcs
Talk like this is what plants a seed of hostility within any group of peoples. I think Jewish people are smarter than others as a group simply for holding on to a large amount of the wealth against the odds of spite, but the individual isn't inherently better than the individual of any other race.
"If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." "Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will surely die by it." It all seems pretty literal to me. I appreciate your interpretation but most everyone else seems to use it as a go to sleep goy button.
>It's also responsible for thousands of years of scientific and social progress
just a sample of the 'scientific progress' dont even get me started on the social progress aspect...
I'll give you (you) instead because nobody can refute this
Lowest hanging fruit. For so called atheists they sure are obsessed with Christianity.
But at the end the antichrist is born so the crazy cultists were actually right. They were the good guys all along.
They don't get stronger if they're severely brain damaged or crippled. The bible even directly shits on an eye for an eye and paves over every good bit of advice from Hammurabi.
You mean crazy cultists that were manipulated for years by a big corporation using hallucination-inducing radio waves?
Every Spanish man of sense pees towards britain.
Tell me what happened to bolsonaro's support when he got attacked
Tell me what happened to the civil rights protestors when they were being attacked
Cool, now look up all the scientific progress they brought. To say that the church only brought/stifled progress is an NPC take
but BTFOing pagans by any measure is based
>all the scientific progress they brought
None, noone who has an understanding of the universe believes in christianity. Not even christkikes like you believe in christianity, it's just a huge LARP.
>Galileo is being a cunt to everybody
>church puts him under house arrest until he stops being an asshole
>children watch dragonball in the ME
>get beheaded by their local sharia police
So you admit your religion is a victimization cult?
His argument was literally picrelated, where the silly guy was the Pope.
yeah that's exactly what I said
Spain, particularly the Spanish Empire were famous for their atheism and don't have beautiful cathedrals I guess.
but it is. nothing wrong there
Most of the alchemists, scientists, philosophers who brought innovation at the time had to larp as christfags to prevent their work from being stifled or destroyed. Also to avoid exile or execution. You'd be surprised how many of them were in secret societies obsessively studying the occult, which was deemed heretical by the church. Even Isaac Newton did the first English translation of the Emerald Tablets.
It took Christianity 300 years to become a state religion, after which politics corrupted it in 700 years to something that was absolutely heretical by Jesus' standards - crusades, inquisition and such. Those things were eventually reformed to oblivion.
ISLAM was peaceful for a few years, until Mohammed figured that being a sociopathic terrorist was more popular with arabs. The inherent violence of Islam CANNOT be reformed.
Self flagellation intensifies
>why would it be hated?
>It took Christianity 300 years to become a state religion, after which politics corrupted it in 700 years to something that was absolutely heretical by Jesus' standards - crusades, inquisition and such.
Imagine the Roman Empire crumbling under it's own weigth and you're the last Instance of the Old World keeping Europe together, doesn't matter if you agree with the shit that the Catholic Church did through out the Ages you've got to cut them some slack for being so successful in keeping Europe together against the thoroughest threats
All Abrahamic religions are evil desu
>killing millions of people in the name of my imaginary friend is GOOD!
no one cares faggot
dude the Catholic church has been a conservative force throughout history with a very dogmatic take and literal interpretation of the bible (something expected considering the last two millennia ofc) and I am not talking about the monk scholars saving ancient Greek manuscripts I am talking about the central power in Rome that was clearly a political power mixed with religion.
>Galileo discovers that heliocentricism is wrong
>the church censors him because it goes against their source of power; a book written by ex fishermen and shepherds 1400 years ago
>modern islam
agreed but what does it has to do with the above? false equivalence much. Islam at the time of Galileo was the same shit as the catholic church a state mandated religion used to control the masses, with the only difference being that their book said some shit about the stars and thus they had is some aspects a better understanding of astronomy at the time.
Eh, they didn't help Charles Martel none. Even the first crusade was just an offshoot of a Norman/Viking tradition of going abroad and conquering places IMO.
>with the only difference being that they had books from the Persians and Greeks that said some shit about the stars and thus they had is some aspects a better understanding of astronomy at the time.
Literally sacrificing the future of children in an altar to Jesus
Plenty of of muslim scientists were killed for apostasy because of their theories that laws of physics, not the whims of Allah, governed the movement of celestial objects.
I don't get it. What's the problem with this quiz?
It's the formal education the kid is receiving.
He's being educated in the truth. I still don't see the problem.
true, but Pope Leo rode out to meet Attila the Hun and made him shit his pants (that's why he turned around and left Rome in peace)
Don't vote retard
>4th grader
>writing that nicely
Nice falseflag, atheists
Fuck religion, embrace philosophy
fuck off seething christcuck. This is one of the greatest games in years, and the story isn't about Christianity anyway
No user, the bible isn't true.
I'm not atheist and if your typing is that bad I weep for you
Male circumcision is a human rights violation, jew. All the abrahamic religions are complete fucking cancer.
good goy
agree the Islamic golden age created the base for a lot of knowledge 'forgotten' during the early medieval times conserving a lot of ancient manuscripts that would be lost otherwise, what I meant to say was that the coran mandates astronomical search and thus it was encouraged by both the their clergy and their states (aka they gave them money and space for astronomy to flourish)
Agreed, it is a repeating pattern that I think is found throughout history (Socrates was put to death for being a heretic that corrupts the youth, Alcibiades was almost put to death accused that he defaced religious symbols etc) religion has always been used as means to control and subjugate the plebs and along with them anyone that had a different idea than the status quo.
this guy is a fucking retard, ITALY had trade outpost all over the mediterranean along with Crimea and Anatolia. they got all the trade they needed but Spain needed to find a way to get to India and get all the spices so they decided to go around the world!!!! it had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with location/trade!!! Neil is a fucking rapist retard
It's just hillbilly horror, AKA liberal medias fear and contempt for midwesterners
Not him, but if you think the earth was created in a week and all the animals on the globe could survive on the same boat for a month you're an idiot.
Hello, Jew.
>because our religion is actually one of peace
wasn't the big meme of last year about the crusades?
a literal death march into foreign soil based on religious fanaticism and zealotry as the driving power literally cutting down random folks because "god wills it!".
lol speaking of larp, nobody actually believes in pagan gods.
>all the animals on the globe could survive on the same boat for a month
>mfw some retards in kentucky built an "ark encounter" attraction to prove it could be done
>mfw people passed out from the heat without a single real non-human animal in the place
It's unfair to the Greeks to compare their religion to that of Islam though. As long as you said that Gods exist as was commonly perceived, nobody would bother your science. If you were a nobody, I bet you could get away with heresy easy. Part of the reason for Socrates' execution was political too.
t. has never heard of the barbary slave trade or the aggressive muslim expansion campaigns
the crusades were answers in kind, not instigations.
Judiasm is pretty evil I agree
It’s so funny to me to see fake pagans pretend to actually believe in their fake gods. They know full well it’s all a larp yet they pretend to be sole nomadic gaul defending Belgae from Caesar lmao
stop playing video games
two wrongs make a right?
>it’s a Christianity is the same is the Roman Catholic Church but it isn’t episode
>every swears it’s the same
>Catholic Church is clearly evil and completely goes against the book of laws it claims it follows
Lmao Yea Forums dude
ok but where are the video games?
The first outlast was better
>christians were wrong to defend and retake their lands
two liberals make zero babies because they're too retarded and believe in global wurming. just wait for the third crusade, not that you or your line will be around for it lmao
Reminder it was supposed to be worse and originally featured audio of a priest raping a young girl named Jessica, it was going to play towards the end after he tells the younger playable character to go home and shut you out of the room she's in. This audio was cut from the game at the last minute, but clips still exist online:
>nobody actually believes in pagan gods.
You are aware that the god hundreds of saints have found through meditation is not the christian god and thus is pagan and millions of people believe in that god?
I bet you actually think Noah took a trip down to Australia to pick up a couple of kangaroos, then went all the way back around the globe to the the American squirrel, and somehow both lived through that trek long enough to be put on a big ark. Not to mention all the other animals and insects he'd need to gather to literally have 2 of every animal.
>upside down cross
the biggest damn meme in the planet
>just wait for the third crusade
is it 1189 again?
t. believes in cum drinkers and trannies
The joke writes itself.
t. marxist revisionist history crushed in a single reply and no real response
An eye for an eye. There's a reason lady justice carries the sword.
Sure sure user, I'm going to let a retarded conspiracy graphic probably saved from /pol/ from some batshit organization tell me how to live my life xD
>cum drinkers and trannies
Ah yes, your nordic meme, I posted another pagan religion, your memes are stale and useless
Is this game actually any good? I love cults especially the rural commune ones and the only games to recently come out that I know of are Shart Cry 5 and Sagebrush
writing looks like an adult's
stop being a retard
t. angry pagan larper
It was decentralized and depended on the city and there was a lot of political play involved especially during the first Peloponnese war where Delphy and its oracle changed hands 3-4 times between Athens and Sparta (also one of the first reported uses of chemical warfare;they poisoned the waters in Kirrha).
and the first clear cut 'cold war'
And the evangelicals who work for these type of pacs run the religion at this point. Even my family's pastor was preaching how politicians (it's obvious he's talking about Omar) are waging war on Israel and her allies While talking about rampant anti semitism
t. complete retard who doesn't know that there have been already 4 Crusades
That R6S map is based on a real place?
>young girl
We’re they to afraid to use a little boy? Why are people afraid to tell it like it really is?
Muslims started it kiddo. They've done it to everyone on this earth they've come in contact with. How is it wrong to strike back at an ideology that wants to destroy you?
t. complete retard who thinks wikipedia is a source and has to move the goalposts
Fundies don't understand reality, it's the only way they can maintain their belief.
It's similar to the first game, but in a different setting.
>religion cringe
>pagan larper
ur confused lmao
whoa lady justice has a sword, truly infallible reasoning
Says christian there, friendo
Ruined by a twist you find in a document far off the beaten path, so long as you dont realize the true events of the game, it's good.
ah yes i forgot, all primary and secondary sources written by actual historians and academics are just marxist garbage because Infographic made by a fat neckbeard from Stormfront says otherwise
What happens in the twist? You can put in in spoiler text if you want.
I'm Christian and even I think they make good villains
It's symbolic. If you start acting like a cunt you get punished accordingly until the scales are balanced. 2 wrongs literally do make a right.
The Crusades were no more bloody or brutal than contemporary wars or conquest, but the Crusades have the added benefit of being in self-defence of Christendom and Christian lands that had been on the decline since the rise of Islam in the 600s
>just wait for the third crusade
nigger what?
last part meant for
meant for
There's no Apocalypse, there's a NotUmbrella style evil corp that set up a radio tower that made everyone go crazy. So everyone including the hero is just slowly going insane, all of the cult stuff and end of the world rapture that the game builds up is all hallucinations and gibberish.
Man I am fucking up horribly today. At least I got the right person
The power of 5G
fucking larptard BTFO
is there a single game not scared of showing how violent muslims are that is not postal
Not only are they attacking christians by making them look evil, but they further attack it by trying to say Christianity is not real and gibberish.
My penis holy shit
>"being attacked only makes us stronger"
Martyrdom and belief of salvation through good deeds was literally how Christianity spread so easily in the Roman Empire
why no sfm/blender porn of her? only one i can find his shadman
Do you think the political climate now is the same as the late Roman Empire?
>christian victim complex
What I find most disturbing here is that christians actually believe their religion is the only one that is believable in spite of Yoga being known to produce results, visions and experiences and christianity bein well known for LARPing and pic related.
i thought hating gays was still relevant in new testament
user of all the things you could have posted to prove that Christianity is bad you quote a fucking subsection of RationalWiki
>The First Council of Nicaea was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325.
fucking heresy mate
We all are familiar with the honored tradition of telling lies for christianity, it's not a thing that a wiki would falsify since we all know about all these times you resurrected your grandma and did many miracles ;^)
Name one game with representation of Christians where the Christian god actually exists in lore
absolutely, there are extreme parallels to be drawn from both romanisation and globalisation
>it's not a thing that a wiki would falsify
I didn't claim the wiki falsified it, you brainlet. I said that using RationalWiki is dumb because it's not exactly an impartial source.
It's trying to paint lying in Christianity as some sort of institutional practice like Taqiya or something using one quote from from Martin Luther saying "It may be okay to lie under certain circumstances"
...such as?
Pic fucking related.
It's not suitable for our current society the eye for an eye mindset either
Why not? If Christianity is dying out in the Western world, and is being replaced why isn't it okay to fight back?
..This image talks about being nice but what it means is 'polite'. Being nice and polite aren't the same thing.
Because we shouldn't give a fuck about the decay of some ancient desert religion.
Since Christianity is the one true religion, it will never die out.
lmao what a tard im not even going to tell you to read the bible just go read a book you literal ape
[1 god shekels have been deposited to your account]
>ignores most of god's rulings from the bible
[289 god shekels have been removed from your account]
That "ancient desert religion" is the basis for your entire society, and is the only thing that will replace it is an even more violent ancient desert religion.
This isn't even a matter ofchristianity. You're better off blaming the west being prosperous which made people more materialistic and hedonistic than the religion which was already weakening in the 17th-18th century
What is Catholicism?
I hate games like this for only ever being surface level with how they portray Christianity and shit. Half the time they just drop the g word or the j word and then go off on their own batshit insane lore.
What are some games that actually get down and dirty with Christian or Catholic lore?
Several mass extinctions are also a basis of our society but nobody is lamenting the fact that those are over. Bad things in history having at some point been a step in the evolution of reality doesn't mean that they have any other than historical value.
>This isn't even a matter ofchristianity
What isn't?
>the religion which was already weakening in the 17th-18th century
Nigger what? Christianity was massively influential in the 1600 and 1700s. Unless by "weakening" you mean the fracturing into Protestantism or something
>That "ancient desert religion" is the basis for your entire society
And trepanation is the basis for brain surgery, but it still has no place in modern medicine.
>and is the only thing that will replace it is an even more violent ancient desert religion
Until that dies too. If Christianity, as the one true faith, is dying then why do you believe a false one will fare any better?
>People stopped believing in made up nonsense when their lives improved tenfold
Now we just need to achieve so much scientific progress and material wealth, that even people in africa and the middle east reach first world status, even if it takes 200 years.
Then all religion will start to vanish.
This is kinda true. It’s a very commercial religion. Things that didn’t fly for hundreds of years are suddenly okay as long as you are Christian. Homosexuality is slowly becoming okay, if not is fully accepted now. It’s only a matter of time before Christians get really weird in order to let everyone in.
>Several mass extinctions are also a basis of our society but nobody is lamenting the fact that those are over
Mass extinctions don't build moral and legal code of nations, or keep societal cohesion.
>Bad things in history having at some point been a step in the evolution of reality doesn't mean that they have any other than historical value.
Christianity may be bad in your eyes, but it'll be replaced by an even worse and more brutal and backwards religion.
Christianity isn't a negative influence though. Historically it's been mediocre, but it was always more a benefit than a hindrance to society.
>Until that dies too.
But it won't? Poor societies, which is what the vast majority of Islamic countries are, generally believe in religion. The rate we're importing migrants into Europe means the complete death of Christianity within Europe and the replacement of it with Islam. Iraq, Syria and North Africa aren't going to stop being Islamic because Westerners became increasingly secularised.
>Christianity, as the one true faith, is dying then why do you believe a false one will fare any better?
I'm not Christian, I just prefer to live in a Christian society than a Muslim one.
>What isn't?
The fact that the current society is ruled by corporatism? Now they shove their own products and media into society and replaced the need for religion to the masses. Why bother praying for salvation when you already live satisfied?
>The rate we're importing migrants into Europe means the complete death of Christianity within Europe and the replacement of it with Islam. Iraq, Syria and North Africa aren't going to stop being Islamic because Westerners became increasingly secularised.
Paranoia and fear mongering don't help in making a point.
No one in their right mind believes that the west is ever going to become Islamic.
Also as soon as they get a taste of sweet first world live, they too stop being as religious.
>Christianity may be bad in your eyes, but it'll be replaced by an even worse and more brutal and backwards religion
Christianity is dying because technology, society and the availability of information have advanced to a point where the explanations for existence offered by the bible are no longer sufficient for modern living. If Christianity can't survive that, then why do you think an even more backwards one can?
>Poor societies, which is what the vast majority of Islamic countries are, generally believe in religion. The rate we're importing migrants into Europe means the complete death of Christianity within Europe and the replacement of it with Islam
If Islam replaces irrelevant Christianity, it becomes irrelevant Islam.
If the Ordovician extinction never happened, the species that ended up living in the Devonian period would not necessarily have been selected to survive. If the Devonian extinction never happened, the species that ended up living in the Permian period would not necessarily have been selected to survive. If the Permian extinction never happened, the species that ended up living in the Triassic period would not necessarily have been selected to survive. If the Triassic extinction never happened, the species that ended up living in the Cretaceous period would not necessarily have been selected to survive. If the Cretaceous extinction never happened, mammals would never have been selected to survive and the human species wouldn't exist. If the species didn't exist, there would never be moral or legal codes and there would never be modern human society. Billions of creatures permanently disappeared so we could be here. Religion was a negative aspect of our species history. Without it our civilization wouldn't exist.
Just like the first mass enxtinction and those succeeding it prevented Ordovician species from having free reign of 444 million years to evolve in peace, superstition, the act of altering real-world responses due to irrationally inconsistent processing of sensory data, also known as religion when dogmatized, prevented the homo sapiens from having free reign of hundreds of thousands of years to evolve in peace.
ITT Fedora s everywhere
>Iraq, Syria and North Africa aren't going to stop being Islamic because Westerners became increasingly secularised
Who gives a fuck what third world sand-farming goat fuckers believe? If the west is so heavily secular, why do you believe islam stands a chance?
Secular societies can't survive because they have no moral backbone.
>haha le fedora meme means my old book is right
How is it Paranoia or fear mongering? Muslim birth rates go up, while Christian birth rates go down. This is a simple fact. The importation of migrants from Islamic countries can only lead to the sidelining of Christianity and domination of Islam. Countries like France and Britain that had zero Muslims 60 years ago are 5-10% Muslim now. This isn't some fringe conspiracy theory, it's simple demographics.
>then why do you think an even more backwards one can?
I've already answered it, user. Because we're importing people from poorer societies.
>If Islam replaces irrelevant Christianity, it becomes irrelevant Islam.
"irrelevant" Islam like in rich societies like Saudi Arabia?
>all he has to defend his children level delusion is a picture of a fat guy with a hat.
It... is, though.....
>you can't have morality without religion
>quoting the bible as if it's an objective unbiased source
We have (((foreigners))) and traitors in our own nations INTENTIONALLY trying to destroy Christianity by allocating financial resources to muslims (and africans) that the Europeans have to pay for.
>Religion was a negative aspect of our species history
Christianity saved knowledge during the Medieval era that would have been lost with the collapse of the Roman Empire. You can argue that it's caused suffering, but to say it's negative is retarded.
And again, you're ignoring the point. We're not going to "evolve" into some rationalist hyper-being free from the petty constraints of God if we ditch Christianity. We're going to get taken over by a group much more stronger than us that don't give a shit about secularism.
>Who gives a fuck what third world sand-farming goat fuckers believe?
Because we're importing them by the boatload you fucking idiot.
>Countries like France and Britain that had zero Muslims 60 years ago are 5-10% Muslim now. This isn't some fringe conspiracy theory, it's simple demographics.
Your calculation mistake is to neglect that their birthrates also stabilize as soon as they come in contact with material wealth.
So they will most likely never go over 10%.
Europeans had wild birthrates too when everything was shit 100 years ago, my great grandfather had 9 siblings and like 5 made it to adulthood.
>>>you can't have morality without Christianity
>>quoting the bible as if it's an objective unbiased source
But it is.
>I've already answered it, user. Because we're importing people from poorer societies
That doesn't answer my question. What makes you believe their religion will survive that secular climate over time any better than Christianity did?
>"irrelevant" Islam like in rich societies like Saudi Arabia?
No, irrelevant like Christianity already is in first world countries. We were never talking about Saudi Arabia, why did you think that was some kind of ace in the hole?
You missed the whole point of the game, but considering the point isnt even in the game, you cant be blamed
>you can't have morality without Christianity
philosophical idea:
If we asume that is true, can someone who is only morally good out of fear of authority, be considered actually "good"?
Because by and large people feel way more sympathetic towards a little girl being victimized than a young boy. This is why nobody gives a fuck about yaoi/shota but will start social justice crusades when the new pokegirl gets lewded.
>Your calculation mistake is to neglect that their birthrates also stabilize as soon as they come in contact with material wealth
No it doesn't, you fucking moron. I specifically mentioned immigration. I know the birth rates of second and third generation immigrants stabilise, but these countries aren't going to suddenly stop importing 300,000 people a year. They're going to continue importing them.
>So they will most likely never go over 10%.
It's already estimated to be at 10% in France, and 5% in 2011 in Britain. Likely higher now.
Religionpill me on the meaning of the upsidedown cross.
>e're going to get taken over by a group much more stronger than us that don't give a shit about secularism
Bullshit. Christianity can't get a foothold in the modern day because secularists don't believe in it. Secularists won't believe in Islam either, so it's destined to suffer the same fate.
If secularism is such a boogeyman to you, how comes you're so convinced the poison of secularism won't also kill off Islam?
>What makes you believe their religion will survive that secular climate over time any better than Christianity did?
The all-encompassing violent nature of Islam. Islam isn't just religious like Christianity, it's socio-political. You have established Islamic laws and culture which you HAVE to live by. Christianity is much more peaceful and allows a greater degree of secularisation. Fuck, even in the Crusades at what is arguably the height of Christian zeal the Outremer let the Muslims go about their business fine and was generally peaceful.
>cherry picking: a fag´s post
*tips fedora*
It's the cross of St. Peter, who asked to be crucified upside down because he didn't believe himself to be worthy of dying in the same manner as Christ.
it is though
>tfw every American /pol/tard who hasn't left their parents basement in suburbia is an expert on Islam
>Secularists won't believe in Islam either
They don't HAVE to believe in it, dipshit. They're being replaced demographically.
>comes you're so convinced the poison of secularism won't also kill off Islam? Maybe it will, give or take a few hundred years. But I don't want to live in a country dominated by religious zealots for the rest of my life because I wanted to cut off my nose to spite my face or whatever. Or cut off my head, in this case.
Fucked up formatting, forgot to press enter
Completely fucked up rape and torture backwoods apocalyptic death cult is way better than mental patients imo.
Trail and error gameplay still sucks though. You'll die a lot from just running around like a headless chicken. Everything else is better. And I liked the first one (and Whistleblower)
Not an American, I'm a Brit. I'd like to say I know a little bit about Islam considering I have to live around Muslims
Remember when some shill spammed multiple threads at a time for this game?
>You have established Islamic laws and culture which you HAVE to live by
But the society they're being "imported" into don't have that dogmatic social foundation, which means their convictions aren't supported by their social environment. That same socio-political basis is what enforces its adherence, and without it, it will wither on the vine. I've known enough second generation muslims to know that the decay of religious beliefs in a secular environment is really fucking fast-acting. They see the kind of freedoms afforded by those outside their culture in their formative years and immediately begin questioning why they can't have that too.
>They're being replaced demographically
That's a separate dispute. We're talking about the prevalence of faith.
>They're being replaced demographically.
oh so for each muslim refugee you import you export a white person somewhere else?
>Asked to be crucified the wrong way as your last show of faith on this earth
That's metal as fuck.
>don't have that dogmatic social foundation
That doesn't stop them from living that way, or believing those things though.
>it will wither on the vine
When they're a small minority, yes. When they're a large population no. See the sharia courts being set up in the UK or the rape gangs which is undoubtedly influenced by religion.
Yes i learned that from /pol/ infographics ok!?!?
Mankind has never been nor will it ever be under constrains of some arbitrary religion's god unless it's proven that said god exists, its constraints exist and its constrains actually have effect. And religion is absolutely negative. The reality that grew up better without it literally died because of it.
How is it a separate dispute? The influence, or "prevalence" you could say, of Christianity goes down in comparison to Islam which is growing.
Replacement migration doesn't literally mean "people get replaced".
>Replacement migration doesn't literally mean "people get replaced".
>Mankind has never been nor will it ever be under constrains of some arbitrary religion's god
You're fedora tipping too hard that you can't see my point. I agree that religion is bullshit. My point isn't "dude we have to fear god lmao" it's that we have to fear the adherents of said religion, because they're a lot worse than the previous one.
>And religion is absolutely negative
Enlighten me, I'd say Christianities positive factors outweigh its negative ones.
As in individuals don't literally start disappearing from the streets and getting replaced by a brown doppelganger. Replacement in this context means the decline of one demographic at the expense of another, resulting in the marginalisation of said demographic.
Christianity's. Fuck
So basically, not replacement at all
"Christianity" is being replaced by "Islam" or "whites" being replaced by "non-whites". It doesn't literally refer to the replacement of individuals you retard.
>That doesn't stop them from living that way, or believing those things though
You seem to be under the impression that this is about who is allowed to believe what. It isn't; it's about society becoming dominated by religious thinking, which won't happen, because western society no longer has religion as an integral aspect. They will be formed by the society they find themselves in, and over time their pre-existing social attitudes that interweave society and faith will be eroded and replaced by the attitudes of a society which doesn't.
>See the sharia courts being set up in the UK or the rape gangs which is undoubtedly influenced by religion
I won't deny that these things exist and are a concern but the notion that they will somehow become the status quo is laughable. The impact of sharia courts are massively over-exaggerated, and rape gangs are a social ill, not a religious one.
She is super into it by the last one.
>Christianities positive factors outweigh its negative ones.
Indoctrinating children to accept contradictory data in order to falsely justify belief the unprovable is permanently damaging cognitive development. The reason why brains evolved was that sensory data was processed accurately and it led to positive outcomes in the real world, so rational brains were naturally selected. Religion is contradicting this mechanism by introducing exceptions and thus indoctrinated brains literally grow wrong. It's making people broken before they become adults and it can never be fixed. Religion should never be taught. People should be allowed to find out about it on their own once they're old enough to think for themselves, so they could rightfully reject it based on the rational processes that naturally developed in their brains as they grew up in the real world and lived by the real world's rules. So TL;DR the very base of religion itself is a negative thing and nothing built on top of it can make it positive.
>"Christianity" is being replaced by "Islam" or "whites" being replaced by "non-whites"
This discussion is about religion, not white vs. non white. If you absolutely must bring race into it, maybe we should start bringing African Christian immigrants into the equation.
christianity made italy made pizza
pizza good
christianity good
video games
> which won't happen, because western society no longer has religion as an integral aspect.
You're assuming the status quo will continue, and won't get increasingly dominated by a religious group that places a massive amount of importance on their religion. Yes, Western Society at the moment doesn't have a massive amount of influence because it's based off Christianity, which is relatively secular.
>will somehow become the status quo is laughable.
They're the status quo in the areas which are dominated by these people, in a country where they're fucking FIVE percent of the population and don't have that much influence. To imply they'll always be a local issue is retarded, especially as their numbers grow.
>and rape gangs are a social ill, not a religious one.
Religion and culture are heavily interwoven. There's a reason why a quarter of the Pakistani male population of Rotherham are under investigation for rape, and it's probably related to the one thing they have in common that promotes the rape of underage girls.
>This discussion is about religion, not white vs. non white.
It was an example, retard.
>maybe we should start bringing African Christian immigrants into the equation
Okay, go ahead. What does it change?
>tips fedora
the things you named are all groups of individuals. If there are a million christians in a country and you import a million muslims, decreasing the proportion of christians from 100% to 50%, nothing has been 'replaced'. It's an incorrect and misleading term to use
>What does it change?
Absolutely nothing, because religion is irrelevant in contemporary first world society and incapable of being anything but an irritation for paranoid fearmongering retards like you to latch onto, as has been my point all along.
>Indoctrinating children to accept contradictory data in order to falsely justify belief the unprovable is permanently damaging cognitive development
If Christianity is able to spawn people like Isaac Newton and Louis Pasteur, and Atheism is able to spawn people like Neil Degrasse Tyson I don't think the religion of a person has that much of an impact on cognitive functions.
>. Religion should never be taught. People should be allowed to find out about it on their own once they're old enough to think for themselves
Okay? Not arguing otherwise.
>The virgin Christcuck complains about muh bad game
>Meanwhile the Chad Norse still have good games and even was featured in the hit classic of 2018 God of War®
When will these monotheistic fags learn?
religions don't spawn people, their parents do, religion or lack of it has little effect on their talent
By all means, if you have another term come up with another one. I use replacement migration because it's the commonly accepted term and most people know that when people say "replacement migration" it refers to a declining of a certain demographic population at the expense of another. Nobody except mouth breathers on Yea Forums think it literally refers to individuals being replaced.
>I use replacement migration because it's the commonly accepted term
You literally said "they're being replaced"
typical /pol/ scaremongering
.because religion is irrelevant in contemporary first world society
No, Christianity is irrelevant. Muslims still hold strongly onto their beliefs.
>religion or lack of it has little effect on their talent
>You literally said "they're being replaced"
...and you thought I was implying that individual Christians were LITERALLY being replaced by individual Muslims?
You're confusing cause and effect. Newton and Pasteur didn't become brilliant innovators because of religions but in spite of it. Perhaps without religion they would have been even smarter or their ideas would have already been discovered because people of preceding generations wouldn't have been cognitive impaired. People not as smart as them would have been as smart as them.
>I use words completely incorrectly in a way that was designed to be deliberately misleading but it's ok because everyone else does it
Demographics are comprised of individuals. Replacement means adding X and removing Y. It does not mean an increase in total proportion by adding X
>or their ideas would have already been discovered because people of preceding generations wouldn't have been cognitive impaired
I assume you've got evidence to back this claim up.
user what? There's good atheist scientists and bad christian scientists. Don't pretend it has anything to do with their religion
Why do poltards get so upset when a game does this?
The church suppressed peoples minds, told them what to think and threatened them with an eternity in hell or actual torture in the real world if they dared to think differently
Because they can't handle criticism like most normies
That's churchianity. So more like 1700 years. Original christianism is based and peaceful
Yup. I personally don't have any issues with israel other than AIPAC essentially running the government while giving us, the american people, no benefit
Religion will never not be for the mentally insecure that have no ideals and morals of their own and would rather live by the arbitrary standards set by someone else with the promises of bliss and a perceived superiority to everyone else.
It is the most effective snake oil in existence as it plays so perfectly on the ego's desires and it's why lunatics like Mohammed and Shoko can gather large groups and attain power just by telling people that they know what's up. People want to believe.
Sadly their cries will go unheard. Where were they when Sun and Moon came out?
There have been testimonies from formerly religious people who had been indoctrinated into fundamentalist religion who have been struggling their entire lives trying to actively uphold rational thought models because their brains were incorrectly developed with logical exceptions. It literally makes you more gullible and suggestible and causes you to more readily accept things that don't really make sense because you believe things without having to be convinced, because that's literally what religion is. You need to keep reminding yourself to manually go through a process of reason that never properly developed when considering things, due to that big hole of irrationality that was nailed into your head so it could hold contradictory information.
>Replacement means adding X and removing Y.
Yes, but in the context of discussions about demographics when talking about "replacement" it refers to the decline of certain demographic groups in favour of another, my man. We're going in circles here. You're getting autistically hung-up on the word "replacement" when nobody thought it meant the literal replacement of individuals.
Yes, that was my point.
Sounds like Islam
When did Yea Forums, and Yea Forums in general, become full of christfags? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.
>The church suppressed peoples minds
The Church was also the only institution keeping records, saving books and old works that would have been destroyed in the Medieval period where there was no central institution to keep power. The only things they told people was stuff about the Bible, which they kept in Latin away from the general population.
>There have been testimonies from formerly religious people
So there have been accounts from people in cults in the 21st century that differ massively from the history of religion? epic.
every religions are evil
religion is a source of conflict
and as I just said, it's incorrect to use the word replacement with referring to proportion because replacement refers to a quantity. You are literally using a term in a way that was deliberately designed to be misleading and make people think they're being replaced and they're going to be wiped out and defending yourself by saying everyone does it.
True but they're not the source, only an expression of it.
Problem is, Christendom is evil, but Christianity itself isn't. That's what happens when you let Catholicism butcher and dominate people for centuries and centuries practically unchallenged. People will think that's what Christianity is. Can't blame them.
Just because the church did some good things doesn't mean they didn't do those bad things
>So there have been accounts from people in cults in the 21st century that differ massively from the history of religion? epic.
Literally no difference. Irrationality and indoctrination are the same everywhere you look. The 21st century just happens to be the information age. You know, the age when such testimonies can actually be reliably recorded.
Satanic baphomet tranny worship in videogame form. Never I'll buy anything from these demonic devs.
Addition to it. If human behavior was only based on reason (and instinct), all conflict would be based on resources and emotion. Religion allows a third justification that is disconnected from reality.
I'm not gonna lie. I hated the first 99% of this game on the account of it being 2spooky4me.
But once I got to the ending... it retroactively redeemed the rest of the game and now it's one of favourite horror games of all time.
i dont know, you have to cut the tip of your dick off to be jewish, and i'm pretty sure that out of all of the religions none of them require you to permanently disfigure yourself.
i guess that's more peaceful than jihad but i wouldn't call that peaceful
Okay, who gives a shit?
I'm arguing with you, who knows what this term is and what it refers to. The relevance of the term in the context of this conversation and what it signifies isn't negated by the fact that people can interpret it incorrectly.
took me 20 minutes on all the boards to find the pro-pedophila thread. should have guessed it would be on Yea Forums
There was a huge amount of disagreement and debate within the Church, and the promotion of ideas was generally accepted. Fuck, the entire Protestant movement flourished due to publication of writings attacking the Church, the promotion of literacy and lack to Catholic resistance to the movement. It wasn't some big evil JRPG type thing where it killed all those wrong-doers who dared to question its institution.
>Okay, who gives a shit?
I give a shit
White people literally think they're going to be wiped out by muslim immigration thanks to idiots like you repeating things that don't make sense
christianity isn't evil but you probably don't believe me because the jewish plot to destroy christianity through apostolic succession about 1500 years ago
the greek orthodox framework of christian symbolism is pretty dope, and there's none of the retarded anglican and catholic and baptist baggage from the crusades and born-again evangelical movement
christianity is a continuation of platonic philosophy through a framework of abrahamic religion, the highest value is placed on truth and rationality. clearly it has been sullied over the last 2000 years especially if you live in an area filled with catholics or baptists but it's not like they study a different book
That has nothing to do with what you responded to.
Christianity is a mind control tool adopted by the Romans and continued by the Catholic Church
>that reflection
wtf is the floor supposed to be reflecting? There's nothing remotely like it in the level geometry.
The conversation was initially about Christianity vs other religions, and I brought up replacement in the commonly used form when talking about demographics. That is, Christianity will be sidelined in favour of Islam and the percentage of Christians will decline while the percentage of Muslims will rise. You focused on the term "replacement" not being factually correct, to which I agreed, and then continued talking about it.
Who gives a fuck about what white people think about the term? This isn't a presidential debate or academic paper that can influence the thought of millions of crackers. This is a off-topic discussion on a cunny post on the video games board of Yea Forums,
all sand religions need to be purged
Low quality bait
different user but yes it does? are you incapable of having a discussion that requires looking at semantic and semiotic signifiers that you're familiar with through a different lens?
He said "literally no difference".
There's a huge amount of difference, which I outlined. A fundamentalist Christian cult in shithole Alabama or something (Sorry, don't know states) isn't the same as the Catholic Church of the 21st century, or even the 16th century.
Why won't you guys play the games you talk about?
It isn't commonly used form though, its incorrect form only used by fearmongering /pol/posters trying to decieve people. Christianity won't be sidelined in favour of Islam either, you could literally import the entire Middle East to Europe and they'd still be in the minority
>thinking the crusades were only religious
In fairness I don't think most people know what crusades they're talking about. The ones that aren't just straightforward Christianity vs Islam essentially don't count according to people here.
Walking out into the post-apocalyptic Jonestown-like remains of Temple Gate, with your phantom baby in tow while your memories of the past comes to a head and confluences with the present, and even in this moment of utter despair and in these dredge surroundings, you find your redemption.
A more kino ending I've not seen.
that's judaism, which in the time of the romans had basically nothing to do with modern talmudic and zionist judaism and was a conversion force that ended up creating islam to indoctrinate the arabs against the semitic phonecian hordes
and that's about a thousand year gap between the romans and the catholic church, and in that time span there was this little event called the byzantine iconoclasm that's pretty much responsible for christianity splitting into a philosophical religion and into a tool of control
i am not denying that it's used as a tool of control, and has been for thousands of years, but painting the totality of christianity as a tool of control is very foolish if you understand the history of how and why it happened
this but unironically
>It isn't commonly used form though
You seemed to know what it meant, which is good enough for a discussion between two consenting™ individuals.
>Christianity won't be sidelined in favour of Islam either
The influence of Christianity is declining, the influence of Islam is greatly expanding. Especially when you factor in the fact that the vast majority of Christians are non-practising.
>35% of Muslims in a married household with children, compared to 15% non-Muslim.
>18% of Muslim households occupied by one person compared with 30% non-Muslim
>10% households with single parent compared to 8% non-Muslim
This was with a decent amount of migrants to the UK being non-EU, which is likely going to rise in the coming years. France is almost undoubtedly worse, with estimates at 10% but it's difficult to tell due to these types of polls being illegal. It's not going to stay at 5%, that's for sure.
It didn't originate from the west to begin, you're mentally cucked
>christianity isn't evil
when it stops being christianity in any functional or recognisable way at all then yeah it isn't evil anymore
>people still argue over whose version of the magical sky man is best
imagine actually believing any of this shit
Christianity was adopted in Rome by Constantine
>a thousand year gap between the romans and the catholic church
You do realize it's called the Roman Catholic Church right?
Everything you know about Christianity has been shaped by this
*ave corpus plays in the background*
Because the Catholic Church has committed actual crimes.
Best ending I've ever played in a video game.
I don't consider the comics to be canon, since they kind of take away from the ambiguity of the ending, which is part of what makes it so good.
>You seemed to know what it meant
I didn't actually, I wasn't aware /pol/tards were deliberately spreading misinformation, I thought they actually believed they were being replaced
Islam isn't going to catch on with Christians or atheists
Didn't originate, sure. But it's undoubatbly a 'Western' religion. I don't think anyone would deny that Western culture and thought has been heavily shaped by it. Unless you're some Pagan EVROPA FVRST Nazi LARPer
The second amendment is based on Christianity.
Christianity didn't do that. Man did
>I didn't actually
What? So then what did you think I meant when I said replacement? Did you think it I was talking about literal replacement until I stated what replacement meant in terms of demographics?
>I wasn't aware /pol/tards were deliberately spreading misinformation
It's not a /pol/tard thing. "Replacement" is a common term when talking about ethnic groups.
>It is clear that there were human populations in the region at the time of the expansion, and pygmies are their closest living relatives. However, mtDNA genetic research from Cabinda suggests that only haplogroups that originated in West Africa are found there today, and the distinctive L0 of the pre-Bantu population is missing, suggesting that there was a complete population replacement.
Are you going to sperg out at Wikipedia, because "OMG THE BANTU PEOPLES DIDN'T LITERALLY REPLACE THE INDIVIDUALS OF PRE-BANTU SOUTH AFRICA!!!!" or something?
>Islam isn't going to catch on with Christians or atheists
A declining Christian and Atheist population, compared to a population of vigorous believers who have a high birth rate that we're importing, who have larger families when they're here and have a strong cultural tendency to form small isolated communities. Yep, totally not going to catch up or anything.
Congrats on not getting the point.
Outlast 2 wasn't anti-christian, it simply used christian themes in order to tell its story. The Wall-rider was using the girl in the game as a host to be born from, and the town/cult was a result of telepathic manipulation by the US Government.
The back-story of the dude and his original GF in catholic school was directly meant as a means of creating a solid, relatable foundation that they could build a monster out of that relates directly with the cult in the game.
The cult weren't even really christian, as the leader wrote a new book for the town to follow, which you collect the pages of and gives you more insight. It's more about the horrors that lurk under the masquerade of religion and who use it to hide their true nature, not about religion or christianity being evil.
God loved the world so much that he sent his one and only son to earth as a physical man to teach humanity about Truth and Grace, and that all you have to do to live on forever, like Jesus, is to understand that and act it out.
that's evil?
Where should Outlast 3 take place?
>Not a little boy
Wasted opportunity
The article you linked talks about actual replacement, ie. X arriving and Y disappearing. You could say that Islam was replacing Christianity as a religion in the West as immigrants arrive and Christians stop believing, but the reality is Christianity is being replaced by atheism or agnostism - secularists are not going to suddenly covert to Islam that they are no longer Christians, being non-religious is a religious position
Ahahahahahahahaha, AHahahahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHA, holy fucking shit, both you and the wiki author are fucking idiots.
That is specifically condemning people who commit, as they described "pious fraud."
Holy shit, a bunch of darwin retards we got in here.
Evil is mutilating your children when they're newly born. Evil is teaching them that daring to exist on this forsaken world at all is inherenly sinful and wrong and that they must spend their life in penance to an absent god for the unforgiveable sin of being alive. Evil is training your children like a dog to believe that they'll burn in hellfire forever if they experience any form of sexual pleasure (including wet dreams, "you were touched by a succubus! you have to confess so your "crimes" can be used against your by the pedo priests!"). Evil is killing people for not believing in your One True Semitic Religion(tm) where priests are allowed to sell indulgences like allowing you to use butter during Lent; imagine if a Muslim told his fellow semites that they could completely ignore God's almighty law if they paid him money!
>The article you linked talks about actual replacement, ie. X arriving and Y disappearing
Okay, first of all nigger no it doesn't. Literally the next line is
>however, a more complex intermixing could have taken place.[25]
It's not one population arriving and the other population just fucking off. The point is that "replacement" is a commonly accepted term for one population gaining dominance over another in an area in relation to demographics, which is what will likely happen to areas in Europe with the growing population of Islam and the slowing and ageing population of Christians. and atheists.
>but the reality is Christianity is being replaced by atheism or agnostism
Yes, which is what this entire debate is about. I'm an Atheist, but I don't want Christianity being replaced by Islam, I'd prefer to have a Chrisitan culture over an Islamic culture, etc.
>secularists are not going to suddenly covert to Islam that they are no longer Christians
Not. In. Our. Current. Culture. But in a society where Muslims hold dominance, or a large degree of dominance, you can be absolutely fucking certain that there will be forcible conversions or at the very least enforcement of their rules.
>>however, a more complex intermixing could have taken place.[25]
That's proposed as an alterate theory by the use of "could have". Don't argue dishonestly. You're wrong about the use of the word
> I'm an Atheist, but I don't want Christianity being replaced by Islam, I'd prefer to have a Chrisitan culture over an Islamic culture, etc.
The idea that religion is the only form of culture is a fallacy. If your country is atheist-formely-christian majority as many European countries are, there's no reason it will be replaced by Islam as if any culture that isn't based on religious belief will be superceded by one with a religious belief. There is no reason for Islam to ever gain majority, unless they breed like cockroaches as many people pretend they will. Birthrates are related to health and socio-economic status, not race or religion
Jesus was a jew brainlet
>That's proposed as an alterate theory by the use of "could have". Don't argue dishonestly. You're wrong about the use of the word
No you fucking brainlet, "replacement" is an okay word to use when talking about demographics. Look up ANY article about ethnic migrations or intermixing. It doesn't matter if it's the complete replacement, or significant replacement. British neolithic ethnic migrations was around 80-90% of the population, but it wasn't TOTAL replacement so is it okay to use? I said that Christianity is being replaced by Islam, in the sense that it's on track to BEING replaced. Not that Christianity is 90% gone. I don't know why you're so fucking autistically fixated on this word that is commonly accepted to have a set meaning, and you're constantly trying to weasel your way out of admitting it's okay to use
>The idea that religion is the only form of culture is a fallacy
God stop posting, you fucking retard. Different religions absolutely do have different cultures that form around them. Honor killings or age of consent for example.
>There is no reason for Islam to ever gain majority, unless they breed like cockroaches as many people pretend they will
I linked statistics earlier, dude. Are you being this dense on purpose?
>Birthrates are related to health and socio-economic status, not race or religion
You're fucking baiting at this point, right?
I never said it was linked to religion. I said that adherents of Islam, who come from certain countries with economic backgrounds and health status and cultures, have a high birth-rate. Much higher than those of their western counter-parts. Sure, second generation Muslims might settle in but that doesn't stop the fact that we still keep importing them into the countries. This is easy and simple to understand if you're not a drooling retard.
God makes it clear that no body is righteous in his sight amd we all deserve to go to hell. But God loved the world that he gave his son to pay for our sins.
Replacement is +x -y as I said. Christianity isn't being replaced by Islam. It's being replaced by atheism as Westerners who were once Christian lose faith in religion. You aren't acknowledging non-religious as a valid position, which is what I meant when I said "religion wasn't the only form of culture", I wasn't saying Islam wasn't a culture.
The decline of birth rates with the increase of health and wealth is well-researched and has nothing to do with race or religion, you can look it up if you want to stop feeling like a persecuted /pol/tard
also Yea Forums:
Correct me if im wrong but i thought they used religion to give the soldiers "morale" to fight
you all believe in the same god
>Replacement is +x -y as I said
Okay, user. Describe the process of how a cultural/demographic/linguistic/ethnic/religious people is "replaced". What percentage do you have to be to be able to say "We're potentially going to be replaced in the future". The domination of the Neolithic farmers in Britain by the Beaker culture took 400 years. When is it accurate to call it a replacement, or to say that they were on course for a replacement by the beaker culture?
>It's being replaced by atheism as Westerners who were once Christian lose faith in religion. You aren't acknowledging non-religious as a valid position
I've stated MULTIPLE times in this thread that Atheism is irrelevant here. Yes, Christianity gives way for Atheism but as a by-product Atheism gives way for Islam. Do you think an entirely Christian culture would allow the suicide for what is their own religion?
>The decline of birth rates with the increase of health and wealth is well-researched and has nothing to do with race or religion
Shit nigger, you're baiting right now. Right?
What part of
>I never said it was linked to religion
>I never said it was linked to religion
>I never said it was linked to religion
>I never said it was linked to religion
>who come from certain countries with economic backgrounds and health status and cultures
>who come from certain countries with economic backgrounds and health status and cultures
>who come from certain countries with economic backgrounds and health status and cultures
Don't you understand?
I'm entirely convinced that you know you have no idea what you're talking about, so you're just baiting so you can only pretend you're retarded.
Not that user, and he's partially right and partially wrong.
The Crusades were a complicated event that doesn't just boil down to "Muslims bad, religion bad". The Crusades were a response to the Islamic Caliphates, like the Egyptian Fatamids, or Seljuk Turks who had invaded Christian Byzantine (The part of the Roman Empire that survived) territory and the Umayyad caliphate that invaded Christian territory in what is now Spain. The Pope received a letter from the Byzantine Emperor asking for help, which was pretty much just him asking for mercenaries, and the Pope called the Crusades in order to get the warring Christian nobles to fight against a common enemy to stop them fighting each other. It was partially religiously motivated, partially motivated by self-defence and partially motivated by monetary gain with people like Bohemond seeking to form an Empire in the Middle-East, but it can't be summed up in a black and white "Christians good Muslims bad" or vice versa
If poor unhealthy refugees immgirate to a rich country, they will no longer be poor and unhealthy so they won't breed as much
>Atheism is irrelevant here
It isn't irrelevant. There's no reason for atheism to give way to Islam, it's as valid a religious position as any, it's not just a religious void that gets replaced by whatever new religion comes along. Atheists will not convert to Islam.
>being this autist
:>If poor unhealthy refugees immgirate to a rich country, they will no longer be poor and unhealthy so they won't breed as much
I've said this.
Multiple times
Now, here's the part where I state the second half of my point that I've said multiple times user. Are you ready for it? Here it comes, brace yourself. I want you to pay VERY close attention, because it appears you've missed it the first billion times. I sure hope you brace yourself for this bombshell user, because it's coming.
The fact that second generation immigrants deviate to the mean doesn't stop the fact that these countries will continue to import immigrants that have a high birth-rate.
>There's no reason for atheism to give way to Islam
A violent militarist subsection of society doesn't need Atheists to convert. It just needs to continue growing their population until their a significant enough population to truly influence the laws of said country. They already have Sharia courts and no-go zones at 5%, imagine how large their influence will be at say 30% or 50%. This isn't just a religion, it's an ideology. And they won't accept living under secular laws when they're a significant majority.
>The fact that second generation immigrants deviate to the mean
who says it applies only to second generation immigrants? Do you realize to get 50% Muslims you would have to import literally the entirety of the Middle East?
And socialism/communism killed 10,000 times that.
Desert religion for desert rats.
Christians believe i. The one true God. Jews and Musliy believe in Satan.
Christianity legit gets a blank cheque after building western civilization after the fall of Rome. If atheism were worthwhile, somewhere outside of Europe would have done it instead.
The Middle East isn't the only place with Muslims, populations grow, and domestic populations still grow even if at a slowed rate. Also the entire population of the Middle East is 411 million people, the entire MUSLIM population is 1.8 BILLION. Look at the chart I posted. Britain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Sweden are all projected to be around 20% Muslim by 2030. That's not gonna slow
>If atheism were worthwhile, somewhere outside of Europe would have done it instead
uhhh.. China...?? Albania??? Soviet Union???
>Britain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Sweden are all projected to be around 20% Muslim by 2030
By right-wing scaremongers with a clear bias
Most Muslim refugees are escaping war in the Middle East, some from Africa
to get a 50% Muslim population you would have to literally replace all the white people, or double the size of your already incredibly urbanized country, things rather unlikely to happen in Europe
You'd also need to give those immigrants a ton of money to sustain all their children because there won't be enough jobs for them either
communist shithole
fucking africa... lol
>soviet union
communist and long-gone
i'm american and christian and it's ok to be white, christian, male, and american.
Religion and Peace are incompatible.
>By right-wing scaremongers with a clear bias
By the fucking London School of Economics attempting to deal with the rise of the Right-Wing in response to the growing Muslim population in Western Europe AND Pew Research Centre you fucking dunce.
Maybe be on the look out for any dishwasher tablets, yeah? You stupidly thick cunt.
>Most Muslim refugees are escaping war in the Middle East, some from Africa
Or, y'know. Pakistan, a huge Muslim country that isn't in the Middle East...
>to get a 50% Muslim population you would have to literally replace all the white people
We're ALREADY predicted 30% Muslim at the current rate, user. Stop bullshitting.
>or double the size of your already incredibly urbanized country
5.9% of Britain is built on, 50% is farmland.
>You'd also need to give those immigrants a ton of money to sustain all their children because there won't be enough jobs for them either
Yeah, retard I'm not making the case for immigration.