thoughts on Stadia by Google
thoughts on Stadia by Google
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it's fucking nothing
it's gonna be ded in a couple months just like every other google pet project (wave, picasa, google plus, etc etc)
Literally nothing either impressive, or new. And people saying "AHAHA THIS IS GOING TO KILL CONSOLES HAHAHAHA!!!!!" are literal retards. This could easily kill Steam, and GPUs in general. That $2k computer you got for gaming, could be equal to that of an $80 notebook.
Cool name. Not even joking.
nobody asked for cloud gaming
Doesn't bring anything to the table, just shit that already exists with a Google logo.
I miss the Ouya. This system seemed better when we thought this would be Ouya 2.
Literally just PS Now and other streaming shit I can't name.
It's Onlive all over again. But since it's Google it probably won't fail. If Stadia comes with youtube premium then it's kino.
did they say how much it is and how good of a internet connection you need?
Can't believe I wasted an hour for that shit
A few cool features, but its shit.
The most buzzwords I've heard from any presentation ever.
vidya is dead and there's no going back.
>no mention of subscription price
Shit name. Should'a been called the Googolplex
Now THIS is literal cancer.
Meme streaming with latency.
We HAVE to pushback or gaming will die.
Glorified streaming service that some of us will try out when they offer a free month of it. We'll try it, hate it, and forget about it. It'll be dead within a year or 2 when normies continue buying the usual consoles.
I want to kill myself.
Can you actually buy games on it? If so, I imagine it'll live until someone gets permabanned and loses their entire game collection for saying a nono word and then Google gets taken to court, where EULAs are finally BTFO for eternity.
>presentation has ~1 sec input lag
>carefully slowly panning the camera so video artifacting won't be visible
Yeah, so how is this different from any other video game streaming service? The fact that they have servers nearby? So what? Someone is always close to some other service too, yet this doesn't solve the issues of video stream artifacting, especially on higher refresh rates and poor latency in general.
They did it. They created something even more useless than Google+.
>tfw 25GB monthly data cap
>No pricing
Guess a year subscription is going to cost the same as an entire console then.
>the head of gaming is jade "I do nothing" raymond
Untold amounts of lawsuits from game devs that either didn't opt in or from publishers that are looking to win over google to be more in favor of their games over another.
>game streaming service
ebin, simbly ebin
Here's your target audience
>*unless your internet is shite lol xD*
OnLive was a failure.
i'd rather stick with physical media right now, i like having my consoles power in my ownership. Also i feel like input lag is going to be a problem for a while.
They didn't, but their prerecorded demo was dropping frames even though it was recorded under perfect connection with at least a gigabit connection to a sever in the next room.
>muh 4k graphics = good game
why? the best game in the world is tetris and doesn't even need 4k resolution
Literally the dumbest, most out of touch thing I have seen since the Ouya.
>60 fps
Data center to runs games is a great idea... until you realize that unless you live in a highly connected area its pointless.
>you live in a timeline where one single company managed to ruin everything you like
>fucks pirates
>fucks hackers
>grafix won't be held back by 10 year console cycles
Fund it
But with the 2k computer you can
>Mod your games
>Play offline
>Keep your games to play later
>Stay away from an evil botnet
>Enjoy consistent quality
>No input lag
>Do other shit while gaming
Is stadia a console or an engine? Im confused
The difference is that Google will have the infrastructure to make Onlive that isn't lowbudget 2000's trash. Plus, they'll be shilling it super hard on Youtube, which will cover Onlive's problem of low notoriety. Also, google is a lot better at selling your private info than Onlive was.
complete fucking scam that retards are going to buy up
its going to end like onlive
It's gonna flop
>someone posted it was literally Dreamcast 2
>it wasnt
i want to kill that guy
What a fucking disaster
Going off reactions on Yea Forums and /g/ I dont think the market for his exists, at least among autists.
Id be interested to see how normalfags are responding.
>It's Onlive with some bells and whistles and probably a shitload of "telemetry" to boot
Fi is still going, but the Google phones have some serious issues.
>launching it in the countries that don't have any data caps
> launching it in the countries that are primary dominated by PC or consoles that you can play FIFA on
Its doomed. There's no way in hell its going of the ground.
>"Games as a service"
>always online
>controller literally spies on you
>OnLive 2.0: the Slackening
>"Ubisoft has always been at the forefront of"
>buttery smooth 18 frames per second
>visible seconds of input lag during demonstration
>glitching and flashing polys on prerendered splash screen
>requires Google Chrome
>"The data center is your platform"
>not a single white person in any promotional material
>streaming and ecelebrities made a priority
>promises of streaming 8k at 120fps
>"no cheating, no hacking"
>modding referred to as a negative
>someone in a wizard costume on stage
>fucking MatPat appears to present
>then Jade from Jade's Game
>"Humanity could have gone to Pluto 10 times and back" but watched Youtube instead
>skip button if game is too hard
>stream advertising streamed game service repeats/skips
>launches only in 4 European countries
>price conveniently not mentioned
Well with that cap you couldn't even download any new games
>lag input
>only 10 TF, but they say will have 4k/60 fps
>you own nothing, if you say something bad, google take everything from you
>youtube e-celeb
fucking cancer, only zoomers and with with 60 IQ will support this
Of course you need google fiber for it to work optimally, just subscribe to these 5 other google things and you'll have the best gaming rig possible.
Seriously though, I like owning my games, or at least not have it in assmaster quality and lag outta the ass.
"But google fiber!"
Not everyone lives in big murrikan cities with gFiber as an option, not everyone has good internet, almost everyone has fucking bad lag overall.
I like owning my games, and you can
all you want, doesn't change the fact that it's not STREAMING, but locally run, and easily hackable to work later on.
Plus, if we let this happen, the streaming UI Will have ADS outta the ass. Just look at the Android shop "Games".
Cemented the hate I have for Alphabet
Who will forget about it first. Google or Gamers
There's no market for it amongst people who actually play video games. It's a purely normalfag thing.
seems like the only way it's surviving is as a hosting service for MMOs.
theres no way this would work, the infrastructure to pull what they are planning, not only isnt there, IT WILL NEVER BE THERE, or at least for a couple decades, only a select few rich fagets with 1Gbp conections would use this properly.
Any hint as to whether this shit is a subscription service or if you buy the games on their service or both/either?
How long till they abandon It?
Fitting name.
How can it be a console if it has no box?
It's a big server room somewhere.
Everyone predicted this would be Ouya 2.
Now that the truth has dropped, we can see that installing the Stadia client would actually be downgrade of your old Ouya.
Google already has your data with Analytics built into pretty much 90% of the web now
Its a streaming service.
does this sum it up
wtf, I have 100GB on my fucking phone
sounds too good to be true.
but it might lay the foundation for something so it's probably progress for the industry.
That stream was a fucking mess, really gives you a good idea of what to expect from this product.
I wonder how much they're paying people to yell "Woo!" like a bunch of fucking sims pretending to be excited during the presentation
Stadia is an incredibly retarded name.
Exactly. And with Microsoft having announced Project XCloud like last year or something, what's new?
And if you watch the XCloud presentation where they showed it like a couple of weeks ago, it's literally the same exact thing. The only thing is that XCloud seems like it's mainly targeting only PC and mobile.
>Stay away from an evil botnet
Yeah too bad most gaymer cucks have shintel mossad backdoors at the hearts of their systems
>muh fps!!!!!!
+ the idea of being able to "jump into a game" when watching a streamer or whatever is pretty cool
+ for some poor student who only has a netbook it's probably not too bad, at least they can experience game x or y
- will be subject to youtube hiccups, your own ISP having problems
- input delay due to the laws of physics, cannot avoid it
- shit games only, no exclusives (yet), will get trash exclusives for sure
- no mods
Meh. Some of the ideas behind it are alright but personally I have no interest in playing anything with input delay (I noticed the delay even during the short Ass Creed presentation on stage), so hard pass.
Its basicly the exact same hardware thats already excepted to be in the PS5 and XBONE-Two, so its a big old "wow it's fucking nothing".
And given Google's flaky rep, no real trust in them sticking with it full bore for more then 5 years. It will be a port machine for shit with little to no exclusives, kinda like how the XBONE has been this gen.
Honestly, if it delivers what they promise it could be imagine. Just imagine what new kinds of high-quality gacha games you could get.
>Buzzwords: the presentation
>No mention on the issue of input lag
oh no
>yfw that favorite franchise of yours becomes a stadia exclusive and the only way to play it is by buying a sub and streaming it through your browser
>yfw bye bye mods
Gee another data point for them to collect your info so when they roll out the social credit system fully in the West they can incorporate your gaming habits/tastes into whether or not you get banned from using travel or financial institutions. I can't wait.
Pure fucking snake oil.
Mildly interesting. The biggest feature I saw was the link sharing; developers can let you live-test the game, or if you're looking for reviews you can instead just try the game.
Depending on how pricing works this could be great. From the looks of it, however, each game has to be bought separately through a store. I hope there's a relatively low subscription fee where you can just play whatever games in their library.
It's Playstation Now
redpill me on this
Its not even a normal fag thing. Its literally Zoomer tech for people who have those ultra lite laptops and down own a desktop
>''Hello. Yes, I am gamer. Star Trek holodeck. Gamer.''
Reminder Valve has a financial stake in Vulkan. Theyre not out of the fight yet
dead on arrival ouya 2.0
i dont understand it all
how can my thinkpad play skyrim?
>requires one gig bandwidth
>500 meg for telemetry
>the other half is for the game itself.
This ends in 2 ways
>Google sets a new standard and streaming video games becomes the norm
>Google drops the project and adds it to the pile
What will it be? I need nostradamus here, stat
Will improve gaming on Linux until it dies a few years from now.
Is this a bot post?
>Can play high end games on toasters
How? Wouldn't you need extremely high internet to do this making the people that would need this unable to use it because poorfags tend to have shit internet?
Just how similar is to OnLive?
>how do you do, fellow gamers: the service
I seriously fucking doubt this will catch on but I'd said the same thing about switch. Anything to keep the big three from getting comfortable
True but they still don't have a good way to track your offline purchases through consoles. This would probably let them do that.
> No games
>You need a great internet connection
>They had lag even in the presentation
> They couldn't even get a normal stream right
> You can press a button and ask for an answer for a game
> You can stream snipe instantly (This will be fun with mic spamming to get youtubers banned)
The only thing good about this is the stream snipping. I will use this to try to get people banned and it will be fun as fuck.
i know fuck valve.
i wanna play jade's game
I'm glad it was a disaster, Google is a shit company and I don't want them to run the industry.
The wifi controller isn't that bad. It is a device that connects to the internet to solely send your inputs to the service and not actually connect to other devices.
Imagine not knowing Latin
the latter hands down
this system is going to buckle when more than 4 people start using it and its all going to crash along with google's search engine in general
Not on my canadian internets
Why do suits think that games can work like fucking netflix?
>Can't name a single game she grew up with
No, because they want thier idiot customrs to jump on it, find out thier intenret is too shit, and then call their ISPs to upgrade.
Stadia only benefits ISPs' wallets.
That made me laugh
Doom was never a turn based game, but with the Stadia's input lag, it can finally feel like one.
Bitch sit the fuck down and be humble. That's Jade fucking Raymond.
Ever heard of a little title called Assassin's Creed?
She fucking created it. She's more of a gamer than your madbaby ass can ever claim to be.
>>grafix won't be held back by 10 year console cycles
publishers will still want to sell games on consoles, so itll still be held back
you will also now no longer have hardware upgrades unless google decides to shell out billions of dollars upgrading all of their stadia machines
Streaming would be the final solution to gaming if it weren't for input lag. But input lag. Call me back when we have quantum entanglement.
Please don't save this post to show me in 5 years when I, like everyone else, is gaming exclusively on google streaming shit and even like it.
>yfw bye bye mods
Mods will still be around you just have to pay for them to be added to your game now through the Play Store.
Xbox One is looking pretty attractive right now
it has no pokemon
Because boomers are fucking retarded and don't know anything about entertainment besides MMM MONEY GOOD.
>limited library
How is this better than Blade Shadow?
*presses google assistant button*
because they're complete fucking retards that dont understand how anything works at all and think everything computer related is magic
It's fucking nothing
Rural internet is still incapable of good streaming and the rural market is too big for companies to alienate.
>2 games announced
They have nothing, do they?
The game is being rendered in a google data center with these custom AMD chips and being streamed to your shitty laptop Not that hard to understand.
>Assassin's Creed
How strong is this console?
Google is notorious for shilling impossible promises and then killing them after a year or two. The only reason the company is still afloat is because it's effectively a government stooge akin to Pfizer or Monsanto.
>that blue ocean ad with the fucking FURRY to appeal to the epic gamer audience
How can this compete with the Soulja Boy?
>>Google drops the project and adds it to the pile
This. Nobody will touch streamed games. Not even normies will get close to it after it's revealed what internet you need to run that shit.
I don't get why you'd want to stream a game, maybe a walking simulator or VN would be okay but the input delay would make playing just about anything else uncomfortable
Thank you for proving my point that Stadia won't kill anything.
Maybe in countries that have good internet, most Americans are lucky if they have over 10mbs down, which I doubt can seamlessly stream a game with half decent settings
Monthly fee
Free (+dlc tip)
Less than 10km away from a google datacenter with a direct dedicated fiber line
>- input delay due to the laws of physics, cannot avoid it
Actually the controller gets matched to the running instance so latency should be pretty low (as long as you use the Google controller)
>- shit games only, no exclusives (yet), will get trash exclusives for sure
Google has a ton of money and they could potentially build a powerhouse for their in-house studio
>- no mods
not necessarily
You do realize that the servers still run with graphics cards right? Now the cycle will be how long it takes google to upgrade
We are talking about visible latency on wired connection here
Imagine how worse it is on anything that isn't connected directly to the net, ESPECIALLY sub true 5G mobile connections
And 5G is barely even here
>litterally JUST FUCKING BOUGHT A 2080TI
Is true they mentioned Nintendo being on board?
It was literally an EA conference.
Pajeet's be shilling.
Ass creed is barely a game
>>grafix won't be held back by 10 year console cycles
streaming is only acceptable if you live close to the servers, otherwise the input lag is going to be horrendous, this shit is dead on arrival
wait a minute.................
that card...................................................
it literally cant, soulja boy is too good
I feel an overwhelming sense of dread with it honestly.
I cannot even fathom how absolutely fucked this industry will get if Stadia is successful and yet at the same time I can't imagine it's going to fail if Google is going all in on this because it's fucking Google and if you pump enough money into anything it'll work regardless of how detrimental and nuclear it is to the market it's in.
Holy fuck I pray to whatever deity exists in the universe that this game does not fucking succeed.
Kill it with fire.
Based and redpilled
Genuinely interested
Because western games are as passive as movies.
Microsoft has a ton of money and look at their exclusives
did you say we have to rise... up?
>Yea Forums is the only place being nice to Stadia-chan and not calling her STDia like Twitch
That's a surprise, I love you guys!
-google employee
So she created a shallow shitty franchise. Hooray?
So I guess Stadia will be a subscription service most likely? And then I will have to buy games on top of that as well? How much will it cost?
Imagine being a permavirgin who knows latin
>Please wait, your call is important to us.
>Muzak plays for 48 minutes.
>Call picked up by phone bank in India.
>Google sucks
Even if they were going to touch streamed games why would you do it from a company with a TRACK RECORD of dropping support and removing things.
i missed that, did you get a screenshot?
>Google partners with Steam
>Buying a game on Stadia means buying it on Steam.
>Fuck over everyone that got an exclusivity deal.
>Slay Epic in the best turn-around in history
>Input lag
>144p stream quality when your internet goes to shit
>pump money into anything and it'll work
Tell that to googles countless failed projects
it's being marketed by the game theory guy
it's going to flop
but that's just a theory
>Data Center
You must not have been in the sticky.
Very, very worried as a modding enthusiast. Since five years ago or so the modding scene as a whole was starting to get weak with developers not releasing tools at all along with other methods but streaming will be the final nail in the coffin. Modding will end up being a thing from the past very soon sadly.
Will this let google spy on us better?
rent :^)
It's not coming to Japan.
That means it won't have Japanese games.
Literally only western game garbage!
this KILLS mods or encourage PAID mods.
mark my fucking words.
I don't want to play anywhere and whenever; I want gaming to be an experience, not a service and I want to do it how I want to, not how the biggest botnet company in the universe wants me to play
I don't care less about youtubers, and i wonder how this will affect future generations, their attention span will be destroyed
also, having everything within button reach like that shitty tomb raider help via google assistant is fucking retarded, if i was a developer I wouldn't even care anymore since now gamers can skip all difficult part by talking with their virtual friend
I'm really pissed off
You don't get it do you? Let "gaming" die. Gaming right now is corporate dogshit. Let it go back to being a nerd hobby. Made by nerds for the joy of making it, and played by nerds.
Alright, so the service is clearly garbage, but on the bright side they are releasing a cheap controller that has enough buttons for RetrpoPi.
Why call it Stadia? Why not Stadiums?
its going to die, theres no way in hell its going to succeed
even if it doesnt die, i highly doubt tons of people are going to use it to begin with considering how shitty internet still is in most parts of the world
This. Google+ didn't work and this won't either.
In what country and for how much?
>always on microphone in the controller which is connected directly to google
>Less than 10km away from a google datacenter with a direct dedicated fiber line
Even google doesn't have huge ass dedicated datacenters every 20 kms. And those are not just datacenters, those will be fucking rendering farm level setups
>Steam partnering with nogayms will help them kill hasgayms
This is the most reddit response I have ever seen
I blame moot for this disaster.
>no modding
>you don’t own the games
>can’t play without internet connection
>have to pay every month and if you don’t games become unplayable
>Now google owns your games, goy
To be fair, Stadia is probably the only way some poorfag in Brazil, South Africa or India is ever gonna get to experience modern games.
They probably won't care about half a second input delay or occasionally dying because your connection gets dropped by ISP/server hiccups.
Because they're normies trying to use marketing techniques which were developed mostly to sell cars to sell games.
Which is basically that you identify trends and dryhump them. There's no artistry with these people. Just NETFLIX POPULAR -> NETFLIX FOR GAMING? HAVE PAJEET LOOK INTO IT
>This could easily kill Steam, and GPUs in general.
Not really. This is always going to have terrible latency, stuttering (when one of the dozens of routers between your network and Google's datacenter chokes for a second), and horrible compression. It's better than native mobile games if you're not doing something responsive, but other than that native gaming will be a superior experience. As for GPUs, if anything this will make them cheaper and better. The silicon Google needs in its datacenters is the same AMD prints for consumer GPUs, which means AMD now has a huge customer to bankroll GPU development (developing new silicon is ridiculously expensive), and make extra cash off of gamers.
But yeah, if you want to plug into the Google Botnet, wince at stutters, stare at compression artifacts, and rage quit when input lag makes you die, knock yourself out.
>someone will shove the controller's microphone up its ass after pressing the google assistant button
god bless
>A lot of proof of concept shit to bait investors, prerendered shit and a lot of lies.
Google is just conning people again and selling personal data.
The mandatory camera will let them monitor eye dilation when you are shown advertisements every 4 minutes during play.
Its gone change gaming.
>no need for expansive hardware/consoles
>more social
>get the best of every developer
Only thing that is concerning is that you lose another part of your privacy. They know
>where you stream/play from
>what you talk about
>what you play
>how long
>with whom you play
Google must have worked some magic with their video encoding, since last time I tried game streaming, I couldn't even get a reliable 1080p video stream across ethernet.
Google has countless failed projects, I cannot imagine this possibly succeeding. They put way more investment into Google+ for example and look how that turned out.
Are you reading this thread?
I absolutely cannot wait to play games with terrible input lag and artifacts from poor bitrates as my gameplay is being streamed. So hyped for this!
I saved the image in PNG format so you can truly see the power of internet streaming, the nuances in the pixels, the absolute beauty. This is gaming.
>big corporations are my best friends!
If your internet goes out on its own I assure you that you won't be able to play it anyway cause you live in a shithole
>if Stadia is successful
You may as well be worried that Dr. Calamity, the local homeless man who wears a cardboard mask and screams like the Monarch, will gain control of the world's governments with his deadray made of coke cans.
Great, so instead of fixing their shithole of a country to be on par with the rest of the developed world they can waste time playing games and procrastinating problems. Amazing.
So they're going to spread cheap fiber infrastructure so they can actually deliver this service, right?
>based Ubi tried to warn us about these silicon valley botnet fucking shits
>we didn't listen
>Say "Google, how do I get past this game?"
>Google picks it up as "How do I get past this gay?"
>if i was a developer I wouldn't even care anymore since now gamers can skip all difficult part by talking with their virtual friend
We've had strategy guides, online FAQs and video walkhthroughs around us for 30 years. They've made it marginally more accessible but that's it.
>say forbidden word
>lose your entire library
Google will probably stop funding the whole project at some point, games are far more expensive than videos, text files and online searches, I doubt they will offer 1080p 60fps 100% of the time, they will slow down the render and you will get a shit 240p delayed stream, also, who much it will cost to develop on that platform, PC you can basically shit whatever and enjoy it, console have a little bit more of restriction, but they don't need to pay to maintain online 24/7, most of the times of course.
We have to stay together on this shit Yea Forums, boycott it, talk shit about it, don't fucking subscribe, together we can destroy the ancient evil that is fucking Google. I would rather Microsoft doing this than these shitheads.
This is not E3, you moron! it was obvious we werent seeing games today, and if anything, theres no way they would have 'exclusives', not to mention how fucking obviously fake the sega leak was.
Unironically, this seems to benefit Nintendo Switch more than any other console and Google themselves.
Who fucking cares.
>American internet
Hope you enjoy paying 200 dollars a month.
Microsoft always had retards running the Xbox division, not that I have much faith in the AC lady either
+Seems neat to be able to stream a new game that I have no interest in
+No hardware restrictions would be cool
+- Can't mod games, but I only mod Skyrim, so not really a big deal (99% of games don't get modded)
-There's going to be input lag no doubt
Seems like It'd be nice to play all the games that I have minor interest in. I assume this will be a subscription service. If they can deliver everything they just promised (doubtful) I'd be interested. It certainly has its goods and bads.
What google projects have actually taken off recently? all of their products gives me an "off-brand" vibe
Terrible timing to annouce that in the age of battle royale twitch shooter, they're notoriously easy on your machine but require very low input lag to play at a decent level
>Its gone change gaming.
Back to the past
Finally something new
>It's OnLive 2.0
Seras is cute! CUTE!
Gaming was always a business, you dolt.
>all your accounts are deleted and the FBI is being sent to napalm your house and shoot your dog
>Want to boot up a game
>We're sorry, this title is no longer available
The retard/journalist button is an interesting feature.
>want to see how normies feel about it
>go to twitter
>its all full of people shitting on it
Knowing Google, they will forget about it first but gamers would have long forgotten about it. If Google is still paying streamers to use it by then it'll be hilarious
It's a fucking app.
At least Ouya had a real console, and OnLive has the benefit of being the first "games as service" product brought to market.
Stadia is literally fucking nothing. No games, no hardware, no market value.
>video game streaming
steam announced this for free
you can stream games online to any device
and you dont have to use one specific idiotic gamepad
>Game in a first tab
>The British Grenadiers plays in a second
>Get banned for being a nazi
What are you talking about user only white people can afford everything required for this service, based google is making gaming white again
only way this lives is if it turns out to be an easy way to do an MMO, then all the koreans will use it.
The fuck you on about? gaming was always a business
>mfw all this "cloud" "streamed" shit getting progressively pushed
>also the ridiculous download sizes both on pc and consoles
Think a bit about us adslets you fucking faggots, only about 25% of population in developed countries have access to optic fiber
>internet goes out
>can't play games
this is worse than """owning""" steam games
I genuinely doubt most people here are even slightly tempted to get this thing.
Imagine the input lag
Let's sing Google's anthem.
Playing with YouTube streamers may get very popular, hopefully you will be able to use it more privately too to have fun with your actual friends.
State sharing is really cool.
Other than that, not interested.
>>no modding
How will we ever manage without.
They can literally see everything you do in game. Imagine if you were the guy in Watchdogs going around killing all the gays, Google could seriously fuck your life up.
Matpat looked like he was going to cry and run away.
you can at least download cracks for steam games
here, you're 100% fucked
Holy shit you're right. Maybe there's hope afterall.
they literally started the presentation with:
"Now, I don't play video games much myself but..."
but those thing are not features built in the game console; we all know about walkhthroughs and FAQs, and I love collecting strategy guides
now this will be part of the experience since it's part of what you're paying for this new "gaming service"
I'm not even mentioning the whole "join your favourite youtubers ecelebs while they are playing" thing because that's just zoomers bait
>Monthly fee
Thats probably not true since they mentioned a game store.
imagine the artifacts from poor bitrates, even the absolute best they have to offer looks like utter dogshit.
>type a certain order and string of keys
>entertainment revoked
When they did that?
I mod the shit out of games. For example I have like 20 mods for The Witcher 3
dear google support
i cannot log in to my account it's say suspended ?? why?
After investigating your appeal, we have determined that your account posted content that was threatening and/or promoting violence in violation of our Terms
>your account is now suspended permanently
so all your games that cost you $1000 are now lost forever
fuck you and have a nice day
It's an aging marketer's infantile idea of what gamers want. Really this is just another shell for google's massive information gathering operations. Video games are on the up and up and google wants a slice of the analytics to sell to advertisers.
Lies upon lies
>"Seamless" streaming between platforms, never mind the massive one second input lag and the very visible framerate drops in out presentation
>8K 120FPS streaming "in the future"
>People are too independent, we can't have that can we?
>Who likes actual diversity and people being able to do what they like or what they want? Those are all barriers in the way of global unity, dear goy...ehm, gaymer
>Take down "barriers" in gayming so you can play whenever you are however you want
>Forget about the fact that you'd need google fiber for this to be barely even playable, deal with data caps like 90% of the world and be always online
>Forget about being able to use mods, who needs mods, goy? Only our selected "content" creators, AKA e-celebs, matter.
>Forget about Privacy goy, share your data so we can use it to work on out orwellian centralized AI
>Forget about competition, we must unify everything into one identity
>Forget about user rights, if you do something we don't like then you're locked out of literally everything forever
>Games? Here, take this literally who studios and their tech demos
In 10 years nobody will own games.
It'll all be a sterile web browser fed to you through a subscription and "content creators".
What a new and innovative thing google, you are the first one to think of that
Titty streamers will no longer even have to play vidya, just have their viewers take over for them kek
It's more or less the Xbox One original concept lmao
Chess or checkers would be fine.
Hard yikes from me. Consider this google trying to help you out of your hole.
>the controller is always listening
>records everything in a 50 meters radius around it
>reports back to google whenever it hears a no-no word
>implyting it won't look like this half the time
Video games are dead.
Long live video games.
Nintendo will prevail, unironically. They have the exclusives to keep people buying their hardware
>The private network is a neat idea that might enable low-latency cross-continent multiplayer
>This kills twitch as a game streaming platform
>High performance hardware
>No cheating
>High population multiplayer
>This kills piracy
>Sounds hard to implement in poor countries
>This kills modding of any kind unless they enable an api which, if it ever happens it will be developer-opt-in
>You don't even own the console anymore
>It's google so censorship, heavily regulated content means no non-PC content, suggestive problematic themes and nudity, this sorta kills most japanese AA games
>Controller looks like shit
>Possible subscription fee
>Always online
>Might kill high performance PC
>If it gets popular like Android, might kill the competition since not everyone has the money to afford such ludicrous network infrastructure
>166MS input lag
>try to boot up assassin’s creed IV Black Flag. Deleted because it was too offensive
no memes, boys; yay or nay?
1. I play mostly japanese games.
2. I like to own my games.
3. I don't care about any of that streamer/social crap.
4. I like to be independent from the internet as much as possible, if a WW3 happens and internet goes down I want to be able to play my favorite games in my bunker.
>You lived long enough to see the creation of the Mark of the Beast, and watched in real time as it became implemented into a crappy console.
How often does your internet go out in a first world country?
>doubling down on YouTube
What did they mean by this?
We all knew it was going to be streaming games. No news here. I have made this thread 10 hours ago but it got ignored because you are all a bunch of faggots even though there aren't really any updates after the reveal...great
>Google on Tuesday announced its plans to upend the $140 billion gaming industry dominated by Sony and Microsoft with
Harsh article ignoring Nintendo.
Also Google doesn't know shit about the world and internet connections. There might be fast Internet in Japan and maybe the USA but I have heard there are a bunch of people in the USA who live in the countryside who have shitty internet, too.
I live in Germany and I have been told it is a big video game market and the richest country in all of Europe. We also have the shittiest third world Internet just like a bunch of other countries. This google thing will flop and I HOPE it will flop. Fuck off with streaming games you faggots. I can not pirate game streaming.
Yeah. But Google has the money and resources to pull this off unlike smaller companies that have tried.
>Its gone change gaming.
>Its gone change gaming
>Its gone change gaming
But from the screenshots it looks like all the different stores they have envisioned mention something along the lines of "Play on Stadia", I'm more inclined to believe this will be subscription based with free games but I doubt it's a viable strategy considering Google would have to shoulder the costs for both the data centers and the actual games being put on there by the developers.
absolute cancer, not even any new hardware, just a streaming service.
Literally steam OS + streaming, except from the cloud.
Fucks given: 0
assistant feature doesn't even seem feasible and is probably only there to justify the microphone to spy on you
its literally the only thing jewgle has that isnt their search engine
did anyone else start laughing really hard when they brought matpat out
>no modding
>you don't own the game, you cannot access the game files
>input lag
>can't say certain words or risk losing your entire gaming library
>most games won't work on it
>most people won't be able to use it because not everyone lives in silicone valley
To be honest, it's fucking nothing
I might test it, when they have some exclusive games, not earlier.
To be fair, almost half of that is programmed into the game on purpose.
You will have to buy the games on top of paying the subscription fee, on top of paying for your own internet connection.
Jesus it's like paying taxes. They're drowning us in charges.
Western gaming is already dead
the soulja boy is actually the best console released this gen though.
>I still having a Internet with 200kbps in 2019
Get my level
terrible name
promising if your connection is up to it
you can use any bluetooth controller (will lose mic capabilities)
i thought i was hallucinating
jesus christ this fucking world's completely fucked man
Dead on arrival
And even of it works, and that's a big if, when ISPs will see the workload for a 50h standard game is like 600 or 700GB of data, they'll cut off the internet pipes to Google, and tell the end user to pay a monthly fee option to allow for such service.
>digital foundry did video
>166ms of input lag for button press
Yeah no thanks.
>wow it's fucking nothing.jpg
What's this we, kemosabe?
Oh, okay, Stadia is good now.
As long the avg internet speed is like 10mbs, this kind of technology just won't work, the pipe is to small. You would need at the very minimum 100mbs download to stream 16bit color at 60 fps.
its dead on arrival
My favorite part is when I decide to go back and replay some great game only to find out it's lost forever because it was streaming only and google didn't renew their royalty agreement with the developer.
Are you suggesting a Google Tax?
I can't even play a stable game on my vita being streamed from my ps4 on the shitter in my own house.
Cloud gaming is the biggest meme ever invented by corporate sloganeers.
The press always ignore Nintendo.
But I don't think content creators will actually play with fans.
>>controller literally spies on you
What isn't spying on you at this point?
okay so would 8k 60fps be doable with 100mbps down?
biggest flop though is the fact that I can only play ubishit games
>that input lag
it will flop hard as ouya
They brouth in fucking mat "sans is ness" pat. I have 0 hope in this.
If I don't get my anime game tiddies I will snap
They didn't show Fortnite, so it's dead on arrival
>Oh boy, I'll sure ask my parents to spend 400-2000+$ for the hardware alone to take the input lag down from 166ms rather than ask them to pay a monthly fee similar to Netflix
Imagine thinking this will ever happen
Look at this faggot. He even used “yikes”
No? Where did we say that? Are you okay?
The Xbone had this ridiculous cloud computing promise back around the reveal as well, and we know how well that turned out.
10 euros in France, could have got the same for 4euros but it was a limited offer
Well you can relax because there's no possibility of this being a success. Not just because of Google's history, but because the majority of the world's internet won't be able to meet the requirements for flawless vidya streaming. It's just Google's brand of OnLive.
Honestly, barring the whole "google is trying to eventually go full 1984 botnet autism" thing with this, a lot of this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that most internet cable lines are ancient as shit. And most will never get to be replaced because the few companies that own them autistically screech the moment you touch them because they want everything to stay the same so they can charge up the ass for monthly fees because they all but have monopolized that shit. And due to them pulling non-compete agreement bullshit with each other, they can ensure they keep the status quo forever so nothing ever improves so they can make endless $ forever.
Until you break such nonsense and finally get old cables replaced with fibre optic cables and more, we will never even get close to this shit working ever, or other shit like truly well-working online MP/MMO shenanigans without lag or teleporting potatos.
>t. has no clue what quantum entanglement means much less how it can be used
Mass Effect lied to you.
>You would need at the very minimum 100mbs download to stream 16bit color at 60 fps.
They'll give your feed the youtube treatment and bitstarve the fuck out of it. Ever seen a very high quality video with a lot of particles on youtube? It'll be even worse.
But it's not a console so what's the point of showing that?
hopefully they give up if the response to it is negative enough
nobody is going to use this stadia cancer anyway, I just want to make sure nobody tries this idiotic thing again in the near future
your toilet paper
your shower
your bar of soap
your food
Can it be called a tax when it's not governments imposing it, but ISPs because they'll be fed up of doing all the heavywork for parasites like Google living on their backs?
Not everyone for sure.
Stadia won't ever be replacing our current gaming, but it may be a cool addition.
>retarded monthly streaming service by a shitty company run by pajeets that just wants to track you down
It's already shit
And how OnLive is doing?
Wait what the fuck?
t. thinks anyone would believe that this dumb channer understands quantum physics
literally onlive.....
>or at least for a couple decades
No, never. Even if they could propagate data to and from their datacenter directly to you at the speed of light (wireless requires and will always require too much latency and error checking for non-LOS transmissions to deal with interference, and wired transmissions snake all over the fucking place and bounce through several routers and switches to get anywhere over the internet), it still couldn't compete with local gaming.
How are the specs compared to current gen consoles
Half a PS4 or two PS4 strapped together? Explain it to me in consolefag terms
user that's the cap I have ON MY PHONE. What shithole do you live in?
Checker boarding at even a 1/2 sample would make the visuals of most games unplayable.
I've been on Yea Forums for two seconds and I have the impression it's the worst combo of Ouya+OnLive+Alexa how far from the truth is this
I did
>that 3 second delay from the button press to the action
fucking kek
Imagine how WORSE it will look compared to native rendering, ESPECIALLY with high framerates and twitch games. Jesus Christ, kill me
Buy Ouya had no input lag.
that is real, and future cards will support that.
That is real too, it happened, it sucked, but IT TRIED.
>Unlimited detail.
Grabbin the low-hanging fruits arent we?
seriously, the whole 'OnLive failed so this will fail too' meme is idiotic, technology has advanced a lot in the last 18 years.
having said that, it is still not time yet.
>implying kids playing fortnite on their iphone give a shit about latency issues
This isn't for people with any intelligent interest in quality of games. This is a service for people that want to play shit on their phones. That's the majority of the world.
Welcome to being a minority, Yea Forums.
Is there a price for this shit?
>produce the correct pitch of sound from mouth
>This was prerecorded under perfect conditions.
>mfw I'm on that god tier 4.99€ Sosh plan
>tfw it'll end soon and I have to switch, only to switch back to them a month or 2 after when they make a good offer again
Seemed like they spent more time on trying to get people to not play games and watch them instead.
And who wants to play a single play game always online, but add in a bunch of input latency.
>I can't imagine it's going to fail if Google is going all in on this because it's fucking Google and if you pump enough money into anything it'll work regardless of how detrimental and nuclear it is to the market it's in
you are obviously understimating human ingenuity
You might as well speak to me in moonrunes mate.
(8:22 if it doesn't work)
There will be no subscription fee and that's why it's a game changer.
His videos are often fun, but damn it I don't think they guy knows how to turn down a quick paycheck.
RIP in pepperonis
Pretty accurate.
Is it lag or pre-recorded footage?
>google never creates failures
>google can pay for new internet infrastructure
kek neo Yea Forums is so full of retards its still painful to realize
what issues ? aren't they supposed to be the best androids on the market ?
try 7gb
you isolate yourself in an isle and expect people to take your world view seriously fidel?
I like it, I will buy, I will buy the premium controller and biggest package even though I have a PS4, XBOne, Switch and a 2080 TI PC.
Noone can stop me, idk why you fags hate it so much. Why do you want to own a game anyway? You don't own games on Steam.
Game Preservation? Pah, why do you want to play fucking AC: Odessy in 2060?
Reminder that this comic made Jade cry
literally how
I use 90 a month just on browsing fucking Yea Forums
Input lag during a carefully planned demo, 20 feet away from the Google server room over a direct 10gb connection to the source.
valve's pretty gay yes. but luckily there's competition now
>Actually the controller gets matched to the running instance so latency should be pretty low
Yes, wireless technology is known for it's low latency.
Input lag UP THE ASS
Wait, what?
It's cute how underage and naive some anons on Yea Forums are though.
Don't respond to it.
I'm more worry about Google perfecting the toys of the Military Industrial Complex.
>Cloud based streaming
>developed by google
>uses a montage of shitty youtubers/streamers
No thanks.
>Why do suits think that games can work like fucking netflix?
Theyre not aware how big of a deal response time and input delay is
They didn't even reveal the price
Do you think anyone gives a fuck about low latency on peripherals? Maybe e-sports players and in tourney settings, but you can easily circumvent that by offering an option for those players to launch the game locally rather than on the cloud.
This thing will be a hit, get over it.
I don’t understand how this is supposed to be desirable, my ISP can barely keep me connected through a single fucking game being played off my own system, not really excited about deopping connections during local play and not actually owning anything I buy.
Cloud gaming has no reason to exist.
What about required connection speeds?
What about input lag?
What about pricing?
Game streaming will never be fucking viable stop this shit right now
Imagine being this retarded.
>it's even on a Google-provided connection
You have clearly never played any online game.
they're going to keep pushing it forever and ever user
just accept it goy
you would've told me that in 2019 I'd see Phil Harrison holding another controller and talking bullshit again I would've said you're fucking nuts.
>10.7 AMD teraflops per instance
So next gen console specs basically just got leaked?
This will be massive in SE Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
Yea Forumsirgins on suicide watch.
It gets worse,
Streaming gaming anything is just a pile of bullshit.
At 60fps streaming from your desktop to another monitor in a 2nd room at best you're gonna get 79ms of input lag which is still a fuckton.
>Half a PS4 or two PS4 strapped together?
It's literally HUNDREDS of gaming PCs strapped together.
>What about required connection speeds?
>What about input lag?
>What about pricing?
>Game streaming will never be fucking viable stop this shit right now
I agree.
I'm just kinda confused because isn't this full of all of the same shit that Xbone got blasted for when it was announced and had to get rid of?
But I see tons of people praising this.
>seriously, the whole 'OnLive failed so this will fail too' meme is idiotic, technology has advanced a lot in the last 18 years.
Not enough to support the current market, good luck trying to process 100k+ instances of a game running at 4k over 60fps without lag or delay, Google won't be able to support this product for too long, is far too expensive.
Also, the client won't pay more than 100 bucks for a streaming service, its cheaper on the long run to get console or PC compared to magical google stream.
Perfect for westernshit that requires zero reaction times.
Seemed like the conference was aimed at developers, to try to convince them that they can commune with their consumer base at a more intimate level. Expect it to be both monthly and per game, with room for micro translations.
now that Google blew their load, in a few months when we see the nextbox and possibly the PS5 have similar specs to the google machine, thats, when well see.
right now, for poor people jjust having to buy a controller to play sounds great but then again, poor people have poor internet connections, so I dont expect them to really be able to enjoy the service.
I think consoles with physical or digital content is still the way to go for now.
That's not true. American internet speed is actually in the top 10 or top 20 at worse. Stop whining and complaining
I understand that communication is impossible with quantum entanglement.
>These two bricks are entangled!
>Lets use it to communicate
>Move bricks to opposite sides of the planet
>Flip one brick
>The other brick magically flips because SCIENCE
Doesn't work that way, bro. Entangled means both bricks are spinning at exactly the same speed in opposite directions. Changing the spin of one brick does not change the spin of the other brick. The only thing you can do with the entangled pair is stop one brick from spinning to know EXACTLY how fast it WAS spinning. With that knowledge, you know exactly how fast the other brick is currently spinning.
>Entangle bricks
>Move them to opposite side of the planet
>Measure how fast one brick is spinning
>Now you know how fast the other brick is currently spinning without needing to measure it thus destroying how fast it's actually spinning
Not useful for communication.
That shit will be viable in big cities only.
A friend of mine subscribed to a cloud-PC.
I don't know what to think about it.
Why would these countries make the switch from what they already know and love? They have no reason to use this new bullshit
>Worse than XBone X
Except Google lacks servers and fiber in these.
Yeah, I'm reading throught the Digital Foundry article
Kinda imoressive. Shame about the inevitable input lag the thing is going to have outside of a bunch of lucky cities
b-b-b-but muh input lag!!
The places with shit internet?
>solve the vidya captcha will be real in your lifetime
we made it
Missed the entire thing, what was the deal with the Dreamcast, Power Glove, and ET?
That's fine, chinks can play with their hacks on streaming DRM servers.
In Africa? In SE Asia? Don't they have even worse internet than Burgerland? Heck, they don't even have running water in most of Africa, maybe they could start there first
>Latin America
ISPs will fuck google if they ever release over here.
FPBP literally nothing except stating it exists and is a streaming console
>anagram for AT AIDS
what did they mean by this?
>everything about stadia is cancerous
>muh oppressed whites
please go back to your containment board
Probably. That'd put them at vega 56 levels which seems realistic.
They were all failures, and the Stadia will follow suit
i hope you don't buy this
it took Sony almost a decade to get PSNow where it is at on the market. Now you are telling me Google can do it in mere months? Aye, lad, it ain't happening.
Those pc/xbox results are also streaming at home on a lan connection which is laggy as fuck.
In comparison:
A pc playing natively (rendering on gpu) on a 144hz screen has 3.2 ms of input lag.
Yeah, as a tech nerd i'm very impressed with this shit, but as a player, this only hurts me because it will be inevitably popular with both devs and normalfags.
This is the biggest "fuck you dedicated players" i've ever seen.
stadia runs on linux and vulkan which means no windows games and no console games, that aren't explicitly ported or build for stadia
Is he satisfied with the service?
>that boring name and logo
It this actually works it could be a good system for multiplat titles for those who dont want to play on PC
Paid Google shills.
t. still thinks he can convince anyone that he knows science by insulting others and bluffing
Hey how are you lads
v is full of contrarians who will praise anything that gets shit on, they will post le epic funny pepe and wojak or whatever variation they've put on the exact same shit, its a bunch of soulless robots and you are better off taking nothing they say seriously and trying your hardest to not humor them
Apparently he has no issues at all with it, and there next to no lag.
It cost like 30€ each month.
I don't really like the idea still.
As it stands I think they're set up for some success as long as they keep getting youtubers to shill it for them since they have their audience in mind, the millions of twitch/youtube users and kids that worship streamers, they'll eat it up just for a chance to play with their favourite youtube celebs and to get more involved with streamer culture, and a lot live in cities where their internet connections will be good enough for it.
I just don't think it'll have any longevity to it even if it's successful though, not even taking into account that it's from google who might drop it, it's just that the way games are delivered to people doesn't need any innovation, it's fine as it is and the majority simply won't care for it.
1) the price per month has to be comparable to Game Pass and PS Now w/ XBL and PS+ $15 -$30 a month. if 4k/60fps is $60 a month forget about it.
2) if this includes also paying for individual games, paying to stream or watch games, the service is dead
3) the TVdongle/controller bundle can't be more than $75 and they need to be sold together
4) what type of data cap should we expect, I get angry letters from my ISP when I binge watch TV shows?, I can't imagine game that are 100's of GBs in size being the same data hit YT videos, tho I did see Google cheap out on Sound quality.
5) where are the games, does Google have 1st party development? I get they want gamer's data to help them killer robots or something
Do you think this will be marketed towards people that have a PC capable of running current gen at 144Hz?
im feeling both happy and terrible
happy because theres new shitposting material
terrible because i feel that deep down that this might actually succeed and gaming's screwed forever
>stream games
>constant lag
>expensive as shit
>no mods
>can only play Google approved games
>cant play games if your a bad goy
>what was ouya?
Id sooner buy an old 360 with a lifetime of games then that scam
You're foolish if you believe stadia won't work just because onlive failed. It's not even out yet and already has more popularity than onlive. And yes, Google has money out the ass which will make it several times better.
>playing with google compression "quality"
Do not want. And it's not Bluray-to-BDrip-mkv-like compression downgrade which may not be perceptible for many people, it's like Bluray to DVD.
Do you live there or are you talking out of your ass?
I live in a post commie country and people would just rather dish out 300$ for the new console that will work for years and without internet connection and possibly can be cracked than do a monthly fee.
>can only play the same games as PS4 and Xbox One
>but not the exclusives
>no Nintendo games
>no Japanese games
>they also play worse
Okay. I hope they fail and lose tons of money so nobody will attempt to push streaming in videogames again.
Maybe not but the input lag is so huge it's noticeable. It's the same reason why playstations now shit is completely unused (same streaming garbage).
>at last boss
>suddenly random captcha pops up mid-fight, because why not
>try to juggle boss fight and selecting palm trees
>botnet controller picks up your voice
>proceed to get banned from STDIA for hate speech
Such is the future of gaming.
I'm not talking about Yea Forums I'm taking about regular people.
The general consensus on Yea Forums is that this is bad
But they didnt even mention twitch.
name one thing made by google this millennium that is good
google+, google wave, google glass, etc. wants a word with you
well they were shilling streaming on youtube very hard
Not with my shitty 10mbps/1.5mbps internet.
t. spic
Dead in year 1. Not even year two.
and yet Google Adsense is attached to every single website you visit nowadays. I’m sure they’re licking their wounds.
let me know when you grasp the basics of lag, the amount of ms you need just to send and receive a signal, the processing you need to keep it all there. and the lack of standardization (key word), ensuring your expensive game will either be very expensive to run on your datacenter (basically being a loose PC) or having to be custom built for your datacenter, optimizing it for it, and thereby ensuring your game wont run on the other systems like pc,ps5 etc.
It's a lose/lose. Google is doing a 'microsoft' by starting utterly useless and DOA product lines after their success as a monopolist.
Don't these sites share an audience? I'm not into the whole thing so I wouldn't know the details.
Google Cloud
I could go on
>can't even say the n-word while playing single player games by myself
Fucking niggers.
10.7 flippyfloppys on a server farm somewhere
>e-celebs shitting themselves
I am just two countries away and I get 6 GB for 5 euro. This is ridiculous.
>a year
lmao, more like a month at best
Never trust your videogames to a SJW company, nothing good can came from that. Unless you want a future where everything is Assassin's Creed with crippled black transgender women protagonists.
>>I like to own my games.
>yep see
Now name all the things they abandoned after pouring money into it
>1) the price per month has to be comparable to Game Pass and PS Now w/ XBL and PS+ $15 -$30 a month. if 4k/60fps is $60 a month forget about it.
My guess is sub-20$ or bust (with no additional cost for games obviously)
>3) the TVdongle/controller bundle can't be more than $75 and they need to be sold together
They'll probably sell it coupled with X months of free subscription, knowing Google X could be quite high just to get people hooked and iron out performance issues while people aren't actually paying for it.
>4) what type of data cap should we expect, I get angry letters from my ISP when I binge watch TV shows?, I can't imagine game that are 100's of GBs in size being the same data hit YT videos, tho I did see Google cheap out on Sound quality.
Devs are able to test their games in "subpar" conditions which caps the connection at 15mbps (resulting in 720p@30fps iirc)
>5) where are the games, does Google have 1st party development? I get they want gamer's data to help them killer robots or something
They did announce a 1-st party studio but no word on the team yet apart from the head of the studio (which is the AC lady, so no high hopes desu). My guess is any game with a PC release will be able to run on this; it'll be interesting to see how optimised the titles will be for Google's specific hardware configuration and if that will turn into increased sales for CPU/GPU makers (GPU is known to be AMD on par with Vega 56)
Youtube wasn't made by Google, they bought it. Google made Google Video and it was complete shit and failed. I don't give a shit how much they have been working on it, it wasn't their idea.
>Google drops the project and adds it to the pile
it'll never pick up and become the new norm because input lag cannot be fixed and you need optimal condition on your internet.
it will also put enormous stress on infrastructure driving internet prices up.
Game streaming is the most ridiculous concept I have ever seen. The only reason it get picked up is because investors don't know better.
Youtube was bought by Google and it was made worse.
Google didn't invent YouTube. They bought it when the interface still looked like this.
Dude when you factor in the screen latency it is literally the same as the Xbone lag, 99% of users won't ever care
Nvidia and Sony have already dipped their fingers into game streaming
This is only gonna appeal to Bay Area hipsters with Mac Laptops
google doesn’t give a fuck. you can go on YouTube and shitpost as many Nono words as you want.
the reason they spy on you is to sell products for their clients. Im not saying it’s a good thing but it’s an advertising company, stop pretending you are a threat to anybody.
>google made youtube
fucking zoomers
1. Xbox never emphasized it. I remember having to read like 5 articles before seeing a mention of the game sharing on XBONE
2. That still required someone else to have the console. This is more like a streaming service
3. This claims that system requirements are a thing of the past, which is interesting
4. XBONE had an established brand behind it, and that drastic shift threw a lot of people off. This is a new platform, so people are more open to it being different from the norm.
There's a lot to be wary about this. I doubt they will get all this shit to work properly and input lag will no doubt be big. There's also no info about price out on this yet.
Google glass was sweet though
Funny, leftists hate Google as much as you. They say It promotes the most extreme of right wing extremism.
>There might be fast Internet in Japan and maybe the USA but I have heard there are a bunch of people in the USA who live in the countryside who have shitty internet, too.
There isn't fast internet anywhere. There's high bandwidth internet, but the problem is lantecy, and it won't be solved without FTL communication. Good luck Google!
content is king. if all this does is play generic AAA multiplat trash I don't see why I should care about it or want to pay a subscription for that.
>streaming anime on youtube instead of stage6
renting a good gaming pc on google cloud costs about 11 bucks a month + they charge about 0.50/2.00 dollers per hour
I imagine their service will be comparable to something like that.
I wanna go back
user, come the fuck on.
Actually the internet is mostly high speed optical fiber here, the datacenters however...
I never did that, I was 12 and already downloading full episodes in decent quality, everyone who watched anime in Youtube is fucking retarded and tech illiterate no matter the age.
>literally the same as the Xbone lag
no it's not.
You aren't the target audience. I already know it won't be as good as playing on the actual hardware, but normies will love this and not even notice the slight input lag. It's gonna be marketed heavy on Youtube and they will surely try it out.
incoming graphic tier pricing accessibility.
Wasnt microsoft planing to do same? Or are they in this together? Didnt watch the stream
>full vulkan+multi gpu AND linux
Even if this fails the work they've done will live on. MS are probably shitting themselves.
>defending 500ms
Oh hey kids, play forthnite on this subscription model while the other system owners will have a 250 MS drop on you
Yeah, that'll sell. stupid faggot.
I want to go back, lads, before suits told me what I'm supposed to find "fun"
When Google wasn't censoring the content of the biggest video platform, good times.
What do you mean by share? They are more like competitors. They share the same audience, but do not work together in any way. All of this infrastructure would no doubt be exclusive to Youtube.
You do understand how small ms actually are. It's unnoticeable
Yes it is, go check DigitalFoundry's video.
Even if the difference was 20 to 30ms no one would care enough to drop it based on that.
I for one welcome our new streaming overlords. It'll be great for turn based games I can play on my phone and then resume on my monitor/tv when I get home. Action games are absolutely fucked but if they can acquire turn based rpgs that might be cool.
When I was 12 (2004) I was downloading AMVs in 240p over the course of 2 hours. And I liked it!
>tfw 1 tb montly cap
Leftists are retarded, the think the media and news channels are against them and promote racism/sexism/xenophobia/transphobia/blablabla.
[citation needed]
>and not even notice the slight input lag
their brain will notice, no matter how small it is.
unless they magically figure out a way to eliminate input lag, game straming will never take off.
Leftists hate everything. Google is still a left wing corp and has factually underpaid workers for virtue signaling purposes.
this. The implications for game development will be the worst thing about cloud gaming. I hate it.
Show me the games, Google.
STADIA™ is FUCKING amazing and you are going to BUY it
C'est chez red qu'il y avait l'offre des 4 euros sans limite de temps. Le truc c'est qu'il fallait prendre un abo bidon a 2 euros et du jour au lendemain on te proposait de monter a 100GB pour de 2e de plus. Mo abo était de 30GB pour 10e avant qu'il me le proposent, et apparement c'est pas pour tous les forfaits, mais une fois que tu l'as, c'est infini
So stadia is gonna flop harder than the other 2?
Well then. That's in interesting way to advertise a new fancy tech gadget.
It's the most likely to succeed compared to every other Cloud Gaming option.
>Google's immense data farms
>Unique features only cloud based gaming could do
>Controller that can potentially reduce latency by making a direct server connection instead of needing to have the computer/phone/dongle do uploading as well as downloading on a streaming signal
What this means in the future is debatable but it's not a DOA yet
It's a gaming PC GPU ran on a server sharing a low clock speed CPU with seven other epic gamers. The good news is that gaming on virtual machines is going to get a lot more support.
Okay, I was talking about the audience anyway so my assumption was correct.
sounds like another political group I know with antiwhite/marxist/degenerate/etc etc
more games on linux and vulcan is great, but a streaming service is about as far as you could get from the linux spirit.
If this succeeds, freedom is dead
How do i buy it?
>Left wing corp.
That's like saying a KKK Chapter for Diversity.
You're mentally handicapped. The shit isn't even out yet, but you somehow know how much lag will be present.
Wait till it comes out to judge the lag.
if only there was a political group that tried to stop workers from being underpaid
sub $20 this is a hit.
>AAYYY FUCK THIS SHIT disconnect controller
>>Controller that can potentially reduce latency by making a direct server connection instead of needing to have the computer/phone/dongle do uploading as well as downloading on a streaming signal
How long will battery last?
Imagine paying a server (console) per month - that will never be yours wew
What the actual fuck.
Is this real?
How did I never see it before?
>Google made youtube
This is the intelligence of the average zoomer.
>SJW company
people srsly think this? theyre interested in making the most money ever. not your peasant politics u idiots keep arguing about.
It was retardedly expensive and to even buy one you needed to be invited by google to do so.
Because it's true, there's evidence for it, you can see the brainwashing everywhere. Leftists just want to remain the underdog because that's their whole ideology, rebel against the system, but now they're the fucking system and don't know how to deal with it.
Too bad there are only political groups that try to scam workers while pretending to fight for them.
Too young?
I meant the ad ffs
Bitch please, I got my anime from all the crazy P2P things. Kazaa, Limewire, and some other crazy ass one that I can't remember the name of. I swear it was C++ but that's a programming language or something. I just can't figure out what it was called.
do you think Hillary Clinton supporters are leftists? genuine question.
We'll most likely learn in the summer when they discuss it more, it does have a USB port though so it could have a rechargable battery